#Cause it’ll make it easier to find this later
withwritersblock · 5 months
More Hearts Than Mine-Their Families Find out They are Moving in Together
~More Hearts Than Mine by Ingrid Andress~
Author's Note: N/A Summary: Luke and Y/N move in together Warnings: Swearing, Implied Smut Word Count: 2,078 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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Luke knocked on Jack’s door, waiting for him to be granted entrance. A dramatic groan left Jack’s lips, allowing Luke to walk inside the bedroom. “So,” Luke started unsure of how to fully say what he wanted to say.
Living with his brother has been amazing, except he’s practically lived with Y/N the entire time he’s been in Jersey. He thought that now it would be time to make things official. He was added to the lease and they were planning on starting the move later this week. He has yet to tell anyone in his family about the whole idea. 
He wants to avoid talking to Quinn about it since he’s so dramatically focused on the whole it’s your rookie year don’t get distracted, a girlfriend right now probably isn’t the best idea. So telling Quinn that he was planning on living with said girlfriend, would probably cause him to implode. 
Jack, on the other hand, adores Y/N. He loved the idea of living with his brother but he also loves the idea of his little brother being happy. 
“So spit it out,” he muttered, lifting his gaze from his computer.
“Uhm, I’m moving in with Y/N this Friday,” he said, waiting for his brother’s reaction.
“That’s great, I mean you practically live there anyway,” he mumbled, shutting his computer screen. Jack’s eyes widened, “Did you tell Mom and Dad? Quinn?” he questioned. Luke shook his head. “Good luck with that,” he mumbled before opening up his laptop.
Luke stared towards Jack expectedly, waiting for him to say something about his objections. It never came. “Who’s going to be easier to tell?”
“Definitely Mom and Dad, they adore Y/N,” he explained. Luke nodded nervously. “You could also wait to tell Quinn until after the season is done. You know how he gets,” Jack said, meeting Luke’s gaze. Luke nodded as he pressed his lips together.
Luke sighed as he left Jack’s room and walked towards his room, the room that was now returning to a guest bedroom. He flopped down onto his bed as he pulled open his laptop. He began to FaceTime his Mom, hoping his Dad would be there too. Not wanting to have this conversation more than once.
It wasn’t really a conversation. It was more him letting them know what the plan was. It only rang twice before his mom answered. His dad was sitting beside her with a wide smile. “Hey honey,” his mom said as she answered the video call. 
“Hey guys, I wanted to tell you guys something,” he said nervously rubbing his hands together. Their faces both fell as his dad’s eyes widened.
“Y/N’s not pregnant is she?” his dad questioned. Ellen’s eyes widened as her mouth fell open. 
Luke shook his head dramatically, “What? No! No! Dad, I’m not stupid,” Luke said, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Both of his parents let out a sigh of relief. “I am moving in with Y/N though,” he said biting his bottom lip nervously. 
They nodded slowly, “So it’s been decided then?” his mom questioned. Luke nodded. “Are you sure, Lukey? I mean you guys are fighting for a playoff spot. It’s your rookie year, it’s a lot to handle right now,” she expressed.
Luke nodded, prepared to hear those words from Quinn, not from his mom. But in hindsight, he should’ve expected it. He looked towards the ceiling as he clenched his jaw. 
“I mean, I practically live there anyway,” he began pouting his lip, “I mean, the only time I’m back at Jack’s is when we have to travel for games. I’m never there, I’d rather have all of my stuff at Y/N’s since I’m always there,” he explained.
“Son, it may seem like it won’t be different but it will. Once all of your stuff is there, it’ll be different,”
“Good!” Luke expressed, a smile forming to his lips, “She’s-” he paused as he shook his head, “She’s the one, Dad, what’s the harm in starting the forever process now?” he asked. Ellen tilted her head back as she began to tear up. 
Jim nodded as he smiled slightly, “Alright, I can’t wait to see what you guys do with her apartment,” he said. Luke nodded his head as fought the smile on his lips.
“Don’t tell Quinn anything yet, he’s just going to get pissed,” he asked and they nodded. They spoke for a few minutes longer before he hung up. 
She sat on her bed, staring at her computer screen. She needed to tell her parents, she needed to tell them that in less than forty-eight hours her boyfriend would be moving in. Her dad may explode at the idea and she was terrified. Luke had texted her that he told his family and they approved. She quickly pressed the FaceTime button and waited for her mom to answer the phone. 
She messed with the end of her t-shirt as she waited for them to answer. After a handful of rings, her mom answered. Her dad was sitting beside her. “Hey sweet pea!” she answered excitedly. Y/N smiled nervously as he stared towards her parents through the video screen. “Oh what’s wrong?” her mother asked, her face falling instantly.
“You’re not pregnant are you?” her dad questioned. Her mouth fell open as she shook her head dramatically.
“Are you crazy!?” she asked as she took in a sharp breath. “You really think I would tell you that over FaceTime? I’m barely twenty!” she let out. They nodded, sighing. 
“What’s going on sweetheart?” her mom pressed.
Y/N took in a deep breath as she smiled softly, “I asked Luke to move in,” she muttered. Her mom’s eyes lit up with so much joy but her dad remained stoic as he furrowed his eyebrows harshly. “He’s moving in Friday,” she mumbled. 
“Oh wonderful, honey! That’s so exciting!” her mother expressed, her dad remained silent. Her mother nudged him slightly, practically begging him to say something. Instead he stood up and walked away from the couch, out of the view of the camera. 
Her mother’s face fell as she stared towards her husband walking away. Y/N’s eyes began to tear up as she watched him walk away. She clenched her fists and unclenched them as she looked towards her mom through the camera. 
“Sweetie, its just a lot for him,” she paused as she saw him take a glass and began to pour himself some whiskey. 
“No,” her dad let out grumply, “It’s too soon,” he continued, swallowing the whole glass in one swig. 
“Honey, they’ve been together almost a year, that’s a long-”
“We didn’t move in together until after we got married,” he said, pouring more into the glass.
Y/N fought the tears filling her eyes, hearing her father’s harsh tone. “And how many years ago was that? Your daughter is in love, she wants to take the next step. Stop being an ass and be happy for her,” her mother defended. 
“She’s my little girl!” he shouted back. Her mother tilted her head back. 
“I thought you liked Luke,” Y/N mumbled, her voice cracking. Her mother tilted her head to the side, raising her eyebrows towards her husband. Y/N could hear her father take a sharp breath. 
“I like the kid, Y/N, I don’t think you too should be living together. It’s too soon,” her dad said one final time before he stomped out of the kitchen and living area. 
Y/N sniffled as she wiped a tear that fell on her cheek. Her mother looked back towards her, frowning slightly. “What do I do?” Y/N asked, a sob climbing her throat. 
“You-” her mother paused, smiling kindly, “You two should move in together. Live in bliss, I’ll work on getting your father up to speed.” Y/N nodded as she met her mother’s gaze through the computer screen. “It’ll be alright, my dear, I love you. I’m going to go talk to him,” she winked towards her.
The doorbell rang throughout her apartment before it was being pushed open, “That’s Luke, I gotta go,” she mumbled before ending the call with her mom. She shut her laptop as she stood up from the bed.
She pushed open the bedroom door to see Luke walking down the hall. He had a smile on his lips, it quickly faltered into a frown as he saw her teary expression.  “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he asked as he quickened his pace. He engulfed her in a hug. Running his hands up and down her back as she cried into his chest. 
“My dad freaked out about us living together,” she muttered into his chest. He clenched his as he shut his eyes. 
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry,” he mumbled as he rocked her side to side slowly. She shook her head as she lifted her head from his chest. She met his gaze.
“Don’t be, we’re going to do it,” she said, a sad smile forming on her lips. “I don’t need his approval,” she mumbled. Luke tilted his head to the side before he brushed a piece of hair away from her face. 
“Yes, yes you do. My love, I know how much your dad’s opinion matters to you,” he let out as he scanned her features. She clenched her jaw, “If he’s not ready-”
“I’m ready, I’m ready for this,” she delicately hit her hands against his chest. “He’ll come around, I need this to happen. I need to wake up to you every morning. I need to know that this is for real. I can’t know that until we live together,” she expressed. He nodded as he pulled her towards him again, hugging her tightly. 
“Okay, my love. We’ll do it,” he muttered, pressing his lips to the top of her head. She hummed against his chest. “Wanna hear something funny?” he asked, wanting to lighten the mood. She hummed again, “My dad asked if you were pregnant,” he said. She pulled away, her mouth agaped, his eyes widened teasingly. 
“My dad asked the same thing!” she said. His mouth fell open. 
“No way,” he said while laughing.
Jack dropped the last box into the living room and let out a heavy sigh. He stared towards the pair, a soft smile on his lips. “I’ve got two rules for you Lukey,” Jack muttered.
“Here we go,” Luke let out rolling his eyes as he pulled Y/N to his side. 
“Rule number one, never be late to anything. I’m not your ride anymore so you better show up on time and don’t make yourself look bad. Rule number two, don’t have unprotected sex; I’m not ready to be an uncle to my younger brother,” he said, a dry chuckle leaving his throat.
Luke nodded as he pressed his lips together fighting the smirk toying to his lips, “Alright, are you done?” Luke asked as he swallowed hard. Jack nodded as he rested his hands onto his hips. “Okay,” he said while nodding slowly.
“Oh,” Jack mumbled as he looked behind him before he met Luke’s gaze again, “You want me to leave?” he asked. Luke nodded encouragingly, “You don’t want me to help you unpack or you know decorate a little bit. I mean your first apartment where you are actually paying for things, I’m just checking to see if you-”
“Jack!” Luke said while he tightened his grip around Y/N’s waist. Jack chuckled as he nodded. 
“Fine,” he dragged out as he took a step backwards, “You better be at Morning skate on time, big game tomorrow,” he mumbled as he quickly walked out of the apartment. 
Soon, Luke and Y/N we're alone in their apartment. An apartment they share, just them. It was bliss and it was everything they had wanted. Sure, it was her apartment but now it was theirs.  “So what do you want to do first?” she asked, staring towards the collection of boxes scattering their living room.
She met his gaze, his eyebrows were raised as he was fighting off a smirk on his lips. “Oh,” she let out while smirking. “Okay,” she muttered as they leaned towards one another kissing each other with so much intensity. She jumped into his arms as he took a hold of her thighs, guiding her backwards towards their bedroom.
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avocado-writing · 7 months
*eats your words*
no but seriously, your writing has me kicking my feet when I’m supposed to be typing an essay 😞‼️ I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for the companions x monk! Tav who, when being confessed to, Tav responds with “it’ll pass”?
basically fleabag inspired 😍‼️ please and thank you! stay safe n warm 🔫
OH GOD HEARTBREAKING i tried to make it have a happy ending tho!!! enjoy! and I'm so glad that you enjoy my writing! (mild nsfw mentions)
writing as if you're saying this because you think you wouldn't be the best option for their future, one way or another, and want to try and soften the blow for them by replying like this. you only want them to be happy and you're scared it can't be with you.
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you cup his face, and the look in your eyes is so, so sad.
you think perhaps your simple nomadic lifestyle will not be enough for him. you love him, you do, but he needs someone more modern. more cosmopolitan.
when you tell him it will pass you see a myriad of expressions cross his face: sadness, confusion, anger... but finally, resolve.
he takes your hand in his, firmly.
"my heart. I know when things will pass, and when they won't. my love for you is not some trifle, a fashion to be abandoned like it would go out of style. I mean it. I can make my own decisions, and I have decided where I want to be. It's with you."
he reaches out to embrace you. you're surprised, but let him do it anyway, and you bury your face into his neck to hide your emotions.
maybe, just maybe, you were wrong.
you hold him tighter than ever that night.
you're worried he is too smart for you. that he will get bored of you, and the idea breaks your heart.
you tell him "it'll pass" when he confesses because you're scared.
seems actually offended that you'd tell him his love for you might be fleeting.
"there are things which will span the ages. stories, gods, heroes. my love for you is one of them. I do not confess that lightly. you are a beacon of hope in my life, love... and that will never fade."
goes on for some time afterwards about how committed he is and how much he loves you, until eventually you accept that he's not going anywhere.
bloody wizards, so good with their words...
fall asleep that night after having the most intimate lovemaking session, all about feeling each other's breath and heartbeats.
he is here to stay, forever.
wyll deserves someone amazing. someone who could handle his life if he became duke, and you're scared you'll let him down.
when you tell him 'it'll pass' he is hurt, and leaves the conversation for a moment. you think perhaps it is for the best. you don't need this to cause any more pain.
but later he comes to find you and asks if he can have a private moment. you find out he wasn't hiding from you but preparing: he has a little intimate picnic set up where you can sit and be alone.
when you're comfortable he tells you about how deep his love is, how fate has thrown you together.
"there is nothing about how i feel about you that could pass. nothing."
to prove his point, he slips to his knee, and that is when he proposes.
you're overcome with emotion. you have to accept how committed to you he is, and work out if you deserve something as fierce as his love.
there are tears in your eyes when you accept. you never think his love will pass again.
probably the hardest one to say this too. together, your future is so uncertain. it will be easier to break it off here rather than maim both of you.
gets angry. in fact, goes into a rage. tears up the surroundings, and for a moment you're taken aback--
but then she turns and she's sobbing, stuck at the midpoint between being apoplectic and brokenhearted.
"you don't get to decide that for me! you don't! you're the first person i've loved... I've touched... I've felt anything for, for a fucking decade! when i feel this, it doesn't fade! how dare you think about yourself like that? as if you're some sort of phase?"
eventually she calms down enough but bursts into tears instead. you go to hold her and she embraces you so tightly that the wind is knocked from your body.
"i love you. i won't leave you. don't leave me." her voice is tiny.
how could you ever say no? how could you ever doubt her?
when the two of you are in Avernus, you're reminded of this moment, and so glad she fought against it. you'd trade this away for nothing.
would she want someone like you? long term? she's so brave, so fierce. what if you're not good enough? what if your relationship develops only for you to let her down?
she gets angry too, but quieter.
is furious that you would question her affection.
"githyanki do not give their devotion lightly. the fact that you think my love for you could pass makes me wonder how well you know me."
it turns into an argument where you try and explain your side, and she's angry at you for thinking this way.
eventually it descends into angrily making out. some fierce lovemaking. her saying how much she loves you, possesses you, between every bite and kiss.
you lie in the afterglow. she says she will not leave, and pretty much tells you that you won't either. you agree, and tangle your hand with hers.
tries to hide how hurt she is.
yes, Shar is the lady of loss, but the idea of losing you... of not having you in her life? unthinkable.
you only tried to tell her it will pass so that, if she wishes to become a dark justiciar, she will have no lingering attachment to you after.
and yet...
it is blasphemy for her, but she refuses to let you go.
"no. i won't allow it. i can't believe this will fade between us. you are the most precious thing to me. stay."
you're weak for her, end up tumbling into bed, reconfirming your love for each other.
you never quite believe that this is forever until she changes her hair, embraces selune. then your heart is full of joy. and it is full of Shadowheart.
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oleander-nin · 10 months
TMNT 2012 Yandere Headcanons
A/N, not important: Feel free to add or disagree with any of these. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Dark themes, yandere behaviors, drugging(Donnie's), stalking, possessive and obsessive behavior, non-consensual touching(Non-NSFW ie: hugging), kidnapping, abuse, delusional behavior.
Words: 2249
Summary: My take on TMNT 2012 as yanderes.
He’s a hero, he wants to be your savior. Leo wants you to be safe by his side and to feel like you can depend on him for everything, even if he knows he’s taking it a bit too far. He’s willing to do anything for you, as long as you stay with him and love him.
Despite being aware of his faults, he’s still possessive and stubborn. Leo’s priority is your safety, which can cause problems in the small time before he kidnaps you. He’s constantly checking up on you, bringing you gifts, and trying to convince you to come stay at the lair on your own.
Is the first to kidnap you. Being the leader, he can’t drop his team to go get you at a moment's notice like his brothers can. He wants you safe, and in his mind, the safest place for you is the lair, or by his side. It’ll take a week from the first time you turn down staying with them for him to move you in forcefully.
Leo’s strict with his rules. He likes order and discipline, which makes him have a firmer hand when it comes to following his rules. While he tries to remain patient with you, he’s quick to punish any misbehavior to kill it out as quick as he can.
His punishment’s mostly include being tied or loss of food/entertainment instead of harsher ones like having your bones broken. He doesn’t want to hurt you badly unless he needs to. He sees you as something he was destined to care for, so if he feels the need to hurt you, you likely really outraged him(although if he hurts you on accident and feels you deserved it, he won’t apologize much).
When mad, he rarely goes into a fit or has an outburst. He’ll stew for a bit and leave you locked in the room before returning later to deal out whatever punishment he came up with in the time gone.
Feels slightly bad if you cry during a punishment, even if he knows it’s one that doesn’t hurt much. It doesn’t get him to lessen or cut the punishment short however. He’ll just pay more attention to you once it’s over to ‘make up for it’.
He’ll drop little judgements about your friends and family as he’s near you, trying to sow discourse so you’re more likely to be near him. He’s constantly vying for your attention, so separating you from your loved ones makes it much easier.
He likes to do things for you alone. If you escape, he won’t tell his family and will just go off to find you by himself. He also likes to keep you in his room or by his side at all times. He likes having you to himself, his own little darling to take care of.
He wants to make you proud of him and to enjoy being by his side, so he’ll shower you in little gifts or trinkets as a way to buy your affection.
He’s more quiet, so he likes to force you to be next to him instead of talking. He finds you relaxing and is comforted by your presence, even if you despise him. He’ll often pick you up and bring you to watch his shows as a way to hang out, holding you close and not letting you leave.
He’s very controlling and tends to nitpick everything you do, loudly telling you’re doing something wrong if he notices it. He thinks his way is the best way, and will shut down any arguments you have about your treatment or captivity. You’re his, and he knows best.
He’s the last to jump to kidnapping, mostly because he wants everything to be perfect for you before he does. He pines hard, constantly trying to get your attention and keep it. He’ll make so many plans surrounding you, it’s insane. He sets up cameras around and in your apartment to make sure he’ll always have an eye on you in case something happens to you. You’re his world, and he has to have you. Everything about you is perfect in his eyes. He just wants to bring you home with him and preserve that perfectivity forever.
He watches you for months, and will usually have a small square in the corner of his laptop that’s a camera of you whenever he’s working. He catalogs everything about you, admiring your every move.
He’ll go off on his own to visit you a lot, trying to impress you with his ninjitsu or smarts. He gets upset when you blow him off, his mood instantly turning sour and he tries to convince you to stay with him or refuses to leave. He’s overbearing and puts down your friends, making snarky remarks about whomever is taking up your time. Whenever he finally does leave, he makes a note of the friend and tries to think of ways to get rid of their part in your life.
Once you’re kidnapped, he keeps you drugged for a while, not risking the expected erratic behavior. He doesn’t want you to have any chances to try anything drastic. He’ll research everything about the drug he’s giving you, taking note of all possible side effects and making sure you have no allergies to the medication. He doesn’t want you to suffer while under his care, but the only way he knows how to protect you when you’re in such a delicate state is by keeping you doped up and oblivious.
When he starts to wean you off the pills, he can get annoyed with your attitude fairly quickly. He wants instant gratification, and gets frustrated knowing you’re not in love with him like he is you. He’ll put rules in place and snap at you when you mess up. He takes his punishments slowly, laying out all the consequences for each action when you first get there. He plans to adhere to them, not wanting to screw up his own rules or bend any for you when he knows you can be perfect.
Donnie can easily start to steam if you push his buttons, whether by constantly arguing or by fighting something he deems necessary for you. He’ll yell at you and throw things around, but he won’t hurt you in these moments if he can help it. He’ll usually just steam off after tying you up or drugging you silly, not wanting to deal with you when you’re being ‘pushy’.
He’s not the neediest when it comes to affection, usually only touching you to try and comfort you instead of himself. However, when he gets sleepy or just finished a big project he’s proud of, he’ll pull you close and force you to sit with him for a while. Sometimes he’ll have you sit in his lap while he’s working on something non-dangerous just to bond, but he’s usually too focused to want you so near in those moments.
He uses you like a drug, in a sense. Raph’s known for his bad temper and explosive personality, but before he had you, he took it out on petty thieves and Kraang. But once he found you, he realized he felt calmer just by being near you. He always wants to be by your side, milking off your personality in all the worst ways. Once he realizes you’re a fix to his temper, he’ll kidnap you.
You’re like his own precious gemstone, a one in a million find. He truly believes you’re his soulmate and you’re both meant for each other, and will get into a huge argument with you if you try to disagree.
Bulldozes over everything you say, and is really pushy when he wants to be near you. While his temper is more quelled near you, it’s not too hard to ignite it again, and denying him his ‘rightful time with you’ is a really quick way to enrage him. He’s more likely to go after your friends if you cite plans with them than to fight with you, but he’ll still be sour for a while afterwards.
Raph hates knowing how exposed you are in the world. You, the one thing able to calm him down, could be hurt at any moment by anything in the world. It boils his blood to know you might be in danger, and he acts like a protective wall when near you. He makes himself your own personal bodyguard, not even backing down when it starts to get suffocating. If he’s on a mission with his brothers and suspects you’re upset or hurt, he’ll drop everything to come to your side. He will absolutely go ballistic if he finds anyone hurt you.
Even if you’re usually able to keep him more mellow, his anger can quickly flare up when you start to act up. Whether it's refusing to hang out with him or fighting him after he kidnaps you, he’s quick to try and correct your behavior with threats and intimidation. He’ll accidentally elevate to more physical violence on accident, his anger taking over when you refuse to listen to his reason. 
His quick fuse can get you hurt, and he’ll just try and justify it with a quick apology and the excuse that you weren’t able to calm him down. He blames it on you every time, citing your own failures when it comes to his anger.
He’s almost always touching you when he’s near you. A hand on your shoulder or waist, or tight around your wrist, he’s always holding on. He likes the security you give him, and you tend to just make him more tender in the first place. He likes running his hands through your hair or just slumping over you and pinning you down loosely with his weight. He gets huffy if you try to get away, tightening his grip and holding you firm.
If you try to escape and fail, he’ll rub it in your face. He’ll brag about how good he is at keeping you safe after he brings you back and punishes you however he sees fit for the transgression. He wants you to feel weak so you won’t try again.
Mikey is manipulative to a fault. With his big eyes and unassuming nature, he’ll just slowly pretend everything is fine as he goes on. He uses the fact he’s never had many human friends to his advantage, weaponizing his supposed ignorance to make you feel guilty for pushing him away when he gets too much.
He’s quick to fall into his own head when he’s with you, just clingy bliss as he fully believes you’re just as infatuated with him as he is. He ignores most of your protests or brushes them off, making small jokes about the situation instead of listening.
Most patient of his brothers for most things, but will get upset if you don't listen to him. He’s a hypocrite in this sense, and always demands your full attention. He wants to be heard by you, and gets upset if you push back the way he does to you. He’ll start to whine before getting angry and storming off, leaving you alone for hours or days depending on his mood.
Is able to predict almost everything you do despite being completely unpredictable himself. He tries to convince his uncanny way of knowing what you’re doing or planning as a sign you’re both meant for each other.
Is constantly on you, whether he’s draped in your lap or or over your shoulder, or just fully laying on you. He finds you comfortable and gets upset when you try to push him away. He loves you so much, can’t you just let him hold you for a while?
Mikey’s also the most likely to have you out of his room, letting you follow him around the entire time he’s home with you. If he’s training in the dojo, he’ll make you sit in there so you can watch him. He wants to be praised and loved by you, so by showing off while he spars his brothers or practices his nunchaku, he feels it gives you more opportunities to compliment him.
Showers you in compliments and praise, to the point where it’s more than annoying. Every couple of minutes he’s loudly exclaiming how much he loves you, not letting you get a word in and trampling over any protests you may have.
He’ll likely hurt you in an accident, usually right before he storms off after you make him mad. He doesn’t use as many physical punishments for the sole reason he doesn’t want to be near you when he’s upset with you, but he may throw you off him before he leaves. Mikey will ignore the injuries he gives you, usually pointing out new bruises on your skin and being surprised he caused them. His main way to ‘fix’ it is by jokingly apologizing and kissing them and with a smile on his face, refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing. He pretends the small gesture blows everything over, and gets upset when you try to push back still.
Often ignores his brothers for you. He’ll sneak away and just disappear with you for hours, only to be in his room trapping you with him as he avoids responsibility. He has you now, and as far as he’s concerned, you’re the only part of New York that would need to be saved.
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takenbypeter · 2 years
Hello it’s me again! Peter Maximoff x non-mutant reader. Peter is super excited about something and he’s running around the room like a ball in a pinball machine. The reader is trying to grab him so he can explain what it is. When they finally do catch him, Peter hugs them back EXTREMELY tight, trying to “stay still” (boy is probably vibrating). The rest is whatever you come up with. :)
His Excitement Running Strong
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Peter Maximoff x reader
Words: 729
Authors note: well hello again so lovely to see you again and thank you for the request as always, it is always welcome.
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“Peter!” You shouted, poking your head down to peek into his basement before your legs followed. He called you on the phone excitedly, very excitedly, mentioning to come over, because he had big news.
The last time he had “big news” it was nothing more than his favorite game having a new edition. That got him excited but nothing like this. When you called for him down the stairs all you heard was, “you’re here!” Before a gust of wind started traveling around the room.
“Woah,” you exclaimed, breeze immediately passing by you. Peter’s all over the place, practically bouncing off every corner and you can’t even keep up. You try to grab him but of course you’re basically miles off because he’s already moved on by then.
It was at that moment that you wondered if having powers yourself would make this a whole lot easier. Although you didn’t have any powers and couldn’t really catch him, there was still something you could try.
Collecting some nearby shoes and basically whatever you could find, you made a little barrier on the ground. The pla was simple, you were going to make him trip. It was a long shot and no doubt he could just avoid the obstruction but hopefully he’d be too distracted by his big news that he’d just fall right into your trap.
And to your genuine surprise, it worked…maybe a little too well. You watch in shock as he hits the ground harder than you expected.
Dropping onto your knees you turn him over onto his back, “are you okay?” His expression still remained quite happy as he sprung up into a seated position, but before he could make any movement, you wrapped your arms around him, tight. You figured this way if he goes haywire you’ll just go with him.
“Wow, you’re practically vibrating,” you mutter while he imitates your earlier movement, wrapping you into a tighter hug, “don’t let go. If you let go I might not be able to stop.”
“Okay I won’t let go, but what’s got you so excited?” You ask peering up at him. His grin widens revealing most of his teeth and you smile back still confused due to lack of any more information. But luckily you don’t have it wait much longer to get it.
“Charles said you can come see the mansion.”
Your smile dropped, not quite expecting that. “I can come to the mansion?” You repeated, processing his words.
“Yeah, I asked Charles and he was iffy at first but he came up to me later and told me it was alright.”
Your arms loosen around him but he still holds onto you tight, “isn’t that kind of serious? I mean I’m not a mutant or anything.”
“It’s rare, but few non-mutants have seen the place,” his previous expression falls slightly into a forced one as he picks up the expression of concern written on your face, “aren’t you excited?”
Your eyes met his, noticing that your own mood was causing his to falter, “no I am! I mean this is awesome! I’ll get to see a new part of you, the teacher part,” you added rainsing your eyebrows and leaning into him a little, before leaning back again.
“I just…feel a little nervous that’s all. I’ll be the only one there without powers or anything…cool. Won’t it be…awkward?”
“Maybe.” Peter leans back a little to get a better view of you, while you look up, “but I’ll be right there with you, giving you the whole tour, I’ll never leave your side. It’ll be great, I absolutely promise you.” He gave you another squeeze, “I’m so excited for you to see everything.”
You couldn’t fight off the happiness that was spreading off from him again and honestly you were surprised by how enthusiastic he was about the situation especially considering how nonchalant he always acts about the whole being a part of the x-men thing.
But still, his words did reassure you that everything would be fine, and like you said it was a whole new part of him that you’ve never seen before. “I can't wait Peter.”
Sure it may be awkward and you were still anxious, but it was still exciting having him be able to share this part of his life with you and you couldn’t wait to see it.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 6 months
heyy do you take requests? If you do is it possible for you to write a small drabble between reader and Bucky, reader teaching Bucky some words often used these days like "ifykwim" or "slay" stuff like that as he's having problems understanding them cause he's from the 40's, thank you so much🫶🫶
Don’t Understand » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Best Friend!Female Reader
Summary: Bucky has a hard time understanding terms that are used nowadays.
Warnings: Fluff, language, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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Bucky stared down at his phone in confusion. You sent him a text that he doesn’t understand. You texted him “ily”. He read over and over, but doesn’t understand what it means. The only way he’s going to find out what it is and what it means is by asking you.
“Doll, can you help me understand something?” Bucky asks, walking in the kitchen of the Avengers Compound.
“Of course! What is it?” You asked.
“What does this mean?” He asks, showing you the text you sent him earlier.
“That means I love you.” You tell him.
“Why would you say it like that?” He asks.
“It’s a short way of saying it instead of fully typing it out.” You explained. “I can teach you more if you want.” You say.
“Yes please.” He says, taking a seat next to you at the table.
“We’ll start off with the easy ones.” You start. “ikr means I know right. idk means I don’t know. ttyl means talk to you later.” You tell him and explained more of the easy ones to him.
Bucky had a pretty good understanding of what the easy ones meant after you explained it.
“Those are too easy. Give me a harder one.” Bucky says.
“Ok. What about ifykwim?” You asked.
Bucky just stared at you.
“What the hell does that mean?” He asked.
“If you know what I mean.” You say.
“I don’t know what you mean, doll.” He says.
“No, Buck. It means if you know what I mean.” You tell him.
“Ohh.” It took him a second to understand it. “Give me another hard one.” He says.
“Slay.” You say.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what the hell you just said.
“What?” He asks, making sure he heard you right.
“Slay.” You repeated.
“As in slaying a dragon in a fairytale?” He asks.
“It’s not that kind of slay, Bucky.” You say.
“Then what the hell does it mean?” He asks.
“It’s like being impressed or assumed.” You explained.
Bucky took a deep breath and exhaled, running his fingers through his hair.
“Everything was much easier in the 40s.” Bucky mumbles loud enough for you to hear.
“It’ll get better, Buck. I promise.” You put a comforting hand on his hand. “I’ll help you.” You say.
“I’m so glad you’re my best friend, doll.” He kisses your cheek. “ily.” He says, making you smile.
“ily too, Bucky.” You say, smiling widely.
-Bucky’s Doll
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laviefantasie · 8 months
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Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Reader
Summary: It was just a childhood crush, right? If your heart skipped a beat every single time your eyes crossed or if your palms started to sweat with every lingering touch, it was just because of what you used to feel as a kid, right?
| Masterlist |
It was just a childhood crush. Nothing else. That’s what you’d heard all your life. And who could really blame you with how close you two had always been? No one. Truly, everyone around you both had expected one of you to grow a crush sooner or later.
You just wish it hadn’t been you. Everything would’ve been easier then. Cause nothing was worst than having a crush on THE Eren Jaeger.
If only he had never smiled your way maybe your heart would’ve been spared.
Tears started gathering in your eyes as you stared at your best friend dancing with another of your close friends. You couldn’t even find it in your heart to be mad. How could you when you knew how sweet and kind Historia was? You couldn’t blame Eren for choosing her, if there was ever really a choice to make.
You try to move your gaze away but all your strength was gone. It was as if your brain was unwilling to hide the truth from your heart, as if it had finally been enough.
A comforting arm settles itself across your shoulders and a body soon finds itself in front of you, shielding you from the heartbreaking scene.
“Don’t look, Y/N” you hear Armin say, he’s the one holding you safe under his arm.
“Let’s go home” says Mikasa, who’s shielding your view.
You can’t find your voice so you just nod weakly. Your best friends seem to understand though, and soon both are guiding you to the doors of your school gymnasium where the homecoming dance is being held.
Honestly, you knew this would happen someday. Eren had never shown any sign of reciprocating your feelings.
It still hurt though.
Armin and Mikasa keep quiet throughout the drive home, both allowing you to feel safe in their silence; neither asking you to voice how you’re feeling at the moment. You’re thankful for them, without them you’re not sure you’d even think about the possibility of mending your broken heart.
“You sure you don’t want us to stay with you tonight?”
You stare at them with a blank gaze, slowly shaking your head.
Mikasa and Armin share a look before nodding in understanding, promising to come check on you tomorrow. Waiting until you’re inside your home before even moving towards their car.
Only once you’re sure you’re safe inside your house and that they have left the driveway is that you allow yourself to crumble.
“Mom” you whimper “Mom! MOM!”
Your body is shaking and your voice is a dead giveaway that something is wrong, which makes your mother wake up alarmed and run downstairs.
The sight she is greeted with is one that breaks her heart in a way not even your father’s death could.
Your knees are wobbling and your whole body is trembling, it’s a miracle she reaches you in time before you fall down, gathering you safely in her arms as you allow yourself to break down for the first time that night.
“Shhh, sweetheart. It’s okay. Whatever happened it’s okay”
You sob, gut wrenching sobs that make your mother want to shed a few tears herself.
You spend the night in your mother’s arms, crying until sleep finally catches up to you. It’s your mother who greets Armin and Mikasa the next day, whispering how you need more time before you’re ready to see them. Both quietly explain the situation to your mom and she promises to let them know as soon as you’re ready to see them.
You hug your blanket tighter around your body.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart” she tries again, hugging you from behind “It was just a crush, it’ll be okay”
“It wasn’t a crush” you choke “Mom, I—I love him. I love him, mom”
Her eyes widen without your knowledge and she curses herself for not seeing it sooner. Of course it wasn’t a crush, at least not anymore.
The way you’d always cling to him since you were kids, the way you’d follow him everywhere, how you always helped him study so that he’d never fall behind, how you were at each of his basketball games screaming at the top of your lungs.
It may have started as a crush but you both had grown up, your feelings had grown too.
She should’ve seen it. You wouldn’t spend a whole night baking his favorite cake for his birthday when you could buy it just for a crush. You wouldn’t leave everything behind just to answer his call just for a crush. You wouldn’t be the first to clean his wounds after another of his stupid fights just for a crush.
You had fallen in love with him. With every part of him. Even the ones he, or anyone around him, was not proud of.
“Oh, honey” she soothes “It’ll be okay. You may not believe me, but you’ll be okay”
She sighs, holding you tighter.
“You’ll fall in love again” she promises “And it’ll be just as great and as painful as this time. But you’ll fall in love again”
“I don’t want this to hurt, mommy” you sob “Why does it have to hurt?”
“Because every feeling that made you go up has to come down sooner or later. Sweetie, the greater the love, the greater the pain. That’s the rule” she sighs “But it’ll be okay. You’re strong, you’ll get through this. You’re just one heartbreak closer to happily ever after, just have a little patience”
The next day, although still hurting, you get out of bed and answer Armin and Mikasa’s texts, asking them to come for a movie night. You ignored Eren’s.
JaegerBomb: Y/N you left homecoming early?? What happened?
JaegerBomb: You probably fell asleep. Text me when you wake up, doofus, got a lot to tell you.
JaegerBomb: Morning, sleeping beauty!!
JaegerBomb: Hey, I’m getting a little worried. U okay?
JaegerBomb; Y/N what’s going on?? Answer your phone.
JaegerBomb: I’m gonna file a missing person’s report!!
You hesitated before locking your phone. You weren’t going to answer. You couldn’t. Not because you were mad at him, you had no reason to be mad. You weren’t answering because you needed to move on. You couldn’t be there every time he texted anymore.
You had to stop being his person, cause you weren’t his.
Armin and Mikasa came to your house as planned and it was honestly what you had needed all that time. Having their shoulders to cry on was enough to mend your broken heart, at least a little. They made you laugh and smile in a way you didn’t think possible to do with the pain you felt.
You sometimes forgot that your life didn’t revolve around Eren. Being so used to always being at his side, to always call him whenever you were upset or happy, you’d sometimes forget that Mikasa and Armin always stood beside you through the path. Never once abandoning you. It was nice to be reminded of how much you still have, with how much your heart felt was losing.
Eren, meanwhile, was confused and worried. Carla, his mom, watched with a curious gaze as he paced back and forth in front of her, trying to argue with her about going to the police cause it wasn’t normal that you weren’t answering him.
“Eren, honey, she could be busy”
“No, mom, she always answers!” He almost screams “This is not normal! What if something happened to her? Mom, we have to go!”
It was truly an interesting sight. Eren who had grown up to hide his feelings behind a blank space was openly expressing his worry. Somehow you were always the one to let her catch a glimpse of her old sweet boy.
Carla sighs, “Can I at least call Y/M/N first? Just before you jump to conclusions?”
Eren grunts but nods. Carla sighs once more before grabbing her phone, dialing your mother’s number. Eren waits anxiously by her side, making her worry he’d run to the door any second with how fidgety he was.
“Hello. Carla?”
“Y/M/N! Hi! How are you?”
“Mom” Eren whines in a whisper, urging her to get to the point.
“Sorry to call, I just wanted to—”
A crash sounds through the phone, making both Jaeger’s jump.
“Y/N! What are you guys doing?” They hear your mom scream.
“Sorry, mom! I got scared and my bowl fell!”
Eren visibly relaxes in his place once your voice sounds through the phone. Carla eyes him with curiosity. He had his hand over his chest as if the relief of you not being in trouble was finally allowing him to breathe.
“Sorry, Carla. Y/N is watching some scary movie with Mikasa and Armin” she laughs “You know them, can never leave them unsupervised”
Eren straightens in his seat. Mikasa and Armin? You were with them?
He stopped listening to the conversation after that. Why weren’t you answering him? Since when did you text them before you texted him? Didn’t you know he’d worry? Even better, why didn’t you invite him? Didn’t you want him there?
That couldn’t be it. You never left his side. You were even more annoying than Mikasa when you were kids, always glued to his side. Although not as protective as the dark haired beauty, your presence was always clinging to his. That hadn’t changed throughout the years. You clung to him every step of the way. Always making sure to be at his side no matter what. Even when your grades were good enough to take higher classes, you stuck by him. Never going too fast, never going too slow; you always stood by him.
And he never pushed you away, not like he did with Mikasa. He never could.
He tries texting you again, thinking that maybe the texts hadn’t gone through. But he knows better. He just doesn’t want to know better.
When the weekend ends, Eren, for the first time ever, gets to school in time. Honestly, he just wanted to be there when you got there, not wanting to miss you by chance.
“Eren!” He hears Historia before she sees her “How was your weekend? I haven’t heard from you since the dance?”
“Huh?” Historia hugs him, but he’s too distracted scanning the hallway for you.
“Thank you so much” she smiles “I had a lot of fun. I was really sad Ymir couldn’t make it, but you help it be a fun night”
“Yeah. No problem”
Historia frowns confused, “You okay?”
“Have you seen Y/N?”
Historia tilts her head, “Yeah, she was by Calculus with Jea—woah! Where are you going?”
He’s out of her sight before she can even finish her sentence. All he could think about was seeing you.
He just didn’t expect to see you with Jean.
He stopped midway. His heart tightens as he sees you laugh happily because of something Jean just said. His fist clenches when he sees the way Jean is smiling at you.
He didn’t like the way Jean was looking at you.
The bell rings and he moves fast, scared to lose you from his sight, as you walk to your class. Imagine his surprise when he goes in to find you sitting with Jean. He frozed for a second. Was he still dreaming? You always sat with him. Always had. What was going on?
You look up from your notebook to see Eren looking like kicked puppy in front of you. He looked lost. Which was weird. Never had you ever seen that expression on his face.
Jean, who’s at you side, frowns in bewilderment. He didn’t remember the last time Eren had shown so much emotion.
“Eren” you whisper before smiling faintly “H-hi, I didn’t see you come in”
“What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
Your teacher comes in before he can open his mouth again and he soon is obligated to sit behind you with Marco.
His jaw clenches. He didn’t understand. Had he done something wrong? Why were you not sitting with him? Why even though you smiled at him did he feel you so distant? Why did it hurt him so much to see you smiling and whispering with Jean when he knows he is your friend?
He didn’t really pay attention to anything their teacher said, too lost in his own thoughts to even bother caring.
The bell rings and he jumps off his seat, but before he can catch you someone grabs his arm.
“Mikasa” he moves his arm but she doesn’t let him go “Mikasa, let go”
“Leave her alone, Eren”
He looks at her with no expression, though the girl for a second could see how his eyebrow twitched.
“I need to talk to her”
“Her world doesn’t revolve around you” she scoffs “So don’t act like it does”
“What do you mean?”
“Weren’t you just about to go ask her why she didn’t sit with you?” She raises a brow “She doesn’t have to be at your side 24/7”
He hates that she knows him so well. Hates even more that she is right. You don’t owe him anything, you can sit with whoever you want. So why did he felt the need for one?
He jerks his arm off Mikasa’s grip and scoffs. Maybe you just wanted to talk to Jean, things would go back to normal soon enough.
At lunch you didn’t say by him either, you sat in between Sasha and Mikasa. Laughing loudly while sharing your lunch with Braus. He naively waited for you to hand him the chocolate chip cookie you always made for him, yet this time you didn’t.
And it went on for two months.
He couldn’t handle it anymore. 62 days of agony waiting for you to turn to look at him first, just to never do it. 62 days of waiting hours before you text him back. 62 days of seeing you sit with everyone but him. 62 days of wondering if you’ll show up or not at his game. 62 days of being invited to movie nights at your house by Mikasa or Armin, never by you.
He couldn’t bare it anymore and it didn’t take long for his friends to notice. Emotionless and unbothered Eren Jaeger jumping out of his seat every single time you entered the room. Eren Jaeger who cannot stop clenching his fist and moving his leg when you haven’t made an appearance. Eren Jaeger who looks like a lost child every single time you don’t give him his attention.
They honestly grew tired of it.
“You need to talk to him”
You blink, confused, at Armin, “what?”
“It’s been two months, Y/N, and he looks like a kicked puppy. You need to talk to him”
“What am I supposed to say?”
“Just let him know you’re still friends. That you’re not mad at him” he sighs “Things don’t have to go back to how they were, but he deserves to know he did nothing wrong. He can’t stop pouting and, honestly, I feel kinda sorry for him”
You sigh. Armin is right, as always. It wasn’t fair for Eren, who is your best friend, to feel like he has done something wrong when he truly hasn’t. You needed to make things right. You needed to salvage your friendship with him.
That’s why you come to school the next day with a box of the homemade chocolate cupcakes he loves so much.
That’s why you stand in front of your school’s doors waiting for him to arrive.
Your heart clenches with how defeated he looks once he does. And when your eyes find one another, you can physically see the hope and relief that he feels.
“Y/N” he sighs.
“Eren” you smile “I, uh… I wanted to apologize. I know I’ve been a little distant lately and—”
“Why?” He begs “Why have you been distant?”
You open and close your mouth, your finger tightening around the box in your hands. You had to be honest. You had to voice what you had silenced for so long. That way you would be able to move on, that way he’d understand why you needed to keep him at arm’s length.
“I, uh, um… I sa-saw you and His-Historia at the dance” you clear your throat “It wasn’t your fault! I swear I’m not mad and I never was! It’s just—it just hurt… that’s why I needed space. I liked you and it hurt”
You sigh, and extend the box towards him before slightly bowing your head.
“I’m sorry!”
You stay with your head down for a few seconds. He doesn’t move nor answers and it makes you wonder if he is mad you didn’t just tell him sooner, if he thinks you’re immature for not talking to him before so he could understand.
You feel the box being taken from your hands and before you can react you feel him lower his body, making you stand straight. Yet his face still falls on your shoulder. You feel his body relax as soon as it comes in contact with yours, and you feel him breathe in relief once he can feel your lavender scent. You don’t move, you don’t know exactly what to do in that moment. Does this mean he understands? Does it mean he is not mad? Are you both okay?
“I missed you” he whispers “I missed you so much”
“I—I missed you too, Eren”
“Never do that again” he begs softly “Please. Never leave me again”
“I, uh—I won’t”
“It’s you, Y/N” he continues “It’s always been you”
Your heart beats loudly in your chest at the declaration, yet confusion follows.
“But Histo—?”
“Historia was just sad Ymir couldn’t make it to the dance” he explains softly “I went to help her forget about it for a while”
“It’s you, Y/N. Always has been, always will be” he continues “Promise not to give up on me? Please. I just—please, don’t leave me”
You find yourself wrapping your arms around him, and he hides his face on your neck with content and relief.
“I promise”
The next time your friends see you both, you’re no longer clinging to him. Instead, Eren has his arm around your shoulders, holding you close to him. And, for the first time in a long time, he is smiling. That boyish smile they had all missed.
Your mom had been right. It was just one heartbreak before your happily ever after. She just didn’t know it would be the same person who’d mend it.
You just had to have a little patience.
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guavi · 8 months
I made Aziraphale’s waistcoat about two months ago and boy it was a journey
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Rant about the process under cut!
First thing to do was pick a fabric. For the visible fabric on the front and collar, I knew I definitely wanted to use something piled. I also did not want to use a synthetic fabric, which would have been cheaper but miserable to wear. I settled on cotton velveteen which would be more comfortable, slightly cheaper and easier to work with than silk velvet, and generally less shiny than silk. I was able to order some beautiful cotton velveteen from someone local.
Unfortunately it was not even in the same ballpark as the color I needed. This was due to a combination of reasons including the lighting in the photos they had (they were online only and didn’t have a storefront I could walk into), piled fabric in general being nigh impossible to accurately photograph the color of, and probably also some variations between dye batches. This is why we buy swatches when we can, folks.
The fabric itself was absolutely lovely though. So. No biggie I’ll just dye this myself what could go wrong
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The dark brown here is after the first dye; the scrap laying on top on the right is the original color; the beige coat underneath for color reference. Note that even the colors in this picture looked quite different from irl. I did dip a scrap in first to check the color, but because Dyeing Is Weird and also I made some mistakes the final dye did not end up the same. I can write several more paragraphs on why this probably happened. We’d be here for a while.
But maybe it’ll be fine right? The color’s not exact but not offensive, maybe I’ll just start sewing and it won’t bother me that much.
Here’s a bit of that process, where you can see the interior of the waistcoat with interlining and twill tape, following some 19th century construction techniques. Lots of tedious but relaxing hand sewing. (Also, real pockets!)
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I chose broadcloth for the interlining rather than a more typical canvas, because I wanted a more soft and aged look rather than crisp and new.
(I made another mistake here using cotton twill tape straight off the roll, which shrunk later in the process. You can see this later in how the edges pucker a bit. Oops. Oh well.)
(I also have no other photos of this stage because I went into the hyperfocus zone and forgot about everything except the task in front of me)
Turns out I was not ok with the color. It bothered me a lot.
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So I tried to bleach it a tad to lighten the color, but Bleaching Is Also Weird and doesn’t always give you back the same color but lighter.
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I got back something extremely orange tones, which bothered me even more. Had a minor breakdown until reboot papped me and helped me talk through how to fix this.
This ended up going through another round of light bleaching, and two rounds of dyeing over with blue to cancel out the orange. Finally I got something I was happy with!
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You can very clearly see the puckering here caused by the shrinking tape..thankfully a good steaming was able to get rid of the worst of it.
The color is also slightly uneven if you look very closely, because rounds of the dyeing/bleaching happened after it was sewn together rather than as fabric pieces. Oh well. I can chalk this up to an “aged” look.
Time to finish it off with some buttons and 19th century style hand-worked buttonholes! The buttons aren’t accurate but I just went for ones that were the right size and vibes.
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Last step was to add the wear around the buttons, hem, and collar. I’m sure there’s some faster way to do this, but I did it with a pair of eyebrow tweezers to pluck out the pile and a bit of sandpaper to finish off.
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And that’s it! For the waistcoat at least. I also made the outer coat, the bow tie, and the blue shirt because I couldn’t find one for purchase that fit me. I still need to make other things. But that’s for another time.
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skribbyposts · 7 months
HEY YALL!!! comes back after like 2 weeks and drops this. hgnhg small waist Sanji gives me brain worms (they do the same to Zoro trust) so have this fic about it!!1111!!!!! It's also up on my Ao3 if you wanna view it there!! okay buckle in children ~~~~~~~~~~~
Sanji loves dressing nice. 
Ever since he was old enough to fit in them, he’d never step foot outside without at least a dress shirt on. The constant dressing up was more of an insecurity problem than anything, when he was younger. 
Coming back from Momoiro, Sanji’s learned a lot more about himself than he anticipated - now he just wears suits ‘cause they look really good on him. Sanji has a nice figure. He knows he does. He keeps lean because of the way he fights, and the three-pieces he wears do wonders for showing off his legs. 
When he feels like it, he’ll even put on a corset underneath his button-down sometimes. he’s noticed that it’s gotten easier to put them on in the mornings the longer he wears them, and he doesn’t necessarily mind his waist getting smaller with time.
Looks like someone else noticed too.
For some context, It starts when his crew finally reunites.
Reuniting in Sabaody surrounded by the crewmates he’s missed for so long feels so rejuvenating. Everybody’s laughing, gossiping, and he feels home again, for the first time in two years. 
Everyone’s almost here, besides the marimo - lost in transit, Sanji guesses. Luffy’s already complaining about his empty stomach, whining for Sanji to make him something
Sanji prepares to kick the idiot in the head, when suddenly the ground shakes.
He looks over to the commotion, and finds two halves of a ship crashing into the shoreline. Unfortunately he has a lucky guess as to what - or rather, who - caused this.
“Shit,” Sanji mutters. Why is it always something with that algae-headed fool?
As it turns out, Sanji was right. upon returning to Sabaody (without his eye, might he add), Zoro had somehow arrived first and proceeded to get himself lost on a completely different ship. Instead of getting off and looking for his crew like a normal person, he cleaved the entire thing in two to ‘get to shore faster’. 
“It’s been two years, and you’re still as much of an idiot as the last time i saw you, marimo.” Sanji huffs, pulling said marimo by his ear towards the Sunny. 
On the contrary, Zoro has not said a word since Sanji picked him up from the ruins of the ship he destroyed. It’s a little concerning, considering all the pair really do is bicker when they’re together.
Sanji turns around briefly to examine the man he’s dragging behind him. “are you even paying attention to me, or has all the algae on your head clogged up your ears?”
Zoro stumbles over his words before he splutters something something about Sanji’s collar being wrinkly, which the other man knows is a lie (because he steamed his button down this morning…)
Even so, Sanji narrows his eyes at the green-haired idiot before feeling around the collar of his shirt just in case. “No it’s not, you idiot!” He hisses, and flicks Zoro on the side of the head, and they fall into their usual banter as they head back to the rest of the crew. 
Every time he looks back at Zoro to deliver a scathing remark, though, he swears something’s…off about the other. He leaves it be for the time being, hoping it’ll resolve itself.
It does not resolve itself, unfortunately for Sanji.
Everyone boards the Sunny joyfully, the ship exploding in laughter as they make their hasty escape from Sabaody. They settle back onto the ship in a matter of hours, and it’s like they never left.
A few days later, Sanji finishes up stocking up the galley’s storage room earlier than he expected, so he makes smoothies for the crew as a sort of welcome-back gift. He leaves his jacket in the galley because it’s pretty sunny where they are right now.
As he bustles around the ship and hands the drinks out to the crew, he feels a set of eyes boring into his back from the edge of the ship. It seems the marimo’s developed a staring problem - ironic, seeing(HA!) that the man is missing an eye.
When he comes around to deliver Zoro’s plain matcha, Zoro’s eyes are closed and he acts like he wasn’t staring a hole directly between Sanji’s shoulder blades the whole time the blond was on deck. Sanji pauses to study the other man for a moment, wondering if Zoro knows his fluttering eyelashes betray the fact that he’s awake.
“Hey. Hey, you lazy fuck!” Sanji kicks at Zoro’s shoulder, careful not to jostle the drink he has in his hand.
“ What? ” Zoro snaps, his eye snapping open.
Sanji crouches down to place the drink next to him, and levels Zoro with a suspicious glare; like trying to say ‘ you’re not slick ’, but telepathically. 
Zoro seems to realize what’s gong on, and instead of answering he takes an obnoxiously long (and fucking loud) sip as he stares the blonde down with a blank face. 
Blue stares into gray (were Zoro’s lashes always that long?) as Sanji tries to puzzle out what exactly is going on with the marimo. The longer he stares, the more he notices Zoro’s eyes creeping downwards, and the blush materializing on Zoro’s (and subsequently, his own) face, and Sanji looks away because what the fuck ? Is he? Doing that for?!
Sanji straightens up with a huff, trying to cover his embarrassment as he scuttles back to the galley.
When he looks outside the window after a few minutes of calming himself down, he sees the swordsman looking down at his hands, doing…something. He’s cupping both hands into a C-shape and putting them closer and farther apart like he’s gauging something.
What a fucking weirdo , Sanji thinks, and tries to preoccupy himself with something else in the galley.
It all comes to a head one night a week after.
Sanji’s washing dishes after dinner, the rest of the crew presumably settled down and tucked into bed. He’s frantically scrubbing ketchup crust off one of his favorite plates when he hears the door crack open.
“Luffy, you’re not-” Sanji turns around, expecting to defend the fridge with his life - and it’s not Luffy.
Instead, It’s Zoro, who hasn’t come into the galley to steal booze in like… a while. There goes Sanji’s hopes that he might’ve broken that habit.
“Oh,” Sanji says, while the other man stands awkwardly in the doorway. “You’re more welcome in here than he is, I guess.” He nods to the chair, gesturing for Zoro to sit as he turns back around to continue washing dishes.
Zoro sits, evident by the scraping of the chair. “Don’t go looking through my cabinets, marimo,” Sanji quips, “I’ll get you a bottle as soon as I’m done.”
Zoro grunts an affirmative from behind him, and Sanji finishes washing up the last few cups and shit before wiping his hands off and heading towards the wine cabinet.
Sanji feels Zoro’s eyes on him as he bends down to reach for a bottle of rum, and here’s where things start to spiral.
Sanji decides this is the perfect time to have a talk . So, he sets down two glasses on the table where Zoro is sitting, and fills each to the brim before slamming the bottle down derisively.
“Okay,” Sanji starts. “I know you’re a man of few words, or whatever, but you really gotta start talking. Now.”
Zoro snorts into his drink, setting it down before speaking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, like the smug shit he is.
“Yes you do.”
“Nope. I don’t.”
“You’re fucking insufferable, you know that?” Sanji gripes, taking a long sip from his glass. “Let me lay it out for you. You either tell me what’s going on, or, stop staring at me before i take out your other eye, asshole.”
Zoro stares resolutely at the table, picking up his glass of rum and mumbling something into the rim without making eye contact with the man across from him.
“What’s that, marimo?”
“I just wanted to see something,” the green-haired man says, a little louder this time.
“Well, if it was that simple, you could’ve just asked.” Sanji shrugs. “Stop being weird about it.”
Sanji hears something faintly like 'no, I couldn’t have' from the marimo before he sighs in resignation and gets up. “Cook, stand up.”
Sanji is confused. “What? Why?”
One of Zoro’s hands move to pinch the bridge of his nose. “This is me asking! Just…do it.”
Oh, so that’s where this is going. “Marimo, even without my shoes on, I’m still taller than you.”
“Okay, whatever, come closer.” Zoro says, still managing to look anywhere but Sanji’s eyes.
Sanji expects a hand at his forehead to, you know, measure height. Instead, Zoro does that weird C- shape he’s been doing with his hands all week, and Sanji feels a warmth around his midsection through the light blue dress shirt he has on.
Zoro’s staring with half-lidded eyes at something and Sanji follows his gaze lower, as they both look at the tan hands resting around his waist. 
Zoro’s thumbs touch - no, they overlap - where they rest above Sanji’s navel, and oh, oh .
The two stand there, stock still, in complete silence, and Sanji can't help the fast beating of his heart as his mind conjures up the image of those firm, calloused hands touching there without the stiff cotton in between -
The silence in the galley is broken by the drip of liquid, and Sanji belatedly realizes it’s coming from him as a splat of red falls onto Zoro’s hands.
“ Hoooo-ly shit, ” Zoro whispers, and, yeah, holy shit is right, because this has unlocked something in Sanji that he was very unprepared for.
Sanji snaps out of whatever fucking trance he was in and frantically tries to save his shirt, moving to get a paper towel from the counter (and mourning the loss of Zoro’s palms touching his waist). “Fuck, fuck! ” Sanji dabs at the stain on the front of his shirt, but to no avail. He settles for wiping his face clean instead.
When Sanji turns around to face him, The marimo is staring at him with wide eyes and the deepest flush Sanji thinks he’s ever had. “Okay, okay.” This is fine , Sanji thinks, and takes the opportunity to stride up to the table they were sitting at and down not only his rum, but Zoro’s as well. 
He coughs as the liquid goes down his throat, and he kind of regrets doing that, but he needs the courage (and the chance he won’t remember this tomorrow). 
Sanji holds up a hand. “Don’t - don’t say anything.” Zoro falls silent.
He takes a deep breath in, collecting himself before he speaks.“Is that a thing? For you?.”
“Well, I mean-”
“Answer the goddamn question.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” Zoro admits, his tone more confused than anything now.
“So,” Sanji calmly says, “Would you be open-”
“Are you propositioning me-” 
Yes. “I swear to god , Zoro.”
He seems to get the message, swallowing thickly before nodding once. Great.
“Good,” Sanji sighs, unbuttoning the two topmost buttons on his dress shirt. “Then, you mind doing that again?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
errmmmmm i hate beta reading so there might be a buncha mistakes in here please lmk if you spot one!! anyway these two are my little meow meows i cant stop writing about them.
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indecenthoney · 6 months
To Bite The Hand That Feeds You
Our story revolves around Adam and Zoey, childhood friends, currently facing some unprecedented difficulties in their relationship. With 3rd party influences, any sort of progress has come to a complete stop as Zoey is urged to move on from her childhood crush. With time, she finds herself gradually drawn to another guy, much to the dismay of her longtime friend Adam, who has been silently repelled by the unfolding situation. Despite weathering life's ups and downs together and appearing perfectly suited for each other, they have never taken their relationship beyond friendship, surprising everyone around them. Adam, overwhelmed by his deep feelings for Zoey, realizes that he has no other choice than to make his move or risk losing her forever.
It was quite unlike me to run late, especially when it came to picking up Zoey, who often had the tendency to walk off to god knows where. She had always been an empty-headed idiot who would go out of her way just to make someone happy. An easily influential child like her caused me to worry about her well-being. It’s honestly quite a surprise how she made it to college. Even if she did have trouble understanding concepts or even reading the atmosphere, she would always put on that damn smile that I loved so much. Zoey was an entity of unwavering perseverance and unconditional love. To put it in simple terms, she was a puppy. Nonetheless, Zoey was my puppy. Even if she doesn’t quite know it yet.
“There you are… Good… You actually listened this time… And here I thought you’d wander off again… Ready? I’ll drop you home…”
“Adam! What? No! I was just… looking around last time! Oh! Before we go! I would like you to meet my new friend, Tyler! He’s been super nice to me and always buys me snacks to eat during our lectures! We even planned to have a little study session at his house on Saturday! Isn’t that cool? It’ll be my first college hang-out!” 
“Right… Nice to meet you… I guess… Anyway… Zoey, let’s go…”
“Boyfriend? Adam? Uhm no h-he’s just… my childhood friend… A-anyway I’ll see you on Saturday, alright! Yeah, I’m looking forward to it! Byeeee! Adam… That was really rude… You could’ve at least made a new friend…” 
“Excuse me...? Zoey... You are not going to that boy’s dorm…”
“WHAT! Why not? I finally made a friend in college! Why can’t I see him?”
“Zoey… Just trust me… Alright? Maybe you’re still a little too naive to understand… but just trust me…”
“You’re not my dad… I can do whatever I want! I’m in college! What do you care?!?” 
“And you’re just a little GIRL… Who can’t think for herself?! So I’m doing it for you! Just LISTEN… You are not allowed to go to his dorm… and I prohibit you from ever talking to him ever again… Is that understood?” 
“I hate you!”
I know what I said could be interpreted as controlling, but all I wanted was to look out for her. After our little argument, she ran off on her own. Luckily enough, I had her location on my phone and had been trailing her for the past hour while she made several pit stops at her favorite cafes. In all honesty, Zoey has never been tech-savvy making it easier for me to tamper with her phone, but it was for the greater good. Who knows what would happen to her? You can judge me all you want, but she ended up calling me a few moments later to pick her up after getting lost. 
“Calm down… Just tell me where you are… and I’ll pick you up… So there’s a tree… Uhuh… and a building? Could you be any clearer… Alright… I’m coming… Just stay put…”
Not that I needed to ask for her location, but it was better than her asking how I found her in the first place. The car ride home was awfully quiet and we’ve never really had this much tension between us. It hurt me to see this side of her. But I much preferred it over some guy taking advantage of her. Once we arrived, there was a long pause before Zoey headed out. No words were exchanged during that moment despite us both wanting to say something. It was an easy tell, telling from her quivering lips. Something I’ve grown fond of. She had the habit of holding back when trying to say something. I would always figure it out whether it be some pastry she wanted to try or to tell me some ridiculous fact. This time, however, was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I felt my chest cave in as she walked away and closed the door. In the following days, my mind was filled with unlikely scenarios. It drove me mad. I wanted to protect her more than anything in the world even if she hated me. I later took a couple of days of knowing she’d come and check on me. Zoey would always drop by without fail even if she was sick herself. I guess in her mind, taking care of someone else weighed heavier than her own. I knew without a doubt if I took some days off, she would surely show up. And she did.
“Oh… It’s you… Come in…”
“T-thank you… Uhm… I just wanted to check up on you… You haven’t picked me up from any of my classes like you usually do… and I haven’t seen you around campus… So I got really worried… Is everything okay?
“I-I know we sort of had a little fight the last time we saw each other and… I’m sorry… But I’m still putting my foot down… I want to hang out with my new friend… but I also want for us to make up… You have to trust me… I can handle myself! I’m a big girl now! I can tie my shoes and everything! Heheh… Please, Adam?”
“Fine. I trust you. I just want you to know that I care about you. I just didn’t anything bad to happen to you. And I don’t want to risk it. Forgive me.”
“Adam… You’re so silly… I forgive you! Mm! You’re the sweetest! I’ll be meeting him later by his dorm! And if anything, I’ll text you right away! I promise! Sooooooo what have you been up to? You didn’t answer my question! I didn’t see you all week!”
“Took some time off to work on a project… On the bright side, I’m just about done… All that’s left is to record and test my thesis…”
“Oh! I don’t quite get it… but is there… anything I can do?”
“You really don’t have to…”
“I want to! We haven’t spent any time together in a while, so this’ll make up for it! Yeah? I’ll do anything! ”
“Alright… If you insist… Thank you… Go on and head down to my room… I’m just going to get a few things before we start… You can sit by my desk since I gotta record the whole thing…”
“Heheh! Yes sir!”
After sending her off to my room, I packed a few necessities for this experiment.  Truth be told, I was a little too focused to answer her questions. To keep her preoccupied, I had prepared her some snacks and hot chocolate while she waited. Making sure that every angle was just right. A smile crept up on my face as I watched her happily eat her snacks. Taking a sip and then another. Completely downing the sedative that I had placed into her drink. Watching her fight off the drowsiness before going completely limp. Giving me the chance to finish my preparation for my little experiment.
“Oh? Hey there, sleepy head… Did you have a good nap? I hope so… You were snoring pretty loudly…” 
“Mmph… What time is it? AM I LATE? H-hey… What the… What is this?”
“Hey hey… Don’t worry… It’s still four hours until your little play date… You’ll still make it in time… As for the cuffs… Well… You did say you were going to help me out with my thesis, right?” 
“I… I guess but… Are the cuffs really necessary?”
“Mhm… We wouldn’t want to mess up my data, would we? Exactly… Now all I need you to do is to be pretty and sit still for me… Can you do that, hun? Yeah? You look really pretty by the way… I always loved this skirt… That’s it… Smile for the camera… Good girl…” 
“Hehe… uhm… what exactly is your project about? A-adam? Hahahah… W-what’s with the knife? Wait wait… Please…We can talk about this right? Please don’t hurt me…”
“I’m not going to hurt you, silly… Look at me… I would never hurt you… I love you too much to hurt you…”
“Y- you l-love me? A-adam… I…” 
“Of course… And yes, as embarrassing as it is to say… I do love you… I love you enough to teach you a lesson… After all, you’re just a dumb… little… girl who doesn’t know any better… but that’s okay! I’m here now… Aw… Sweetie… There’s no need to be afraid… It’s me… I’ve always taken care of you, haven’t I? I know what’s best for you… and that filthy fuck boy isn’t it…”
“N-no he’s not like that… He just wants to study…”
“Study? Hahaha… That idiot? Study? I’m sure he’ll have a lot of fun studying you… Holding you down… Playing with you… Fucking you silly… What then? How will you call me then? Hm? Exactly… You’re just a naive little girl… Don’t believe me? Why don’t I show you firsthand how he’ll toy with you, yeah?”
Irregular breaths arose from silence; the edge of my knife flaw at her skin leaving but a trace of crimson. Her eyes fixated on the blade, struggling to comprehend such a surreal situation. Was this nightmare truly reality? Her best friend, whom she loved since the beginning, tearing away at her innocence with the same smile he had given her all her life. That same smile bore a twisted form of affection, transforming what was once warm and nurturing into something sickening and perverse. 
“Will you relax? When did you become such a drama queen? That little boy toy of yours was going to take these off anyway… so what does it matter if I cut your panties off? It’s not like you were going to need them later… Zoey? Sweetie? Hey… Are you even listening? Fuck… What will I ever do with you? If you can’t even pay attention to me… how could you ever pay attention in class..? And Tyler or whatever his name was, isn’t helping… “
“Adam… We’re just friends… You have to believe me… Ow… You’re hurting me…”
“Oh? Hahahah… Was I gripping too hard? You poor thing, you’re shaking… Shhhh… It’s okay… I’m sorry for cutting you…  I’ll kiss it better… Fuck, what soft thighs you have… I’m honestly getting a little jealous… You say that you’re friends but… Tell me… do you like him…? I see the way you look at him… The way you laugh at his jokes… The way you fidget after keeping eye contact for a second too long…” 
“Adam! Stop it! This is crazy… Let me go! I’m bleeding… ”
“Silly Zoey… It’s just a few nicks… Your big girl, you can handle a few cuts… Now… Answer me… Do… you… like… him..? I want to hear you say it… cause I mean come on… It’s so fucking obvious… Being so eager and insistent on seeing him… I bet you were looking forward to having your little play date… Having his hands explore every inch of your slutty body… Having him bend you over his desk? I mean it’s fucking laughable…  You? Study? Hahahah… I’ll ask you again… Do… you… like… him..?” 
“You’ve changed… So so stubborn… Whatever happened to my Zoey… My sweet, sweet Zoey…  Oh? Do you have something to say? Did you get turned on by the thought? Having him fill your pretty little holes to the brim… C’mon, use your words…”
“F-fuck… S-stop… t-touching my c-clit… Mmph… Please… I can’t- I can’t-... Aaa…” 
“What? You can’t what? Form a proper thought? Hahahah…. Fuck… I’m starting to think the problem is this right here… I don’t blame you… It gets the best of us… The feeling… The need to get off… Not being able to think straight without cumming first… Why don’t we fix that? Just say the word… You can tell me to go faster… slower… Whatever you want, hun… I’m here to help you… You don’t need some boy toy to do it for you… You have me…”
“Aaa-... I-I don’t… Mmph… wan-... i-it…”
“And now you’re a liar? It really is a fall from grace… It’s like you’re someone else entirely… My Zoey wouldn’t lie… Even if you say you don’t want it… It’s clear to me that you need this… C’mon… Be honest… Doesn’t it feel good? Having my thumb run along your needy little cunt… Rubbing circles around your desperate little cunt… Hahaha… God, you’re fucking filthy… I mean look at you… Leaking… Like a bitch in heat… What? Aren’t you at all embarrassed? I’m barely even touching you and you sound so fucking pathetic…”
“Mm… A-aaa… I-I… Mmm! N-not… f-filthy…”
“Awww sweetie… Of course not… You? Filthy? This is only temporary… Just a little bump on the road… After all, my Zoey isn’t filthy, right? It’s all just a minor setback… That’s what it is… And after I’m done with you… you’ll be as good as new… You’re just a bit rebellious… A phase if you will… But Adam it’s not a phase… Ah shhhhh… shhhh… Don’t you worry your little head… Adam will put on back on the right track… Why don’t we get you cleaned up, yeah? ”
In hand, were the two means of cleansing the ache between her deprived thighs. Her look twisted and perplexed at my intentions. Toothpaste and toothbrush. An odd pairing to such a surreal situation. Placing them aside, I knelt to the ground finding my way to her. Licking along her cunt, heavy with desire, before familiarizing myself once again with her aching clit. A dreadfully slow pace of what could take hours upon hours to finally reach culmination. Her face flushed to an even brighter shade of red after witnessing her best friend buried between her. An intoxicating wave of pleasure begins to overwhelm her with each flick of my tongue. Happily eating her out without regard for her constant disapproval. Prying her legs open with such force that it would be no surprise if it were to leave marks. My lips pressed against her opening; dipping my tongue deep as it would let me. Her hips buck and retreat only for me to pull her back in place for another taste. Another bite. Another feast. A gentle, yet eager throb envelopes me; a warmth soon after responds to my sensual touch leaving her a whimpering, disheveled mess. To my surprise, Zoey was closer than I had anticipated. Was it her lack of experience? Or possibly the excitement that came along with such a depraved act. Honestly, I was unsure. Not that it mattered at the moment nor did I care. There were no words of protest left, only the sounds of pleasure that reverberated in my ears. Even then, it would have been better to be safe than ruin our little experience.
“A-adam…? A-are you done? Can I please leave? I-I don’t want to do this anym-more… Please… I’m begging you…”
“Done? Oh, sweetheart… You don’t mean that, do you? I mean… we’re just getting to the good part… Tell me… Are you close? Tell Adam how badly you want it…”
“I-I’ve been telling you… I don’t… want this…! If anything, you’re the one that’s acting crazy! I… I just want my Adam back…” 
“Zoey… Fuck… I never… meant to hurt you… I just… I didn’t want to lose you… You must’ve been so scared… I’m sorry…”
“Okay… This is what we’ll do… I’ll clean you up… Get you a snack… and I promise we’ll go back to being our happy old selves, alright? Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me?”
“Mm! I-It’s okay… You’ve always been a bit sort of a worry wart… and always did your best to look out for me… So I’ll forgive you! Oh! And if we make it on time… I can still get to his house… Do you mind dropping me there? Heheh… A-adam? Why’d you stop?”
“And here I thought you learned your lesson… Got my hopes up for nothing…” 
“W-what’re you doing?”
“I’m cleaning you up, of course… The toothpaste might tingle a bit… But I’m sure after the pain subsides… or hopefully, it does… you’ll be able to enjoy it! Seeing as how you didn’t learn your lesson… I guess I’ll have to go through with this… Now… smile for the camera, hun… We wouldn’t wanna disappoint our viewers now, would we?” 
“Viewers? Y-you’re streaming this?!?”
“Hahaha… Hey now… I wouldn’t fuss around too much if I were you…  But don’t you worry… I made sure that each and every angle doesn’t capture your face… and if you somehow move out of those boundaries… Well, I wouldn’t be so sure about your safety… Who knows? Maybe someone from college could be watching… Stroking themselves off… Fucking into their hand as they scan every inch of that indecent body of yours… I wouldn’t bother asking for help either… Each one of these men are here for you, hun… But in all seriousness… One more outburst and I’ll be sure to send a recording to your friend, Tyler… Hahahah… God, you’re so fucking… obedient when I mention Tyler, huh…? It kinda pisses me off… Fuck it… Let’s just get started…”
Believe it or not, I was hoping to avoid this. Despite the constant throb in my pants, it brought me no satisfaction to see Zoey trembling in fear. If only things turned out differently for the both of us. Then again, there was no point in having such thoughts. Having been idle for too long, I began toying with her. Gently biting and licking along her clit bringing about a swollen and needy version of her. Having known the new circumstances of our little project, she continued to stifle her moans in an attempt to keep some form of innocence. Faint whimpers escaping her lips as I rubbed her senseless, sending shockwaves all throughout her body. Vigorously shaking in her seat; gasping for air. Her hips unconsciously pushing against my tongue, nearing her climax. Only to pull away and be met with a toothbrush coated with toothpaste. An unfamiliar feeling bringing her back from her lustful daze. The coarse bristles grinding against her as she writhes within her restraints. All while the menthol slowly takes its effect, causing an irritable tingling sensation. 
“F-fuck… Mmm�� A-adam…? W-what are you doing? Aaaa… S-stop… Fuck… Fuck… Fuck… It… hurts… You can’t… do that… I’m too s-sensitive…”
“I’ll stop when you’ve learned your lesson… and what is this… You can’t business? Of course, I can… Watch me…” 
“It… burns… Please stop… I can’t… I can’t… I feel w-weird… I’m going to cum… Fuck me… I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna cum… A-aah… S-shit… A-aaa… Mmmph…”
“There we go… That’s one… A couple more time and maybe you’ll start thinking straight… Zoey… Look at the mess you made… Leaking all over my seat… In front of the audience… Bad Zoey… As punishment, I’ll have to flick your dumb needy clit a few times… This’ll hurt me more than it’ll hurt you…”
“A-adam… O-ow Please… No more… No more… It hurts…”
“Now now… You have to behave… One more time you close those legs… I’ll have no choice but to give the audience something else to look at… And as much as they would love to see you cry… I’m sure you don’t want them to see your pretty little face, do we? Just a few more flicks… and we’ll go back to making you feel good, yeah?”
“Ow… Fuck… A-adam… I’m sorry… Please… Ow…. Sh-shit…”
“Well that’s no good… Such a potty mouth… Let’s add a few more flicks… and this time… instead of cussing I want to hear a thank you… Understood? Zoey… I said… Is that understood?
“Y-yes… Okay… Mm… Okay… O-ow… T-thank you… Mmm… A-aaa… T-thank you… I-it hurts… A-adam… It hurts… Mmmph… T-thank… you… ” 
“Hahaha… Good girl… You catch on quick… Are you sure you aren’t a genius? Playing dumb so you can get what you want… One more…” 
“N-no… I’m not… A-aaa… O-ow…  Ow… Ow… T-thank you… A-adammmm…”
“Shhhhh… It’s okay… I know it hurts… You did good… I’m so proud of you, hun… Let’s get back to cleaning you up, yeah? Doesn’t it feel good? The burn on your swollen clit as I rub you stupid… Such a leaky fucking mess you are… Hahaha… Gonna cum, sweetheart? Go right ahead… Cum for me… God, you look so fucking desperate bucking your hips like that…”
“F-uck…. I-I’m c-cominggg…. Hnng… F-fffuck…. I’m sorry… A-adam… Thank you… T-thank you… Feelsh sho goood…”
“Mhm… It’s okay… That’s it… Such a good girl… Cum your brains out, hun… You’re overflowing… You must’ve been so pent up, huh…? No wonder you were acting out so much… You poor thing… You just needed some attention… It’s alright… Adam’s here now…” 
“A-adam? Mmph… You can stop now… I’m finished… I’m really sensitive there now… I need a break…”
“A break? Who said anything about stopping, sweetheart? After we’re done then what? You go off to see your little friend? I mean… I still haven’t confirmed if you learned your lesson or not… Plus I can’t let you leave until you get your fill… What kind of host would I be? Now don’t you worry you’re little head… You can stay here and cum to your heart’s content… to cum until you’re absolutely sick of it… to the point only I can get you off…”
“Hnnngg… F-fu..ck… I can’t think… I–It h-hurts… I don’t… wanna cum anymore… Ad-am…. A-aaa… Please…. Please… please… I’ll behave… Just stop….”
“You’ll what? You’re going to have to speak up, hun…”
“S-stop… going s-so… fa-ast… Yes… F-fuck… I’ll behave please… I’ll behave… I’ll be good… I promise… Just please stop…” 
“There you go again… You… keep… forgetting… your… thank… yous!” 
“Ow! Fu- Mmm… T-thank you… Th-ank you… I won’t… So please… I-I don’t wanna cum again… I’m too s-sensitive… I can’t take another one…”
“You won’t… What? You have to be more specific than that…” 
“I-I said… I’ll behave… I’ll stop seeing T-Tyler… Are you happy?” 
“That’s what I wanted to hear…  Good girl… I knew you’d come to your senses… But you know… since you’re already so close…  why don’t we finish you off? Think of it as a reward… or even a reminder… To never… ever… bite the hand that feeds you… Understood? Now buck those hips, princess… Fuck into my hand… That’s it…”
“A-adam… A..dam… I’m c-cumming… Mmmph… A-aaaaaaa…” 
With the final orgasm, I turned the stream off and proceeded to clean her up. Wiping away her tears before carrying her off to my bed. Placing kiss after kiss on her trembling lips distracting her before slowly slipping myself into her. Her wet drippy cunt greets me with an insatiable heat. Fucking away as her incessant moans fill my mouth after each exchange. Whispers of “Thank you” resound in my ear motivating me to further fill her depths with an even eager disposition. 
“Zoey... Z-zoey… F-fuck… I’m really close… Just a little longer… I promise… Okay? You’re a good girl… Just take it…”
“A-adam… It feels… good… Mm…” 
“Yeah? T-that’s good… I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself… but I have to pull out… or we’ll both be in trouble… Hey… R-remove your legs…”
“Inside… Please… Adam…”
“Z-zoey? I-I know you’re mad at me for bullying you earlier but… seriously… This isn’t funny…”
“A-adammmmmm… Y-you don’t love me? I… I love you…”
“I- Ugh… Fuck… Of course I do…”
“Then breed me… please…”
“Fine… I don’t want to hear you whining about it later… But even then I’ll be sure to take care of you, alright…? Silly Zoey…”
I guess even after all that happened that night, Zoey was still able to put on that smile of hers. She pulled a fast one on me and completely won me over. Even after multiple loads, she still had the energy to move her hips; keeping me on my toes at every second of our love-making. I can say without a doubt that she paid me back in full that night. Completely drained she found her place atop me hearing my heartbeat.
“I never had a crush on Tyler, you know…”
“What? Then why did you want to go so badly?” 
“Well… Our friends told me that… If I wanted you… then I’d have to make you jealous… and that you’d come running to me like dog… Heheh… And I guess it was true… Although, you were bit scary back there… Uhm... Were people actually watching us...? Should we be worried...” 
“Those fuckers… And no... I was lying to get a rise out of you... I didn't want you kicking and screaming... If anything... It's just recording...”
"I see... That's a bit fucked up... Hahaha... You're obsessed with me... Want to fuck me so badly... You must really love me, huh?"
"Shut up..."
“Say it! Tell me you love me!” 
“Where’s the toothpaste…?”
“Fine… I love you, Zoey… You’re mine and you better remember it…”
“Mm! Yes sir! Hehehe!” 
With love,
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fr3sh-tragedies · 2 months
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[Shadows of Rose] Rosemary Winters x Female Reader
Summary: Rose has grown to like you, though she keeps her feelings hidden, convinced that you wouldn't feel the same way. Her worries are relieved when you sit her down for a talk.
Word Count: 3.17k Content Warnings: Fear of rejection Category: Soft Angst + Heavy Fluff || One-shot
[A/N]: Reposting it just to see if the formatting issue was caused by the ask box.
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Blended between the gentle rustle of leaves and the soulful songs of birds chirping high above, hearty barks of laughter sprung to life. Trailing forward on the graveled path encircling the small scenic park, you and Rose snickered with each shared inside joke passed alongside light, playful pushes, uncaring of the eyes trained on you in curiosity and slight annoyance.
As she spoke about another joyous memory of hers, you couldn’t help but take notice of the features adorning the heavenly smile painted across Rose’s lips. Although her eyes only periodically met yours as she recalled and retold the story in her mind, the way they crinkled from the amusement – also evident in her tone – was prominent. Similarly, upon chuckling in response to a particularly comical moment, the bridge of her nose scrunched up, and you watched as her hands flew down to rest on her gut to prevent herself from doubling over as another wave of laughter erupted from her throat.
God, she was beautiful.
You’d known that since the moment you met her years ago during one of her outdoor training exercises. To this day you were unsure as to why she was suddenly allowed to train away from the BSAA grounds, though you would forever be grateful to the soldiers stationed there who let her be free for a day and enjoy the park between training sessions.
You remembered watching her in pure awe then, just as you continued to do now. Everything about her amazed you.
On that particular day when you had first met, it was inspiring to witness how effortlessly she seemed to move during practice, and even more breathtaking to see how intrigued she was by the nature that surrounded her when she was allowed a break. The way her cheesy grin grew as she watched two birds dancing up in the branches, how the brightness of her blue eyes filled with curiosity when they finally landed on you, how she eagerly bounced your way with her arm outstretched – each little characteristic she presented to you swept you off your feet.
“Hi, I’m Rose,” she chirped once you managed to snap out of your awestruck trance and take her hand into your own. When you timidly offered up your name, she nodded and repeated it. “Pretty name,” she noted out loud to herself. She hadn’t seemed to notice the way your body tensed, nor the way your face grew warm and red at her words. Instead, she asked what you were doing there, and more importantly why you’d been watching her.
A moment passed where you came forward with no explanation, desperately trying to find a good enough excuse that wouldn’t make you come across as odd to this new, bubbly girl. Finally, you forced yourself to admit that you thought what she had been doing looked cool. “Oh, really?” She asked, her brows raised. “Why don’t you join me then? It’ll be fun!”
At first you tried to deny her suggestion. All it took to win you over, however, was a small, drawn-out “please,” paired with the pleading eyes you would later learn to be her favorite way to convince you to do what she wanted. Ultimately, you agreed, and she led you to the small, secluded section of the park she had been using to train all day. Just as she had begun to explain one of the easier maneuvers, excited to have someone to finally talk to, a gruff, towering man approached, halting her small lesson with a question of his own.
“Who is this, Rose?”
She turned to him, all of a sudden trembling and waving her hands about as she did her best to defend herself to this strange man. “She’s just a friend,” was how she started, and his head cocked itself to the side, eyes trained heavily on you with some kind of emotion you couldn’t pinpoint. “I figured we could do a few of the training moves together for fun.” The man sighed, shoulders drooping with fatigue and rough hand raising to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Rose, we’ve been over this.”
“I know, but I just thought it wouldn’t hurt to ease up this once. Chris, I’ve been working so hard, just like you want me to, but I really want to take a break every once in a while. Why can’t I just relax for one day? Isn’t that why you brought me out here this time?”
You remembered standing there, hands practically tied together in an attempt to ease the harsh trembling they carried. The soft breeze that day only forced you to take notice of the frigid beads of sweat forming on the back of your neck, which you not-so-subtly swiped at as you listened to them speak. The nerves throughout your body spiked when the man, whose name you barely managed to pick up on as Chris, glared over at you once more.
Wordlessly, his gaze flickered between you and Rose. You could feel yourself melting beneath his crushing eyes, your own focus landing on the soft tufts of vibrantly green grass beneath your shoes.
“Just this once,” he said at length, prompting you to snap your head up to face him again. You weren’t sure who he was, but you could tell how important his word was to Rose, who had once again grown giddy at his permission. “Thank you, Chris,” she cheered as she tugged him sideways into a small hug.
She pulled you to a nearby spot and continued explaining the specific move she had tried to talk about earlier. Chris kept a watchful eye on the two of you, though you could tell it was more on you than her. After some time, you didn’t even notice him anymore, too engulfed in the game you and Rose had made up and started playing. By the time soft blues and purples began to paint the sky, you saw how he seemed to be more at ease around you, even offering you a kind smile before you parted ways with your new friend.
Now, as you trotted through the park with that same friend, it was all too easy to listen to her poke fun at a few failed training experiments she had with Chris over the years. Even with her teasing words, it was clear how much the man meant to her. “He’s like a second father to me,” she told you once.
As she finished her thought and turned to you, you blinked, unsure of whether or not she had asked you something. You had been too focused on how the palette of the setting sun casted itself beautifully over the blonde locks tucked underneath her cap and her pale skin, the hues alone making her look ethereal. You fidgeted with your phone in your pocket for a moment, wanting to capture her in that moment.
“Is there something on my face?” She questioned suddenly, subconsciously wiping her mouth as your silence briefly continued. “Oh, no,” you replied after finally coming back to your senses. “Sorry, I just kind of zoned out for a minute.” She hummed and nodded, a small smile toying effortlessly at the corners of her lips.
For a split second, you found yourself gawking at her again. Before she could catch you a second time, however, you coerced yourself to instead listen to the crunching of the gravel beneath your feet as they carried you forward, your eyes dropping to watch them do so. The cool wind that grazed over your skin was welcome in comparison to the burning sensation building up in your face, and you were unable to bite back a small huff of relief when it cooled and dried the droplets of sweat forming on your brow. Curiously, Rose glanced your way at the sound, though she looked ahead again when you said nothing more.
“So,” she started after walking a few more paces, “any ideas on what you want to do after high school? I mean, I know you told me about the college you want to go to and what you want to major in, but any plans for anything else?”
“Anything else?” You echoed. “What do you mean?”
Just as yours had done only a moment prior, Rose’s face seemed to burn scarlet red, though she quickly averted her eyes and turned her head to hide it. Forming a fist and bringing it up to cover her mouth, she cleared her throat and nodded. “Yeah, like…” She shrugged, though it seemed more like she was trying to get something off her shoulders than being casual about it. “I don’t know. Maybe start dating someone, or… do something else?” She scoffed. “I don’t know.” It hurt your heart to see her seem so anxious about something, but her tone and timidness brought a sense of endearment as well.
“Oh,” you blurted, mirroring her actions and turning away to hide the betrayal of your reddening features. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it awkward,” she murmured with a defeated sigh.
You desperately wanted to tell her she didn’t make anything awkward, wanted her to know there was nothing to feel guilty about, but it would be a blatant lie to say things weren’t uncomfortable. Instead, all you could offer up was a whispered “it’s okay.”
As the world around you quietened and settled to make way for the rising moon, your mind raced and scrambled for something more to say. “Well,” you squeaked out eventually. “I don’t know about dating anyone, but it would be nice to find a steady job so college doesn’t completely kick my ass.” A quiet chuckle slipped from her lips, though she seemed disappointed in your answer, her eyebrows creasing as though she had been expecting something else. Hoping for something else.
“Yeah,” was her only reply.
When your eyes finally wandered over to look at her, she seemed further away, her eyes slightly dull and that smile gone from her face entirely. Upon noticing this shift in her demeanor, you found yourself determined to cheer her up, eyes flickering around the area almost frantically for an escape from this tense atmosphere you had unintentionally built.
A few paces ahead was a bench, clear of other people and free from any potential prying eyes. As you crossed through the grass, Rose watched you with a hint of confusion, quickly trailing behind and ultimately joining you on the bench. Before any other thoughts could form, one thought in particular made itself known to you, one that had you crumbling slightly from fear.
It seemed the short-lived discussion of dating seemed to be the cause of her deflated charisma. Maybe bringing it up again in a different light would spark that gleam in her eyes again.
While your hands fiddled restlessly with the hem of your shirt, Rose looked around silently at the empty park, the tree behind the bench nearly drowning the both of you in total darkness as the sun continued to fall beneath the horizon. It took some time before she noticed your shuffling, though her face was quick to contort with concern when she did. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I just,” a quick clearing of your throat was made as an attempt to conceal the way your voice shook and cracked. “Can I be honest with you about something?” She nodded. “Of course.” “It has to do with what we were talking about earlier. About dating someone?” At your words, she seemed to perk up, a strange concoction of emotions flooding behind her gaze.
Even with the darkening shadows dimming any clarity given by her features, she made it evident that she had taken a sudden interest in what you had to say. She was eager.
You heard the rustling of her sleeves as her arms lurched forward toward you, only to falter and return to her sides, and could still make out the silhouette and the curve of her face when she winced at her own actions. You paid no mind to it, knowing that what you were wanting to say would probably bring you more grief than what she felt.
“I do actually like someone,” you mumbled, shying away from her gaze when it returned to you. “But will you promise me you won’t freak out if I tell you who it is?”
As if the incident from before had been replayed, she physically deflated at your words all over again.
“Uh,” she whispered, looking down unsurely.
“Yeah, sure. I promise.”
Her tone made you hesitate for a moment. If she was this upset just by you mentioning you had feelings for someone, how would she react to you admitting who it was? Before you could lose the nerve, you forced yourself to speak. “Well, she’s special to me. Ever since I met her, she’s done nothing but make me happy, and I feel like I can actually be myself around her. I feel… safe and secure with her, and I’ve honestly been picturing myself with her in the future.”
Each passing word seemed to crush Rose more and more, though you continued with this seemingly brutal torture anyway.
“She’s beautiful, and funny, and smart, and strong, and talented, and I didn’t realize how important she is to me until recently. I want to tell her how I feel and see if she feels the same, but I need you to be honest with me. Do you think she’d feel the same way?”
Bitterly, she shrugged and shifted her hands to toy with her fingers. “Depends,” she responded bluntly. “Who is it?”
“It’s you, Rose.”
For an agonizingly silent moment, all she could do was stare down at her hands, and you wondered to yourself if she had even heard you at all. Just as you parted your lips to repeat yourself, her head lifted and turned to you. The pale lighting from the slowly rising moon caressed her face, allowing you to see the starstruck expression that riddled her features. Shakily, she lifted her finger to point at herself. “Me?” She asked in disbelief, a scarlet red hue dusting across her cheeks.
When you nodded, it only took half a second before that gleaming smile you adored more than life itself broke out across her lips. “Oh,” she blurted, shrinking into herself a bit while her chipped nails tapped at the backs of her knuckles, her grin never fleeing.
Her eyes, although you couldn’t see them clearly in the little light provided, flickered down for a moment in thought before returning to your own gaze. “You’ve been picturing a future together with me?” You hummed and nodded, soft prickles bubbling up on the back of your neck as your mind tried to convince you of every possible way she could reject you then. The thumping of your heart skipped with fear when she laughed, and your head dipped down to hide your face.
“I never thought you’d actually feel the same way,” she confessed, hands writhing against one another. The moment the words left her lips, you found yourself glancing back up at her, eyes wide and mouth agape in shock. “You like me too?” Another soft chuckle. “Yeah, of course I do. I honestly thought I was horrible at hiding it, but apparently not.”
The corners of her lips perked up into a sly smirk. “Or maybe you’re just a little too dense for it.” Playfully, you smacked the side of her arm, which prompted another joyful laugh that you could never get enough of. Slowly, her hand slid over to cover yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “But in all seriousness, I really do like you. I’ve been wanting to tell you that for a while now, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I really didn’t think you would feel the same way.”
Tilting your head to the side, you gave a look of confusion. “What? Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re only, like, the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
She tucked her hair back out of her face before offering a small shrug as a response. Your question seemed to bring her a feeling of discomfort, and although you weren’t sure why, you were quick to try and think of a way to cheer her up again. Before you were able to speak, however, she answered you properly.
“Well, I mean… to be fair, I haven’t always exactly been liked. Before I met you, I had never actually fallen in love with anyone. Mainly because I’ve never been close to anyone before, but also because you’re the only person I actually feel safe with. I feel like I can be myself around you – like I finally mean something. You make me feel like I’m normal in all the best ways. Chris is nice, but he and the others have only raised me to be a bioweapon for them, and they don’t hide the fact that that’s how they see me. You, though… You make me feel human. You make me feel like I’m a real person who has her own purpose – her own life and future.
“And if I’m being honest? As corny as this is going to sound, I don’t want to live in any future for myself if you’re not in it. I was worried that if I confessed how I felt to you, you’d think I was weird or gross and wouldn’t want to be around me anymore. That’s why I kept trying to hide how I feel. I didn’t want to lose you.”
Each passing word only caused your smile to grow. As she spoke, you flipped your hand around in hers, allowing you to finally lace your fingers with hers. When she fell silent again, you gave her hand a small squeeze, similar to how she had done to you shortly before. “Well, now you don’t have to worry about it anymore. You know I feel the same, and you know I want to have a future with you.”
Slowly, she rose to her feet, then turned and helped you stand to look her in the eye. Even with the blackening shadows, you could still see the smitten gleam in her eyes, paired with the seemingly permanent smile on her lips. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she whispered.
“So what does that make us?” You stepped forward, arms flying out to encircle her and pull her flush against your body, prompting a small yelp to sound from her. As quickly as you had reached for her, she all but melted into your touch and held you just as tightly in return. “Well, I’d like to be your girlfriend,” you replied. “But only if you feel the same.”
Her shoulders shook slightly against you as she laughed, her fingernails digging in lightly to your shirt as she nodded. “Of course I feel the same, you dork. I’d love nothing more than to be able to call you mine.”
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clown-friend-gt · 4 months
Pecking Order (Old Version)
More superhero stuff! I wanted to introduce a new character, Wren, who is one of Trevor's best friends besides Addie.
For a bit of background on this one, both Trevor and Wren are in what's called "Corrective Custody," which is basically juvie for teens with superpowers. Trevor is there because he accidently hurt a classmate with his newfound strength, and Wren is there because they have a tendency to get in fights, which only got worse after they got their powers.
Inmates in Corrective Custody can have their time reduced by joining the Future Heroes Training Program, which both Trevor and Wren end up doing later on in the story.
Edit: This is the old version of what is now chapter 12 of my story "Up, Up, and Away." I'm leaving it up just cause, but it's no longer canon. You can read the new version here! (although you should read the chapters that come before as well)
“Time for fresh air,” a voice called over the P.A. system.
There was a short, harsh buzz as the light above the cell door switched from red to green. The door slid open. Wren tore their gaze away from the ceiling to glance that way, before sitting up and swinging their legs off of the bed. They regarded the door for a moment, trying to decide if they wanted to go outside or not. Before they could make up their mind, one of the guards dressed in white popped their head in the door.
“C’mon newbie. Time to get outside for a bit.”
Wren regarded them disdainfully for a moment before replying.
“Do I have to?” they asked.
“No, but I promise you it’ll be more interesting than sitting here staring off into space,” the guard replied.
After mulling it over, Wren shrugged and got to their feet. They walked past the guard and joined the other “troubled youths” filing out of their cells. They were all led down the halls until they eventually came to a set of double doors. The group crowded around them until a guard pushed their way to the front and unlocked the doors with a key card, letting the restless inmates push their way out themselves.
As they crossed the threshold, Wren squinted at the sudden change in lighting before their eyes adjusted. They followed the flow of the crowd out into the yard, then wandered off to stand on their own.
They looked around at the area they now found themselves in. It was a grassy field about half of the size of a football field. There were a couple of benches strewn about that were quickly claimed by various groups. To one side, there was a small basketball court where a game was starting up. Sidewalks bordered the court, field, and the side of the building. The entire area was enclosed with a tall fence topped with barbed wire.
Wren felt the tell-tale feeling of people staring at them. They scanned the yard to find the source and found several. Some people quickly looked away when Wren met their gaze, some just stared them down. Some wannabe tough guys even sneered when their eyes met, and Wren had to fight the urge to roll their eyes.
Looks like I won’t have to look too hard to find trouble, Wren thought to themselves. They began to try and come up with a plan to establish themselves so that the others would know to leave them alone. Their attention was quickly stolen, however, when they felt a familiar prickling sensation at their fingertips.
Looking down at their hands, Wren could see a light frost beginning to cover their fingertips, typically a sign that their powers were active. Their gaze strayed from their fingers to the strange cuffs strapped to their wrists. The little light had switched from yellow to green without them noticing.
Wren considered the fence again. Their powers would make it easier for them to scale it. But then, one of the guards watching them would reactivate their cuffs, right? They had seen them use the devices they kept at their waists to activate them before, so the guards surely had that capability. But then, why turn them off in the first place?
What’s that old trope in prison movies? Wren thought. First thing you do, find the biggest guy, and start a fight so that no one will mess with you? Suddenly all of the eyes on them made more sense. Was that what everyone wanted to see?
Wren wasn’t really one to start fights, but ever since they got their powers, they had no problem finishing them. That was what had landed them in special custody, after all. But that was against a bunch of stuck-up losers with no powers, could they really hold their own against other people like them?
Best plan I’ve got right now, they thought to themselves, scanning the yard again. They looked past the posers glaring at them to pick their target. Their gaze landed on a boy laying back in the grass, basking in the sunlight. He was at least twice the size of a grown man, if not more. Besides that, there wasn’t anything particularly threatening about him at first glance.
Maybe he’ll be a pushover, a sarcastic voice in their head chimed in. Either way, he looked like their best option right now. They marched over, letting more of their power flow into their hands to prepare for the fight to come.
Trevor lay out in the sun like he always did. The warm sunlight helped to ease the aching of his growing pains somewhat. It was a nice, warm day that day, and if no one came to bother him, it might turn out to be a good day. But soon after he closed his eyes, it became clear that wouldn’t be the case.
A shadow crossed his face and the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees. He kept his eyes shut and pretended not to notice. Maybe they’d leave him be.
“Hey, ugly!”
Suppressing a groan, Trevor opened his eyes. Someone was standing over him, blocking the sunlight on his face. At this angle, with the sun directly behind them, he couldn’t make out who it was, or whether it was someone who tried to pick a fight with him before.
He sat up, ignoring the way his ever-stretching muscles ached in protest, and turned to face the newcomer. It was someone he didn’t recognize, with white hair that turned brown at the roots and pale skin. They glowered at him with deep brown eyes. He couldn’t tell if they were a boy or a girl.
He knew how this would likely play out, but he held out hope that he could be wrong. Maybe this person just had really, really bad social skills.
“What did you just say to me?” He asked, eyebrows raised.
Meanwhile, Wren stood stiff as a board. They weren’t short by any means, but this guy was taller than they were, and he hadn’t even stood up yet. Nevertheless, they couldn’t back down now. They stood their ground.
“You heard me,” they responded cooly.
Trevor sighed and slowly got to his feet. He watched the new person’s head tilt back as they stubbornly held eye contact. They stood like that for a minute, a silent standoff going on between the two.
Then Trevor promptly turned around and walked away as hastily as he could, trying to escape the situation.
Without thinking, Wren shot a beam of ice from their hands. In the blink of an eye, a cluster of ice sprang from the ground at Trevor’s feet, surrounding them and holding him where he stood. Wren glanced nervously at the nearby guards, but they, like everyone else, were simply watching the show.
Wren didn’t get much time to think about that fact before their focus was drawn back to the sound of ice crackling. With a grunt, Trevor pried one foot from the ice, then the other. Wren’s eyes widened. They’d ended plenty of fights that way. They’d never seen anyone aside from a professional superhero break free of it.
Trevor turned to face them again, his gaze a little harder this time. Wren crouched into their best fighting stance. One hand extended in a fist before them, the other cocked back, shaped into a claw and surrounded by the cool mist that accompanied the use of their powers.
Trevor rushed forward faster than Wren expected him to, grabbing their fist in his hand and engulfing it. As Wren briefly struggled against his iron grip, he closed their other hand within his grasp. He had them trapped.
What’s this guy trying to do, crush my hands? Wren thoughts raced. Thinking quickly, they focused as much of their power as they could into their hands, trying to get them freezing cold. If they could get their hands cold enough, he should be forced to let go.
Trevor gritted his teeth but didn’t relent, his grip tightening slightly. His gaze was intense, and Wren barely kept themselves from breaking eye contact.
Wren began to panic as they felt his grip tighten; their emotions began to make their control falter as the air began to freeze around them.
Suddenly, a voice yelled, “CASTILLO! HANDS OFF!”
Trevor let go immediately, backing up and raising his hands above his head to show he wasn’t resisting. Wren stumbled forward slightly when he let go, but quickly righted themselves. The lights on their cuffs flashed red, and began to stick together like they were magnetized, just like they had when Wren first got them. Looking at their opponent, they could see his cuffs had done the same.
A few guards headed over to make sure the fight was really broken up. One pulled a walkie-talkie from their waist to report the situation.
“Director, we have a fight in the yard,” they said into the walkie.
You’re just telling them this now? Wren wondered.
“Copy that. Status?” a voice on the other end said.
“Two detainees, subdued,” the guard replied.
“Roger. Bring them here.”
The guard put the radio back on their belt and turned to the two.
“You two. Main office. Now.”
Wren rolled their eyes. Trevor trudged off ahead of them towards the doors inside, seeming to know the way by heart. The guard with the radio turned to follow, and a second guard pulled Wren by the arm to join when they lingered behind for a second too long.
Trevor had to bend over to get through the doors, then straightened out once he was inside the hall with taller ceilings. His irritated pace quickly put him ahead of the others, who had to do an awkward half-jog to keep up. After a few hallways and a few more turns, they all arrived at their destination.
At the end of the hall stood a door with a placard on it. Near the door were two chairs, like the kind you’d see outside of a high school principal’s office. Trevor slumped against the wall, coming to sit next to the chairs that were too small for him.
“You two wait here,” one guard told them, before they both filed into the office. As the door shut behind them, Wren stepped closer to inspect the placard.
“Director Douglas” it read.
Wren idled by the door for a few more awkward seconds, then chose to sit in the chair closest to the door, and farthest from Trevor.
A little more time passed, and Wren began to regard the cuffs on their wrists. Then, they looked at Trevor with a bit of curiosity. Other than keeping his wrists stuck together, his cuffs didn’t seem to be affecting him much.
“Does that turn off?” They asked him.
He didn’t answer for a second, but then he shot them a look from the corner of his eye. “Does what turn off?”
“Your, uh,” they looked him up and down, “power.”
Trevor didn’t answer for a moment.
“Nope,” he looked back towards the wall. “I’m stuck like this.”
“Is that a power?” Wren wondered aloud, “Just—being a giant?”
He simply shrugged. Then, after a bit, he spoke up, “Technically, my power is that I’m always growing, just really slowly.”
Wren stared, trying to see if they could spot this change he was claiming. When they couldn’t tell any difference, they asked, “Really?”
“Yes,” he replied shortly.
“That’s what I just said.”
“Even with the cuffs on?”
“Yes,” he grumbled.
Wren thought for a moment. “Wouldn't that hurt?”
Trevor was briefly caught of guard.
“Yeah. It does," he muttered under his breath.
“…I’m sorry,” Wren said.
“Now you’re sorry?” He snapped, finally meeting their eyes again.
Wren looked away, somewhat ashamed. More time passed in silence. Finally, Trevor broke it again.
“Are your hands okay?” He asked.
“What? Uh…” Wren looked down at their hands. Other than the frost slowly melting off of them, they were fine. “…Yeah?”
Trevor gave a curt nod, seeming to relax slightly. “Good. I worried—” he cut himself off. “Never mind.”
“You were worried?” Wren snorted. “About what, hurting me? Do you know what the point of a fight is?”
Trevor scowled. “If I wanted to hurt you, you’d be a lot worse off than you are now. I just wanted to stop you.”
“…Oh,” Wren said quietly.
What is this dude’s deal? Wren wondered to themselves. They didn’t know whether to be scared of this guy or to feel sorry for him.
Eventually, they decided they should at least return the favor. “Are your hands okay?”
“What? Oh…” he trailed off, inspecting his hands.
He tried to wiggle them around so he could look at his palms, which had a weird cold-burning feeling. The cuffs stopped him from moving too much, so he pulled against them with all of his might. They separated, and he flipped his hands over, so when the cuffs snapped back together, his palms were up.
Trevor continued his inspection, oblivious to Wren’s shock at his casual display of strength.
His palms still had patches of ice here and there from where Wren’s hands had touched his. Underneath, those spots, the skin was red and slightly swollen. He looked up at Wren again.
“I don’t know.”
“Let me see?” Wren reached out to grab Trevor’s hand, and, when he hesitated, they added, “I can’t use my powers right now, don’t worry.”
Looking at his hands with concern, Wren said, “Huh. Looks like it could be frostbite.”
“You’ve seen it before?” Trevor asked. Wren looked at him as if to say ‘duh.’
Trevor swallowed. “Right.”
Wren let out a deep sigh and let his hands go.
“Man I’m—I’m sorry. About earlier. I don’t know what I was trying to prove.”
Trevor shrugged. “I get it. You come here, you want to seem tough, so you go for the big guy, right?”
Wren cringed at how cliché it sounded out loud. “I mean, when you say it out loud, it does sound pretty stupid.”
“Yeah well, you seem sorry enough, I guess, so, apology accepted.”
“Thanks,” Wren replied with a slight grimace.
Before they could start sitting in silence again, Wren piped up.
“I’m Wren, by the way.”
“Trevor,” he replied.
Trevor seemed perfectly content to sit in silence, but Wren couldn’t help but to try and fill it.
“Hey,” Wren said, to keep the conversation going, “How did you do that thing earlier? With your cuffs?” As if to demonstrate, they tried to pull their own cuffs apart, to no avail.
“Oh this?” With some effort, Trevor pulled his cuffs apart again to flip his hands back over to the way they were before. “Yeah, something about the cuffs’ ‘limited ability to maintain control over supplementary abilities,’ whatever that means.”
He did his best air quotes, which was tricky with the cuffs on.
“Basically, I’m naturally a lot stronger than the average person, so even with the cuffs on, that doesn’t fully go away.” He finished with a frown.
Wren nodded along to his explanation. “Cool,” They added at the end, not picking up on his slight shift in mood.
After that, Wren ran out of things to talk about, so they let silence fill the air again. Trevor did his best to try and keep his hands warm while they waited. Finally, they were called into the office.
The director, a middle-aged white man, chewed them out for a bit, lecturing them both on “maintaining the peace” and their “special responsibilities” and so forth. Wren rolled their eyes as much as possible to show their displeasure. At the end, they were both given a week without time outside, during which their cuffs would remain on ‘red mode’ as much as possible.
“But that’s not fair,” Wren protested. “I started it, and Trevor barely fought back.”
“Doesn’t matter.” Director Douglas stated. “At this Juvenile Special Detention Center we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to fighting.”
Trevor sighed, expecting this outcome.
During that next week, Wren didn’t see Trevor much. They had to see the nurse to confirm that like they said, they weren’t hurt. Then they had to visit a counselor to talk about feelings and shit. Not their thing. Much to Wren’s indignation, they still had to attend some classes while they were imprisoned to “maintain a standard of education.” Between all of that, they began to lose hope of seeing someone they actually got along with.
To close out their punishment, the same counselor from before had the two meet up and make up, which was easy since they had already done some of the apologizing. Didn’t make it any less awkward, though. Then they were free to go. Well, as free as they could be here.
Their second time out in the yard began like their first. They trailed out with the crowd, then made their own way out into the field. On a whim, they decided to look for Trevor. Spotting him laying down away from everyone again, they began to make their way over.
As they passed by a bench full of people, someone grabbed their shoulder to stop them. Flipping around, they were met by a sneering face.
“Going somewhere, new blood?” the guy asked.
Wren wrested their shoulder from his grasp. He was about their height with straight black hair. His right wrist was in a cast. They snorted at him.
“Why yes, prison extra number two, I was. Got any more cliché lines of dialogue to spit at me first?”
Someone on the bench, presumably the other guy’s friend, snickered at that, but stopped when the person in front of Wren glared at them.
Turning back to them, he said, “There’s an order to things, around here. And we need to figure out where you stand.”
Wren raised their eyebrows, unimpressed. “Is this really necessary?”
The guy gave them a wicked grin. “I’m afraid so, snowflake.”
That pissed Wren off. They squared their shoulders, doing their best tough guy imitation.
The other guy formed his non-broken hand into a claw, and electricity began to spark from his fingertips.
Their mind began to kick into high gear for the upcoming fight. But before they got too far with their strategizing, a shadow was cast over the kid’s face.
“Will,” a tired-sounding voice came from over Wren’s head. “Can’t you lay off for once?”
Looking up, Will grew tense, then he scowled. “Back off, Castillo. It’s not your fight.”
“How’s your wrist?” Trevor sounded calm, but his voice had an edge to it. All eyes seemed to gravitate towards the cast on Will’s arm.
Will tried to hold Trevor’s gaze, but he backed down soon enough. The sparks coming from his hand died off slowly.
“This isn’t over,” he said to Wren, then turned around sharply to join his friends over on the bench.
Wren turned to face Trevor, but he had already started to wander off. They worried that now that the fight was off, he was done with them. But after a few steps, he turned back and hesitantly asked, “You coming?”
Wren grinned and followed him over to his spot in the grass. They sat next to him as he laid out in the sun, chattering about skateboarding and movies they liked and nothing in particular. Trevor nodded along as they talked. Finally, it seemed, he got one good day.
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I have a genuine based in canon well thought out refutation to the people who think that absolutely none of the bill backstory we’ve gotten is true/that bill spawned into existence pure evil from the start. and that fans who believe he was ever Not evil are just being dumb. but this is not that refutation. logos can have its day in the sun in a second but rn pathos wants its time to shine
disclaimer that I know that bill is a liar who tortures people and manipulates and blah blah blah. I am aware that he sucks. It Is Known. I am aware that I might be falling for lies and might be proven definitively wrong in later content. however for now I am spinning what we do have in my brain microwave, because what we do have hits a specific and personal button for me
like. kid is born who sees the world differently. (in this case, literally). nobody gets it. parents try to medicate it away. peers see it as something to be mocked. nobody gets it. kid stops trying to tell people. it doesn’t go away and it doesn’t get better. nobody gets it. kid grows up some and thinks the people around them would understand if they could just see. they throw caution to the wind and take the big risk assuming that this will be their hero moment where they embrace their difference and show the world the truth and it’ll all work out in the end. instead it destroys everything and everyone they’ve ever known. instead of recognizing what they’ve done and try to change, they decide that disaster was inevitable and lean in harder
and like…maybe this is just the weirdly specific bits of my life falling into place but. I kinda relate? to baby bill, anyway. to the kid who was different. and I can see another version of my life where I leaned into the spite and resentment that was there (tbh that still is there, a little) and decided that everyone else was in the wrong
cause when you feel like being yourself inherently means hurting other people, it can be easier to say that it’s because you were just born awful than to try to change it.
fortunately most of us are Not born with the ability to light fires with our brain. but as someone w mental health stuff that can make it hard to be around me, who is trying every single day to convince myself that changing for the better is worth it, I look at Bill’s decision— his “everyone else in euclydia is wrong and I’m going to be me and Show Them even if it risks destroying an entire dimension”— and the fallout that ensued that led him to become the fucked up monster he is by the time of the series. and I see the worst case scenario. what he should have done is what the pines have done: to support and be supported by family and to grow as a person, just like ford had to overcome his pride and mabel had to accept growing up and dipper had to learn to trust. but instead he chose the worst possible option. sometimes I like villains because they remind me what NOT to be.
and to people who think I’m dumb for finding meaning in a story that might be a lie: it’s all lies, baby! it’s fiction! truth is a construct!!!!!!we’re all just meat and electricity with neuroses that we try to cope with by imagining fake little guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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stargirl-evie · 2 years
version where Keefe agrees to stay in Jolies old room after Edaline offers. His eyes get misty when Sophie and her mom walk him in and help him get settled. He cries a little when they leave to let him change and get comfortable. He comes out in these human pajama pants and a black t-shirt and Sophie decides to focus on that and not his slightly red and puffy eyes.
They sit in the couch and Edaline brings them something sweet and a few more bottles of youth. Grady watches from the kitchen with soft, sad eyes.
He thanks her parents and apologizes for all the trouble he’s causing and they wave it away. They say things about how it’s not a problem and that they’re just happy he’s safe and back. He gets a little misty eyed again. After food and only slightly awkward silence, Grady mentions that they should definitely try to sleep. It’s late, and it’ll be easier to talk after some rest.
They go upstairs together and Sophie pushes past her anxiety and grabs his hand as they walk. Neither of them say anything, but he hugs her at the top of the stairs.
She wonders if it’s her awareness of his feelings for her, or if it’s her mutual ones, but she can’t find it in herself to be mad at him. Not when his face is buried in between her neck and shoulder, not when he holds her like he’s trying to make up for everything that happened, not when he stands in front of her looking like a boy. It hits her again that he’s not much older than her, and he’s still incredibly young be elven standards.
She’s sure she’ll be mad again in the morning, or even later tonight, but for now this quite comfort works. She is beyond relieved he’s home with her.
She walks with him to his room. She stands beside him as he gets in the bed and she flicks of the lights for him when she goes to leave.
He calls her. Asks her to stay. She immediately agrees.
She runs downstairs to tell her parents, her dad looks like he’s about to start a very uncomfortable lecture, but her mom cuts in after meeting her eyes and tells her she thinks it’s a great idea.
She runs back to her room to grab some pillows, Ella, and another blanket.
Keefe watches her walk into the room. He’s still laying where she left him, it makes her slightly less worried. His eyes are big, almost childish, and again she can’t help but think he’s just a boy. And he doesn’t deserve to feel like this. She’s mad, but not at him.
He stops her from setting up a spot on the floor near the bed. She’s confused. They fuss about it for a minute before he pulls back the blanket and just says, “please”.
She caves and brings herself to lie down next to him. He’s close, they can feel the heat off each other, and for the first time she’s glad he can’t sense her emotions as much.
They stay like that for a while, on their backs with their respected stuffed animals in their arms. It’s dark, her parents have gone to bed, and they’re both ignoring the quite sniffles coming from both sides of the bed.
After what seems like forever he rolls over to look at her. She turns her head to meet his eyes. “Turn that way” she says, and he does what she asks without question.
Carefully she turns toward his back. She’s anxious again, but confident that this is something they need. She places Ella behind her back and tentatively wraps her arms around Keefes waist.
He tenses for a bit, then let’s out a quite sob. He shakes in her hold for a while, but he never lets go of the grip on her hands.
When he does calm down, he brings their intertwined fingers up, and he presses the back of her hand to his face.
She can’t really call it a kiss, per say, but his skin is warm and his lips are definitely against her skin. She buries her face in his back, and their legs tangle below the fluffy comforter.
They sleep, after days of nightmares and restlessness, they sleep. It’s long, it’s not enough, but it’s peaceful because neither one of them dreams.
The next day will be hard, it’ll be full of hurt and tears and words that are going to sting, but right now, right now and everything that will happen after, it makes it all worth it.
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just-wrting · 1 year
The Babysitter (Part 2)
Title: The Babysitter Part 2
Summary: It's your first day with the Hotchner boys and you already know that if you're not careful, you'll be unable to leave.
Word Count: 2368
Master List Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
A/N: It's 3:30 am for me, but I promised I'd get this out. I've been exhausted lately for no good reason so it's gotten pushed back due to wanting to sleep. Here it is in all its glory though! Perhaps I will write something for my other current fixation.
It’s six in the morning and you’re knocking on Aaron’s door. It’s your first day getting to babysit the well behaved Jack. As nervous as you are, you’re also excited. It’ll be a nice change of pace from the Smiths’ kids who were sweet but still rambunctious.
“Good morning. I didn’t think you’d actually be here this early,” Aaron says as he opens the door.
You step into the home. Shoes line the wall as flakes of dirt hang off the soles. A muddy soccer ball rests in the corner surrounded by scuff marks. You can see that the carpet is clean from dirt and mud however.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I said six am.”
He takes your bag from you, filled with a laptop and various things kids need on excursions, and steps back to let you in. His arm brushes against yours as he shuts the door behind you, momentarily trapping you against it. You take a brief moment to study Aaron.
There’s bags under his eyes and you know he doesn’t get much sleep. His eyes are soft and deep and you know that if you look into them too long you could get lost. He’s taller than average and smartly dressed, clearly an important person. Overall he’s very handsome and take note of the fact that you’ll have to tread carefully around him.
“Is Jack still sleeping? Since it’s summer vacation I can let him sleep in I hope,” you ask as you follow Aaron.
“Yes. He has soccer practice at four this afternoon but besides that, he doesn’t have any other commitments.” He sets your bag on the couch. “His room is just down the hall, to the right. The bathroom is on the left. He’s free to go where he wants in the house, just not in my office.”
You nod and take mental notes of things you want to inspect. You may be the nosiest person to ever walk the earth, but at least you’ll save it for later. It’s mainly just pictures you’d like to look at. 
“So I don’t remember you saying what you do for work, Aaron.”
He pauses in front of the couch and rubs his jaw. “I work in the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI. If I’m not at the office, I’ll be out of state. If you ever need something, don’t hesitate to call.”
“Are you headed to work this early? Did you eat breakfast? And by breakfast I mean more than coffee.”
He glances at you before looking away, a telltale sign that he’s most likely only had coffee. You stifle a laugh by turning it into a cough. The cough doesn’t hide your grin however and Aaron raises an eyebrow.
“I’ll make you something. It’s best for me to scope out the kitchen anyway so by making you breakfast I can find out how to make Jack’s food perfect cause some kids are picky.”
Aaron hesitates. You can tell that he wants to go to the office early, it’s probably going to be a bad habit if you let him. There’s a struggle going on in his brain and you get to watch it happen. You’ve only known him for a little over twelve hours, but you’re already worried about him.
“I don’t mind cooking you food as well,” you reassure while giving his arm a gentle squeeze. “You need to be taken care of too. I won’t do Jack any good if you’re not healthy.”
He caves and makes his way to the kitchen. “If you insist, though, you don’t have to.”
“Aaron, the only thing I have to do in life is live it. Making you breakfast can be added to today's list of stuff to do.”
You open the fridge and pull out a carton of eggs. You watch as Aaron pulls a pan out of a cabinet, and try to make note of which one it is. The faster you memorize things, the easier it’ll be. In the case of having to rush, it’s best to know where the essentials are in the house.
“Did you eat breakfast? And by breakfast, more than coffee?” Aaron asks with a slight smile. “Because if you haven’t you can help yourself.”
You chuckle. “I’ll eat when I make Jack breakfast. I’m not in a rush to do anything today.”
Silence falls over the two of you, as Aaron sets up a lot of coffee and you start to cook. It’s nothing fancy, hard boiled eggs on toast, but you’re happy he’s going to eat. It would be nice to have Jack join, but you aren’t sure how often that’ll happen. After all, Aaron seems to be a workaholic.
“How often do you go out of state? Every week? Every other week? Should I try to pack you lunch?”
He shakes his head. “It varies by case and urgency. Sometimes it’s back to back. Other times I’m lucky to mainly be in the office. Not to mention some cases take longer than others.”
You pull open a couple of cabinets before finding the mugs. “Ah. You’ll have to keep me up to date then.”
“I promise I will. And just text if you need me.”
You give him a smile as he puts his dishes in the sink. He’s quick to grab a briefcase and a duffle bag. It’s like he feels like he has to go right at this minute. He’s fast paced. You can understand why, but you hope that you’ll be able to help him slow down a bit for Jack.
“I’ll text you when he gets up, Aaron. Drive safe.”
He flashes you a soft and tired smile before walking out the door. You stare at where he was sitting, trying to commit his mannerisms to memory. Jack adores his dad, so in an effort to be able to be there for Jack, you’d like to know why. Reading kids was easy, reading an adult man was going to be a little bit harder.
After Jack has woken up, devoured breakfast, and changed, you aren’t sure what to do. He’s quiet and attentive but clearly likes sports. You opt to sit on the floor with him and a deck of cards.
“Hey Jack. You know how to play go fish right? Wanna play?” you ask, patting the ground next to you. “It’s a good time to ask me anything you want to know.”
“Can we get ice cream later?” Jack asks as he sits across from you. “Dad sometimes buys me ice cream after soccer.”
You deal out the cards. “Sure I don’t know why we couldn’t. Maybe after dinner instead of right after soccer so we don’t ruin our want for dinner.”
He gives a nod. “That sounds good. There’s a place right by the soccer field that has really good ice cream. I really like the chocolate one with sprinkles on top. That’s probably my favorite.”
“Well I really like raspberry swirl ice cream. There was this place that had the best that I’ve ever had. Does your dad help out with soccer?”
The two of you go back and forth. You mainly ask Jack questions, finding out things like his favorite color and best friend. He is content to ramble on about things he wants to do or stuff he’s done. He’s eager to share stories and you pay close attention. It’s adorable how his eyes light up when he talks about his dad.
“You really love your dad, huh Jack.”
“Of course I do! He’s like a superhero and he catches the bad guys to make sure the whole world is safe and he loves me very much.”
You try not to fawn over how cute his answer is. Despite his job requiring him to be away, his son loves him so much. You know that Jack’s positive attitude about his dad is going to be your downfall, but you ignore that feeling.
“I know you didn’t get to see your dad this morning so how about I text him and see if he can video call with us during lunch. That way you can see him.”
Jack nods enthusiastically. “That’s a good idea. I really wish I could see him every day like some of my friends talk about their dads.”
You reach over and ruffle his hair. “It’ll be okay. I’ll try to set up a time to video chat with him every day he’s gone. I promise okay.”
Jack looks at you skeptically. “Do you pinky promise?”
You hold out a pinky. He quickly latches his own with yours and gives it a firm shake. He looks determined, and you’re sure if you spent enough time around his father you’d see the same face.
“I pinky promise, Jack.”
That seems to be all he needs from you. He breaks into a toothy grin and wraps his arms around you. You gently pat his back as he holds you tight and you wonder how often he gets to be held like this.
“Can you promise me something Jack?” you ask and you hear him hum in your ear. “If you ever need a hug, you don’t have to ask me. Just give me a hug when you need one.”
You hear a slight sniffle but when Jack pulls away, he’s not crying. You pause on the floor, waiting to see if he cries, but the waterworks don’t start. He’s definitely hiding some emotions, but you know you’ll get there eventually. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
“Alright, what do you want to do for lunch? I should prep it now.”
Jack bounces to the kitchen, eagerly looking into the fridge. You shoot Aaron a text asking if he can video call on his lunch. His answer is a simple ‘yes’ and you turn up your phone volume so you won’t miss it.
“Can we have grilled cheese? There’s also a bag of chips we can have.”
“That sounds like a good idea. Are you gonna want me to cut yours?”
Jack nods and you hear your phone go off. It’s still a little early for lunch, only about twenty or so minutes, but you can read Aaron’s name on the screen.
“Hey! Can we turn this into a video call?”
Aaron doesn’t respond, instead switching it to a video call. Jack puts his hands on the table as you prop the phone up.
“Since Jack didn’t get to see you this morning, I figured when you got the chance it would be good to see him.”
You watch as Aaron smiles wide. The two boys are happy to be able to talk, and you leave them to it as you make lunch. You hear snippets of course, something about ice cream, but opt to let them be.
Overall, Jack seems happy that he got to see his dad. You slice the sandwich in half and slide the plate towards him. You observe the two of them from the counter. They’re adorable together and you think about how much you would want a family. A kid like Jack would be ideal.
“Well Jack, I have to go back to work. I should be able to meet you and (Y/N) for ice cream later.”
“Okay, Dad. I’ll tell (Y/N) to order you ice cream too. I love you.”
“I love you too, Jack. Good luck at practice.”
For a seven year old, Jack is good at soccer. He’s fast, and able to make over half of the goals he shoots. You sit in a lawn chair at the field, slowly sipping on some water. It was still early June, but the heat has started to creep in.
You watch as a few moms chat near the parking lot, laughing amid themselves. Soccer moms could be awful, so you just hope that you won’t have to deal with them. Jack mentioned that his dad would coach sometimes, and you know that the closer you get to Jack, the more soccer stuff you’ll go to.
The kid has already perfected those puppy dog eyes. You’ll struggle to say no to anything that is in your power to do. If that boy asked you to take him to get a giant teddy bear, you would. You’re well aware of things you should and shouldn’t do, but you don’t know how careful you’ll have to be around the Hotchner boys.
As the coach blows the whistle, the kids circle around him. They have their end of practice meeting, if you can call it a meeting, before the kids run off to their parents. Jack runs straight into your arms.
“You did good out there buddy! I’m so proud of you. In fact, how about we go find a place to eat.”
Jack’s eyes light up and he nods. “I want french fries!”
You chuckle. “I’m sure I can arrange that.”
By now, it’s almost 7:30. You and Jack sit at a table outside in front of the ice cream parlor. Aaron had texted you saying he was on his way. Despite your reassurance, Jack looks worried.
It doesn’t take much longer before Aaron steps out of his vehicle and Jack runs to him. You step inside the parlor and wait in line. It’s best to let them have their moment. No sense in all three of you waiting in line.
Thankfully the line moves quickly, and you balance three different ice cream cones in your hands. Another customer is kind enough to hold the door open for you as you step back outside. Jack is quick to bounce over to you and take his share of the sweets.
“Thank you.” Aaron’s voice is soft and his eyes are gentle.
“It’s not a big deal. He’s been a great kid today. In fact if I’m not careful, I’ll never be able to say no to him.”
You and Aaron share a look. You can tell he knows the feeling.
“You’re free to go home now, (Y/N). I can’t thank you enough.”
You give his arm a quick squeeze. “You don’t have to. I look forward to seeing the two of you more often.”
Tags: @ash-whimsicalfanfic
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randoimago · 2 years
I'd like to elect Rika, Grusha & Melony for the "My flight was canceled and I went home to find my ex cheating on me, so now I'm at this pub" winter prompt, please!
"My flight was canceled and I went home to find my ex cheating on me, so now I'm at this pub"
Fandom: Pokemon
Characters: Grusha, Melony, Rika
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: You got it!!
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He’s there to just sit and relax, which he can’t really do with your sniffling and crying over who knows how much alcohol you’ve consumed. Eventually he just rolls his eyes and tells the bartender to cut you off. It makes you annoyed, but you’ll thank him later. If you even remember this.
You’re ready to leave to go to another pub and Grusha groans in annoyance as he follows after you. He doesn’t quite know why he cares so much, but does know that he doesn’t need to hear about something happening to a drunk person in the news tomorrow.
Grusha eventually annoys you enough that you let out, "My flight was canceled and I went home to find my ex cheating on me, so now I'm at this pub". That causes him to feel a tad bad for interrupting, but the guilt leaves easier as you’d just feel worse the next day.
Would instead convince you to go with him someplace to eat instead. He doesn’t know what might be open at this time, but you need food in you more than alcohol. Again, you’ll thank him later. Especially since he weasels your phone number out of you so he can make sure you get to whatever hotel safely after eating something.
Melony only went to the bar to be one of the designated sober person for her friends. But she ended up getting distracted by how sad you looked while everyone else was celebrating. She does have a soft heart so she quickly made an excuse, trusting Kabu to watch over the group instead.
She made your way over to you and asked for some food and water for you. You need something in your stomach that’s not alcohol. It’ll only make you feel awful tomorrow.
Honestly, she’s such an easy person to talk to that you just find yourself telling her "My flight was canceled and I went home to find my ex cheating on me, so now I'm at this pub". Melony can’t help but make a face at that. What awful luck and what a trash person.
She’s quick to tell you that it’s good that you left them. It might not have been under great circumstances, but if this is the type of person they are then they’re not worth it. Sure, she doesn’t really know what type of person you are, but she’s still going to be happy to help if she can!
Rika was there to try and relax from all the stress of the holidays and season when she noticed you seeming to be the only one not in the holiday mood.
She knows she should’ve minded her own business, but she still sat by you, ordering you a drink with plenty of ice so you can get some water in your system too.
"My flight was canceled and I went home to find my ex cheating on me, so now I'm at this pub" She made a face when you were explaining your poor mood. Yeah, that’s a real crappy situation.
Rika doesn’t quite know what to do to help, but maybe you’d like to go outside and get some fresh air? Just so you’re not cooped up and can let the cold air calm you down a bit. She’ll be with you so you don’t have to be alone. Honestly, this isn’t the weirdest way she’s started a friendship with someone.
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plutoons · 2 months
Can you do a tutorial on how your art process is done I’m about to quit on Art everything I make fucking sucks .
hey anon !! My art process is almost non existent cause i haven’t been able to stick to One definitive way and i don’t want to cause i think its limiting. I still have a long way to go for improving my skills and learning new things and figuring out different styles !!
Heres a quickk drawing showing what my “main” process is
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This is something i generally have stuck to for most of my posted drawings (i can post things specific to some drawings on a separate reblog ^^ im just to lazy to get pictures of em for examples rn)
Doodle !! I cant visualize shit, and usually have a very vague idea of what id like to draw Or just nothing at all. So I doodle messily with expressive gestures till’ i find something that sticks
choose one final concept/sketch and clean it up a lil so i have a way better idea of what im getting myself into
Base colors cause i hate doing lineart. So i just go straight into colors casue its fun and i like fun!! Right on top or on a diff layer it doesnt matter. I color pick with my eyes and put base colors or anything i think it would be cool. No pressure and it can messy cause I’ll clean it up and figure shit out later
fuck around and find out (rendering ig)—> i cant explain it super well or definitively. I just layer and throw colors on top till im satisfied or Done with it. I flip my canvas a bunch or check my values to make sure the results come out to look more coherent regardless of the mess of color
Im just a simple person and cant handle something that requires too many steps or things that havta be done Just right so this works for me atm. This may not be your jam but finding a process in that works for you through trial an error is just a part of art. Do what works for you!! I think experimenting is so important even if it sucks in the end
(more Words / “advice ?” under cut)
I have so many shitty drawings and sketches and even colored things that outweigh the tiny bits of art i decide to show off
I totally get that creating art can get really discouraging at times; not getting the results you want when you want them no matter how much effort you put in just sucks, but it won’t always be that way :] even if it takes you 10 years to find your groove and see improvement or 2 years, it’ll happen. I find that i’ve only improved when i actively didn’t give a fuck about how my art looks and only cared that i was having fun through it all, and thats hard cause perfectionism is a bitch and its hard to get rid of. You could improve with studies and daily practice for sure but moving towards improvement can be as fun and light n breezy as you want to make it, like taking a break to explore different hobbies or changing up mediums or fucking around and experimenting with it can help !!! Allow ur art to be bad; cause fuck it, at least you made something and thats really really cool. Once you cut urself some slack it’ll be easier to improve upon your skillset and slowly but surely get to where you want
Sorry im a bit tired idk if this is coherent so heres a more direct thing i’d like to say:
Maybe ur art isn’t where you want it to be rn and ik it can kill ur motivation to keep going at it (i’ve experienced this feeling a lot and im sure so have many others). But you gotta ease up on urself and stop worrying about results so you can allow yourself to experiment and have fun!! And its hard getting into that mindset but you gotta keep trying and you’ll find it getting easier
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