#my loose idea is that his name is Fishbone
spotaus · 28 days
Boys, hold me to this one, I'm gonna make a Papyrus oc.
Not exactly a new idea, but I've been sleeping on Papyri since I joined this Fandom and I refuse to keep going. We (I) need more Papyruses with the dramatic Sans backstories without directly swapping a sans, and I shall provide at least One.
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moss-selfship · 9 months
Day 7 Outfit Swap
On the cool new meridian night two people sat together in their apartment, the two of them resting on the couch watching a show together. The first figure was a Feline Feral woman and the last remaining member of the fishbone gang, the cat burglar Ms. Fortune.  She sat cuddled up with her partner, a mysterious man that had appeared in new meridian seemingly overnight. This mysterious stranger eventually revealed himself to ms fortune as an avatar of the reaper himself and went by the name of mort. Over there shared journey the two of them grew close and got together, and once the skullheart was dealt with they got an apartment together. Where the two now sat on there couch enjoying the night before ms fortune spoke up. “Hey, i just had a Purr-illiant idea!” Ms fortune said smiling, turning her face to her partner who smiled back at her. “And what would that be?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and taking another sip of the drink he had sitting on the coffee table in front of them. “How about i try on your suit? I bet i would look snazzy in it.” She said standing up and putting her hands on her hips with a smile, Mort simply raised an eyebrow. “You do realize it won't fit you really well since I'm bigger than you?” He said already standing up, knowing she was dead set on this idea and he hated seeing her upset. “Yeah well..i'm sure it will be fine, i can look a bit small in it its fiiiiiine.” Ms fortune said waving her hand off to brush the issue aside, Mort could only chuckle as he started to head towards the bedroom with her. “Alright alright, though your not getting me in your outfit. It barely hides anything on you and with my…extra parts it won't hide anything on me.” His words drawing a laugh from the both of them as they got to the bedroom, ms fortune quickly changing out of her pajamas as she put on his normal outfit. “SOoo what do you think? Ain't i a stylish black cat?” Ms fortune said, turning around, giving mort a view of her. His black dress shoes clonked clumsily as she took her steps as they were much too big for her feet. The black dress pants were held tight in place with a belt pulled tight, the leg fabrics flopping as they were barely filled and a noticeable spot where she tucked her tail into was visible. The black and white shirt of his hung loosely over her body and reminded him much of how she looks with the nightshirts ms fortune would wear that were his shirts. His dress coat hung extremely loosely on her and the sleeves went over her hands, causing her to constantly adjust them so she could use her hands. “My my look at you, dressed to the nines and everything.” Mort said with a soft smile as he looked at his partner and admired herself in the mirror, turning around and rotating her head so she could see what it looked like. She had to admit even if the suit doesn't fit her she still thought she looked good, and reminded her of her old outfit before the incident. “I guess you could say i'm Dressed to kill?” Ms fortune joked with a grin, seeing the chance to make a pun about him being the grim reaper and her never being one to miss out on a pun. The two of them laughed loudly as they enjoyed this sweet and silly moment.
Prompt and credits here
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silverlysilence · 4 years
The Chicken or the Fish Option?
Yeah, I lied, there is one more thing I gotta do before chasing the elusive sleep.  I once more tried my hand at a one-shot.  Hope you all enjoy my first FanFic post here.
Hiccup sat staring at the invitation in his hands, nursing the first of what was to be many beers that night.  The bar around him was filled with noise, but not to the point it was overbearing.  If anything, the place should have been even noisier seeing how it was packed.  There were still a few empty tables scatter about but they were filling up fast.  So were the other chairs at his high-top table.
“Whattya got there, H?” Tuffnut yanked the thick cardstock from his loose grip while he plopped himself in the chair directly next to the auburn-haired man.  “Hey, this is Astrid’s wedding invitation.  Weren’t we supposed to mail this to her, like yesterday?  Cause, I’m pretty sure she called threatening me to get it to her or Bjorn Boar would end up in the incinerator.”
“Of course it isn’t Astrid’s invite, Hiccup wouldn’t do that to her!  Even after their breakup, they are the best of friends,” Fishlegs huffed, taking the seat directly across from Hiccup.
“Uh, Fishface, that is exactly what it is, I should know, I have mine right here,” Snotlout waved a second identical invite about as he took the final chair next to his cousin.
“What?  Why haven’t you sent it yet?!” the hefty blond demanded, scandalized the stocky brunet hadn’t followed Astrid’s directions to a T.  Blue eyes flickered towards Hiccup as the man took a long drink from his beer.  “Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I mean, there’s probably a perfectly valid reason that someone would be late sending an RSVP to your friend’s wedding. I… just can’t think of one.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Tuffnut asked, waving Hiccup’s invite around, “Astrid and Hiccup were a couple for such a long time and even though they broke up on good terms with our man here assuring Astrid that he’s happy she’s marrying Eret, he can’t go to the wedding.  At least not alone.  If he doesn’t show up with a date, it’ll look as if he was still pining over her and hasn’t moved on, which is sad.  And pathetic.”
Both Snotlout and Fishlegs stared the blonde as he finished his unusual insightful observation.
“Thank you Tuffnut for telling the whole world what a pathetic loser I am,” Hiccup slammed the rest of his beer back.
“No problem H,” Tuffnut completely missed the sarcasm.
“Well, I mean, you cannot not go,” Fishlegs bit his lips, thinking out loud.  “It’s not like you’re going to be the only one from our group to go without a date.”
“Oh, so now you’re dumping my sister?  Have you told her that yet?  If not, I’ll tell her for you,” Tuffnut grinned evilly, rubbing his hands together.
“No!  I am most definitely taking Ruffnut to Astrid’s wedding,” the hefty blonde quickly cutoff whatever scheme was forming in the Thorston’s head.  “I meant you and Snotlout didn’t have dates either.”
“Speak for yourself Fishface,” Snotlout huffed, spinning his invite around to show that he was indeed marked down as bringing a guest and they were having the chicken dinner.
“And I’m pretty sure I filled mine out with a plus one, too,” Tuffnutt sagely nodded his head.
“Who would go out with you two?” Fighlegs blurted out.
“I’ll have you know; I’ve been dating Heather for three months now, thank you very much.”
“And I, set myself up with a blind-date,” Tuffnut triumphantly exclaimed, pounding a fist into his chest.
“Tuff, I don’t think that’s how blind-dates work,” the hefty blond informed the Thorston.
“How would you know? Have you ever been on a blind date before?”
“I’m not sure how to answer that,” Fishlegs responded before another thoughtful look crossed his face. “But that’s not a bad idea, we could set you up on a blind-date for Astrid’s wedding, Hiccup.  That way you won’t have to go alone.”
“I don’t know,” Hiccup shook his head. “I—”
“I know, I can set him up with my blind date and we can all go together.  It’ll be just like when Ruffnut and Fighlegs go out on date night and I tag along.  Though, H, my man, if things start going the hot and heavy route—”
“Tuffnut, no. Really, I appreciate the offer, but no,” Hiccup cut the Thorston off before he could get any further much to the appreciation of the other two occupants at the table.
“What about, Viggo?  You two had some chemistry and you did come out as bi before you started dating Astrid in high school,” Fishlegs offered.
“Isn’t that the guy that tried to kill Astrid because she was monopolizing all of Hiccup’s free time during college?” Snotlout asked, after waving down a waitress and ordering a round of beers for the table.
“No, the police ruled that as an accident,” the hefty blonde denied.  “He didn’t realize the gas can in the back of her truck was leaking, and it wasn’t like she was in the truck anyways.”
“Fishlegs, no,” Hiccup growled out, “I am not going out with Viggo…or his brother.”
The blonde closed his mouth.
“Geeze, Fishface, you got the fishbone to growl, what were you thinking?” Snotlout snorted.
“I don’t see you helping. Oh, wait, that’s right, you don’t have any friends that you could set Hiccup up with,” Fishlegs looked down his nose at the short burnet.
“I have plenty of friends you know nothing about.”
“Yeah, really, are they all imaginary?”
“Ha—fucking—ha.  No, I just don’t subject my friends to losers like you.”
“Real mature, Snothat. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?”
“Is that a bet?”
“Yeah, I bet you a hundred dollars that you couldn’t set Hiccup up with a blind-date with any of your so-called friends,” Fishlegs smirked viciously.  
“You’re on, Fishface,” Snotlout grinned, leaning back in his chair as if he didn’t have a care in the world which had Fishleg’s smirk fading and a furrow crossing his face.
“Guys, I really don’t think—” Hiccup was once more cut off by the arrival of a server carrying not only their beers but a tray full of appetizers.
“Hey Snotlout, Fawn told me you were here,” the white-haired man cheerfully greeted the brunet as he rested the majority of the tray’s weight against the table, allowing him to playfully punch the burly man in the arm.  “I thought you said you’re busy tonight and couldn’t hangout? Leaving me all alone to wallow in my loneliness, forced to pick up an extra shift when Periwinkle called in sick and what do I find when I get here? You! Here. Not busy at all. At all. Asshole.”
“Jackson, dude, I am busy.  Can’t you see, I’m being forced to hang out with these losers I knew since high school,” Snotlout laughed, actually laughed, as gestured to the trio looking between the duo with undisguised disbelief.  “You know I’d rather hand out with you and Fawn any day of the week, but it’s Guys’ Night.”
“Guys’ Night, huh?” blue eyes roamed the table, lingering just a little longer on Hiccup than the rest. “Well, I guess I can let it slide this time, but next time, I am so kicking your ass in Mario Kart and don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because Heather tags along again.  I told you, that was a onetime deal.”
“Hm, yeah, whatever you say, you Jack Frost wanna-be,” Snotlout grinned, taking the beer Jackson passed him but eying the food he dropped on the table.  “But, I gotta ask, what’s with the food?  I didn’t order it.”
“Complements of management,” the white-haired man flashed a perfectly innocent smile.  “Now you gentlemen have a good night now, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.  See ya later, asshole.”
“By Frosty,” Snotlout called out to the retreating back, before turning back to smirk proudly at Fishlegs. “Hear that, Fishface, if we need anything, we shouldn’t hesitate to ask my friend.”
“But—you—him—bet?” the blond kept tripping over his words in sheer disbelief at the happenings that just transpired right before his eyes.
A hand slammed an empty bottle of beer on the table, causing the rest of the table to jump and all eyes to turn towards him.
“He wins,” Hiccup stated, gesturing the neck of the beer bottle towards Snotlout. “What’s his name and would he like the chicken or fish option?”
“Jackson Overland, and he is definitely a fish person.  Absolutely loves Haddock.”
I could not resist adding the last line.
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queen-parasoul · 5 years
So um... Not sure if you take requests for stories or not, but if you do, I had a random idea where Ms. Fortune somehow ends up finding Carol and taking her in after the rejection from her parents, and Carol breaks down sobbing due to the constant pain and wanting her parents, and Nadia comforts her by just holding her and purring like a mama cat trying to calm down her kitten. If you're interested, I'd love to see this done as a short story. inb4 im sending this to the wrong guy
“…And that’s about it.” Nadia finished. “She hasn’t tried to kill me since I found her, so I think she’s fine for now.”
Irvin leaned against the wall and processed her account. The silence of the now closed Dak’kull Dubu gave them plenty of privacy to talk and peace to consider the night’s events. Even their unexpected guest was silent, though they couldn’t help but keep some attention on her.
Across the room, a teenage girl with messy brown hair sat hunched at a table. She had changed out of her strange clothing into a loose t-shirt and pants Minette had on hand, though the grim leather mask was still firmly affixed to her face. The fan of blades attached to her tailbone with a spine-like chord lay motionless on the floor, and the adults could see patches of scars and dark veins beneath her skin even from a distance.
Irvin furrowed his brow. “Was there anything else she mentioned besides Filia and Lab 0?”
“Not much that made sense. Something about a ‘Brain Drain’ and a connection being lost, whatever that means.” She shook her head. “I think she’s purr-obably going to have a hard time adjusting back to a normal life. All I did was startle her and she almost turned me into a pin cushion.”
“Maybe this ‘Filia’ girl can help. Yu Wan said he knew her, didn’t he?”
“He thinks so at least. A girl named Filia stayed here a few nights ago with an old friend of his. Hopefully it’s the same one we’re looking for.”
“Hopefully.” Irvin put his hat back on. “I plan on following this lead on Lab 0. I’ve got an old friend from Lab 8 who might have some answers, and a friend of his who can help her with her, uh…medical problems.”
“You think a doctor can fix this?”
Irvin smiled. “Trust me, he’s a miracle worker. Take care of yourself.”
“You too.”
He tipped his hat and exited through the front door. Keeping a calm smile on her face, Nadia strolled over to Carol, careful to make her presence known to avoid getting a surprised needle shoved through her torso.
“Hey. How are you doing?”
“I’m…okay.” She replied, the rasp and gloom in her voice not exactly convincing.
“You need anything else to eat?”
“No thanks.”
Right. She’d demolished the complimentary meal Yu Wan had whipped up. No surprise, you could have seen her ribs through the outfit she’d been wearing.
“Don’t worry about a thing. You can stay here until we get you back to your parents.”
“Yeah, of course.”
She lifted her head, staring at the wall. “My parents…ran away from me.”
Nadia’s ears dropped. She should have known it could only get worse.
“They were scared of me.” Carol continued quietly. “They called me a monster.”
Fighting to maintain her smile, Nadia tried kept positive. “I’m sure they just, uh…didn’t recognize you.”
“Of course they didn’t. And of course they didn’t listen. Just look at me.”
Nadia did, and found Carol touching the tightly stitched material of her mask.
“We’ll get that thing off your face in no time.” She reassured. “Then they can’t paw-ssibly not recognize you.”
The younger girl didn’t respond, and Nadia shifted uncomfortably. She always fell back on wordplay to lighten the mood, but now it seemed inappropriate when she read the room. Unfortunately, puns lightened her mood too, and without them for support she felt strangely lost.
Desperately, she changed the topic. “Do you remember anything else? You mentioned someone named Filia.”
“Yeah.” Carol said, almost fondly. “She’s a friend of mine. We go to the same school together. I think I saw her during the Skullgirl attack, but it’s hard to remember.”
“Anything else?”
“Um…I remember Dog.”
“A dog? What was its name?”
Nadia quirked an eyebrow but went along with it. “Alright.”
“I remember Samson too.”
The name rang a bell. If it was the same friend Yu Wan had mentioned then maybe they had a chance of finding Filia and fixing this.
“And…I remember the Medici.”
Nadia’s triumph sunk to the pit of her stomach. That name rang a bell too. “Uh-huh?”
“I thought Lab 0 took me, but Valentine-” She winced at the sound of that name, “She told me it was the Medici. But she took me to the lab and then…I couldn’t move and it started hurting. Then I was moving but not always on my own and then I was fighting and it just kept hurting-”
Her voice suddenly became harsh and angry as sharp goosbumps erupted across her arms. Nadia flinched back, hair standing up on end, but Carol shivered hard and forced her skin to settle. The two waited for the raw echoes to dissipate.
“I miss them so much.” Carol muttered. “I just want them to know it’s me.”
Nadia stood by helplessly. No food, no puns, no mercy with this girl. She wondered if she could nab Yu Wan from the kitchen or Minette from upstairs for help, but she felt like that was giving up. She knew what it meant for the world to give up on her - twice, in fact - and she wasn’t about to do that to someone else.
A thought crossed her mind, and she blurted it out. “Do you want a hug?”
Carol stopped sniffling and looked up at Nadia whose arms were awkwardly half-extended to her. The room was silent aside from the muffled waters of Little Innsmouth. Nadia briefly wondered if this was her third strike out.
Surprised but thankful, Nadia pulled a chair closer and sat beside her. Arms still clinging to herself, Carol slowly leaned over then suddenly fell into her. Nadia recoiled, but quickly steadied herself and gingerly wrapped her arms around her, being careful not to touch any sore looking areas. Once she’d determined she was safe, Carol let herself whimper and shudder that built into unbridled crying. It went on for longer than either could count as her pent-up grief flooded the night.
After a while, Carol noticed a soft strange rumble reverb against her head. The low hum was enough to distract her and cause breaks in her sobbing. It oddly reminded her of the long car rides from the beach her parents would take her on, nostalgia that soothed her without reminder of her current predicament.
She finally realized, “Are you purring?”
“Yeah, I’m a cat Feral after all. It comes naturally. Does it bother you?”
“…No.” Carol wrapped her arms around Nadia’s torso. “I like it.”
Both finally relaxed for the first time since the Skullgirl attack, or perhaps even longer than that. Carol reminisced in the kinder memories of her home, breath only occasionally hitching while Nadia mentally made plans to visit the makeshift graves of her Fishbone family. They always made sure things were alright, and so would she.
In all the time since they had been taken from her, it had never crossed her mind there could be anyone as broken and stitched up as she was. But there was, and nearly being skewered was worth it to find her.
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