#my girl sophie had already cheated on dani and then cheated on finley when she was at rehab
ihopeudrownmore · 2 years
that episode was a lot, i'm still processing it all but is it just me or was sophie already putting herself first? 😭😭😭 sorry she just sounded narcissistic to me bruh
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thundergrace · 3 years
What do you think is gonna happen this season on the l word?
No thoughts lol with this show in particular I'm just along for the ride because they won't do what makes sense, they'll do what causes the most drama and conflict possible. It's just pointless to speculate.
Now I think we know Angie is going to meet a half sister.
We know Bette and Gigi are going to be a thing, in some capacity.
We know Tess and Shane are quite a tight pair this season, that's already starting to develop.
I'm very conflicted about Micah and José. I absolutely love these two but we don't know what happened in José's marriage and I don't know if he's stringing Micah along ??? We also know Micah will sleep with someone else so like *sigh* idk.
I'm sure Bette and Tina will get back together *eye roll* and since I doubt we'll have two interrupted weddings in one season, my guess is that Tina's engagement is already doomed.
I guess my immediate speculation about Sophie's situation is that she will tell Finley at the alter that she doesn't love her and maybe act like there's nothing going on, if only because she doesn't want to humiliate Dani. I think there's a chance she will tell Dani soon what's really going on but I have no idea what happens then. Cheating is a deal breaker for Dani, but is that different once she's now married? Can she stand letting her father see he was right? What wounds her pride more: ending her marriage before it begins and proving her father right or starting a marriage that is already in need of repair with someone who has already cheated on her?
Because honestly they weren't ready to get married anyway, not with the huge blow up they had. That issue Dani has ...what Dani did to Sophie is also incredibly painful and she abandoned her when she needed her most and then Sophie slept with someone who was around to comfort her in her darkest moment. These are things that need to be addressed before marriage lol. Sophie called Dani's emotional abandonment her "distant thing" so this is just something Dani does often and then comes around and everything was fine?
I love them. They have some good juicy fucked up conflict that is very normal and I appreciate that. I cannot wait to see how this plays out. I'm not for or against either pairing for Sophie. I see how both can work, I see how both can fail.
Oh I forgot about Alice, my number one girl. I have NO fucking clue what's going on here but apparently Nat is still interested in a poly relationship, turns out, just not one involving her ex wife. Whereas Alice is against the whole idea. So that's going to turn out badly for her. But it always was because she's Alice and this is just her luck.
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