#my icon is of my Toreador PC who is Bi As Fuck
toreadorkable · 5 years
yo so i was looking forward to talking to a vtmb fan but you subscribe to all the same terrible and inaccurate memes and headcanons passed off as canon as the fandom at large and i feel so sad i wanted to share that sadness with you. you won't change but now you know. i won't elaborate bc i know how people do, they just dig in harder, so meditate on how a total internet stranger is super sad generally about your fan choices instead.
I…feel like this is the closest thing I’ve gotten to hate mail, and I’m not sure how I feel about it, lol. 
I honestly don’t know what you think you know about my headcanons or memes (pretty much all I reblog these days is art, anyway) but I think I’ve got a pretty good handle on Vampire: the Masquerade lore and canon as I have an embarrassing amount of the source books and have been roleplaying VtM-based vampires for quite some time now. But yes, I quite enjoy reblogging silly memes and jokes about a game that I enjoy very much.
The only thing that I really think I subscribe to that could possibly be considered controversial in this fandom is a complete and wholehearted embrace of diversity within it, including respectful representation of people with different gender identities, sexualities, different races, religions, and cultures, people with physical or mental disabilities, etc. And if that’s the case…well, I’m sorry you’re sad, but I kind of feel like I dodged a bullet. 
Other than that, my only main VtMB opinions that are Totally Right And No One Should Argue With Me About are that Ash Rivers is Bae and that Toreador is the best clan. :P Sooooooooooooo…
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