gingerswagfreckles · 11 months
Today the NY Times published a bombshell piece analyzing the video evidence Israel had produced concerning the Gaza hospital strike. They concluded that the evidence the IDF had produced shows the missile came from the direction of Israel, not Gaza. They also confirmed that this is the same evidence that has been used by US intelligence agencies to give credibility to the Israeli claim, and that these agencies just have "different interpretations of these videos," which seems highly suspect considering the NY Times has pretty conclusively shown that these claims don't match up with the produced evidence.
This piece shows pretty clearly that the Israeli government cannot be trusted about anything, whether it be claims about what they are doing or the supposed evidence they produce to back up what they say. But I also think it shows something else pretty clearly: Investigative journalists are not your enemy. It takes time to dismantle propaganda claims, and it is not responsible reporting to accuse any group, even one like the IDF, of something like bombing a hospital without concrete evidence. Please don't assume that just because the media isn't marching in lockstep with what is being said here on tumblr.edu that journalists and reporters aren't trying to do their jobs with integrity, or that they are just regurgitating statements made by the Israeli government without analysis. That isn't true, and it does everyone a great disservice to assume that social media is the only reliable way to get your news.
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ecliptic-p · 5 months
must.. make.. v1 fansong.. cant.. make.. lyrics.. or.. vocal melody.. help. music is hard.
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vocaloid-tunes · 11 months
Ice Forest | GinrinP feat. Lily & KAITO
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kissycat · 6 months
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Using AI in medicine predates chatgpt/LLM popularity by years. I know this because I worked on a related project in 2020 but it was a thing already long before that and it has nothing to do with LLM 👎
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baalzebufo · 1 year
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a couple bonus doodles of monty - namely, the late night talkshow he hosts and an attempt to estimate his height
not 100% accurate, but he’s the smallest out of all the cog bosses- of course, that means he’s still WAY taller than basically every other cog. but not quite as towering as, say, the CEO or CFO are
dont remember if I brought it up in my other post, but cathal is actually monty’s godchild. he’s close enough friends with the VP that cathal basically considers him an uncle, despite not being family. he feels a decent amount of paternal fondness for the guy.
(also shown is my toonsona, mostly so I had an Average Toon Height Comparison here... baal is just a little guy)
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snekdood · 10 months
i need more friends that i can give the responsibility of perennial native plants and perhaps shrubs and trees to
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shayberri789 · 2 months
the listener's ability to perceive minute changes in sound waves within speech sounds is actually fucking amazing
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Loosing my mind over the fact that SOOOO posted at new song my god
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dapperrokyuu · 2 years
I would say the person that is easiest to blame without much thought or remorse is Father but that takes away sooooo much of how Heaven is genuinely a bad system and does enable pretty bad things, come onnn...
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evanatsuhi · 1 year
i dont understand why people are so scared or worried about 'realistic' vocal synths 'taking over' like 1. robotic sounding synths are probably never going away 2. this just gives way to more tuning styles and experimentation from producers
realistic vocal synths arent going to 'take over' just because utsu-p used one instead of miku in his latest song lol this is the whole 'ai art is bad because it lacks soul' argument all over again
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liu-yu-xin · 10 months
I think that type of extremely graphic fetish and gore and pedo manga and anime has been normalized to such an extent in east asia that many of their brains are fucking rotted just mush and maggots in the brain. i just saw MULTIPLE comments with tens of thousands of likes under a weibo post about the situation that say "theres nothing wrong with that manga lol what did that manga ever do to u" and "everyone knows u can leave ur morals at the door when u consume mangas but i guess he shouldn't recommend this one to his fans who are children" i feel fucking insane i hope these ppl all die im not kidding. the absolute insanity of every chinese kpop fan dragging karina through the mud for recommending a manga that one point had pro japanese imperialism connotations the spectacle and public humiliation and think pieces that came out of that for WEEKS vs not even a PEEP about several male idols from the most popular groups literally consuming gory fetish child p*rn. its fucking disgusting. quite a significant portion of east asian anime consumers think this is normal and that u can separate the "art" from the "artists" (saw comments that knew the author is a confirmed p*dophile and think it doesnt affect his work) and separate the content's morals and messaging from their own morals like in what world does looking at cp not make u a fucking p*dophile. Which is what all these commenters And the kpop idols listed are. By the way. and also what fucking useless censorship laws china has u cant even say the words death or sex but all of this is lazily edited to censor the "worst" of it and accessible in china as well. u cant see grown consenting adults make out on tv but u can just find casual cp online. kill yourselves kill yourselves kill yourselves kill ur whole family too. i hope every single person involved in this gets their brains blown out
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autism-corner · 11 months
ive been jokingly thinking that i magically started producing more T myself bc ive got a bit more acne and got more horny etc. but my shoesize has increased two sizes since last and i have been generally more happy...... hm..
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
2, 4, 6 and 12 for the enstars ask game 🩵
ask game
2. who did you first produce?
Kaoru n Chiaki because I started Eng during AtoZ and really thought they were sillies. And they are but oh my god *stares at Crazy:B*
4. what got you into enstars?
Any complaints about my hyperfixation can be redirected to @chadsuke because they started posting about it when eng dropped and I got curious and it's all been downhill since then.
6. how long have you been in the enstars fandom?
I started playing a little over a year ago I believeeeee or a little less but I only really got into it around Tempest release in Eng, and it kinda took over after Night Club Eng, which I remember was over Labor Day weekend because I had to do some of the tour days while at camp LMAO
12. what was your favorite event?
That's been released in Eng? Probably A Dark Night's Passing (the Double Face introduction). It was my first event 5* outside a tour and I just really love =EYE= as a song. Quality stuff. Night Club is a close second. I'm super excited for Ariadne next though and Obbligato. Do not get me started on that one.
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mymp3 · 2 years
The new Teniwoha song is so good it's unreal
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hamelinsnightmare · 2 years
hey, I noticed you censored the word “ra*bit”(b?) in your newest stim board- I’d like to let you know that doing stuff like that actively makes it not be a tag that people triggered by whatever word you’re censoring and thus trying to prevent them to view (if they have the tag blocked) not function to prevent them from seeing what you’ve censored the word of.
I don’t know if you’re new or anything or what have you but I figured I should let you know in case you’ve been asked to properly tag that stuff by a follower or something so the person/people can avoid seeing that or what have you- also so people who WANT to see stuff via the tag you have censored, it will have to be uncensored for them to find! via the search function of tumblr,
you don’t have to uncensor it/retag if you don’t want to!! just figured I should give you that information so you know about it and for whatever purpose you’re trying to do with said tags, it will work properly!!
...Uhhh dude Ra*bits is the name of the idol group in game
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Its not censoring, its so people who want to find stuff from Ra*bits can find it. They are not rabbits, they are ra*bits. But I also tagged the post as #rabbit because I do have an animal stim with rabbits in it.
Also I’ve been on tumblr since 2014, and I’ve had this blog since 2020, I appreciate your kind intentions but uh. Yeah...
ALSO I do trigger tag all my stimboards, generally just as the uncensored term (e.g. “blood”) but sometimes specific trigger tags are tagged different (epilepsy warning as “epilepsy warning” not just “epilepsy”, since some people use the main epilepsy tag for support, or at least used to, like I said I’ve been here for a while)
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snekdood · 11 months
squirrels would actually be useful to the world if we actually let their natural predators exist, but no, instead they over populate killing fucking everything.
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