#my lil peachy chicken
Day 5: Welcome to Our World
First up is the loveable Shou Hatori!
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Shou is a popular and confident college student who lives to socialize. As the youngest child with adult siblings, Shou never really got the attention he felt he deserved. Although he can come off as cocky, he’s also very sweet and truly cares for his friends.
Though Shou appears human, he is actually apart of a mystical race of pyromancers called Phoenixes. Unfortunately, Shou is unskilled at pyromancy and he believes it’s just one more reason his parents are disappointed in him. He dreams of one day proving to his parents that he is capable, both as an adult and a phoenix.
“My plan for college? Have fun, get drunk, and party until I get so rich and famous everyone will HAVE to notice how awesome I am.”
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1.7.24 Sunday
3:11 am
Still,have windblow....I feel fat and ugly....Whew!
I hate being compared!
7:43 am
Still, have windblow....Thank God! I paid some of my credits...
But I still need to thrift and I hope my family will understand that they need still to assist me for awhile coz I'm not yet a regular employee...
I need to save for my travels....I need some for myself..
Probably I will give myself a foot spa later...
8:14 am
Uncle DD is with Neko this am, removing her ticks and fleas... I'm feeding her if they are not here but I can't handle her anymore on her ticks and fleas coz I'm tired everyday...
I have to cook lunch and dinner here again... The food are still given by Uncle DD...
Me? Let's just wait for my next salary coz I paid some credits then I need to give a lil for myself such as a foot spa.
I will cook a chicken adobo and a beef steak today... If I'm here in the house, I'm the chef coz we can't afford to get assistant... Basically, my Saturday is my laundry day...
Uncle Jun went to his office with his bestfriend gang lead by George???
8:20 am
I just wanna be presentable,hoping to be perfect if Daddy will be here and will willing to give me a car... hahaha Thanks Daddy for the Salary....
I will do my foot spa later...A treat for myself...
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9:23 am
Future down there...Hmm... hahah...
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This Daddy is super tall... I don't like if its too tall... But this Daddy 1 is cute... 6'4" too tall but cute... I just want around 5"10 until 5'11"not a 6 footer...
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My Daddies angels...
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10:51 am
It looks yummy coz it is YUMMY...
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11:09 am
This is just my ordinary chicken adobo...
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11:58 am
Something is strange on Uncle Jun... A big mystery...
1:01 pm
Hmm...Uncle DD is strange... He ordered Crysette to ask me if Neko already ate, he is assisting Neko awhile ago... It seems a weird character... He can feed Neko now they are here... A weird behaviour...
When Uncle DD is here he can feed his dog Neko.... That's his dog....He asked a maid me? To feed his dog... If they are here,they can feed their dog...Uncle DD is changing his behaviour...
1:26 pm
The hassle,we can't use the outside faucet coz that is their source of water inside their house here, still connected here in the main house...
How can we clean John's floor mat? I gave Uncle Jun a Silka lotion, I know it is simple act but I'm still on thrift I asked him a favour to clean John's floor mat. IT IS A BIG FAVOUR OR PLEASE FOR NOW ON UNCLE JUN TO CLEAN JOHN'S FLOOR MAT... I know it is just cheap that "Silka Lotion" but John is asking a favour as his Uncle Jun to please help mommy Peachy to wash his floormat...
I'm so tired, I'm cleaning the living room and kitchen area in a way, everyday... So, I'm tired... But I have to work and I need to keep a job... I need money.... My heart is always humble and never a plastics heart... My starter money in Conduent came from a friend and from "Tala"... Thanks for Doc Ibias support whenever I needed medicine they can back me up in times of Emergency...
When Uncle DD and Aunt Karen gave something on me here, I always appreciate it and posted it here... But they couldn't assist me correctly.
Now, I'm thinking where will I have my "foot spa"??? Probably just there in Savemore...
1:38 pm
Late afternoon will have my "foot spa" ... I hope there will be n o jealousy on their part or Uncle Jun part... It is just a "foot spa" for now...
1:45 pm
I need a job and I feel hurt sometimes here that they are super jealous of me... They always stepped on me... Always stepping on me most specially for 17 years... They are smashing me here... I have a self-pity here everyday... New friends knew my situation. Sometimes I wanted to cry, I really wanted to cry...
1:54 pm
I need to do "foot spa" coz my foot are super ugly now, even my hands...
I feel conscious even on Daddy, if ever Daddy wants to meet me and see my feet, I feel so conscious...
Most specially down there.. I wanted to be presentable on Daddy... Or as a woman it is natural to be presentable to attract more mature men...
It is my "legal right" as a woman to feel pretty and fix myself... Be confident, in a way...Don't take it away from me, the right to be beautiful and the right to be acknowledge as having a "pretty face with a humble heart" in the society.
2:05 pm
It is my "legal right" to be pretty and to be likeable by mature men or Daddy.... I'm self-pitying on being there at the Pittx terminal... It is a thing that it is somehow painful in my part.
I need to work and I need money... I wanna do some things....Only Daddy can understand...
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2:19 pm
I still have windblow.... I hate being compared and I hate being 2nd choice... I'm self-pitying...
6:25 pm
Reviving my souL...
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squibbles-gubwee · 3 years
In which Fortune and Spooks have fun at the mall.
@thelazyhermits here u go more Fortune Spooks shenanigans
"Man, I can't remember the last time I went to the mall… Thanks for inviting me, gatita."
Fortune smiled and shook her head, grabbing the much taller man's hand as he looked around in awe, pushing his glasses higher on the bridge of his pierced nose. 
"Thank you for coming! I know how much you hate the heat, you could have refused…"
"Bah, like I could disappoint my lil sis like that. Besides, the walk to the station wasn't bad. Probably good for me, if anything." The hand she held squeezed hers, a happy smile donning the white haired villain's face.
It was quite kind of him, she thought. He was incredibly sensitive to the sun- not due to any quirk drawback or his poor eyesight, but rather a medical issue he told her about. A very nasty heat stroke he had when he was a child gave the man, as he put it, a 'permanent debuff during the warmer seasons'. 
Apparently, once during an outdoor class, he had overexerted himself and ended up fainting due to heat exhaustion. It had put the whole class in a frenzy and he was forced off for two days. Yaomomo and Todoroki made sure Spooks frequently had either water or frozen towels to cool off with now.
"You'll tell me if you start feeling weak or hot, right? Here, let me take your vest, I'll put it in my bag-"
Huffing in amusement, Spooks let go of the concerned lady's hand to shuck his denim outerwear, leaving him in just his tattered crop top. He passed it to her and watched as she folded it, mindful of the patches as she packed it up. 
"You didn't have to do that, gatita." The man took the backpack, slinging it over his shoulder much to Fortune's protest.
"I can carry my own bags!"
"Yeah but anyone who has eyes can see that stealing from me is asking for an ass kicking." Spooks proceeded to motion to his boots, these not being his very tall platforms but what they lacked in height they made up for in spikes and studs. Fortune rolled her eyes and brushed her hair from her face, green eyes locking with monochrome ones. Out of habit, Spooks stiffened and tore his gaze away before remembering he had his glasses on, cancelling his quirk out.
"So, where first? I haven't been in years."
Tapping her foot, Fortune thought for a moment before remembering the entire reason for going. "Oh yeah!! I wanted to get something nice to wear for that big staff party coming up!" Fidgeting, her mind was drawn back to Aizawa, Hizashi, and Bakugo who all didn't like clothes shopping. "Oh, um, if it's okay with you, I mean. I don't want you to be bored, sitting and waiting-"
"Psh, what? And miss playing dress up? Not a chance." Fortune huffed and batted his hand away as he ruffled her hair.
Hearing the words 'dress up' made Fortune gasp. "Wait, you're staff too! You need something nice to wear to the party too!"
"Hah! Yeah, no. I'm not going."
Frowning, Fortune stopped, looking over at Spooks as they stood outside the first stop, a nice clothes shop, full of business-y and formal outfits galore. "Wait...what do you mean?"
Blinking, Spooks tilted his head, an unreadable expression on his face. "I'm...not going? To the party?"
Fortune couldn't help the frown deepening, gently holding his hand in both of hers. "Why not, though…? You're staff, are you not?"
She watched Spooks stiffen, worrying his lip rings in a way she knew was a tell that he was getting anxious. "I just...Look, I know I'm not welcome, gatita. I'm not a hero, I'm barely a teacher, and I don't get along with...anyone. The invitation wasn't extended to me." Sighing, he closed his eyes, steeling himself before opening them, giving a smile. "Listen, I'll be fine. I'd rather help you anyway! This is important to you, and it'll be fun. Ellos no me quieren allí- ah, I'm not wanted there."
"That's not true!!"
Fortune could barely contain her shaking, anger and sorrow mixing in a miasma at how someone could speak of themselves like that, especially someone she cared so much about. 
"It's not true, Spooks! I want you there! I know you don't get along with everyone, but it wouldn't be the same without you!" Putting her hands on her hips, the TA huffed. "Besides, I want a partner to dance with, and everyone knows you have the best moves~"
Her flattery made him laugh, the villain nodding and rubbing his eye. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I'll go."
"That's what I thought! Now come on, we got to look our best!"
"I can't believe you bought a skirt!"
They had hit up several stores, Spooks ending up with a shin length black suspender skirt coupled with a pinstripe button down. Fortune went with a cute tartan overall dress and a peachy turtleneck sweater.
They also had swung by the cute shop that Aizawa, Nemuri and Hizashi had brought her to before, where she picked up a necklace with a cute cat pendant that she planned on pairing with the outfit along with some darling kitty print stockings to match. It was while they were there that Spooks had saw the backpacks, zeroing in on the raccoon one and immediately falling in love with it. It was now settled next to her own cat backpack, the two of them buying keychains of the other's animal and attaching them to their packs.
Spooks grinned at the astonishment, pointing a fry at Fortune as they ate at the food court. "What? Nothing more punk than giving gender norms a big ol "fuck you"! Did you think it was weird or something?"
"No, it's cool for guys to wear skirts and dresses. I'm just shocked you found one that made it look like you actually have the hips for it."
The insulted gasp was Fortune's only warning as a fry hit her cheek, making her burst into a fit of laughter. "You're getting too catty!! Maybe I should ask Koda to send the cats off for a few days so you can tone it down!"
"Noooo, stop! You're bullying me! I'll call Aizawa crying, don't test me!"
The white haired man cackled, gently pinching her cheek. "Alright, alright! No tattling now!" With that, he went back to his fries, the milkshake he sipped on colourful and sweet. He offered a taste which Fortune accepted.
"So, are you starting to get excited about going?"
"A bit...Make sure to remind me of that seam in your dress when we get back to the dorms, by the way. I can hem it!"
"I will. And good!! I'm glad you're getting more into the idea!" Fortune beamed, leaning forward a bit on the table as she took a bite of her mango chicken. "So, are you going to dance with anyone but me? Not that there's anything wrong with it, I'm just trying to picture it." She couldn't help the snort when she thought of Spooks, a towering 6'4, dancing with Principal Nedzu.
"D-Dance? Oh um, I don't think this is one of those kinds of parties, but I still wouldn't mind dancing with you! Not many people I could think of that I would want to dance with, after all! Keheheh…"
The redhead cocked her head, green eyes looking over the man in front of her. He was behaving…odd. His bravado was dampened, eyes shifting nervously, he was fidgety and toying with his piercings… Fortune narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
"Hey, Spooks-nii-san, were there any other reasons you didn't feel like coming to the party? Like, I know you said you didn't feel welcome, but...were you also maybe...scared of seeing someone there?"
"H-Huh? No, um. It's not that, I mean a little bit it is but, I also just...didn't want to ah… aye, dios…" Fortune waited patiently as he cursed under his breath, seeming to argue with himself about something. "I did not want to um...make myself embarrassed...in front of another?"
"You didn't want to humiliate yourself in front of someone?"
"Yes! Bah, that."
Fortune was quiet as she studied the long haired delinquent, the other quietly sipping his shake as he looked around, his glasses occasionally catching the light. 
...He didn't want to embarass himself. He was nervous about going, he could think of very few people other than her that he wanted to dance with…
Lightning practically shot down her spine as she gasped, piece after piece clicking into place as she pointed a finger at him. "You…"
"M-Me?! What? Listen I said sorry about eating the last piece of taffy-"
"-YOU have a CRUSH on someone!!"
The rate at which the older man paled was hilarious, the only colour being the red that bloomed on his face and ears as he stuttered, panicked. "What?? I!! I just, um! I don't want to talk about this topic! I refuse!"
"Too bad, I'm your little sister! Now tell me who you have a crush on!"
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eternal-bangtan · 5 years
BTS game
hello i was tagged by @fictionbunny @kimsouthjoon @hobis-glasses @kookie-off-his-kookie to do this one of the most complicated tags to me cuz i really dont like to choose amongst these things -_- just wanna say that i appreciate every era every hair colour they pull them off like crazy every song every mv every moment etc so i wanna punch the air and eat my fist rn but lets try im gonna break every rule i can tho dont fucking @ me fuck this shit  expect a lot of words     keep reading fucked up all the mentions im sorry ;( just scroll to the bottom
1. First BTS song? DNA but yo when i was in my active yt phase (2015-) i think i watched fine bros ent and they showed kpop mvs to random ppl and i think (i only realized it months later) they showed bst mv and at those times i was wow those kpop dudes r so extra with mvs like this dlfsjkljkfdhf also i think somewhere on 9gag i saw a lil clip of fire mv and i remembered joons verse just visuals and the rythm or melody or idk this is how i didnt know who r bts but i remembered that dudes (joon) face so yeah idk how to feel
2. First bias? as i just whined in the tags in previous posts it was taehyung
3. Current bias? ot7 biased i had sth clicking in me with every member but ofc sometimes i have moods related to a certain member :)
4. Put the members in order of your bias list: nO idk how am i supposed to choose 
5. Favorite BTS song? well fuck u too let me know rain serendipity pied piper dimple gogo trivia love singularity fake love tear anpanman love maze so what  black swan ugh jamais vu interlude shadow my time louder than bombs on 00:00 home mikrokosmos intro the most beautiful moment in life hold me tight autumn leaves run silver spoon save me epilogue young forever butterfly house of cards love is not over converse high outro propose where you from intro skool luv affair blood swear and tears lie mama awake lost begin cypher 4 intro boy meets evil spring day outro wings we are bulletproof pt 2 like outro circle room cypher dream glow who feat lauv no more dream ddaeng chicken noodle soup sea should i continue???????
6. Favorite underrated BTS song? i dont even know overrated songs?? if u can put it like this 
7. Favorite song of Wings? ................. no one is going to read all of this anyway but i mentioned some in 5th question fhahaha
8. Favorite songs of each LY Her, Tear, Answer? same here lmao yes im doing this on purpose who cares
9. Favorite music video?  ON Kinetic Manifesto Film : Come Prima i think cuz bruh the choreo this is what i love the most about mvs sdfhsdlkhsf 
10. Favorite dancer? out of dance line? uh THEY ALL DANCE IN SUCH DIFFERENT STYLES WTF ok so im a fan of hip hop so i really love hobis style but oh my god the way jungkook moves or does whatever??? im losing my shit?? jimin hello he made me love contemporary with black swan even tho i wasnt a fan of it taehyung BITCH SHOULD I EVEN START HE APPEARS ON STAGE AND U FEEL IT RIGHT AFTER
11. Favorite vocalist? should i reply like i did previously :/ ngl tho i prefer lower voices irl cuz they make me feels things but bro nah no way i can reply to this properly i keep listening to them i feeling their voices differently even in some new ways and im blown away fuck u 
12. Favorite rapper? f u c k  u  one thing im gonna say tho idk how but a lot of times whenever i hear hobis verses in majority of songs im like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :OOOOOOOOOOOO IM LOVING THIS NOT NORMAL AMOUNT but should i start about their different flows or how much they experiment with it and how cool is that??? and how they feel themselves and how good they r at this??? nah fr fuck u -_- metaphorical ‘u’ 
13. Favorite hair color on each member? uh plz dont forget about my disclaimer namjoon-grape peachy platinum blonde, jin-blonde purple pink, yoongi-mint black blonde fake love era hair, hoseok-blonde fake love era hair chicken noodle soup hair longish hair esp during tear performances -_-, jimin-blonde black silver pink blue and honesly all those colours he had during lys tour????, taehyung-dna hair perm he has rn mint red peachy blue and also all that ly tour hair, jungkook-long hair blonde cherry all kinds of ombre he has rn dna era hair too and fake love hair and bst hair and i think there r more but i dont remember ;(
14. Favorite choreography? on black swan fake love bst boy with luv dionysus save me etc shOULD I MENTION THOSE DANCE BREAKS THEY HAD DURING AWARD SHOWS LOL
15. Favorite (bromance) ship? GOD I LOVE ALL THEIR BONDS SO MUCH ITS SO PRECIOUS AND SPECIAL my ults tho r taekook yoonminseok and namjin cuz i prefer it this way in fanfics but irl or how do i say it from all the content we get i love every bromance thingy they have tho????? LIKEEEE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND CARE FOR EACH OTHER SO MUCH I CAN TALK ABOUT IT FOR HOURS HOW MUCH ALL OF THEM MEAN TO EACH OTHER AND HOW MANY TAEJINYOONKOOKMINJOONVHOPEYOONSEOKJIHOPENAMGI2SEOKEVRYTHINGEVERPOSSIBLEETC THREADS I RETWEETED they melt my heart they really show how u r supposed to treat ur closest ppl u kno? they accepted each other and all those personal traits that seemed so weird and unfamiliar at first and they know each other so well and r so caring and loving and supportive but how do we do shit irl? bitch u piss me off real bad u better fuckk off or else- ofc im exaggerating but shit like this happens and its really time to rethink some shit and well i really learnt a lot 
thank u for u patience 
im tagging @darlingjoon @starry-tae @stargazingjin @crytaeby @cyphertaehyungie @brightlytae @vjimin @monojoons @jungkpop @jungkooksmoon @itseokjins @flowerbangtann @lucid-jjin @yoonshadow @agu5td @hosnack @jjkguk @hwagaemkt @utopiajeon @nemjyoon @sunshineggukie @mapofugh or whoever else wants or well sorry if u were tagged or did this already also u may read its pointless anyways so  yeah i hope u r having a good time day night week mood etc or if u dont plz do 
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curls-cat · 4 years
I was tagged by @nojohi!
Tag people you want to know better!!
Relationship status: in one, quite satisfied with it, I’m worried about him :/
Favourite colour: peachy pink! the soft kind that’s a lil bit yellowish but not like REALLY peach just a very warm soft pink
Pets: I have a cat named Bagheera he’s got herpes he’s a snotty mess. My FAMILY has three other cats not counting the one at my sister’s apartment, two dogs, and like... a dozen chickens? That sounds right.
Cats or dogs: cats honestly I need a pet that will be okay if I ignore it sometimes
Coke or Pepsi: I don’t... either, I guess? Root beer if it’s an option
Text or call: please for the love of god only call me if you’re dying or we’re related
Chapstick or lipstick: Both? Both. Both is good. Non meme-ily they’re not nearly the same thing and I need chapstick for dry lips reasons but i love to make my mouth bright colors
Last song I listened to: this cover of All Star
tagging... okay I just did one of these that wanted me to tag twenty people and I don’t want to spam anyone so... @coffinvelour @puckyouall @anakkin @livelaughlovekill @thetiredflower
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tag thing
i got tagged by @myfandombullshit and i tag anyone who wants to!!! bc i’m awkward!!!!!
1. Nickname: i don’t really have one i think?? maybe Jen if anything but idk
2. Zodiac Sign: Leo, but i was born two weeks late so i’m supposed to be cancer?? and it fits better so i’m not sure
3. Height: like 5’6 to 5’7 ish?
4. Hogwarts House: 100% Ravenclaw uwu
5. Last Thing I Googled: “hubble space telescope galaxies” ... tbh on brand for me not surprised
6. Favorite Musician: aaaah,,, chloe moriondo, dodie, billie eilish, the beatles (odd one out but shhh), orla gartland and many more uwu
7. Song Stuck In My Head: Nobody by Mitski
8. Following: 87, but i recently just cleared out like 150 or smth just because my dash was clogged with stuff i’m not super interested in atm
8. Followers: 740 (soMEHOW???? hello??)
10. Do I Get Asks: when i’m actually active, yeah (i’m.... so sorry...)
11. Amount Of Sleep: not enough my dude. hardly anything
12. Lucky Number: idk, 8?
13. What Are You Wearing: fluffy pj’s! more specifically, big loose fluffy pants with lil happy clouds on them, and the fluffiest softest sweater you’ll ever see. it has a panda on it. i love it uwu
14. Dream Job: i always wanted to work in nasa :0
15. Dream Trip: i don’t really enjoy traveling bc mental health
16. Favorite Food: uhhhhhh chicken wraps?? with aioli? yum
17. Instruments: i play the ukulele (<3 <3 <3) and guitar, and i used to know how to play the piano but i’ve forgotten nearly everything oof
18. Languages: norwegian and english fluently, i can kinda?? read german? sometimes??? but not really, and i taught myself basic japanese when i was 12 (and a total weeb) but i’ve forgotten it
19. Favorite Song: donT DO THIS,,, maybe This Is Home by cavetown? hhhh
20. Random Fact: uhh i’m an art major, i draw a lot, i’m really Snoft and i like hugs and that was several facts thank you
21. Aesthetic: pastel peachy pinks, deep cold blue-purples, clouds, SPACE, nasa, sunflowers, softness and comfy things, playing ukulele with soft voices, sketchbooks that are never finished, cold late nights in loneliness
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fussysim · 6 years
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simself tag
i was tagged by @petitesimss & @peakanss 🍒
i tag @peachy-flesh, @toxicen, @pixeltownies, @penelope-and-wonders, @vvladislaus but if anyone wants to do this go ahead!!! 
traits: goofball, lazy, hot-headed
aspiration: bestselling author (hiiiiiii)
1. What is your full name? antonina joanna 
2.What is your nickname? tosia
3. Birthday? april 7
4. What is your favorite book series? harry potter ofccccc
5. Do you believe in Aliens or Ghosts? YES STRONGLY
6. Who is your favorite author? jakub żulczyk (a great polish author!!)
7. What is your favorite radio station? none
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? i always go for cherry but lime is great too
9. What word would you use to describe something great or wonderful? zajebiste!!
10. What is your current favorite song? mac miller - whats the use? orrr a$ap rocky - sundress
11. What is your favorite word? biiitch
12. What is the last song you listened to? the internet - stay the night
13. What TV show would you recommend for everyone to watch? rupaul’s drag race always!!!!! and maybe the haunting of hill house
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? shrek, mean girls and any marvel movie 
15. Do you play video games?  well...............not really tbh
16. What is your biggest fear? my parents finding out about me dropping out of school
17. What is your best quality in  your opinion? i’m a good listener (at least that’s what i’ve heard)
18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? my appearance lol and laziness
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? i have three cats and one dog so:))
20. What is your favorite season? spring
21. Are you in a relationship? yes!!!!!
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? living with my parents duhhhh and being carefree
23. Who is your best friend? my bf or my mom lol
24. What is your eye color? green
25. What is your hair color? blonde
26. Who is someone you love? my mom dad bf and dog
27. Who is someone you trust? NO ONE
28. Who is someone you think about Often? my dog fiona
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? rpdr all stars 4 
30. What is your biggest obsession? drag queens. and my dog fiona
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? well my fav was the cramp twins and of course hannah montana??
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? my bf
33. Are you superstitious? 50/50
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? wet food in the sink 
35. Do you perfer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind it for suuuureee
36. What is your favorite hobby? writing. i mean, i used to write a lot
37. What is the last book you read? first snow by jo nesbø
38. What is the last movie you watched? 14 cameras (boring, dumb and disgusting)
39. What musical Instruments do you play, if any? i tried playing guitar but i was lazy 
40. What is your favorite animal? my dog fiona!!!
41. What are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? i’m shy yall i can’t just expose myself like this
42. What superpower do you wish you had? i just wish i wasn’t this dumb lol
43. When and where do you feel most at piece? my hometown
44. What makes you smile? my boyfriend, my dad’s calls, my mom sending me pics of my dog, food, memes
45. What sports do you play, if any? none lol
46. What is your favorite drink? red fruits tea
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? like a year ago?? for my boyfriend when i wasn’t in the mood for talking
48: Are you afraid of heights? well i’d like to say no but i’m a chicken 
49: What is your biggest pet peeve: biting nails lol i hate it, emma chamberlain’s videos (i don’t think she’s funny at all lol she’s just regular bitchy high schooler)
50. Have you ever been to a concert? yeah
51. Are you vagan/ vegetarian? NO but i’m gathering informations how and when to start
52. When you were little, what did you wanna be when you grew up? a  princess tbh but i wanted to be a vet too
53: What fictional world would you like to live in? greendale lol
54. What is something you worry about? that my parents will hate me lol
55. Are you scared of the dark? YEP i’m the meme where the person has to check if the chair is the demon
56. Do you like to sing? nah
57. Have you ever skipped school? i used to all the time 
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? my home!!!!!! with my pets, boyfriend and family
59. Where would you like to live? the netherlands for sure
60. Do you have any pets? 3 cats 1 dog 
61: Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl for
62: Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunset
63. Do you know how to drive? yes but i dont have driving license:/
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? no but i will soon
66: What is your favorite genre of music? i like 2000′s music lol, r&b, recent polish rap music and pop 
67: Who is your hero? my dad
68: Do you read comic books? if i had some i would
69: What makes you most angry? stupid people and me myself and i
70. Do you prefer reading a book on an electronic device or on a real book? real book my eyes can’t take electronic devices
71. What is your favorite subject in school? english, polish and histor
72. Do you have any siblings? yep i have older brother and sister
73. What was the last thing you bought? groceries 
74. How tall are you? 158cm
75. Can you cook? yeah the only thing i’m good at tbh
76. What are three things that you love? my boyfriend, my pets, my family
77. What are three things you hate? fortnite, expired lush products, my friend’s boyfriends
78. Do you have more male or female friends? equally
79. What is your sexual orientation? i’m in love with person not a gender
80. Where do you currently live? poland!=
81. Who was the last person you texted? my mom 
82. When was the last time you cried? 20 minutes ago BUT FROM LAUGHING OK
83. Who is your favorite youtuber? of course its shane dawson lol and elle mills and a few polish simmers
84. Do you like to take selfies? yes i am very insecure but also very vain 
85. What is your favorite app? stardew valley on mobile??
86. What is your relationship to your parent(s)? i used to hate them but now?? we’re best friends
87. What is your favorite foreign accent: i don’t have one:(
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? nyc
89. What is your favorite number? 7
90. Can you juggle? no
91. Are you religious? i don’t know anymore
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space, ocean scares tf out of me
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no!!!!
94. Are you allergic to anything? grass??
95. Can you curl your tounge? yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? no
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? when i’m in trouble only
98. Do you perfer the forest or the beach? beach
99. What is your favorite piece of advice anyone has given you? you will always grow back which means that no matter what you can always bounce back 
100. Are you a good liar? yes, indeed
101. What is your Hogwarts house? HUFFLEPUFF!!
102. Do you talk to yourself? when i fck something up
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? yes but i don’t write in it anymore, i just keep things in it
105. Do you believe in second chances? yes i believe in 52543 chances bc i’m weak
106: If you found a wallet full of money, what would you do? uuhhhh idk
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes but only with help
108. Are you ticklish? yes
109. Have you ever been on a plane? no:( i’m scared
110. Do you have any piercings? i used to have my nose pierced
111. What fictional character do you wish were real? 
112. Do you have any tattoos? i have lil tattoo on my middle finger i did myself like 5 years ago
113. What is the best decision you’ve made in your life? get a dog with my sister without my parents knowledge
114. Do you believe in karma? yes for sure
115. Do you waer glasses or contacts? glasses
116. Do you want children? uh tbh i’m jaded, i would rather adopt
117. Who is the smartest person you know? my dad
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? lying to my teacher and getting caught
119. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? yep i used to do this a lot but then i moved in with my boyfriend:(
120. What color are most of your clothes? black and pastel
121. Do you like adventure? YES
122. Have you ever been on TV? i don’t think so
123. How old are you? 20yo!!
124. What is your favorite quote? you will always grow back??
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory (and spicy!!!!!!)
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defcliff0rd · 6 years
as a team // luke hemmings [au] part two
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summary: your worry over luke’s safety has gotten to be too much // part two to but how sorry?
warnings: rated m // lots of angst!!! and fluffy smut it’s grossly cute be warned
word count: 4k (not quite as long as part one but DAMN a lot happens)
author’s note: y’all i’m literally feeling so angsty?? like i live for this shit and i went full throttle so this much be dramatic but hopefully it comes across correctly u know!! also part three is a strong possibility bc i have a lil something in mind depending on this response to this :-) enjoy! (unedited as usual because i’m so tired ugh)
you sat curled up on the couch, your legs underneath the throw blanket while you mindlessly watched what was on the tv. when luke woke you up earlier to tell you that he was leaving, he’d been watching the office and that’s what you left playing on the tv, even though you were hardly registering anything.
luke was supposed to be home over an hour ago and he wasn’t. you hadn’t even heard from him or michael - his best friend - about the match running over or anything happening. your phone had been silent.
once your phone read 12:05 am you decided that you’d had enough and your fingers were moving over the screen before you could even think about it.
“hello?” your brother’s voice rang through.
you sighed, happy he’d answered. “cal, hey. were you at the ring tonight?” you inquired. it had been almost a year since you’d told him about you and luke and, after the eight week silent treatment he gave you, the two of you were able to work things out. luke and calum weren’t best friends (although you swore that they could have been and maybe even were in another life, because they had so much in common) but they got along well enough. his parents loved you and your parents liked him, although your father is still hesitant due to his profession, despite you reminding him time and time again that his own son did the very same thing.
music was dancing through his side of the phone and he took a few moments to reply, waiting until you no longer heard music. “no, i don’t have a match until next week,” he said. you heard the flicker of a lighter and you rolled his eyes, still unimpressed with the habit he’d picked up. “why?”
“i haven’t heard from luke,” you murmured, pulling at the drawstring to your shorts. “he was supposed to be home an hour ago but i haven’t heard from him or michael.”
“i can call ash, see if he’s there or he knows anything, if you want,” calum offered.
just as you were about to thank him, you heard the doorknob moving. “i think he’s here,” you told him. you bid goodbye to your brother just as luke entered his apartment, his movements slower than usual. “are you okay?”
luke shut the door, locking the deadbolt before turning back to you. “i’m peachy, sweetheart,” he breathed with a smile.
you frowned as you stood, taking in his appearance. his hair was carelessly tied up out of his face and you could see the bruising forming on his forehead and cheekbones, his left eye swollen. “obviously,” you bit out before you could filter yourself. “you could’ve called. i thought something had happened.”
he kicked off his shoes, still gripping his gym bag as he walked over to the couch and sat down. you just stared at him. “i lost,” he muttered, obvious frustration behind his movements when he threw his bag down. “callahan is stronger than he looks. much stronger.”
you swallowed your rude comments, knowing this meant a lot to him. luke had done well in school and could’ve gone to college but fighting was something he was passionate about, as strange as it sounded. his journey to become a professional was halted when he found the underground club and learned that it was something he thrived at. the loss hit him hard, you knew, so you were supportive. “i’m sorry,” you apologized, taking a seat next to him carefully.
luke grimaced, wincing as he slowly pulled the hoodie off of his head. your eyes fell to the blood staining the collar of his white t-shirt. his blue eyes followed your gaze and he sighed, pulling that over his head also. “’m sorry, i didn’t realize it had gotten on my shirt,” he told you.
luke wasn’t stupid. he knew you didn’t appreciate what he did just as much as you didn’t like calum doing it. you didn’t understand, of course. you didn’t understand the adrenaline it gave him whenever he began a match nor did you get the intense pride he felt after winning one. after every match, he could sense that you were getting less and less patient. he knew the storm was coming; he just didn’t want it to be tonight. “baby, i’m sorry i didn’t call,” he expressed, his hand finding yours.
biting the inside of your cheek, you ignored the feeling of his scratched knuckles. “i know,” you replied. you didn’t want to say it was okay because it wasn’t, or at least you didn’t think so. “maybe, you know, since you don’t have the title you can take a break.”
luke scoffed, leaning back against the couch. he ran his fingers through his hair, tugging out the hair tie and tossing it on the coffee table. “a break? what am i supposed to do on a break?” he asked.
rolling your eyes, you turned your body toward him. he accepted your outstretched legs, resting his arms on your shins. “i don’t know, spend time with me? time that isn’t spent with me watching you train or you wincing at every move,” you offered, the bitter tone seeping through.
he barked out a laugh. “i can’t just give up now,” he insisted, unaware of your tone. “i refuse to listen to that dickhead brag about how he ran me into hiding. i need a rematch.”
your teeth dug into the inside of your cheek so hard you were half-expecting to draw blood. this seemed to be the only thing he could ever talk about recently; fighting. you thought you were understanding - you accepted when he was too tired to go out to eat or hang out in a social setting... except when it had to do with celebrating a win or something. you tried not to let it get to you because you knew that he was passionate about his job, as much as you hated it, but sometimes it became too much.
you loved luke, there was no question about it. ever since he blurted it out during your fifth month of dating, only slightly tipsy and post-orgasm, you knew that you could see yourself with him in the long run. but did he feel the same about you? he expressed his love verbally and sexually but you didn’t want to feel like you had to compete for his attention. how could you progress and possibly get married and have kids with someone that has such a reckless job?
“penny for your thoughts?” he murmured, grasping your hand and pressing his lips to your knuckles.
your stomach knotted at the gesture but you knew you had to say something to him. “you’re going to get yourself hurt, badly, luke,” you informed him, focusing on twisting the ring he’d gotten you on your six month anniversary “just because he loves you”. “or worse. you’re gonna have to take a break eventually, why not now?”
“because i don’t need a break right now, y/n,” he told you, speaking slowly as if he was trying to be careful.
you scoffed, moving your legs off of him as you stood up. “of course you don’t,” you muttered, standing up. between your worry for him and the thoughts about your future that had been plaguing your mind for the last two weeks, you were livid, but you didn’t want to say anything you’d regret later. so you walked into the kitchen, ignoring luke’s voice saying your name.
“what’s the matter, love?” luke asked, sounding tired. the irrational side of you was telling you that he was tired of you but your sane side reminded you that he just got beat up. he leaned against the counter a few feet away from you, his yes snot leaving you as you began to put away the now cold chicken alfredo. “oh, you made dinner,” he observed, his eyebrows furrowed. “did i forget something?”
the only time you actually made a nice dinner for the two of you was during a special occasion - birthdays, anniversary, big news from work - but you chuckled dryly. “it doesn’t matter, just figured i would,” you responded in a monotone.
you made the mistake of looking at his face, seeing his eyes wide with concern and his lips curved downward. “y/n, i know i should’ve called,” he spoke, his voice low. “i’m sorry i didn’t call, but-”
“it’s not even just that!” you interrupted, your voice sharper than you intended it to be. you chewed on your bottom lip, your task of putting the food away forgotten. “boxing or fighting in general is dangerous but this underground fighting you and cal do? do you even realize what could happen to you? literally every single match, i constantly worry about whether or not this is going to be the one that does permanent damage.”
you felt the tears stinging your eyes, begging to spill over, but you refused to let him see you cry. if you cry, he’s going to comfort you until you completely forget about why you’re mad in the first place and nothing gets solved. nothing is decided. “where is this coming from?” he asked, his voice finally gaining some conviction. “it’s been a year, why is this becoming such a problem for you now? you knew from the very start not only what i did but how dedicated i was to it. you knew what you were getting yourself into.”
you scoffed, shaking your head. “getting myself into,” you echoed, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. “i’m not doing this.”
“where are you going?” luke called, following you out of the kitchen and into his bedroom, the amount of stuff you kept and time you spent there practically making it yours too.
“i’m going home,” you told him, grabbing one of the gym bags he didn’t use. you practically stormed to the closet, yanking clothes off the hangers. technically, you never officially moved in. you still had a bedroom filled with your stuff in the apartment you shared with your roommate but you rarely stayed there. the only reason you hadn’t officially moved in was because you were waiting for an official invitation and luke assumed that you knew you already had one.
luke rolled his eyes, attempting to grab the clothes from your hands. “you’re already home, y/n, don’t be like that,” he contended.
“you’re right,” you began, turning around to meet his eyes. “i knew what i was getting into and i clearly made a mistake.”
“we’re not a mistake,” he practically growled. “and you know that. you’re just pissed. if you would talk to me about what’s actually bothering you instead of bottling shit up and then exploding over something little, we could figure this out.”
a tear escaped your eye and you saw him go to take a step forward, obviously bothered by your tears, but you stepped back, giving him a pointed you. his jaw flexed, clearly unhappy, but he complied nonetheless. “how are we supposed to have a life when one more concussion can put you out?” you asked softly, the fight in you draining. “what’s the point?”
he closed the distance between you, his palms on your cheeks and forcing you to meet his eyes. they were honest and pleading with a flicked of worry in them. “the point is that i’m so in love with you that, if you asked me to, i wouldn’t fight a single fight again. the point is that i can’t imagine my life without you, doll, so if i have to choose between you or literally anything else in this world, i would choose you every single time,” he confided.
a trembling sob escaped your lips and you collapsed, luckily falling onto the bed. luke wasted no time sitting beside you, his arms wrapped around you as you cried into his chest. he whispered sweet nothings and continuously pressed his lips to your forehead until you calmed down. “you gotta give me something here, or i can’t help you,” he whispered.
“i’m late,” you admitted for the first time out loud, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. the two of you had stopped using protection months ago but you were still on birth control. “about two weeks. my period’s always been weird but this still isn’t normal.”
luke was silent for a few moments, nothing but the sound of your uneven breathing. “well, that explains your mood swings lately,” he pointed out jokingly.
letting out a choked laugh, you elbowed him lightly. “i’m scared, lu,” you whispered, staring down at your ring. “what if i am pregnant?”
“well, i’m quite a fan of the name luke jr.,” he offered.
you rolled your eyes but you couldn’t help but smile. “this is serious,” you reminded him. “and i was being serious earlier. not about us being a mistake but we have to figure something out about you fighting. i know how much you love your job and i don’t want you quit it because i don’t want to be that girlfriend but... we have to meet somewhere in the middle.”
“and we will,” he promised. “i’ll make some calls and take a break so we can figure something out. i want to be here for you, y/n, and our baby. even if that time’s not now, i want to eventually have a kid with you. can you imagine how adorable they’d be?”
you laughed. “with your curls,” you said.
“and your beautiful eyes,” he added, nothing but admiration in his voice.
sniffling, you gave him a smile. he returned it, leaning forward to press his lips to yours. it was meant to be a simple kiss, filled with comfort, love, promise, but luke couldn’t keep it at just that. even the possibility of taking a step forward with you like that - such a huge step - it filled his entire body with giddiness. he felt like a child on christmas morning.
he gently rested his hand on your cheek, deepening the kiss. you felt him nibble on your bottom lip and you just barely moaned, your lips parting. electricity buzzed through your body the second his tongue met yours. every kiss still felt like the very first one and that was only one of the many signs that made you believe luke was it for you. there was no one else.
"lay back,” he murmured against your lips and you didn’t hesitate to listen, moving to rest your head on the pillows. his lips fell from yours, moving along your jaw and down your neck, taking his sweet time. he settled at your collarbone, tugging down the collar of your shirt and leaving his mark there, licking and sucking until he felt it was done. “i love you, y/n. i need you to know that. ever since the second i laid eyes on you, that was all i needed. you were everything i needed.”
you helped him maneuver your shirt off, dropping it on the floor. he tugged at the string of the basketball shorts you wore (ones he recognized as his own) and hooked his fingers around the waistband, pulling them down. he groaned lightly when he saw you weren’t wearing any underwear, already so fucking wet for him. “jesus, sweetheart,” he ground out. “i’ve barely touched you.”
you smirked lightly, the feeling on his rough fingertips dipping into your opening making your toes curl. “don’t act like you don’t know the effect you have on me,” you whispered, gasping when you felt him push two fingers inside of you.
“doesn’t mean it doesn’t still amaze me,” he returned quietly, his lips crashing against yours. “i fucking love it.”
your fingers tangle themselves in his curls, moans getting lost in his mouth as he continued thrusting his fingers inside of you. “fuck,” you muttered against his lips.
“you think you’re ready for my cock?” he mumbled, dragging his lips to your ear. “or d’you think you need my mouth?”
his words sent shivers down your spine. “i need you inside of me, luke, please,” you all but begged.
he laughed throatily. “you sure, baby? i’ll gladly go down on you,” he offered. “you know how much i love the taste of you.”
you involuntarily clenched are his fingers, no doubt in your mind that he felt it. “i wanna be on top,” you told him.
he groaned, his fingers slipping out of you as he rested his forehead on yours. your hand found his, raising the were coated with your juices and slipping them into your mouth. your eyes never left his as you sucked his fingers, his eyes darkening. “god, just marry me,” he pleaded, lust clouding his voice.
you giggled, letting go of his fingers with a pop. “can’t be on top if you won’t lay down, lukey,” you reminded him.
he let out the tiniest whimper, practically dropping onto the bed beside you. you bit your lip as he helped you pull off his pants, his cock springing out. your fingers wrapped around him, pumping him slowly. he dick was achingly hard, the tip a flushed red color. you leaned down, slowly closing your lips around his length. he groaned and you looked up at him, finding his head thrown back. you continued bobbing your head, going further each time and using your hand to pump what couldn’t fit in your mouth. “just like that, baby. fuck,” he encouraged, using his hands to push your hair out of the way so you could move easier (plus he fucking loved seeing you).
just when the tip of him had began to hit the back of your throat, gagging slightly, he gently pulled you off of him. “hey, i was in the middle of something,” you pouted.
“yeah, and i need to be in you,” he shot back, picking you up and dropping you onto the mattress.
“i thought i was going to be on top?” you questioned, watching as he spread your legs as far as they would go and positioned himself, the tip of his cock brushing against your pussy.
he chuckled, pushing forward and watching as his length disappeared inside of you. “yeah, if i had to watch you and your tits bounce on top of me, i would be done in seconds,” he responded. he hovered over you, letting out a choked groan as he bottomed out.
he slowly began to rock his lips, knowing every angle to make your body shiver in the best way. he kept one arm planted to hold himself above you, the other sliding down your body and hooking your leg around his waist, settling on your hip. the grip he had on your fleshy skin was tight and sure to leave a bruise but once he began thrusting harder, you no longer cared.
your fingernails dug into his bicep, feeling the muscles move beneath his skin. “fucking hell, y/n, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he growled, pulling his hips back to slam back into you.
you cried out, your free hand gripping your boob tightly. “luke,” you breathed out, already feeling the knot forming in your stomach.
“so fuckin’ tight around me, but so perfect,” he whispered, almost as if it were to himself. “like you were made for me.”
“i’m gonna cum,” you warned him, your eyes fluttering closed.
he sped up his movements, removing his hand from your hip and to your jaw, holding it in place so he could kiss you. he brushed his thumb along your bottom lip before gently gripping your neck, furthering the sensation. “go ahead, pretty girl. come for me.” that’s all it took to have you practically convulsing around him, your back arching off the bed as you cried out.
his thrusts grew sloppy just as you were coming down from your high, stilling inside you as he groaned loudly, emptying inside of you. he collapsed beside you, both of you breathing heavily. “holy shit,” he breathed out.
you giggled, looking over at him briefly. “definitely in my top 5,” you concluded, your eyes closing.
he laughed, the bed moving as he sat up and raking his fingers through his damp hair. you felt his stare on you and you opened your eyes, finding him staring at your lower half. you followed his gaze to your parted legs, cum dripping from your pussy. your cheeks redden and you pushed your thighs together. “i hate when you do that,” you whined, embarrassment filling you.
“it’s so fucking hot though,” he muttered, walking to the bathroom and coming back with a rag. he pried your thighs apart, cleaning you up with the rag. he tossed it into the dirty basket before slipping on his boxers, throwing the nearest shirt he could find at you. it was a blue flannel and you sloppily buttoned it up before crawling under the blankets. luke plopped beside you on his stomach, his arm through over your midriff. “marry me.”
the same words he’d uttered earlier left his lips but the heat of the moment was an excuse for that, easy for you to brush off. this time there was nothing shielding it. “what?” you still asked dumbly.
he propped himself up on his elbow, his fingers gently brushing the stray hairs out of your face. “marry me,” he repeated.
“shut up,” you told him, laughing nervously.
luke’s expression didn’t change. “i’m serious,” he insisted. “i want everything to be official. i also want you to move in, officially. we definitely should’ve figured that out months ago, when you started paying rent for an apartment you were never at."
you stared at him with wide eyes, your heart beating loudly. “luke, you don’t have to do this just because we might be pregnant,” you began to stammer. “i mean, yes, i’ll move in, but we don’t even know if i’m pregnant, you know? not for sure. i don’t want you making any rash decisions on a maybe a-” you stopped yourself when he had an opened velvet box in front of you, a beautiful ring sat inside. it was nothing extravagant, because he knew you wouldn’t want that, but it was beautiful nonetheless. “what is this?”
luke laughed. “the ring i’m using to bribe you to say yes,” he teased. “i’ve had it for a couple of months now, trying to figure out when was the right time and not scare myself out of it because it’s only been a year. but you’re it for me, y/n. you’ve ruined me for everybody else. there’s no one else for me but you and i’d love for you to give me the honor of calling you my wife.”
you blinked a couple of times, sitting upright, your eyes not moving away from the box. “i’m gonna just start putting it on your finger and i want you to stop me if it’s a no, okay?” he took it out, dropping the box on the bed as he grabbed your hand and began to slowly slip the ring on.
“where the hell have you been keeping this?” was all you managed to get out. you were constantly reorganizing his room because he was a total slob; how have you not seen it?
luke laughed, gazing at your hand once the ring was completely on. he was amazed you didn’t stop him, honestly. “seriously? you ask me that before saying yes or no?” he questioned. “i, um, i’ve been keeping it in the box of condoms in the nightstand. figured it was the perfect hiding place that you’d never look in.”
your jaw dropped, remembering all the time you almost threw the box away. “i almost threw that away so many times!” you exclaimed.
luke laughed. “good thing you didn’t, right?” he asked. “so that’s a yes?”
“of course it’s a yes, luke,” you responded, pressing your lips to his.
luke smiled, his tongue poking out to wet his lips. “i know we have a lot to figure out but... take it one step at a time? as a team?” he offered, holding out his pinky finger.
you mirrored his smile, hooking your pinky around his. “as a team,” you promised.
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especdreamy · 2 years
For the ask game, 8?
8. any reacquiring dreams?
OHHHH this is gonna get a lil' long! I have two specific dreams that I'd love to talk about!!!!
One of the MOST interesting reocurring dreams i had is one that only repeated once. Back when I was around 8 years old, I had a dream where I walked through a path surrounded by birch trees in fall. The sun and leaves just giving an overall gold-like color to the scenery.
And at the end of that path was a little cabin, mismatched planks of many different colors on it. It looked silly and beautiful, a lady with ginger hair opened the door and greeted me along with a boy my age.
It felt like I spent the whole evening at that house. I think in the backyard there were some mythical creatures like unicorns or something, I played with the boy and the woman would give us snacks and tea and sweets and it was enjoyable. Then as the sunset started to come I said my goodbyes and left the house, going back "home" through the same path I arrived from and I woke up.
I am 90% sure I forgot about that dream cuz, well I didn't think much of it i guess? But the catch (and the reason why that dream stuck out to me so much) was 10 years later, when I had already turned 18.
And I was back in that path, with golden leaves on birch trees as I walked down towards the house, which looked much older. Much more deteriorated.
The same lady greeted me, this time with wrinkles and white hair. The boy had grown up into an adult my age too, being considerably taller than me.
And they'd tell me how long they've waited for me to return, I'd spend the evening eating with them, catching up i guess? the Lady tells me that they're facing issues. That someone wants to build a road along the backyard and that means that they'd have to displace the unicorns and other mythical animals.
I think I tried to fight back against that, I don't remember well. I know I rode a pegasus while fighting against the Evil Road Maker or something.
But I remember how I woke up and just. felt stunned. because I had forgotten I had that dream before, yknow? but now I remembered. I rsmembered the woman with ginger hair and her cookies and the boy and how they had all grown up now.
I think that dream had some sort of meaning to it, specially considering how time passed. they both got older. Not sure how common that is for reocurring dreams.
The other one that deserves mention is more messy to explain.
I was walking down a path in a prairie, and there were small rustic huts placed to the sides? there were also some houses that could be best described as hobbit holes.
I went inside one of them, met an old lady who raised chickens inside the hobbit hole. Then she like. placed me on a cannon. or something. Or let me ride a pokemon (It was a sylveon. I remember it happened close to pokemon XY release) but basically soon enough I was riding a sylveon in the sky.
And I was floating around for what felt like hours, watching the very faraway land change in shapes and colors when it shifted from just farmland to forests and wilderness.
And then, near the end, I found a forest. But not a normal forest. It was HUGE. HUGE TREES that reached the clouds. Incredibly detailed metallic arches that were filled with gigantic wisteria flowers. The foliage of the trees had colorful leaves that ranged from blueish purple to a peachy orange. you could basically have multiple floors within the canopy due to the sheer size of these trees.
Needless to say, it was epic and gorgeous. And then I woke up.
And I'd sometimes have a similar dream, I'd be at the start in that path with the huts and the hobbit holes. the woman with the chickens. the sylveon. I'd ride it in search of that forest. And I'd spend hours and hours and I'd wake up without reaching that destination.
Early during last year though, something changed? And I had reached it. Or something. My memory is blurry. But I think I found a book, and read it, and inside said book it described this exact same forest by NAME. I don't remember the name, but it started with C? I think?
It described how to find it. And in that dream I was able to see the forest again.
Honorable mention is that time when I was like 6 years old and I had a dream I was playing a dora the explorer metroidvania video game, there were lots of traps and enemies and whenever I died to them I'd wake up. Slowly over time and several dreams during the course of months I could learn from my mistakes and progress inside this game until I reached the final boss. After a couple of dreams trying to confront it (and dying) I finally would defeat it and thus finish the game. I never had that dream again.
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8.8.23 August
6:45 am
Uncle Jun went out going to forest of Georgia'z and Betsilog'z gang ( always wearing a plastics coats?)
Weird and strange he left a one shirt that he soaked on a laundry soap in the basin, before he left he asked a favour to my nana to wash it later coz he needs the shirt / his uniform... ( he seems like a baby or pa-cute-cute ).
Today is the day of my 2nd day of training in Iqor...Whew! Having a weird schedule but I have no choice I badly need money and job....So, from 3pm until 11pm that is the schedule... It is just nearby but goodluck later... But jeep is 24 hours, I know...
I feel panic and my stomach is stress or me?I'm having this acid attack whenever,I feel panic or stress...
7:36 am
See you in Minnesota... I hope I have good angels... On the 4th platform... At SM...
I badly need job and money...
8:33 am
I did my task here for nana and my baby John and my take-out angels... DIY ( do it yourself Hime or Peachy -Pie ).
My chicken adobo.
I badly need money and I need that job in Iqor...
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8:44 am
Nobody wants to believe that I have maturity... Whew!
I love our dogs angels... I can't let them starve.
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Believe or not that porridge is for humans and animals... My nana loves it! Ready for this afternoon though it is really tiring but I badly need that job and I need money.
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12:23 noon
Today's expenses is bridging by my friend ELY...
In a lil while off to work place,angels....
12:25 noon
In the Nutshell:
In a way angels... Working in a call center for me it is my personal religion crusade. Pehaps, God wants me to realize something but I'm also looking for a personal growth...
12:53 noon
Baby John is super stress-out, Mommy Peachy will go out... Angels guide my baby here... I told him I will go out and be a good boy, he became so quiet and his facial expression is worrying...
11:29 pm
Just got back from Iqor... It wasn't easy angels but thank God, I survived the day...
I checked the kitchen John poops is just on the dust pan hmm...hmm....This Uncle Jun knew that John has a small pick-up cleaner for John's poops and supposed to be just flush it in the toilet bowl... He can't do it angels even feeding Neko and Lalah ( the food is in the refrigerator ).
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chrishurstabs · 6 years
Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid
Here is a lil’ selection of some of my favourite exercises for targeting the butt, by isolating the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and hamstrings- the peachy muscles. Weighted cable kickbacks were my absolute fav exercise when I started working out- they are seriously satisfying.
Finish your work out with a whey isolate protein shake (higher protein content & therefore, bioavailabilty and v low fat, carb & lactose) & a nutritious meal filled with a clean protein source- no it doesn’t always have to be chicken dw!- essential fats, complex carbs & fibre.
Insta- @riellemadrid
The post Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid appeared first on The Best Personal Trainer In Miami for Celebrities Is Ahmad Baari.
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Hehe!! All of the regression asks that you havent done yet!!
This is a biiiig request lil one!!
1. I enjoy both sippies and bottles!! But i looove sippies a lil bit more!
2. Repunzel is my favorite princess, Aladdin and Flynn are my favorite princes, Suly is my favorite monster, Mushu is my favorite animal :) (i added extra to this question hehe)
3.cute straws!!
4. I do NOT have a bedtime, I gots no cg sooo i stay up til i literally can only fall asleep. But remember lil ones! That is very dangerous, you need your sleeps
5. Onesies!!! Onesie onesie onesiee
6. Hm..i gots 4 FAVORITE plushies n i abouts to have another!! The ones i have now is Funshine (a carebear my father gave me for my 15th bday), Peachy (a penguin), Guleum (a cotton candy sented bab (build a bear) that my friend made with me), annnd Moshi Min [a yellow sleepy dog i got the first time i went to an arcade)
7. I looove pastel colors, sweet anon!!
8. I do not have a cg, remember lil ones!! You do not NEED a cg, if you have friends then they are perfectly good too!! Though I know most of us WANT cgs, but dont settle and listen to what YOU want an be safe!!
9. Hm..i reress on my own usually, but i want to start regressing with others!!
11. Hm..skirts..ive never had an overalls
12. I do not, and that doesnt make me any less valid :) just like wearing diapers wont make you less valid :)
14. Hm..i only like bathtime if ive got toys and bathbombs :)
15. Stuffies!!!!
16. I do, i do! i really, really do!
17. Hm..dinos!! Hehe..got LOOOOTS of queued poosts of dinos
18. I love bears
19. Hm..i dont wear socks.. maybe thigh highs?
20. 5-6ish
21. I like home made strawberry milk n store bought chocolate milk :)
22. I used to!! I dont have any anymore but looooove them so so much
23. Hmph..makin me choose..amusement, maybe..
24. I do gots baby voice!!
26. Playdates..? Never had a regression play date
27. Dependant!! That means i need helps..right?
28. I gots stuffies, coloring books, im getting a teether, i gots a agere youtube channel
29. Hm..tea party..maybe
30. Anything cookies n cream!
31. Cartoons😛
32. Favorite?!?! I dunnos!!
33. Yea, i a princess 🧸🍼👑
34. Paci
35 i dooo
36. Marker!!
37. Hm..i..i dunnos..
38. Mlp!!
39. Funshine, wishbear, an grumpy bear
40. Piiink
41. Nu uhss
42. I dunnos what you mean..sorry
43. Nopeee but if you do, thats still valid!!
44. Im confuuuused
45. Nuh uhhh...sometimes
46. Winter peas!!
47. Uhhhs.. bunchies of books, sweets and loooots of chicken n toast, a cg in his cg space, wittle bunbuns...etc etc
48 hm..autumn
49. Nuh uhs..sowwy
50. Hm..apple??maybe?..i dunno :( sowwy
Thank you for asking me!! This was some extra (but fun!!) Work! Hehe
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Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid
Here is a lil’ selection of some of my favourite exercises for targeting the butt, by isolating the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and hamstrings- the peachy muscles. Weighted cable kickbacks were my absolute fav exercise when I started working out- they are seriously satisfying.
Finish your work out with a whey isolate protein shake (higher protein content & therefore, bioavailabilty and v low fat, carb & lactose) & a nutritious meal filled with a clean protein source- no it doesn’t always have to be chicken dw!- essential fats, complex carbs & fibre.
Insta- @riellemadrid
The post Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid appeared first on The Best Personal Trainer In Miami for Celebrities Is Ahmad Baari.
from https://makingthebest.com/grow-your-glutes-glow-booty-workout-rielle-madrid-2/
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Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid
Here is a lil’ selection of some of my favourite exercises for targeting the butt, by isolating the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and hamstrings- the peachy muscles. Weighted cable kickbacks were my absolute fav exercise when I started working out- they are seriously satisfying.
Finish your work out with a whey isolate protein shake (higher protein content & therefore, bioavailabilty and v low fat, carb & lactose) & a nutritious meal filled with a clean protein source- no it doesn’t always have to be chicken dw!- essential fats, complex carbs & fibre.
Insta- @riellemadrid
The post Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid appeared first on The Best Personal Trainer In Miami for Celebrities Is Ahmad Baari.
from https://makingthebest.com/grow-your-glutes-glow-booty-workout-rielle-madrid-2/
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saintofsunflowers · 6 years
Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid
Here is a lil’ selection of some of my favourite exercises for targeting the butt, by isolating the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and hamstrings- the peachy muscles. Weighted cable kickbacks were my absolute fav exercise when I started working out- they are seriously satisfying.
Finish your work out with a whey isolate protein shake (higher protein content & therefore, bioavailabilty and v low fat, carb & lactose) & a nutritious meal filled with a clean protein source- no it doesn’t always have to be chicken dw!- essential fats, complex carbs & fibre.
Insta- @riellemadrid
The post Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid appeared first on The Best Personal Trainer In Miami for Celebrities Is Ahmad Baari.
from https://makingthebest.com/grow-your-glutes-glow-booty-workout-rielle-madrid-2/
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nepaca · 6 years
Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid
Here is a lil’ selection of some of my favourite exercises for targeting the butt, by isolating the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and hamstrings- the peachy muscles. Weighted cable kickbacks were my absolute fav exercise when I started working out- they are seriously satisfying.
Finish your work out with a whey isolate protein shake (higher protein content & therefore, bioavailabilty and v low fat, carb & lactose) & a nutritious meal filled with a clean protein source- no it doesn’t always have to be chicken dw!- essential fats, complex carbs & fibre.
Insta- @riellemadrid
The post Grow your glutes & glow, booty workout- Rielle Madrid appeared first on The Best Personal Trainer In Miami for Celebrities Is Ahmad Baari.
from https://makingthebest.com/grow-your-glutes-glow-booty-workout-rielle-madrid-2/
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