#my little town by simon & garfunkel... for the cries
stevebabey · 2 years
🕺🏻- What are your top 5 songs from the 80s???
OOF nonnie only 5??? 😩 agony. i want u to know i litcherally went into my spotify stats to see statistically what i listen to the most <3 going for a versatile list here - and ofc, thank u so very much for sending this in, mwah!
in no particular order...
everywhere / fleetwood mac
owner of a broken heart / yes
thriller / michael jackson
girls on film / duran duran
fast car / tracy chapman
join the celebration <3
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Jean with their almost full term wife just being extremely uncomfortable, they cry a lot and are just ready for the baby to be out?
Here I go... this has been in my inbox for an embarrassing amount of time but I had this plot in mind for two years and I was waiting for this moment to be animated to be able to write and post this... Listen while you read → the sound of silence by Simon and Garfunkel
Pairing: Jean/ Reader
Tags: hurt/comfort (yes my ✨favorite✨), Jean being a sweetheart
Warnings: pregnancy, grief, mentions of labor and childbirth, crying, Post Sasha's death
The Sound of Silence
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The dull, gray shade that was plastered all over the sky was accompanied by an excessive stride of frozen air that was blowing on your hair, sending stray strands of (e/c) flying all over your eyes. A few droplets fell faintly in random places over you and on the freshly trimmed grass that was swaying under your feet. There was a vast variety of tombstones that surrounds you, sternly and calculated lined up tombs extend to a tragic horizon, where your eyes couldn't seem to find an end to. A few leaves were being blown around over them, as well as fresh flower petals, ones you could recognise as you had seen numerous people leave bouquets to their deceased loved ones for all the time you'd stayed here.
Inevitably, the gravestone you were resting your back on was frozen, making your whole body shiver as you lean on it, but you chose not to pay any attention to it; you simply buried your chin between your knees and closed your eyes before letting out a sigh escape you. Your stomach tightened as your chest hitched and you instinctively brought a hand to rub over your swollen tummy. You inspected the bum by running your hand around it, rubbing on a few places near your inverted belly button, pressing slightly over the top as you felt the probing piece of flesh flick in the palm of your hand underneath your dress.
When you felt a kick, a single leg movement push against the insides of your stomach, though, you took away your hand, slamming it onto the ground as you tried to grip onto the moist soil right next to you. It was kind of a peculiar feeling and even now, nine months in you were still fully uncomfortable with it. Being pregnant wasn't something you've enjoyed; rather was more like a hazard to your very health and was reason you were relieved of your soldier duties. And you secretly cursed Jean and yourself a bit for allowing this to happen.
Who on their right mind would enjoy swollen feet and back pains, who would enjoy the crazy mood swings and the fatigue that causes you to be unable of even taking a stroll around the town? Who would ever want to feel suffoccated by how big their pregnancy belly had turned? Not you. Definitely not you, but according to your mother they were supposed to be something you'd enjoy later on.
Now, you weren't so sure.
And you were so overdue yet you weren't even sure you could even take care of your child in the mental state you were in.
Sighing hard after taking a deep inhale you dug your frail fingernails into the soil, feeling the ominous tears that the angry skies were begining to pour. Your eyes lingered on the shapeless coulds, focusing onto the dull, stripped light that could barely peak from underneath them. You felt the faint river of a tear run down your cheek at the sight and the skies responded right back at you with a loud thunderclap. It almost felt as if the skies were mourning Sasha just like you. Maybe, if you tried to convince yourself, you'd believe that it was your childhood friend that cried with you due to your departure.
Feeling your body go stiff and your face go numb from the fresh needles of the cold air that was blowing on you your scrunched your nose upwards, hoping for the action to stimulate even the tiniest blood flow to the numb tip. It didn't, and the tingling sensation of a sneeze madxhed it's way to your blood vessels, scratching methodically at all the right pressure points to force it's release. Finally and with a loud blow you felt your chest go in shock as you sneezed, your whole body joltimg up on your very spot.
Still you sniffled the little drops of moisture with the inside of your elbow, you couldn't find it in you to move or get up, you couldn't even try to find an ounce of physical strength inside your body. Sashas tombstone provided some strong comfort for you though, acting as your only comforter against the cold.
"This can't be any good for you."
A soft, large and so very warm hand came to rest upon your shoulder; delicate fingers gave you a squeeze as a bulky thumb rubbed a few circles to the end of your collarbone. You didn't even have time turn your head to see who it was, frankly because you knew.
His scent, his warmth, his touch, his whole aura practially screamed his name.
"It's going to rain really hard you know." He said, planting a kiss to your temple. "wanna go back?"
"No." You sniffled dangerously.
"Okay then, I-" Jean paused before squating to your level "I guess were staying here for a bit."
"Thank you."
The soft ruffle that you felt on your hair was Jeans reply and it tousled your hair slightly, allowing the shy blond to catch a tiny sniff of your sweet scent to which he sncrunched his nose slightly and proceeded to place a kiss at the top of your hair line. Then, once again, he placed another kiss on your temple.
Fidgeting with your hand while trying to undig it out of the soil, you closed your eyes at the feeling, expecting the tiniest bits of adoration to enter your body through that kiss. Jean rested his head on your shoulder from his squatting position and you smiled a tiny bit and only in the blink of an eye, exhaling a cold huff of air to his face. A sharp pain in your chest was starting to spread, pushing back away over everything else that lay inside your body, strangling the insides of your throat.
"I miss her already."
You felt your breath chock you from the insides of your throat dangerously; a tight, looking knot was finally making its binds tighter and even more evident to the depths of your stomach as it spread to your throat.
"Me too"
"And God she was more that me excited for our baby."
As you shut your eyes, in frail attempt to mute the memories of Sasha that were coming back to your vision, a single tear rolled from the corner of your eye. With a shaking hand you managed to grip onto the side of Jean's coat; the chachi makò cotton coat rubbed against your thum as if protesting for the dirt that was being wiped on it, yet Jean didn't seem to care.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here for so long when you're dysphoric about pregnancy."
"Its-its fine" You sniffled, a hitched sigh escaping the depths of your throat.
"Mmm baby, it's not, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't bring Sasha back with me too she'd talk to me everyday about betting on how we're going to have twins."
As another thunderclap roared in the background, Jean found it fitting to move his aching legs and shift his position to the ground. As he took a turn, he placed another kiss just next to your eye while he took your hand in between his. With a soft thud he came to rest his body next to yours and you made a slight move to allow him a little more space before his back finally came to rest to the small tomb right behind you. A hand came to wrap around your shoulders lovingly silently begging you to push your head down to your lover's shoulder to which you eagerly complied.
"I kinda think she was right, I'm too huge, I can't even breathe properly these days." Another tiny peck was placed to the top of your head as you spoke. "To be honest," You sniffled "whatever it is I want it to be out."
"I know."
"And I don't want to accept that Sasha died, I grew up with her Jean."
"I know baby." He said and placed a new kiss to your head.
"And for the love of any fucking intelligent titan I'm so swollen and I'm angry and all that could make me happy right now would be you Connie and Sasha teasing me about it."
Jean felt your back pulp on him like a jolting lighting has just fell from the sky. He heard the hard sniffle of your nose and heard the painful sob that was stuck to the back of your throat as your sentence came to an end. This, with a burning desire to let his own heart go loose came the feeling of his own eyes stinging, his own chest jolting, his fingertips gripping onto the side of your head as if they were hanging onto you for dear life.
"All I get though is this stupid tomb!" You cried and threw a clenched first backwards towards the tomb, hitting it with all your potential might as you chocked on your next words. "This stupid fucking reminder that my best friend is dead."
It was so dearly painful. Your heart hammered in your chest in protest to your refusal to deny Sasha's death, your stomach churned in a coiling fire and the big swelling bumb under your right hand rioted against your mourning. But you failed to give a care. Your best friend in the whole world was dead.
You could still remember when you decided to join the military together, you still remembered your very first friends, you still remembered how she and Connie were the ones to help you and Jean get together. You remembered the way you'd play when you were kids and how you'd spend days sewing clothes just to play like you were paying a visit to Sina in your most elegant attire. You remembered watching her fall in love with food and with whom you had thought could be the man of her life.
You remembered every single miniscule moment of your life spent with Sasha and it crushed you.
Nevertheless when Jean's long fingers came to sway over the roots of your hair and his nose nuzzled to the top of your hairline, his lips rubbing onto your soft hair, ready to press another kiss at any given time, your face softned, taking away the chocked sob you were about to let out with it. You brought your hand to your face, pulling your sleeve to cover it up and put it to your nose to wipe the runny goo off of it.
"I know, shh" The ashy blond rubbed his chin to the side of your scalp, giving you the tiniest bit of affection from it before bringing his nose back to your head to rub it on the spot again.
Then, the way that you sighed was almost silent.
Save for the whiny hiccup that escaped you.
"Please don't cry so much, I'm going to panic."
A tiny laughter inevitably escaped you. You remembered that phrase very well. When you had caught Jean crying after Marco's memorial he had came running into your arms, sobbing like a madman and you had wispered the same words while rubbing your palms soothingly over his back. That was the same night that you decided to follow him into joining the scouts, the first night of an endless personal misery.
"It's just-" You cried "I just can't, we've lost so many people and it hurts Jean. I should have been there."
"Shh no, don't think like that."
Jean was holding back tears for you. It was evident in the way that he was shaking and jolting his head from time to time. His palm was flexed in a fist, tightly resting over your shoulder as it gripped a fold in your cloack. You only breathed harder at the realisation, feeling your chest sink in a tremendous amount of pain that left you hollow. You felt another kick coming from the inside of your stomach to which you shut your eyes to, too afraid to see the outline of a hand or a foot appear under the thin linen clothe of your dress. And just like before, another heart wrenching sob escaped you.
"I didn't want to say goodbye." Jean said quietly, his voice coming as a breath that barely brushed your ear. "You didn't even get to say goodbye and that's bad of me to say, but I didnt want to see what I saw. I didn't want to say goodbye. I don't want you to suffer. I don't want to suffer either."
The sniffling of your nostrils wasn't nowhere near coming to an halt, thus the back of your sleeve was the ideal solution to your distress; had you had any more little power in your body you would reach for the handkerchief in your shoulder bad. But that couldn't be the case. Not until you could feel your feet.
"(Y/n), baby... I'm sorry. I promise I won't let anything happen to you and our baby. Even if it means I have to sacrifice my life for you to be safe."
A gasp came out of your mouth quicker than you had anticipated. The hiccup that escaped you was accompanied by another burning hot tear that run down your eye, your whole spine giving in to the wave of fear that shook you, resulting in your head jolting in shock. Your hand shot to his, gripping it with force to bring it over your stomach, your fingers clinging onto his while pressing hard in between his knuckles.
"Don't say that shit, you're not dying Jean, get that thought out of your idiotic head," You inhaled through hitches "I'm going to die a pitiful death if you leave me."
"Please don't do that." Jean clenched his teeth.
"Then don't die too you idiot."
Another rush of a few raindrops started pouring, this time even more quickly that before. The grass under your feet swayed, each spiky peak bending and bouncing as the weight of the rain hit the ground. Big blotches of water were now forming on your attire, waiting your skin as they came to connect with each other, darkening the brown color of the linen skirt you were wearing. Jean wrapped his hand tighter around you, rubbing his cheek to the top of your head again with mellow force, as if trying to assure you it would be okay for you to stay there for only just a moment more.
And you begged to listen to his silent proposition.
Letting his hand rest loosely over your swollen stomach, you took a deep breath, allowing your self to flex your toes inside your shoes. Your indstep steamed as the little strap squished you so hard that you tried your best to convince yourself you weren't going to deal with a blood clot. You hated that you had come to despise your favorite pair of shoes. All you ever wished for was that then would just fit you like normal. Still, even to that thought, the little being inside you took half a leaping turn, giving another kick to the top of your stomach.
Had Sasha been here she would have told you something to help you get your mind off of it. She would have teased Jean for not being able to keep it in his pants and you would have laughed, feeling the tentuon easing off.
Still, the kick, that most women would have found one of joy, only turned your insides like clothes swept by a tide.
"I want to throw up." You announced, half looking at Jean
"Because of the kick? Or the thought of it?"
"Maybe-maybe both."
It was then that another kiss was planted in your forehead. The raw sound of lips smacking filled the air against the drenching water of the rain, giving a little antsy essence to the gesture. Jean rubbed his closed mouth against your skin with his eyes closed in his best effort to help you calm down.
"Now now," He whispered "It wouldn't be the best thing to throw up in the cemetery, would it?"
With closed eyes, you pouted and shook your head twice in response.
"Okay then, I have a proposal for you."
"Want to go visit Marco's grave? And then get you somewhere warm? And changed?"
Your pout intensified amd you fixated your gaze at the ground with furrowed brows. The nauseating feeling in your stomach was coiling begging to obertske you, but there was something so warm about Jean's sweet tone that fought it violently, so much that you could even feel your face loosen up as you melted under his touch.
"Yes, I'd like that."
"Okay then."
You shivered slightly as Jean took his arm off of you and dug it to the ground, giving himself a little prompt as he bend his knees closer to his body before stretching them to get up. Next, he leaned towards you, extending a long arm to your side, his thick, enormous palm stretching as it signaled you to place yours in it. Lifting a hand to his direction faintly you manages to place your palm into his and soon you managed to feel his fingers tighten a grip over your knuckles.
Still though, you couldn't find it in you to get up.
You stared at Jean with brows that screamed in apology, lifted skin littered with regretful lines. You had been feeling heavy lately. Everyone knew that, everyone who laid eyes on you questioned hoe you even managed to walk normally. But today you had struggled to get out of bed so much that you had even considered asking to be carried to Sasha's grave, knowing full well that you were too heavy for this to be a reality.
"You can do it."
"Give me a second, I can feel my lower stomach pulsating."
Jean eyed you with concern, his thumb quick to rub a circle over the knuckle of your pointer finger. You only gave him a mixed look next, squeezimg him just a little as you started pulling his hand. You had to get up. You couldn't stay in the rain until someone picked you up bridal style. Thus, you gave a little push. Just a teeny, tiny push to prompt yourself up and meet Jean halfway.
"Oh, oh crap."
In that moment you couldn't even think of a worse mistake that you had made in your nineteen years of life.
You didn't want to believe it. No. It couldn't be happening now.
"Uhm, my water just broke."
"There's fluid leaking down my thigh and I'm pretty sure I didn't just pee myself. I wouldn't do that in a graveyard."
In between Jean's petrified expression and the trembling pain in your core, you somehow found yourself be eerily non panicked about the happening. As much as you wanted to scream from the pain, as much as you felt like your feet where going to give out, you were nowhere near turning pale yellow like Jean.
"Was this supposed to happen so suddenly?" Jean breathed heavily.
"Well" You cursed under your breath as you clutched over your stomach "I have been overdue for some days now and, ah fuck this is painful-"
"I'm really, really freaking out right now. What. Do. We. Do?"
"Calm down, let's go to Marco's grave."
"What? No!? Your waters literally broke. They broke, oh my god I'm going to be an actual father." Jean let out a chocked scream while running his other hand through his hair and gripping despairately on the roots.
"Jean, okay I migh-" A sharp pain went through your core "I still have a lot of time until my contraction is big enough for the baby to come out."
"This can't be safe."
"I'm telling you!"
Jean took a deep breath. His chest rose and fell, his shaking fingers steadied just a tiny bit, his trembling feet suddenly felt just a little more steady. This wasn't a time to panic, of course, he knew that far. The look you were giving him, even though it was pained, screamed that he could trust you; despite either of you having absolutely no idea about childbirth, he knew that having an anxiety attack this early into labor would only cause a worse experience for you.
Plus, he was the one who suggested they you'd visit Marco, and he wasn't about to say no to you at your current situation. With a hand bend over his hip, he prompted your own to snail through it for support. At least if you were going to do this, he'd basically walk you there. Pressing his lips together, Jean gave you an longing look, letting a deepnsigh escape the depths of his chest.
Eagerly you nodded at him, linking your arm with his. You softly dug your button lip under your upper flesh, trying your best not to bite into it as another rush of pain washed through you. Having contractions this frequent only meant that you had to rush and you knew that better than anyone else, but there was this little voice in the back of your brain that begged you to not take this moment away from Jean. With a final little stroke at Sasha's tomb and a tear running down your wet, stinging eyes before you matched away and to the direction of Marco's grave, you let yourself think you could hear her say a tiny good luck to you.
"Okay, let's go see Marco alright?" Jean said with a hint of glimmer in his eyes "For five minutes."
"Okay and then I'm going to go and have your child."
"Quite literally."
Taglist: @sasageyowrites @ackermans-freedom-inc @melancholicmonologue @ladyofpandemonium @levisbrat25 @callmepromise @hawkssnugget @berrijam @thethyri @nobody-knows-anymore @lzrers
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all-that-craic · 6 years
For the song ask, @elbysroom said “ Okay but how about you do all of them”
1.    a song from the year you were born
Elton John - Believe 
2.    a song that reminds you of school
Bohemian Rhaspody - Queen. We sang it in our German class during the Percent ( it is a tradition in the north-east of France to dress up 100 days before the bac)  3.    a song tied to a specific moment in your life
A misunderstood man-Cliff Richard. Man when I was 14, I was obsessed with Wuthering Heights and Heathcliff a musical.
4.     a song that is not sung in your native language
There are so many ahjfjfd : la llorona because it is so beautiful. 5.     a song over 5 minutes long
Child in Time - Deep purple : this song is EVERYTHING. 6.     a song under 2 minutes long
Reborn-Cliff Richard 7.     an instrumental
Apache - The Shadows 
8. a classical piece
Purcell- When I am laid in earth. Probably my favorite opera piece. 9.     a song with no percussion
Piano Man - Billy Joel 10.   something you’ve heard performed live
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road. I cried.
11.   something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac. I would kill to see Fleetwood mac live. 12.   a song by an artist who’s from where you’re from (town/city/state/country)
Une belle histoire- Michel Fugain 13.   a song made suddenly precious because of a special someone
 Little talk - Of Monsters and Men. My best friend sent it to me. I didn’t know of Monsters and men before
14.   a song made suddenly awful because of a special someone
Miss you nights- Cliff Richard. My dad told me that he wanted this played at his funeral. 15.   something to BELT SHAMELESSLY/do DIVA HANDS to
Don’t Rain on my parade - Barbra Streisand 16.   something to SCREAM ALONG to
It’s my life - Bon Jovi 17.   a song for raging
The Ghost of Tom Joad- Bruce Springsteen and Tom Morello 18.   a song that demands lipsyncing into a makeshift microphone
Dancing Queen- ABBA 19.   the last song you had stuck in your head
already answered 20.   a song you’re dying to master all the words to
The River - Bruce Springsteen 21.   a song that you could SLAY at karaoke
The Young ones - Cliff Richard and The Shadows or the Sound of silence- Simon and Garfunkel 22.   a song you can’t help but dance to
already answered 23.   a song that makes you want to dance on a table
Shout-  The Isley Brothers 24.   a song that makes you wanna STRIP
Noone to be honest. 25.   a song with a great music video
Sleepover - Hayley Kiyoko 26.   a song that makes you act out the music video when you hear it
Feelings- Hayley Kiyoko
27.   a song with counting
ABC- Jackson Five 28.   a song with spelling
L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole 29.   a song with lots of clapping
Cecilia- Simon and Garfunkel 30.   a song 40 years older than you
Rip it Up- Billy Haley and his Comets 31.   a song you wish your parents didn’t know the words to
My parents don’t speak English so and they don’t really sing. 32.   a song whose lyrics shocked you once you were old enough to understand them
Comme ils disent - Charles Aznavour.  33.   a song you have ZERO patience for
Get lucky - Daft Punk or Johnny Hallyday in general 34.   a song you’d like your favorite artist to cover
I’d like Hozier to cover one of Florence Welsh song maybe rabbit heart ( I honestly don’t know which song I wish Cliff Richard or Springsteen to cover.)  35.   a great song you discovered thanks to a movie
Alfie’s song- The bleachers 36.   a great song you discovered thanks to television
Build it better- Aaron Wright (thanks the Good doctor. Honestly this show got a great soundtrack) 37.   a song you’re ashamed to have in your music library
Peek-A -Boo Red Velvet ( yeah I dabble in k-pop now) 38.   ok what’s the song you were too ashamed to even post for #37
Jizz in My pants- The lonely island 39.   the most played song in your music library
Atlantic City- Bruce springsteen 40.   favorite disney song
Pocahantas - Das Farbenspiel des Winds or Récuerdame- Coco
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“I’ve done enough now // to know this beautiful place isn’t everything they say” -Good Charlotte, The River
“Rise to the top of the world // America // America, don’t you cry” -Imagine Dragons, America
“Here our dreams aren’t made // they’re won” -Thirty Seconds To Mars, City Of Angels
“You can pay Uncle Sam with the overtime // is that all you get for your money?” -Billy Joel, Movin’ Out (Anthony’s Song)
“You end up like a dog that's been beat too much // 'til you spend half your life just coverin' up” -Bruce Springsteen, Born In The USA
“Oh, but ain't that America // for you and me // ain't that America // something to see” -John Cougar Mellancamp, Pink Houses
“Nothing’s real and nothing lasts” -Goo Goo Dolls, Big Machine
“In the streets the children screamed // the lovers cried and the poets dreamed” -Don McLean, American Pie
“The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls // and tenement halls” -Simon and Garfunkel, Sound Of Silence
“There’s too many men // too many people // making too many problems // and not much love to go around” -Genesis, Land of Confusion
“Born and raised by those who praise control of population // everybody’s been there, and I don’t mean on vacation” Red Hot Chili Peppers, Californication
“Incarceration’s become big business // and it’s harvest time out on the avenue” -The Killers, Land Of The Free
“What? The "land of the free?" // whoever told you that is your enemy” -Rage Against The Machine, Know Your Enemy
“I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies” -Green Day, Holiday
“I’ve lost my faith in this broken system // got love for my home // but if we cry is there anyone listening?” -One Ok Rock, Renegades
“It’s hard to beat the system // when you’re standing at a distance” -John Mayer, Waiting On The World To Change
“Gotta tear it down before we reach for the reset” -Neck Deep, Citizens of Earth
“Everyone wants to change the world // but no one, no one wants to die” -My Chemical Romance, Make Room!!!!!
“We’ve gotta make a decision // leave tonight or live and die this way” -Tracy Chapman, Fast Car
“I’ve been talking ‘bout the way things change // and my family lives in a different state // if you don’t know what to make of this // then we will not relate” -The Head And The Heart, Rivers And Roads
“In your world you’re only a phone away but in my world you’re too far to feel” -Carbon Leaf, Paloma
“Here beside the news // of holy war and holy need // ours is just a little sorrowed talk” -Duran Duran, Ordinary World
“I’m hopin’ it’s going to come true // but there’s not a lot I can do” -Supertramp, Breakfast in America
“I’m so tired of you, America” -Rufus Wainright, Going To A Town
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rodger-that-studios · 4 years
My Top 20 Albums of All Time
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Before The Storm, part 1 of 2
A top 20? (that should be, part one of a top twenty, so a top ten? yeah?)
Wow, how original.
I can practically hear your anguished cries.
Maybe so.
“There certainly haven’t been approximately 417.803 of those published since last Friday”
But sit down and strap in. This one’s a doozy.
Before we start, let me add that you don’t have to love these albums as much as I do, but trust me, arrogant as this sounds, you’re going to want to check them out.
To that you’re obviously crying out “You don’t know me!”
It doesn’t matter. Don’t have to.
These albums changed my life, so without further ado, lets get started. Are you sitting comfortably?
The Final (ish) Countdown (Albums 20-11)
20 – Tapestry – Carole King (1971)
It’s a beauty
Let’s start as we mean to go on.
Presented here is one of the first songs I ever remember ‘freaking out’ to. To clarify, I mean that amazing, goosebumps inducing effect that music can have on you.
The ‘whoa’ moment, if you will.
That song is the immortal Natural Woman from this seminal album. It’s also a family favourite. Maybe we’ll never know if it was written for one James Taylor (who might make an appearance later on) but frankly, who cares. This is a beautiful record.
19 – Curtain Call: The Hits – Eminem (2005)
Eminem is angry about…everything
Blimey. A Rap album as early as this?
Guess I’m full of surprises.
I’m no Eminem ‘fan’, but this one is special. There’s a swagger to this album that never fails to make me feel a thousand feet tall. Slim Shady exploded onto the scene with classic after satirical classic. Lose Yourself is outstanding, as is the insanity and genuine comedy of My Name Is. I think we all know what his name is now. Mic drop.
18 – A/B – Kaleo (2016)
People from Iceland frighten me
This one is by far the youngest album on our list. But if I had to describe the debut for Kaleo, an imposing bunch of vikings (er, Icelanders) led by the incredibly talented Jökull Júlíusson (ridiculous name alert) in a few words, ‘ass kicking masterpiece’ comes to mind.
The band have gone from strength to strength since they dropped this monster in June 2016, thanks in large part to the lead single from A/B, Way Down We Go. It’s hauntingly beautiful and stays with you long after its finished. Another highlight is the albums opening track, No Good, which is a rip roaring way for the band to say hello. It’s absolutely filthy, but oh so fantastic.
17 – The Cult – Pure Cult (The Singles) 1984-1985) – 2000
Drum Fill Drum Fill Drum FILLLLLL
An absolute riot of an album.
It’s frankly ludicrous for a band to release a singles anthology that lasts for 77 bloody minutes, but The Cult are that good.
Prick up your ears for Rain and She Sells Sanctuary, which are definite stand outs. Rain batters against your eardrums with screaming guitars, while Sanctuary shifts the focus onto the drums. The song only contains a handful of lyrics, but one listen to the drum fill before the final chorus will make you understand why. Some songs speak for themselves.
16 – Greatest Hits – Simon And Garfunkel – 1972
This one has stayed with me because I still remember the first listen to this album.
I was sat in my Grandma’s lounge. Family have always played a part in the albums I’ve carried into adulthood. It didn’t take me long to learn why she loves these two. This album will make you cry, make you cheer and everything in-between.
The best albums tell stories, and ones told by this ’72 collection like The Boxer and Bridge Over Troubled Water will live for a very long time.
Gorgeous stuff.
15 – Where The Light Is, John Mayer Live in LA – 2008
Smooooooooth Mr Mayer
The following descriptions accurately describe Mr John Mayer;
Guitar Prodigy
Remarkable Songwriter
Harmonic Whizkid
Arrogant Arsehole
Okay, okay. I’ll explain why.
Mayer’s ego may be bigger than his stacked discography, but sadly it’s for a very good reason. The man is a modern musical artist, and doesn’t he know it.
But this album makes it okay, and here’s why.
Mayer played a one off sold out show in the Nokia Theatre in his home town of LA back in ’08, playing hits straight out of his strange little head to a sea of adoring fans.
It was an elegant affair, with Mayer and his touring band taking centre stage for almost three hours worth of jazz and blues. Indeed the sense of rhythm, melody and especially harmony on hits like Daughters, In Your Atmosphere and Gravity (which Johnny boy performs here with a full gospel choir) is absolutely stunning. A personal highlight is his incredible arrangement of Tom Petty’s Free Fallin’(RIP Tom we love you), which leaves me speechless every single time. Overalll Mayer offers a soaring and beautiful album which is perhaps the most intimate and honest thing he’s ever written.
And remember, all thats coming from the dude that wrote Your Body is a Wonderland. Damn smooth.
14 – Vessel – Twenty One Pilots – 2013
Kick Some Ass lads
Twenty One Pilots needed something big to break onto the international scene. The rock duo had already amassed a huge following in the good old US of A, but Europe was a different beast. And with Vessel they knocked it out of the park.
Hits from this album introduced Tyler Joseph and Josh Dunn to the world. Joseph flip flops between sonorous masterclasses and rapping like a demon while Dunn channels the greats behind the kit. Copeland, Moon, Rich. The gang’s all here, and its as if they’re controlling Dunn’s arms and telling his brain what to do like the plot from a terrible 80s horror movie.
It is indeed a rip rollicking tour de force of an album. Migrane will make you think, Guns for Hands (bloody ridiculous song title) will make you groove, and my personal favourite here, Trees, will make you grit your teeth and maybe even shed a few tears, an entire spectrum of feelings is contained to 12 songs.
How many other bands can do that?
Put simply, check this one out. It’s remarkable.
13 – Celebrity Skin – Hole – 1998
Tears you to pieces
Lets summarise the short lived story of Hole, shall we?
In equal parts the tortured love child of Courtney Love and Courtney Love’s grief over the terrible loss of Kurt Cobain, Hole created a very special album.
Love and Cobain were of course famously writing countless songs together before he died, and many of them would, in one way or another, make up the famous track list offered here. Heartbreak can often create strangely beautiful things, and Celebrity Skin is the epitome of that.
From the first second you can feel Love’s fury at society. Thats why it works, because its as relevant to hate the world today as it was back in ’98. To that end, honestly the album’s title track is, in a word, aggressive. Listening to it really puts you into her head. It’s as if someone took a confetti cannon, filled it with that typical 90s neon-soaked angst and rage and then fired it point blank into your face.
Okay calm down.
Don’t know what came over me there.
But then come back to earth and pair track one with the other clear stand out, Malibu. This song is effortlessly haunting and heartbreakingly beautiful. The listener is oblivious to what the lyrics warn them of running away from, but we somehow know we just need to listen to the warning. Perhaps this song was written for Kurt and he will tragically never know, but we’ll know and this song, indeed this album, will tear you apart and stay with you forever.
12 – What’s The Story Morning Glory – Oasis – 1995
Liam Gallagher looks like he’s wearing handcuffs every time he sings. Don’t believe me? Watch and learn
Oasis have been a part of my life for pretty much as long as I can remember.
We had them on perpetually when I was growing up, and I remember the first time my Dad introduced me to the standout song on this album full of standout songs, Champagne Supernova.
“Check out this tune!”
Plays Supernova in our living room
It’s incredible, yes, but there’s only one question I have when the song fades.
“But Dad, what even is a Champagne Supernova?”
“Shut up Will, it’s ironic.”
One listen was all it took.
While the also classic Heathen Chemistry perhaps hit me more upon first impressions, as I’ve grown up my love for this album has positively skyrocketed. Although I still have a soft spot for Little By Little, one of the first songs I ever learned on guitar.
God these are the useless facts I know you want out of a musical countdown.
What’s The Story is special, though. It’s a special, perfectly Brit-Pop record. For me at least, songs like Some Might Say, She’s Electric and the aforementioned alcoholic death of a star have gotten me through some incredibly tough times. I look fondly back at the album now and remember nights in, up to my neck in GCSE revision with one of those terrible bedside lamps, which made it look like I was doing Algebra in Gollum’s cave. I’d whack on this record and all the stress would go away for a few glorious moments. It was almost fun to work stuff out with Noel Liam and the rest of the lads screaming down my earholes. It somehow made it okay.
Champagne Supernova, though, as you’ve probably guessed, is simply something else. Of course it lasts for seven minutes, but every second is captivating. Its an untouchable song, and an awesome album.
11 – Appetite For Destruction – Guns N Roses – 1987
Fuck Yeah
This one is simply the motherfucking king of debut albums.
Guns N Roses redefined sweet rock and roll with this album, and it was the first thing they ever released. Since it was released back in ’87 the album has rocked up (not sorry about the pun) 28 Million album sales. Numbers like that don’t lie. So here’s my take on one of the greatest rock albums of all time.
Standout one is the opening track, Welcome To The Jungle
This song, despite being track one, is a dark horse, but I don’t know how much that means when your album is made up of majestic stallions. Guns N Roses collectively smash down your defences and musically kick the shit out of you with outstanding guitar and pounding drums. But don’t worry its all executed so beautifully you’ll probably stand yourself up dust yourself off, say thank you and dive straight back in. Trust me you ain’t seen nothing yet.
We continue with Paradise City. Its safe to say that Axl Rose Slash and company do not pull punches. This is one of the greatest guitar performances of all time. GNR present a sprawling 6 minute journey into madness, and you’re gonna want to be along for the ride. Prick up your ears for the closing solo, which is Slash at his most powerful. Slash is a god among men. Won’t take you long to discover why.
The third, and final (but not final) standout is the immortal Sweet Child O Mine
I’m already playing air guitar just thinking about this one and you are too don’t even lie.
If you were to open a Guns N Roses art museum, in which different songs became famous paintings, then Sweet Child O Mine is the ceiling of the Cistene fucking Chapel. it’s that good. Its many things. What do you want? A story about love? Yep, its there. A Stadium Anthem for the ages? Yeah no worries. A Masterpiece? I damn well think so. In fact thats the perfect description for Appetite for Destruction. Its a flawless album, indeed the spirit of sex drugs rock and roll in a CD case.
*takes breath*
Okay. Pause. Hit pause.
Christ on a bike.
I’ve been rambling for EVER.
Listen hard to these ten, and strap in for part 2
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1, 5, 8, 50 😜
1. Your current favorite song: i’ve literally never been able to make a decision in my life so i’d have to say it’s a tie between “requiem” from dear evan hansen, “whatever love means” by lux lisbon, and “when you need somebody”, also by lux lisbon.
5. A song that reminds you of another period in your life: i don’t really have a specific song that reminds me of/defines a period in my life, but i have specific artists that do? like first semester of my freshman year of college was defined by hozier, bleachers, and lux lisbon; second semester by the hamilton soundtrack; summer by simon & garfunkel and fleetwood mac; first semester of this year by the dropkick murphys and flogging molly; and the current semester by the lumineers, of monsters and men, and hayley kiyoko.
8. A song you loved when you were a little kid: my favorite song as a kid was probably “caledonia” by dolores keane, but the song that i always think of first is “my wild irish rose” because my dad used to sing it to me when i cried or couldn’t sleep.
50. Free slot! Any song you want to share!: ooooooh just one? sorry there’s no way i can do that, so here’s a bunch of faves: “green fields of france” (the high kings), “what’s left of the flag” (flogging molly), “fast car” (tracy chapman), “your love” (cover by ninja sex party), “waving through a window” (from dear evan hansen), “dana katherine scully” (tacocat), “i wanna get better” (bleachers), “ever after” (from bare), ��monte carlo” (u.s. royalty), “my town” (young doubliners), “there will be time” (mumford & sons), and “you don’t know” (from next to normal).
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autisticallec · 8 years
i was tagged by @jessechambrs to do this ask game over a month ago, liked the post, and then it got hidden under, like, 100 other posts. found it again while cleaning out my likes and figured i’d finally give it a go! thanks so much belle!! (also i know i’m two days late but happy birthday!!)
a – age: seventeen. b – biggest fear: getting murdered in my house? idk i always feel like someone is hiding in the walls waiting for the perfect time to strike: like a serial killer or smth idk. c – current time: 01:30 AM (going back up here to say i finished this & posted at 01:47). d – drink you last had: water, lame ik i’m sorry. e – every day starts with: i used to watch good mythical morning every start of the day but i’m pretty behind atm, so every day starts with me wishing i wasn’t awake, mostly. f – favorite song: hallelujah by leonard cohen is my go-to answer to this question because it never gets old to me, but i’ve recently been in love with america by simon & garfunkel. oh, and for instrumental, i love the finale from the cloud atlas movie soundtrack. g – ghosts, are they real: yeah, i was haunted freshman year for like 3 months. h – hometown: a really small town in pa called bellwood that i (thankfully) no longer live in. i – in love with: many celebs and fictional characters, but i’ll say matthew daddario so the list doesn’t go on forever. j – jealous of: people in healthy and happy relationships (i just recently got ghosted and am still not over it despite pretending i am). k– killed someone: haha no but there are people i really want to kill @the moment. l – last time you cried: idk probably today at some point. m – middle name: elizabeth. n – number of siblings: two; older sister, younger brother. o – one wish: to publish a book, have it become a bestseller, and then get to do a book talk/signing at barnes and noble. p – person you last called/text: a dude that i go to school with who has a crush on me; he texted me hey so i said hi back and he hasn’t responded, which i’m totally okay with.  q – question you’re always asked: i mean i don’t think there’s anything specific, but people like teachers, doctors, etc always say my name like “reegan?” so it’s technically a question, and they always pronounce my name wrong. r – reason to smile: funny tv shows and musical theatre music. s – song last sang: ugh oh god i’m so bad at singing it doesn’t happen often enough to remember. a better question to ask is what’s the last song i whistled, because that i do every day and i’m good at it. i think the answer to both though is america but simon & garfunkel. t – time you woke up: uh like a little after 12:00 PM because i suck??? u – underwear color: green. like dark green. they’re actually really pretty. v – vacation destination: if it’s an all expenses paid vacation for a week, then nyc. i can see two broadway shows a day and eat out at nice restaurants and stay in a fancy hotel. that’s be the life. w – worst habit: biting my nails. i’ve done i for basically my entire life and the longest i’ve quit was like 2 weeks. i used to get infections when i was younger but thankfully i don’t anymore, my fingers just always looks really nasty. x – x-rays you’ve had: uh probably just the ones i’ve gotten for my wisdom teeth. z – zodiac sign: gemini.
again, thanks so much and sorry i took so long to answer!
i tag: @scentofyesterday; @argentsxarrow; @anyone who wants to do this!!
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yoursongmaker · 5 years
Using Names in Song Lyrics
Using someone’s name in lyrics you write can be powerful. And I probably don’t need to tell you that there approximate 8 million names of females who men have written about. There are female artists who write about names as well, but ironically, they are mostly woman as well. Joline by Dolly Parton, for example is about her begging another romantic rival to leave her relationship alone with her “man”. There are quite a few songs with male names in them, but by far more famous songs with female names.
This can be tricky. Because lyrics with names can get cheesy. The cheese factor is big. It needs to be written correctly and musically composed correctly. Here are some things to think about when writing lyrics with names in them.
When using a name in song lyrics sometimes it takes relatability out of the song for the listener. Except of course whose name is the same name in the lyrics. Think about it, I bet you can think of a song, a famous song, that sings your name. Because you think it could relate to you…even if it doesn’t at all. If it does it makes an even greater impact.
Using name in lyrics can be very loving and romantic. It shows the person you care enough about them and thinking enough about them to put their name in to a piece of artwork. That’s pretty cool.
Names in lyrics are fun and can have a great impact for the person you are writing it for. If the lyrics and song are good enough, they can have a very wide appeal – as you can see from this ridiculously long list of names from the website flashback.com:
1. Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles
2. Cecilia – Simon & Garfunkel
3. Suite Judy Blue Eyes – Crosby, Stills and Nash
4. Martha My Dear – The Beatles
5. Along Comes Mary – The Association
6. Lola – The Kinks
7. Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl) – Looking Glass
8. Mandy – Barry Manilow
9. My Sharona – The Knack
10. For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her – Simon & Garfunkel
11. Aimee – Pure Prairie League
12. Michelle – The Beatles
13. Beth – KISS
14. Gloria – Them
15. A Rose for Emily – The Zombies
16. Ruby (Don’t Take Your Love to Town) – Kenny Rogers
17. Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
18. Lovely Rita – The Beatles
19. Layla – Derek and the Dominos
20. Sarah Smile – Hall and Oates
21. Sheena is a Punk Rocker – The Ramones
22. Rhiannon – Fleetwood Mac
23. Josie – Steely Dan
24. Help Me, Rhonda – The Beach Boys
25. Cara-Lin – The Strangeloves
26. Sally G -Paul McCartney
27. Melissa – The Allman Brothers
28. Lucille – Kenny Rogers
29. Peg- Steely Dan
30. Aubrey – Bread
31. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds – The Beatles
32. Come on Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners
33. The Wind Cries Mary – Jimi Hendrix and the Experience
34. Rosanna – Toto
A tribute to Rosanna Arquette – sadly, she wasn’t impressed.
35. See Emily Play – Pink Floyd
36. Lucille – Little Richard
37. Fanny (Be Tender with My Love) – Bee Gees
38. Roxanne- The Police
39. Matilda Mother – Pink Floyd
40. Sweet Jane – Velvet Underground
41. Victoria – The Kinks
42. Wendy – Beach Boys
43. Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond
44. My Cherie Amour – Stevie Wonder
45. Jennifer Juniper – Donovan
46. (Love Song) For Annie – Kaleidoscope
47. Maggie Mae – Rod Stewart
48. My Maria – BW Stephenson
49. Angie – The Rolling Stones
50. Valerie – The Monkees
51. Angie Baby – Helen Reddy
52. Peggy Sue – Buddy Holly
53. Candida – Tony Orlando and Dawn
54. Bernadette – The Four Tops
55. Annie’s Song – John Denver
56. Charlena – Ruben and the Jets
57. Fannie Mae – Buster Brown
58. Jennie Lee – Shuggie Otis
59. Jessica – Allman Brothers
60. Linda Lu – Ray Sharpe
61. Sheila – Tommy Roe
62. Darling Nikki – Prince and the Revolution
63. Sheila Take a Bow – The Smiths
64. Mary Ann – Link Wray
65. Rosalie – The Searchers
66. Barbara Ann – The Beach Boys
67. Sylvia’s Mother – Dr. Hook
68. Ophelia – The Band
69. Mary Lou – Buddy Knox
70. Suzie Q – Dale Hawkins
71. She Sheila – The Producers
72. Rio – Duran Duran
73. Candy-O – The Cars
74. Emily – Frank Sinatra
75. Jolene – Dolly Parton
76. Sara – Fleetwood Mac
77. Windy – The Association
78. Wake Up Little Susie – The Everly Brothers
79. Barbara Ann – The Beach Boys
80. Elvira – The Oak Ridge Boys
81. Amanda – Waylon Jennings
82. Carrie Ann – The Hollies
83. Think of Laura – Christopher Cross
84. Christine 16- KISS
85. Delilah – Tom Jones
86. Sherry – Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
87. Eleanor – The Turtles
88. Nadine – Chuck Berry.
89. Sad Lisa – Cat Stevens
90. Mustang Sally – Wilson Pickett
91. Jamie’s Cryin’ – Van Halen
92. Caroline – Status Quo
93. Oh! Ma Jolie Sarah – Johnny Halliday
94. Denise – Randy & The Rainbows
95. Rosie – Joan Armatrading
96. Alice Long – Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart
97. Pamela – Toto
98. Sorry Suzanne – The Hollies
99. Jeanette – The English Beat (UK The Beat)
100. Eloise – Barry Ryan
101. Runaround Sue – Dion & The Belmonts
102. Alice’s Restaurant – Arlo Guthrie
103. Lady Samantha – Orange Bicycle
104. Sweet Lorraine – Uriah Heep
105. Charlotte the Harlot – Iron Maiden
106. Jenny Artichoke – Kaleidoscope
107. Suzy Creamcheese – Frank Zappa
108. Izabella – Jimi Hendrix
109. Oh, Candy – Cheap Trick
110. Anna (El Negro Zumbon) – Esquivel
111. Ballade de Melody Nelson – Serge Gainsbourg
112. Roberta – Billy Joel
113. Cinderella – Sonics
114. Tracy- Cuff Links
115. Hello Mabel – The Bonzo Dog Band
116. Sweet Rosie Jones – Buck Owens
117. 867-5309/Jenny – Tommy Tutone
118. Daisy Mae – The Seeds
119. Jennifer Tomkins – Street People
120. Jennifer Eccles – The Hollies
121. Margorine – Tinkerbells Fairydust
122. Hallo Susie – Amen Corner
123. Fade Away Maureen – Cherry Smash
124. Sara Wells – Stone Circus
125. Caroline Goodbye – Colin Blunstone
This is the list, from the website and here are some others in the comments section… it’s literally almost never ending!
Walk Away Renee - The Left Banke
Carmelita - Warren Zevon
Marie - Randy Newman
Polk Salad Annie - Tony Joe White
Middle to lower:
Thoughts of Mary Jane - Nick Drake
Alison - Elvis Costello
Corinna - Taj Majal
Visions of Johanna - Bob Dylan
Maggie's Farm - Bob Dylan
Queen Jane Approximately - Bob Dylan
Angelina/Zooma Zooma - Louis Prima
Mona Lisa - Nat King Cole
Hadie Brown (My Little Lady) - Roy Rogers & the Sons of the Pioneers
Angie - Rolling Stones
Blue Jean - David Bowie
Venus - Shocking Blue
Molina - CCR
Sandy - Bruce Springsteen
Candy-O - The Cars
Candy's Room - Bruce Springsteen
Are you ready to write your lyrics with someone’s name in them?
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trinkslartiste · 8 years
Tagged by @nessajana
Rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you….most importantly, have fun!

a / age - I am I9 
b / biggest fear - Loneliness 
c / current time - 18:39 (Paris Time, GMT +1) 
d / drink you had last - Watercolor. (God! How the heck am I still alive?) 
e / everyday starts with - Wishing that the day wouldn’t start so early. 
f / favourite song - Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel 
h / hometown - St-Jean-de-Braye. A little town in the middle of France’s wildlands. (with wolfs and cannibal baguettes) 
i / in love with - Telling stories. May it be by drawing, writing, playing tabletop RPG or whatever. 
j / jealous of - Children, for whom the world still looks wonderful and full of joy. 
k / killed someone - Never. Or at least, nobody could prove it. 
l / last time you cried - 3 days ago, when I broke up with my girlfriend. 
m / middle name - Olivier. I don’t particularly like it but I don’t hate it either. 
n / number of siblings - 3 older brothers. I’m the youngest. (and also the cutest I might say) 
o / one wish - I wish that we could all agree on making the earth a better place for future generations. 
p / person you last called.texted - At the very moment I’m writing this I will scream “DUCK” in your headphones. ... You’re welcome. 
q / questions you’re always asked - “How can you be so naive about life?” I fucking need to be naive about life, OK? If I wasn’t I’d already kill myself. r / reasons to smile -  If I can smile, why wouldn’t I. Let’s all smile without any reason and we will make life a bit better. :) 
s / song last sang - Tighten Up - The Black Keys 
t / time you woke up - 08:00 
u / underwear color - Black mostly. But you could change it I you want, you cute lil’ quiz ;) 
v / vacation destination -  Wherever life is nice and where there’s booze and nice friends... or even nice strangers. Because strangers are just friends we didn’t met yet. 
w / worst habit - Stopping to listen to someone because an other new information popped in my head. You know, like a dumb little kitty. 
x / xrays you have had - Had quite a few... and still no superpower... 
y / your favourite food - Sugaaaaaaaar ! Lots of sugaaaaaaar. And saaaaaaaalt. (God! How the heck am I still alive?) 
z / zodiac sign - Virgo
Tagging whomever would like to do it :)
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