#my guy is sooo dummy (positive)
deathflare · 5 months
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still rotating and rattling them in my brain
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atlas-of-galaxies · 20 days
I'm not sure if you're still doing anything with this but, if you are, could you please tell us about your TMA/YTTD AU? The art was really good and I love the media involved!
ohhh thank you so much! that crossover is still so near and dear to my heart, I'm so glad people enjoyed my self-indulgence.
I've talked about my reasoning in the past, as well as discussion of what other characters might fit what in my tma entities tag, so definitely take a look at that if you haven't already!
I'm seeing now that i never talked about my reasoning for Kanna, Q-taro, and Mishima, so if I may indulge myself further ...
Kanna as the Lonely
a bit of an obvious one - she's defined from the moment we meet her by her loss and the absence of her sister. her position in the group as a whole is also weakened by her isolation with Shin - even if it seems from the outside he's manipulating her, that separation makes it a little hard for Sara to trust her at times ...
she's absolutely someone who's strengthened by her bond with others tho, as we see in 3-1 when she actually gets to work with everyone. it's just up to us whether she gets there or not.
Q-taro as the Buried
ohhh I'm so sorry but I'm so proud of this one. first of all - he literally dies in a coffin. what I really enjoy about this assignment is the whole idea of being trapped tho.
Q-taro constantly feels trapped in his life, and takes big risks to get himself out of those situations - he felt trapped in the hospital, and he was so desperate to get out of the Death Game that he stabs everyone else in the back to do it.
Mishima as the Eye
this is definitely moreso related to his AI (haha. get it.), considering he gets more of an omniscient view of the Death Game proceedings.
he's also a bit of a narrative sacrifice, allowing the other participants to learn about the inner workings of the Death Game ... idk. this one's a bit abstract but I think it fits, especially considering that his death only happens because of a lack of prior knowledge.
and uhhh how about dummies for a bonus round!
Ranmaru as the Corruption - he's sooo toxic it's not even funny. maybe I'll still draw this someday, I have a fun composition in mind.
Mai as the Hunt - she's the one who's most forward about the game Midori puts them all up to. she actually betrays Q-taro for her own survival, though he's far too kind to let that be the end for her.
Hinako as the Stranger - do I have to explain her. do I have to
Hayasaka as the Buried - guy's stuck in a dead-end job doing morally questionable work for an all-powerful company ... guy's as buried as it gets.
Kurumada - I used to have him as the Flesh for kinda superficial reasons but since his minisode I feel like he may also be Hunt tbh ... it's all about the "strong eat weak" mindset, after all.
Anzu - honestlyyy I have the weakest vision for her. I'm not really. a fan. of her minisode so I'm not taking much inspiration from it. I enjoy the Vast tho for her just cuz that's always a fun idea with performers and such. you could always go Stranger for clowns but I feel like that doesn't fit her personality much
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wonniesmile · 3 years
❥ playground! (ep. 2)
⤷ ellie’s moments in playground episode 2! (ft. txt <3)
⤷ bulletpoint format!
⤷ after a long wait, episode 2 is finally out! don’t forget to leave suggestions for new fics!!!
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huening and ellie were once again playing on the nintendo, waiting on the others to finish getting ready for the next shoot.
“ellie please. please let me win. just this once...for my dignity.”
the boy gets on the floor and starts bowing.
ellie starts freaking out, obvi.
she’s in a very frantic state at this very moment, no clue why...but, i mean it’s ellie...right?
“what’re you guys playing?”, “oh- um- mario k-”
ellie looks up from her position, DUN DUN DUN.
that was like...really cringe, i’m so sorry.
it was none other than the choi beomgyu. standing. right. in. front. of. her.
“oh- oh my god- uh- h- he- hello!” she musters up a greeting and quickly bows.
“you don’t need to bow ellie! we’re friends!”
oh no, this poor girl’s heart.
if she dies from an early heart attack, it was bcs of choi beomgyu, just giving everyone a heads up! /j
anyways, her face was like BEET red.
from across the room, her members were watching her every move.
sunoo was laughing at how serious the rest of them were.
“can you guys like...idk...calm down? she’s literally fine.”
“i know, but...” (jake)
“but what?” (sunoo)
“oh you know...” (jungwon)
“can ya’ll finish the damn sentence?” (sunoo and jay)
“it’s nothing...” (sunghoon)
“jesus christ, you guys are insane.” (sunoo)
“five minutes!”
ellie’s head shoots up.
“darn it, i almost beat you.”
“not even close huening, ellie is the master.”
her cheeks, once again, burn up.
before she could thank beomgyu, ellie is pulled away by jungwon.
“what the heck wonie?”
“it’s time to go.”
she’s obviously very confused? what was getting into him?
choosing to ignore his attitude, ellie obliges and lets the boy drag her into the studio.
he spoke no words...very odd.
ellie started overthinking...did she do something subconsciously???
“places please!” she massages her temples and goes backstage to wait for her group’s cue.
the episode started with each group dancing on stage.
their instructions were to “have fun!”
she gave it her ALL, messing around...and even getting into a dance battle with riki.
she found it absolutely hilarious, but unfortunately, her face dropped at the sight of jungwon.
obviously, something was bothering him, but she didn’t have the courage to ask...at least not now when everyone seemed to be having fun.
jungwon was not one to show his emotions outwardly, so to a normal person, he seemed like his usual self.
but, ellie knows better, she can read jungwon like the back of her hand...something was up.
she made a mental note to herself to ask him if he was ok after the shoot.
the first game was an absolute BLAST.
they were competing to see which team they would have to play on.
since there was an odd number of people, ellie didn’t have to compete against anyone. instead, she got to choose which team she wanted to be on.
(she secretly enjoyed it)
she looked at the two teams in front of her.
her original plan was to go into the yellow team so both teams would have an equal amount of enhypen members, but she felt iffy about doing so because of jungwon...
she could possibly be overthinking things, but she didn’t want to take any risks.
making eye contact with him one last time, she looks over at the red team and points finger guns at them.
“yay ellie!” beomgyu seemed way more enthusiastic than everyone else.
of course, ellie’s heart rate quickens at the weird observation.
the team name choosing was absolutely wonderful.
beomgyu came up with ‘brave dummies’ and for some reason everyone went with it, not that ellie was complaining because it was REALLY funny.
this episode required a lot more physical activity than the last one, which she had no problem with.
she led her team to victory during the first game with the tubes and ping pong ball.
got picked up by beomgyu hai!
wait wait wait...let me set the scene for you guys because...it was something else.
after winning the race, the 7 teammates all did a group hug, ellie being shoved into the middle while the rest ferociously chanted “ellie! ellie! ellie!”
kinda scary...looked like a cult from the outside lol.
she was so confused.
all of a sudden, a figure picks her up from behind and starts cheering very loudly.
she looked absolutely terrified because she had no. clue. what. was. going. on.
and when this poor girl turns her head back to look at the person carrying her, all bodily organs in her shut down.
her eyes went blurry and suddenly she couldn’t see, her kidneys failed, her limbs detached from her body...it was insane.
jay and sunoo, being the teasers they were, laughed at the look of the flustered girl.
it was...so much.
when beomgyu put her down, she felt her life flash before her eyes.
she still couldn’t believe what just happened, placing a hand on her forehead to see if she was sick??? for some reason.
she literally could NOT think straight after that.
the rest of the episode felt like a blur.
during the flag game, she failed oh so miserably...
“you ok?” jay teasingly asks her.
“leave me alone.” *cue her side eye*
“hehe.” (jay)
she felt so bad for doing so badly during the game, she kept apologizing :’).
“ellie! its ok! none of us did good :)” thank god for yeonjun.
she had to lay her head down onto ni-ki’s shoulders because she felt so defeated.
ni-ki responded by hugging her by the waist.
“don’t worry, i did horrible too.”
she hummed and pouted.
the screaming from the others made her feel a lot better.
“there’s that smile!” sunoo squeezes her cheeks.
the other team won, obviously.
she examined jungwon, he seemed like he was doing a lot better, seeing him enjoy himself was all the reassurance ellie needed.
oh good god...the next game...hahahaha.
it was...hai!
they had a piece of paper in which they had to fit all their teammates on, it was...intense.
she tried standing in the middle of jake and ni-ki, but was pulled by kim sunoo to stand in between him and beomgyu.
she froze up, god...can’t you just act normally ellie? (this was to herself btw ;) )
she tried not to think about the close proximity between her and beomgyu, instead giving her all into the game.
“ellie, it’s alright, step on my foot.” yeonjun tells her.
“are you sure?”
“yes of course.”
she cautiously steps on his foot, making sure not to put too much weight into it.
they got past a good amount of rounds, the last one is where they REALLY struggled.
“i have an idea!”
ellie announces while clapping her hands.
“i think if we put our feet in this pattern...”
she shows what she means by using her own feet as an example.
“it would save space...we can hold onto each other for balance like all the other rounds and our other foot can come up. the foot on the ground will serve as a stabilizer.”
“that’s SUCH a smart idea!” yeonjun smiles at her.
jake couldn’t resist it...it came as an automatic reflex. he moves his hand around to squeeze her cheeks.
“miss smarty pants saves us yet again!” (jake)
she glares at him and hits his arm.
(there was a slight smile on her face though)
with ellie’s strategy, their team wins yet again!!!
they huddled into a group hug while the other team groaned in defeat.
“ellie should’ve joined our team!” soobin yells.
she giggles.
the final game was a big round of yut nori, which ellie still had NO CLUE how to play.
“do you know how to play?” beomgyu asks her.
“not really?”
“no worries, leave it to us!”
ellie blushes...yk...the usual.
ellie didn’t do much through out the game, following whatever the others told her to do.
by the end of it, you’d think she’d know how to play, right? wrong!
she still, to this day, doesn’t know how to play yut nori :))).
she was sad as the shooting ended, knowing that they probably won’t be able to shoot together with txt for a LONG while.
it was so very fun getting to hang out with her seniors, though beomgyu was a bit too much.
after they said their goodbyes on camera, it was time to say goodbye off camera.
soobin suggested that they make a gc together, to which everyone happily agreed to!
beomgyu asked ellie for her number, which she shouldn’t have though much about considering he was the one making the groupchat for them, but a girl can dream right?
after hugging everyone goodbye, her group moved back into their dressing room.
“i’m exhausted.” sunghoon mentions.
ellie’s eyes did feel heavy.
the 8 of them have been shooting all day and they could all probably agree that what they needed now was a nice long nap.
she moved over to where sunghoon was laying down and tapped the boy to ask him to scoot over so she could lay down as well.
the girl cuddled into sunghoons warmth.
“sooo, you and beomgyu, huh.”
“why? are you jealous?”
“maybe...but you know who is Very jealous right now? and who you should probably talk to bcs he’s definitely upset?”
her eyes widen, finally realizing.
“oh my god, i gotta go.”
she climbs out of sunghoon’s embrace.
“i was comfortable ellie!”
“yeah yeah!”
she runs out the dressing room, frantically searching for jungwon.
she accidentally bumps into beomgyu.
“woah there, where are you going???”
“i’m so sorry! uh- i have to go talk to jungwon about something, i can’t really stay for long...”
beomgyu nods his head and motions for her to go.
she finally finds jungwon at a vending machine, grabbing two drinks.
she finally reaches him and drops her body down to catch her breath.
“i’m so sorry.”
“about what?”
“sunghoon said you were upset with me about something...and i wan- (deep breath) i wanted you to know that no one will ever replace you or any (deep breath) any of the other members (deep breath).”
jungwon stays silent for a bit before chuckling at the sight of the girl’s state.
“oh ellie...” he gently makes her look up by her chin, “don’t worry about it, i knew you would never do that...i just got jealous seeing you blush at beomgyu so much...”
the last part was barely audible, but ellie understood.
she giggles, “i didn’t know mr. yang was the jealous type!”
he glares at her, “whatever.”
she smiles and hugs him by the neck.
“let’s go back, we’re heading home soon.”
ellie pulls jungwon by the hands.
“wait,” he fishes for the two drinks still left in the vending machine, “this is for you.”
it was strawberry milk, her favorite.
“thank you, kind sir.”
the two walked back hand in hand.
“is wonie feeling better~” heeseung teased.
jungwon mocks his face.
“time to head back!” their manager calls out.
“god i cannot wait to sleep.” ellie groans.
“ellie~ can i sleep next to you tonight?” ni-ki pleads with his eyes.
“why not sunoo?”
“he wanted to switch it up today, apparently.” sunoo clings his arms with ellie’s.
“i mean of course you can riki, just promise me you’ll actually sleep and not watch videos all night.” ellie stares at him.
she smiles and hooks her free arm around his.
“now...let’s go home.”
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nad-zeta · 4 years
HC Modern AU: Uesugi-Takeda force in Quarantine
Hey, there loves! So here is the other half of our lovable warlords spending time in quarantine! Hope yall enjoy it! and I hope everyone is staying safe!^o^ Also just side note i’ll start back up with writing everyones matchups on Monday! <3
The two of you were sitting together playing videogames when the news broke
Yuki got a text from Sasuke saying he should check the news!
You finished your game before switching over to the tv mode; on your flatscreen.
OOOOH shit, Yukimura low key freaks out and thinks this is the start of the zombie apocalypse (maybe you shouldn’t have introduced him to black ops zombie mode)
“hey, dummy, we better hit the shops before they get cleared out.”
Is shook when he arrives at the shop, and all the shelves are empty, like WTF
The two of you spend most of your time together, snuggled on the couch playing videogames, or watching YouTube videos.
Yukimura is a definite fitness fanatic so he spent a good 10 minutes pouting when he got a notification on his phone saying all gyms would be closed
That okay, at least I can go jogging around the……………*TV playing in the background* “during the lockdown period all jogging, running, walking dogs and cycling is forbidden, and anyone found outside on foot will be locked up.”
Cue Yuki low key having a small breakdown about losing his gains. You kiss his forehead and put on your favorite YouTube fitness video
“Just cause the gym is closed doesn’t mean you can work out, dummy.”
The two of you will often do some small exercises in the garden together to soak in that vitamin D and keep fit!
Yuki will spend half his time phoning Shingen pestering him about his health
You usually drag Yuki to the coach and big spoon cuddle him while you run your fingers through his hair. He can’t help but worry about all his friends. You wrap your arms around him and bring him out of his panicked state. When he calms down, he switches with you and now gently holds you, nuzzling into your neck, leaving a few small kisses. “Dummy, I’m supposed to be the one reassuring you that everything is okay.”
The two of you are cuddling surrounded by your army of fluffy bunnies when you see the news about the virus break
“some guy named Corona is waging war against the world? Never fear love, I will kill anything that tries to lay a finger on you.”
Explains to Kenshin, that it’s a virus and an invisible enemy
“I don’t care if it’s a biological war or a physical one, I’m gonna kill it.”
You giggle while snuggling closer to Kenshin, “silly bunny lord.”
Kenshin makes sure that the two of you are stocked up for the long hall.
He low key bought all the alcohol in the liquor stores, as well as all the plumps he could get his hands-on.
Came back, followed by a few more stray rabbits, guess we will just have to make them part of the family.
The two of you spend your time together playing all sorts of random board games, mainly strategy based ones to soothe his need to fight.
Connect to Yuki and the other via Call of Duty Black ops server. The two of you troll everyone of your friends for laughs. Also, if Kenshin can’t kill people in real life anymore, then killing people over a game is the next best thing
The two of you love cooking together, Kenshin will make his picked plums, and you will make some nutritious food for the two of you, cause you definitely can't live off of just pickled plums
It's no secret that the two of you love to cuddle up to each other, surrounded by your sweet little bun buns. Your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling anxious about the whole state of the world is to, lie together in your hammock. You usually rest your head on his chest while he soothingly pulls his fingers through your hair. The lulls you into a relaxing sleep while protecting you from all the dangers of the world seen or unseen
The second the news breaks you are beyond freaked out; you look up at Shingen with so much worry and fear in your eyes
This is a deadly virus for those with a compromised immune system and Shingen fits that description perfectly.
You make a point of it to do as much research as possible to make sure you are prepared for anything and everything
He juts smile at his worried little goddess, saying that if his beloved angel is at his side protecting him, then nothing will be able to harm him
You insist on doing the grocery and supply runs; you are sure to buy a year’s supply worth of alcohol and sweets.
Awww dang all the liquor stores are sold out! This must be Kenshin’s doing. DARN THAT GOD OF WAR. Well at least you have your and Shingen’s precious candy
You buy sooo, many gloves, hand sanitizers, and masks.
Sasuke is kind enough to organize Shingen his very own oxygen machine and bring the two of your some multivitamins to help fend off any threat
Loves to watch movies together on the couch. Shingen will spontaneously get up when the music starts to play from the musical that you are watching. He will grab your hand and pull you up, while positioning his hand around your waist. He will then turn your lounge into a makeshift dance floor for the whole duration of the song.
You guys love to do carpentry together. Often the two of you can be found in the garage making random things. You would make birdhouses and feeders, and Shingen would make furniture for your house.
The two of you also, connect to the Black ops server with all your friends to find out how everyone is. Shingen gets scolded for 20min over the game by Yuki for not answering the phone every time he calls. Scolds him, even more, when he hears Shingen munching on sweets. The two of you just laugh at the young man while continuing to stuff your faces with sugar
You can’t help but be worried about Shingen's health! You watch him closely and make sure he takes his vitamins and meds to keep his health up. 
Of course, Shingen will see you be a bit anxious and pepper your face with kisses. “The only medicine I need is the healing kiss of my goddess.”
He will then start to tickle you so that he can see that beautiful smile back on your face. He really loves that dazzling smile of yours.
The two of you can often be found curled up together on the bed while Shingen rubs soothing circles on your back, whispering reassuring words in your ears.
This friendly neighborhood ninja knew what was up long before the news broke, he had heard some rumors from his fellow professors at the university
He makes sure to have your shared apartment adequately stocked up of the event.
Sasuke bought the two of you matching black masks. To lighten the mood, the two of you put on the masks and any black clothes you could find and start playing ninja hide and seek.
Sasuke wins after you spent 20 minutes looking for him with no luck of finding him. He appeared out from the shadow of the curtains, snaked his arms around your waist, and pulled you to him while kissing peppering your hair, neck, and cheeks with small little kisses. You could help but giggle at your sweet, lovable ninja
The two of you spent most of your time playing board games, videogames and doing random science experiments for fun.
Cause Sasuke is a university professor busy with his Ph.D., he spends most of his time researching and writing. You loved spending time with him while he would sit on the bed, typing up his dissertation. You would cuddle up next to him and read. He would occasionally drop a small kiss on the top of your head as a silent thank you for supporting him and keeping him company.
You and Sasuke loved to you play videogames with your friends; it helps soothe both your anxiety to hear the sound of their voices over the speakers of your tv. Both of you couldn’t help but laugh at your caring friend scolding Shingen over the mic for everyone to hear
You and Sasuke loved to go outside at night, spread your softest fluffiest blanket on the grass and lie together while looking up at the night sky. You were shocked that the sight of the sky. You hadn’t seen such a clear night sky since being back in the past. You could see an ocean of bright beautiful stars. Sasuke told you it was due to the atmosphere not being as polluted as it usually is due to everyone being forced to stay at home. You couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia
Both of you could often be found cuddled up together under the night sky, savoring the bright new sky that the two of you had not seen in a long while.
When the news broke the two of you were shook, you did a bunch of research to see precisely what this virus is and how to minimize the risk of getting infected.
You guys would watch the news every morning to keep up to date with the happenings
Kennyo immediately called all his friends to make sure they were staying safe and well; he especially called Shingen to make his old friend was doing okay with his compromised immune system
Kennyo went on the food run cause he couldn’t bear the thought of having his beloved exposed to the risk of the outside world
He came back from the shopping run with both his arms full of stray cats.
This sofi boy couldn’t help but rescue the poor cats from the streets.
Both of you spend the afternoon building each cat its own little new bed while also naming each new members of your family. You guys spend hours together playing with the cats.
The two of you would make up hampers with blankets, masks, vitamins, and food. Kennyo will always be a soft monk at heart and can’t help but want to give back to his community. 
The two of you drive around for hours and deliver these hampers to the less fortunate.
Kennyo was sad that the church had been closed, especially being this close to Easter.
You discovered that many priests actually filmed their own YouTube videos online, which the two of you now watch together.
Even during the time of the virus, your spirits are still lifted, the two of you love celebrating Easter, so you have made it your personal mission to gather up all the art supplies in your house and make Easter decorations. The two of you even painted all the rocks in your garden to look like colorful Easter eggs.
Kennyo knows that you still have a bit of anxiety regarding the virus and the mass panic of the world. So, he will build a little blanket and pillow fort with you. Once the fort is built, he will pull you down to rest your head on his lap while he gently pulls his fingers through the long strands of your hair. The two of you spend hours in the little fort you built yourselves just chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Kennyo will occasionally bend down and surprise you with a kiss on the nose when he sees the small crease from between your eyebrows from your overthinking mind
I hope ya guys enjoy it! And are staying safe and well! don't forget to wash your hands and stay fit and healthy during this time!
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clericbyers · 5 years
Will on tumblr, whenever he posts a selfie or a video, gets a bunch of people calling him cute and Mike gets jealous
Will giggles and Mike turns with a frown, trying to think up a witty queue tag now that El is on his ass about maintaining a constant feed. He’s also trying his best to ignore Will’s latest “#gay for my crush” rant that absolutely does not make Mike jealous at all. Nope. He’s definitely not snooping through the tag on Will’s blog trying to figure out who this guy Will likes so much is. He definitely is not jealous that the replies are filled with people saying Will should date them instead and stop pining.
Will turns his phone to face Mike once Mike looks up from rereading Will’s post about how he “couldn’t talk straight, pun intended” when next to his crush. The other boy points out the tags someone posted under a reblog of his selfie.
“#sooo cute, #im mega heart eyes, #would give him all my love,” the tags read and Mike raises an unamused eyebrow.
“Mega heart eyes?” he huffs and turns back to his device. “Do people say that a lot?”
“Yeah,” Will hums to himself. “Actually whenever I post selfies I get a lot of people calling me cute.”
Mike stiffens. “I see.”
“It’s the best when I upload video; so many people like my voice, it’s crazy.” Will continues scrolling through his notes and reading replies and reblog hashtags. “Oh, wow, someone said they wished they could smooch my cheeks.”
Mike’s grip on his phone tightens. “I. See.”
“Do you ever post selfies on your blog? I have your notifications on but I don’t remember ever seeing any.” Mike turns to his friend and watches him move to his laptop to check his blog. “You should show your face a little more! I guarantee your followers will love to put a face to the name.”
“Yeah all 423 of them,” he grumbles with a pout. “I cannot get to 450 for my life, let alone 500. How do you get to 500?”
Will shrugs. “It came quickly for me; I mean, I’m at 10K now.”
“10 thousand? Will, what did you do; post nudes?”
Will rolls his eyes and sticks out his tongue at Mike. “No, you dummy, I just talk to people and interact. I’m not just a blog or just a content provider, I’m someone real they can turn to and relate to.”
“And every user the sun thinks you’re cute.”
“You don’t agree?” Will grins and Mike tries to cover up his comment but only blushes. “Just post a selfie, Mike! See what people will say. Hey, we can even do one together, just tag me and I’ll reblog!”
“I don’t need validation on the internet to tell me I look good.”
“No, you definitely don’t,” starts Will with a little bit of a hazy deeper voice, “but trust me. People like knowing who they interact with.”
Mike sighs and switches to a random selfie app Will and El downloaded after stealing his phone. He adjusts some of his hair, positions the device appropriately so the heavily identifiably parts of his room weren’t visible but some of his Star Wars: The Force Awakens poster is still in the shot, and smiles just a little for it to be cool. After a couple shots at different angles, Will jumps onto his bed and joins in for a few more selfies. Mike tries his best not to focus on how pretty Will looks, how they look like a couple with Will’s chin on his shoulder and their heads pressed together with warm genuine smiles on their faces.
“Alright, upload time! Do one of yourself and then one with me.” Will motions for Mike to attend to his blog so he does.
“I need a caption.”
Will, who is now casually laying next to Mike, makes a vague noise. “Just say ‘surprise’. It doesn’t have to be fancy.”
Mike does as told, tagging Will’s blog in the caption and his user tag in the tags, and then posts the two photos. The one with the both of them has Mike’s eyes a little unfocused since he was looking at Will on the screen at the time, but it doesn’t really matter. It makes the photo better when he looks distracted by Will. Will gasps when he gets the notification about the mention and grins up at Mike. “See? We look cute.”
“Sure,” snorts Mike but he can agree they do look really good together.
There’s silence for a few minutes and then Will slides off the bed. “I gotta use the bathroom, but, uh, I reblogged it! Expect your notifications to get a little messy.”
Mike watches Will until he leaves the room and then immediately goes to Will’s blog to check out his tags for the photo.
“#reblog, #selfie with the future boyfriend, #you all say I’m cute but look at the loml!!,” and Mike blushes furiously because future boyfriend and loml. Oh, man. Oh...so Mike’s the guy Will’s been talking about on his blog recently. All this time Mike was getting jealous of some random stranger and it was just Will crushing on him so hard he couldn’t talk straight.
Will comes back to the room and Mike practically leaps off his bed to take Will’s face in hand and kiss him so hard it actually kinda hurts. But Will is laughing and Mike can’t help but laugh, too, and when they kiss again it’s softer and sweeter and less teeth and pain. “Guess I better change my tags, huh?”
“I mean, I’m still your future boyfriend. Just 5 minutes into the future.”
Will laughs again, kisses Mike a few more times, and Mike thinks he can roll with everyone calling Will cute because they are indeed correct. He’s just lucky enough to know so first hand.
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zig-a-zow · 6 years
Songs for Grace [Aiden/MC]
Summary: Aiden never really celebrated Valentine's Day and there was nothing wrong with that. This year is different though. He has a girlfriend now. He also has forgotten completely about the occasion.
Pairings: Aiden x MC (Grace Ashton) [Mentioned: Mia x Sydney, Emma x Luis, Michael x MC (Callie McKenzie)]
Word count: 2245
Notes: A late Valentine's Day one shot for no reason other than we need more Aiden centric fanfics. And if you don't find the content you want to see, you have to make it yourself :p Hope you like it!
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"They were SOOOOO cute together!"
"Remind me why you were on Luis and Emma's date again...?"
"Because they didn't have to pay for their ice cream if I was there, duh" Myra rolled her eyes, as if the answer were the most obvious thing ever. "Plus, after that they headed to the movie theater and I didn't join them."
"Thank goodness."
Aiden didn't move an inch when Myra gave his arm the softest of punches. He was too busy packing all his stuff on his bag as the rest of his band mates began to walk out after practice.
He could hear a familiar voice ahead so he looked up, and there she was. His girlfriend, Grace.
She was talking to a freshman girl right at that moment, appraising her skills with the trumpet and playfully telling her she had big shoes to fill next year.
Now that Ezra had graduated from high school, Grace had taken his place as Student Director for Band. Maybe he would be jealous of such position before, but now he couldn't help but think that there was no one better for the job.
But maybe he was a little bit biased after all.
Aiden admired her from afar, a tiny smile appearing in his face without his permission. He didn't react when Myra nudged him to get his attention.
"Hey, Earth to Aiden!" she exclaimed, snapping her fingers in front of him. He returned to reality and shot her a bitter look that only made her giggle. "Awww, look at you! You looooove her!"
"Grow up, Myra."
He glared at her for a second, but the small smile on his lips betrayed him, as he wasn't actually mad. He found her teasing attitude annoying most of the time, but also made him giddy in some strange way.
It was a reminder that yes, that wonderful girl was his girlfriend and he couldn't be happier about it.
"Sooo, are you gonna tell me what you guys did for Valentine's day or am I gonna have to bring out my torture device... aka, The Bee Movie?"
"... Valentine's day?"
"Oh, no. Aiden, don't tell me you forgot!"
"Okay. I won't tell you then."
Myra made the most dramatic of sounds as she joined him by the door, where he was planning to wait for Grace to finish up grabbing all her stuff.
"Aiden, that's practically a crime!" she said with anguish, grabbing his arm firmly. "She must be heartbroken!"
They both turned to Grace at the same time. She was hanging her bag on her shoulder as she tied her long curly hair on a high ponytail, a neutral expression on her face.
"Oh, yes. She's on the verge of tears as we speak" Aiden uttered, as he shrugged slightly. "We don't really care about that... festivity, if you want to call it that. We don't need a 'special' day to show each other how much we care, so..."
"Ugh, it's not only about that, you dummy" she said, folding her arms above her chest. "It's about making each other feel special! Of course, you can do that any other day... but tell me, when was the last time you did something nice for her? You know, out of the ordinary?"
Aiden opened his mouth to reply, but he couldn't say anything. Sure, they spent a lot of time with each other, walked together holding hands, called each other cheesy pet names and occasionally made out when they had some alone time.
But was any of that special, or had it become part of their daily routine?
"What are you guys talking about?"
They both jumped a little when Grace spoke, and they saw her standing right beside them, a small mischievous smile on her lips.
"Uh, nothing. Absolutely nothing, nothing at all" Aiden swallowed hard under her smoldering gaze. He offered his hand with a tiny smile. "Shall we?"
He let out a sigh of relief when she took his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Myra gave him a significant look before saying goodbye.
As they walked together through the school, Aiden tried not to think about what his friend had said.
But he couldn't.
He spent the entire week preparing a special date for Grace. It no longer had anything to do with Valentine's day at that point.
Grace didn't even mention anything about it, and she didn't seem to be upset at all. He was right, she didn't really care about that celebration.
But Myra's words still echoed in his head. When was the last time he did something special for her? Something new and different?
That was why he had made the decision to surprise her with a date planned by him... which was more of a challenge than it could be for anyone else. He was completely clueless and had no idea of what to do.
He could write her a song... but even if she loved each and every one of those, he had done that too many times already. Maybe go to the movies, or a fancy restaurant? He could probably afford it, but that wasn't really special in his opinion. It seemed generic.
Luckily for him, Mia had seen him biting his pen nervously in class and asked what was wrong. He begrudgingly shared his plans... or lack of those, with her, and she patted his back sympathetically.
"You clearly need some help, and since I'm feeling nice today, I'm going to guide you. You're gonna blow her mind, or my name isn't Mia Warren."
Mia shared with him some of her dating knowledge, even told him about a few of her many successful dates with her girlfriend Sydney as guarantee that her advice was useful.
"You both like music, right?"
"... yes?"
"You could do something with that. You probably already wrote, like, a hundred cheesy songs so... oh! Maybe make a mixtape for her? Some girls like that kind of vintage stuff."
And so on, Mia gave him all he needed to know to make that night special. Her main advice was: "keep it nice and simple, no need to go all the way if this is the first time you do this, the fact that you took the effort will impress her enough".
Well, he sure hoped so.
He texted Grace when everything was ready, to tell her that he wanted to meet her at the beach if she wasn't busy, because he knew that she wasn't.
"be there in 10 💞"
He smiled as he pocketed his phone, feeling kind of silly for blushing at the sight of a simple emoji.
It was a beautiful night, the stars shined brightly and the moon seemed bigger than yesterday. Even the weather seemed to be conspiring in his favor, a perfect mixture of warm and cold.
It only got better when he saw her walking toward him, a soft breeze making her dark curls dance and twirl, framing her smiling face.
"Hey, handsome" she said when she reached him, taking a look at the blanket spread on the sand at his feet. "What's all of this about?"
"Here, have a seat" he murmured as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles before leading her to the blanket. "I just... I wanted to do something special for you."
Grace sat down with him and took a look at the wicker basket between them, containing two wrapped gifts, a box of her favorite chocolates and a thermos that she assumed contained that peppermint tea she loved so much.
As she didn't say anything, Aiden began to grow nervous.
"It's too much, isn't it? Or maybe it's not enough?" he muttered almost to himself, grimacing. "I'm sorry, I'm really bad at these..."
"Aiden" Grace interrupted after a moment, a sweet smile on her lips. "It's perfect. I just want to know... why?"
He bit his lip as he looked away for a moment. He could feel her eyes still on him, waiting patiently, so he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Well... it was Valentine's day about a week ago..."
"Oh, yes. Michael told me that Callie convinced him to go on a double date with Mia and Sydney" she said with a supressed giggle, smiling playfully. "They went to this swanky French restaurant where the cheerleaders go often... it was a nightmare, remind me to tell you more later."
Aiden turned to her once again, only to see a relaxed expression on her face. He knew he shoudn't feel surprised after all, but he couldn't help it.
"I felt bad that we didn't do anything for the occasion. So I wanted to make it up to you."
"Aw, Aiden..."
"Here" he grabbed one of the gifts, the smaller one, and offered to her. "You'll need the other gift too, but start with this one."
Grace started unwrapping his gift with a smile, and gasped when she finished. In her hands she had a cassette with a label on it that read: "Songs for Grace (but not by me)". She couldn't help but laugh a little, shaking her head.
"Ohmygod, Aiden..." she said then, seemingly touched. She glanced at the basket and raised an eyebrow with a knowing smile. "Should I still act surprised when I open the second one?"
"I would appreciate it a lot" he smiled back, feeling slightly more relaxed when he got a positive reaction, as she took the second gift and started tearing the paper quickly.
"A cassette player? What?! No way!"
Aiden couldn't help but laugh at her exaggerated expression of awe, and she joined in almost immediately. Their laughter was the only thing that could be heard for a few seconds, until it started to die down.
Grace sighed deeply, catching her breath.
"Should I listen to it right now?"
"Only if you want me to die of embarrasment."
She chuckled, shaking her head as she placed both gifts by her side, in a sea of red paper that formerly wrapped them.
"I'll take a rain check then, as I happen to like you alive."
"That makes two of us."
Soon enough Grace's arms were around him as she buried her face on his sweater with a smile he couldn't see. A proud smile appeared on his face as he embraced her as well, feeling pretty satisfied with himself for pulling that off without messing up not even once.
She suddendly looked up, a glimpse of distress on her chocolate eyes.
"I just realized that you prepared this date and got me gifts... but I got nothing for you!"
"Oh... don't worry about it" Aiden shrugged nonchalantly, caressing her back gently. "I really don't mind."
"But I do" she declared, straightening up a little, but not moving away. "I say... I say we settle on a day every year in which we have a nice date like this. Doesn't matter if we're busy or something. We just get together and enjoy each other's company, just like this."
"Sounds good to me. A day... what about February 14th?"
Grace scoffed at that, but a tiny smile on her face told him that she wasn't mad at all.
"February 14th it is. Can't think of anything else that happens that day."
They both chuckled at that, and a few seconds later they were silent yet again. Their faces inches apart, all they did for a moment was stare at each other in unspoken awe. Aiden could swear that he had never seen eyes as beautiful as hers. So simple and common, yet so welcoming too.
He didn't even notice when her small hands held his face gently and brought him down to press her lips to his tenderly.
His arms quickly wrapped around her waist to keep her close, deepening the kiss immediately. He could feel one of Grace's hands running through his hair as the other tugged at his sweater lightly, as if she wished to bring him even closer to her.
He beamed at her. If there was something he loved in this world, it was to hear his girlfriend's soft, breathy voice calling his name. It made him feel special, the luckiest man in the world. And he was sure that he was.
Aiden took advantage of the brief pause to place sweet, quick kisses on her cheeks and jaw, descending slowly until his lips found the warmth of her neck, placing even more fervent kisses there. She laughed softly as she entangled her fingers on his longish hair.
"You know... I'm starting to think you have a thing for my neck."
"A thing?!" he pulled away quickly, his cheeks a rosy pink, flustered. "Wh-What are you implying...?"
Grace chuckled as she shook her head.
"Oh, nothing. Plus, I wasn't complaining" she assured, pecking his lips once more before snuggling against his chest. "Thanks, Aiden. For this wonderful night."
"Thank you. For everything."
"You just had to outdone me, didn't you?"
They shared a relaxed laugh as they stayed just like that, their bodies pressed comfortably against each other, sharing their heat in the night that was turning colder. After a few moments of silence, Aiden spoke again.
"So, are you going to tell me more about that 'nightmare' date your best friend had?"
"Ooooh, of course! Okay, first he gets to the restaurant, and get this, they have a dress code! So Michael is standing there with three beautiful girls in fancy dresses, and he's like..."
Aiden sighed as he relaxed and listened to her story. It wasn't like he actually cared about whatever antics her best buddy got himself into, but it was a chance to hear her talk excitedly, smiling with joy and a bit of mischief.
But most of all, he enjoyed hearing her voice.
His favorite melody.
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Bts gif reaction to you being pregnant.
(Credits to gif owners)
Request: by: Hiii… is it ok if you can do a pregnancy series .. I think it will be rlly adorable xx😊😭
This is sooo cute, this is going to make me cry, I love this sooo much, btw keep requesting my requests are open, and if your request could be triggering I’ll ask the others and then write it, or not, anyways hope you enjoy this one.
Rapmon was so busy, in the studio, he’d been producing music, and lately he seemed to miss you a lot more, he got home with more anticipation to see you again, in what seemed like months but only a single span of a week, during this time, you had found out, you were pregnant, you wanted to tell him, but feared that it’d hinder his work, you kept it to yourself till he came home,
“Joon? Is that you?”
“Yes, come here I missed you sooo much” you walk into his embrace, taking care to not harm the baby,
“Y/n you didn’t miss me?” You smiled towards him, already knowing what he meant,
“What do you mean, of course I missed you, dummy”
“Then why are you less hyper than usual” you smiled at his question, you looked down, still smiling, and staring at your tummy, that had developed a little bump, namjoon looked at you as if to question what he was suspecting, you grabbed his hands and placed it on your tummy, “y/n? Are you, are you pregnant?” You smiled at him again, and nodded, he wrapped his arms around your waist,
“Thank you, thank you sooo much, I love you and our baby, I’m sooo happy you have no idea”
Jin was coming back from America, he had been gone for almost 2 weeks, just before he left, you found out that you were pregnant, you were so happy, you didn’t mention your pregnancy over the phone, knowing him he’d drop everything and come back to you, and you didn’t want that, he’d get into so much trouble, so you’d eat as much as your body would take in, and you had no idea that Jin would be coming back already without warning, he didn’t text or call you to let you know that he was coming.
What he didn’t expect to see was you throwing up in the toilets because of morning sickness,
“Y/n? Are you sick? Jesus shouldn’t we go to the hospital?” After you had emptied your stomach, you smiled at him and said
“Oppa this is going to have to be a normal thing for the next few months”
“What do you… wait….. REALLY!” He’d gasp,
“There’s a little me in there” he pointed towards your tummy and just looked so shocked, after he was done with being super shocked, he’d make sure to question if the past week you ate properly and if you needed anything, then he’d just cuddle up with you.
“I love you princess, and little prince or princess that’s nice and warm inside of mummy”
You would tell suga as soon as you found out, you’d call him and he’d be getting ready for a show,
“Hey, y/n? What’s up? Your calling me at this time, isn’t it bedtime back there?”
“Yoongi, I think I’m pregnant” he’d look super shocked, he would blink millions of times and punch himself to check if he was dreaming
“Babe, we need to go to he doctors, as soon as we get back, let’s go together okay?” You nodded and ended the call, the whole show he’d feel really giddy and happy, his fans would question what was going on, he’d hint slightly at it, but he won’t tell them just yet, wanting to be super sure.
He’d get home as fast as he could, he’d kick his shoes off and run towards you, he’d grab you waist and just stare at your tummy,
“Babe? Is there really a small baby in there?”
You smiled at his innocent looking self, he looked so happy, he’d take you to the hospital, where they’d confirm it, he’d be a smiling and giggling mess the whole pregnancy, and he would always make sure to kiss your tummy goodnight.
“Good night my two queens, I love you both”
Hoseok would be oblivious, you wouldn’t tell him straight, you’d tell him you had a gift for him, and you’d gift him a small tie box, he’d open it and smile at the tie that was inside it,
“Thank you Babe, that’s really random” you smiled and whispered,
“Lift it up, you’ll like what’s under it more”
He’d lift the tie up and find a small note and a pregnancy test, he’d read the note that read, “your going to be a dad, and I’m going to be a Mum, I love you” he’d start to tear up, and he’d lift the pregnancy test that was positive and he smiled and kept crying more,
“Thank you, Thank you sooo much, you have no idea how happy this has made me, I’ll take care of both you and our baby, I love you sooo soooo much”
He’d hug you and kiss you and just give you all the love.
This little bubble would start to buy baby clothing and baby related things, he was sending you little signals of him wanting a child, you guys were trying for a child, for months, so when you walked out of the bathroom full of tears he got really worried,
He’d come over and wrap his hands around your face, you were crying and smiling, this confused him.
“Y/n what happened? Why are you crying?”
“Chim, I’m pregnant, with your child, I’m pregnant, I’m so happy, thank you so much” he looked at you shocked and his eyes were now twinkled with small droplets of tears. He’d bring you into a hug and whisper
“Thank you, Thank you so much, Thank you for being my wife, thank you for trying so hard with me to create a family, I love you sooo much”
You’d take v on a whole entire dinner, then you’d take him on a little treasure hunt, at the end he’d find all the letters and arrange them into the order, he’d complete the whole hunt and read
“I’m inside of mums tummy”
He’d read the reward over and over again, then he’d smile and laugh like crazy, he’d come over towards your tummy and touch it and caress it and ask weird dumb questions like
“Babe, is it kickings yet?”
“Do you think she’s hungry?”
“Do you think it’s a he or a she?”
“I want a girl, but I’d love a boy too, I wouldn’t mind”
“Tae, the babies only 3 weeks old, we can’t know just yet”
“Well I’m ready to either have daddy’s girl or daddy’s boy, can you blame me?”
To be honest, you’d find out the same time as jungkook, you were so busy, that you didn’t really take good care of yourself, when you constantly threw up you just brushed it off as maybe you were too stressed, jungkook would get worried towards why you were losing your appetite and also throwing up so much, so he’d take you to the doctors, where he’d find out that you were pregnant, and the iv that was filled with the best vitamins and stuff for pregnant women attached to you and your peaceful sleeping state, once you woke up he’d tell you how you were pregnant, you’d cry and cry with jungkook,
“Thank you kookie, I love you so much”
“No y/n thank you for being the strongest mother I know, I love you too”
He’d make sure to find you food that you craved just because you found it hard to eat normal food that you’d usually eat.
“Don’t worry, I’ll travel and search high and low to be able to get you things that you need”
You’d go shopping with him to buy baby clothing, and the first thing jungkook would buy would be a pair of timberlands.
Soooo hope you enjoyed, this one was soooooo cute to write, and I’m mostly busy on week days because of school, so I might only be able to upload maybe 1 reaction each day or something, especially now because it’s exam weeks, but once it’s over, it’ll be fine, btw I’m already half way through it, so I can make it.
Love you all
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wttp · 6 years
Could I please get a reader x mccree where they start off as bro friends (like the bro memes) but then they start crushing on each other big time? Everyone else can see that they like to play each other but they’re super oblivious to each other’s feelings. Preferably male reader but gender neutral is also fine.
- You meet each other when Soldier 76 teamed you up for a long-term infiltration mission.
- The two of you disliked each other at first, but after spending time together you started to warm up. You began to laugh along to his terrible jokes and like his relaxed personality, as he also began appreciating some your traits too.
- You often hang out together between missions and consider yourselves as best friends.
- As you spend more and more time together, your feelings for each other start to grow stronger. You both understand what those feelings mean, but are too nervous to confess.
- A lot of people think that you guys are a couple when they met you. Your colleagues are astonished that neither of you notices that your feelings are shared by the other, but decide to let you figure it out in your own time. Well, most of them anyway.
As the sun begins its descent towards the ground, the wind, birds and the occasional gunshot is all that can be heard. The shooters are neither criminals nor Talon, as they are instead of you and your friend Jesse McCree. You, Jesse, Ana Amari and Soldier 76 are currently on a mission to help a small town clean out the criminals and gangs that have been haunting them. Today, after patrolling around the city and dealing with bad guys, Soldier commented, in his usual grumpy fashion, that your aim seems out of practice, and that you should fix it as soon as possible. He had a fair point, to be honest. You were pretty new to Overwatch and had therefore mostly been responsible for small tasks like paperwork, errands and the occasional reconnaissance mission with more experienced members, before this mission. Deciding that you could indeed use a bit of training, you asked Jesse for help, and began placing glass bottles and tins on an old log outside the base, as practice dummies. Jesse found you a regular rifle to practice with and reminded you of the basics. Ana and Soldier are looking on from a distance, as there was next to no paperwork to be done on this relatively quiet mission.
But enough about them, let´s get back to you and the cowboy. As you stand there attempting, and failing, to knock over the bottles and tins, Jesse can´t help but let out a small chuckle at your determined effort, as he watches you carefully aim, tongue sticking out of the edge of your mouth. Despite your continuous attempts, however, you once again fail to hit your targets, leaving you annoyed as you stomp the ground, before exclaiming “Oh, God dammit!”
This time Jesse manages to hold his chuckle, as he comes nearer. “Come on, don´t be like that” he says as he surveys your positioning. “Ok, I´m gonna try something, so hold still for a sec´”. As you stand still with the riffle raised, Jesse gently uses his hands to move your arms and upper back to readjust your stance. You are very thankful that he is paying attention to your stance and not your face, as the latter is currently red like a tomato. After a couple of seconds, Jesse steps away and nods, as he says “Well that should do it. Try again”.
You once again take aim at the log, focusing on a mediums sized tin, with a large bean logo on the front. You focus and pull the trigger. To your surprise (and Jesse´s pride) your shot pierces the tin, knocking it off the log. You turn to Jesse who is standing next to you with quite possibly the smuggest smile you have ever seen. “Heh, see, I told ya I´m great” he says. You can´t help but smile at his antics, before letting out a mumbled “You have no idea”.
As you realize that you said that a bit louder than intended, you notice Jesse glancing at you, sporting a small rosy tint to his cheeks. “Sorry, did ya say something?”. You panic for a moment, before quickly replying “Oh, no, nothing at all. I was just thinking out loud”. You´re sure you are blushing like crazy right now, but it seems that Jesse bought your excuse. He turns towards you, smiling, as he says “Well, alright then, everybody does that now and again I guess”. You feel so embarrassed at your slip, that Jesse´s next comment catches you completely off guard. “Just remember, if you ever wanna talk to somebody other than yourself, my door is always open”. His smile makes your heart flutter, and this time you manage to control your voice, as you reply “I´ll remember that”.
Your moment is interrupted by the shouting voice of Soldier 76, as he tells you to get ready for the next patrol. Looking at Jesse you muster up your most confident smile, before saying “Thank you for the help. Really, it helped a lot”. He looks you directly in the eyes as he answers, “No problem darlin´, I´m just happy to help”. You smile and fight to stop your blush, without noticing that Jesse is blushing just as much as you are, as he tries to control the nervousness in his voice.
Having calmed yourselves, you both begin walking to the entrance of the base. As you reach the entrance, you are stopped by a gentle hand on your arm. Looking to the side you see Ana Amari calmly smiling at you. “(Y/n), I have been meaning to talk to you. Could you spare a moment?”. “Sure, no problem” you reply, as you turn to face Jesse. “Sorry, I´ll catch up with you, when I´m done, okay?”. Jesse smiles and replies “Sure thing. Have a good day Miss Amari” before he walks in to join Soldier. You turn your attention towards Ana and notice that her face has changed, her usual calm appearance now replaced by a knowing smile as she looks expectantly at you. As she now has your full attention, she begins her questioning: “Sooo… When are you going to do it?”.
Unsure of what the former captain is referring to, you simply ask: “I´m sorry Miss, do what?”. She rolls her eyes a little, before clarifying “Tell McCree how you feel, of course”. You´re surprised by the suggestion and immediately become flustered. You avoided her gaze, and focus on your hands instead. “Whatever do you mean Miss?”. As you avoided her question, Ana simply sighs before stating “Believe me (Y/n) I might be old, but I´m not blind yet. It is obvious that you and McCree care greatly for each other, especially with the way you both always blush and glance at each other when you think the other person isn´t looking”.
“Wow, is it really that obvious?” you say, surprised that you are that terrible at hiding your feelings. “To everyone but you two, it would seem” the veteran replies with a kind smile. You understand that she wants to help, but can´t help but doubt if it´s really true. “Look, I appreciate that you´re trying to help, but I just don´t think he really likes me like that”. At your continued denial Ana nods her head, before adding “I understand that feeling, I really do. Although I must say, that even though you´re probably the person who spends the most time with McCree, it is surprising how easily you overlook the signals he sends out every time you come near him”.
At this revelation, you are filled with both happiness and worry. On one hand, it feels fantastic to know that Jesse may be interested in you, but one the other hand you dread potentially having given him the impression that you don´t like him back, by not reacting to his “signals” as Ana put it. Noticing your silent thinking, Ana decides to end the conversation so you can clear your head. “But you are right, this is something between the two of you. Now, I think we better hurry, Jack gets pretty annoyed when people take too long after all”
You nod at your superior before heading inside. When you arrive in the common room, you notice that Soldier and Jesse appear to have had a very lively discussion. Jesse´s head is completely red, and Soldier is shaking his head, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like “Just tell him, for Christ’s sake”. You worriedly walk over to your friend, before putting a palm on his forehead. “Are you alright Jesse, or should I call a medic?”. His blush now even more noticeable than before, he quickly stammers out an excuse, as he assures you that nothing is wrong. Though you are not entirely convinced, you decide to drop the subject. “Well, if you say so. But don´t think that we don´t care. If you feel the least bit ill, you come to see me immediately, understand?”. As he hears you practically giving him an order, he straightens up in the most comical way possible, before answering “Yes Sir!”. Your concerned exterior cracks at his antics and you begin laughing, prompting him to join you.
As you two are laughing yourself half to death, the two veterans are still standing a few feet away, waiting for you to be done. Huffing in his usual manner, Soldier 76 quietly grumbles as he looks at the two of you. “And they call us blind”. Ana lets out an amused giggle at her comrade’s grumpiness and also partly at the silliness of your issue. As the two of you stop laughing for a second to catch your breath, the sniper quietly adds “I do hope they tell each other soon though. They would make quite the couple”: Soldier doesn´t say anything right away, but after some time he merely says “Your right. They really would”.
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donghans-moved · 7 years
i think you should totally just write a love letter for donghan... can that be my ask? - 🍥 anon
i think it will be a bit too embarrassing to write a love letter so i shall just write whatever comes to my mind!
the first time i saw donghan, i think it was on twt where people were still speculating who is gonna be on the show and stuff (and i was curious because some of the people they said were people i was very interested in) and i saw a photo of him~ when i saw him i was like wooooOOOO he’s a beaut! my two other friends and i were looking up the people we saw and i think i found his instagram and just absentmindedly follow him? because i remember later on my friend sent me his ig and i was already following him and i didn’t know him before that so... yeah thats the only how i saw it lol (he was the first pd101 boy i followed on ig! i followed him when he was at like 10k followers heh kenta was second~) on the things i aw on twt about him i saw that he was a part of busking group D.O.B so i just searched for their videos to peep them but i ended up watching all the donghan focused fancams from this fansite because ??? idk lol they danced really well and i was there for donghan so naturally i watched his fancams and he was a great dancer so i just watched all the videos swdeswdeanywho! the one video i remember looking at on his ig and thinking “yes this is the one i shall stan” (i think i even said it to my gc lmao) was the video with the chicken filter that he deleted now :( BUT I THOUGHT HE WAS OLDER TBH donghan did not look like he was a 98 liner i thought he’d be like 96 or 95? so when his profile was released i was very shocked he was a 98 liner lmao when the naya na video was released i was scared that he wasnt gonna get screentime on the show because i didnt see him much in that video but the first ep came out and he got decent enough screentime? i was excited but of course lmao mnet doesnt like happiness and he was barely seen for the rest of the eps after that until the like last one or two before he was eliminated. i remember in episode one when he was talking to ong i was like damn donghan probably gonna be up that guys ass (little did i know that i was wrong lmao) but also after episode one (or was it two?) a lot of g/g stans were hating on donghan and saying theyre gonna anti him because of something he said and i will never not be angry about this and how rude they were to him about something as stupid as this. you know what he said? donghan said that he likes the boys visuals more than the girls visuals. yes, he got a lot of hate for saying that lmao i remember some i/o/i stans made threads with their caption as something dumb like “since that ugly pd101 boy thinks that i/o/i are ugly heres a thread on blah blah blah” like he didnt say he was ugly he said he liked the male visuals more. it just really bothered me that because he, a as guy, said that he liked the guys looks more, people were hating on him because ?? he should only think girls are pretty?? he didnt say anything to condescend the girls he didnt call them ugly or anything like those stans were implying but yet still they called him a crackhead, ugly, stupid, said they hate him, would anti him an all those things because he said he think the boys are more attractive. idk where im going from this lol but i really love and adore donghan! everytime hes clingy and affectionate to the members it just makes me feel so... happy? i personally am not that touchy with people so i see it as someone who is really comfortable and adore those around them so it warms my heart to see donghan so comfortable with the other members. even with D.O.B’s leader he was really clingy with him and i think thats what really brought me in man, i lOVE seeing it makes me so happy to know he has people he feels comfortable to be around. when he made it into the 35th position i was so thankful but when he said that he was thankful to be given the chance because he ‘didn’t want to leave the hyungs and friends he made’ on the show it really made my heart feel heavy because he barely made it into the top 35 and i saw how fans were acting to get their faves to debut i just had a strong feeling he wasnt going to make it ESPECIALLY because he has a lot of overseas fans in japan and china but they couldn’t vote for him because intl fans couldnt vote. when he was eliminated i didnt cry at first cause i kinda expected it (dummy head went and liked a photo on ig before the eliminations was aired) but after a while i was thinking about what would happen to him, if he would debut because i didnt know of any other trainees besides the ones on the show but sungwook changed paths to a model so i only knew him and daehyeon and i didnt know if oui had more trainees? so i was like, how much longer would it take for them to debut? would he have a successful debut? then on arirang radio with him a daehyeon he said that they were planning to debut early next year and i had hope for that (not really JBJ at the time like idk JBJ was so much of a dream come true i didn’t think it was possible lol it was too good to be true) but then he debuted in JBJ and im seeing so many people love and support him and im so happy for that like thats all i wanted lol i just wanted him to be supported on pd101 which he did get! but it was like, people didnt stan him you feel? they knew of him and liked his dancing and thought he was handsome but they didnt really give him actual support? i hope that doesnt make me sound ungrateful for the support he did get because i am so ever greatful!! but im even more grateful to see him being loved and appreciated while he is actually living his dream! i love donghan soooooo much he means the world to me and i would hate to see him sad so im sooo ever grateful people gave him the chance to be in JBJ with the members who care for him! at one point i felt a lil sad that i couldnt do anything for him like during pd101, i couldnt go out and put up banners, i couldnt give out flyers, i dont even live in korea and i cant even speak korean i felt like i couldnt do muh to help him and it made me feel like a bad fan lmao but i did get a few anons talking to me about how much they love him and that i got them into donghan and it made me feel soooo happy that i couldve given him just that little much~ i love love love donghan i want nothing but the best for him and if i ever could meet him.... i dont even know what id do lmao id love to tell him how proud i am of him and that im so glad hes gotten to where he is now but id also like to tell him that i loooooove him and would gladly die for him and even be his wife if he asked heh ;)
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Total Eclipse of the Heart
@quichekolgate another chapter! Finally XD. 
So I’m going to try and get the next update sooner (end of the week maybe?? It depends on if I sleep all day or not lol) and hopefully this will start to pick up soon! I want to take time to let Shiro, Lance and Keith get a proper relationship arc without it interrupting the action.  So here’s an attempt at that with Shiro and Lance! I’ll try to work on Keith and Shiro in the next update! ALSO! I’m working on a twelve days of Christmas OTP thing that I’m going to post about soon so keep your eyes open for that!
Chapter Three: Fate
Around noon, the small group came together at the front of the castle. Katie had two packs, one with the tracer to find Lotor and Klaizap, and the other had supplies for the week. She wore brown shorts and a long sleeved green and white shirt.
Keith and Lance each had a pack with provisions and clothes, each choosing long pants made of thick fabric, and long sleeved shirts to protect them from the environment. Keith had two water bottles, one attached to hip and a pouch that held emergency snacks in case they were somehow separated. Or if Lotor hadn’t eaten in the time frame of kidnapping to rescue.
Just as they were heading out though, Shiro came out of the castle, packed and ready.
“There’s at least three different royal families that will declare war if even one of you doesn’t come back alive.” he explained. “Besides, I’ve never been one to wait around for death.”
Keith found the footsteps that Klaizap was most likely following after Alfor showed them the path the Aurusian went down.
“It looks like a few different pairs.” Keith noted, “There’s one that’s more tong shaped, but the others look like a similar shoe with different sizes.”
“The dirt is still fresh,” Shiro mused while rubbing a small sample between his thumb and finger.
“We should get moving.” Keith said, “They have anywhere from eight to twelve hours on us.”
“I’m ready to go,” Katie said.
“Then let’s go.” Shiro said, “day light won’t stay for long!”
Six hour later, the sun started to set and Shiro began looking for a good place to stop for the night. Much to the relief of his companions. While Keith had never considered himself a slacker in his workout routines, he was feeling the burn in his legs from the six hour hike they had just treked. He couldn’t imagine how Lance or Katie where holding up. He had offered to carry her equipment about halfway through before instantly regretting it and passing it over to Shiro who didn’t even break stride.
Lance had gone silent in the last hour, which, color Keith impressed, was a shocking development. He had been running his mouth asking questions about Shiro and Katie while constantly reminding them that they didn’t have to answer, he just didn’t like quite and it was really quite, like quite enough to her heartbeats, can you feel your heartbeat through your prosthetic?
Shiro was a good sport despite the rudeness, offering simple yes or no with a small amount of explanation when comfortable. Katie, on the other hand, stopped answering about an hour in. Clearly displeased about the physical aspect in general and was trying to suffer in peace thank you very much. Keith had picked up on the negative vibes which added to his offer to carry her equipment.
As soon as the light was fading, Shiro had them set down for a campsite for the night. While Katie tracked their progress and gage how much further Lotor and Klaizap where, Keith and Lance set up the tent that Shiro had thought to bring. Shiro wondered a few feet from their designated spot to double check that they weren’t in immediate danger and to collect firewood.
“You ok, babe?” Lance whispered
“I thought you were mute by now.” Keith teased.
“Not funny.” Lance shoved, “Dick.”
“Your dick.” Keith smiled.
“Seriously, Mr. Side track. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine...what about you? You holding up?”
“Psh,” Lance shrugged, “I’m golden. You know what they called me back in class? The Tailor, cause of how I can make a tight fit work.” he winked.
Keith snorted, “You dork.”
“Your dork.”
“Please don’t kiss.” Katie popped their bubble. “Like, I get that you’re in love, but I need to focus and you getting cutesy is distracting.”
Lance scoffed, popping his hip, “You’re just jealous!”
“Somebody is…” she mumbled.
Before Lance could ask her to repeat herself, Shiro came back with a slight flush. The first time he had shown any level of exhaustion since they left. “Looking good boys! Pidge, how’s those readings coming?”
“Not Pidge, and they’re almost done mapping.”
“What kind of name is Pidge?” Lance prodded, excited to have another line of conversation to burn.
“Her brother introduced her to me as Pidge.” Shiro smiled then smirked at the princess in questions, “and it stuck better than her name I guess.”
“No, it didn’t, Sir Shirogane.” she playfully sneered.
Shiro dramatically pouted and Lance stifled a laugh. He looked ridiculous, over muscled as he was with puppy dog eyes. Though it was kind of cute, and it was nice to have such a playful atmosphere after the rough day they had. So he turned back around and finished tightening the tent down while listening to Lance joke about how he thought Katie had earned her despised nickname.
“Is he always high energy?” Shiro asked, checking the rope’s tension.
“Only when he’s uncomfortable,” Keith explained. “He thinks if he puts on a show nobody will notice he’s on the wrong stage.” he smiled fondly at his fiance. Who was currently being pinned by Katie who was half his size. “He’s probably trying to get her to forgive him for bugging her earlier.”
“By bugging her more?”
“It’s surprisingly effective.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Yeah, as the test dummy.”
To nobody’s surprise, Shiro was probably the best person ever to have with you when you’re out in the woods. It took maybe ten dobashes, at the largest estimate, for Shiro to build a small fire to keep them warm. Then turned to Katie to ask for the data she had been collecting.
“So, we have a rough map of the surrounding land here.” she explained, “we are the black dots, Lotor is supposedly the red dot and Klaizap is the yellow. It looks like Lotor has stopped for a while now cause his energy signature hasn’t moved any further for the last varga. Klaizap though, is still moving towards Lotor’s location, which means he’s lucky, confident or whoever took the prince left a trail.”
“How much farther from Lotor then?” Shiro pressed.
“A day, day and a half maybe. Granted that’s him staying in that same spot.”
“Then we should head out at first light.” Shiro decided, “I’ll take watch to make sure nothing sneaks up on us. You three go ahead and get some shut-eye.”
“Wake me up when you’re ready to switch.” Keith said, holding the tent opened for Katie.
“I’ll stay up a bit longer.” Lance smiled, “It’s been awhile since I had such a clear view of the stars.”
Keith nodded and ducked into the tent.
“Sooo...they really just let Klaizap walk off huh?” Lance started.
“Yeah, it was really weird.” Shiro nodded.
“I grew up hearing stories that fate hand picked those who were sacrificed.” Lance mumbled. “Literally, the first words out of my father’s mouth when Allura found out was ‘it’s such an honor, almost like fate’ he said.” Lance forced his voice lower in a mockery of his father, puffed out chest and everything.
“Have you changed your mind then?”
Lance deflated a bit, “...a part of me never really believed it…I remembered a handful of governors and other royals tell me that my mother’s death was for a reason. But I couldn’t find it. Like, if I could figure it out. I could apologize…” he trailed off.
“To Allura?”
“Allura...dad….the kingdom…” Lance gave a small laugh, “If it weren’t for me, then they would be ok...alive…”
“I’m sure Allura doesn’t blame you.” Shiro tried.
“She stopped talking to me when we found out what Hagger coming.” Lance said, “If I wasn’t here then mom would have been here to teach Allura, and Allura wouldn’t have been chosen for Haggar cause that would have ended the royal line, so it is actually kind of my fault she’s mad and honestly? I don’t blame her!”
“...how long has that been resting on your shoulders?”
“...that’s fair.”
For a while the two sat in silence, gazing into the fire. The smoke made Lance’s eyes water a bit, but the chipper popping of wood stopped them from turning into full blown tears. Though the fire didn’t seem to be as warm as before. Forest animals pranced around them, oblivious to the heavy air between their two guest for the night. Many too concerned with their own problems to stop and be curious.
“When I was about ten, a group of Galren soldiers, lead by a guy named Sendek, tried to claim our colony on Earth.” Shiro sighed, “A group of them was sent to separate the kids, cause panic and dumb moves I guess. As luck would have it, the royal family was out with the people, and the two heirs got separated, ended up close to me. Sendek noticed and tried to grab them. I was prodigy for the army through my father, so I didn’t have a ton of fighting experience but it was enough to get the three of us away.”
“We ended up hiding behind some trash in the alleyway. Eventually soldiers showed up, chaos ensued and they got the Galra away. When the three of us came out, King and Queen Holt were grateful and offered me a job training to be one of their best. I almost didn’t take it.”
“Why not?” Lance whispered.
“Because a few of the kids we ran from had died in the chaos. I believed that I should have been good enough to save them before accepting a position to be better.” Shiro explained.
“But you were just a kid!” Lance exclaimed. Shiro gave him a pointed look, “oh…”
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bcimbatmandude · 7 years
More Human Than Meets the Eye-The Blind Banker, Part Two
A/N: here’s the next chapter! Part three will be out tomorrow. Thanks for reading guys!
Previously- The army doctor looked cross to his flat mate and tutted pointedly. Sherlock shook his head innocently. John turned and left the room, shouting a goodbye to Adaline before trotting down the stairs. Sherlock looked over and smiled proudly at his daughter who grinned back widely. "Sooo, can I touch it?"
"Sherlock, my laptop is password protected! How in the world did you.." "Oh please, John," Sherlock interrupted, scoffing. "It was elementary. Dare I say, second grade level work." (A/N: I have NO idea how the schools in the UK operate; not going to pretend that I do.) He then turned to his daughter who was sitting in her father's chair, making a point to look away from John. She began "whistling" but failed terribly. John continued looking at her with one raised eyebrow, and finally, she couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm sorry, Mr. John!" she cried. "I didn't want to do it! He bribed me!" Adaline pointed to her father, giving the man a fierce glare. "Traitor," he muttered, and she shrugged. Sherlock sighed. "Oh well, can't be helped. It wasn't exactly Fort Knox level of protection was it?"
John looked back and forth from father to daughter, utterly lost for words. "Right. Thank you both."
He walked over and slammed the computer's lid down. Sherlock managed to pull his fingers out of the way just in time. John took the laptop across the room and put it down on the floor beside his armchair as he sat down. Sherlock clasped his hands in the prayer position in front of his mouth as he propped his elbows on the table, looking thoughtful. John picked up a small pile of letters from the table beside his chair and frowned.
"What's wrong, Mr. John?" Adaline questioned, noticing his change in expression. John glanced up towards the girl. "Hm? Oh nothing." He paused and Adaline continued looking at him, waiting patiently. "Just..need to get a job," he finished.
"That sounds horrible," Adaline commented. At the same time as his daughter, Sherlock stated, "Oh dull." John glanced at the two, looking back at his letters for a moment. He looked back up then, and Adaline noted that he almost seemed..uncomfortable when he spoke his next sentence. "Listen, um…if you'd be able to lend me some…"
As he spoke, he realized that Sherlock was in no way paying attention to his roommate's voice. "Sherlock? Are you even listening?"
"I need to go to the bank," the curly haired man stated suddenly, and Adaline watched as her father got up from his seat at the table and headed over to the door. He grabbed his coat from the hook behind the door, quickly shrugging it on. "Adaline," he beckoned, grabbing his daughter's coat, and the girl mindfully rose from her father's chair, sliding her arms into the coat when Sherlock held it open for her.
Sherlock opened the door and the two made a move to walk down the stairs, but not before Adaline turned around to look back at John. "Mr. John?" she questioned. "Aren't you coming?" Not needing any more encouragement, John got up from his spot in the armchair, grabbed his own coat, and accompanied his new flat mates to the bank.
The trio arrived at the bank; John couldn't help but gaze around at the impressive bank foyer. Adaline gasped excitedly when she saw the escalator; she ran ahead of John and her father, jumping on to the "ride." Meanwhile, Sherlock and John calmly approached the electronic stairs, Sherlock making a point to observe as many details he could about his surrounding environment.
Sherlock walked over to the front desk, stating his name to the receptionist who nodded and began to show them to a room. She stopped though when she spotted the adorable blonde, curly haired child standing close to her father's leg. "Oh my goodness!" she gasped, and John watched, amused, as the young woman walked up to the child and kneeled down to her level. Adaline smiled politely but was obviously uncomfortable with the attention being shown to her. John couldn't really blame her for feeling that way, especially when the woman began petting the small girl's head, running her fingers throughout her curls.
Sherlock rolled his eyes. This happened almost every time they went out in public…
"Your hair is just precious! You are just the cutest little thing I've ever seen! Like a doll," the woman cooed. Suddenly, the receptionist's hand was coming towards her face and Adaline gasped, making a move to step away from the silly woman. She hated getting her cheeks pinched!
Before she could move though, Sherlock stepped in, finally deciding to take pity on his daughter. He hurriedly reached out and caught the woman's wrist in a gentle but firm grasp. "I'm sorry, we're kind of in a hurry," he told her, and the receptionist look at him with an affronted look. "Could you stop fawning over my daughter long enough to show us to a room?"
The woman, feeling her cheeks heat up with embarrassment, quickly snatched her hand away from the daunting man in front of her. She stood up from her position and readjusted her outfit before clearing her throat and gesturing the three of them forwards. "It's that way." "Thank you," Sherlock nodded politely and made his way towards the room, Adaline trailing behind him.
John looked at the obviously very flustered woman, feeling a bit sorry for her now. He threw her a kind smile which she half-heartedly returned, and then proceeded to walk towards the meeting room. When he walked in he saw a man in a business suit shaking hands with Sherlock.
"Sherlock Holmes," the man greeted, Sherlock's hand clasped in between both of his own.
"Sebastian," Sherlock returned shortly.
"Howdy, buddy. How long's it been? Eight years since I last clapped eyes on you?" Sherlock looked at Sebastian with marginally disguised dislike. Sebastian glanced down for a second, and then did a double take, as though he had just noticed the tiny human standing next to Sherlock.
"Who's this then?" he said loudly, and for the second time that day, Adaline forced a very fake, polite smile onto her face. "This is my…" Sherlock started, but before he could finish Sebastian interrupted. "Don't tell me. She's your niece."
"…daughter." the detective concluded. Sebastian threw a surprised look at Sherlock. "Daughter?" he repeated, clear disbelief in his voice. "Who would've thought that Sherlock Holmes was capable of being a father?" Adaline looked up towards the men, and for a split second, she saw something flash over her father's face at Sebastian's words.
Concern filled her and she opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly, the man's face was in front of her own. "What's your name love?" Her dislike for the business man only grew when she recognized the tone his voice had adapted upon addressing her. Adaline liked to refer to this voice as the "dummy voice." Well, she'd solve this problem right away.
"Is that a new watch?" she asked simply. "What?" he countered, looking taken aback. His breath blew into her face and she grimaced. "Your breath stinks," she said bluntly, and the man's eyes widened in surprise now. He quickly stood back up, taking a step away from the girl. Sherlock didn't even bother holding in his snort of amusement. John however, looked down at the girl disapprovingly, even though he too wanted to laugh. Adaline had never sounded more like her father than she did in that moment.
Sebastian turned to John, but not before sending a glare down at the small human who was now smiling at him innocently. "John Watson," John offered, take a step forward to shake the man's hand. "He's a friend," Sherlock provided. "Friend?" Sebastian repeated, one eyebrow rising up.
"Collea…" John started, and then made the mistake of glancing down at Adaline, who was peering up at him trustingly with her wide, green eyes. John made a split decision then. "Friend," John said firmly, looking back at Sebastian. "I'm a friend."
Both of Sebastian's eyebrows rose then, and he looked to Sherlock as if to say, Is this a joke? John knew at that moment that he had made the right move switching his answers, for he very much disliked this man. Sherlock threw him a grateful look and Adaline beamed up at him, and he felt warmth build up in his chest.
"Well," Sebastian said, clearing his throat. "D'ya need anything? Coffee, water? Juice for the tiny tot?" "We're fine," Sherlock said, putting a hand on his daughter's shoulder. He knew that the man was trying to rile her up, and as funny as it would be for a child to put such a pompous idiot in his place, it would also be rude, and as a father he shouldn't encourage rudeness. Sebastian nodded, throwing himself into his chair and gestured that they all sit down as well. As there were only two seats, Adaline sat in her father's lap, playing with hand when he wrapped it around her stomach.
"So, you're doing well," Sherlock started casually. "You've been abroad a lot." "Well, some," Sebastian admitted. "Flying all the way round the world twice in a month?" John frowned in confusion at Sherlock's words, and Sebastian laughed loudly and pointed at Sherlock.
"Right. You're doing that thing." He looked at John. "This guy here had a trick he used to do."
"It's not a trick," Sherlock said quietly, and Adaline glared fiercely at Sebastian. "We were at uni together. He could look at you and tell you your whole life story."
"Yes, I've seen him do it," John said, face blank.
"Put the wind up everybody. We hated him." Sherlock turned his head away then and looked down. Adaline looked at her father worriedly. The ignorant man continued, "You'd come down to breakfast in the Formal Hall and this freak would know you'd been shagging the previous night."
That was it. Adaline couldn't take it anymore. "Don't call my dad a freak!" she shouted, and Sebastian whipped his head towards her. "He's not a freak and it's not a trick! It's called a deduction you idi-" At that moment, Sherlock's hand closed around her mouth, ending her rant towards the now speechless man. "Calm down," Sherlock whispered to his daughter, tightening his arm around her waist. She looked up at him angrily but nodded, and Sherlock released her, adjusting her in his lap once more.
"I simply observed," Sherlock now addressed Sebastian. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm sure you called me here for more than just a chat." Sebastian looked at Adaline for a bit longer and then met eyes with the detective. "Like father like daughter…" he mumbled, and John fidgeted a bit, trying to fight off the urge to follow Adaline's lead and shut the man down.
"Yes," Sebastian confirmed. "I do have something interesting for you. We've had a break-in." He got up then and walked across the trading floor towards another door, the trio following. "Sir William's office-the bank's former chairman. The room's been left here like a sort of memorial. Someone broke in late last night."
"What did they steal?" John questioned. "Nothing," the man said. "Just left a little message." He held his security card against the reader by the door in order to unlock it, and walked inside. Hanging on the plain white wall behind a large desk was a framed painted portrait of a man in a suit. Adaline presumed this was the late Sir William that Sebastian spoke of. On the wall to the left of the portrait someone had sprayed what looked like a graffiti 'tag' in yellow paint. The tag looked vaguely like a number 8 but with the top of the number left open, and above it was an almost horizontal straight line. Across the eyes of the portrait itself was another almost horizontal straight line that had been sprayed.
Sebastian led the way towards the desk and stepped aside to allow Sherlock a clear view of the wall. John moved to stand on the other side of Sebastian, and Adaline took her spot beside John. The business man looked at Sherlock expectantly while the detective starred at the graffiti in fixed concentration.
"Sixty seconds apart," Sebastian told them after they were back in his office looking at the security footage of the office from the previous night. The man flicked back and forth between the still photograph which was taken at 23:34:01. The photograph showed the paint on the wall and on the portrait, and then showed where a minute earlier -23:33:01 – the wall and portrait were still clean.
"So someone came up here in the middle of the night, splashed paint around, then left within a minute."
"How many ways into the office?" Sherlock asked.
"Well, that's where this gets really interesting."
The trio walked with Sebastian back to the reception area and were now studying a computer screen which showed the layout of the trading floor and its surrounding offices. Each indicated door had a light against it showing its security status.
"Every door that opens in this bank, it gets logged right here. Every walk-in cupboard, every toilet." "That door didn't open last night," Sherlock stated.
"There's a hole in our security. Find it and we'll pay you-five figures. The business man reached into his inside breast pocket then, pulling out a cheque. "This is an advance. Tell me how he got in, there's a bigger one on its way."
"I don't need an incentive, Sebastian," Sherlock scoffed, walking away. Adaline, on the other hand, snatched the money away from the business man, who looked at her with surprise but then rolled his eyes and followed Sherlock.
Adaline then turned to John. "Here ya go, Mr. John." She placed the cheque in his hand and smiled at John, who looked down at the child with wide eyes. "Ada, what.." "You said you needed a job," she answered simply, shrugging. "Your card didn't take at the store so you probably don't have a lot of money right now. This might help."
"Ada, I…" John started. "Thank you," he ended, and smiled at the sweet little girl. "You're welcome!" she chirped, and grabbed his hand, leading the two of them towards Sherlock and Sebastian.
A/N: Ahhhhhhh! Adaline and John's relationship is just so adorable. Sorry if I'm doting on it too much, but I just can't get enough of it. Anyways, thank you again so much for reading!
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