#my friend and I noticed jihun kept glancing over at me sort of like he was checking on me lol
jihunonthefloor · 7 years
#I can't believe this happened#I'm still not over it#it was everything from the beginning to moments after#when they first got on stage youjin looked straight at me and I was so shook cuz God damn he's so handsome#then seungjun was touching our hands but he missed mine cuz I'm short#there was a moment I saw inseong look at me but he didn't wave and he looked away I think I scared him lol#ok don't want to sound delusional here#but#my friend and I noticed jihun kept glancing over at me sort of like he was checking on me lol#she said thats because he thought he killed me! lmao I can't deal lol#I didn't get all of it bc I wasn't looking at my phone while I was recording so it didn't catch everything#seungjun was hella adorabke he kept going off to the side of the audience to give hearts#while the rest of the members were into playing the game#what a cutie#okay for the performances knk didn't do U or back again like I wanted#but they did do Knock and knock is fucking legendary that's our fucking anthem#they did 해달별 and one of my absolute all time favorites ever Day and Night#I DIED when I heard the song because I expected U or back again#I was so hype and I was the only one on my section turnt for Day and night lol#literally I can sing every word from that song not even kidding it's srsly my fav lol#I love them so much I need them to go on tour and come back to NY so I can do a fan engagement#lol I need more they only performed 3 songs#day and night was so fun#they played around on stage a lot#heejun was all over the place lol#they were supposed to regroup for the ending and heejun had to run back to the end of the stage just so they won't end it without him#adorable#inseong had so much passion it was inspiring#youjin was hitting all of his high notes as per usual because you never expect anything less#I mean come on
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Sneak Peeks
To tide you over until I actually finish something. The Jungkook Easter story might end up as two different parts. But until then, have some samples of other stories in the works while keeping in mind that none of them are finished!
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Taehyung & Hybrid Reader Story:
You just had to be careful with your targets, is all. You’d stay out of sight, not take so much that they would notice. But you weren’t careful enough. Your seventh target—a young man who’s affluence was obvious and whose attention to his surroundings seemed questionable—whipped around and caught your wrist as you returned his wallet. “What do you think…you’re…” His words died in his throat as he studied you. You were trembling, terrified out of your wits over getting caught. “P-p-please…I’ll give it back! Please don’t call the police!” “Shh. Follow me. Don’t make it obvious.” He let go of your wrist and walked away. It surprised you how quickly you followed, easily blending into the crowd. Nobody wanted to notice a grubby hybrid in rags, except some men. He walked through the crowd, and you could see people moving out of his way. He had a powerful presence and chiseled features that commanded attention and respect. He was tall, not the tallest man you’d ever met, but his demeanor made him seem even taller. You, on the other hand, just about got trampled, but managed to continue following him from a distance. Fear of what he might do kept you going, even after you got shoved over—scraping your hands and knees and forcing you to scramble to get your scavenged items back in your basket so you could keep him in sight. He ducked down an alley and you went down one that connected to it, walking cautiously towards where they connected. He was waiting, leaning casually against the bricks like he wasn’t wearing a suit that probably cost more than everything you’d ever owned combined. He pushed off the wall, holding up the wallet. “You didn’t take anything.” You swallowed hard, then pulled the money you had taken from him out of the pocket where it had been stashed. He frowned, letting you dump the bills and coins into his hand. He stared at it for a long while. “I’m sorry,” You whimpered.. “This…this is four dollars and sixty seven cents…” He looked back up at you, eyes flicking up and down your body. “Even a second-hand coat costs more than this. Why didn’t you try to take more?” “You only have large bills. People like me never have large bills unless we stole them,” You turned your gaze to the cement beneath your feet, catching sight of the blood dripping down your leg. The scrape on your knee looked more like your skin had been shaved off your knee. You winced, feeling the pain from all of your cuts, scrapes, and bruises now that you could see how bad some of them were. Your back stung, and your legs ached. Your head hurt, and you were scared. So scared. “Show me how much you’ve stolen today.”
Prince Jungkook-Fairy Tale Story:
“You think so?” Prince Taehyung asked, still watching her with awe. “I know so, she’s glanced this way at least three times and you are the prince. Any woman you chose to dance with would accept.” “Not you.” “No,” You agreed, blinking back the truth. “Not I. I do not dance as well as I would wish to if I were to dance with Your Majesty.” Lies. All lies. You dared not dance with him for your heart’s sake. For his sake. For the sake of the kingdom. “Y/n,” He said with a look that told you just how much he cared about whether you were a good dancer or not. “My Prince,” You returned calmly, keeping up the formality. He had to go to her. For the good of the country. He almost looked hurt. “You’d best hurry if you wish to secure a dance with her,” You urged him, lightly tapping his arm with your fan. “What about you?” He asked, looking around. You’d never quite fit in with the other ladies of the court, instead tending to his younger sister as her ladies maid since she loved you plenty. You’d also been helping him learn some of the finer arts, such as painting, for the past four years which meant he talked with you quite often. This also didn’t earn you any favors with the ladies of the court (the prince was ‘swoon-worthy’ as demonstrated by them swooning if he so much as looked in their direction) who saw you as some sort of fortune hunter. Thus, you were usually alone at balls and parties. “I thought I would talk to some of the ladies from the visiting princes’ party,” You told him, smiling. “Go win your fair maiden’s hand.” He grinned at your dramatic words, then slipped into the crowd, heading toward the woman who must have been a princess. “You are close to Prince Taehyung, then,” A man asked from behind you. You turned, dropping a curtsy the moment you recognized the younger of the visiting princes. “Prince Jungkook.” You curtsied as fit his status automatically. “I am his sister’s ladies’ maid, we’ve crossed paths before. We speak on occasion.” “You hit him and were teasing him, something which usually is reserved for friends, not occasional conversation partners.” He looked amused. “Your Highness must forgive me for asking if there was a goal or question behind this line of inquiry you are pursuing? Or do you question my relationship with the prince to alleviate your own discomfort with the large crowds?” His eyes widened, smile a little stunned.
Shattered Pieces Story Addition:
“But—” “No!” You scolded again, firmly, scooping Heiran up and setting her firmly into the time-out. She was in tears, calling you mean with her little hands. You set the timer despite the insults, and walked into the living room to clean up the mess she had made. Jin’s ears were drooping. “She glued it to the carpet.” Jungkook was trying to get the confetti-size scraps of paper that she had pulled from the shredder gathered up. Hoseok was carefully cleaning the not-yet-dried glue from the coffee table. Yoongi, and Taehyung were figuring out the best way to remove the piece of paper glued to Jowoon’s hair in the upstairs bathroom while Namjoon was keeping Misuk away from the mess. “Hey, mom, can you…what happened in here?” Jihun asked, eyes huge, then he shrunk slightly when he heard his sister crying. “Oh. She happened.” “Jihun, did you put the glue away when you were done with it?” You asked, somehow managing to be calm. The guilty look said it all. “No, mom.” You just nodded. “I’ll send Namjoon up to help you with your schoolwork.” “Okay,” He whispered. “Does this mean we’re not dying eggs tonight?” “Depends on whether or not she calms down,” You answered, gently brushing your hand over his head so that he knew you weren’t mad, just…tired. You were always tired recently. He purred softly at your touch, ducking into your side and holding on for a moment before going back up to his room. You turned back toward the room, noticing Jin seemed to be paralyzed by the amount that needed to be done. You went over and gently tugged one of his droopy ears. “Jin, why don’t you go trade with Namjoon so that he can help Jihun.” He turned to you, and his eyes were watery. Dazed. “I can’t do this anymore,” He whispered, gaze drifting back. The others heard him as well, looking over at him. “Jin?” You asked softly. He dragged in a shaky breath, but he didn’t say anything else, and the scent he gave off choked the air with sadness and…something more. Hoseok and Jungkook came over quietly.
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