#my kiseki era is still alive
daenanae · 11 months
GENE never disappoints 😌
The first chapter of the extra stories was released! and it is everything I needed after the end of the series.
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ChenAi argument is literally this:
AiDi: I have broken up with you, so don’t come to me!
ChenYi: I just bought you some clothes, why are you angry?
AiDi: Because they're from the children’s clothing department!!
Also, our BaiFan being SO CUTE that it even hurts (n ZongYi being horny af). But well, they were separated for two weeks ;;
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daenanae · 9 months
Kiseki comic
I read the last chapter today morning and GOSH, I loved it 🫂❤️
We literally got Chen Yi eating desserts because Ai Di told him to do so, we also got the explanations we needed, Chen Yi realizing that he has loved Ai Di since the very beginning, Chen Yi expressing himself, Ai Di's lovely smile, Zong Yi being the realest friend on earth, Zong Yi's lil sister. And last but not least...panels of ChenAi childhood 😭❤️
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"let's go home"
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Chen Yi is so stupidly in love with Ai Di 🥺
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daenanae · 9 months
Kiseki comic
I read the fourth chapter last week and I got upset, but today I'm analyzing it (this is my coping mechanism).
I was supposed to buy the third chapter but well...ChenAi happened.
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I knew something was off the moment Chen Yi was lecturing Ai Di because he beat a man who was GROPING HIM. Ah, the things Chen Yi said 🤦🏻‍♀️
He's still emotionally constipated, and I get it, I wasn't expecting him to change that quickly just as I wasn't expecting Ai Di to stop being insecure about Chen Yi's feelings towards him.
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I do think Chen Yi said "you don't want to cause trouble for the boss, do you?" because he actually didn't want Ai Di to continue beating that man and get himself in trouble, not because he thought Ai Di shouldn't hit the person who groped him. Plus, I think Chen Yi really hates Ai Di managing the bar because that means he is always in contact with other people/customers.
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Nonetheless, it hurt as hell when Ai Di started to cry because of Chen Yi's words. His "Chen Yi doesn't care about me at all, he only thinks about the boss"...damn, the last straw was Ai Di saying "at least treat me as a Xiōngdì!" He really needed Chen Yi to comfort him, to react as an average brother would react in this kind of situation 🥲
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Chen Yi, my dude, what's wrong with you? why would you kiss a person who is clearly crying because of the bs you said? I get that you're not good at expressing yourself but you did deserve that punch!
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AND YES, I squealed when this other guy told Ai Di that Chen Yi knocked that Tengu bastard out before he talked to Ai Di. THAT'S OUR CHEN YI
Also, Ai Di said "Chen Yi didn't do it for me but for the boss." MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, he's been beating people who make you get hurt even before he realized he likes you!!!
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I know it might be funny that Ai Di is always acting like a tough guy, and complaining about his height. But this chapter made me realize that it is not funny at all, Ai Di literally has the necessity of being perceived as someone more than just a tiny guy who has a cute face. He has an actual complex about those things 🥹
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Ai Di being drunk and telling Chen Yi -again- that only a fool would like him, and that nobody likes Chen Yi but him.
Ah, how I love my idiots in love.
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I need some explanations.
But I don't think Chen Yi would fuck drunk Ai Di...right? If so, I don't think he would act normally the next morning as he did 🤔
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á? Now my parents are in their divorce era?
Ai Di said in a serious way that he wants to break up with Chen Yi, but I still can't process it ;;
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