#my grandma hasn’t even mentioned this even though she’s watched two shows about it 😂
onlythebravest · 1 year
i hate it when they talk about insomnia and sleep problems in general on tv. yes it’s great that it’s talked about so ppl don’t feel alone yes their tips and guidelines on how to make things better work for a lot of ppl etc etc. but their sleep hygiene guidelines don’t work for everyone and for us they don’t work for get judged for not implementing them and gets told that it’s our own fault we struggle falling alders because we don’t follow the guidelines. like I’ve been taught about sleep hygiene and no screens and relax and all that shit for years and years and years. they don’t work on me. it’s not like I’m sitting here thinking ‘you know what? i’m gonna ignore these tips and tricks I’ve learned and that really help me in favor of laying awake for three hours every night’ like come on. I wouldn’t ignore them if they were working, I’d happily use them. but the fact is that they make things worse. laying in bed playing games on my phone is actually helping me fall asleep, it helps my mind focus on something and not go off on it’s own. it actually helps me fall asleep quicker than not playing games. so no, me playing games on my phone when I’m trying to sleep is not why I have sleep issues
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