#I was so hype and I was the only one on my section turnt for Day and night lol
jihunonthefloor · 7 years
#I can't believe this happened#I'm still not over it#it was everything from the beginning to moments after#when they first got on stage youjin looked straight at me and I was so shook cuz God damn he's so handsome#then seungjun was touching our hands but he missed mine cuz I'm short#there was a moment I saw inseong look at me but he didn't wave and he looked away I think I scared him lol#ok don't want to sound delusional here#but#my friend and I noticed jihun kept glancing over at me sort of like he was checking on me lol#she said thats because he thought he killed me! lmao I can't deal lol#I didn't get all of it bc I wasn't looking at my phone while I was recording so it didn't catch everything#seungjun was hella adorabke he kept going off to the side of the audience to give hearts#while the rest of the members were into playing the game#what a cutie#okay for the performances knk didn't do U or back again like I wanted#but they did do Knock and knock is fucking legendary that's our fucking anthem#they did 해달별 and one of my absolute all time favorites ever Day and Night#I DIED when I heard the song because I expected U or back again#I was so hype and I was the only one on my section turnt for Day and night lol#literally I can sing every word from that song not even kidding it's srsly my fav lol#I love them so much I need them to go on tour and come back to NY so I can do a fan engagement#lol I need more they only performed 3 songs#day and night was so fun#they played around on stage a lot#heejun was all over the place lol#they were supposed to regroup for the ending and heejun had to run back to the end of the stage just so they won't end it without him#adorable#inseong had so much passion it was inspiring#youjin was hitting all of his high notes as per usual because you never expect anything less#I mean come on
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Being Gay Sounds Fun
I was going to take a walk just now. I was like oh its nice out here now I should go for a walk. I’m going to go home first put my bag down, let my phone charge for a little and then go on a walk. COMPLETE NO! The wind tried to carry me away. My almost flew off 2 times. Nooooooobody got time for all that. Even though deep down in my soul I’m still thinking about going. We shall see by the end of this posting. 
I need to smoke a blunt and calm the fuck down, thats actually what I need to do and here’s why:
I went to the hospital to pick up my friend. There’s a longer story there but basically my friend is going through something right now and I’m trying to really be there for her, opened up my home and everything. So I went to the hospital because my friend was supposed to be discharged. Another friend had called the hospital and got all the information because I was at work. I got a name and a guarantee that she was going to be discharged. I get to the hospital and NOBODY knows what the fuck I'm talking about. I go to the guy to get a visitors pass. His like visiting time is over, I’m like I know but I’m getting my friend. He makes 2 calls and they tell him that she's not being discharged. Excuse me? So I said okay and I went outside and called the section of the hospital she's in. NO fucking answer after 5 tries. Okay cool, I’ll move on to the next step. I called the personal number for her room, she picks up the second time. She says she's waiting for me and I’m like I know I’m trying to figure out whats going on now. I ask my friend to get me a nurse or doctor on the phone she says okay. She comes back on the phone 10 minutes later crying. They not discharging me anymore, this is what causes me anxiety blah blah blah.... (I was not being rude to my friend I was just not in the mood to talk to her when I'm trying to get her out the hospital). So I had to hang up and call her part of the hospital again with no answer. I ended up having to call the main line, get transferred through two people and finally reach a nurse. I start talking to the nurse and she was nice but no fucking help. She said a lot that just got me tight and didn't add up. 
1. How you telling your patient she's leaving, get her hyped up, and then she's not going anywhere thats fucked up. 
2. The person who said to drop they name was a Mr. Clark...... nobody knows who the fuck this man is so who is he and who y'all got working here that don’t know what they doing ?
3. The nurse going to tell me there is nothing she can do and all the doctor’s are gone for the day. Then proceeds to put me on hold to check her chart and then magically a doctor appears on the phone. 
(See this is where ya’ll got me fucked up, I honestly hate when adults like to talk down to young adults. Just because I’m younger than you does not mean I don't know what I’m talking about)
4. To sum up this part, the doctor getting crazy on the phone and I had to tell her about herself and hang up the phone like bitch don't play with me. I will come back everyday and turn up. This place is not far from my job. She was like I don't know who you are I only know this friend and that friend and the sister. I was like first of all I did meet you, I’m the friend you guys discharged her to last time so thats number one and number one I’m the one who brought her in the second time. You guys have my name and number because ya’ll been calling me for the last three days and I sat down and talked to a doctor and nurse. Like what the fuck is going on in here, nobody keep records? Then she over trying to rush me off the phone talking about I'm busy right now trying to leave and I have something else important to attend to. Well okay then bitch BYE BYE I didn't tell you to pick up the phone. The nurse told me all the doctors were gone so shit who are you?!
Nahhhhhhhhh I’m still so turnt up that I gotta stay off these apps today, I realized I’m being wild disrespectful today. Someone was like What you doing, where you been I’m like living my life. PLEASE! PLEASE! I don’t need that kinda energy today.!
All of that has nothing to do with my title so I’ll get into that now. 
I’m here talking to two of my coworkers that read my blog, (thanks guys) and a third co-worker (male) is listening to what we were talking about. They were talking to me about yesterday and all those people trying me. He goes and says “being gay sounds fun” When I tell you I had to turn all the way around and go back in the room and was like “bicchhh wah” Like I didn't know if I should have been offended or dumb founded by his reaction. Like do y'all think he gay? I have no idea. In every work environment I have ever been in my gaydar has been off or broken or maybe asleep. Meaning unless a coworkers tells me they are gay I wouldn't know and I don't care. I’m there to work and do what I have to do. I’m not dating a co-worker (or haven't yet) thats messy. 
Yes people gaydar is a real thing: Its that feeling you get when you think someone is gay simple as that. It’s a gay radar (gaydar) ticking off like bing bing bing this guy might like guys , this girl might like girls. 
I’m about to go use the bathroom and then get blown away by the wind. I decided to just fuck it go ahead and take my walk. I’ll let you know if anything happened. 
“Be brave enough to dream” 
                                                 - Pharaoh 
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ellyimnida · 7 years
170805 K-Wave Music Festival in Malaysia
It was a very hot day, almost every group said “it’s so hot” and we were like “we know” and “welcome to Malaysia”
Legit the groups were drenched in sweat after their first song
The translator kept mistranslating things and it sometimes affected the meaning the artists were trying to convey so I was kind of triggered
Now for the performances (Warning: Long post!):
Opened the concert with I’m Fine
They started while people were still filing in which I think was a little unfair for them (even I missed most of their first song)
Speaking of their first song I was digging it
Good live vocals!
Their next and final song was Eyez Eyez (They only got to perform 2 songs while the other groups performed 5, I felt kind of bad for them)
Started their set with Movie and Eunkwang just nailed his high notes it was amazing
The audience was singing along during It’s Okay and it was beautiful
They also nailed Beep Beep, 2nd Confession and I’ll Be Your Man
Did I mention BTOB’s vocals??? flawless
Ilhoon looked like he was going to die from the heat and I think his self-introduction went “Hi, I’m Ilhoon. It’s so hot. It’s sooo hot. Thank you” (we laughed but I hope he didn’t faint or anything backstage ;;)
Seriously listening to BTOB’s vocals live is just an amazing experience and I hope everyone gets to witness them sing live at least once in their life
I forget that these boys I stan are now veterans in the Kpop world, I’m so proud of them
Started off with What’s Going On and the crowd got hyped
Their stage presence!!! They were relaxed and interacted with the audience a lot
Baro did the thing where he says “Say yeah!” and the crowd responds “Yeah!!” and it really kept the mood alive
Also amazing live vocals!!! I swear they ate CDs before performing
The BANAs knew the fanchants to Baby Goodnight & A Lie I’m proud
Baro said, “Today was so hot. We need a water. We need a shower. ARE YOU READY FOR THE SHOW?” and then A Shot of Water comes on and they spray the audience with water bottles
They also dunked water on Sandeul (twice, the 2nd time with CNU)
Honestly B1A4 looked like they were enjoying themselves up there, they had the most fun
Final song was Good Timing and I was turnt
Legit I was the only one in my section who knew all the lyrics to their B-side tracks so I declare myself the most hardcore BANA in my section 
I lost my voice after screaming the lyrics to all their songs @marks-hyung would be proud
They came out in suits bless them they must have been melting
First song was Love Is
Tbh I don’t know them very well but CAP is gorgeous
Chunji was definitely the most popular member in my section
They performed To You, Miss Right, Rocking and Crazy
Miss Right & Rocking were iconic
I will never get over the footwork in Rocking I thought they were gonna fall and injure themselves bc the steps were so intricate
Their dancing was great!!!
Firstly the Pink Panda lightsticks are adorable and the fans were so diligently waving them around it was cute
They started with Five then followed up with Only One
Namjoo and Chorong were hard to hear (either the mics had a problem or they were very soft)
Eunji though, her vocals were phenomenal
I don’t know how she can project her voice that way it was just amazing she’s got it all tbh
Next came the two ICONIC songs Mr Chu and NoNoNo and we sang like they were our anthem
Bomi: I say A, you say Pink!
Bomi: I say nasi, you say lemak! (nasi lemak is our national dish, we laughed a lot)
Closed with LUV
Okay legit they saved the best for last
They started with Plz Don’t Be Sad and Calling You
You can just feel their years of experience with the way they move across the stage. Their stage presence and vocals were no joke, they are truly professionals
They performed Good Luck and YeY (I don’t really know the songs but they were good)
Dongwoon said a lot of things happened in the past year and they had to change their name, but the fact that so many people are still supporting them in Malaysia has given them happy memories to bring back to Korea ;;
Honestly Dongwoon seemed quite emotional when he said those words ;;;;;; 
The translator translated Dongwoon’s words into “We changed our name, we hope you enjoyed our performance” like ???? translator wyd
They ended their set and the concert with Beautiful Night and the whole crowd was RAVING
Let me explain that throughout the concert there were groups of people who just stood around unresponsively but when Beautiful Night came on everyone was moving
It felt like Highlight brought the entire audience together with that song, we were all jumping and singing and having the time of our lives
I came for B1A4 and BTOB but Highlight stole the show imo
We left the concert venue while singing Plz Don’t Be Sad
The concert lasted for 2.5 hours and it was fun. I have mad appreciation for the K-pop artists for their suffering under the Malaysian heat just so we could have a good time. My only regret was not being able to get the B1A4 fankit, I’ll make sure to get there earlier next time huhu
this took too long to write
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