#my goal is 40 books within the year of 2024
Reading List 2024
(Linked titles go to the book review I posted.)
Currently Reading:
A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan (Started 06.10.24)
Moon Blooded Breeding Clinic by C.M. Nascosta (Started 05.30.24)
Bitch: On the Female of the Species by Lucy Cooke (Started 03.04.24)
It by Stephen King (Started 01.20.24)
Emma by Jane Austen (Started 11.06.23)
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (Started 05.27.23)
Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati (11.04.23 - 01.10.24)
Motherthing by Ainslie Hogarth (01.09.24 - 01.16.24)
Off-Balance by Dominique Moceanu (01.10.24 - 01.19.24)
The Best American Poetry 2022 by David Lehman (05.25.23 - 02.13.24)
Barbarian Mine by Ruby Dixon (12.03.23 - 02.20.24)
The Vegetarian by Han Kang (01.17.24 - 02.22.24)
Barbarian's Mate by Ruby Dixon (02.24.24 - 02.26.24)
Barbarian's Touch by Ruby Dixon (02.26.24)
Morning Glory Milking Farm by C.M. Nascosta (03.13.24 - 03.15.24)
The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods (02.27.24 - 03.01.24)
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint (03.07.24 - 03.14.24)
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (03.27.24)
Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder (03.30.24 - 04.02.24)
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White (04.11.24 - 04.15.24)
The Best American Poetry 2023 by David Lehman (02.13.24 - 04.19.24)
Sweet Berries by C.M. Nascosta (04.20.24 - 04.24.24)
Coma* by Robin Cook (04.17.24 - 05.23.24)
House of Salt and Sorrow by Erin A. Craig (05.25.24 - 05.26.24)
Shady Hollow by Juneau Black (05.27.24 - 05.30.24)
*Any books that I would vehemently not recommend will be marked using an astrick.
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thesensteawitch · 6 months
What 2023 taught you? {A Nostalgic Hit!} 🎯👀
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls!
Welcome to another collective reading. Here you'll get a glimpse of the year 2023 and what it taught you. Also, a tip for 2024 is given at the end of each pile. I hope you find the reading helpful!🤍
Please DM me for personal reading.
Booking Form|Rate Card
A Nostalgic Hit! + One Line Guidance For 2024
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- King of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune, 10 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, The World, 5 of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Beaver
Well, pile 1 I see that this year has taught you to come out of the cyclical nature of your mind. This year taught you to be more focused and detail-oriented. It showed you intricate details especially when you were struggling. At the beginning of the year, you were okay with being in a box, in your own tiny space. But the scope for your growth became stagnant. You may have had anger outbursts. The dream you had somehow shattered because a new dream was emerging. You were coming out of your cocoon. Achieving goals became impossible to imagine. But you were divinely pushed to have hope and keep believing in the impossible even though it seemed delusional. And as the year started to approach its end you started to see some clarity. Without knowing you become the master at what you do. Something didn't work out the way you wanted it to but it worked out completely different from your imagination. Some of you may also have felt stuck in family dynamics and now I see healing in that area. You fought so many battles within a year. You broke more than one cycle this year. Wow! You were being prepared for the ultimate abundance that you deserve. Something in your DNA needed to be changed. Something significant happened during April, May, and August. No matter what you did you found yourself coming out of one circle to entering into another one. But now this cyclical process is over! You did it! You learned the importance of planning and understanding life as a whole. You learned the true value of actions and what's the best way to make long-term plans work. Some of you were looking for financial stability which impacted you emotionally. But now I see you are almost out of the lack phase and are entering into the phase of abundance.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Cards- 4 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, Knight of Cups
Don't settle for breadcrumbs or stay in a relationship more than you should. (Strong Earth energy I can sense.) There's a soulmate out there waiting for you to come out of the relationship trauma.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Temperance, The Hierophant, 7 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, The World
Animal Spirit- Owl
Hello, my dear pile 2. I see that 2023 taught the true meaning of give and take. It taught you how to balance. It taught you that you too deserve to receive love and effort. It taught you to walk away from anything that is not helping you grow or relationships that are keeping you stagnant. You learned the truth of selfless service. You can discern better when it comes to your emotional mind. Now you know what being at peace truly means. Something major might have happened around August. Perhaps, you found the courage to let go. You've freed yourself from always being in your head. You have learned so much that now you are capable of guiding others. You are finally gaining the light that shines within you. For some of you, I feel as though you have understood relationship and friendship dynamics pretty well there's still something lingering around that you need to deal with. There's something you still can't let go of or stop wishing for. There's a wish that you are attached to and you need to let go of the attachment. As soon as you become happy without the idea of having it you'll see it coming. This year brought you closer to spirituality but you still have a long way to go. I hear, “August slipped away like a bottle of wine 'cause you were never mine.” For some of you, I see that somewhere you still hope for someone to change. Perhaps, somewhere deep down you are pretending that you are over someone but you truly aren't. This year taught you a lot in terms of relationships and I hope you carry forward the lessons into the next year as well.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- Death
A spiritual transformation is coming your way. You may need to let go of something that might hurt you but it will be needed.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Queen of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 5 of Cups, The World, King of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Hyena
So my dear pile 3 I sense some conflict between your divine counterparts (Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine). Some of you may be questioning your identity. You thought you were over something but then suddenly this year made you realize that there's more to this world and there's more to you. It was uncomfortable for you to accept yourself. For you, there was no way out of this misery. The problem is that you let the situations define you, and others' opinions define you. You didn't move based on your choice but you moved or made a decision based on what others perceive of you so that you still can be loved. You were or still are trying to prove something to the world. I hear, “You make me glow but I cover up won't let it show.” I am sorry to say but I see that there's a huge lack of self-love here. And you are still making peace with yourself. You are still learning to accept yourself. But the good news is that this tough cycle is about to end as the Capricorn season ends in January. Slowly but steadily you'll be out of this mess. You will find the courage to take the action. You need to. And you must. This year taught you what it looks like to see and feel the truth. It might have been uncomfortable but was necessary for your growth. You've suffered on the soul level and it's time that you take the right action and not what the world deems right.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- The Star
Deep down you wish to love yourself and that wish is coming true. Stay true to yourself.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
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thoughtfulfangirling · 6 months
2024 Reads
Another human invented marker of time has passed moving us from one year to the next. It's a good reason to start over my lists right?! XD 2023's list can be found here! 2024 starts below!
You Made a Fool out of Death with Your Beauty - Awaeke Emezi
Pussypedia: A Comprehensive Guide^ - Zoe Mendelson & Maria Conejo
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek -Kim Michele Richardson
Meru - S.B. Divya
The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist: A True Story of Injustice in the American South^ by Radley Balko & Tucker Carrington
Watching the Tree: A Chinese Daughter Reflects on Happiness, Tradition, and Spiritual Wisdom^ - Adeline Yen Mah
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong
The Last Days of the Romanovs: Tragedy at Ekaterinburg^ - Helen Rappaport]
Pride and Prejudice* - Jane Austen
Fresh Girl - Jaida Placide
Butts: A Backstory^ - Heather Radke
The Girl Who Chased the Moon - Sarah Addison Allen
The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides
The Blue Sword - Robin McKinley
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex^ - Nathaniel Philbrick
A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln and the 1846 U.S. Invasion of Mexico^ - Amy S. Greenberg
This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible^ - Charles E. Cobb Jr.
This Is Your Mind on Plants^ - Michael Pollan
The Silent Patient*~ - Alex Michaelides
Finding Me^ - Viola Davis
Wuthering Heights# - Emily Bronte
Exit Strategy~ - Martha Wells
The Girls Who Went Away:^ The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades before Roe V. Wade - Ann Fessler
Bowling Alone:^ The Collapse and Revival of American Community - Robert D. Putnam
Fugitive Telemetry%~ - Martha Wells
The History of Wales^*% - History Nerds
The War on Everyone^% ~- Robert Evans
Searching for Black Confederates:^ The Civil War's Most Persistent Myth - Kevin M. Levin
The Great Influenza:* The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History [2004] by John M. Barry
Network Effect~ - Martha Wells
Zelda Popkin:^ The Life and Times of an American Jewish Woman Writer - Jeremy D Popkin
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon
Medical Apartheid:^ The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present - Harriet A Washington
The Assassination of Fred Hampton:^ How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther - Jeffrey Haas
The Death of Vivek Oji - Awaeke Emezi
Mutual Aid:^% Building Solidarity in This Crisis (And the Next) - Dean Spade
Passin' Through - Luis L'Amour
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store - James McBride
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro
Histories of the Transgender Child^ - Jules Gill-Peterson
Birdseye: The Adventures of a Curiosu Man^ - Mark Kurlansky
When I Fell from the Sky:^ The True Story of One Woman's Miraculous Survival - Juliane Koepcke
Dear Senthuran:^ A Black Spirit Memoir - Akwaeke Emezi
Emma* by Jane Austen
Lud-in-the-Mist - Hope Mirrlees
Woman:^ The American History of an Idea - Lillian Faderman
Currently reading: Woman: The American History of an Idea, A Dark and Starless Forest, and Lud-in-the-Mist
Key: * = Reread ^ = Nonfiction ~ = Read with Empty % = Novella #= Doc book club
My goal for 2024 is for 40% of my reads to be nonfiction. I've had two years within the recent past where I managed 20% of my reads to be nonfiction, so I'm aiming to double that. THIS WILL BE HARD FOR ME! Not because I don't enjoy nonfiction but because I enjoy fiction a lot more and have a lot more practice reading it. Haha Also for me, I am in circles where I'm just going to have more awareness of fictional books that I'm likely to enjoy more so than nonfiction. I'm kind of hoping that this years journey will change that a bit too!
Okay, below the cut I'm putting the nonfiction books on my tbr, most of which I have the lovely people of Tumblr to thank for the recommendations!
1968: The Year that Rocked the World
The Age of Wood; Our Most Useful Material...
The Assassination of Fred Hampton
Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the...
Being Human:
The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shelf
Birdseye: The Adventures of a Curious Man
Bowling Alone
Brave the Wild: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped...
Butts: A Backstory / Evermore Recommended
The Cadaver Kin and the Country Dentist / Automatuck9
Charity and Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse...
Dear Senthuran
Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with...
Finding Me (Viola Davis)
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed...
The Food of a Younger Land
The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women...
The Glass Universe
The Great Hunger: The Story of the Famine...
The Great Influenza
Helping Her Get Free: A Guide for Families and Friends of an Abused Woman
The History of Ireland
The History of Scotland
The History of Wales
How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
The Indifferent Stars Above
In the Heart of the Sea / ecouterbien
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death...
The Indifferent Stars Above
The Last Days of the Romanovs / Automatuck9
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical...
Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During the Crisis...
A New World Begins
Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous...
This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get you Killed / Empty
Radium Girls
The Road to Jonestown
Paper: Paging through History
People's Temple
Pussypedia / Bookstagram Rec
Salt: A World History
Say Nothing
Sea Biscuit: An American legend
Searching for Black Confederates
This is Your Mind on Plants
Unmasking Autism
The Unthinkable: Who Survives when Disaster Strikes - And Why
Watching the Tree / found all by my little self
We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow we Will be Killed...
A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln and the.. / Rose
The Writing of the Gods: The Race to Decode the Rosetta...
I will actually add to this list as I get more recs and whatnot. And I still have some coming which I ordered from Thriftbooks. Once those are here, I'll add those. I'm a little sad there aren't more memoirs, but there's plenty of time for that yet! This is already 37 books, and given lately I've been reading about 70 (nonfiction may slow me down tho), these should give me plenty of ability to reach my 40% goal. Now it's just a matter of if I do it XD
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televinita · 6 months
2024 Bookish Goals & Resolutions
I want to add some later in terms of the actual content of books I want to read, but...this is what I have for now.
-Keep a running record of the books I buy (I did this last year and it didn't slow me in the slightest. but we're going to do it again anyway because if I don't, I think I might get even worse)
-Sell/donate at least 50 books. This is the year I've got to be brutal and let go of the books I bought "just to read" if I haven't read them within 2 years of purchase.
-Keep track of the books I DNF. Also the books I read but deem Too Short to count on my official reading list* (currently books under roughly 100 pages, considering font size/line spacing/illustration-to-text ratios, or less than 3.5 hours on audio, particularly if it's a children's book -- I add them to Goodreads, but don't keep a list tied to the year I read them.
*ALTERNATE GOAL: be brave and just add them all to the list regardless of length. or at least more of them.
-Go book-shopping in Wisconsin. I want to explore and that's the best way to convince me to push past the siren call of Stillwater, the river town that has everything/is basically my Disneyworld.
-Read at least 24 books I bought prior to 2024 and haven't read. I managed it this year! (This goal runs concurrently with the next one)
-Knock at least 40 books off my Goodreads TBR, whether by reading or deciding I'm not interested. If it's been on there more than 3 months, it counts. By my calculations, this year I took off 25 books that were added prior to 1/1/23, plus a few more by the length-of-time rule. I can do better!!
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College, Volunteer andor Social Club Plans/Goals Navy Reserve Inspired Edition
College, Volunteer andor Social Club Plans/Goals Navy Reserve Inspired Edition
Also Inspired by Previous Creative Fiction Writing Of
Imagination And Intuition Development Career Money Sorcerer Development Edition
intent: I Stella Carrier channel creating heaven on earth happiness unity faith hope while also fulfilling an intent to be helpful with my fun writing therapy of creative fiction writing
Alias names andor alias gender names given to protect the identities of the personal and professional life allies of those interviewed
Start Time Sunday March 17 2024 by 900pm
Completion Time Sunday March 17 2024 by 1000pm
Greetings My Alias Name is Heavenly Matches School. I am a celestial spirit guide who recently attended a one of a kind similar to college/university earth class of helping earth based men and women ages 40 and upper age in the navy reserve and other military reserve components both within the U.S. and around the world creatively and slyly engage both their intuition and imagination power talents towards making plans involving school andor university, volunteer in free time plans andor joining a social club plans. I Heavenly Matches School am allowed to have my own castle inspired homes in celestial afterlife locations inspired by the earth locations of California, Virginia, Iceland and Switzerland. This is stemming from the experience I Heavenly Matches accumulated from my most recent earth lifetime having been born in the year `1999 and transitioning during my most recent earth lifetime by the year 2104 teaching countless earth based men and women ages 35 and older both how to time travel in their sleeptime dreams and write automatic writing entries about their sleeptime dreams and success in helping 100 percent of my earth based male and female clients achieve success in matching their earth based volunteer school and social club goals in alignment with their military reserve life and even men and women ages 39 and older who have never been in the military. These ideas can apply to men and women of various occupational background and ages however I have been gently guided by one of my witch coven ancestors to help out certain earth based men and women ages 40 and over both in the navy reserve and even allies andor watchers who have never been in the military reserve for writing projects and other goals I Heavenly Matches have been asked to keep secret for now. However I Heavenly Matches am about to attend as a celestial writing muse mentor an online writing group where 70 percent of earth based men and women are either 40 years old andor older andor at least 49 percent of them are either currently in the navy reserve andor were in the navy reserve either before becoming active duty andor manifesting long term careers ranging from the CIA andor FBI, as school teachers, clothes makers owners of their own businesses involving food, electronics books etc and other careers I am being asked by at least 5 celestial money spirit guides connected to some of the earth based men and women I am helping to be private about for now. However the following are some of the celestial creative cliff notes I am allowed to share involving plot keypoints of the online writing workshop involving themes of heavenly matches and ideas to align with intuition and imagination power increase towards school/university, volunteer andor social club goals for transforming getting older in age towards positive opportunities in becoming wiser more of a sage andor more helpful/valuable useful for both self and others
Eating the healthiest for Intuition development and at least 3 hours andor more of exercise each week for stimulating creativity and feel good endorphins that can be mood boosting.
A character in an upcoming planned book to be published within 2 years andor sooner who is 47 years old in the navy reserve is involved in 2 social clubs one involving a book club another involving a church club who also volunteers some of their free time as an event andor party planner while also meeting a timeline within 2 years andor sooner to study towards becoming a school counselor
A majority of their online writing/author andor novice writer participaants are also being encouraged to write what is going on in their lives journal wise involving their volunteering school andor social club endeavors and how this also connects to their eating habits exercise habits and overall life satisfaction. Then they are encouraged to meditate andor write for at least 10 minutes 3 times a week imagining what their happier andor more encouraging higher selves within the 50 year timeframe andor sooner are communicating to them via future guidance.
I Heavenly Matches am also scheduled/slated to provide a multiple number of participants/the online writing authors novice writers club participants with ideas on utilizing andor apply 2 law of attraction money theme books andor books involving authors writers who juggled a real life career while being a part time andor full time writer andor before they transitioned into being a writer author more often (with the understanding that preferences for this are going to differ relating to age how long the person has been balancing school volunteer andor social club aims with their career regardless if military career andor external to military
I Heavenly matches have already encouraged at least 10 writers 2 years ago in during various time periods througout the sleeptime dreams of the 10 people to attend a concert of their favorite musician/musicians andor groups either in person andor online andor through television at least once andor twice a month understanding that options are going to differ by a person's money income, available free time etc and then make plans to write a personal journal entry to a person's celestial higher self andor celestial spirit guide on how they enjoyed this concert and how this relates to their school/university, volunteer andor social club goals and then write a one to two paragraph sleeptime dream scenario in personal email andor offline journal entry on how this translates to benefits in their school/career, volunteer andor social life goals. All of the 10 people I Heavenly Matches encouraged to do this and did achieved some miracles in their personal andor professional life. For instance one of the participants won a short story contest of a brief story they wrote inspired by a concert participant they saw in an online concert and who they even told their celestial higher self and celestial spirit guides about in a personal offline notebook entry and personal email entry. Strangely enough 99 weeks after the person wrote their ideal sleeptime dream involving this they unexpectely met a person resembling the concert participant in a library they were getting a book from and they are still platonic friends to this day. Another of the 10 participants took my advice and are now working a civilian job that is actually named after one of the secret journal entries they did and is related to some college courses they started after being in the navy reserve and allows them flexible scheduling for both their navy reserve schedule and volunteer goals while also giving them similar monthly after taxes money income that they make after 6 navy reserve drill weekends.
I Heavenly Matches also inspired another writer/author last year in their early 50s age wise via a beneficial outcome scenario in one of their sleeptime dreams who has been wanting to speak with a qualified psychologist andor counselor in person/in the flesh while also hiring a career and school goals coach though income and concern as to how this would affect the successful outcome of their long term career goals and money goals in addition to caring too much what others thought. By the conclusion of last year the writer took a chance to enlist the help of a therapist and another counselor for career and money goals and much to the early 50ish writer/author's pleasant surprise they are now making at least twice the aftertax monthly income they were making before they reach out for the in person help and are in a new civilian career where they feel appreciated and have a chance to develop their civilian career alongside their navy reserve career goals.
Fantasy Name Generator website
dating agency names
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drew-mga2022mi6011 · 6 months
Competition Briefs | The First Candidates
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"This module aims to stimulate in the student an innovative response to a brief selected from a wide range of options within the art, design and animation industries."
Essentially, for this module I was allowed to choose between any selection of Competition Briefs and deliver those as my final submission for this module according to those guidelines.
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The first competition I looked at was Animayo 2024 – International Poster Contest. Artists from all over the world are invited to submit their original artwork to this contest. The winning poster will be used to promote Animayo 2024. Any technique is allowed. The works should be unpublished. The poster must be submitted in digital format. Finally, it must be based on the theme of the Festival this year.
As a poster competition, this gives me a lot of leeway to explore different techniques - analog and digital - and conduct research on a different culture, previous entries and other successful instances of design.
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The contest is organized by the Apila Ediciones, a publishing house based in Alagón, Spain.
“Apila Ediciones in collaboration with the High School of Design of Aragón and with the support of its Town Hall, announces “Apila’s 2024 First Printing Award”. This is an international illustrated picture book contest to promote creativity and enrich children’s literature with an educational scope."
Illustrators, regardless of nationality, may submit a project of an illustrated picture book for children, written in Spanish or English (max. 40 pages).
This competition is more in line with my career goals, as being a writer and illustrator, however due to the sheer size of the undertaking, this one does not sit well with me considering that I am conducting the R&D phase of my Final Major Project.
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As shipping prices continue to soar and as online sales continue to grow, games that provide excellent gameplay that are also compact and inexpensive to ship become more and more enticing to both publishers and customers. And when all it takes is a few extra dice and meeples to push a package into a more expensive shipping cost bracket, every ounce matters.
So, for this contest, the challenge is to pack as much game as possible into a box that weighs 16 ounces or less. And the goal is to be as close to the 16 ounces as possible. Essentially, people should get done playing and wonder how in the world you fit that much game into a box that weighs so little.
As the most unorthodox idea of the bunch, I was extremely interested in going through with this competition. I was looking into creating smaller tabletop games as a potential avenue for success in the future, and this seemed like a great place to start.
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The Silent Book Contest is organized by the Italian publisher Carthusia Edizioni. The competition is exclusively reserved for new and unpublished illustrated books without words. The book project must not contain words. The narration must be realized through the illustrations. The subject is open and not restricted to any age group and readers. Finally, the book is limited to 16 pages (1 Front and Back, 1 Frontis Piece, and 14 Inner Pages).
When choosing from the above, I had to consider how exactly this would benefit my portfolio, and if it would be relevant to what I wanted to do going forward. This immediately eliminated the Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest. I was far more interested in creating books and games. Examining everything from a practical standpoint, I looked at which aspects I could capitalise on research and exploration wise, and which project was most feasible for me to complete within the given time frame.
Ultimately, I chose to go with the Silent Book Contest. This would be a fun challenge and allows for ample research potential and freedom of execution!
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muensingen38-blog · 7 years
World Champion, Werbestar, "Wuschelkopf" ... The 28-year-old football profi often grows beyond himself. He goes fashionably with time - even when it comes to watches.
When Mats Hummels enters the Fotostudio, he has won the multi-headed team within seconds. The typical tension before the shoot gives way to a relaxed mood. Although his 1.91 m size and the athletic figure does not facilitate the styling, he is happy with the look selection. Neither attitudes nor attitudes, but charm and character - a connection that creates a positive charisma with the winner of the world champion, one can hardly escape. Fashion Editor Lorena  Maza puts it to the point: "a guy!" 
LOH With your hair dyeing action after a lost bet you have made headlines: The Süddeutsche Zeitung titled " Neuester Blondinenwitz" and  wrote of the "Heino der Bayern-Abwehr". 
MATS HUMMELS Oh, it's all over again. I personally was however surprised by the giant echo, which triggered the blond hair. Meanwhile, they look normal again. 
LOH We do not want to be hair-splitting, but the hairstyle is a topic, and the SZ  calls you in the same course also "sex symbol". 
MATS HUMMELS My hairstyle is not so important to me. In the morning, when I go to workout, the first ones to see my hair are, yes, just my fellow-games. And during training, I often pull a cap over it.
LOH As often as you speak in interviews about "Privy Councilors" ... 
MATS HUMMELS No, I am more likely to be concerned with it than to deal with it myself. And I only put in the secrets of the council, because they are easily available. 
LOH Is there a family disposition? 
MATS HUMMELS I am very similar to my papa from hair growth. Luckily he still has enough hair today. What makes me very confident for the future.  
LOH  Your mother has cited you as a fan of Zinédine Zidane, on the occasion of the World Cup 2006. He has no problems with his hair ... 
MATS HUMMELS ... because he has none. This can indeed keep a lot of problems from one (laughs). 
LOH  Her mother, Ulla Holthoff, was the footballer of TV station DSF (today Sport 1) ,  her father's youth coach at Bayern Munich. Is the key to your sovereign appearance in this professional stress field of your childhood? 
MATS HUMMELS In the F-youth one does not get with it. Since I've just walked the ball like any other 6-, 7-year-old. 
LOH Your special family constellation must, however, have occupied you. On the one hand loving parents - and then two professionals, who know the sport inside and outside perfect. 
MATS HUMMELS It was not clear to me that this was something unusual. I had no comparison. For me, I always wanted to play football. So if I had the choice of kicking a tournament at the age of 12, instead of going on a skiing holiday, then I did it - and I only followed the family later. And it did not even have to be a ball, but only a little round, and I already kicked it. Therefore, it was also not conscious about the motto: I have to do this or that to become a professional. The fun of this sport brought me there. 
LOH Was that even when his own father suddenly became his own coach in Bavaria's B-youth? Was it still fun? 
MATS HUMMELS That was indeed difficult. Because he treated me harder than the rest of the team, so that no one could ever think that he would prefer his son. And at 14, you're a little rebellious. I was used to living at home, and I was also able to say clearly if I did not like something - that's what I did in my training. So we lived on the square a complete father-son relationship, which was very emotional. But in hindsight it helped me, because he always changed me for example with a yellow card because of annoying. As an educational measure. He did not do that with any other player. And I still have not gotten a yellow card because of me. 
LOH But so wise one judges only with the look of a mature man, at that time it was certainly different. 
MATS HUMMELS It  was really a difficult constellation for both sides. I found this terrible. He even changed me after only one minute. That must be imagined. Because I had gotten yellow because of complaints. After a minute!
LOH In an interview in the SZ- Plattform "jetzt", you explained in 2007 that you wanted to create the Abi. If you look at your career, is the school drop at 18 your only loss?
MATS HUMMELS After I signed my first professional contract with FC Bayern, I wanted to go through it up to the Abi, but then had so bad marks that it would have been really hard to make it. So I then fully put on the football card. A difficult decision, but one that I had to meet then.
LOH There you sit your 12 1/2 years in the school, is shortly before ... 
MATS HUMMELS  This is what I am most concerned about. More than eight years at the Gymnasium, and then no Abitur. I could have given me at least three-quarters of a trio. 
LOH eloquence  seems you indeed to be congenital. Did you notice early that you can just articulate? 
MATS HUMMELS I like to talk about topics for which I am interested. I could talk about football for a long time - theoretically - because I have the knowledge, the memory and the energy for it. 
LOH Your mother calls you "Leseratte", even the intelligent comics - so Lucky Luke and Asterix - mentions them ... 
MATS HUMMELS  Oh, are these the intelligent comics? I did not know that. But I have also read LTBs ( Disney Funny Pocket Books ). Massively. Meanwhile, I prefer crime or biology. By Andre Agassi or Dirk Nowitzki ... 
LOH Is the attraction for you to compare yourself with the athletes? 
MATS HUMMELS Not at all. But from such athletes I know more about what they do on the pitch - but not the story behind them. What motivated her, what motivated her? Or what it is like for me - just the incredible fun of my sport? 
LOH  This fun is the reason that you do not crack underpressure easily from your lips. Because you have problems directly with yourself before you allow others to do it. 
MATS HUMMELS Yes, definitely. For that I am aware that when I do something wrong, I am talking about it myself. Even in the square (laughs). 
LOH Can you find friends as a player in the professional sport, or is everyone just an I-AG? Where there is nothing more than the business interest to have success together? 
MATS HUMMELS Part one of your question I can answer clearly: I have found through the football friends, who will hopefully accompany me for many years. Part two I see this way: If a player has a personal success in mind, in my opinion does not mind, if the team at the same time profit. There are also players who pay attention firstly to the overall strength of a team - both humanly and sportily - and it does not matter if they are doing well on their own. 
LOH  How was return after eight years at Borussia Dortmund to Bayern? Was it a home? 
MATS HUMMELS On a private level it was that. Munich is now my home, there I have a circle of friends since the youth. But at Vereinsebene, the phrase "Heimkommen" would not do justice to what I felt in Dortmund and what the team gave me there for years. Nevertheless, FC Bayern is still familiar with their colleagues. 
LOH How do you deal with it when you read something or experience something that annoys her insanely? 
MATS HUMMELS I find it terrible when consciously writing something wrong or even inventing it. It is often seen that words are turned a little bit and put into a different context. Or even, which one with the phrase "sensible" is put something indirectly in the mouth - there becomes borderline. 
LOH In the Trump era there are no lies, but only "alternative facts". 
MATS HUMMELS Yes (laughs) ... but if really deliberately lied, then I am against it. 
LOH Many of you are surprised that you have stayed in Germany so far. They had English performance, there were options. 
MATS HUMMELS I'm not consciously staying here. It has been so far that I have thought about each year anew, on what I like what I want to make. In short, I wonder where I could be happiest at the time. 
LOH Your advantage is that you are relieved of this feel-good factor. Because it is astonishing that money or material goods do not play a major role in any of your interviews. On the contrary. 
MATS HUMMELS Money? I do not know what to ask. Because I am not particularly conspicuous cars around the area or run in extroverted outfits. 
LOH Cosmopolitan  recommends you women for erotic fantasies, the SZ calls you sex symbol and GQ has you portrayed just twice big in fashion. Since you are now already inconspicuous, as you are perceived in the public ... 
MATS HUMMELS If you had seen me at 16, you would never have had the idea that I could be positive with fashion. It has evolved over time. 
LOH  They wear understatement rather than statement pieces. 
MATS HHUMMELS Definitely . I do not wear things that have multiple colors. Also no wild patterns. My brother is the complete opposite: I used to call him "rainbow" because he always carried such colorful things. 
LOH At 28 you are not a "rockie" anymore. What are your goals? WM 2018, EM 2020: Think so far? 
MATS HUMMELS Yes. 2018, 2020 I will still play in any case. But will I still be there at the World Cup 2022 - or even 2024, if the European Championship takes place in Germany? My God, I would be in the middle of 30. If I still play, the body makes the with, how well do I play then? Actually acute these questions are not yet for me. 
LOH From years to minutes: What about your sense of time on the pitch - do you know intuitively: now a minute has passed? 
MATS HUMMELS No, I have no feeling for that. Sometimes I have so much strength that I think after 40 minutes, it's only 20 past. But then there are days, I hope that already 40 minutes are played, although only 20 rum are - so I am then broken. 
LOH Jérôme Boateng has told us in the interview how deeply his relationship in the field is to you - and that at the 2014 World Cup always could rely on each other. How important and helpful is this familiarity? 
MATS HUMMELS It's already very good when you have the back of the head: I could be weak today, and my fellow players can compensate for this. Then one can say also times: "People, today is with me the worm in it. Look, you double-hedge me. "Fortunately, this is very, very rare. But in the final of the 2014 World Cup, I had big problems with my knee. I said to Jérôme, "I can not walk any more. I do not know why I'm still on the pitch. You have to protect me. "Has then worked quite well ... 
LOH There is a sentence that plays a role in your life: "Only one who goes his way, no one can overtake."
MATS HUMMELS: Did I say that? He was put into my mouth (laughs) ... 
LOH No. Your father should have given you this as a lifeless experience. 
MATS HUMMELS In football, this sentence hits me completely. To solve things in my way and not always to go the given way. I think this is the key to the way I have found myself and my way of playing. By imagining my ideal image of football. From then on, I worked in training and in the game in the way it was right in my eyes. Even if a coach says, "Do not go to risk now." Sometimes I do it anyway, if I think it's the best for the moment. This attitude led me into the national team and to titles. Often, I intuitively do what I believe will help the team at this moment. It may not always be what is viewed from the outside - but I believe, 
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Salome Zurabishvili Elected as First Female President of Georgia
Ms Salome Zurabishvili has sworn-in as the new President of Georgia on December 16 2018 at an inauguration ceremony in Telavi, making her Georgia’s first female president.
The 66-year-old French-born ex-diplomat Ms Salome Zurabishvili, backed by the ruling Georgian Dream party, had 59% of the vote whereas opponent Grigol  Vashadze, a united opposition candidate, had 40%.A new constitution is yet to come into force, transforming the country into a parliamentary republic with a largely ceremonial president.
Nonetheless, despite her momentous win, equal participation is far from reality in Georgian politics. The historical victory of Ms Salome Zurabishvili to the post of President of Georgia does not yet represent a victory for gender inequality in Georgia. Women remain a marginal force within Georgian politics. In actuality, women make up only 15% of MPs and less than 14% of local councillors. Also, only 3 of the 19 government ministers are women. The average number of female MPs in national parliaments in Europe and OSCE member countries is 27.5%. As per Asia News report, in her inaugural speech, she said, “The goal of my presidency is to make Georgia’s democratic development and its path toward Europe irreversible”.She moreover added, “I will facilitate this process with the support of our strategic partner, the United States of America, and our European friends”.
According to News Asia sources, opposition parties have refused to accept the result, pointing to instances of alleged vote-buying, multiple voting, voter intimidation and ballot-stuffing in the election.Ms Salome Zurabishvili was elected as the former Soviet nation’s president last month.
She was congratulated by many on defeating Grigol Vashadze, the candidate of an 11-party opposition coalition led by former President Mikheil Saakashvili’s United National Movement.She was backed in the election by the ruling Georgian Dream party of Georgia’s former prime minister and billionaire tycoon Bidzina Ivanishvili.
Georgia’s former prime minister and billionaire tycoon Bidzina Ivanishvili stepped down as prime minister in 2013 after holding the office for just a year but is still largely considered to be the country’s de facto ruler. Ms Salome Zurabishvili has studied international relations at the esteemed Paris Institute of Political Sciences before a 30-year career as a French diplomat, with vital postings to the United Nations, Washington and Chad.Her career in French diplomacy resulted in a posting to Tbilisi as foreign minister.
A number of politicians and a number of senior diplomats have publicly accused Ms Salome Zurabishvili for her arrogance.
Ms Salome Zurabishvili was sacked in 2005 just after a year; however, thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to object her removal from office. She then joined the opposition as an MP and became one of Saakashvili’s fiercest critics.Ms Salome Zurabishvili has also published a book, “A Woman for Two Countries,” after her removal, and in which she wrote, “Now, I have to engage in a political battle, which has never attracted me, which I never practiced, which is being imposed on me.”AsiaOne News reported that the next president will be elected in 2024 by a 300-member electoral college.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
EU ′can no longer rely on US,′ says France′s Macron | News | DW
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday said his government would unveil proposals “in the coming months” to boost security across the EU, in a bid to diminish the bloc’s reliance on the US for its defense needs.
“Europe can no longer rely on the United States for its security,” Macron said during a speech to French diplomats and lawmakers. “It is up to us to guarantee European security.”
Macron said the EU needed to “take new initiatives, build new alliances” to ensure its preservation. “I want us to launch an exhaustive review of our security with all Europe’s partners, which includes Russia,” he added.
Differences on defense
Macron’s remarks come as the White House continues to question US relations with Europe. US President Donald Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on Washington’s commitment to the NATO military alliance, saying the US pays far more for defense than other member states.
In 2014, NATO nations agreed to stop cuts to defense spending and pursue a target of 2 percent of GDP by 2024. But Trump has called for alliance members to reach the goal sooner or see the US “moderate” its commitment.
Although their relationship has been dubbed a “bromance,” French President Emmanuel Macron has criticized US President Donald Trump’s decisions to pull out of the Iran deal and impose tariffs against EU steel and aluminum
‘Counterweight to the US’
But defense spending isn’t the only problem straining EU-US relations. Brussels has criticized the US for pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal and reimposing sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker last month managed to avert a trade war by negotiating a deal with Trump after Washington imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum exports against its economic ally, the EU.
Read more: When does a trade spat become an actual trade war?
Last week, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas made similar remarks to Macron’s in a guest article for German business newspaper Handelsblatt, saying Europe must “take an equal share of the responsibility” and “form a counterweight to the US.” 
“If we go it alone, we will fail in this task,” Maas said. “The outstanding aim of our foreign policy is to build a sovereign, strong Europe. Only by joining forces with France and other European nations can a balance with the US be achieved.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
The new statesman
This cover from the end of 2016 most likely pleased the newly elected US president. Time magazine picked Donald Trump as Person of the Year, a title that was also once given to Konrad Adenauer, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King — as well as Hitler and Stalin. The annual end-of-year feature picks someone who, “for better or for worse … has done the most to influence the events of the year.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
With a Hitler mustache
Even before Trump’s election, the Mexican magazine Letras Libres made its opinion on Trump absolutely clear, using the words “American fascist” to form a Hitler mustache on his portrait. Building a wall on the US-Mexico border and clamping down on Mexican immigrants were some of Trump’s electoral promises.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Walling in
Two weeks after Donald Trump’s election, the New Yorker creatively commented on the president’s border wall project. From subtle to explicitly insensitive depictions, international magazine covers featured a broad range of styles while commenting on Trump’s policies throughout the year.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
A rhetorical question
Renowned for its confrontational style, Charlie Hebdo also took on the newly elected US president. In a depiction referring to Trump’s infamous “grab women by the pussy” comments, the November 16, 2016, issue asked: “Did we have to entrust him with the nuclear button?”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
The prescience of the Simpsons
Donald Trump as US president: What was supposed to be a joke in The Simpsons turned out to be true 16 years later. British tabloid The Sun referred to the sitcom’s prophecy on its cover, showing Homer shocked by the turn of events, reacting with his catchphrase, “D’oh!”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
American psycho
The center-left French newspaper Libération reacted to the election with biting sarcasm. The headline was borrowed from a Bret Easton Ellis novel, “American Psycho.” Its narrator and main character, Patrick Bateman, is rich, superficial and narcissistic. There are numerous parallels to be drawn with the US president — but the fictional character is also a serial killer.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Nothing to see here
Some commentators hoped Trump would soften the tone he used during his campaign once he took office. On this Time magazine cover, illustrator Tim O’Brien used fine paintbrush strokes to depict Trump’s chaotic first weeks in the White House.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
At the wheel
After Trump’s inauguration, the New Yorker commented on the childish behavior of the man who would from then on be steering the country. “Every so often, you hear stories on the news about a toddler who somehow manages to start the family car and drive the vehicle across town, where the law finally apprehends him,” said the artist behind the cover, Barry Blitt.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
An insurgent in the White House
The British weekly The Economist was inspired by Banksy’s famous artwork of a rioter throwing flowers for last February’s issue. It reacted to Trump’s first weeks in office, when he “lobbed the first Molotov cocktail of policies and executive orders against the capital’s brilliant-white porticos,” wrote the magazine’s editor, adding, “With Trump, chaos seems to be part of the plan.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Beheading freedom
A cartoon figure of Trump holding a bloodied knife and the Statue of Liberty’s head: The cover of German weekly Der Spiegel made headlines worldwide. It reacted to Trump’s “America First” policy and his threats to democracy, including his executive order to bar people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the country. The cover divided opinions within the country and abroad.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Take your kids to work every day
It’s both a challenge and a goldmine for satirists: Trump’s politics and habits are often more bizarre than satire itself. On this cover, Mad magazine commented on the White House role given to the president’s daughter Ivanka and to his son-in-law and presidential adviser, Jared Kushner, who was morphed into the traits of the magazine’s iconic mascot, Alfred E. Neuman.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
The mouthpiece of white supremacists
After a far-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a participant drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing a woman and injuring 19 people. Trump then declared that there were “very fine people” marching with the white supremacists that day, a comment which drew praise from former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke. The Economist reacted with this cover.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Tailwind from the president
Following the Charlottesville rally events, The New Yorker also took aim at Trump’s remarks equating neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to the counter-protesters. “President Trump’s weak pushback to hate groups — as if he was trying not to alienate them as voters — compelled me to take up my pen,” said artist David Plunkert of his cover, entitled “Blowhard.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Breaking a taboo: a Hitler comparison
The German weekly Stern went one step further by unsubtly portraying Trump draped in the American flag and giving a Nazi salute. The cover story was headlined “Sein Kampf,” (His Struggle), a play on Adolf Hitler’s infamous “Mein Kampf” book. It drew sharp criticism from the Central Council of Jews for belittling Hitler’s crimes. Misappropriating Nazi symbols is taboo in Germany.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Lazy boy
In early August, Newsweek magazine depicted Trump as a fast food-eating, bored TV junkie — descriptions also found in the book “Fire and Fury.” Headlined “LAZY BOY: Donald Trump is bored and tired. Imagine how bad he’d feel if he did any work,” the issue also pointed out that during his six months in office, he had spent 40 days at golf clubs, but had seen zero pieces of major legislation passed.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
A prominent phony
Trump likes to describe any media criticizing him as ” fake news,” but he’s also renowned for his own twisting of the truth. This fake Time magazine cover praising Trump’s TV show “The Apprentice” in 2009 was framed and on prominent display in at least five of his golf clubs. When the story came out last June, it felt like the perfect embodiment of Trump’s narcissism and lies.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Russian bride of the year
Twitter went wild after the fake Time magazine cover story came out. Thousands of memes poking fun at Trump were created using the magazine’s iconic template. This one photoshopped the Person of the Year issue to turn Donald Trump into the “Russian bride of the Year,” commenting on Trump’s questionable Russian ties.
Author: Torsten Landsberg (eg)
ls/es (AFP, dpa)
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