#my kinda radiostatic tbh
prince-liest · 3 months
I… oh my god. So much. Has happened. Bear… bear with me. This time i KNow its gonna be a long one. First of all, oh my GOD. THERE WAS NO BAD NEWS IN UR LAST ANSWER. HOLY SHIT. I see how i read into ur previous answer, that val is the only dumper, but yes what you described is EXACTLY the same flavor as what I was describing. It also works SO MUCH BETTER, OH MY GOD! “Vox managing to be the one to break things off at any given point in time hinges on him being able to frame his rationale as "anger" rather than "upset," the latter of which just gets brushed under the carpet of Emotions That Are Not Taken Seriously. [...] anything that makes him feel vulnerable or, ah, let's deliberately and pointedly use the word hysterical, is a pre-existing internal struggle that Valentino knows how to manipulate to his advantage. [and vox does not break up with val when he feels as such]” PRINCE IM RIPPING MY FUCKING HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! THTAS. THATS EXACTLY WHAT TF IM TALKING ABOUT. You just clarified that extra layer of “oh my god this is fucking perfect.’ also. ALSO. them getting back together being sappy makeup sex…. Oh my god. Oh my dear god. If it wasnt clear, i am a Heathen for voxval, too. If you ever feel inspired to write a voxval fic i promise you my firstborn. 
OHHHHHH  MY GOD IM SO HAPPY MY RAMBLINGS HELPED YOU WITH THE FIC!!!!!! TBH IVE RARELY BEEN THIS OVERJOYED. LIKE I COULDNT STOP GRINNING AND GIGGLING WHEN I SAW IT. FUCKKKKK. Also im fucking cackling that my actual impact was bringing vox to severe distress instead of a more angry and annoyed disposition. Like yeah,,.. Im here to make you suffer, baby. LOVE YOU VOX! 
Im gonna leave my thoughts for actual fic for another ask bc… yeah. I will spare you. - 🌓
Do NOT spare me, I enjoy these immensely. >:) Proof:
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Very genuinely, I had kinda been squinting at the actual scene in question with dissatisfaction for a hot minute, so I was very pleased when your ask made it click to me what the fuck felt so wrong about it. So thank you!
Staticmoth is definitely percolating in my brain and I want to write something for them because, like you, I am also indeed deeply invested in them (they are my favorite ship very much alongside radiostatic, which is probably not obvious given I haven't written anything actively centered around them - but they're like the fucked up, evil version of MHA erasermic for me in this fandom because they Must be present in the narrative and also I love them). I haven't had any specific ideas good enough to turn into a fic yet, but I might just mash them all together at some point or, y'know. Go the Good Olde [insert wanking hand motion here] route!
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x-arcticfox-x · 6 days
It's alright! ^w^ I can help you if you have any questions, I'm mostly active and post here after all :P (my posting blog is mayashesfly)
Some general things you might want to know is tagging is important here to get engagement, and also tags can use spaces here unlike Twitter.
For example, if you make a post about Vox then you can use tags like #hazbin hotel vox or #hazbin vox or #vox hazbin hotel. (since there's other Voxs from other fandoms)
Though #hazbin hotel vox seems to be more popular.
Since there's alot of tags for RadioStatic:
#radiostatic is for the general ship (though #voxal and #staticradio also exist)
#onewaybroadcast is for radiosilence / onesided-radiostatic (Vox loves Alastor but Al doesn't reciprocate)
#staticlovetune is being reclaimed/used more for fluffy/reciprocal radiostatic (since it was previously a general tag during Pilot days that didn't catch on as much as radiostatic)
NSFW Text posts are allowed and some suggestive/bare art but not much. Sometimes posts like those are called/tagged as NSFT or Not Safe For Tumblr instead of NSFW
#tw (insert) is for trigger warnings while #cw (insert) is for content warnings.
It's pretty common for people to reblog and add comments through the tags, it kind of acts like a more private quote retweet. Though you can still use the actual comment button.
Reblogging is more important here than Twitter since there's no algorithm, you're the algorithm.
So follow blogs that's in your fandom and also follow tags you like so your timeline won't be empty. (You can also scroll through a tag and even filter that specific tag on a blog to find specific posts about it)
I think that's all I can think of that's kinda important to know about being here. My sincerest apologies if it seems like alot ^w^"
thank you 😭😭😭 tbh I think I’m gonna just stick to stalking the few accounts I follow here rather then posting because I always love there takes LOL
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