#my friend group legit broke because of the drama that happened
kashviiii · 5 months
i need new friends 👍🏼
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mattmurdocksscars · 2 years
Ok for the anon thingie LET ME TELL U ABOUT MY FIRST LOVE/THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY (apologies if it’s long but it’s kind of a ride)
This doesn’t have a “happy ending” of sorts but i recently texted him drunk on his birthday (we’re not quite friends or strangers right now and both of us are in uni/collage) and fuck the conversation we had reignited something in me and even though ultimately we never got together i know for certain that he is still my person and that he will forever be my first.
All begins in high school where me and this dude are in choir and even though we’ve been in the club for more than a year i see him for the first time on our performance day (which is the last school day of the year). He’s a friend of a friend and i’ve never talked to him and i couldn’t help thinking “wow he’s cute, i hope i see more of him next year”. CUT TO NEXT SCHOOL YEAR, this mfffff is in almost ALL of my classes and not only that i sat next to him for 80% of them. Also realised he’s my neighbour (so we start to walk home together) and in that time find out that he’s the smartest person i have ever met in my life (infuriatingly so), incredibly passionate about playing the guitar and is possibly the best musician i’ve ever ever heard. We get close during the year and my friend group kinda mixes with his so we see eachother outside of just classes. At first, i had no idea if he was into me but as time progressed ohhhhh boyyyyy. His attention was constantly on me, he got really nervous and jittery when i was close to him, he constantly offered to go out of his way to help me in legit anything. Like this dude was so bad at hiding it that other ppl in choir would comment about us.
Now, here is where i say i’m an idiot because even though this dude is absolutely everything i wanted (kind, intelligent, hot, talented) something always bugged me/ felt off and i never could show the extent of my affection for him so i never asked him out even know i was 100000% certain he’d say yes, he never asked me bc he probably thought i didn’t like him like that. Both of us are really smart and passionate about our art forms (his being music and mine being drama) and he was really supportive of me when we worked together in drama, he always held me to a high regard. In the same class was one of my other friends who had this massive crush on him as well. I was closer to her than i was him so i was like u kno if i get them together then i’m killing two birds with one stone, hopefully i fully fully get over him and my two friends are happy together. Although it did work, they were together for a very very short amount of time and i have no idea what happened between them. After that though everything became really weird with my girl friend but kind of normal with him. I don’t know who broke up with who or what happened but it was weiiirrrddd.
Cut to now, both of us are at uni and i haven’t talked to him for some time. We’re catching up (whilst i was drunk on his birthday) he didn’t know i remembered the date (and have for years lol) and i wasn’t gonna text him initially because i thought it would be weird, I told him this in the conversation at the end and he really earnestly thanked me for messaging him even though i know he hates his birthday and the attention that comes with the day. I know he’s at one of the top music universities in the U.K. doing everything he loves (that makes me feel so inexplicably fond). he’s patient with me as i try and drunkenly type out my thoughts, i know he’s single rn and the tone for the conversation is so affectionate. He also knows that despite me doing law i wanted to do drama at uni (i told him this yeaaaarrrrrrs before and he’s assured me time and time again telling me to go for it because he thinks i’m talented and stuff). The conversations kind of dropping off now and the time between each text is getting longer and at almost the same time (out of no where) he texts “if you’re in anything you have to let me know, you know i’ll buy tickets soley because you’re there right?” and (even before i could read it all out) i text “i don’t want to miss your first concert. whenever that is, i’ll wait for it” JDJJSKAKHDID. Idk dudeeeeeeee that made me feel so fucking fond. We talk for a little longer but by this point i’m in bed and am about to pass out, i don’t text him goodnight but he does (he knows im really tired at this point) and i wake up to his text from the night before telling me to take care of myself and that he’s thankful that i texted him that night :’)
This sounds like the plot to a movie alskdjsksk
But all jokes aside, I'm glad you got to reconnect, even if maybe only for a little while. I love those people you just click with. Like everything seems perfect when you're talking to/with them. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's wonderful.
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frenchfriez15 · 15 days
Has anyone ever had like, let’s say a friend that has a “crush” on them?- now I’m using this to rant but, meh-
OKAY so In my friends group there’s a male (not saying name) and he essentially started hanging out with us since he transferred to our school- THEN after a few weeks he became friends with one of the people in the group and.. well then he started hanging out with us. He was really funny and stuff then..he started to date someone in class, more-so a NICE “Stanley girl” and after a few weeks (maybe months dunno??) they broke up- no big deal right? Then after that, he started liking other girls, EVENTUALLY TO THE POINT HE STARTED LIKING ME, (and sadly I did like him..a bit-) AND THE DAY I WAS GOING TO TELL HIM I LIKED HIM…he started dating my bestie- like no offense dude but that ain’t right- THEN AFTER BREAKING UP WITH MY BESTIE WITHOUT TELLING HER!! he liked me again- at this point I felt like I was considered the “second option” for him- and after back and forth on girls and stuff- FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON, I finally agreed to date him, and the first time we dated I broke up with HIM because I had a lot of things going on and felt overwhelmed, the friends group split up for a while before re-uniting again….then for some reason I dated him again (LAST TIME DON’T WORRY) then the SECOND TIME (which was over summer break) he broke up with me saying “I like someone else, sorry 😭” OVER VR??? LIKE DUDE WTH?? And WHEN SCHOOL STARTED AGAIN HE WANTED TO DATE ME AGAIN AND HE DOWNRIGHT LIED TO ME SAYING “also I didn’t actually like someone else..I broke up with you because you like Welcome Home..” IM SORRY DOUCHE BAG WTF?? WELCOME HOME IS PART OF MY PERSONALITY(he needs a new one btw) Then he continues to like me- then YESTERDAY my bestie told me he has a small crush on THE ONE OTHER GIRL BESIDES ME AND HER, SHE ABSOLUTELY DESPISES HIM!!! Ain’t no way-
ANYWAYS sorry for me ranting I just REALLY WANNA WHACK HIM- and he’s still “in” the friend group but..(ME AND MY BESTIE AND OF COURSE MY SECOND BESTIE THE ONE HE HAS A CRUSH ON NOW, WE DONT REALLY LIKE HIM!!!) ALSO all of this was happening with drama added on from a new friend group member who was BEING MEAN TO EVERYONE- (NGL I legit snapped at her for using my second besties pronouns as an it, like MA’AM THOSE ARENT HER PRONOUNS AND YOU REFERENCED THAT IN AN OFFENSIVE WAY😡)
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Hi can you provide the link to read manhuas you prefer?
Hello Anon! OMG Manhua/Manhwa Rec! Here we go! I’ve only been reading for 2-3 months (consistently), so this will be pretty limited. I will link to the legit sites. A google search will direct you to others.
Most of these are WIPs and some, sadly, are discontinued. I won’t add TGCF or MDZS here cause those are already a given. 👇🏼
• Body Electric by Dong Ye ( completed, supernatural, lots of trigger warnings and plotty )
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Ba Song is the hotshot cop who’s been handed an open-and-shut case: the suicide of a young woman. Except… who commits suicide by stabbing their own body and strangling themself? There's only one man who can help him with this mystery — Bo Shan, the renowned forensic pathologist with a severe and cold personality. What's more, his body produces bioelectricity, allowing him to acutely sense bodily injury with his touch. There's an electric current between them, and each touch sizzles with energy
If you like crime dramas and stories where they solve mysterious cases then this is for you. The romance is subtle, and their relationship is not insta-love. strangers to colleagues to friends to lovers trope. This also discusses alot of issues the society has that will make you stop and think. Ba Song is really the honorable MC in here who always wants to help people and do good. While Bo Shan is the reluctant one but deep inside, he wants to make a difference too. I wish they would make a donghua or live action out of this.
• 30 year old by S-Monkey - ( ongoing, age difference, blind dates, slice of life)
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Charlie Wei is a single and handsome executive. He’s also a closeted gay guy who’s been on way too many bad blind dates with women. Charlie’s still hung up on his ex-boyfriend James and is… gasp, 30! Charlie’s family thinks he’s straight and too old to be without a wife! During another bad blind date, Charlie meets the flirty Ethan, who both annoys and intrigues him. Can Charlie finally come out and find true love with Ethan or will he continue on his streak of bad blind dates?
The cover looks melodramatic but it’s really not. This is so funny! I read this because people were saying it reminded them of BoXiao. And yes, there are moments here that remind me of them, but it’s more like an AU of BoXiao. I stayed up late trying to get caught up in the chapters and you won’t realize it cause it’s just that good. I love seeing the older MC loosening up and being more of himself. and the younger one being more responsible in his career. They just become better versions of themselves because of each other. It’s so sweet!
• I ship me and my Rival - by Pepa ( ongoing, comedy, reads like a meta )
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This follows the adventures of Wei Yanzi, a third-rate actor in the Chinese entertainment industry, stumbles onto a shipping fandom for himself and another actor (Gu Yiliang) while trying to escape from the flame wars and negativity. He's so taken with this group of fans who actually see him as a good guy instead of an enemy/rival of Gu Yiliang that he falls head-first into fandom and becomes actively involved in trying to provide shipping fuel and the fans' daily dose of fluff.
IF THERE IS ONE thing you will read here, let it be this. It is hilarious. If you are a CP fan you will relate so much and it’s a good time. It just shows how people who think are rivals can actually be really good friends in real life. What we see is not always what it seems. and people will interpret things based on their bias. The MC here is so dramatic! how his inner feelings/reactions were drawn will make you laugh.
• Path to You - by Sinran (completed, slice of life, age gap fluff and comedy )
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When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them
The story is so soft. If you want something with mild angst/misunderstandings— then pick this. I love the progression of their relationship and how they take care of each other. There are other themes showed here other than the romance.
• Red Candy - by Hanse (completed season one with a cliffhanger, explicit scenes, assassins )
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Shihyeon, aka “Red Candy,” is a secret agent whose code name comes from bathing in the blood of his marks on dangerous missions. Shihyeon’s tasked with seducing and obtaining intel from Hajun, a hot college professor. Shihyeon can disarm enemies, but didn’t expect to be disarmed himself by Hajun’s own tight body. Now Shihyeon’s caught between loyalty to his spy agency and Hajun. Can Red Candy survive the incoming wave of enemies and still indulge in the sweet ecstasy of Hajun’s embrace?
THIS STRESSED ME OUT MAAAN. Wow. I loved this. That season one cliffhanger. It’s definitely up there as my favorite. If you think about it, the tropes are really not original. An assassin is sent to shadow a person and they develop a relationship. That simple. But NOOOOO! There are so many things going on. The Main mystery plot, Their relationship, their shared past plus you have other sketchy secondary characters. And did i mention explicit scenes? Lots of them. I want this two to have a happy ending!!!
• Lone Swan - by Chu Man (discontinued, cultivation, star crossed lovers)
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After losing his memory, Yiqiu Shen, a disciple from the decent sect meets a very special man named Luofeng Yan, who is the leader of the evil Divine Wind Cult. When escaping and conflicting with Yan, Shen gradually finds his original self as well as his previous love back. Together they rip off the facade of the martial world and reveal the hidden true
I didn’t want to add a discontinued story here, with no novel as a source material but this one made an impact on me. so. yeah. THE ART. breathtaking. The plot = layered. There are times I don’t even know who is telling the truth. It had so much potential and i hope it will get picked up again at some point. People rec this to those who enjoyed TGCF and MDZS, and they are right. 👍🏼
• Dragon in Distress by Si Wang Wen Hua - ( ongoing, dragons, past life, lost power, fantasy )
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This is a story about a little Eastern green dragon and a little Western black dragon playing together.
The synopsis is pretty simple if you look at it but this one is pretty interesting. and surprisingly funny. tinie AoAo is so cute! 🤍 the other MC has tsundere tendencies tho. Lots of lore and more truths to uncover as the story progresses. I’m not giving it enough justice with how i’m reccing it, but if you like dragons and fantasy — give this a go.
• Breaking through the clouds 2: Swallow the Sea - Huaishang (ongoing, based on a novel, crime, drama, cases)
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Wu Yu, a newcomer of the Public Security Bureau, is gentle and frail. He doesn’t care about the difficulties posed by Bu ZhongHua, his strict boss, and only wants to stay in the background to be paid on time with enough for food. However, no one knows that this young man’s head is targeted by top drug traffickers for a large bounty or that this courageous young man has once slaughtered the dragon of the abyss. With a chain of interlocking cases, a series of troubles come one after another. Can the two people work together to survive through the difficulties?
Do you see a pattern with me? lol. I like crime themes. This one is the same and by the looks of it, the cases they solve will take longer to unravel. I haven’t read the novel it’s based on yet so i’m just going with how the manhua is progressing. I like it when Wu Yu turns full on action-mode and when ZH takes care of him. Plus it helps that they are both gorgeous. I’ll get back this with a proper link.
• Where the Wind Stays - by Yusa (completed season one, curses, demons, possession, timeskip, explicit scenes)
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To break an ancient curse that plagues the royal bloodline, young Prince Tasara is destined to be sacrificed in death. Nara is enlisted as a palace servant to carry out the prince’s execution when the time comes. But he develops a soft spot for the cursed prince, and after committing an atrocious and unforgivable act against Tasara, Nara is desperate to right his wrongs. Soon, their lascivious relationship that had been kept under wraps tests his resolve. Will Nara be tempted away from his original mission? There’s no telling how far he would go to earn Tasara’s forgiveness.
This story broke my brain, in a good way. I don’t wanna say much cause it will spoil the story. It’s the type that you gave to see and suffer through yourself. I am excited for what happens in season II!!!
Honorable Mentions:
I’m placing these here cause I have only read a few chapters and tho I liked them, I wanna read more before reccing it in full. 👍🏼
• I accidentally saved the Jinghu’s enemy
• Global Examination
• Monster entertainment
• Demon Apartment
And that’s it! Hope enjoy Anon! 😊
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clandestine-j · 3 years
Gossip Girl Reboot, EP. 3
alright, we're here for ep 3 reaction and thoughts &
man, i must say, DRAMA.
love it. i'm going to try and make this short but i fail horribly at stuff like that soooo lets see how this will go. i think imma split it into three groups! adults, kids, other random shit.
you know what? i was here for most of them. people talk about zoyas dad bad acting but he was fine in his little scene, i'm happy that he's forcing zoya to take time with obie or whatever. i know people hate her dad and zobie but it was a little nice scene.
i'm really loving julien's dad. i'm glad he can own up and apologize and i get where he was coming from. honestly 10/10 so far, i love the relationship he has with julien and how's he's learning to cope with her becoming an adult and seeing it happen.
fucking love max's dad and the whole family dynamic thing before it went to shit. obvi, the one day is shitty but his other dad, lovely, i love their relationship. parents are winning in this ep.
teachers? JAIL (maybe not rafa but we'll still see). honestly, i'm not hating the teachers being gg, i like that they put gg out there for other private schools so i'm enjoying it but still JAIL. JAIL. JAIL.
our mains
we didn’t get to see much of monet but her little blow up motion at the end was funny and when the chick offered her name, monet said no. queen. and home girl accepted it.
luna was #theebest from her doing the zoya glow up. i think everyone agrees that her holding up the phone is a fan favorite. luna is my best one liner girl. her delivery is on point.
obie, more of obie, i know people don’t like him but he’s an alright character for me. i see potential but we need to flush him out a bit more. i hope to see more of his interactions with aki, give us the friendship. i want him to take what he learns to heart.
zoya, yes girl, pop off. i guess she can when it comes to her passions but not to her. (just be catty once back) i love that she did call luna when it came to the hashtag and she realized who she couldn’t be fairly quickly. i wonder if the play wright is the new friend.
julien! honestly, she really is a queen and i’m loving her pushing back against monet and luna more and more. i also love the scheming and her night out with max. they’re great together and i just wanna see more of it. (all of the friendships) i also love her relationship with her dad. i like that they talk and work things out and while he shouldn’t have lied, i get why and i love that he thought about her so much.
idk how to even to the next few but here we go.
honestly, i found aud and aki funny this episode. their reactions were so alike but so different. the awkward wave and everything. i get that they’re lying to themselves but damn, if they could find a way to spice up their sex life they’d be good. i find them so cute as a couple when they’re all cuddly and just ugh. guys. talk. i will say that after though, when they met in the hall way, i like that once it was out there, aki was straight to the point. honestly, if they broke up...i don’t think it’d be bad, i think they’d be good friends and understanding of each other.
i saw people saying that they didn’t give enough (aki) but max was on his monologue shit and i think they were in two different mindsets. aki didn’t look blank, he looked pissed. and i would be too lowkey, you say you don’t wanna be in the middle of it but then you put yourself, right in the middle. and aside from the kiss, i don’t think aki tried anything more with him unless it comes out that he did. but a few days passed (julien jetting around) so i don’t if they were that thirsty. audrey probs thought that in that moment, she’d really lose aki and that’s what brought her too tears. i think aki already accepted what might happen and was just pissed while audrey, even when she told julien about it, she was disconnected in her head about what she had done.
max was a rollercoaster this episode. from the taking julien out to posting her with the coke to making the plans. it’s was all chaos. i think the moment i felt the worst from aside from the break down? when he didn’t realize the trouble with his parents marriage at the table but we could all see it. that was heart breaking and my dude though, his planning was on ten. making the profile, switching the seats, the hands on the thigh (aki licking his lips) and then his break down and just telling of the truth, exploding, spilling the tea. whatever you wanna call it. it was wonderful and his reasons for doing it, so childish and backfired but you get it. he just wanted the truth out with his parents and it all went to hell. really, heart breaking but amazing for the show and his character development.
my man is still messy though, even without telling the business. like aud and max were in a relationship but those were yo friends my dude. you legit blocked aki from sitting next to his girlfriend, im crying. (messy and he knows it and aki liked his lips. sick.)
now random thoughts that had no real place
audrey’s actress makes these strange faces sometimes...idk...it’s funny to me because i’m wondering why
the scene when max’s dads and rafa met, jesus
would you spell it buffl-ho?
it’s the least you could do
did aki say shenanigans, boy you are a kid 
the moment with max and his dad, still, thinking about and it still cute, all cuddly, idk if the og parents were like this but i love it
since we’re getting mostly reasonable parents i expect the worse ones to pop up soon
the way monet delivered that brad line, it sends
why would he put her doing coke on
aud / aki had reasons to think max would blab because he’s messy
my boy aki flirting with other dudes as rafa
i could see aud asking aki to make out with any boy while she watches, so guys get it together please
how did obie not see aki stops talking and suddenly look at max 
i wonder if someone has tried to take advantage of max because those words hit too hard
those teachers really set home girl up, omg, JAIL. 
aki needs new friends who’ll love his movie drops. he just gets bullied into things, maybe it’s his kink i won’t judge but he couldn’t change by himself, pushed into the bathhouse, the profile, obie won’t let the group chat name stick #stopgettingbullied
aki’s & max’s relationship summed up into one tweet, he really likes this boi, once i’m SICK (click the sentence) 
i haven’t loved all of at school looks but i really liked juliens at the end of the episode
was the music transitions a little jarring to anyone else?
thanks all for now, just my minds ramblings as normal. i could go more in depth about all of this but i’m sure ya’ll are sick of reading it now.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
May I ask approximately how often those ig/twt sasaeng infos end up being true?
Like is it a credible source of info? (I hate saying it like this, it sound terribly invasive so I really don't keep up with all of this) I've always thought that sasaengs did not share much their informations for free because it's like a business for them so it's seems suspicious to reveal something so big just like that right? That's what I always read, was I misinformed? Sasaengs do that now?
They only share very famous info, such as comebacks' concepts &dates, which color each member died their hair for the cb. How many songs in the album, leaked demo versions of the songs or leaked dance,if a member is dating or not (not who they date they mostly suspect an idol dating when they see them buying couple things at stores and going out very often they claim they're dating, most if the times sasaengs don't know who the idol is dating exactly) and very famous scandals such as drugs, molestation, alcoholic members, idols being threatened, fights among some idols or in the same group, big scandals like "The Sun nightclub" and sex trafficking and stuff like that...things that everyone knows in korea, things u can't hide. These things were never a secret everyone knows of them. So they share those.
But to know who is dating who? it's very hard ! idols tend to be very very careful, extremely disguised that you can't tell who they are! they never hangout or go on dates outside!à they always do it at home or rent extreme private places far away from korea, far from the famous spots idols frequently meet up at,unless the couple don't care if they're outed so they go on dates freely never disguised and they don't care if they get discovered such as "SNSD's Sooyoung and her amazing boyfriend cute romantic pics that dispatch blessed us with, or the lead couple from descendants of the sun etc...other than that it's almost impossible to catch idols dating they know the tactics of paparazzi and sasaengs and their moves and where they always go to snap pics so idols are more tricky and smarter than what y'all think, it's almost very hard for them to get caught as their guards are always up!)
Something else those stoopid sasaengs pages tend to do, is they share old pics of fake couples and claim they're Jenkai or taennie (taehyung of bts and Jenn ship) or liskook blah blah... To gain followed and to scam shippers and get their money, that's why if u follow those Sasaeng pages they always ask you to move to their new accounts, they constantly making new accounts coz they scam people and get reported so they ask their followers to move to their new accounts and they tend to bring other sasaeng pages down and calling each other fake, I have witnessed many many sasaengs pages bringing e/o down and calling e/o fake and they mostly share the same content and claim it as theirs, I've witnessed many beefs and I laughed my ass off really.
Upon my dear Kaisooists's REQUEST: I've bought from them infos to test them when they said they had Kyungsoo and jongin's girlfriends pics, but when I bought the news and pics they only sent me few pics of a random girl claiming she is Ji's girlfriend and and pic of Ksoo with an old woman( she was a movie producer) when they went for a coffee ☕ to discuss some scenarios suggestions! And I've had those pics long time ago back in 2016 but they're using them now to claim it's Ksoo and his new GF while I've seen the Pics I'm 2016! 🤦🏿‍♀️. The other pics were of a couple a man who's short and looks like Ksoo and his GF, and i discovered that those pics they sent were the rumored FAKE pics dispatch used to claim Ksoo is dating Sojin of the girlgroup "Girl's Day" which no one believed coz that was clearly not ksoo and it was proven later it was her friend/boyfriend, and he doesn't look nothing like Ksoo and he was a chubby short man and Ksoo back then in 2013 was skinny and with a small figure so it was clearly not Soo, also why would a 1 year old rookie Kyungsoo date his SUNBAENIM who's 7years older than him (in age she is 1986 liner) 🤦🏿‍♀️ I mean there's nothing wrong with age gap when it comes to love but for a shy rookie who's under a dating ban and who only debuted a year ago???? That's a NO NO, he was still young to affect his and his members' career by a reckless dating scandal, when he broke up with the love of his life just to debut in SM so clearly he cares about his career. And the pics of Sojin and the other guy whom they claimed was Ksoo are all over internet. It was a flop coz no one believed that stoopid dating scandal dispatch posted to cover up some shit happened back in 2014 when a lot of disasters happened in the industry with the members leaving and death of many other people in the industry, Taeyong's scandal (NCT's), Goohara's rape and sex tapes, Boom's früh scandal, Ladies'code's death caused by a sasaeng, etc...
Anyway I discovered they were a scam, i bought from them to test them upon my fellow kaisooists'requests who asked me in private and begged me to go test those sasaengs whom are so famous and claim to know everything..Thus, I found out I was right, coz they sent me old shit or fake couples who look like Kyungsoo and Ji with some random girls whom they claimed were their gfs.
One famous Sasaeng asked me to pay 100$ To get Ji's new girlfriend's pic, but when I asked her for previews she sent me pics of random girls in Internet, I told her how am I supposed to know if she's Ji's girlfriend or Donald Trump's girlfriend??? She said " well I know she is his girlfriend", I told her " okay prove it??? Do u have pics of Ji with her?", she said "No! Only her !" I told her "and how am I gonna know that she's his GF?? I will pay you 100$ You have to give me legit shit!! That's motherfucking 100$ Sis????!!" She said "I JUST KNOW AND YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME , IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME LEAVE MY ACCOUNT AND UNFOLLOW ME"
I wasn't even following her so she blocked me.💁🏿‍♀️ Actually many of them blocked me, when I tested their korean to know if they really are korean or live in S.K, by asking my friend who speaks korean. I found out they weren't even korean...and they don't even know how to read korean. And they blocked me right away.
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And that's only one of the many stories with those fake ass sasaengs whom I tested and found out were basic lying bitches doing it for followers and clout & CASH 🤑💰 and claiming things from their own imagination. 💁🏿‍♀️
But Hey! ofc they do know some things and as I said before above! They know the very famous things such as upcoming idols' or actors' projects, movies, dramas, Comeback dates and concepts etc... Which they use as a proof to gain y'all's trust! But what y'all don't know is that those things aren't even secret, they're news everyone of y'all can find if u join korean kakao talk groups or Kpop amino groups or just naver posts for those who know korean of y'all. It's not magical.
And if anyone gonna come here giving lecture as to why I bought news about Kadi and that I'm a privacy invader and blah blah, I'm just gonna tell you "don't waste your time writing your comment coz 1) I don't read comments so I'll probably never see it, 2) I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion, so calma" .
Hope i answered your ask.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No, my girlfriend is super laidback and in fact she’s always the one encouraging me to go out and try new stuff with other people.
Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? No but that doesn’t sound like a very nice thing to do either.
How many true heartbreaks have you had in your lifetime? In a romantic sense, once. I’ve had my heart crushed in other ways as well, like when a loved one dies.
Who last grabbed your ass? It’s definitely Gab but I don’t remember when that was. It’s been a while.
Have you ever cut yourself? Yeah man, I was big on that from 2016-2017. If I remember correctly I had a short lapse last year too, which is disappointing.
Do you get a 'Good Morning' text from someone every day? Not everyday but often enough. I like them; I do feel like I need greetings like those more so these days since I haven’t gotten to see anyone other than my family for two months now.
Do you have any gay family members? I honestly think I do but my family is so secretive about everything, from family drama to who has a terminal illness to sexual orientation. I will probably be the first one to publicly come out, if everything goes right in the new few months.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? I got it from one of the independent clothing stores in Feliz. They sold all these really cute tiny halter tops for only ₱80 each ($1.60)?!?!?! which was wild so I went ahead and got like four, and one of them is what I’m wearing at the moment. I’m so desperate to be outside, or at least, feel like I’m outside, so I’ve taken to wearing the clothes I’d wear in public right at home loooool.
Do any of your friends dislike each other? Yes lmao it’s hilarious. Andrew (who’s part of the newer wave of members in our org) has never been able to win over my OG org friends – Jo, Kate, Aya – so it gets super awkward when both ~generations~ get together in org parties. Since I’m everyone’s friend I always have to divide my time between groups or tables so that I get to spend time with everyone :(
Who is your last missed call from? It was from Angela’s mom, who called on the morning of my birthday to greet me. I feel bad about missing the call but you have to know that I hate getting calls from anyone other than Gabie, so when I woke up to my phone ringing I just rolled over to the other side and let the call pass. I did thank her profusely once I was properly up though.
Do you feel like everything is falling apart around you? This was me last night. As a journalism major, I felt very helpless seeing ABS-CBN get off the air at 7:47 PM and even more helpless when I saw so many people rejoicing over their shutdown, with absolutely no regard for the 11,000 employees who have just lost their jobs. Times have been hard enough in the country because of the government’s poor response to the virus, and now one of our biggest sources of news and information has also been silenced. It was enough to make me shut down last night and I just couldn’t do anything, couldn’t think properly, couldn’t even talk to my girlfriend.
Was your first kiss romantic? I’ve always thought it had been more awkward, but when we got to talking about it in the past my girlfriend apparently found it very romantic and sweet.
Do you miss any of your ex's right now? No ex.
Have you ever overdosed on anything? I have not.
What would you say if you found out your last ex was in a relationship? Look two questions above.
Who was the last person to text you before you went to bed? No one texted me before bed but I did get a text upon waking up this morning; it was Andrew. I’m guessing they saw that I deactivated all my social media last night because they texted their concern for me and told me they were gonna be there for me if I needed anyone to talk to.
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? One.
Do you know anybody whose last name is a color? Answered this in a survey but yeah, Maroon and Black.
What are you most likely to go to jail for? Ooh I dunno, I’m honestly such a goody two shoes skskksks. Does answering back to the police count? That’s the legit worst thing I imagine myself doing.
Where was your last kiss? Near my car. I was leaving Gabie’s place and she walked me to my car, and I gave her a kiss before I left.
Who was your date to Prom? My cousin. I didn’t give a shit about prom during my junior year since I was super infatuated with Gabie then, I was already seeing her, and I still had no guy friends, but because prom in my school was mandatory attendance I just pulled my favorite cousin to be with me that night.
Do you still talk to your first love? Yeah, I’m still with her to this day.
Whose wedding did you go to first? I honestly don’t remember since I was gotten as flower girl so many times as a toddler. I do have photos of being a flower girl when I was 3 and at least, that’s the oldest-documented wedding I was in. I don’t know whose it was, but it must have been a very distant relative since I only went with my paternal grandparents and absolutely no one else from my family, not even my parents lol.
When is the last time you went to the beach? Nasugbu, August 2019.
Do you ever feel like life is going by too fast? For sure. April was a fucking blur.
Are you ashamed of anyone you've dated in the past? No but my friends have always made me feel like not dating Mike was a bullet dodged. I dunno what to think of it though as I barely knew/know him.
What about anyone you've been friends with? Mostly no, since former friends were important to me at some point and to be ashamed of them is to throw away the good times we did have, but I do prefer to dissociate myself from Athenna. Her behavior has turned so rotten in college and she badmouthed Angela and made her miserable for a very long time; it’s like I have no clue who she is now. Apparently people in her school also think she’s a fucking weirdo, so that has just made me all the more confused about what’s happened to her through the years.
Have you ever made out with someone in a pool? In the sea, yes. Not in a pool since there’s always kids around.
What are you doing this weekend? Same thing I’ve been doing the last 51 days I guess: have late breakfast, take several surveys, maybe take a nap, continue my Spanish lessons, play with my dog, take more surveys, maybe meet some progress on my thesis if I feel mentally capable to work on it.
Who’s the last person that slept over your house? I think it was Gabie. I’m really the only family member that brings over someone at our place for the night haha, and it’s usually Gabie.
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone with a tongue ring? No but this did remind me of when I used to have a big crush on CM Punk, who used to have a lip ring hahahahahaha.
Is it hard for you to get over a lover? As a demi, I imagine it would be very hard as it would also be losing a best friend.
Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex? I wouldn’t say that. I have a couple of close friends though.
Was your mom ever a stripper? No.
Do you regret any of the relationships you were in? A little bit. I wish my first relationship with Gabie ended months sooner than it actually did. The last few months of it were just us beating around the bush and physically avoiding it each other in school; it was a huge waste of time.
Have you ever tried making someone jealous? Yes, that’s what I did when we ^ finally broke up. By the time we broke up I had long accepted that the relationship wasn’t working and I was already doing a little fine, and I was well enough to do stuff to make her see that she was missing out. It’s high school pettiness so I’ve forgiven myself for it lol.
Would you ever get a boob job? I’ve definitely thought about it but idk. I’ll have to be rich enough to want to allot money for plastic surgery because it’s not very essential for me.
Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person? Because of her.
Who is the last person you flirted with? Just my girlfriend.
Whos the most racist person you know? Probably my mom. She has said some eyeroll-worthy stuff about the Chinese throughout the lockdown and I remember she initially had a negative reaction to my cousin Joelle when she introduced us to her black fiancé. I do know she’s a bit scared of me because I wouldn’t hesitate to call her out on her racism, so thankfully her statements have lessened over the years.
Do people ever compliment your eyes? Not really. It’s not a strong suit.
Have you ever lied to your boyfriend/girlfriend? Eh, just about small stuff like lying about not being hungry.
When is the last time you saw one of your ex's? Gabie was my ex at one point I guess? I last saw her March 7th.
Who was the last person you hung out with? Also Gabie. She was the last non-family member I saw before the whole world fell apart, basically lol.
Which one of your ex's do you hate the most?
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No. I never understood why it’s a big deal for a lot of couples and I’d genuinely like to hear a good reason why. We don’t watch porn together but Gab and I would definitely watch some on our own time and it hasn’t affected our relationship or sex life at all.
Out of everyone you kissed, give me the initials of the best kisser? I’ve only kissed one person and she kisses amazingly, so GAD.
Do you regret a lot of things you did in the past? No. Just some small stuff here and there.
How many people have you kissed this year? One.
How many people has your best friend had sex with? One.
How long have you known the last person you kissed? I have technically known her since 2002, but we didn’t know each other and become friends until 2011.
Do you think one of your friends is a slut? No. One of my former acquaintances was and I’m so not saying that in a judgy way lmao she can fuck whoever she wants whenever she wants, but I don’t really talk to her anymore + she’s no longer single.
When is your birthday? April 21st.
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angelofthequeers · 6 years
Frozer thoughts
Hoo boy, I’m glad we got a two for one because this episode was soooo much more satisfying for me than ‘Malediktator’. Time for out-of-order bullet points and then my longer thoughts!
• We all knew that reveal was just a fantasy of Adrien’s but it was the Marinette fantasy at the end that got me 😂
• No but Rose and Juleka are a happy lesbian couple and I refuse to believe otherwise now T H I S I S P R O O F
• And Rose is totally bi because Prince Ali 💗💜💙
• “And I might have a brand new song to write.” AND IT IS HERE THAT I DIED
• The Gorilla is absolutely fantastic. If I had any doubts before that he truly loves Adrien, they’re now gone.
• “You’re supposed to be in love with Ladybug and now you’re ditching Kagami to go after Marinette?” Plagg you troll don’t act like you don’t know
• Don’t think I didn’t notice your jealousy Adrien even if you don’t know it yet
• “I don’t know a thing about human girls but whenever I meet a beautiful Camembert, I introduce myself! “Hello Camembert, I’m Plagg! So very nice to EAT you!” P L A G G 😂
• The ice costumes were gooorrrgeous
• Marinette having to choose between Luka and Adrien and then having Kagami sweep in and pull her up and whisper to her is a total lesbian power move and I refuse to believe otherwise thank you very much
• I really do love how Marinette’s friend group has expanded to include Rose, Juleka, Mylène and Alix because it feels like a subversion of the trope where the hero only gets one or two friends (“Tell him you’d already promised to hang with your bfs” I love you Alix you are Officially one of Marinette’s bfs)
And now for my long ass speech!
This episode was one of my favourites purely because of the emotional growth in it. We were already TOLD that Kagami and Luka were introduced to push Adrien and Marinette to grow, but being told that and actually seeing it are two very different things. There was a LOT of growth from Marinette, especially when she admitted in a roundabout way that she WAS jealous (which is never an easy thing to admit bby ❤️) and I LOVED it.
“Adrien really needs me and if he wants my advice then why not?”
“I always stumble my words around him. So how could I even manage going out on a date? I think we’re actually just meant to be friends. Whenever I talk to him as a friend, I hardly stammer at all.”
Oh, Marinette ❤️ THIS was the Marinette arc I’ve wanted all season. See what happens when y’all let her grow, writers?
No but seriously, Marinette did a lot of growing up in this episode and I ended up loving her even more. This more than anything cemented that she’s not just an Adrien fangirl, but that she’s legitimately in love with him. If she was just a crushing fangirl, there’s NO way she would’ve even voiced the idea of them just being friends. But Marinette voicing OUT LOUD that the platonic dynamic between her and Adrien works and she genuinely does value him as a friend is, like, exactly the evidence we needed that she really does love him and is willing to try and push her feelings aside to be there for him as his friend. (I said TRY, she still stumbled and slipped and got upset but she IS a 14 y.o. who’s navigating her first crush).
This level of maturity is something I don’t think I’ve seen in most other TV shows or books or any other media. So much of contemporary society is fixated with romantic love and your soulmate and pushing two people together, and seeing Marinette say ‘hey, no, platonic love and my friendship with Adrien is just as important’ is just...y’all have no idea how happy it makes my aromantic heart. I still hugely ship Adrinette and overall I’m glad that they’ll eventually end up together, but seeing someone validate the importance of friendship is utterly invaluable in today’s romance-obsessed age. So I better not see any more ‘stalker Marinette is obsessed with her crush’ because that’s NOT the case. She deeply loves him and she concludes that even if they remain platonic, her love for him isn’t lessened. The closest I’ve come to seeing this is Ginny Weasley choosing not to wait for Harry, but the impact there is lessened because there was barely any interaction between her and Harry until Harry started crushing on her. Here? It’s two main characters and I really do hope the writers don’t go back on this and that they allow the romance to bloom organically, because now I really CAN see Adrinette growing from this established close friendship. They’ve sown the seeds, now they just need to let them grow. Watching Marinette in S1 as opposed to S2 is just an absolute treat and I really hope they top S2 because it can only go up.
PLUS they also kept it real by having Marinette be upset at the ice rink even though she swore to be Adrien’s friend, because it would’ve been completely unrealistic for her to just shrug (“You have to let her fall!” Oh Marinette 😂😂😂). She really felt like a 14 y.o. struggling with jealousy and crushes, but in a completely non-toxic way. See writers I knew you could be amazing if you put your mind to it!
I also really enjoyed Kagami and Luka independent of their intended purposes. So much media these days introduces characters purely for the sake of drama and these characters are never more than cardboard cut-outs with no personality and no purpose outside of the love drama. But Kagami and Luka? I could quite easily grasp their personalities. I could feel Kagami’s ambition and hard sympathy manifesting in the attitude of ‘get your ass up and just do the thing and stop hesitating’. I could feel how emotional Luka was through his music, putting Marinette’s emotions into notes to help her realise them, and how he genuinely DID believe that Marinette deserved the best and he wasn’t just saying that line for drama. And he didn’t say that he was better than Adrien or insult Adrien outside of saying that Marinette deserved better, which I really did appreciate. He was a thoroughly non-toxic representation of what to do when your crush isn’t into you, and I am LIVING for this.
Kagami and Luka really ARE necessary to push Marinette and Adrien to grow. Kagami understands Adrien in a way that no one else can. She’s also the one person who’ll actually speak bluntly to him and call him out on shit, whereas Chloé fawns over him and Marinette stumbles and Adrien’s other friends can’t come at him from the same angle due to their barrier of rich loneliness. Sure, Nino’s his best friend, but Nino’s not rich and doesn’t have those expectations of perfection on him, whereas Kagami does and so she can GET Adrien.
And as for Luka? Marinette struggles with her emotions. She finally put them into words this episode, but it’s taken her THIS long to do so. I strongly believe that Marinette is autistic like me, because we both struggle to properly articulate our feelings in words and it can take legit ages to really sort out how we’re feeling and then process it. Sure, Marinette knew she had a crush, but it’s taken her this long to see the nuance and depth of it and organise how she would feel and react if Adrien rejected her outright, and Luka coming in to help her sort through these feelings without pushing her to talk about them was just...perfect. And the way he put her emotions into music is exactly how I feel a lot of the time - I can’t do words, but I can do more abstract things to get them across. Luka was needed to help Marinette grow into her self-confidence and help her sort out her feelings without being under pressure (like how Alya and the other girls immediately dogpiled her), and I really do hope they stay good friends and plus I kinda ship Lukanette now as well whooooops
So in conclusion? This episode was absolutely amazing and I very much enjoyed picking it apart. This isn’t even everything I could’ve talked about but it’s what stuck out to me most and proved that this show can really be great ❤️
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florenceisnottrash · 7 years
10 reasons to stan The Rose
 I can’t be the only one that’s been completely obsessed and mesmerized by The Rose since the day they debuted with “Sorry”. Such a strong debut! Since then, I can’t get enough of them and decided to be the one to make content about them since there isn’t much at the moment considering they’ve only debuted in august of this year.
Be prepared to fall in love with those 4 dorks and lovely band, enjoy!
A/N: expect a lot of woosung cause goddamn he keeps posting stories on instagram where he kisses plushies and I die a bit more inside everytime. why u do dis to mi woosung?
Let’s start with some basic info about the band! They’ve debuted on august 3rd under J&Star entertainment as a rock band consisting of 4 members : Woosung, Dojoon, Hajoon and Jaehyeong. Woosung once said that their group name “The Rose” is named this way “to show that there’s music that coexist between the flower and the sharpness of the torns” (How poetic is that, 11/10 would already stan at this point). If you are like me, which is a complet trash about The Rose, well well wel,l you can call yourself Black Rose as it stands for the fandom name!
The Rose Official Accounts : Fan Cafe: TheRose_JNSTAR Twitter: @TheRose_JNSTAR Instagram: therose_jnstar Facebook: @bandtherose YouTube: theroseofficial (Woosung’s personal account is iwoosung where he covers songs)
1- Woosung’s aethetic on instagram
Woosung once said that if his career as a singer had not worked out, he would’ve become a interior designer (Coco’s vlog). And oh god would I let him decorate my house because he is SO TALENTED, he posted some picture of his room on his ig and it’s absolutely gorgeous! While you are going through his instagram wondering how can someone with such a great smile exists on the same planet as you, follow him and show a lot of love! (I’ll take more in depth about instagram on the last reason)
a gif of Woosung’s smile would certainly not hurt anyone right ;)
2- Hajoon’s cute laugh asdfghjkl
I’m a hugeeee sucker for cute laugh because…. Who doesn’t love seeing their faves being all happy and giggly??? 
He has the kind of laugh that makes you laugh as well, like it’s so contagious i’m extremely soft even while thinking about it. I don’t have a video to prove my point but in every vlive you’ll find him laugh for sure with his chubby cheeks i really can’t he’s too cute bye.
cute Hajoon at your service. Be delighted.
3- The habitual roses they bring on every stage
I’ve never seen anything like that and I find it so clever and original! On their wrists or on their mic, they never forget to attach a rose to show their love and respect for their fandom during performences. It’s not much, but this simple and sweet habit can genuinely make a fandom proud and loved. My lovely The Rose, We don’t deserve your love.
They even have their own “colors of roses” for each members. Wousung is a white rose, which signifies purety (I’m sorry I have so much unpure thought about him while he claims to be pure I don’t deserve to stan). Dojoon is red for passion. Hajoon is blue to express miracle and Jaehyeong is pink for romance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehehehe yes dear.
We can see the roses I was talking about here!
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4- They can speak english
International fans! You can stan them without hesitating! They talk in english a whole lot on their vlive and such, you won’t miss out on any inside jokes, cute comments or info! How cool is that?! Woosug used to live in the US and Dojoon lived in New-Zealand for 5 years! Jaehyeong is also making a lot of effort by talking in his cute engrish and Hajoon is as well. They even have english name: Woosung is Sammy, Dojoon is Leo, Hajoon is Dylan and Jaehyeong is Jeff.
5- Their friendship with other idols
I was so surprised when I watched a vlive of The Rose and Woosung got a call from Jae of Day6 to ask them to sing their fav Day6 song, but I should’ve known since a lot of idols that lived in the US became friends in Korea. They are close to Day6, KARD and Hajoon is friend with Chahun and Jaehyun from N.Flying (Expect a post about them soon btw). Woosung is also close with Coco from CocoSri, we can often see them together in her vlogs on her YouTube chanel and I low-key ship them hard lol.
Me: *types furiously on keyboard “How to become a dog”*
Coco is extremely pretty I ship a king and a queen
6- Jaehyeong is so fkg beautiful how is it even possible? Scientist can’t tell
Is there a need to add anything more?? I don’t think so
stob it please
bye i died.
7- Jaehyeong ideal type is realistic
I’m kind of fed up with idols always describing their ideal type as a cute and skinny girl with big round eyes and a sweet and calm personality. I know it’s cultural and I shouldn’t judge, I know. But when idols differ from the usual ideal type, it makes me really happy as a women. 
Jae describes his ideal type as someone who stares a lot at him (lol hi) from afar and with a lot of cheek fat! He also wants someone that he can talk freely to about anything and understanding. How chill! I stan and ult the right men. 
Who fits in his ideal type???
8- Dojoon voice in “like we used to”
I get goosepumps EVERY FKG TIME. It’s just… so… wow? I don’t now what to say more? I’m sure people who listened to it can understand. It’s like magic mixed with more magic and really can’t describe it. Make sure to watch the MV and cry like I did.
And he’s cute
Like we used to M/V - The Rose
9- Incredible acting skills lol
I legit broke down crying and my lungs were rolling on the floor when Jaehyeong told us about what happen in an enterview with pops in seoul. Hajoon, Dojoon and Jaehyeong all appeared in a drama called “entertainer”, it was bigs roles, but still it could at least give them some screen time and exposure. WHAT IS FUNNY is that the one and only line of Jae was cut out of the drama and he’s still self-conscious about it. Like in the enterview, the guys made him say his line THAT WAS LIKE 3 WORDS LONG and after he said it, all members were poker faced and Jae said: “Thats why it was cut out lol”.
Go watch the enterview I was rolling on the floor.
The enterview is here.
For your daily dose of cuteness, talent and beauty, go follow them on instagram! 
Woosung: @ iwoosung
Dojoon: @ Parclassic
Hajoon: @ l_hajoon
Jaehyeong: @ qud0011
At this rate, their fans will all be DEAD so they better keep their chest covered because my nose is bleeding and I can’t continue like that fuck.
ROOOOOOOOOOOD my chubby boy
(You thought it was over right? hell no I have more love to share)
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This is before… and now the after…
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1-70 I want to know it all in great detail
I see, the key to getting asks is to passive-aggressively tag your friends.
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Anyone who has ever known me in real life knows I absolutely do not. I have an alcoholic, compulsive liar for a mother and an absent father, plus some grandparents who are so convinced that they are my actual parents that they would probably kick me out if they learned I refer to them as my grandparents. Fun times.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
Either my dog or yours lol. I don’t like telling people I love them. That’s something to be shown through your actions, otherwise the word loses its meaning. 
03: Do you regret anything?
I don’t even know where to start with this one. I’ve regretted basically every major decision I’ve made, and I probably shouldn’t be allowed to think for myself. If I had to name a few things that I regret right now, I would say I regret spending my spring break being so bitter. I really did have a good time, but I would have enjoyed myself more if I hadn’t tried to make it about me. My other big regret at the moment is cancelling my campus residence app. I screwed myself out of a guaranteed place and now I’m stuck with a bunch of drama and uncertainty. Also, there’s a friend that I’ve had for years and there were times when I was pretty horrible to her and she stuck with me despite it. I wish I had been mature enough at the time to be the person she needed in her life, instead of causing drama.
04: Are you insecure?
Extremely. I have a lot of insecurities about my body, mostly my face and hair, but a lot of my family in underweight and it was kind of instilled in me, that to be attractive I had to be underweight, like I remember when I started high school I made it a goal to stay below 110lbs until after graduation. I was still growing so that goal was as unrealistic as it was unhealthy. I’ve struggled with disordered eating since I was like 12. Other than that I can be really insecure about asking for the things I want and need. One of my biggest fears is people seeing me as selfish.
05: What is your relationship status?
I’m a single Pringle! I was in a relationship for a few months, but I got dumped because I consistently put my friends before her, which is funny because I’m in the middle of some conflicts with friends over not talking with them enough. I’ve been on a few dates and stuff since then, but I’m in a bad place right now mental health wise, so being single is probably for the best rn. 
06: How do you want to die?
This is kind of dark, but I don’t really care how I die as long as I’m in control of how it happens. If there’s a really wild and interesting story involved that would be even better. 
07: What did you last eat?
I’m munching on some green chili peanuts with a crap ton of Diet Coke. I’m at home right now so I’ve been eating way more than usual.
08: Played any sports?
I used to do ballet, gymnastics, contemporary and jazz, as well as various ballroom dances. I’ve blocked most of it out and lost a lot of my flexibility, but I would love to return to ballet at some point. I miss gymnastics too, but I’m too tall for it lol.
09: Do you bite your nails?
I’ve always been weirdly prideful of my nails and the thought of biting them has always freaked me out, like my nails are my babies. Keeping them nice is a big deal to me so my chompers can stay the hell away lmao
10: When was your last physical fight?
I’ve never actually been in a physical fight. The closest encounters were last semester, when my old roommate got a concussion from a crazy person that used to live with us, and a few years ago when I let a friend slap me.
11: Do you like someone?
I’m assuming this means like like. I’m not super interested in dating right now, but there have been people that have sparked my interest recently.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
I am smol and weak. My fragile shell of a body would actually start to disintegrate if I tried this. I’ve only made it to 24hrs once and my body like completely shut down.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I don’t like using the word hate for the same reasons I don’t like using the word love. There are people that I will not associate myself with and there are people in my life that I don’t feel any positive emotions towards, but there isn’t anyone that I could comfortably say I hate. 
14: Do you miss someone?
There are a lot of people from my life a few years back that I really miss, but I have to remind myself that I was a different person then, and some bonds are meant to be broken. I also really miss a lot of the friends I have at school. I take them for granted until we’re apart and then I feel all hallow, like part of me left too and that really sucks.
15: Have any pets?
I have a Chihuahua-weiner mix. He’s super old and he doesn’t have a tail and his name is Bob. He’s great. My aunt’s dog is basically my dog too, and he’s a pit mix. His name is Chester and he is actually a giant teddy bear. My friends have a doggo too, her name is Gwen and I am her aunt. She is the most talented and amazing fluffer who deserves the world.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
I’m at that weirdly numb point right now where emotions are like a foreign concept to me. I’ve been super stressed and I have a lot of pretty serious decisions at the back of my mind that I can do nothing about at the moment. I’m super behind on my schoolwork and with all this stress, I know I can’t catch up. It’s super frustrating and there’s been a lot of drama amongst my friend group, making me feel like I can’t really trust anyone in my life right now. My age has been preventing me from doing so much recently and since my birthday is around the corner, even the people who claim to understand have been super condescending about my anger over it. There have also been a lot of deaths recently in the city where I go to school, and I’ve learned that death is a bit of a trigger for me, so that hasn’t been fun. I feel like I’m one serious breakdown from being there myself and that’s super scary. 
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Somehow, no.
18: Are you scared of spiders?
When I was little I was really afraid of spiders and would go out of my way to have them killed. I had intense breakdowns whenever I thought a web touched me. Now, I regret having hurt innocent creatures and I think spiders are really cool. Leave the land crabs alone!
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yeah, knowing what I know now, I think that it would be cool to try and get myself to the point where I am now, but without a lot of the drama.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
My dorm room lol. 
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
I’m taking a greyhound back to my college town on Saturday, and Sunday I’m returning to my normal schedule. I’m not looking forward to that eight hour bus ride.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
I’m kind of a lone wolf, and I really want to travel so kinds aren’t really in the picture, at least not until I’ve gotten my doctorate. Even then I would either adopt or use a donor, and I wouldn’t have more than two. 
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Right now only my ears are pierced, but I plan on getting my septum done in May, followed by a double medusa. I also really want dimples and a brow done. Eventually I’d do my nipples and stomach as well.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
I’ve always been geared toward the liberal arts. I love all things involving art, history, and languages. I low-key have always enjoyed math too. I’m working on my bachelors in comparative cultural studies with minors in queer studies and museum studies. I want to carry that on to a masters in gender studies and a phd in Buddhist art. After that I’d like to go back to school fo economics and eventually obtain a masters in economic history.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss people from my past when I’m unsatisfied with the people currently in my life. I have to remind myself that they aren’t around anymore for a reason and that it’s more important to work on the relationships that are relevant. Dwelling on the past does more harm than good. 
26: What are you craving right now?
Some love and affection? I’m not craving anything really. I could just use some peace and quiet.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yes. I’ve broken an ex’s heart when I ended the relationship. I was unhappy, to the point where I cheated. This was also the point when I started to question if I was actually a lesbian. I dumped him and never told him why. I broke my friend’s heart when I led her on, but then rejected her because I was in love with someone else (who did something similar to me). I broke my aunt’s heart when I told her I felt like I don’t have a family. I broke my biological mother’s heart when I made it clear that I didn’t want her in my life. I’m pretty good at the whole hurting others thing. 
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
It’s very possible, but if someone did, they never told me.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I can’t name a specific time, but I’m sure it’s happened.
30: What’s irritating you right now?
What isn’t irritating me right now? Oh my god. 
31: Does somebody love you?
I’ve had a lot of people tell me they do, but I have a hard time feeling it most of the time.
32: What is your favourite color?
I love every color, and I don’t like making colors feel left out, so my favorite changes a lot. Right now it’s yellow, because yellow is a bright, warm, happy color. I also really like pink. The pastels of both of those are 10/10
33: Do you have trust issues?
I legit don’t even trust myself. The only person I honestly trust 100% is my aunt. I have really bad trust issues, but I also overshare a ton. My life is a cycle of sharing my life story and then panicking. 
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
The other night I went to sleep while drunk and I had this wild dream where I met someone, learned his whole life story, flirted and eventually fell in love with him, came out to him, saying I’m not sexually attracted to guys (he came out as ace too so it was perf), and then he was hit by a car, causing irreparable brain damage. I woke up right after, but that dream will haunt me.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My aunt. I was updating her on my life in college, and it’s been less than ideal.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
I’m a huge believer of forgive but don’t forget. I used to be so bad about grudges that I would be angry even after forgetting what I was upset about. I guess I have the opposite issue here.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive. Like I said above, I might forgive you, but knowing what someone did before will always leaving me searching for instances of them doing it again. Trust issues who?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
It’s only March and I already know that it will be one of the worst years of my life. Ugh.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I think I was thirteen. I didn’t know how I felt about guys at the time and I almost puked in that poor dude’s mouth. 
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
I have, and it was terrifying. Midday skinny dipping wasn’t one of my greatest ideas.
51: Favourite food?
Avocado on toast with a poached egg on top, muffuletta, yellow curry, and eggs benedict are my top ones.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Absolutely. I didn’t really believe this until my roommate’s big fight last year. So much happened in one night, that wouldn’t have happened if we had done things even a second later. It was wild, but it was like there was so much pent up negative energy that the universe needed to release, and it found a way to make that happen.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
I put some food away.
54: Is cheating ever okay?
The thing about cheating is that it’s when you go out of your way to do something with someone else when you know it would hurt your current partner. It’s something that happens when you aren’t happy in your relationship, and in a lot of cases it can be a cry for help. It is hurtful and a sign that a relationship isn’t meant to be, but cheaters shouldn’t always be villainized.
55: Are you mean?
I can be, but I try not to.
56: How many people have you fist fought?
None, lol
57: Do you believe in true love?
Not really. There are so many people that we have things in common with or who exist on the same wavelength. We might find someone that makes us happy for a long while, but nothing is permanent.
58: Favourite weather?
I love hot, sunny days when you can leave windows open, wear shorts, and only drink things with ice. 
59: Do you like the snow?
I lived in Alaska for over nine years before moving to the Sonoran desert. I moved to Northern Arizona for school, and when I saw snow again, it was as an adult who only saw the negative aspects of it. I hate being cold.
60: Do you wanna get married?
I don’t see myself ever being married. I would have to really love someone if I were to actually settle down and start a life with them. Right now I really only see it as something that would tie me down.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
I honestly hate baby as a pet name. It freaks me out. The only pet names I find cute are the unusual ones, like once when an ex accidentally called me cornbread.
62: What makes you happy?
Getting my nails done, binging my favorite show (Archer), travel, doggos, wandering around in stores with my music blasting so I can feel like I’m somewhere away from my problems, seeing people impressed with food I made, completing a project and being proud of my work, etc.
63: Would you change your name?
I hate my birth name, but I’m also afraid I’ve been conditioned to feel that way by my grandparents as a way to attack my bio mom. Because of that, I’ve been going by my middle name and various nicknames. Most people close to me call me Abby, but my favorite thing is to be called Lynn. I’m pretty hesitant to legally change it though.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Yeah, the last person I kissed kinda sexually assaulted me, and I’d like to avoid that.
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Reject them as nicely as possible. Dating would be bad for me right now, and I’m pretty sure I’m not sexually attracted to men.
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
I don’t think I have a best friend, period. I don’t think I’m entirely myself around anyone through. Different people will bring out different parts of my personality.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
Not sure tbh. 
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My aunt. The conversation we had about my life at school was pretty emotional.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
No, for the same reason I don’t believe in true love. Life is too impermanent for there to be someone our soul fits with perfectly. There is too much change for something to be predetermined like that. 
70: Is there anyone you would die for? 
Anyone who has ever been somewhat nice too me. Honestly though I would be willing to die for a lot of people. The thought of anyone else having to suffer really sucks and if I can save them from that, I would.
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junker-town · 5 years
‘The Bachelor’ Recap: Let’s go to ... Cleveland?!
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Football, amusement parks, and ... dating country singers?
We at SB Nation realize The Bachelor is very much sports. Therefore, each week we’ll recap all the heartbreak, drama, and excitement. If you missed anything, catch up on last week’s action here.
Get excited! Pilot Peter is taking this show on the road as he and the ladies are going to ...
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“Did he say...Cleveland?”
The excitement was palpable. I fully respect the self-awareness of this Cleveland.com article discussing The Bachelor’s trip to their fair city, saying, “We’re betting, though, like most tourists that come here, they’ll be pleasantly surprised at what they find.”
Look, Cleveland is actually pretty delightful, but Cleveland seems like a letdown when you consider that Colton’s ladies went to SINGAPORE for their first trip away from the Bachelor Mansion. Previous seasons went to Park City, Lake Tahoe, and Hilton Head for their first foray into the real world, so I can see how maybe the home of the Cleveland Browns was a bit of a let down.
One-on-one date — Victoria F.
I love amusement parks (shoutout Busch Gardens Williamsburg ... you’re my jam). They’re fun, rollercoasters are great, and there’s relatively good food and beer depending on where you go. Peter takes Victoria F. to Cedar Point, which THEY HAVE ENTIRELY TO THEMSELVES*.
*I am assuming there is staff there to, you know, run the rides.
This is arguably a perfect date, and the pair has a ton of fun riding rides without having to wait in line with hundreds of their closest friends. After a couple beers, they wrap up the day portion with a surely relaxing private concert featuring country singer Chase Rice.
Wait, Victoria F., why do you look so concerned?
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“Wait, who is that singing.”
Turns out, SHE USED TO DATE SAID COUNTRY SINGER. Ah, Bachelor producers, you got us again.
At dinner, Victoria F. breaks the news (more on that later) that she and Rice used to date, and the most hilarious conversation in Bachelor franchise history ensued:
Victoria F: So, Chase and I used to date.
Peter: Like, the singer Chase?
Peter: Like, the guy that was doing the concert?
Victoria F: Yeah.
Peter: Wait, what?
Victoria F: [solemnly nods]
Peter: [bewildered] No.
Victoria: I’m like shaking right now.
Peter: The guy that was singing? I talked to him. What?
After Peter got over the initial shock that, like, the singer Chase was the one Victoria F. was referring to, he was pretty chill. She got the rose and was serenaded by a man — not Chase Rice, unfortunately — playing the cello.
Group date
What do you when you’re in Cleveland? [checks notes] Football! Peter takes the ladies to FirstEnergy Stadium for the Bachelor Bowl, during which they LEGIT hit each other.
They are hitting harder in #TheBachelor football game tonight than in several Big 12 games I watched this year. This is Utah-BYU level hitting. Sheesh
— Alex Kirshner (@alex_kirshner) January 28, 2020
On the first play from scrimmage, Shiann rattles off one of her four touchdown runs, completely exposing the defense of the yellow team.
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It actually turns into a great game, with the yellow squad — who are inexplicably called The Killer Bs — tying the game at 28 as the clock expires. Congratulations, ladies. Your prize is that all 13 of you go to the evening portion of the date. What could go wrong?
Wait, what’s that? IS THAT ALAYAH’S MUSIC?
[Extremely Eminem voice] Guess who’s back? Back again. Alayah’s back. Tell a friend.
All the ladies get VERY upset, and in true naive-Peter fashion, he gives Alayah the group rose. You know, the rose for the group date she wasn’t on and didn’t sacrifice her body for.
One-on-one date — Kelsey
In case you forgot over the last week, Kelsey is best-known in the house for her role in the Champagne Crisis that dominated house discussion for the first two weeks. Peter and Kelsey just wandered around downtown Cleveland for their date, stumbling upon a polka party that honestly looked like a blast.
At the dinner (AKA “tell your saddest story”) portion of the evening, Kelsey told Peter that she found out about her parents’ impending divorce before her mom found out ... BECAUSE SHE CAME HOME TO A NOTE FROM HER DAD ON THE COUNTER WITH HIS WEDDING RING.
That’s ... brutal.
He disappeared to Mexico to start a new life, and she didn’t see him for 12 years. Yikes. She got a well-deserved hug and the rose, ensuring her mansion safety for another week.
Cocktail party
If you love the Alayah vs. the world drama, you loved the cocktail party portion of the episode. Poor, sweet Peter was so excited coming into the cocktail party, and then he saw the ladies.
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Look how excited they are! Deandra and Natasha call Peter on his bullshit of bringing back Alayah, he has a really weird conversation with Victoria P., and the episode runs out of time before anyone is eliminated.
Onto the highlights!
Most low-key insults of Cleveland
It’s fair to say the ladies weren’t stoked to go to Ohio. I appreciate the work Chris Harrison put in to build it up, but here’s the video of the announcement:
Just incredible pic.twitter.com/so3cczI0zR
— lindsey ok (@lindseyyok) January 28, 2020
Once the ladies got over the shock of being told they were going to Cleveland, they dropped some fire backhanded compliments at the home of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
“When I think of Ohio, I don’t really think of romance, but I hope Cleveland surprises us.”
“None of us have really gone there, so you know what, Cleveland? Bring it on.”
“I wasn’t expecting it to be this nice.”
Most thought-out reason for having an even number of kids — AMUSEMENT PARKS
After riding a bunch of rides at Cedar Point, Peter asked Victoria F. how many kids she wanted. Her reply? Four. Peter was overly enthusiastic about this response, sharing that he wanted to have either two OR four kids. Not one. Not three. His reasoning?
He didn’t want to go to an amusement park as a family with an odd number of kids because then someone would have to ride alone.
Most unnecessary meltdown — Victoria F.
Congratulations, Victoria. You have taken what should have been an automatic award to Mykenna, who seemingly cries every 14 seconds.
Look. Is it weird to have an awkward special concert at a nearly empty amusement park? Yes! Is it insanely unfortunate to have an ex surprise you as the one serenading you and your new beau in aforementioned amusement park? Absolutely! Is this your fault in any way or should you be ashamed? LOL, hell no.
Who gives a shit, Victoria? You ran into your incredibly hot ex. Most of us wish that this could happen when you’re a) looking pretty as hell, and b) are on a super-fun date with a new guy.
Of course Victoria acts super weird, gets all dramatic when she tells Peter, and runs away to cry in a corner during the dinner portion of the date. If Peter had made a big deal out of it, maybe I could understand the reaction — but he was super cool and expected the women to have pasts that involve exes.
To be fair, this moment was so epically awkward they should hang this in the Louvre:
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Best football advice — Hanford Dixon
After the pink team easily broke free for a touchdown, former Cleveland Brown Hanford Dixon told Deandra, “You can’t let them run and make a touchdown, because if they make a touchdown, then they score, and we’re at a disadvantage. Does everybody understand?”
I mean, he’s not wrong.
Football MVP — Shiann
DAMN GIRL. Shiann, or “Shiannimal” as Pete called her, seemingly rushed for all four touchdowns for the Eliminators. She dominated the opposing team’s defense, and Natasha offered to “block for her ass” so she could grab Peter first in the date’s now-overcrowded evening portion.
Well done, Shiann. Well done. You’re now a Cleveland Brown!
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elizabethschoices · 7 years
The Freshman, Book 4, Chapter Four: My Thoughts
So like, why bring luggage in the place if you were just gonna leave the next day? Seriously, save the arm work and just grab a few clothes to wear to bed and then to get dressed in the next morning. I’m either efficient or lazy.
So we’re going to go to a club, and apparently we gotta get there early because it fills up fast. Chris says we just had lunch, but then James explains that it’s in Manhattan, which is two hours away, more with traffic. Which means we gotta go now.
Someone texted James, and he got all frowny-faced. Who is it? Is it Yasmin? Some other chick? MOFO WE JUST BROKE UP LIKE?!?!
It’s his friend Teddy (Let’s have a game on the Teddy Picker) and apparently ol’ boy is trying to make it big in comedy. He invited James to open mic night. Apparently James has to rain check for poor timing. And I’m sitting here like bruh, fuck the club let’s go have a laugh.
I’m up for some comedy. Aww, Chris mentioned Tyler. I miss him! He’s always been a sweetie and a good friend. I wonder how he and Abbie are? Hopefully the exact opposite of Zack and Brandon.
Yay, we’re gonna go see a show! I’d much rather go to stand-up than some stupid club that’ll be jam-packed with too many people.
By the time we get to Soho, it’s late afternoon and walking through the streets. Judging by how Zig and Zack (lmao alliteration buddies) are talking about how casually everyone is dressed, I sense a premium clothing option coming up. Yaaay.
So we get to the club and apparently it’s some kind of secret shit because James knocked and then a god damn eye slit opens up. They want a password.
Hello, The Freshman, allow me to introduce you to some bullshit trope we used in Rules of Engagement.
Whatever. Now we’re in the club and Teddy is on stage now. He was kinda hot until I lifted my iPad up a bit and actually looked at him.
Also, I don’t care what your joke is. If it ends with the punchline being ‘floundered’ then your joke isn’t fucking funny. Oh god is this guy gonna flop? Are we gonna have to act like we think he’s hilarious?
Apparently Teddy is actually pretty funny. I’ll believe it when I see it.
This game stresses me out sometimes. So we ditched a club for a comedy show and missed his show? Or did he finish it out and we got to see the rest? I’m lost and a detail-oriented person, Pixelberry.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of yours, Theodore.
So if we’re good friends of James, what is Teddy? Absolutely none of these options, that’s what. Whatever, I’m single so I’ll flirt. He’s *shudders* easy on the eyes.
Yeah, no, I take it back. He’s not hot and he’s damn sure not funny. His jokes are old and stale, and I can’t actually hear his delivery so it’s technically not applicable, but in my head that sucks too. He’s a god damned Amy Schumer.
I like him more when he’s not trying to be funny. We shake hands and then he squeezes into the booth. Together we all watch other stand-up artists perform, and then the emcee asks if anyone else wants to perform.
MC volunteers Zack (heh puns sort of whatever Tyler would appreciate it) who says he’s not that funny. I think he’s pretty humorous. Zig is probably funnier though, tbh. But Vasquez gets top marks.
(“Top marks for not tryin’!”)
Chris is such a Mary Sue, omg. Knock everyone’s socks off? Who says that? Ngl, probably me at some point.
God dammit MC I can’t be funny on command. I’m just a salty bitch. Oh fuck I brought the joke book no. This dumbass thinks a fucking joke book will woo the crowd who came for funny shit, not stupid, unoriginal stuff THAT SOMEBODY ELSE CAME UP WITH AND EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS. I hate my MC.
Ohh, roasting. My area.
I. Love. Zig.
The group is okay with it so we head onto the stage. Thank fuck she’s not gonna read out jokes from the book. I’d have deleted the app, s2g.
Yet implies we’ll be roasting ourselves. Well that’s no fun, having self-awareness. Breaks up her narrative without actually developing the character!
They say intelligent people have a hard time finding love. They say the same thing about assholes.
We’re gonna roast Zig because I’m sure there won’t be any ties to my failed relationship with James because that’d just be too hard.
Someone should pull MC off the stage because this is not funny at all. Ever noticed that when you try to do humor, you aren’t funny? But when you’re not, you can be hilarious?
Jfc so what you’re the Deborah of the group also what happens if you’ve named your MC Deborah? #NotAllDeborahs
I wear low-riding jeans, thank you very much.
Not funny, 0/10, thumbs down, DO. NOT. RECOMMEND.
Zack decides he’ll get on stage and I hope he’s actually funny. I don’t have high hopes. It’ll probably turn into a meltdown about Brandon and the single life.
Sad music and talk about being single already. Fucking A, man. Hopefully it perks up.
No audience would say 'tell me about it’ about this shit, you cannot fucking play me Pixelberry.
I gotta lay off Louis C.K.
Zack has probably from the minute we met him been all about Brandon. What does he actually like? Idfk. Outside of Brandon, who is he? His entire story arc seems to revolve around crushing on Brandon, being in a relationship with him, struggling with long-distance with him, and then finally missing him post-breakup. I’m ready for a change, Zack.
Also, I came for comedy, not for Slam Poetry.
I hate this book.
Can it end? Please?
Do I want to go to Club Fuse? No, I want the chapter to end.
Is Teddy seriously trying to give us tips? Or wanting to collaborate? Or an experienced guy wanting to get some tips from two people who don’t know the field? Idk anymore, man. This has turned into some Full House type shit.
MC spots a red pantsuit and lmao Hillary Clinton, 2k16. Kaitlyn is calling us now. Honestly, despite previously not liking her all that much because of Book 3, I’ve cooled off a bit. She’s pretty cool for the most part. And I think this book would be ten times better with her in it full-time. We’ll see what happens when we get to her.
Again, wtf was the point? We got her approval on the outfit that I’m not going to buy, big fucking whoop. No new information was presented. No drama bombs. Absolutely nothing to forward the story in any way. This is all just filler content. This is just a bullshit story for money and not for the sake of telling a god damned story. I’m legit considering not reading this book any longer. But I need diamonds, so I’ll do it anyway. Doesn’t mean I’ll waste my time reviewing it.
We’re sticking to our old clothes.
I’m ready for this chapter to be over. I’m not even trying anymore. Ugh.
We get to the club and flirt with Teddy a bit, he bullshits with Zack. Asks for roasting tips. Hm. I am pretty fucking good at it.
He leaves. Another pointless conversation. MC says he’s into Zack? Good god shoot me. Teddy was screaming 'fuck me MC’ but nooo, we’re gonna turn it on Zack because why the fuck not, not like my MC is single, right?
I hate, hate, hate this book.
It’s great 'cause he’s fucking friendly, idk.
Also, MC, fuck off. He’s heartbroken still about Brandon so stop pushing him to someone else. He needs to fucking heal and he can’t do that by just “moving on” all of a sudden.
Zack says Teddy is into us. Fucking obviously. And of course this moron is gonna say he’s into both. I truly hate my MC. The boys come back with drinks. Fucking give me twenty, I wanna die.
And now we get the 'Zig is bi’ drop which would be fine if we weren’t talking about Teddy who is not fucking hot.
MC wants to go dance. Fall down and get trampled then, bitch. Ugh. I am so salty right now. Sorrynotsorry.
I am not wasting diamonds on Teddy. Let someone else grab him, idgaf. And great, throw Zig at some one-off character instead of me, someone who is single and also the main character.
Zack starts panicking because there are too many people and didn’t he happily go mosh last book? Whatever. I’m happy we’re out because the club wasn’t our scene.
We eat hot dogs for dinner and chill out. We start singing. Someone throw us a dollar or something. Or shoot us. I’m open to all kinds of things.
End chapter. I’ll consider reviewing the next one tomorrow, since I’m a week behind it but also very much hate this book right now.
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fishtaeils · 7 years
Okay so first of all I'm gonna listen to some of the songs 🙆 And yaa I'm new 🙊 GURL why are they so adorable and lovable and funny and.. ♥ It's hard to pick but I think my bias is Seungyoon. But Jinwoo is also on 1st place I think I need more time ahahaha Oh and if you could recommend me some Winner stuff, tell me lol Was Seungyoo your first bias?
hell yh, appreciate my shitty music taste hahahaha!
& RIGHT?!?!?! honestly when i discovered winner, i couldn’t believe i’d been sleeping on these adorable dorks. 
woooo! a fellow yoonie stan! we are a rare breed, i swear. but yes, i do agree. jinwoo is just too adorable for words. 
seungyoon was actually my first winner bias, yes. i actually got into winner because of seungyoon 🙆 ...i’ve always been a huge blackjack, and dara was in this web drama called “we broke up”; which also happened to star seungyoon. i ended up falling in love with yoonie, and in turn; fell in love with winner. 
but yeah, totally i’ll recommend you winner stuff...it might actually help you decide on a bias lol...
We Broke Up - web drama starring Seungyoon (as mentioned before ahaha)
Love For a Thousand More - web drama starring Seungyoon (again) and Jinwoo
Half Moon Friends - legit the best reality show to ever exist. i got my non k-pop bestie obsessed with winner because of this show. 
Winner TV - their debut reality show. my personal favourite episodes are: three, four, seven, eight 
Reply 1988 Parody - fav group parodying one of my fav dramas.
Winner’s One Fine Day - just a little BTS of their 2015 Season Greetings. 
Weekly Idol (2015)
Weekly Idol (2017)
Happy Camp - Chinese Variety Show
Animal Farm - Winner x Pets = my otp
Flower Crew - variety show starring Seungyoon (episode 13 & onwards)
New Journey to the West - variety show starring Mino (season 3)
...sorry, i got slightly carried away, i had to stop myself! ahahahaahaha
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camrenstarrynight · 7 years
So ik you answered that one ask about C not being over L and possibly vice versa, but I just finished BTL and now I'm curious to know how you think it all went down, like a kind of loose ended timeline starting on TXF all the way up to C leaving. Bc there was so much drama but we always ended up w indirects and romantic gazes no matter what so yeah thoughts?
Whoo…I don’t think I can even answer that question because my thoughts on it always change. So imma timeline it.
2012: I have no idea what happened here but I think at this point they were just kind being kids. Camila was definitely flirty with Lauren whether she was aware of it or not. I reckon more happened in that elevator than they’re letting on 😏😉 oh and in the bathrooms. Things were pretty innocent here, but that’s because no one was there to fuck things up and intervene.
2013: Camren hit that weird period, ya know the one where you know you have a crush on someone so start acting weird around them? Yeah, I think that was what happened here. Stares, touching, compliments blah blah blah. Oh and Lauren had a boyfriend, yes a boyfriend! So no camren.
2014: At the start of 2014 I think Lauren’s denial of her feelings for Camila kicked in and things got complicated and tense. Then management came in and made things worse by getting them to shut down Camren. Obviously ignoring feelings that strong doesn’t work, so they became close again, but this time more discreet. No social media. I think things were going good- they were friends again, but then the Austin tour started and bam 💥 CamAustin started up. Lauren couldn’t give Camila what she wanted, so Camila moved onto Austin and I think she developed a sort of infatuation with him. Austin was safe, safer than Lauren at least. So, Lauren forced feelings for Brad and distracted herself with him.
(This going to sound crazy, but I think Camila and Lauren were together during this time as well, but it was secret and they didn’t label it. They weren’t exclusive with the boys, so I didn’t count as cheating.)
Then mgmt exploited the fuck out of CamAustin for a while with a love triangle. One thing I don’t get is why Dorito boy was talking to Becky who when he was supposedly with Camila? Smells like a PR stunt tbh. Then their was The 1975 concert where Camren allegedly kissed and the whole Brauren thing where they were seen kissing but he knew Lauren liked a girl (Camila) so it wasn’t that big of a deal, until The Vamps insulted her and Camila came to her rescue 😏 #LaurenisOurPrincess 😏 and things were good for a while. Camren was rising!!!
2015: I think Camren were still together at the start but things were getting tense and falling apart and so they broke up before the summer. Lauren started hooking up with Lucy and the went on that summer roadtrip and dated on and off through 2016. I legit think Laucy was an agreed arrangement of them hooking up whenever Lauren was home, because a relationship on the road is hard.
2016/17: Laucy continued but broke up whatever it was and Camren was ago again, but then Camila’s mental health was suffering a lot and so she wanted to leave the group or whatever but wasn’t sure, either way I think Camren was on again from the VMAs and snaps of them kissing/spooning. Then Camila left and they went on a break and the Laucy shit started, Pissing Camila off. Laucy broke up cause L wanted Camila back. Camila rejected her for the sake of her sanity even though she still loves her and Lauren is bury her feelings in other people and things.
This shit was longer than I intended. 😬😬 Honestly, there is no simple answer for Camren 😂and I just let my delusions run wild, so thanks for that, I'm logging out before people decide to come for me.
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daniellereviews · 8 years
Danielle Watches Fraggle Rock Season 3 - Episode 22 : Sprocket’s Big Adventure
Guess who’s back.  Back again.  Where the hell is paint.  It’s not under P...it’s not under M for Microsoft Paint...it’s under W for WHAT THE FUCK?
Oh, I do know this should be episode 401, but I go in DVD set order, so.....
Anyway.  Today’s episode opens with Gobo having a bit of a special effect fail as he tries to dig a postcard out of the trash but we see it’s already attached to his hand.  Then he runs into Sprocket.
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Gobo tries to be friends with Sprocket and is all “Say my name!”  
When Doc comes back up from fixing pipes in the floor we can see that he’s working quite the combover.
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Let it go, seriously.
Doc doesn’t quite believe in the furry creatures in the walls, and Gobo’s left, and Doc is rather preoccupied with his repairs.  And with his monkey wrench.  He says that Sprocket will just have to prove the existence of furry creatures, so when Doc leaves Sprocket “falls” down the hole and starts to dig.
Meanwhile, down in Fraggle Rock...
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We got Boober cooking some stew.  Apparently they’re going with a “Boober’s cooking is bad” gag again this episode.  I’m really not sure why they go that direction.  Bad chefs must be hilarious to someone.
Red and Mokey have failed to get radishes since the Gorgs have been chilling in the garden.  But they also do not want to eat stew, and Red threatens to throw it out. They scuffle a bit over the pot when Gobo comes and suggests going to pick mush melons. 
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In another part of The Rock Sprocket has finally dug through and I think he’s actually shrunk a bit.
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I mean, Sprocket’s size next to this hole was awful when he was “stuck” in it.  But there’s a little “magic” chord going on when he comes out and things get kind of weird.  I think The Rock is shrinking him so that he can go on this adventure.  
Like, sometimes I think that The Rock is the living organism and that the creatures within it are like symbiotic bacteria or cells or something.  Because the next sequence is super weird.
 Voices call “this way” as Sprocket goes deeper and deeper into the rock.  Sometimes we can see the creatures that are calling.
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They sing kind of a song but it’s almost creepy.  Sometimes the voices almost seem to come from nowhere.
He finally ends up around some Doozer constructions.
Meanwhile, the Fraggles found one under-ripe mushmelon.  Mokey, helpfully, suggests that they could possibly transcend their hunger if they think of something besides food.
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Seems legit.
Sprocket continues to call for Gobo but finds the stew.  He knocks over the stew and a whole lot of Doozer constructions while Cotterpin and friend look on.  She says that next time they’ll be ready for him.  Uh oh.
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The Fraggles come and Boober is dismayed that his stew is spilled, as Red had finally become desperate enough to eat it.  Gobo and Wembley are more interested in all the destroyed Doozer towers.  Red points out that Fraggles would have eaten the constructions.
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Which makes one wonder WHY they didn’t just eat a bunch of the constructions instead of relying on STEW and unripe melons?  Huh?  Geez way to be a bunch of drama llamas.
Of course, as soon as they all leave the scene Sprocket comes up looking for Gobo again.  
Wembley and Boober have found each other and Boober drags Wembley off far away from The Great Hall - all the way to the Workshop entrance - so that he can cop some feels in peace  so that they can be far away from whatever danger had broken everything.  Boober claims to be practicing Fear.  He also falls in a hole.  
The Doozers find Sprocket and know just what to do.
Boober realizes the hole is from Outer Space and that what broke stuff must have been from there, too.  He and Wembley flee.
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Apparently what the Doozers did was go all Gulliver’s Travels on poor Sprocket.  Cotterpin mentions that they work VERY hard on their constructions that he broke.  And they don’t want an apology - they want YOU, Sprocket.  
Meanwhile, Doc has a plumbing emergency and mentions Monkey Wrench a stilted number of times until the Fraggles think that’s what must be attacking them.  That’s some season one BS right there.
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Wembley and Boober run off together.
Here’s the switch of the Bait and Switch building up with the Doozers - see they WANT Sprocket to break everything.
They sing about it.  There are worse songs.
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Me: Where are all the OTHER Fraggles?  Like, this is The Great Hall and it’s full of doozers.
Husband: They ate them.
Me: ?
Husband: That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Well after the song, they let Sprocket go and he promptly breaks tons of stuff. The doozers consider  Sprocket a natural resource.
The Fraggles discuss what to do, with Wembley gamely agreeing with everyone’s ideas until they snap at him for it.  He insists they need to find the creature before they can really know what idea is best.  Meanwhile Boober is getting super sneezy, he’s been sneezing off and on all episode, so he goes off to rest.
On his way home he runs into Sprocket and faints.
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Sprocket tries to go under a Doozer bridge carefully, but ends up shattering it.  Cotterpin finds him and tries to assure him, again, that it’s fine, they like the destruction.  She realizes that Sprocket probably doesn’t belong here, and takes him to “that other place.”
Boober explains to the others that he saw the hairy monster from Outer Space.  Gobo decides to use Boober’s allergies to track Sprocket.  It’s a little funny when Red says that Boober has to be a hero and Boober retorts that he’d rather just be alive.
Well, as one might have guessed, the “other place” is The Universe.  Junior is intrigued by Sprocket but distracted by Pa.
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Philo and Gunge are very unamused and Sprocket is awfully afraid of Marjory until she proves able to speak Dog.  
The Fraggles track Sprocket to The Universe.
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These two are doing their usual stupid stuff that no one cares about.
Until Junior captures Gobo.
There’s a cute joke with Philo and Gunge using a “cheap phrasebook” to translate Sprocket’s speech.  Marjory, however, understands just fine and has calmed Sprocket down.
Until he hears Gobo calling for help.  Well, Junior doesn’t want to wake Pa, so Gobo and Sprocket make as much noise as possible and Junior trips over a clock which I think ends in a dick joke with the Cuckoo popping up roughly from between Junior’s legs.
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Anyway, noise noise noise and then Junior let’s Gobo go and he and Sprocket retreat.  And Junior uhm...chokes the chicken.
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Well, Gobo talks it over with Sprocket at the entrance to Outer Space.  He says that the Trash Heap told him (when????) what Sprocket wanted.  Gobo gives Sprocket a bracelet saying that will mean that Doc “has to” believe in Fraggles.
Yeah, that’s stupid, Gobo.
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They part ways.
And of course Doc mistakes the bracelet that Gobo never really wears for a washer and the status quo is preserved.
Episode : 6/10
This is a good episode to start a season, which is what it really is.  It reintroduces the Fraggles, the Doozers and their society and values, and the Gorgs, and the Trash Heap.  Unlike some other episodes that have a lot going on this one feels pretty natural - except for the initial “what are we going to eat there’s only food everywhere” conflict.  It’s pretty solid but some poor puppetsmanship drives it down a bit.  Gobo’s pre-stuck postcard, Wembley’s poor arm motions, and other bits and pieces aren’t the best work.  Also, we don’t get to spend a lot of time with any one group so it feels rushed.  Better to be rushed than slow.  A good experience, an average Fraggle Rock episode.
Message : 4/10
"It always helps to learn a second language” is a message I can get behind.  
Heh. No. It’s not really a messages as much as it’s a “myth arc” episode about the connected nature of everything.  The Fraggles work together to find an answer and help Sprocket - who they have come to consider a friend.  It’s nice to see them not being as terrified or antagonistic with Junior.  Wembley doesn’t exactly stand up for himself, but he doesn’t exactly fold completely either.  Subtle changes but there’s some definite progression here, but it doesn’t form a single cohesive point.
Songs: 4/10
The songs aren’t really good this time.  “This Way” serves a purpose though it’s an odd purpose.  Does The Rock will this to happen?  Both are kind of forgettable as songs though, to me.
Random Observations:
This follows “Bells of Fraggle Rock” on the disc and boy is THAT a hard act to follow.
It’s one more episode on the disc after this.
More stuff for Boober X Wembley as they spend a lot of time together this episode even when it might have made sense for Wembley to follow Gobo.
Less of Mokey and Red this episode.
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Slow To Anger.
Things to take care of:
1. MY APOLOGIES FOR THE LATE POST! This was honestly supposed to be for last week, but I feel like I’ve been thinking too much about how to write it and what no, and because I’ve been busy getting ready for summer semester.
2. My Mother’s Day post will be out by Sunday!
3. Now that all things have been cleared up let’s get down to business!
The Good Stuff:
    Scenario #1:
              So here is the scenario. Two weeks ago, one of my good friends at work, let’s call her France, was leaving work to go back to her home country, and worked her last shift. Although I work and get a long with a lot of people at my job, I can confidently say I am close to about 3 (now 2) other girls (not including my older sibling... If we included her it would be 4 (now 3 people)). So we decided that since she was leaving to go back to her home country, we thought that we should go out have dinner as a group of ladies and just spend time together, because who knows when all 4 or 5 of us will be together again. As I go around to confirm via text (I legit was not at work that week because I had one more final to write.) who was coming and who wasn’t, I find out that my party/ group of 5 turned into a party of like 10. I didn’t even invite anyone extra, and I have no clue as to how others found out!
     In the end not everyone came, which I must be thankful for, but I’m also not gonna lie I find it a bit annoying the whole situation. I don’t understand why people would invite themselves, ya know? Why would people who do not get along come to the same party? Why do you need to cause unnecessary drama? One individual literally wanted to come just to make pictures. The idea was that anyone who came would help me split the bill so France would not have to pay for anything. and its sad cuz in the end that did not happen either because this individual was not willing to split the bill. (UGH!) Nonetheless, I can safely assume and certify that this individual lives for the likes. This person literally throws a pity party for themselves, and continually fishes for comments from everyone, we’ll call her Insta. Another individual who is a ‘friend’, who we will call ‘Peerpressure’, also only came for the purpose of instagram, but also came for the sake of being able to come and drink. I’m a christian. I don’t think drinking should be banned and whatever, but I mean C’MON! This person also did not get along with one of my closest friends, so to me I don’t understand why they would come? What’s their purpose. They weren’t even that close with the person/ friend who was leaving. Anyways, what upsets me is the fact that people invited themselves. To me I find it rude. What I also find pathetic is the amount of hate I get from Insta. Yeah! believe it or not, Insta kept giving me a hard time. I mean in the end we said that they were welcome to come. Why is it my fault you decided to go somewhere else?! Why is it my fault that you were out in Abbotsford, taking pictures? Anyways at this point I have learned my lesson. I have come to the conclusion that I should never plan anything ahead of time. I wanna try and plan things last minute that way there is no way that people will find out. 
    From this whole experience I feel as though I still struggle with the whole in one way out the other. I also feel like I struggle with being slow to anger but easy to love other individuals. I feel that my whole life, even through getting extremely bullied, I feel like my whole life and way of surviving/competing with others was through analyzing and comparing myself to others. I feel that Christianity and the word has definitely encouraged me to just love others as they come. I understand not everyone is perfect. It’s difficult , but I feel that through applying and trying to be more aware of my actions and thoughts, I feel like I will slowly get to the point where I will embody this slow to anger but easy to love individual. Not gonna lie, I broke it just last week. So here’s how I broke it the next week.
    Situation #2:
     So basically the Monday after, a lot of us sat together in the same area doing our work. I come and there is a spot for me next to coworker who no one really talked too because she was the conservative type. We shall call her ‘silence’. What I love is her depth of knowledge and her appreciation for others, but not only that I admire the fact that she can be so willing and easy to love, and slow to anger. Whats the Problem? Well Insta and Peerpressure, kept talking down to Silence! They kept ignoring her, interrupting conversation, they kept disregarding her comment and basically treated her like she didn’t exist.They even ordered her around and told her to go work somewhere else that she wasn’t cool enough to hang in the same area! I am honestly so baffled by other’s behavior.  I don't understand why people cannot just get along and work with one another. I also understand life isn't always perfect, but can't we at least try?! So after a full day of thinking and working, it legit got me thinking about the message/ sermon I want to share with you guys. 
    So basically (I think this is going to be like the third time I’ve said this but.... I am a Christian) I attend church every Saturday (Fridays during the school year in case we can't go Saturday or I’m actually busy with school or because we can’t go Sunday) and it hit me. That weekend we talked about this idea of kingdom apparel, let me explain. So when we go into the world, the idea / my interpretation, is to go into the world and to just be yourself, but also emulate the teachings of God. What stuck with me is the quote from my pastor that “I/ We/You are the only image of Jesus that people will see”. I find that true, but then it has me questioning so then how do people see me? Since we go out into the world we wear 8 pieces of kingdom apparel; Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience, Forbearance, Forgiveness, and Love. Reflecting back I find it difficult to have to wear compassion, humility, forgiveness. However I also realize that by wearing these three pieces of kingdom apparel, this can easily help me grow towards being the slow to anger but quick to love individual, I want to be. Therefore what struck me hardest was the idea of keeping relationships (with other church members, family members, romantic partners, and coworkers) can be peaceful and well maintained/ organized is through wearing kingdom apparel, not only when we go out into the world everyday but also as we pray. I feel as though once I wear the kingdom apparel I will become a different person, which will hopefully emulate the image of love that people need.
Goals/Personal Growth/ Maintenance:
1. Try to avoid drama, and the toxic individuals with whom I work with.
2. Continually stay strong in prayer, and continue to wear the kingdom apparel even though it may be difficult sometimes.
3. Be more conscious/ aware of my thoughts and actions not only towards others but towards myself.
4.Continually stay grounded, and continue to refer back to the Bible for advise/ Wisdom on how to continually grow 
5. Treat others how I would want to be treated.
Anyways thats all I have for you guys for now! Again my apologies for making it super late, but I promise mother’s day will be on time! Enjoy the rest of your week and see you either Saturday or Sunday!
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