#my god the jeans I could make with denim made from opposed ply cotton
frogeyedape · 1 year
April: opposing plies!
Ok so chaos gremlin that I am, I have started spinning despite not having committed to a single plan. I have 3 plans on an index card: 1) basic s & z singles plied s for knitting, 2) s z z plied s for stretchy hard wearing sock yarn, 3) s s z plied s to find out why only energizing one of the singles is the "rule". What fucked up yarn will I create and will 3 be twice as stretchy and hard wearing as 2 or will it just be a nightmare to work with?
Notes for first singles, already have a good start on my bobbin: s, flyer 2 (middle whorl on flyer), drive biggest (biggest whorl on drive wheel), accel 2 (middle whorl on accelerator wheel) (it's a spinolution queen bee). This ratio is FAST, I am spinning pretty fine :D
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