#my friends had the nerve to ask if p-chan meant pedo-chan I cannot bELIVE
After day 4 of needy steamer overload I have 100% it.
Some of those references hit very hard, either cause spinal fluid explosion girl IS a banger ame you’re so right, or seeing the background of a stream and feeling your heart sink to the floor, cause you *know* that background.
Had a lot of fun, confused the fuck out of my friends who saw me stream it via discord, (is this a porn game? Are you the girl? Is this an idol game? What the FUCK is happening?? That has to be a real girl. Is that LSD?? are we trying to break her? Drugs will help, they helped me - OH FUCK OH NO - all reactions from my friends ) The arts amazing and so is the music!
Hard to recommend with all the content warnings I’d need to add, which is uh… honestly every game I fall in love with. Too many content warnings to count… ;-;
Having known an Ame in real life, down to the types of messages and tweets she’d send, made the game a lot harder to get through. But eventually I was able to detach Ame from the girl in my memories, and just compeltely fuck shit up. Didn’t make it painless, but I started to find a sort of “black comedy” in it. If that makes sense? Maybe it’s just cause my playthrough was watched over by the Mentally Unstable Club (tm), that allowed us all to find ourselves in parts of the game, and subsequently to poke fun at both ourselves and the game at the same time.
Oh well, I guess all that’s left is to let Ame live her life on her own terms. Without her precious P-chan <3
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