#9 lives loving
moss-selfship · 5 months
I really wish skullgirls had alternate costumes as well as the alternate colors, specifically letting us put characters in outfits they have in the webcomic. Like i would absolutely LOVE if we could get ms fortune in her outfit she had at the start of the webcomic
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It genuinely looks so good on her and i wish we could get her in game with it, like i understand the reason why we cant but its such a cute outfit i think she should be able to wear it as an alt costume instead of just colors.
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side note, Beowulf should have this as an alt costume too.
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shiftythrifting · 2 months
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deep-space-lines · 7 months
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I know Gabriel is canonically really popular with Heaven’s residents but there’s bound to be some heavenly loser with pronoun envy
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aliencatart · 8 months
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a summary of mochi mayhem minus the mochi mayhem
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qwakque · 3 months
yall fw kalim al asim??!!
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iphyslitterator · 1 month
The crucial thing about groomzilla Tommy to me is, like. He spent so long in the closet. And even now that he's out, he's circumspect about it. So he'd do a courthouse or a backyard if Buck really wanted to, but what he wants is a big rom-com SPECTACLE, because what better opportunity is he going to have to shout his love for a MAN from the rooftops?
And yes, the wedding is about Evan specifically and wanting to be married to him, but on another level it isn't. It's for 37-year-old Tommy whose heart was pounding when he casually mentioned Grindr to his new co-workers. It's for 26-year-old Tommy hiding from Gerrard, and 20-year-old Tommy hiding from his CO, and 14-year-old Tommy hiding from his dad. It's for 6-year-old Tommy who didn't get to dream about walking down the aisle. It's for 44-year-old Tommy who even then felt an occasional twinge of panic talking about his boyfriend but talked about him constantly anyway because he thinks, just maybe, he's falling in love with the guy.
It's just so so special to me to think about Tommy having a huge fuck-off wedding with doves and a six-tier cake and a filthy kiss with tongue, because he's GAY dammit, and today, this ONE day. He's going to make sure everyone knows it.
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ruporas · 1 year
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wolfwood redraws (ID in alt text)
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charlott2n · 2 months
god i wish i had prospects
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buckleyskin · 5 months
not to sound delusional but it looks like buck is pulling tommy by the hand
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noyzinerd · 1 year
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I feel like Stiles and I share the unique trait of shamelessly enjoying our hobbies without embarrassment (which I highly recommend trying, by the way, it's very freeing).
I'd love to see a Sterek fic of Stiles emitting the same vibe as all these times I startled a laugh out of people (and/or became instantly endearing by just refusing to feel ashamed):
Stranger: What are you looking at?
Me: Teen Wolf fanfiction.
Stranger: *startled laugh* W-what?!
Me: What? Am I supposed to be embarrassed? I'm married in my 30s. Who do I have to impress?
Me, after finding where I placed my phone: Oop, wouldn't want anyone finding that.
Acquaintance: Ooooooo~ why? 😏 Are you hiding something?
Me: No. I just have a lot of porn on there.
Acquaintance: *shocked laughter*
[After 6 hours of silently listening to our permitted music at work]
New Gen Z coworker: Hey, what do you think about when you listen to music?
Me: Naruto fight scenes.
Coworker: *horrified wheeze* How can you just say that? I mean, yeah, we all think it, but you're not allowed to just say it out loud! That's how you get S.W.A.T-ted.
Me: Don't be jealous.
Coworker: I am, actually.
Stiles being sarcastic and witty is great and all, but Stiles answering honestly in complete deadpan I feel like is so much funnier.
Plus, the thought of Stiles startling a laugh out of Derek by just unapologetically living fearlessly gives my brain the happy chemicals.
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mary-kasexual · 5 months
Haven't been catting it out as much as I've liked, so as compensation here's all four leaders + some lore about the clans: Thunderclan
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Born a kittypet named Christian, Eaglestar initially joined Thunderclan after being cast out onto the streets by his twolegs and the leader taking pity on him. However, Eaglestar proved to be incredibly cunning, working his way up the ranks and using his connections to eventually take the reins of the clan altogether. With this newfound power, Eaglestar naturally abuses it for all its' worth through using it to solve petty disputes and get out of hunting for the day. He has deep-rooted beef with the Shadowclan leader who he's been rivals with since apprenticeship, constantly taking any opportunity he can to one-up or antagonize her.
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The youngest of the four leaders at just 23 moons, Reedstar was far from the first pick for leader in the eyes of his clan. After a flood destroyed most of their camp and took the lives of both their leader and deputy in one fell swoop, the clan waited with bated breath for the medicine cat to announce the decision of their new leader. To every cat's surprise however, the medicine cat chose to appoint the easygoing Reeddance of all people, much to the shock and outrage of most of the clan who saw him as unfit. Reedstar tries his best to meet the needs of these agitated cats, but his inexperience just leads most of his efforts to be used as more fuel for the hate mob as rumors of a possible civil war in Riverclan began to spread around like wildfire. Shadowclan
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Azaleastar took up the mantle of leader many moons ago after the former deputy was mysteriously found dead in their nest, and she just so happened to be the next best cat to take on the new position. Being one of the best ambush-fighters in her clan, Azaleastar had always had a knack for spotting points of weakness she could exploit... and what better opportunity was there than a broken, divided clan with a hare-brained idiot for a leader? After the flood, she's been picking at Riverclan bit by bit, giddily exploiting their lack of unison for free territory with the intention of taking over their entire hunting grounds and putting her name in the history books. The only thing keeping her from invasion is the threat of Thunderclan, who've been making advances on her territory while they're busy with Riverclan. Windclan
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Not wanting to engage with the other three clans, Mangrovestar keeps Windclan in a strict state of isolation. He doesn't care to involve himself in the conflict between Riverclan and Shadowclan, instead just wanting to maintain the prosperity that's reigned in his clan for these past few moons. Of the four leaders currently active, he's easily the most popular amongst his clan for his amicable nature and appearing (mostly) morally good in comparison. However, Mangrovestar tends to be very biased and easily swayed in regard to his judgement which can rub cats the wrong way whenever they're forced to clean the elders' den for a moon while his favorites get little more than a slap on the wrist.
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tenebrous-academic · 4 months
The love growing between Buck and Tommy is slow and gentle. It’s not a raging inferno, engulfing both of them until only embers and ashes are left. It won’t flash over and burn out once there’s nothing left to consume.
Instead, it’s being nurtured slowly.
Kindling is added with each smile and shy glace. Small sparks crackling with every daring touch shared between them.
This is the slowest Buck has ever gone in a relationship and it feels so right. It’s a kind of love that’s warm and inviting. It has the potential to weather storms and keep them safe even in the darkest hours. It’s a love they have to keep together, to keep it from becoming smothered and extinguished.
It’s an act of patience and tenderness to keep their love growing. Slowly, but surely.
Yes, it can still burn and scorch, but it can also offer solace and comfort. It’s a love that belongs to them. To keep and safeguard. It’s a love that both of them have been searching for their entire lives.
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dekuboya · 2 years
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Very quick sketches but ummm ur honor I love them???
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starmocha · 6 months
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Holding hands... It does help with dopamine production. It can also be relaxing. Thank you for being my stress relief.
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mrsometimes11 · 29 days
Oh to be a Dragon Quest NPC, just chilling, living in a well, on a random island miles from anywhere.
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