#my head is extremely itchy cuz of my hair
salty-icecream · 2 years
I woke up at 1am thinking it was 6am and now I can’t go back to sleep because I’m way too aware of my hair and my clothes. I can’t even be productive because it’s too cold to leave my blankets
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lipstickbisous · 4 years
the lion and her sun. (3)
notes: fuck it, i’m posting it now....we get to meet ellaria!! but just to warn u, aurane is a bit of a bitch to her at first but she warms up. we also get to learn a little bit more about aurane’s love life (lil surprise in there) and a few--VERY FEW--soft moments between her and oberyn. i was watching harry potter while writing this so if some parts sound harry potter-ish..that’s why.
also this is what aurane wears in her walk with oberyn (if u want to see it i’ll still describe it)
it felt weird writing doran as someone who walks (no offense).
and yes i know that my timeline does not add up according to the show but that’s because i’m writing my own timeline cuz i can. (sry for attitude)
basically, we just don’t pay attention to timelines in this fic :)
pairing: oberyn x oc
summary: with her wedding on the way, aurane meets a new friend and visits the water gardens.
word count: 6k
aurane’s horse had now been returned to the stables as she stood, feeling particularly small, in front of the great castle. it had been made of clay and marble and concrete, a bright white color completing contrasting the gardens it sat on top of. there were towers in various parts of the land and perhaps it being so disarrayed without symmetry is what made it so interesting. on the edges and hemming of the towers were intricate designs, similar to the ones she admired on her dish. 
the most aurane could say at the moment was that this castle was nothing like the one in casterly rock or in king’s landing. it intimidated her.
behind her as she stood with her head practically facing the sky, oberyn began to chuckle. “shall i walk you to your room?”
aurane had half a mind to refuse and let herself find wherever she would be staying, soon to realize that this place was completely new, and two minutes inside she could’ve easily gotten lost. without saying a word in response, she nodded and bit her tongue, just to make sure that this was still very real.
the walk to her new bedroom was longer than aurane had wanted it to be, especially with the stares of sers and ladies that had been dressed in the finest silks and linens while walking in the gardens. she could’ve sworn she heard whispers but they were so silent that none of the guards or even prince oberyn noticed, but aurane was a lannister, so she rose her head the slightest bit and ignored them while walking by. 
while oberyn led aurane around the halls and rooms of the castle, casually walking past them as if they were not a sight to see, there was a falter in his steps. he stood in a great room with paintings on the ceilings and that smirk on his face. “perhaps i should show you to my brother.”
one single mention of the oldest martell and aurane felt shivers. surely he would be even angrier over the death of their sister and wishes a worser fate for aurane. “prince doran?” she asked, gulping with fear. hopefully, oberyn hadn’t noticed it.
he only nodded and swiftly turned to his left and aurane hesitantly followed. the soldiers behind them continued to march with their wooden spears in hand, which did nothing to ease the anxiety in her bones. aurane hadn’t heard much of prince doran from her family, only rumors of his little brother. but if oberyn had been so intimidating to aurane...what would doran be?
in front of the soon-to-be married couple stood in front of a pair of doors, both decorated with golden patterns on top of the wood. aurane, still dressed in her itchy clothing (only worse in the heat), began to breathe heavily, noticing that her corset was still extremely tight. it was also then that she realized she hadn’t broken a single sweat since their arrival. but now, as they stood in front of what she guessed to be the throne room, she felt a droplet trickling down her temple.
oberyn chuckled. “don’t be so nervous, lion,” and with a single push against what looked to be extremely heavy doors, aurane was met with the sight of the most beautiful room she had seen. inside sat two thrones crafted of wood and more clay. on the back of the throne stood a two tall wooden poles holding up a piece of honey-colored silk. it saddened aurane to think that at one point, there would’ve been three thrones, but in one of them sat a man wearing a robe similar to oberyn’s, with dark brown hair to his chin. “brother!” 
prince doran looked as if he were always somewhat pissed off. his lips naturally curved into a small sneer, and with the way his hands gripped the wood of his throne, aurane felt as if she could sense his anger. “aurane lannister,” he spoke while standing from his throne. “or aurane hill?”
the princess smiled graciously though both dornishmen in the room saw right through it. there were very few times that aurane had been called by her rightful bastard name, but her family had always reassured her that it didn’t change thing. it was something that aurane never understood because why should it change a thing? “i suppose it’s neither now.”
aurane wasn’t precise on how anyone in the throne room would react to her remark in the moment. everything about it had been true--in a week, she would be a martell. prince doran began to chuckle before standing, “she’s witty, i like that,” nodding his head and walking closer. oberyn’s smirk from behind aurane was practically radiating. “not like your family. i can appreciate it.” there wasn’t much to say in response so aurane simply nodded in gratitude for the first semi-compliment of the day. doran noticed her discomfort at the moment and looked to his younger brother. “i think it is time to show the princess where her room is. the journey was long and eventful, i’m sure.”
long? yes. eventful? just the opposite. 
“thank you, my prince,” she curtsied and turned around along with oberyn to exit. in her last moments in the throne room for what she hoped to be a long time, she finally let the paintings and plants and decor on the walls sink into her mind. aurane belived she would enjoy drawing them, even if it was from memory.
and again, aurane was being led through the unrecognizable but yet insanely memorable walls of the hallways. aurane felt a certain prick about oberyn’s attitude--it was almost as if he thought he were better because he knew every single entrance, exit, and hall of the castle. little did aurane know, the prince thought nothing of the sort. 
her fingers absentmindedly traced over the marble walls, skipping over the leaves of tropical plants she had never even seen before in casterly rock or king’s landing. her eyes were dancing in every direction, and oberyn noticed but made no comment or remark. it was just a simple smile as he watched her interest suddenly peak when the walls stopped and the balcony to the west wing of the castle began. there aurane could see the perfect view of the gardens below, the palms swaying in the light breeze that contrasted the heat on aurane’s skin. 
when oberyn’s footsteps stopped, resulting in him standing in front of a smaller pair of doors, but with the same golden design, aurane let out a sigh. much to her dismay (which was a surprise to her as well), her little silent tour of the castle was over.
oberyn gently pushed the door open and allowed aurane to walk inside. it had definitely been bigger than her room in king’s landing, more like the one in casterly rock, but it had been so long ago that she was in her original home that could barely remember it. on the opposite side of the room was a long balcony that stretched from one wall to the other. the curtains were made of fine white linens but aurane was much in need for them--the view was nothing more than the golden-sand beaches and the long stretch of blue oceans.
her bed was also made from wood and marble and when pressing her hand against the sheets, aurane could’ve sworn she had almost melted. she had felt silk before, when the starks visited her family they’d brought along some of the softest furs, but the fabric she’d been gifted with was simply pure. there were two candles, one on both sides of her bed, along with large plants similar to the ones in the hallways.
on the other side of her room three large dressers, each with four drawers, and a two beautiful, large wooden wardrobes painted white. a mirror hung over the dressers and next to the mirror, on a marble hook connected to the concrete walls, held an outfit. it had been two pieces and was already a lot more revealing than anything aurane had ever worn before. her stomach and cleavage were always covered, along with her legs. this outfit showed her waist and hips with a small top in a triangle-cut and a skirt down to her feet. the fabric had already been quiet transparent, even with its coloring as a bright shade of orange. aurane wasn’t sure if the color would look good on her but she hadn’t noticed the fact that her jaw had dropped.
a chuckle arose in the silence. “in the wardrobe are undergarments, along with plenty of other attire. they will be helpful with the weather,” oberyn advised and aurane closed her mouth. her shoes tapped against the polished floor and she opened the wardrobe to reveal just that--eight wraps for around her breasts and eight for her legs. she shut the wardrobe after noticing the other outfits folded on the bottom and thinking of whatever was inside the dressers. “if you worry they don’t fit, we do have tailors here in dorne.”
it was a smart comment, yes, but aurane didn’t completely care about whatever the prince had to say. “they’re fine,” she pursed her lips. aurane now stood at the door, where oberyn had been standing in the frame. 
“i can help you unpack your things,” he offered, motioning to the guards behind him that held aurane’s many bags and belongings. there was a slight curve in his lips and part of aurane wanted to believe it was a kind smile. but in her head, she scoffed. another way to try to seduce her? did he think she was really that dimwitted?
she shook her head and turned to look out the window, staring across the sea. the air was full of the salty smell and inside of the small palm forest that surrounded the beach sang birds so loud aurane could hear them from her room. “no, thank you,” she answered, turning back to the prince, who remained in the doorway. “you already have every girl here on their knees to be fucked by you. you don’t need one more.”
and with that, aurane shut the door and locked it before anyone could push it back open.
it had at least been one day, but aurane wasn’t completely positive how much time had passed. she had watched the sun set and the sun rise once so it must’ve been the second day of the week--or, had she seen them twice?
aurane hadn’t left her chambers at all since she’d spoken to prince oberyn. she’d locked the door and no one had even tried to knock or break down the doors. the only time she’d opened them was when the guards had brought her luggage last night. 
now, it was around lunch time and aurane had finished the complimentary dish of nuts and berries and wine. her stomach began to rumble but since she’d awoken that morning, she had ignored it. her corset and dress from king’s landing were displayed out on the floor--for the night, she had sat naked in her chair, not because of the heat, but simply because she could. she still had not donned the dornish clothing that prince oberyn had gifted her with, but, of course, aurane didn’t know that it was an act of his kindness. 
instead of the revealing outfits or her itchy dress, aurane wore the silk robe she’d found in the back of her second wardrobe. it had been colored golden, and until this moment where aurane was playing with the hem, she hadn’t noticed the embroidery on the bottom. a cup of wine sat on the table next to her as she poured herself a third drink of the day, enjoying the scent and feeling of the air. 
then, a knock on her door. 
part of aurane smiled inside. she’d gone almost twenty-four hours without any sort of bother. with one sip of wine, she asked, “yes?” she noticed her voice hadn’t been so hoarse and raspy from not having anyone to converse with, but it wasn’t much of a shock considering there were moments she’d talked to herself or even began to sing. 
“i have your lunch,” the other voice spoke sweetly. perhaps it was the dornish accent or the mention of food or the aroma of the food through the door, but the want to be left alone suddenly faded. 
aurane tied the front of her robe to cover her bare body and set her wine down. she stood up from the chair and felt the cold of the marble floor against her bare feet as she walked to door and quietly unlocked it. 
outside of aurane’s room stood a tall and thin woman with tan skin just like hers. she had short black hair that naturally curled down to her chin and thin soft lips, holding a tray with a single plate of food and a cup of some sort of juice. the woman wore an outfit similar to the one aurane had been gifted with and aurane immediately knew who this was.
she chuckled breathlessly. “you’re that whore he runs around with,” she leaned against the door way. as soon as she said, aurane could see that the woman’s kind smile faltered the slightest bit. aurane shook her head. “i’m sorry.”
the woman’s smile grew again as she nodded. “it’s alright,” she spoke so unaffected by aurane’s hateful words, and the princess couldn’t help but admire it. “but, yes, i am the whore he runs around with.”
aurane winced at her words being spoke back to her and stood away from the door, allowing the woman to walk through. “please,” she looked to floor and shame and sighed. “you don’t look like a servant to me.”
“no?” the woman spoke with such a smile that aurane had only seen on boys. she felt something in her stomach flutter. “too old?”
the sudden accusation caused aurane to laugh nervously. she felt her cheeks heat up as the woman bent over to set the tray of food down on her table near the window. “no,” aurane trembled and closed the door. she walked over to where the woman was standing and looked at what was in the cup. it was a liquid, but not a transparent red like wine. instead, it was opaque and orange. “too pretty.”
aurane sat down and scanned over the food the woman had brought her before noticing that she’d sat down across from the princess. “thank you,” she grinned before pouring herself a cup of wine. the intrusion hadn’t been a problem but it was slightly awkward considering the ways aurane had been raised. 
“i don’t think i’ve gotten your name,” aurane spoke, picking at the grapes placed in a clay bowl. with a fork in her hand, she jabbed at the thin slices of meat and placed one in her mouth. it been seasoned with fresh and ethnic spices that were new to aurane’s taste buds. it was a strange flavor but as soon as she swallowed it down, there wasn’t much to hate about i.t
the woman watched in wonder. “ellaria sand.” she mused and took a sip of wine, her eyes focused on aurane’s lips as the princess devoured another piece of the beef. 
aurane only chuckled. “a bastard,” she whispered to herself, inhaling the small group of vegetables that she had never seen before. “just like me.”
there was a certain flavor about the food that kept drawing aurane to consume more and more of it. in king’s landing, the only seasoning the cooks used in the kitchens down below the castle was salt and pepper and perhaps a bit of garlic from the crop gardens. although aurane had longed to explore the city below, visit the markets, and trade with farmers, her father had denied her any freedom of such.
“pardon me,” ellaria spoke up through her cup of wine and aurane stopped eating for a second. perhaps she had been insanely hungry and this meal was a sort of satisfaction. “you must be some sort of dornish, your grace” the princess furrowed her brows and began to feast again. “no pink person could ever eat that food.”
aurane shook her head and dove her fork down to her plate before noticing it was empty. “and why not?” she chuckled, padding a napkin against her lips. 
the other woman shrugged and imbibed more of her wine. “those,” she pointed to the empty plate, holding only crumbs. “are the strongest spices in all of westeros.” aurane looked down at her dish and chewed on a stray piece of food that had remained in her mouth.
she laughed before reaching for the cup on the tray and bringing it towards her view, swishing around the orange liquid inside. “what is this?” she questioned.
ellaria’s eyes were skeptical at aurane’s wonder with the drink. in king’s landing and casterly rock and almost any other city in the land, the only beverages being marketed were wine and water--the latter usually being disease-ridden or still obtaining bits of salt. “orange juice, your grace.”
before taking a sip, aurane shook her head. “please don’t call me that,” and swallowed down a mouthful of the juice and was surprised when the sugars complimented her taste buds. aurane looked back at the cup with widened eyes. ellaria laughed.
“it’s good, right?” the older woman spoke, finishing her wine and setting her cup on the table.
aurane nodded happily and drank the rest of her juice in one large gulp. “i’ve never had oranges,” the princess mimicked ellaria’s actions and placed the goblet back on the tray, throwing her napkin on top of the plate. she sat back in her chair and let the silence flood into the room. she found that if she was completely still and no wind threatened to blow, she could hear perfectly the waves against the shore and the birds in their trees. with her stomach now satisfied, aurane began to play with her robe again. “you birthed him several children, am i correct?”
there was only a few seconds of silence before ellaria answered. “i did,” she smiled, brown eyes gazing off across the see from aurane’s window. “three bastard daughters.” the younger princess laughed humorlessly, to which ellaria grew confused.
“how am i to marry a man who has already been given three children?” with her last word, her index and middle finger accidentally tore the edge of her robe. aurane gasped and ellaria immediately crouched to her knees on the marble flooring and held the ripped hem of the silk. “i’m sorry.” aurane apologized
ellaria gently shushed the princess and began to slip it off of aurane’s shoulders, but the younger woman’s hands caught hers. “has no one seen you bare before, sweet girl?” aurane didn’t move--yes, a few man had seen her in all of her glory--but yet she remained hesitant as ellaria pulled the robe from her completely, leaving her revealed in the warm air of dorne. “you don’t have to worry. we share the same sights.” she hung the robe on one of the hooks near aurane’s wardrobe and opened its doors to reveal the many outfits and robes and undergarments. ellaria grabbed one of the blush-colored robe and handed it over to the princess. “besides, this material is very delicate.”
with the pink robe in her hands, aurane hesitantly stood from her seat, her entire body on display to whoever could see through her window, but with ellaria standing next to her there was a part of the princess that didn’t care. aurane slipped the soft sleeves onto her skin and tied it so she was covered once again.
before she could take her seat, ellaria spoke. “have you ever been in love?”
aurane didn’t like the question. so sudden and it was completely off topic. in the back of her head, aurane knew the truth but hadn’t paid any attention to it in years and didn’t want to. the simple question that the lovely woman across from aurane had brought up the thought and it hurt inside. “yes.”
interest piqued in ellaria’s head as she took her seat and leaned forward. “who?”
“you’ll laugh.”
she shook her head. “i won’t.”
it had been silent again while aurane contemplated the outcome of her answer, whether she decided to give it or not. it had been a short summer love that didn’t waver in strength. “robb stark,” the mention of such a person made ellaria widen her eyes and she sat back as a sign for aurane to continue. “the starks had come to casterly rock when we invited them for a celebration of their son, bran,” aurane began to play with her robe began but soon caught herself and let her fingers stay by her side. “we were both sixteen. it was the normal age for a girl to be married off into another family, but as a bastard, no one seemed to want me. i say that with no complaint, though,” she noted. “they had stayed for the summer. they weren’t too used to the warm weather and i didn’t mind robb’s company.”
ellaria smiled warmly. “he was your first?” aurane nodded. the older woman once had a summer love when she was younger. a sweet boy who shown her nothing but kindness. but summer loves were not those meant to last--only those to remember. “when did they leave?”
“when the nice weather ended and the days grew shorter,” aurane smiled. she hadn’t seen the prince of winterfell in year and could imagine how different he looked now at the pristine age of twenty-five. “we wrote letters to each other that took unbearably long to send. one day, i’d forgotten to write back. and i hadn’t remembered it for a few months. i tried to write one and i sent a pigeon to winterfell hoping he would receive it. either it got lost on the way or he just hadn’t bothered to respond.”
both eyes met each other, sharing the same smile. it stayed like that for the next hour as familiar memories and daydreams about aurane’s first lover flooded into her head. it was the first time she had gone without a drink after reminiscing her past. aurane could’ve possibly fallen asleep even but if she had, ellaria was kinda and let her rest. but now, aurane was awake and very much content.
the older woman tapped the table and stood from her seat. aurane found that she enjoyed ellaria’s company and furrowed her brows. “i think you should put on one of those,” ellaria pointed to the open wardrobe. “perhaps you’d like a walk in the garden. just to get out of this room.” she held the tray on her forearm and walked to the door, holding it open with her foot before chiming another thought in. “also, i forgot. prince oberyn has eight daughters.”
dinner had been served and oberyn had made sure a dish had gotten to aurane’s locked room, just like he had with her lunch. he would’ve taken it to her himself if ellaria hadn’t offered. and when she came back two hours later, dropping off the tray that now held an empty plate and cup, she told him everything.
“robb stark,” ellaria repeated. she rested lazily on oberyn’s bed, pressing a pillow closer to her face. something about that girl wove its way into the woman’s heart and ellaria couldn’t say she wanted to complaining. “she didn’t say anything of anybody else.”
oberyn nodded and sat himself at his desk. he had a numerous amount of crumpled up and discarded papers across the surface. his quill out of its case and ink missing its lid. “and you mentioned the gardens?” he asked, crossing his legs and holding his chin in his hand. 
his lover sighed. “yes, my love,” she disclosed. “now come lay with me. enough poetry.”
in her room, aurane stood insecurely in front of her mirror, watching as any move she made was imitated by her reflection. aurane had been told many times by men that her body had been perfection--it might’ve been from wearing those cursed corsets underneath her dresses--but that late afternoon, as the air grew cooler but remained somewhat insanely hot, aurane was poking and prodding at every part of herself she found as imperfect.
she had to admit that she had found the coloring strange, but it complimented her skin well. a mix of browns and oranges and greens it was, all morphing into a light beige. the material wasn’t as transparent as some of the other dresses and tunics but if it weren’t for the decorative beading her entire breasts would be exposed to anyone who looked. 
on aurane’s neck hung the golden chain, her last memory given to her in casterly rock from such a long time ago. dark brown waves of hair hung to her waist with two braids pulled to the back. her coloring complimented the entire setting of dorne, but still it didn’t feel like home.
when ellaria had mentioned a walk through the gardens it had sounded pleasant to aurane. it didn’t matter which city she was in--king’s landing, casterly rock, highgarden, or here in dorne--there was nothing better in the princess’ mind than walking along dozens of trails covered by different trees and plants and bushes and flowers. 
but now, moving around to face different directions so she could see herself from every angle, aurane was starting to reconsider her choices. 
perhaps leaving my room after a day might be nice. she had thought. there are so many new plants and flowers to draw.
now aurane only saw flaws. and if there were people in the gardens, and they already didn’t want a lannister in their home, she could imagine the type of remarks and comments they would whisper around.
aurane began to undo two of the buttons the front of her tunic before hearing a firm knock on her door. because she already answered the knock before for dinner, she wasn’t expecting anybody.
“it’s unlocked,” she yelled with a shaky voice, leaving the buttons alone and placing her hands at her sides. the tunic hadn’t been itchy like her dress while on the ship but still she poked at her stomach.
the door opened and aurane looked up in the mirror to meet dark brown eyes and a smirk. it hadn’t been necessarily seductive but something about it sent a wave of heat through aurane. “well, my sun,” along with the temperature of the summer air in dorne, the princess’ cheeks felt warmth at the name. “i cannot say you don’t look striking in dornish clothing.”
what a gross comment. aurane first thought, her mind immediately flashing to how much skin she was showing in her outfit, soon to realize that compared other woman in sunspear, aurane was dressed quite reasonable. “thank you, my prince.” she bowed her head.
oberyn tutted from behind and closed to bedroom doors. “lion,” with aurane chewing on the inside of her cheek and it was obvious that she had begun to strip, he could that she was reassessing her decisions. oberyn’s arms gently wrapped around aurane’s waist, and his fingers danced over the loose buttons before slowly popping them back into the other side of the tunic. “don’t use the formalities, just speak normal to me.”
her jaw clenched as his fingertip accidentally touched the inside of her cleavage before unwrapping himself from around her and reaching into his pocket. “what’re you doing?” aurane instantly cautioned, leaning against the dresser. at any moment, the prince of dorne could easily pull out a dagger or some small weapon. he was the red viper after all.
instead, he rose one hand in defense, the other revealing a small vial that contained an amber-colored liquid. he held it out to her as she gently eased away from the dresser. “you rub it on your skin,” he spoke quieter than before and while it soothed aurane it also piqued her concern. oberyn popped open the cork and placed his palm on the open top of the vial, flipping it over so that a tiny a amount remained in his hand. one simple look of an eye for permission and aurane nodded. she looked down to the floor as his fingers reached over to her neck and pressed his palm against her skin, soon rubbing the liquid in. exposed in the air, aurane noticed it’s certain aroma of cirtus and sugar. when she looked back up at the prince, he spoke raspy, “it will keeps the bugs away. it may be sunset but the air remains the same.”
she smiled thinly and muttered, “you don’t have to tell me.”
oberyn chuckled and held his arm out to aurane, hooking it so hand remained at his hip. the princess was hesitant. she knew her only option was to take it, placing her arm inside his, because if she wouldn’t it would only be slightly suspicious but what was this? the prince had no reason to spend even a morsel of time with her so why would he waste a perfect night for a walk in the gardens with a lannister? was it to poison her?
he could lead to somewhere secret and beat you, rape you. she thought as she hesitantly took his arm. they exited her room, shutting the door behind them. it was then that aurane noticed the two guards walking close on their trail. perhaps he’s gotten others to do it for him.
the walk to the gardens was not as long as the walk from the docks and to aurane’s room had been. if anything, sauntering down the hallways again had been peaceful and unnerving. the designs on the walls were the same and the plants stood generously. only this time, aurane felt her heartbeat quicken as oberyn pulled her into an unrecognizable staircase. 
“what’re you doing?” she asked in hush tone.
oberyn didn’t stop their wandering about the stairs despite her whispers. he only smiled until they arrived at a small door that seemed out of place in dorne. its handle was rusted and dirty and the wood seemed to be wasting away over the years. oberyn pushed the door open and the sunlight aurane was blinded with caused her to squint.
the prince smirked and bowed. “the water gardens, my sun.” 
more beautiful than the ones in casterly rock and the ones in king’s landing, that was for sure. hedges and bushes had been cut so perfectly, from every angle to side, and grown in a pattern that of a labyrinth although they only rose to aurane’s hips. in each center of every small maze stood a palm tree almost as tall as the castle. certain bushes were ornamented with pink and orange flowers, others with small little red berries. the scent was nothing like the beach outside of aurane’s window. citrus, like the liquid oberyn had massaged onto her neck, spices like the ones in her lunch, and a breath of fresh air that aurane had never tasted in her former homes. 
it was everything to aurane. this place was now her home? she’d seen the gardens from afar as oberyn had led her to her room the day before but up close, everything seemed to be so ethereal. she could imagine the days she would spend there, sketching in her books to recreate images she could only dream of--but now, there they were, portrayed out in front of her as if they were heaven. 
there was a chuckle snapping aurane in her gaze. she had noticed her eyes had softened, her brows curved, and her lips parted. “something tells me you like it here already,” the prince laughed, and for once, aurane found herself enjoying it. before beginning to walk again, oberyn held his arm out for the princess to wrap herself around again. she only shook her head and strolled down the garden pathways by his side, holding her hands behind her back. “you have a strong manner,” his eyes tried to catch aurane’s but she was intoxicated with the sight of this new world. “all you lannisters seem to have that.”
aurane rose her brows and smiled tightly. “as you said in our first meeting,” her footsteps were quiet against the stone paths. there were other couples roaming about and to any person, the prince and princess could’ve looked like any couple. “i’m not a lannister. i’m a bastard,” she looked to her soon-to-be husband. “my name should’ve been aurane hill. born of secrets and rumors.” deep laughter and sighing was the only response she was given. she furrowed her eyebrows. “you can’t possibly think my father raped my mother?”
the prince shrugged and aurane’s eyes widened. “why would a lannister, especially one such as your father, fall in love with a dornish maiden?” a couple passed by them, looking up and down at aurane. despite her dark hair, dark eyes, and tan skin, it was clear she was not local. her posture said so, her expression said so. “i am not saying it is your fault, lion. your father ordered the murder and rape of my sister and her children. i feel as if i can rightfully accuse him of such crime.”
aurane chewed the inside of her cheek and scoffed out a single laugh. how could the prince say such words in such a calm tone? nonchalant he was, but that would be an understatement. “do i look like a product of rape to you?”
a smile and a halt in their stroll. “you look like a product of love to me, lion,” he cocked his head and continued to walk.
it was a compliment, aurane knew that, but he couldn’t possibly mean it? so why was it sending a trembling feeling through her body? inside, her skin was crawling, the contents in her stomach from dinner were shuddering and her legs wanted to collapse in the middle of the garden right there and then.
“come, my sun,” he looked back to her as she stood in the same spot. “my paramour tells me of your relationship with robb stark.”
aurane scoffed and smiled humorlessly. ellaria had been a beautiful woman and regarding aurane’s disrespect she had shown in their first minute together, ellaria had manifested nothing but kindness to the princess. while catching up to the prince, she muttered, “i can’t fucking trust anyone here, can i?”
the prince arched an eyebrow. “and what is that supposed to mean?” such words should’ve given at least some sort of blow but they didn’t seem to bother oberyn.
shit. she thought. he wasn’t supposed to hear that.
“why else would a martell want a lannister?” she questioned the prince, earning herself furrowed eyebrows and slightly shocked expression. she pursed her lips and dragged her fingers against the petals of the flower and the leaves of the bushes before they stopped in their footsteps again. “since my father has committed ‘such crimes’,” she paused. “why would dorne welcome his daughter?”
the prince laughed, but this time, aurane didn’t feel the shiver in the warm heat, or a blush across her cheeks. the tension between them was visible and it seemed that any couple who had been enjoying their evening in the water gardens had suddenly disappeared. “you think we would...” oberyn couldn’t bring himself to say it. his hand reached to aurane and rested and her lower back. “you think we would hurt an innocent girl?”
aurane wanted to cringe in disgust at his contact with her, drawing so close to her backside. her hand met the back of his, her fingers so soft against scarred and calloused skin. oberyn would be lying if he said it hadn’t felt heavenly.
ethereal, even.
but as much as he enjoyed the slight touch she had made, she pushed his hand off of her waist and turned on her heel to return to her room.
tags: @pascalpapi @heavenbarnes @zeldasayer @ohpedromypedro @absurdthirst @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @pedropascalito @pedropascalonline @qveenbvtch @cyarikaaa @honeychicanawrites @vintagethereal @pedropascalispapi @wakalas @fleetwoodmactshirt @otherthingsinhead @forever-rogue @arianawills
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nebulous-frog · 7 years
For the Love of Elsa
Summary: Soulmates AU where the first words your soulmate says to you are on your arm. Phil works in a toy store and Dan comes in four days before Christmas when they bump into each other.
This now has a Part Two!
Word Count: 1638
Pairing: Phan
Genre: Fluff, Soulmates AU, lightly Christmas themed
Warnings: a couple swears, Black Friday-ish shopping
Author’s Note: Merry Christmas!
Link to AO3  Fics Masterlist
Chaos. Absolute chaos, everywhere.
Dan had been in the store for all of thirty seconds and already regretted ever entering. It was December 21st and everyone was last-minute shopping, including him. He forgot to get a present for his nephew and, upon realizing this, had scrambled over to the closest toy store to find the one toy that of COURSE his nephew just HAD to have: the Disney Frozen Elsa Play-A-Melody Gown doll. His nephew was completely obsessed with Frozen and wished he could actually be Elsa, which was unbelievably cute, if irritating when Dan had to find this very specific toy four days before Christmas. And it certainly didn’t help that Dan’s soulmate mark had been itchy in the last few days; as everyone knew, an itchy soulmate mark meant you would meet your soulmate soon, and the itchiness was making Dan very anxious.
So there Dan stood, dodging crazy shoppers running around in a last-ditch effort to find the toys their kids so desperately needed, scratching his wrist incessantly, and trying to figure out where on earth to find this toy.
Right, Dan. Just go in there, find the damn toy, and go home to some delicious hot chocolate and cookies because you’ll have earned it by then, he told himself. Taking in a deep breath, Dan charged, making his way to the “girls” section, as apparently it’s socially unacceptable for a boy to like Frozen.
Aisle after aisle was packed solid with people and the shelves were emptying rapidly. Yelling could be heard from all directions and all kinds of people, from the customers demanding to know why a toy wasn’t on the shelves to the poor employees trying to explain that I’m sorry, it’s a very popular toy and we’ve run out over all the other noise. Dan already had a headache, but powered through.
Since he was taller than everyone else, he had a relatively easy time finally spotting the shelf he needed to get to. Of course, it was in the back corner of the store, just Dan’s luck, and he had to wade through the maniacs to get there.
“Excuse me, sorry, I’m sorry, ouch, sorry,” he chanted. He was trying not to push too hard, since everyone else was shoving mercilessly, while also trying to make progress and not elbow anyone in the boob (unfortunately, it had happened before and was extremely unpleasant for everyone involved).
“Ouch! You pervert!”
Shit, not again, Dan thought. “I’m sorry! It was an accident!” he called in the general direction of the voice. “Ow!” Well, it’s good to know I used to have a foot. Is it still there, or will I look down to see the bloody pancaked remains of it?
Finally, Dan made it to the back corner. Triumphant, he reached out to grab the Disney Frozen Elsa Play-A-Melody Gown doll.
And that’s when everything began to happen at once.  
From his right, Dan heard a surprisingly loud and powerful female voice yell “MOVE!” and he promptly felt two startlingly strong hands shove him while he was midstep, causing him to lose his balance.
“Shit!” yelled Dan, windmilling as best he could without hitting anyone.
His windmilling was all for naught, however, as he was shoved again, directly into someone he hadn’t seen approach him from the left. They both lost their balance for good, then, and crashed to the floor.
This is it, I’m going to die, thought Dan. All for the sake of that Disney Frozen Elsa Play-A-Melody Gown doll. What a way to go.
Despite the background noise, Dan managed to hear the low voice of the man he had fallen on top of.
“Oh my god, are you okay?”
Dan felt his wrist burn as he responded but ignored the pain in favor of complete mortification. “I am so, so sorry.”
He felt the man stiffen. “Wh- what did you just say?”
Dan was too busy freaking out about being on the floor in the middle of the Christmas shopping rush in a toy store to pay attention to what he had said. “We need to get up, we’re gonna get trampled, oh my god.” He lifted his head and realized that he was entirely on top of the man. He willed himself not to blush; they really had to get off the floor. Turning his head to either side, Dan saw that most people were giving them a bit of room, so he scrambled to his feet and held out a hand to help the other man up.
“No problem.”
“What did you say, a minute ago, though?”
“When you fell on me, you said something. What was it?”
Dan noticed the man scratching his wrist and his eyes widened. “Uh- I think I apologized? Cuz I fell on you, and everything. What did you say befo-“
The man wrapped him in a bear hug. “I think you’re my soulmate. I asked if you were okay when we fell.”
Dan gaped before returning the hug and burying his face in the man’s neck. “I’m Dan. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Phil.”
They stood like that for a few more seconds before someone slammed into them, nearly knocking them over again. Dan reluctantly let go of Phil but was grinning wider than he ever had as he took in the appearance of his soulmate. Black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and almost as tall as him, Dan blurt out, “Well, damn, you’re hot.”
Phil giggled, his tongue sticking out between his teeth, which he tried to cover with his hand (Dan most definitely was not swooning at that, not at all). “You’re not so bad, yourself,” he teased.
Dan blushed dark red again. “Can I see your mark?”
Phil lifted his wrist, showing the words, “I am so, so sorry.”
Dan showed Phil his, as well. “I think the secondary mark is coming in, too, but it’s still faint.” Everyone had the first words their soulmate said to them on their arms, of course, but, when they met, a new mark would appear somehow related to how they first met.
“I wonder what it’ll be,” Phil marveled aloud.
“So do I, but we should probably, like, move somewhere so we don’t get knocked over again.”
“Yeah, that’s a good plan. Did you need something in this corner, though?”
“What? What would I need- OH!” Dan spun around and grabbed the very last Disney Frozen Elsa Play-A-Melody Gown doll off the shelf and clutched it tightly in his arms.
Phil, who Dan now realized was wearing a uniform for the store, took Dan’s hand and began leading him towards the front of the store for checkout.
“I’m signed on to a register in this corner that they usually reserve for members only, but nobody’s ever there because it’s really well hidden,” Phil explained. “I can quickly check you out in peace, this way.”
Dan snorted, then winked. “I’m pretty sure you’ll have the rest of our lives to check me out.”
Phil looked at him, confused for a moment, before what he actually said dawned on him. “Oh my god, I meant, like, take your money for the doll. That was so not what I wanted to say.” Phil was blushing furiously as Dan laughed.
“You are so cute! The universe did well for me.” Dan playfully winked again and Phil groaned.
“I’m just not gonna say anything anymore, I’ll just embarrass myself.”
Dan’s smirk relaxed into a soft smile. “That’s okay, we met because I literally fell on top of you. It looks like we’re in for a lifetime of embarrassing ourselves in front of each other.”
Phil scanned the doll’s barcode and put in his employee discount code. “I guess you have a point. That’ll be £11 for the doll.”
Dan had been pulling out his wallet but stopped and looked up at Phil again. “Only £11? That’s way cheaper than it should be, isn’t it?”
“Well, yeah, but I put in the employee discount. It applies to employees and their soulmates, so welcome to discount toys.”
Dan grinned again. “I’m liking you more with everything you say, Phil. Here,” he pulled out his phone. “Can I have your number?” He was a little nervous to be so abrupt about it, but he also knew that they were soulmates, so Phil would obviously do it.
“Of course!” Phil smiled and put his number in Dan’s phone, then completed the checkout process. “Maybe later you can tell me why you’re here four days before Christmas trying to buy Frozen dolls and falling on top of strangers.”
Dan blushed. “Maybe, indeed. I’d like to point out that it was not my fault I fell on you, I was actually violently pushed, thank you very much.”
“Of course you were, Dan. Of course you were.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “I wish I could stay and talk to you, but I have presents to wrap before I go home for Christmas. I’ll text you.”
“Good. Wish me luck before I return to the wolves,” Phil joked, moving back around from behind the counter.
Dan took a step closer to Phil, leaned in, and slowly kissed him on the cheek, savoring the knowledge that this was his soulmate. “Good luck,” he whispered.
Phil was blushing violently and biting his bottom lip when Dan pulled back. “Thanks.”
“Bye, Phil.”
“Bye, Dan.”
As Dan walked home, he eagerly looked down at his wrist again. Next to the words, “Oh my god, are you okay?” was now a small snowflake, just like from Frozen. Grinning like an idiot and shaking his head, Dan decided his nephew was getting some extra money for Christmas with his gift. After all, if it weren’t for him and his love of Elsa, Dan wouldn’t have met Phil.
Part Two
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thedietian · 7 years
Candida Treatment Solution – Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution
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 Are you suffering from any of these SYMPTOMS? Causing disruption in YOUR LIFE?
If YOU are suffering from any of these symptom(s) then you have candida yeast infections.
My name is Eric Bakker and I am a naturopathic doctor, I have specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of yeast infections for over twenty years. I’ve seen every type of Candida infection that exists, and the list of symptoms you just read are some of the major signs and symptoms of candida yeast infection and they are also some of the constant symptoms I hear from every patient with candida yeast infection when they come to see me at my clinic. And these symptoms can lead to various issues in life, below you will find complaints I hear from candida patients I see on daily basis any of these ring a bell?
it is destroying my home, my family and my pets
Uncomfortable, disturbing, feeling dirty , uneasy….in severe days, feel like dying. But is only when you hv this very frust n disturbing I will just says dying is better but I won’t take my life. Just a saying. Doc im here to get rid of this problem.
It hurts soo bad. I want to cry.
No one understands or believe I’m sick
The overall ill feeling and when doctors can’t find something wrong with me and think it’s in my head is driving me totally crazy.
I can’t find anything that will make my symptoms go away. I’ve tried diet changes, supplements, biofeedback, acupuncture, and anything else I hear about.
Can not wear certain things, burning when urination, itchy, swelling, and the discharge including smell bf is tired of me.
Cannot sleep,bloated tummy,weight gain,itchy body,skin rash on face, always constipated and tired, always feeling sick and have no confidence in any thing or at anytime. having white coating on the tongue with black pigmennt on the sides. smelly disc
I can’t have sex and it makes me feel awful mentally and physically,
I cannot have a healthy sexual relationship with my boyfriend. I am always self conscious.
I constantly have a nasty smell under me. Sometimes when its hot I start to feel a mucky substance down there.
wear my hair over my ears so people can’t see my flakey, red, blotchy outer ears… only my son cuts my hair… always itchy… have edema in my legs that never goes down now… bloated stomach… can’t lose weight i am here to seek your help.
A severe fatigue, weak muscles, lack of coordination, dizziness, diahhear, GI distress, anorxia. lowe grade temperature elevations on a frequent basis and basically just feeling weak and tired all owver, help pls.
Aggrevated by, Interferes with and causes discomfort during sexual activity Digestive problems Chronic presence, nothing helped me
Being so uncomfortable and the fact that there is no physical home test and no permanent cure for this infection
I have heard tens and thousands of these complains and how candida can totally RUIN ONES LIFE and brings HAVOC.
I have been asked by many people, how did it all start, why did you spend so much time writing such a comprehensive book on treatment of candida yeast infections? It all started with my own personal experience of developing a severe yeast infection in 1985, and taking approximately one and a half years to get my health back. I was in constant pain due to persistent itch, brain fog, bloating, gas, fatigue, and feeling unwell all the time. My GF left me, I lost my job and I was told by doctor to see a psychologist because I was losing myself.
I could remember days when I just couldn’t sit next to my girlfriend due to constant bloating, gas and itch around my skin. It was driving me nuts. Every time I would sit next to someone the gas/bloating would start and I had to just get somewhere quiet to let the gas go. There was no relief just constant pain. Symptoms vary from person to person but for most of us (men) itching in the private part/skin, bloating, gas, feeling unwell and tired all the time is a major sign of candida yeast infection. And it’s not just me or you who was/is going through all this read these complaints from my candida patients:
chronic stomach pain, not being able to eat anything at all without out feeling full after just a few bits and severe constant pain in upper abdomen.
constant headaches and distant very agitated all the time and angry
Constant itching in my ears, causing me to scratch my ear canals in my sleep
Constant tiredness and joint pain; intense stomach pain followed by days of sore throat; acidy feeling through whole digestive system from throat to urinary tract, etc..
Difficulties when urinating,after urinating I still feel like I want to urinate.
dizziness and fatigue all the time – restless in the middle of night, waking up 2-3 times a night weird sudden little pains in wrist area, legs feeling heavy – dry mouth w/white tongue residue, gum and right ear ache – right nostril always congested
everytime i have sex i get a bladder infection, the pain,swellings ontop of my vagina and my vulva the frustrations of itching and leaking and the worries of transferring it to my partner
Feeling drained and tired throughout. The fact that it reoccurs and doctors keep saying its staph.
Fuzzy/dizziness, blurring of eye vision , unexplainable pains in my joints, 80% of the time no energy, feeling depress for no reason, constipation, dry mouth, right ear ache – right nose nostril always stays congested, wake up from sleep as least 2-3
Having numerous symptoms which I am sure are linked but when I go to the doctor they sound mild and are not taken seriously, but as a whole I feel very under-the-weather and unwell.
Back to my story, I found no satisfaction when it came asking for help from my doctor, and my naturopath could not offer much assistance either, apart from a very basic low-carbohydrate diet and a few supplements. It took me eighteen months to get well by myself after studying and carefully applying the principles that were popular at the time, from Dr. William Crook and Dr. Orion Truss.
In addition, I grew up witnessing my father experiencing a chronic yeast infection spanning more than twenty years; he was addicted to bread and sweet foods; lived a high stress lifestyle and took many antibiotics and various other drugs for his ailments, most of which were stress induced. Dad spent countless thousands of dollars with gastroenterologists who could find “no cause” for his continual ill health. He was not interested in looking for the cause, nor interested in natural medicine, and the symptomatic treatments his doctors offered only included more drugs that ensured his candida remained rampant. Not one doctor ever mentioned diet or lifestyle factors, let alone acknowledged that he even had a yeast-related problem. This taught me early on of the importance of establishing and dealing with the exciting or initiating cause (antibiotics and high stress lifestyle) and in addition to identify and deal with the maintaining causes (diet, drugs and a continuing high stress lifestyle) if I was going to help my patients fully recover. Here are more complaints any of these sound familiar?
I feel excessively tired. I get hungry shortly after meals. I have recurring health problems that the doctors find no results for.
i feel itchy in and around vagina and white liquid comes out.the liquid has a quite bad smell.i want to rub hard around and on my vagina.
I get them frequently and have for years whether I’m sexually active or not and I don’t know what else to do to prevent them. It takes longer to get rid of them and no doctor can tell me why I get them.
i hate feeling yuck every day an not having much energy to do things
I have them so often and it hurts to have sex with my husband
I just want it to go as soon as possible. I dislike not being perfectly okay.
I seem to never get rid of what I believe to be vaginal bacterial infections. It affects my husband and I’s sex life because it is extremely irritated down there frequently, and I almost always get a UTI after we have sex. I’ve tried all sorts of stuff
Im so uncomfortable, I cant wear underwear cuz they make feel wet or sticky my people skills are horrible because Im so insecure that someone notice how figity I am due my discomfort. Sometimes I cant even wear my regular jeans bcuz they rub me wrong
It’s unbelievably itchy and irritant to walk or run and even being still I can feel the need to itch or stinging feeling
itchiness all over my body (back of neck, thighs, butt, arms, etc). after scratching, i’m left with large welts. it looks like i was whipped.
itching all day even when working, hard to focus, embarassing, distracting
Itching and burning, not being in a normal every day condition.
I began giving advice about candida related health problems more than 25 years ago when I was a student of naturopathy and soon specialized in yeast infections the moment I began to see patients in the early 1990’s. Once people knew I had an interest in yeast infections, I was beginning to see an increasing amount of people with all kinds of acute and chronic yeast-related health problems. After many initial years of only having partial success with candida, I began to feel a sense of frustration because I didn’t want my patients to experience the same level of frustration, anxiety and depression I did when I visited doctors and my naturopath when I had chronic candida, and for them to experience only partial results, relapsing back into a chronic state time and again with little hope of one day experiencing a full recovery.
My desire over the years was to develop a simple yet highly effective yeast infection treatment plan, a permanent yeast solution. This set me on the path that has finally culminated in Candida Crusher today. I initially started to learn by clinical research as well as trialing the many established yeast infection treatment methods, and by sheer trial and error over a prolonged period of time I slowly but surely began to develop my own methods. And today people consult me from over thirty different countries with all manner of yeast infections.
But how did I get this knowledge? My patients have been my best teachers, and by remaining in clinic for more than twenty years and specializing in yeast infections you soon learn from experience what works and what doesn’t and begin to fine tune a program based on these collective experiences.
In addition to my clinical experiences, there has been much time invested with many health-care professionals, taking into account their clinical experiences, looking at the methods they found most helpful when treating yeast infections. Every practitioner has his or her own professional experience to share and it is the combination of these many shared and accumulated experiences from both patient treatments and practitioner relationships that I have distilled into Candida Crusher, hard earned knowledge from which I hope you will gain valuable insights into your own yeast-related health concerns.
lack of concentration, drowsiness, mental health problems, acne, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, sore throat in the morning, athlete’s foot between the toes
My biggest frustration when suffering from yeast infection is the rubbing of my underwear its irritating and there are stains on all of my underwears.
My itching vulva while trying to sleep. I have tested positive for candida parapsilosis and have been battling candida for over 15 years. I eat healthy, use garlic, p robotics and herbs and still can’t seem to eradicate this yeast. It is flucanazole that caused all this i think.
My stomach always hurting me. It gets very bloated & sore to touch. I get lots of gas & pain. I don’t enjoy food anymore & always feel tired after eating.
My symptoms mainly were burning tongue, psoriasis of the hands, and face and around my eyes, which would water and burn and itch in that order…resulting in a fine rash under my eyes. Intense itching in my groin area (externally). I have had a lot more help me.
My vagina is very Itchy and sometimes burning when I urinate. I have a discharge sometimes is looks yellow and other times it looks like cottage cheese.
Not being able to have sex and suffering from a yeast infection almost everyday!!!!
Not knowing how to fix the problems and having so many days where my stomach hurts to the point where I just want to stay in bed.
Overall feeling so very CRAPPY…Yucky; and no enthusiasim about much of anything.
Let me show you how it is possible to not only overcome these symptoms but also how to treat your chronic yeast infection, and also how and more importantly why a candida yeast infection can literally ruin your chances of having a happy life, or the life of your partner or child and why you need to do something about it TODAY!
I’ll also explain why yeast infections are so difficult to eradicate, and the secrets to getting well and help you find a permanent solution to your yeast infection.
If you find yourself reading this page, then you may well be trying to self-diagnose if you have a yeast infection, or are suffering with a candida overgrowth right now, suffering from a condition that can be fully resolved. There are some easy and highly effective ways for you to get well completely and recover entirely from a Candida yeast infection, and chances are that you have come to this page to find that solution. You have come to the right page in that case!
Perhaps you are a person who has only recently figured out that he or she has a yeast infection? You will be able to click on many different links on this page and then be able to read the information you were looking for. Candida yeast infections are NOT like simple bacterial infections, it is not just a matter of taking a few pills like an antibiotic for a couple of days to knock-out this infection!
On the other hand, you could be a person who has been dealing with a yeast infection for some time and have taken probiotics or an antifungal supplement like garlic, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, SF 722, Syntol, Candeze, etc; only to discover you get partial relief, and become unwell time again down the track? It looks like you are looking for an effective and quick solution! There are plenty of options on this page too.
Maybe you are one of those people who has been suffering with a chronic yeast infection for many years and have tried every trick in the book to get rid of it. You may have spent thousands of dollars like so many patients I have seen over the years. But what is even worse than wasting all this money; the fact that you are wasting your life and ruining any chances of a happy life by not curing your yeast infection.
persistent mucous coughing poor memory tiredness sensitivity to chenicals cravings
prescriptions I have received should have indicated for no longer than 2 weeks. I was not aware of the steroids in the medicine. Due to improper instructions certain areas my skin has become extremely thin and sensitive.
Reduced enjoyment and frequency of intercourse due to itching and burning
Roller coaster of feelings; anxiety, tiredness, moody, irritable, depression, just not feeling self.
Scrotum…groin area itch..get rashly..then better..then starts over
sense of having lost libido/general lack of energy/strength/endurance/
Severe bloating. Look like I’m pregnant.
severe itching making me uncomfortable,unable to feel free
sore most of the time not finding help im sick and tired of having no quality of life i have had candida for 20 some yrs i will be eternally grateful if you help me.
That can I never be the same or happy….I’m always worried what people will smell and think i am some dirty women.
The anxiety/depression, headaches, slight chest pains, intrusive thoughts. I have tried everything to get rid of this infection nothing has worked.
The embarrassment of telling someone you’ve just started dating that you have problems down there.
The fact that my gut is always bloated out and I am constantly constipated no matter what I eat.
The feeling of being unable to accomplish anything because I can’t concentrate, stay focused or remember anything. I’ve had to give up my job and try to find my own answers to my severe health problems because the doctors I’ve visited don’t know
the frustration of not gettng rid of it and the uncomfortable feeling it gives you which turns your normal life into hell.
The itching and burning, have had chronic vaginal yeast infections before and everything I tried didn’t work to get rid of it until I bleached all of my underwear and completed an oral treatment and topical vaginal treatment at the same time which worked for a while and then it came back.
The itching is the biggest frustration. Along with not feeling like myself. Tired, irritable, moody, just an overall feeling of un wellness.
The itching. It’s almost unbearable at times. Also, the discharge is kind of gross and I always have to wear a panty liner.
The numerous food allergies that make eating a healthy diet very challenging. Seems like I have only a handful of foods I can eat without feeling horrible. Also the lack of energy to get anything done.
The odor it gives off, the white stuff that comes out of my virgina, and the internal itching is at a level i want to just die its painful and embarassing.
The struggle to cure the problem. It usually takes at least six days for treatment to work, and there is no guarantee that the treatment I choose is the correct formula to treat it. This causes a major rift in my sex life antibiotics made it worst for me.
This has destroyed my sex life with my wife. She consistently treats but gets yeast infections. I am thinking its me because she get them EVERY time no matter how gentle I am. Found you online and why i am seeking your aide.
white tongue with dark pigment on sides, constipated,weight gain bigger tummy, tired. itchy skin and rash on face. no confidence and concentration , feeling sick and drained, foggy vision
The answer to all these questions: Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution
The Candida Crusher Program will be of enormous benefit to all people who are sincere in their attempts in wanting a permanent solution to their yeast infection. But naturally, not everybody will achieve the same level of results, because an individual’s results and outcomes are dependent on many factors.
Candida Crusher took three years to complete after constant requests from many patients who have been eagerly waiting for my book on yeast infection treatment. I trust that you will find plenty of useful information in my book, and put the information to good use. Knowledge is important, but it is only when this knowledge is faithfully applied that it is of any true benefit, and I trust that those who purchase Candida Crusher faithfully apply this hard earned knowledge for their own benefit. Results are sure to come with those who are sincere, but there is ample information in Candida Crusher on what to do “if all else fails”.
Dr. Bakker’s book takes Candida treatment to the level it needs to be taken. It is a breakthrough book for this generation like Dr. William Crooks books were to the generation of the 1980s.
Leading Authority & Expert on Adrenal Fatigue
Dr. Bakker’s book is a well-researched, intelligent analysis of the problem of candida overgrowth, which is more common than realized. The recommendations for diagnosis and treatment are rational and clinically effective.
Dr. Mitchell A. Fleisher, M.D., D.Ht., D.A.B.F.M., Dc.A.B.C.T.
Author of Alternative DrMCare Natural Medical Self-Care Protocols
Dr. Bakker has assembled the authoritative volume on all things Cadidiasis. This remarkable resource offers a comprehensive holistic approach to treating the underlying causes of all forms of acute and chronic Candida infections. Candida Crusher doubles as both a valuable self-help book and a serious professional guide that has something to offer for all families and health care practitioners. I highly recommend it to people suffering from candida yeast infections.
Author of Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care & Writer at HuffingtonPost
Note! – Check what’s inside candida crusher candida treatment book. CLICK HERE to check inside the book.
Hi Eric, Thank you for helping me with a problem which has been causing me grief for many years – my toenails. Ever since I can remember I have had awfully smelly toes. I have tried every lotion and potion I could find and thanks to your Candida Crusher program can now say that I can finally believe that soon I will be free from athlete’s foot. Look at the improvement! You asked me for a photo so here it is. I can recommend your services to anyone who has tried everything else. And Eric, don’t hesitate to catch up with me when you come to Brisbane next. Regards, Gary Nulfield, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
Athlete’s Foot – Cured Hi Eric, I just wanted to share with you how happy I am to finally be able to see healthy toenails after more than 30 years of awful, terrible athlete’s feet and discoloured and terrible misshapen toenails. You did promise me that in time my toenails would grow out to be normal again, but I never ever believed that it would really happen! But the interesting this is that we didn’t really treat my feet, but my digestion which I cannot get over. My allergies have disappeared and my digestion is back to normal, all in the span of 6 months, I still can’t believe it, I am absolutely thrilled!! I wish you all the best with your candida book, your advice and information was certainly worth it for me. I just wish I could have gotten a copy, but you mentioned that you were almost finished writing it. Sheryl Livingstone, 48yrs, Sydney, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody” Hi Eric, I want to personally thank you for the work you are doing by educating and helping people like me. For the last 5 months I have been following your Candida Crusher diet and lifestyle program and especially the stress recommendations. It took a good two months to really notice the results. My aches (including headaches) I used to experience in my neck and back have all but gone and so has the annoying rash in my groin region that I used to have. But the best thing of all is that my bloated belly and gas (which is still there but a fraction of what it used to be like) is all but gone! I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody who complains of digestive problems especially, regardless of their type of digestive complaint. I once had no faith whatsoever in your type of medicine but can honestly say that your treatment worked for me and I know it can help others out there who have problems like I had. I live in England and next time I come to New Zealand want to come and visit you for a personal consultation, my daughter (who sent me a link to your yeast infection website) now lives in Auckland. Thank you for the time you spent with me over the past several months. Jack Allen, 62yrs, Orpington, London
“I’ve not only got rid of my yeast infection, I’ve lost 16 pounds!” Hello Eric, I am Karen aged 45, and yes, you can use my “story”, I hope it helps other people just like me out there overcome their yeast problems. I had been battling a candida infection for the past eight years at least. I came across your name and your candida program through my friend but had doubts as to whether you could help me, I honestly had tried just about every pill, product and treatment under the sun! But I’m glad I did, or I would have never gotten rid of this crippling condition. It took about four weeks to notice improvements and I must say I never experienced results like this with any other treatment or pill I tried. I can now save money on treatments and no more doctor visits or drugs like (which made me feel sick) or those messy creams I kept using with little results. BTW – I’ve not only lost my yeast infection, I’ve also lost nearly eight kilos (16 pounds) in weight! Thanks and God Bless! Karen Caruso, 45yrs, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“Terrible Stomach Pains – All Gone” Dear Dr. Bakker, I visited your clinic in 2007 on a holiday to see my sister in your area with terrible stomach pains and very itchy skin. I craved sweet foods and as a chef found it really hard to stop eating sweet deserts. My health had been terrible for a quit a a few years, and all the doctors could do was keep on giving me antibiotics. Your Candida Crusher program was a true godsend and helped me within two weeks! I have now been free of digestive pains and have felt the best I have in many years, thank you so much for all your professional help and personal engagement, I really appreciate it. Kate Veenstra – Melbourne, Australia
My name is Olivia and I live in Auckland, NZ. I have been following your Candida Crusher Program. It was completely mind blowing, because I knew there was something wrong with me, but I just couldn’t explain what or even why! Everything you had written in your articles is exactly how I have been feeling for decades. After doing the different home ttests that you had suggested, it was definitely the confirmation I needed. Thank you for writing such a great series on candida articles! Regards, Olivia, Auckland, NZ
“A Passionate Health-Care Professional” Thanks very much for your time and the info. I always come out of talking to you feeling so much better, having all my questions answered – and providing so much more info on my candida and digestive issues as well. It is such a pleasure (and a relief!) to know you and to at last be in touch with a real, genuine, knowledgeable and passionate natural health ‘professional’ Lindsay, 55yrs, Wellington, NZ
“Thank you for helping me to solve your digestive problems” Hi Eric, Matt here, I can not thank you enough for helping me solve my digestion problems. I have had just over two weeks avoiding the foods I am not supposed to have and have started your Candida Crusher program and I feel great to say the least. My stomach no longer hurts, I have energy again and my mental health almost instantly switched back to normal and I have not suffered any depression since. I would like to organize a time to call you for a phone consult to make sure I am giving my body everything it needs and I would also like to discuss the bowel as I still have some bloating and still not forming solid stool. Matt, 27yrs, Gold Coast – Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
The book is exactly 718 pages.
Candida Crusher costs what it does because it took just over three years to research and write, and is based on treating over 15,000 yeast infected patients spanning twenty-five years. Candida Crusher is quite possibly the most comprehensive self-help manual on yeast infections written to date. Unlike some books of its kind, it is not half-filled with recipes, but is packed with countless hints and tips not found anywhere else on yeast infection recovery.
Candida Crusher comes in a PDF format. Which can be read with Adobe Acrobat.
About 5 to 10 minutes. Once the payment is verified you will be redirected to our download page.
Of course you can! I have a sixty-days (60) refund policy, if you don’t like my book and can’t honestly see how it could change your life for the better, then please let us know within two months and we will refund your money in full. But do remember, if you are serious about finally beating your yeast infection and follow my program faithfully, it is highly likely that you will beat your yeast infection permanently. And isn’t that worth the small price you paid for a book that took me three years of writing and research, after treating over fifteen thousand patients spanning twenty-five years? Of course you can get a refund, but I doubt you will want your money back after seeing the real value you will get from Candida Crusher when you compare it to any other e-book on yeast infection you may have seen or have bought before.
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Hi Eric, Thank you for helping me with a problem which has been causing me grief for many years – my toenails. Ever since I can remember I have had awfully smelly toes. I have tried every lotion and potion I could find and thanks to your Candida Crusher program can now say that I can finally believe that soon I will be free from athlete’s foot. Look at the improvement! You asked me for a photo so here it is. I can recommend your services to anyone who has tried everything else. And Eric, don’t hesitate to catch up with me when you come to Brisbane next. Regards, Gary Nulfield, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
Athlete’s Foot – Cured Hi Eric, I just wanted to share with you how happy I am to finally be able to see healthy toenails after more than 30 years of awful, terrible athlete’s feet and discoloured and terrible misshapen toenails. You did promise me that in time my toenails would grow out to be normal again, but I never ever believed that it would really happen! But the interesting this is that we didn’t really treat my feet, but my digestion which I cannot get over. My allergies have disappeared and my digestion is back to normal, all in the span of 6 months, I still can’t believe it, I am absolutely thrilled!! I wish you all the best with your candida book, your advice and information was certainly worth it for me. I just wish I could have gotten a copy, but you mentioned that you were almost finished writing it. Sheryl Livingstone, 48yrs, Sydney, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody” Hi Eric, I want to personally thank you for the work you are doing by educating and helping people like me. For the last 5 months I have been following your Candida Crusher diet and lifestyle program and especially the stress recommendations. It took a good two months to really notice the results. My aches (including headaches) I used to experience in my neck and back have all but gone and so has the annoying rash in my groin region that I used to have. But the best thing of all is that my bloated belly and gas (which is still there but a fraction of what it used to be like) is all but gone! I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody who complains of digestive problems especially, regardless of their type of digestive complaint. I once had no faith whatsoever in your type of medicine but can honestly say that your treatment worked for me and I know it can help others out there who have problems like I had. I live in England and next time I come to New Zealand want to come and visit you for a personal consultation, my daughter (who sent me a link to your yeast infection website) now lives in Auckland. Thank you for the time you spent with me over the past several months. Jack Allen, 62yrs, Orpington, London
“I’ve not only got rid of my yeast infection, I’ve lost 16 pounds!” Hello Eric, I am Karen aged 45, and yes, you can use my “story”, I hope it helps other people just like me out there overcome their yeast problems. I had been battling a candida infection for the past eight years at least. I came across your name and your candida program through my friend but had doubts as to whether you could help me, I honestly had tried just about every pill, product and treatment under the sun! But I’m glad I did, or I would have never gotten rid of this crippling condition. It took about four weeks to notice improvements and I must say I never experienced results like this with any other treatment or pill I tried. I can now save money on treatments and no more doctor visits or drugs like (which made me feel sick) or those messy creams I kept using with little results. BTW – I’ve not only lost my yeast infection, I’ve also lost nearly eight kilos (16 pounds) in weight! Thanks and God Bless! Karen Caruso, 45yrs, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“Terrible Stomach Pains – All Gone” Dear Dr. Bakker, I visited your clinic in 2007 on a holiday to see my sister in your area with terrible stomach pains and very itchy skin. I craved sweet foods and as a chef found it really hard to stop eating sweet deserts. My health had been terrible for a quit a a few years, and all the doctors could do was keep on giving me antibiotics. Your Candida Crusher program was a true godsend and helped me within two weeks! I have now been free of digestive pains and have felt the best I have in many years, thank you so much for all your professional help and personal engagement, I really appreciate it. Kate Veenstra – Melbourne, Australia
My name is Olivia and I live in Auckland, NZ. I have been following your Candida Crusher Program. It was completely mind blowing, because I knew there was something wrong with me, but I just couldn’t explain what or even why! Everything you had written in your articles is exactly how I have been feeling for decades. After doing the different home ttests that you had suggested, it was definitely the confirmation I needed. Thank you for writing such a great series on candida articles! Regards, Olivia, Auckland, NZ
“A Passionate Health-Care Professional” Thanks very much for your time and the info. I always come out of talking to you feeling so much better, having all my questions answered – and providing so much more info on my candida and digestive issues as well. It is such a pleasure (and a relief!) to know you and to at last be in touch with a real, genuine, knowledgeable and passionate natural health ‘professional’ Lindsay, 55yrs, Wellington, NZ
“Thank you for helping me to solve your digestive problems” Hi Eric, Matt here, I can not thank you enough for helping me solve my digestion problems. I have had just over two weeks avoiding the foods I am not supposed to have and have started your Candida Crusher program and I feel great to say the least. My stomach no longer hurts, I have energy again and my mental health almost instantly switched back to normal and I have not suffered any depression since. I would like to organize a time to call you for a phone consult to make sure I am giving my body everything it needs and I would also like to discuss the bowel as I still have some bloating and still not forming solid stool. Matt, 27yrs, Gold Coast – Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.
No content on this site may be reused in any fashion without written permission of Dr. Bakker. The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor.
PO Box 8739, HaveLock North, 4157 New Zealand
Click here to get Candida Treatment Solution – Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution at discounted price while it’s still available…
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