#my love for those two has only incresed with time
libidomechanica · 5 months
“The death complete the”
A ballad sequence
Yet I doubt he is sipping. What     is whirl’d into one pink casket, though it’s not permitted     to write her in you is
writ, not make our appetites more     and songs have I which now my words my darling valentine.     Scourge of itself must specks,
mote by mote, Or learn it, were even     now in Eden with thine Eyes, waste not the altar-stair.     Which I not feel the phantom
years, for ever saw. If Maud     were not so keen, with joyes increse, my little Sail, and     lullaby be thou shalt lower
paine. My will, my wanton lapwing     gets himself to give ourselues we carue, and those     manifold possesse him as
thy slaue, and thee permitted to     blub like a glorious gains, like Phoebe fayre Elisa     be your eyes, my will, my
ware, and Beauty, but gives nothing.     That are so wondrous Mother- Age for mine I knew you at     once. So unkind, which did
follow that sweet some light, that churl     Death my life; yearning arises stormy and pain to find     ye. Kept, as Danae in a
shallower braid. And pounc’d with you     in me now, he stops talking infant’s disgrace, rose Aylmer,     who was so gentle mould,
art so unkind if I can say     I turned thorough thy breast, oercharg’d, to musick lendeth! When     will win, or else Fire! I
am stuffing your body’s breast     that indefatigable Pen in celebration well     that receive! That Angers
selfe to set out for the Thespian     spring from all Quarters up, furiously, that thirst     for miles, her smile so
sweet, sad years. You could put claim. You     didn’t just tow me an inch, no nor leave my selfe Cynthia,     thogh faire Queene of shepheards
daughter’s heels. Could be fair. It lay     thy lusts relent, let others. The death complete the corners     of the brooks, not with her
Bosom of Material Form,     and again, adhesion pull away? Or to burst in a     cloud, and was Ambitions
rage: scourge of itself without thinking     how ridiculous. Now called work, must shine envied, I,     lessened in me, till Cherry
ripe themselves do cry. Yet ne’er     so brave: and begins and heart, are you can see the gilded     girl who’s always approaching;
every best. Me outright with     gold, and there sure of the frankincense. Can charm to harmony     with a hole instrument:
the rivulet at her lip?     Scrutinizing snakes of silver answer is not known, when     it’s dead I will not blame.
More sharp to me when we meet at any laud there’d     been condemned, not by him; and upon grey skies above his twiddling thus a Noodle     heard the haire, while the seats a place, see, that the field. Hurling myself can hold the kitchen     two times happies those as that. And her
smiles encountered, without a kiss, she says, I’ll never     fear. Sweet lovers, rich in pity you would not shew my blind turtle on my stoop and     as long and one is false, thou by praise, whose Virtue wore, come deckt with the lips part and will     not hurt ye, or the dishes and
endlesly dispairing of all words ease, which we’ll enjoy     tonight. Of water has curved along the banks the circular argument of     Plumeria, and childhood will not say, sun’s lost in trouble and the man I love, and trumpets     wanteth! Grows the windows but weake
defences. I am taking. As she but and ben;     Blythe was kind only because she did sit or will inuade them thy mind in which the blythe     and meet below my time or industrie: of foule rebell by law of Reason: thou,     sweet, she means in the Parliament of
sea. You are you flie from myself careening     questionably up the whiles our clay,—thou, sweet, sad years, a measureless ill, for my youth,     mine no more! Hear, ye virginity, and set you know, then vouchsafe me but this for our     body’s book, now swear the budding warm,
with a passion in the world is will; thou, composed     wonder of mortar already in our soules; come wait on hir whom winged Fame attends and     innocence is past. Slowly the nails are playing lips shall know, and where the kitchen the     nation. The face turns in love, that I
must be bold, those pretty ring time to go to praise,     once touch of early shepherd-sang but will spend my distress, below envy, robert Burns:     let me tell his Will discharged. Tis a work nothing balks each big approaching; every poor     choices? But let vs homeward: for
night to enioy. Let us, that is, at all, lasts     ever, to parted be. What times of vict’ry in you begun, of heauens for the rifle     break from the more on your arm. With sugred phrase, that today a coffin for a Ladde, you     so lament? In bloody spur cannot
raise into the Water like a city, anger,     poverty, and dead, my feete are turn’d to stone. One is at the pyrus japonica     should convey, and shuns to have lov’d, and grin at a brother lingers, waxen touches, paint,     and each the liquid azure robe I
did no good.—Or than all I lov’d, and wine for sauces     did spight us, in pleasure feel of Bessy at her life-begetting to discover     the cliff-side transfer whereby you Cupid is sworn page to Chastity? He was upright     and sweet kisse again. He stops talking.
Suspicion, discontent to set my small crowds     of the sleep had been fucked with her Bosom sped to his arms. Of eloquence, this love. With     thy tongues, the bettering its account; all instincts immature, all purpose. All for     Elisa, decked as some pleasures for a
year and I am nameless and palpitated     tow’rd her—but in Vain! But the shirt, smell like bells. That do I owe you? Wherever your soothing     happier than this beuie of Ladies bright entice you withdraw; Then, the Federation     of ages have I which long as
we could not find the house is very original     Degree, the wood are broken, but you allow me the sooner present, the break through     that shall it not, for Thou art, in royall roabes be purple sphere; by dews and so nor     will I pray to mute despair: now called
her down their fragrant too, to walk and merry was     she, Blythe was thine in her face, no mortal blemishe may have given by me. Like a dream;     but the shirt, smell like a chuckle of water has curved along the clouds. A Heaven, his     vanquish’d foes. But at the patterning
loom, the color the Spring, all mirth is now those     are broken yours, but the still; with lullaby thy deceased lover, and the yeare, quenching     their merriment. Our bedded-down knot. Choose me your flesh, and cold autumn pond which circum-     walk the peoples plunging thro’ Heav’n to
shattering Fish like Jewels polish-sharp, to the luck     alone of some better lately ships, and the leagues of life, whoever breast. Upon a     lea; the ever-singing, Die, oh! Those perfit colour’d flame which the wind constant hills, those     scarlet white, those nonsense things and arm,
a leg. Blue curtain meant her hair—her Cheek was in     the guilty beetle is a frights not our marriage-knot. In princely plighted vows fleeting     as of old in a colourless for feare wounding, her Notes interwove? Let us marry,     but gives you much more, that the misty
river-tide. And lullaby, my wanton is,     school’d onely by you take your safe arrival. Called her out with two women in baby     clothes a wanton is, school’d onely by his morning pure as a black stage-lion     of forsaking; and I wake, my darling
valentine, next let us roll all our store:     and being so far reached its term: thence I learn, and less thy deeds; lilies faire shew, while laigh     deserts where the fields. And och! The color of rotten peaches on Orcas Island the     wall,—I heard my days working to hold.
Catch my breast, full of impossible worm, that dost     not bite so nigh Hope not for such hopes do cry. Gods holy Angels will get ye, or once     againe history: if thou wert most loving eye, and begins to weave me love, my dreams. Stand     but go! To ease a burthen’d heart than my o’er-press’d defense can bide? One nighting upon     days like feelings—she herself to live.
Of them in the little light to     that you have, to recall what it seem fair to the pungent     Gouda such a one do
I remonstrate: folly and his     chosen Love, what need’st the snow smother us. To walk all     day long I will pine if
we can get her, full of light, as     I have locked drops rising the board, shall my words at all it’s     an ideal it’s a kind
of the tide of Humber would we     some fruit with love. Her brother ioy hath place was darke but where     Chick Lorimer went. All
unmeet for love? Glares through the stars     into your presents into our countered, he went to set     out for Germans were kind,
meadows, woods which is hath been     otherwise twenty times as if by the way, when shall find, and     seems but an ashen-gray
delight, love’s anger like the ball     scores and will be; but for Germans were lost that fester smell     far worse then this his loue
such pinching passionate love is     this? That was. Where nought caren, that due, uttering of many     hearts? The plane is making
his style admir’d. Tell you of     her and her brother, the conscious womanly as can that     she to mortals, old or
young: and, as when, a callow youth     and all confusion worse, makes us cowards Loue with your     mouth to keep aloof, who
would fain know who hold’st the disregarded     Darnel with a jeep. Why have long sea-wave as her     image in desert rove?
No shadows. Those deities which     now my swain, this growing coarse to love for me these tears froze.     We loved, that sits upon
the burning. And hurl their sin: each     sucked men’s eyes attempt to know what need’st thou declare all thy     pain. However we brave.
In celebration both my poor     house, here haue you so totall are? And young praise, they took it     away, and our dues. Comrades,
leaves is gold: and I thought, there     in a cloud I follow, slight was better book to us,     that she sings. I answer,
darnel and ward, or that—plot of     a novel, book he’s put down, shall I conclude my passionate     one. All deckt with gilt
bosse aboue of hope, which one of us     do you lovest elsewhere my Goddesse shines in on you:     nor shade and pure as a
pearl, lying cloud I follow, slight     was better the woman, she was she but anger. While she     didn’t know whether loose gown
from Grimm seeping a hold on a     dream where the populace own their lives, all songs have the luring     world, and tossing, turn’d,
but come to me. In ways confused     and the world is will; thou, rich in her Collar; but thee; thine     eye but will get ye, or
the voice of transition as if     to stir it scarce had brought to draw you out but the woman     I am and of sight,
as he, in his ale-house bench has     as meek as ony lamb upon a building, are careful     housewife runs to catch hints
of inspiration of the evening     by his bed of roses and husbandship. Thine and no     Wheat, am I not, all
other a milkwhite Lamb: shee is     my part. Ancient founts of insolence, and his crownèd with a     roystering company
would faine driue clouds. Do I hear my     Jeanie own that true that gave me a snare of some but fill     your roabes be purple
Cullambine, with children’s eyes? Song     of praise, but then his pregnant pot sweet pastimes Times iourney     she beguiled, which, laboured
long with a roystering speechless     lies, a wretched vote may be beguile thy white ponies,     can the skeleton shall
be: time’s wingèd word. Airport in a     foreign country in my words a perfection meet, those high     Hall-garden I see
Calliope speediest way. And built     our way, it never the death-hour rounding, her eyes her time     and doth swell; no, child, and
seeks Sol’s palace you say, forsooth,     would rather held it better book to us, that sweet. Therefore     cannot find the Booke
where I knew at midday moan, and     if the Right and Good and gave you my song begins and heart,     you’ll break for the other.
I will stop it, for this may be     my lot, far-off sail is blown by the heart than in thy sweetest     scent. Deliberate, the
knurlin’, till I be at fifty     should not be hard? Some, that’s beautiful Pussy you are, you     say, forsooth, would do me
wrong: only in my heart only     by dismantling what the hears, in the way, where if I can     say that you are covered
another beforehand. All the     golden grain; by all my need took you do not? In the ladde,     whom partiall hearts, Love her
name; o Shadow grows. Sweet and find     a morning dew, and we loved you, all songs have their little     Sail, and two hours like a
beer can see the greatest hoord, in     Christ, that of Lamech is mine. With a sigh—it was to longer     stay; true love reading
close to say thou art praise, while night     I waste hath wounds I will leave me a snare of some better     loved out by time and my
family’s once how Theocritus,     wha matches? Me, thoughts of reproach, her very Garment-hem     Pollution madden not
the arms around plumes his wit, making     a part of the orchestra warming up. All scruples     hence, nor Mars; mine be some
malignant disease, viewed from others     by your pretious time to bid farewell! Let me study     the twilight whose evening,
it light and could go to thee, which,     loosest, fastest tyrannie, if rule by force, without all is     turn’d each one in a rainbow
frill? In this may be grace my     harmful love go by; but he that if with her with blot of     a nameless fear, back to
me, is the little by little     things in order fester smell of late: o God, whose pants do     make away my doubts, all
we do for a Princes in subiect     wert, born at the Christ all honour, and mine now be scared     of Gertrude Stein. In the
quintessence of all but—nothing     alien city—a beekeeper’s habit—I can’t live.     Dancer, singer, a laugh,
and ends at the grave, myself must     specks, mote by mote, Or learn it, were mine and I forgot, looked     like. The Owl and the
Character was done! But thou, Mercurius,     that I should my pain. Where bonie face is asleep and very     warm. Men are a life
that come, whose busy care and speak     the trees borne away on a flood, the laurels at the bounteous     largess given him
over, if only I could be     for one should be sure thou art Queen within the happy? There     wit in fairnesse raigneth!
Yea even such a country and     lain in thy clear streams, all deckt with looks at, in guess, they might     that the hand you relax the animal the beauties treasure;     i’ll set me drum for their dishonor. And you are not     thine Original of
your favoured men I would free,     but the breast when it chides doth cherish that one meets, hearts are     gone! Is stretching from a bluff the three long result of my     dreams, ready to slander and sunglasses bleach though their     merriment. Is too precise
in lawrell tree: in truth is the     violets should I torments every and from the laws their way     to itself enuies your mouth opens mothlike, like a March     twig: an arm and a ho, and a light clinging me down; my     latest rival bring the
individual wither by     despair. If thou wound in the hills, then to thy clear stream of     solitude and the feeling before to glance thine own in     other knots, yet I shudder’d and curl’d Assyrian Bull     smelling of the woman
loves a man joins a woman who     for the other nine times been raveled and feast: such heauenly     paradise vanish, ye Phantoms! If not quite to shattering     of all this cigarette is enviable on earth,     tis yon born idiot’s,
who, as days go by, but speake like     figurehead of the world could find th’ effused     sacrifice: though thou turn back to the eyes beheld an Ocean     boundless Hosts of Camels trooping from my wit or will in     us is overblown.
Little heart with greasy fingers.     To the Bankrupt worse to sit in council with flow, they took     some honey, and aspire. And boldly darte. Not with my hand;     and not be again! So that you’d return; I’ll tell no more     tongue, waking. At four o’clock
mid shade alone. Warning field,     where is somewhere. I wonders thrown on your breast doth me tie     are humbled though language of snakes of sweet society     to dwell that the will fail at being my fingers. Waking     on the hubbub of lies.
Since she turn’d it in the Past gone,     and walking like a city, with wit my wit is mard. Promise,     and all I said, But, there, and love of the digits, and     silent deep into the firelight that to him be shown.     Suffer not that rounds pole
with a tap of my finger-nail     on the fire ashes, what crowd love him to be most instantly     at your Mistress, but didn’t convinced that a sum of summer’s     sky, or purged air, whose cherries growe, with a smile a hard     mechanic ghost that I
dreamed, and still german, I stood, if     a hand, as which marriage; scarce had leave me a snare of some     better her soft hand, lass, in mine, lass, that take, dear. I lingers,     waxen touches back. And when we met, to thy fancied     it would learn the phantom
wooed. Mix not memory to what     entered in me, poor worm and the nations, and she is. He     will bid some are ever hissing and grandeur: and do I     heare of warme fine-odour’d snow, nor blushing over Locksley     Hall, that bosom move? Without
pity, by the hasp of the     presence but it’s hardly splendorous, sinking dolefully,     dutifully into the laughing payne to the Well     of late: o God, thinking of thee, vnto Dianaes traine thy will;     let Virtues with oyle
of burning. That dost throw, enter     brauely euerywhere, a fleeting? Perhaps, an invisible     cord. A lady, Dians peere, with the terrors of Almighty     wind arises, roaring it last? Them from Perdition—     timidly, timidly,
timidly tow’rd her—but in the     heavy-fruited trees: if only you would not remember,     whom partiall heauens for rest; the sunset burn’d each other until     they be. I that his brutal scorn—what is it? The day     faint visible, glancing
alone at the weather of us     dared toll like bells. Look not they couldn’t have deeper digg’d love     is below! But Phemie was true play. Airport in a cloud, around     it, as of old, my bird with thy sacred glove, and that     record could see to springtime,
the knot. Was I, the wall, while     grace my harmes in three years of sweetnesse, loue, while ye will, or     a psychologist. Each one that though heere are your greater     wonder then if I grow jealous of hers your palmes of     herself had sung of thee,
which are the green grass above the     wheel by which one of him be shown me them apart, ioying till     ioy makes your Valentine, next let us marry, if I     could shew it, thought. Knowledge comes, but shrewd gyrles must proue? Blow,     blow, then I speaking colder
when art is too precise in     the hour that cruel fights well pictures freeze. From death will permit     a place, for she has really two black rocks as a Czar; and     her as dead, though cloth’d; how waited on; sigh’d Alas! And your     troupes to love or breathe butter
for the happy Hour, enter     brauely euerywhere and its blossom in the sun; whistle     back to you, to you tremble the whole I planned, you should excel     or she is stretcht to lift him from his sacred dew; Protect     the palsied heart with
eternalize: thus, thought each place;     sylent and she talke; with lullaby, my love at lower     rate. When his part of the second burden of a fool. His     job, his job, his jokes, recounting of his nose, his brightnesse     plaine, and in my short absence
haue ye see my reverend ghost     to rise, and sock or buskin skelp alang to death: the blast     before him to be romantic. Out a censuring words     not enough for me,—so sweetened spuds, the mother, who was     so gentle tame and me.
Thee yestermorn how prettily     for you that shut of every day till they be nothing in     dark-purple twilight dost
thou learn that he learned to live     in a garden-gate; a lion ramps at the Christian child.     A nest for ever saw.
Light unto sunlight to enioy.     Tis true, I must shine. With thou to walk through the twilight drown     all life succeed? Thus, though
trusty to another Sunne belowe,     ne durst again seem’d over your soul, by choice and comes     the death complete,—I trust
God: see all those faire from either     here? Thrust out his place, for which circumstance, this compos’d of     gentle mould, art so unkind
to me; then faded, and Lover’s     Language and ever that shall our love in like a meal.     When I am forst such
euill of the World but see the squares     and me. Unless my head, my own sad name it who can, the     moorland! And are puppets,
Man in hopeless desire or     snow; for the hand to what to that ’twere possible up your     father has wealth, and his
lap. In her arms unite, alike     to them, pried loose or used them. If thou praise, that to him, it     is now best do know the
constellations do but mummy,     possess’d, we faintly make a dull defense can buy, till Cherry     ripe themselves do cry.
—All that I would know my time to     go out. Both delicate asylum, I ate you up. And     the learne spelling. By the
bath and a day, to you trembling,     pass’d they began to beat; where the unfit contrarious moods     of wool with idle paine.
With waking, gardeth, sleeping, vseth.     Vanish, ye Phantoms! But what’s the course, with glad moning, passed     in master the pairtrick
whirring ships, and throstle’s lay; yet     do more then most unmeek,— I knew at midnight thy widow’d     marriage vow, which can say
cold winds howl to thee, how sweetly     swelling, do inuite a stealing kisse. One unbecoming     thro’ the meeting vision,
and all the sound my echoing     song: then we bear our virtue, every where. I could not slay,     thou English accent. We
innocence is claspt by a     passionate and heal’d their homely fare, my grief! And bright to be     the promise that dandy-
despot, he, that thro’ the common-     sense! Without it. The trouble dry. When she says, I’ll never     tires? In generall
tearmes, to one ball, and think we     may, and smote himself such murder-spot. To Káf, down to my     body, war piled on war:
when we wonder that we, enamoured     of an acting nought caren, that they were she’s     And innocently met.
Was never see; a night I waste     hath eyes shall you in me is a zero vector, which, I     protest, proceed from the lagoon. Of tenderly i’m guessing     you vomit them out
upon that earth forever.     Desiring your mouth with the twilight but so exempt from     me be vanished into a narrow forehead wit golden     close thy coin, for she has
a wide hat, dancer, singer, and     the length of liking stay, where and move; such a guest, but not     so bitter taste her beauteous Lilly of the evening says     I’m gone unto the song,
in prince by vnright deem him ne’er the     other accents, your companions be, those nonsense things are     our brows that I would be the sandy tracts, and would put claim.     In a penalty kick.
See what cloudes from my eyes and     glitters but stewards of them pitied be, fearing its     accountable feelings, are naturally ridiculous. Nor     shall these things of gold, which
had collapse, a small crowds of them     when I rise—robert Burns: dare not abasht: when she wanton     is, school’d onely by name, and the equation I wonder;     in that planks won’t slip
at busy points, secure all! Now     when thou kenst, the wrinkled head had a system I shuffle     your feet like a madhouse her little oak-room which Maud, you     milkwhite fawn, you are all
unmeet for a blink I hae lo’ed     best; with lullaby, as women through they are the pomander.     Then, sweet self in golden close o’ day. Steal for need, now     as the man in black, to
musicke lendeth! Her navel then     dispose it were something impossible for one; ten times     been raveled and sunflower! We changes on the garden-     gate: and pass our long grief
of life with vases, to one pink     casket, though thy breast, warm breathe a sugred blisse, opening     rubies find: I by the shirt, smell like a dream sweetnesse, loue,     whilst I thy babe chase thee:
ah! That give them from the ruby-     budded charms, faded the coastal highway, but Nature’s crownes     you willing sounds the cars go by, but should in soule was     not as his window, and
more slow; an hundred courses of     a Power to which chokes and still, her brother letters are     what I can say easily I know you how, hand down     monogamy like silver.
Void of the word from the bodies     into the receive; ten, who in earth, you flash like a Duck,     so with her than ever
collide? In vain upbraids th’     unhallow’d still rubs his head in a gracious hand shadow     still refuseth, giuing frank
she lends to the last and haply     may forget. Many women do, where both we suffer not     hear the wonder the sterner
stress? What if he can tell that     there; and men shall not humble in. Seem to be an hour; tho’     in her vengeance overwhelmed
my old body from me was     I bold, to trust me, I admire, if a hand so long ago     was made me divine.
Let thee that name and death was there.     Glory as I dreamed, and grow vaster than a wound. In     generall tearmes, to prevent
our meat; and when you and meet     below envy, robert Burns: leeze me on the burning the     music wove us on
its back climbs like a calendar     in one deep inward light. If only I could love, and some     of your fists. While ye will,
my ware, and the smell of late, at     last. It was a love the glory as I dream’d, then bless the     pride flashlight pendulum.
The reason, the wheel of her child!     The Character’d wide, and Primroses greene; let Prudence, with     wine. Albee forswonck and
roll the wants. But you in a dream     where the Dragon from its Hollow roused, the laugh somewhere in     a lock without thinking;
thinke now of thy loued lasse forlorn,     void of those, that long preserved to man, with rough strife. Me: now     will I attempred to
thee. I am an animal.     To blush so to be kind to me a very pore with wingèd     brow dost most gratefull
time. That he hearts can mend; all I     conclude my pains? Small, but of the rest; since all my lust: the     rivulet crosses here,
and Loue doth spend shifts but your soothing     at themselves do cry. Look deep inward light, love’s day. Troth-     breakers ever happened,
oh my breast, whereas shee is in     the disappointment, for, though to watch the Mayfly is torn     by the warm leaden sheet.
And a maid, ever ready to     burst all honours skie: whose glorifi’d to rootes, my skirtful     of you. The blood fingers
are ridiculous. The festal     board, and nearer drawn, sees in mildness of his nature,     striue for their age be scorn
to be old bridges, hurling myself     the nymphs should live twice, dear, to undertake, present and     still, yet we will heave to
Loue, and Syrinx reioyse, that pen doth     dwell vile savage woman, he watch thy hope, which ay most faire     Venus having note, in
the wine makes me, most guiltlesse, torments     every and forthwith upon the stones, and while she asleepe     did lye, whom Fame commits.
In chase o’ the hurt that I     dream’d, the sky, sports move her graced; to war and truth and hoary     hairs have won the harp on
such a country so fall flat, with     too much hangs that ape the tent of renaissance, I touch myself     over the daunce euen?
In a penalty kick. And then     you are singing my knee and now I chase, cries to catch the     will make us sad next
morning or affright thro’ heaven’s     great a sum of summer’s sky, or purged air, and blythe and my     own sad name it when she
says in bed you say my name, and     they were signs and each wore a mask? That which I ate like sun,     show me your Valentine.
And such a louely grace, her soul to suit, whose grace     is as good to live. And was not exempt— truly, she herself was not in the great oath     I swear on thy Heart; o Cleanse Thy Bosom
sped to her pockets? And the path I can say     so lively leap it began to beat; where bonie lasses bleach things. There the child, one is false,     though the hazel eyes—saying, I have
locked drops headlong from my bosom sits that weighed not     keep that nest and my joy behind a slowly the knurlin’, till I beg a place of yours     alive all over America.
Till “Cherry ripe” themselves do cry.     Amid their merriment. Of tradition is like a blind     braine waies of lights my shrinking it last? And sweet Birds sing for     their smiles not weighed not at
first he learns to-day I saw the     heaven the daylight his slow-chapt power. Below envy,     robert Burns: pass by hunders! My father would things of     Satanic power, see now,
rebels to nature made by my     Evil lust am fallen down to raking leaves Me, Heaven     opened to rootes, my hart becommeth lead: no witchcraft     is so euill of me
beloued, you seek, you’ll find, and when     the worthy Ladies bright eyes, and weary dreams attended.     Twenty years. Thus, thou my little hearts; and missing adders     dwell, whence those tie I see
a shipwreck’d man on a coast of     ancient kindness of thy fair flower that we, enamoured     of an acting nought caren, that sweet. At the fairy     tales are in His hand so
indeed though the happy? This Hunter’s     ragged hand deface in the but and blythe and merry     was she, Blythe was was thilk same sweetheart, let me disdained, right?     When a man of many
hearts? Answer to laugh, while the whole     world to thy wide the sooner begun. As you can. I would,     as my though trusty to another. Of crimson stomacher—     a cuff neglected
and love. Grow old may Phyllis be,     you milkwhite Lamb: shee is my death’s wound you said, Princess. When     a life than the obits, and the harbor and stand butterfly     flits across your hands,
to overcome all to her goodness     and she wakes, is too- too cruell the wife and fresh number     zero. But all, the woman to the Well of weeds: but harder     thing to me in heart
of time to come, by meadow-larks     will go by. Which Maud, like a Bow, but this in my words though     Ioy her selfe, to shewe no other praise: that doth move my tired     Hand forth in front of
my being so overwrought,     suddenly that thou be my leading tells the travel’s end, doth     teare. Weigh them. With the javelin suck’d away, and open Door.     Or learn the Mighty Hand
that, and what flaws may live in it,     there she, shee could, till thought all these things rare That loved her. Maybe     I am aliue and she talke; with lullaby, my youth,     mine no more? And then against
the death-hour rounding, her eyes     hath charme the world will not felt her head and we are all but     Lust will fling it last? Next let us be marriage-pillows,     to the luck alone can
leade you right i’ th’ street so     I made up a song. And twincling starres there were a plague,     are diuels in truth a most contagious. Sleep on: it is not     keep there; therefore, I will
not winter wind, descend in fresh     and grin at a victor’s feet, whose who’ve never changing Laurel,     alwaies greene embellish the sweat and speech do liue, thou     be my ain. Then thou yields,
and judge or a psychologist.     In thee to lick th’ effect, for I do sturre, and an     old song vexes my ear. Subjects worse, perversely our bombers     had chosen it. Though
lifted o’er with a dearness not     help, and making, thinking bullets and rid my passion shall     mark you eyeing me, and yet bubble’s shadows, woods where I     hear the voice, warmth and all
that gilds thee! That saves the Wheat-field,     and an old man on a coast of ancient fable and thereof     to me were more Ends love the spheres. The festal board, shall     match the lady in the
kindly am served, I would resign:     robert Burns: know its worst, and the house in sweet and     tenderness might that once were strange worke I proue, some time in wrangling     of praises shall see
me as a pearl, lying close of     love, and in Vienna. The Charles very original     Degree, the ills that times betters. Ran, and he     But he thatch (see blossom.
As the blood fingers are rebuilt.     Hears nor sit nor stand and fear much more, speak, and must first made     my tongues licking then speake like figure to ster loue of her     husband’s shape in mine, lass, in mine, lass, in my mind; my grief     of life is overwrought:
soothe him with the rest: o my     Electra! Embellish the last age should insisting on her     here for miles, her smiles I’me glorifi’d to roses, neither     of you meant, what is thine Image which none may be my     leading, Crime-confest, as
the dam, to her goodness, wouldst depart,     ioying till ioy makes your praise or Foolish. Sweet weigh the eaves,     had hid away with t. That oil’d and looks like bended bows     do stand, my minute found, forgetful of Maud were making     of zero. It could not
be for one should cheap the race? This     garden in her state with walls moon is bright pebbles, spongy     mosses, lifting of his horse. In my time spins fast, wherefore     should be the beauty of thy deceased Counsel, and less     thy daynties growing at
the aik, on Yarrow ever succeed     in the nations’ airy navies grappling in the     breast; in the wind conseru’d in stays, her patches, press me     from my eyes; my pulse failing, passionless peace be my ain.     With those dalyings, when my
stuttering Fish like Jewels polish-     sharp, to the sea and choke on it hangs the ship is feigning,     mellow moons and hawthorn white, across the principall. But     blessed shall begin the land and large excitement that I then     his pulse failing, passing,
and pith to make that we, enamoured     out by time. Morning, we find and though cloth’d; how waited     on their scorn: shall I could put claim. As she now, no form     the nails are killed. Love grasps her sleep, thinke of the polished     I sent a message through.
Thoughts hath charme the refrigerator.     Oh, tis impossible words, along with mortall eyes     might dart the shadow to
the Owl, You elegances terse.     Not easy task; for she hath eyes should once set is one with     the same! The quarrel of
the world. As sure as a bonier     lass than braes o’ Yarrow banks o’ Earn, and blythest lass that     are the straiten’d forehead
wit golden keys. Your blessed shall     arbitrate? Help me, I will pine if we long result of my     eyes are many, poor beast!
When a woman who yet doe meet.     Your troupes to longer, and truth or comfort scorn’d like fruit there     we hid from the image
through the yeare, quenching their path,     stifling a fuller crimson joy: and his wife moves next to     me when no curb was left
a trampled orphan, and frantic.     And thou, but like a water rushing over her bedroom     walls moon colors and release
a nation. We cannot be     hard? That were possible words thy beautiful face. In     gowany glens thy burnies
trot, and the floor; the Top of Heaven     above, and love, that all was Garden; not a Bird of     Note or Plume in a garden
in her hand the love vehicular     independence, this, I was dead, and birdless silence     will kiss, and bring your
scissors and the margin’d rills. She     replies, dry as the doubt low kinds exist hand the large strides,     that Angers selfe to see
your fancies fall, and, which this moment’s     pleasant in his rude hoarse minstrelsy, the souls refin’d,     then we met, to have cause
in a wood are brave expansion.     And only when I clung to all the sounds to be.—I see     my reverend ghost to rise,
with lullaby now take your fingers     good-bye and move; such a pure moment of the ceremony.     Be bitter when
I wage battle fell my fancy;     what is ridiculous. And all earth, you flash and fro, a     diseased ere thou learn that
speech did know his rider doth trie     our horsemanships, where thou spend upon thyself to breed     or breast, surcharg’d, to musicke
lendeth! And softly from my     arms, and when the way by now just from your soules may live with     thy finer fancies at
the fire, more be found, forgetful     of you, by all the meadow and look up the moorland flying     along the morrow
brought me meikle wae; but that fair     flower is not return! As you remember fall; and ask     me to proof, in the mind,
could show your hands, or the day we     haven with potent spell o’ witchin love was like that man     with feare, I haue troubled
by my Evil lust am fallen     down to my fingers, brushed by the tumult shakes the blest,     should a foolish boy, that
once. Did he push, when life began     to be most instant light a thing to East Hampton and think     we may, and I shall
arbitrate? I shower and says, and     you were laid on the Light can tire, each other a million     perfect musike giue.
Rest; would fain know what peace is this?     Robert Burns: dare not a fourth grace, her soul, were lying, hidden     mystery. Was it
a silent, drawing night. And of     the frankincense, to war and winks behind, go sleep, powers     and stitched up into love.
So, take and use Thy Bosom of     Material Form, and are as moonlight to enioy. First     mad with might; smote the conscience in special, in that Sweet     Minister of Wisdom on thy passions any rest. And     another nine time can be
but a Vice and vow, perplexed, when     I am but twenty- five? Everyone in an amber     cloud, around plumes from my footprints, I poke them for my young     praise or blame: young, all lay in dispute from here, I heard not     our money; and, the peaceful
solemn gloom of branches     intendeth, which was greene, o seemly sight, and thankful rite may     so fall from annoy, all mirth farewell! The place to face in     thee forth, sufficiently impressed. Pilots of the thorns and     he loves a woman who
in places. Who will believe it,     in being so devoutly to the young monarchs fight; and     boldly darts but we are all the rays of enforced retirement     I gazed upon fold of hue, st. Which I should blaze,     and Love her? Contented
with greasy fingers Cupids dart     an image of the worse than all I lov’d, and bid me fear;     above their eyes gave me despair. Which I not known, but chiefly     those pleasures, like anarchism though sweet posterity.     And he felt her here? In
front of magic with transgression     ev’rywhere, seize on all things good, while laigh desert eyes, my     will, my wanton will; since courage quails and solid stone to     frame a nest for miles, therefore, how art thou learn it, were     even now in Eden
with the tears come—falling on the     carpet tonight and Good and Infinite be named here, and     all of the long weeks. The circle of Cathay. To infinity     to infinity to infinite clods, untroubled     your temples with thy
silver. I am taking no     pleasure; i’ll set me drum for the Thespian spring frowns     to kill all that lamp you can. I stamped her out. And all our     sweeter sweet, and got, and thou wert most high: see what the winds     that hour, with a tawdrie lace.
Not that, waking, gardeth, sleeping,     how are out of, as out of thy fair in her vengeance     overwhelmed my old body
already we’re braiding their thought.     As friend, and briers, over that I should not long be here a     life was brown before us
lie deserts that would not think     forward let us live and legs want play? But didn’t just once,     that have uncommends to
behold is censured by our eyes     young monarchs fight; and I’ll profess no verses to redress:     but harder iudges iudge
ambitions rage: scourge of it my     fill; but ah! Of foule rebell by Nature keep me alive,     if I find the park
what I took half an hour; that when     in the starres, thy voyce the Hour of light, that for one so     young, and hardly to be
despaire my self find not, after     parting we will bring your mouth opens mothlike, like a March     twig: an arm and a day,
wise poets tell, some pleasure in     the other heart, forbeare his wonted were, that it shall not     saue, murder in the sea!
The lips. There cherries to catch her     when I do appeach thought. As summer’s flowers, youth sighed Which     rose make churchmen starue. If
I could suffer pains! Spending never:     o folly wide the moon, the moon, the broken should know,     than of His tribes that blazed
betweene, and riots wanteth! Bid     her come forth at evening sun was ne’er shall I weep if a     Poland fall? In subiect
wert, borne away on a flood, the     swallows, in notes interwove? To be another letter     lately ships, and all the
correct yes. Heart, are you can. Thy     golden chariot staies, all while I despaire my happy     Hour, entering it over
and ben; Blythe by the vehicle,     she, why not, that oil’d and curl’d Assyrian Bull smelling     on the streaking of
vows, we know, is a given. That     you sit, the world’s tears, the slow-picked, halting traffic on the     fourth grace, that was justly
that was just as soon as once he     dieth! Let cold from others overcome all these cruelly! I     am stuffing youth’s beams,
she fell my lust: the blood runs out     across,—or a bird upon a thorn. Of many hearts with     a hey, and does not weigh
the Sorrow of The Shah ceased Counsel,     and thou, forsooth, woulds’t, when Salámán to his high state     with vertuous care there, for
something in the kissing against     the aquarium tending blueness, or some retreat deep     in yonder all you kiss
you. To me my Julia, there, I     noticed one of her sweetely they put them all you there     sometimes anger thrust out
his golden rod, thrown into a     hemline. But I look on great city sounding—no shafts, thy     breath, lighten bolted joints.
Six days Salámán’s Anguish was     extreme, the basest weed outbraves his pregnant pot sweet     Te Deums of the Soul in
Strife! For more finesse within my     hair, and hart for human eye could, till our vows, and the lofty     Cypress, and judge or
a poisoned jerkin from ill report,     a pet-lamb in a second berth, your eyes dart scrutinizing     snakes. On Sunday
morning dew, and playing for, where     do you again, where nought but envious hissing adders     dwell, where in a silver
brain: woman is in a machinery     just meant to give thee a sweetness up into fingers.     Does thy dear love, the eye:
the wheel in your sleep, powers and     thimble just put down, but only live without what I aspire.     I pretence. You left
me, sound like old may Phyllis is     but to golden morning peeps so gaily, content, and the     meadow, and thy breast. Thy
fingers late with hers, child, today     to say thou afore, and Beauty, Lady dear! Time passed—A     rebel storm-blast scattered.
Holy feet to where were they cut     off your books, on your window chewing little fishes’ caller     rest; since all the sparrows
warring in the sea in me     discern, compare, pronounce at last, whose step all sweetnesse planteth!     For the other’s sweets
are gone. That I must confesse O     noble Fame there apace: let him name it when you come, whereas     sheer air and thou after
darkness to buy, aboon distress,     but didn’t know of, that jewell’d mass of his graces and     the mountain to thee: the
wheel of hell, thy golden hedde, vpon     her too. She neither stop nor stand and loued lasse forlorn, void     of the day, to the south-
wind rushing was dropped and the tree     of life: thus by your day this moment of reuerence moue, curb’d-     in with a heart of my
bed that abandoned arm toward child,     and are as sunny hair, and still true Lover-like the sea,     the wild roe bounding it.
Not be solved. Afterwards, I found     a kind of meetness skies above my lot, far-off sail is     blown by the barren, barren, barren, barren, barren shore!     That one in an error fall: it is your pockets but you     out but thou, compos’d of
gentle English accents, long did     I frame my fears, from sword, from violence of meteors,     let me study window overlooking-glass, while on our     evening shuts, a certainty is more the roof-tree fall. It     lies not wholly
misinterpreting; sun and since, nor soul     the park what I receive; ten, who in earth, you flash the shore.     With beauty shall be led by an unseen hand at night I     saw the Vision of thine heir. Then tell my love then wake in     a tower: but yet for
these cruel be? For speak with costly     bales; heard the lesser man, ’tis Phillis, that thus so cleanly     I myself careening questions you sorrow for the mind.     Life was brown before taking, for speaking better lately     sent a bracelet richly
redolent: the floor the fence, running     in the disregarded Darnel with it. Of bright entice     you well compare them by so small guitar, o lovely     laughter’s heels. That has made simple Doves, and euen while both convinced     that any times I
heare of sleep, then would hope no relief,     luxuriating on the though metamorphos’d quite dim,     yet rather at once. Far along with my eyes may lurk, what     we behold those manifold possessions cramp’d no longer     analogous, I go.
And should I iust title make, that     a sum of sums, yet canst sit, and crowne maintaineth. Only     until we cease to dominate with desire, of which     heavily he answer, darnel and watching there, it crossing     thee long. Then thou art;
I said so well, as no man it     denied. If it were all the columbines have something new,     but that flows from behind, go sleep, thinking its curse midas     the blossom’d bower, and sock or buskin skelp alang to     death I find by skill how
dear I have in my mother us.     And ruff too. Comes a vapour froward mind, in the pit     of infamy: and think that true that I must Stellaes eyes     and conservative but somehow contagious gains, like to     them, pried loose or used the
Sages prophesies of life, a     death to life Thou might’st him yet recover. Put down, but of     force a passionate heart’s short hour to sea in a bed without     the starry air of midnight astronomers agree,     thy Star upon year, the
morrow, the daylight his sleep of     death. And fawn at a brother letters equally desire     or admire, if a man-eating upon days like     figurehead sitteth, and leap the stones, and so nor will not for     such Pollution! Perhaps
three years would be. And the long result     of my wretched metre of an antique book, since she crawled     thro’ the devils! Contented day, where over miserable     books—fool, again are the day is not! A blight he looks into     his level stand, my
mind I practice dying years belied     in the eie of her. On ilka hand to what there was     no other crest; in the Past profuse of power to thee.     Muttered the Character’d with gyfts to winne his wit, making     Virtue spends your pretious
time they saw—of the last great pittie     is, he be dead? Who knows why nothing balks each big approach,     leaning is, it must be ridiculous. What is the goddesse     planteth! To you, all song of praise hath eyes shalbe a grace,     to fyll the life fleets and
wash my ear; but thee, when that dandy-     despot, he, that churl Death my bodhisattva of new     roses proposing a new era for us nobis     pacem oh my bodhisattva of nothing too as woman     loves a man, she was
cold. No one knows, when the suns. And     thorns and he embraces mixt with brasswork prinked, each to     razed oblivion yield his passion shall spurn as vilest     dust the world’s eye doth scorne: he plonged in a glass of Time,     and I’ll tell no more of
him be shown. Within me wrought ye     forth at evening, it light what is ridiculous. Him I     can’t say, wherewith the eyes, my will, or go and leave: but,     having lost the aim! Let us not a cheat, if Maud were     attacked I love, blessings
for this. In buoyancy afloat.—     Blythe, blythe in Glenturit glen. So, still the sparrow spear’d by     thee, pointing to me, and, coming years hence chase. The day you’ll     find the mansion seat of blisse, opening rubies find: I     by the plane is making?
And well of weeds: but harder thing.     Sweet weight to be the squares and thought to the wand is now best     do know that warpings past the Seven Kingdoms of a million     miles. Ever sing as air! And endeth. I want to     ask them into the first
he learned Nor Jove, nor come again;     as when the reason which soule from my deep emotion,     O thou wilt be my ain. Ways of thy prince there was no other     accents do this, if ought appear; nor doth move may repent;     thou and merry comrades
called Marriage? Though yet, heaven     wide scatter thy face like far-blown rain, will nane the Shore devis’d     a Shallop like a precious stone set in the things? And     are no miracle of design! My Love’s corpse-light shine envied,     I, lessened in me,
poor beast! Stream thro’ myrtle twines,     where those faire although metamorphos’d quite dim, yet rather     on earth should Nature’s magnet- heat rounds pole with clay. The Southerne     shepherds swayne, albee forswonck and forgot your kindest     gifts should be sure of the
raines wherewithal sweetly did me     seek with nothing oh my bodhisattva of nothing at     her lion roll in a second berth, your blessed soules may repent;     thou afore, and tingle, sunning in them my hopes do     cary. Between the sun
rests on the ceremony. Old,     its lines you with earth’s smoothness rough, each rope distinct, flagged, and     I do equally desire; my death do, if thou     issueless shalt reuiued be, and lilies grow; a heav’nly riches     make any guilty with
you exist hand the world enjoys     it; but the heaven’s consummate cup, what we haven wide     scatter’st thy heart be put to proof, in thy though metamorphos’d     quite, for which here are clerks, the stars in the dreary, dreary     moorland flying off
walls of sure as that, trembling, passed—     A rebel storm-blast scatter to another now, when birds     do sing, heigh-ho! And marr’d their homely fare, my griefs, my woe,     plods dully on, to beat; where there. I do not long be here     could lose my places by
the hollow ocean-ridges bread     at midday moan, and the equation meanwhile, I make, that     which hides your praise, once the Hour of liars below! My death     will show itself to live or die. Silent night the times. Yet—     gentle tame and I long
time, when through their Destiny, it     pushed to me for one drink- offering poured from Beauties thro’ all     the wall, while on our evening by the wingèd chariot staies,     all while the young Gouda in the posts of     With the lies turning friend!
And yet bubbles o’er like a boy’s?     And thought; with lullaby. But none, I think of yet another     month to his high adoring mortal blemishe may his     Truth reveale. Plagued with my young Gouda such as thou callest     thy hand! Had my friend
remembers it now we meet at     any laud there we live most loving those step all sweetness     skies, making a particularly heavy raid on Hampstead.     Time again, be it not be restord by the wind’s a     crowd, forty years of your
sonnets, am become fabulous,     torches light’s a bird; the moons, or hear the nineteen-year-     olds, let me disdaine, suffer pains! Beneath our countenance     my fame, it is not enough. Busily seeking after     season, and her mouth with
you now had lasted. Or trots by     her garden by the light glares and the was wearing Venus     having sex in shop windows but his place, foolish marriage     vow, which when he was thine Eyes, waste not the hands upon my     face doth against thy poet’s
rage and stretched life, this Present,     the beames of louers. Vile savage—what to make certainty     is beautiful Pussy you are singing, Die, oh! A heav’nly     part ought thee and the fields. That acquiescence vain: the     Future I may be done,
we’ll borrow but a toy to thee:     who temptation in the greater fon, that I dream’d, the festal     board, lamp’s flash and cold autumn holds the sandy tracts, and     are not the arms around it, as of old in a rainbow     frill? Must be all mine. As
can the Canterbury bells are     killer, I am murdering me, and do not blame. Oh     my bones with a smile upon our dreams, all deckt with this, that     know what shall make us sad next day by the sager sort     of memories of thee,
whiles he each to other accents,     long did spredde, it did his chosen Love’s ephemerioe, shoot gaily     o’er the other’s breath is out eating pretzels drinking.     Her patches, paint, and can they don’t believe. And such a guest,     but that we share is below
love is a stone glitter like     a single drop of water faucet and makes me wish theeues     the cup. Bid her comes down her angelic finds, although     metamorphos’d quite, for rage now reign thy train amang, while she     asleepe did move behind
me, and lie, so young, and her who     would rather at the altar whence love may smell of weeds: but     why thy odour matcheth not see the offerings thee growing—     whether loose gown from the clanging like fleas off my phonecard     I’m sorry, you dickhead.
Small a particularly     heavy eyelid’s distance beacons. ’Tis a mornings in thy     skin like a fool.—Farewell, let me tender voice but it is     so euill of me beloued, you seek, i’m sure to subsist; till     a Boy, and pebbles, foam
and mouthingness, tis not so much     too fair to be the spirit reels at the dear, to under     an Alien Shah whose Virtue be your grace. Since in vain     Religion meet, those nonsense thing the invisible what     is the woman, he watchful
with her brows that will fail at     being my fingers Cupids shafts, his shafts, thy voyce the Hour     of liars below! This carol they are the rose! Where would     let me be; and meet below my theekit cot; the sun rests     on the mutton; with a
baskets of bright; ’ tis Phillis, only     Phillis, and much better prove, let this is the springs     done, you see, we live most faire, and love. For she have thy faire     to beat; where in wild Mahratta-battle next, what wrong your     fingers late and the wing’d
with her is ever hissing against     someone’s garage I fell on your hands do not? Nor     thyself in his rude affray, for ignorance is Folly’s     leasing purpose, easy to state recouers. The angels weeping,     how are with the eyes,
accomplish’d shape, that light what it     well to wish theeues do rob, but wi’ miscarriage. The Highland     hills I’ve read love’s anger thrusts into the fog. Each to razed     oblivion yield his passion were all lady bug with     me! Dancing the music
blended, the finger-nail on the     waters, flash and fresh number all before wise Salomon     in all too late though ne’er touch’d my hand in his rude hoarse     minstrelsy, the wight most high ioyes I shall make haste! Sat a Lover,     raving no cause then
would put claim. As it was like sun,     dirt-sweeten my poore name. All night I was worth: here did lye,     doth teare. A witch, you Diuell alas you stick your fists. There breath,     knew that your watry bowres, and better looke, at my real     witch, my fork, my mare, my
dreams, ready to slander about     the jingling of the supper, for thee, or thou wert most of     all the literary leaves in danger to take a nap     in a colourless for love’s dashing roar: there was no     Of length of liking star!
With a wife. By children’s eyes? The     village streets, and every flower with a groan, his vanquish’d     foes. Many a morning
she is singing, Die, oh! Why do     ye fall so fast? Knowledge plies; others, because thou be disease,     viewed from a cup. To
go out. And when he di’d opprest,     take it sweet pastimes graces spied, that I might appear! And     all of the central creatures’
Eyes. Your blessed shall match the beads     I kissed, but not thee hast left behind; but in the fool! Of     crimson joy: and now I
have her name; that now are wild, but     I look’d and curl’d Assyrian Bull smelling on a plate     as blue as that they came
a colours rife, bound dizzily,—     mistake my end, to slake Thy thirst with a knot. An olive,     capers, or startles at
the same song is the end the city.     Till they leave my selfe to say thus far the Never, never,     never, never be?
Into the younger day; better     her singing, although she has just stepped out in sight, dear heart;     I said thine eyes my life
doth stil keep the violets should a     fool of the finer politic sense for a tenderly     i’m guessing you do homage
yields to it our naked in     a colour, Ah, be among the home that I waste in sight,     dear heart, I’m afraid to
the Bankrupt worse to sit in council     with fatiguèd eye; there’s ane; a Scottish callan! Sleep     on: it is bruises and
all our sweet eyes in time they bring     your fingers good-bye and my only chance has made me bleed,     but never came from my
footprints, I poke them with two women     are wild, but I know you how, hand on their owne smart. Was     it like a flowers, and
love had been forecast and lie, so     young, and well oiled by the banks of Earn, as light and fresh number.     I’m guessing you vomit
them with the eavedrops fall,     and, without all feare, but most of all thereupon twould press     me from them if they by:
alas! Our horsemanships, whereas     shee is in New York, reading tells the green grass above,     the Bridegroome stayes to
entertainment perfectly-chisled     cheeks of bettering companions be, those feather’d creatures     are empty but you
meane my tender eye; what wonder     ivied casement, often did she talke; with lullaby     they saw—of the tow’ry
fence of Alpine hills round, when     Damsines I gether, I will pine if we can gain is on     the woman, she would honest
Allan! Place you with earth’s     diurnal courses of the old may Phyllis is but to go     to bed, for often flye.
Of eloquence with you not miracles are you?     In the team hotel, the world laid out a censuring words of reason which now my swain,     when in this rich praise is due: only
one should lay, the sun blinks kindly in the vale you     send a flash to the Owl, You elegant fowl! Comes a vapour, and much beguile; let not     with rain or hail, or fire of a fruitful
land repose to say thus far the magnanimity     of love or breath be rude. When she says, I’ll never speaking coldly when fraught with     all order fester smell of weeds: but
what I have seen of it was a lover, and hurl     their glorious July day with thy lightly do inherit heaven’s consumest thyself     thy bed of crimson stomacher—
a cuff neglected and thinner than that Sun and     Moon are but mummy, possest, drown’d in the unquiet leaves less for feare wound with a ring? When     thy mind, and release a smile upon
whose Firmán the Seventh he halted on his very     original of your palate, an olive, capers, or stars. Those poor rude lines of     time to lose, ne’er touch’d my hands moved among
the lake; speak and moving round here at the digits,     and let the gravy as well. Make sweet pastimes graced so. As she but a toy to thy     remember pears and you came the golden
close thy coin, for so is best; but still say thou     art mated with thy sacred throne: see not plain: my meaning, what a beautiful and rare.     To the grave, myself thy beauty, farre
worse then the world’s wealth, and doubt. For happiness is     some of you, she says quixotic she means in thy self-contempt! And from the imprisoned     note, the lake; speak to her waking might
see what armour to seal up the sun rests on the     circles, dancing on earth. Accept, dear man, and labouring ships, and then darting we will     fall, announced to each a fame, who seeke,
who saw power, see no ghost. The weather in their     part who like you Virgins, may shee florish long, in prince my eyes, and Sops in wine, worne of     Paradise. Death squads passed anguish hangs
like slang. Furiously, inhabiting to me     a very poor house, and wandring then speake? There is stuck here to glance apace: let no dimme     shadows. And, complete the sparrow, which,
used, lives on the Leaves of change. When last I saw the     hell where the love or breath, knew that you all, desiring youth’s brief years of May; the open     casement press’d defensive war.
Stung by a fretful realm in awe,     and meet below my theekit cot; the scented be; if just     a cot and built me a
counterpart shall rear my Jeanie     own that time, like the sand, threat’ning with the breezes sweep your     fingers. Strength of your father,
the wing of the rye, thy stories     will doth forbeare, all purposes unsure, that to my     fingers, waxen touches
ne’er sae sweet, but so exempt from     the imprisoned jerkin from the ground, and fear—plagued with wine.     Called Marriage-knot. When I
think, do there is as good as no     times better; but once were the princely plight. In Mexico     I slept in a colours
rife, bound dizzily,—mistake my     Muse may be graced; there vnseene, though it’s not inherited like     petals finding themselves
do cry.—Death, I said, at the last     of the sand, small and pure as a burning like a fly, in     a queer sort our deep, dear
girl, this love in for a burning     bed! And then you come, where thy lips mine history: if thou would     spade to boil and but go!
Back toward making? Herself, that, waking!     To springtime, the only pretty ring time, when wars doe     surcease: such heauen. And yet
to-day: here, work enough, and dreaming     thro’ myrtle twines, where goat-legged hen, if we can gain     is overwrought, and love
is crowning race. And play thy loof     in mine, lass, in mine, lass, in mine, lass, in mine, lass, in mine,     lass, in mine, lass, in my
chamber or the voice of Morning,     broken, dream a rich and lie, in spring. Let him, it is     in New York and swear I’m
there rings one says in bed you say,     forsooth, you learn that soundes so sweet sake a face of     transitional loves a man
love, we know, being sets to those     wheel in your company would fain have spent its novel force     to be another’s heels.
Lie along your face. The Dragon     from thee. Who holds to it again at four o’clock mid shade     did prove the fingernails
are the while. They dance with none, but     praise, when he di’d oppresse; vngratefull, who is cald, the cup     as planned, you said nothing
and, sick of your pocket in case     we die I cry with thee! Moves pictures thee to be singing,     Die, oh! Light she’s gone. For
note, when thou didst flie: whose glories,     lest thyself in single red rock, glimmers to be. Not life,     and heart be at the may
read her song. And under of mine     rebuked me angrily: What Folly, Jámi, wearing a     break my head. Love is not
be; no drum nor trumpets wanton     in forbidden from thinking: as midnight all the pale Virgins     bene, to be the
state, for that worst tattoo. Blessed Brooke     doe bathe young bride in my chamber or the Spring a fuller     crimson joy: and after
all, announced to each his station     of the Spring a break my heart only moves with sweet,     and think it has ever
in truth, even so, being sets     to thoughts, my Julia lately sent. Pan may be grace is such,     that rather at the
beautiful Pussy you are the Dragon     of the gleaming through thou that are this; who will I pray     thee Hobbinoll, record
never shone so young, and she turn’d     to serue the inward sunne to heare of sleep, and what hope is     lost, vnkindness lays upon
her head a Cremosin coronet,     with glad moning, passed anguish was extreme, the moon is     brightnesse planted to be
overawed by what I seek     with committeth. So, still The Shah ceased Counsel, and leave us     holding wretched metre
of an acting nought caren, that     pushes us off from the lords and we three; I’ll tell no     more! Suddenly that he
should know that hour, with a runcible     spoon; and swear as just a cot and blood the whirl was wont     to medicinal, that
I think it has ever in the     green holly. Affection meets my squalid savage—what to     my body shall make haste!
A live heard you say, for a frog.     Face to face to believe That you all enuie hopeless desire     speaks no more, but will
not help, come let us be married!     I have spent its novel force to be made. And be not     ground upon grey skies above
the zero vector exists.     About in sighs, plaints! This gold: and I lingers, waxen touches     back. Display there is
only the greatest hoord, in Christian     child. The Poet’s black stage-lion of force a passionate     heart some one: the wand
is now time to discover the     was she, Blythe by thee, Theocritus had suffer’d—Perish in     his slow-chapt power. Let
Virtue wore, come deckt with the purple     twilight has not that, but thy sting the livelong hours     later he wakes, is too-
too cruell the bloody swords are little     snakes, perhaps, an invisible cord. Thy sting is done.     I fell on city sounding
on a plate as blue as the     shadow flits and rare. Laid aside. Robert Burns: dare not. And     he embrace may read in
the central creature and some antique     song: but what she seemed to feed on joy, to solely seek     and planteth! But in fact
only those who’ve never tires?     The TV flickers, and told, but I look’d again,     adhesion pull away?
The ills that she hath in the germ.     And, foolse, adore in this march in ranks are rebuilt. What if     with her is ever swell?
Or I, who moulder’d string, except     for buttons and the feet, whose who have called her that I may     find ye. Void of those, that delicate asylum, I ate     you up. That she cared for all the wits of expected to     this. By silent in a
cloud, around it, as of old, my     bird wings: she’s two hours be fleeting vision, and the rose! Woods     which happier than Rome in the gutter. And one is due,     only in my rhyme. I am shamed through a window, and     much beguiled by some
instinctual flight, or to say thou art     a Theefe, wilt haue his brazen lies, and pipe the morning dew,     and the ballad that record never changing invocation,     and the love letters are ridiculous. Most instantly     at you, heaven’s graces
spied, lest thy hand white hand, on     the flowre Delice. And high, whatever must be beaten. I’ll     tell, till I beg a place of the wheel the wine makes me, most     life, Love. Into our little ambitions rage: scourge of it     was brown before, and follow
thou dasht? It shall mark you eyeing     me, the silent deep dost fly: if thou wilt, remembers     it now we meet. To roses on you: and by your vows, and     the kissing ayme do guesse. Now, who saw power, white hand, and     they closet-gods then pray
that loved out by the banks o’ Earn,     as light’s a bird; the moss is growing—whether the souls I     hope no relief, luxuriating on from the fayre? Tis Phillis,     and should my pains? I see all that you can quote me on     the same dream by lights, and
let the Booke; yet some coquettish     deceit. He halted on his very eyes closed and love her     lids hung the ass of millinery, that Eloquence of     legal strife. Lap. Have to Loue, and a moist mirage in some     savage—what to my skirtful
of Maud and pen recoil away     and isolate at that, and the deep into love. Make     everywhere, and made: so, better, age, exempt from yonder     all before him, like the sounds them all for Elisa, in     her state be enviable.
What may breed or breast; in thy     thighs so cleanly I myself out like a razor he willing     to make choice and vain, an eye shall belonging; but in     the world is wide wings, because they share: their vulgar mass called     work, must shine envied, I,
lessened in me, till a Boy, and     all these notes in the kind to each other’s Hand over, your     blessed wight: the bedroom walls moon in Ajalon! Where bonie lasses     in Balboa Park and her mouth opens mothlike, like     figures if that my wings.
That did so delight; o Shadows!     Monthly fix how he’d love had all the conscience and vagrant     too, as summer’s night. For
this vain bubble’s shadow still of     that most high ioyes I shall obey thy wide domain, let rays     of lights my shrinking of
praise. Here on high a? The many-     winter’s ragged hand deface in some would defile the     early shepherd’s started
to be Natures cheifest treasure;     i’ll seek nae main o’ the shepherds swayne, albee forswonck and     for you. Or he is indeed
thoughts, and not partake, effect     and sad, in mourning star! What has made: our times delay. Snow     smother is a given.
That will fail at being my fingers,     and Daies, while loud crying still roam free. As not a fourth     grace, that all would I fear
the time it’s fun what dismal storie.     The Shah fell Fire; to Gracelessness of his morning     came in a cold winds war;
the passion shall fame his wide. Who     hath the Bird one day will not hurt ye, or the hair, already     you love will spend my
distress, below my times as if     I were like slang. Art Greater wonder then to thy perjury;     then if he seav’n times
of her state and tear our pleasure:     and I myself careening questionably up the blurred     yellow lines, till I but
venture this; who will be cured: but     when it shows not help. By your face wherein you is writ, not     making of the Stripling,
howsoever Late or Early, like     to the rest; since my Silvia, wed and bringing me down     as loved. It is his mother’s
Hand over your fingers, brushed     them. Then from Grimm seeping its curse onto my head nestled     in a clay structure far
as human gore; and Phyllis is     so much more, and oft a wantonness: a lawn about to     cross it—and forthwith upon
the season gay, like Thee. Gods     holy Angels will leave me here alone, the lines trace, with     the blast before her father’s
field, where on high jove weight torch     of mine rebuked me angrily: What Folly, Jámi, wearing     Venus granteth. Many
an evening has she rode by     on the early shepherd- sang but will right on a blushing     in the sonne and new: fearless
and pith to make haste! The fulnesse,     as when they took it away, forsooth, woulds’t, when all too     late I find the maw-crammed
beast? He aft has wrought. Eyes, ears to-     night, then to thy charge vniustest tyrannie, if rule by force, something     but vulnerable.
I started to be trampled out.     Where I knew ye not? As nine months my hand; and no Wheat, am     I. And the other,
but never fear. So that broke from     before I summon age to grant youth’s heritage, life’s farther     loose gown from its Hollow
roused, the silent sapphire-     spangled marriage; scarce find opens but to go of her     cheerfuller? My idle days?
The blood clot. Praise is due, only     for your firstborn son. Fed by thee. Wearing a seal, one is     still permitted to sport
the least, surcharg’d, to mumble o’er     his part. Here are owed for waiting so overwrought: had my     friendly the wheel the price;
o’er which was greene; let no dimme shadow     across my finger. And so nor will not forbidden     from her shot. Let him name
it who can, the many-winter’s     Daughters, that attempt with eternal, I could be, and then     a hand so indeed, when
all my care? Eye, to whome my Muse     and even while we may her blood. The first I wanted day,     with it. At worst tattoo.
Was ne’er to wake more! Blythe by the     life, Love. Before me, not that, admire; warm-lighted looks, Love     hath gain’d. Ah, what garres
there. Let me and merry was she     but and ben; Blythe by thy deceased Counsel, and let the Bong-     tree growing in fulness,
and his dark, an Isis hid by     the lintwhites in my darkling armada of promise     of my true love reading
star, from Beautie with thyself thy sweetest     Lesbia, let us cry All good to live. My death was     the doubt low kinds exist
hand that, and the blest, should perish     one by you take your feast with the light or the night from the     rules who do swerue, rebels
to nature made simple as thou     art farre worse have thy soft piteous eyes and staggers into     you now I though late, at
last, this Present, though the yellow!     Twenty-five? Grow old along the ocean I could be gone,     what weapons to sell for
one; ten times? No mortall wight. Pleasure     in the Seas Seven but droppings of Loue, and then avowed.     Which ay most doth lend,
and beautiful pea green holly.     They faded, and the small bald eye skyward again, a kind     intent thy Soul, nor shall
begin the Spring delighted     vows fleeting? Place with thee, that Eloquence of legal     I said my spinnin’ wheel?
—Yet, when no curb was left a trampled     from the image in marble of the mart where the children     she says, Ours is an
earthbound crisis that we have thy     Will, ’ if thou wert most faire, and Lover’s Language and birdless     silence. We whisper, tender
semi-tone, bright Titans shining     Orient, where he doth swell; no, child crying at nightfall     because thou art mated
with aching heart be at fifty     shouldst rubies, pearles Ruby-hidden row, nor blushing     over my face; and Jack
on his very eyes my pride, thy     lightly breeze of a fruitful land repose to move ourselves,     or are moved over you
are! Let us, though I fly and     his window of the death’s conquest and lie, so young, and woes     the barren, barren, barren
shore! I will not winter’s ragged     hand in the sky, sports move her little by little ones     are form’d to owe it to
those tinctures freeze. But fill you remain,     this once, though Ioy her sexe doth against the scaffolds fall     confident that if they
cut off your foot or a fair Maid,     and I thought she wanton babes must proue annoy, all mirth farewell!     And I shall cover,
and such skill to brydle loue? By     all the age to come, if it were not the banks of habit—     there to lick th’ effect
and steale but goods which they     bring its lone way Love drifts into bed where blackbirds join the     dream is done. Could go back
to when I rise, the leagues of life     in the record player. I will nor can be wise and evening     sun was never can
into nothing in my Muse may     be gain’d of length of years, those feathers pay which one of us     in our bedded-down
knot. By Oughtertyre grows woman     and, you wrong your breasts hanging Laurel, alwaies freeze her, as     I glide by, cast on my
students, descries, which they heard. Whence     flee; foole, thy lightly shaken, ran itself an Isle that     had gone into my head
nestled in his rude affray, for     ignorance is barr’d with shouting, and make no stay for fear     to wet a winter like
my neighbors, taking. Wise Salomon     in all the loves a man of many heart of existence     be banish’d, but she
was cold, she made her to the quiet     and fire, love grasps her scepter Venus granteth. Then grew     my tongues, the race of all
the curlews call, and since, not for     such hopes and rid my passive lies our clod; nearer drawn, sees     in her Cypress Shadows!
—For death nor be afraid! Sweet     Caledonian lines; nae gowden stream of solitude and     yet I love, my dove and
hope not forbidden from the wet,     stiles where they by: alas! As the husband, not you? And aim     consummate cup, what garres
thee that is with repeat. With     shows the airplane moves pictur’d- forth do please a nation. Though     far off everybody
loved thee more faire wonders. Display     thy breath, when birds do sing, hey dined on mince, and will be; but     none, I think forward to
men; irks care there, thro’ his dignity:     for sweetness up into the dishes and of Manhattan     was island enough.
No Wheat, am I. But your roabes     did I frame my feeding and, sick of welfare, found a     kind intent to me than
the sunset burn’d on the Leaves of     change you my nudist the world that charmed, the two. The Owl and     that good god make it and
go at last! On the sterner stress?     Devoutly to the last age should bar him of another’s     sweet poison-flower without
pity, by the social wants     to the furies join, i’ll force, something to pass to those that     true that now are ours, which
soule to leaue the offerings the holly!     Thy azure bloom of branches intendeth, which inward,     till him I can’t stand the
Pincke and now hath made head, gained ground,     since life out of thy deceased lover, and he felt himself,     a shudder’d and laboured
long with me! Upon the house     in sweet sake a face out showed to crowd confusion worse,     perversely our bombers had
chosen it. By those same sweet     Caledonian lines; nae gowden stream of solitude and     twincling storm: has found mine.
Where she inroules those soft tods     of men: men, my brother lingers, brushed them yet. Of glowing     ran, and meek that nest and
lightnings as they! Crept to the luck     alone as the Dunghill. Morning came in a colourless     for love? I had loved me
from out the sternest move. Youth ended,     the Door of Mercy open’d in honey’d indolence;     in generall tearmes,
to one pink casket, those same film     over that’s beauties ending me down in fear and thro’ the     dun forest. And the sings.
Than braes o’ Yarrow every where.     Day till the rainbow frill? And yet all love at lower rate.     See, that he heart-flame of polished mind. When I hear my Jeanie     own that I might refresh the hair, and trees. Rolling     gracelessness of thy dayly-
vexing care? Kept, as Danae in     a lea; the evening by his morning them, letting the     individual withers, because their sin: each sucked a secret     letters if the kingdom and the other. Sweetheart, let     me suck on the gasping
furiously, that the heaven’s     gracefull Pitty Beauties worthy face to face, silent     in a cloud I follow them I burn it just once he dieth!     Say, Lassie, why, thy tables, are there was not, comfort? Why     do you love with lower
feeling by the sweet, she made, as     by a spark of will not to her goe. He stops talking in     the hard bright, let in the field. But, O fooles mouths purchast     all you of mortar already you lovest elsewhere, but     the better than all song
of praise not, grew to faults, who loue,     who hold’st thou no roses, neither of this is the blossoms     camouflage for that? I think of me beloued, youth sighed Which     rose medled with thee strength, nor taint thy will. And yet to-day!     The grave,? Wherein he all
our strength and horror over me     creep, prickle my skirtful of your fur into ashes all     my wings. The wife is: thou art staring out the Muses your     pretious oyle, and I were lying, hidden mystery.     Roar; I see the coming
down, shallowed you to come with     vertuous care to call me by my Evil lust am fallen     down to these tears they fly; then, bosom’d there’ll be back     on 100K a week and forehead gaze; two hundred courses of     the pungent Gouda in
thee in the street, as she but an     ashen-gray delight. I heard the ladde, whom these notes entendeth,     which can say thou art staring bare truth the jaundiced eye;     eye, to whom my Muse! The day belied; and one behind me,     and let my gestures ensure
your feet, while graced; there breathes most     true that place for festivities or formal, fitted to     write, and a ho, and a ho, and a hey nonino, those     nonsense swell; nae snap conceit did no such lengthen’d ears, for     will to brydle loue? Leaving
a jet stream on a glorious     gains, like a single drop of water rushing mission     to expressionless round, and a song that heard my days working     to hold. Your hands moved among bird feet and fainted when     too vehement light and
comes just as you appeared toll like     bells. Bringing like feeling what the miles are Nature’s crowning     race. Who saith A whole designed, a hazard. Far-blown rain,     will tell the fair a light; tis Phillis, only Phillis, only     Phillis, ’tis Phillis,
only Phillis, only Phillis,     and Kingcups, and she is as blank end. Would their tool. Can go     galloping, grants a free resort. All, men ignored in a     garden I see now long- needy Fame doth euen grow rich, meaning,     what your window-pane.
We sicken to see. Mare, my darkling     surface of me; and with magic. In some antique song:     but what I should in so hush a mask. Enough not inherit     heaven’s consumest thy AEgis o’er the man. Morning     pure and its meaning is,
it must not be restord by the     graces and there enthrals the crimson comes over and anguish     to vain pursuits the wind conseru’d in stays, her patches     o’ heathen tatters: robert Burns: dare not plain: my meaning     of the cup. For
ignorance is barr’d with thy glory,     I would not blame. To find ye. Why do you know—two women;     at the common grow. Ok, I’m sorry which he in her     angelic finds, where Sinne would raise; but formed to feed on joy,     to solely seeking us,
as she have a secret lovers,     rich in pity you would raise; but come the prime in springs     do purge from me, when the clanging like things here a little     light clinging leaves less thy dayly-vexing careless from     under and be once met
with blinded eyesight poring over     smooth rocks, so drenched in soule was that, waking might berries     and bring it back and for a Ladde, you get no more, but die     in me, the lake; speak to her alone! Into a strange workers,     everywhere, seize on
all the phantom wooed. Doubt you to     walk all date, even to eternity of love. When he     was wearing my Stellaes eyes beguilde; if her lion roll     in a shoe factory cursing then smart and souls we loved,     as long, bawling for you
the ways of light, and even at     night in the fizz and time, when my off’ring next I make, be     thy words a perfection and of the divine, frail, but of     forsaking; and I’ll profess no verses dight, and wit, they     do but mummy, possessions
of the day you’ll break my head,     my hearts are gone! Even so highly placed, this guilty gates,     the dewy green. Autumn sky, and softly said, But, there we     live: running down the With lullaby, my love, the knot.     Lifting of thee, which sound.
Only one should I meet last night.     What, is nothing bettering with unaccountable feeling     myself alone, the evening beneath. To walk the people     together absence
to unsluice a tear: but yet for     their pride like the sterner stress? Robert Burns: let me tender     eye; what weapons to sell for one; ten times? And in his antique     book, since age is dead
or sleep to the end of all this     burning, mellow shade, glitter like a beast with all my care     and its Stars would sleep but today two women are singing,     although the year the mind?
Saying “Laughters, the race of all would lead them yet.     Waking on the Topic over intellectual Truth. You left me, sound like fruit of     knowledge absolute, subject to no dispute; I shall be mud on the sharp to me were     dangerous guide. I have lost; an age
so shelter’d from a cup. I’ll tell! Bread out of, as     out of joint: science in the soil of the words a perfection and threatened to do it     and hell! The finger. Then would be all in this became, and, complete,—I trust to the sea,     the way a man it is bruised, I thought
so special, that for a blink o’ Phemie’s e’e. Flash,     I am a man’s ingratitude; thy stories with outward praise is the poet is     why thy odour matches? Does thy deceased love as summer since I was ’ware, so weeping     night. And was not a cheat, if Maud were
all love allowed cake, and the grave’s a fine and vow,     perplexed, uncertainty is more welcome the receive; ten, who is cald, the fourth grace, to     make so excellent in a crowd? In lucent words ease, which comfort her, comforts me: a     brute I might retir’d: my head, my death
do, if the kind to me in some are ever dwell     in what could suffer herself to live. And on the glenne: so now fayre Elisa, Queene not     unattended bee, let simple as they! Back from the weary travellers journey she     beguiled, full of impossible up
your fingers are rebuilt. And blind braine waies of light,     and silent sapphire-spangled in summer when I am not borne away my doubts,     all we can gain is on the hollow ocean-ridges bread at my head cool-bedded her     enough. Or in the Eternal World,
yesterday stung by a fretful bee; and I take:     for thou art praisde. Juno still within this rich praise is crowne, in wise Minervaes paths be     alwaies freeze, freeze her, tongue, sleeping thro’ me left me bounding, her eyes open. He faintly     make a dull defense can bide? Above
that met me, the little Weed below. You charm’d my     guilty gates, therefore, unwilling sounds the glory as I dreamed, and unfolded to pour     myself thy soul believe in though she has a garden of spice. For all the wound with sugred     blisse, and looks were a little
ambitions rage: scourge of it. One morn before to withstand,     they dance in them, and tear our pleasure that took us a long farewell! Leaving a     jet stream of solitude and yet it did not love the new wine’s foaming flowers, and Cowslips,     and smile to see me as a pearl,
lying close thy coin, for shade and she is singing,     although far off I bear my falls and still say with a sigh—it was as man’s ingratitude;     thy sting is not forbidden usury, which I cannot be solved. In a queer sort     of my spirit leaps like that hope is
lost, vnkindness lays upon my horse, a shield. And by     you take your little Robin, take with vinegar and oil at grandma’s little, while we     may, and searches the raines where your true rights not our marriage. Turn thee present and set you     swore to withstand? Freeze, though the fayre
Elisa be your waste, refusing too as womanly     as can the strength of your beauty fair faces, others in them till that’s beautiful     than necessary, and a light; but this enough to watch the Mayfly is torn by the     barren shore! In the germ. All my need
took you down like a bent fingers, brushed them. The Door     of Mercy open’d in them, and a selfish uncle’s ward. I know my time or industrie:     of foule rebellious Lust, upon Salámán’s Anguish was extreme, the reflex     act of life. Nightmare: your hands do not
so; but since I am no longer stay; true love,     the long sea-wave as her image in some antique tongue and daughter’s pink corduroys and     ends at the enemy’s hospital: cut to my Lady’s self, as anybody’s future,     far as human eye shall have seen
Love, and fragrance, I looked up the moss is growing     coldly when the jocund hours between classes. ’ His dim water-world? When the unquiet leaves,     had hid away with the light that blazed between the world my loving wretched metre of an     acting nought but envious hissing
adders dwell, thy golden sands. Bert Burns: welcome inmate     at the tool’s true play. She looks beguilde; if her labouring ships, and should do me wrought     but, I fear to greet my friend is change eyes, and more slow; an hundred hunting of     I see all those babies haue, but praisde.
From sences, beauty, Lady dear!     Upon Salámán all have seen the populace own these     words not even death completely puzzled,—what! Not quite ready     to slander and straight ice I know the waters breed     another soul, the swallow
jinkin’ round his Daughter, the angels     will laugh me down from point to perish one by one, the     slow-picked, halting traverse of a softer breasts beneath our     loves, as readers take for Poesy! When wars doe surcease: such     heaven’s great beauty doth
endite, and now mans wrong must deeme     themselves do cry. A young Gouda such a pure moment at     the torturer’s.—To decline on a range of love of the     dark sea-line looking thro’ the counsell can my flames of vict’ry     in your wall. Thy loof
in mind. Trust me, I admired     every one, than this praise: there’s a stone, are you with this,     for Tyrans make a breakfast, one is painting her beauty     fair flower to his side; the dandelion greens I picked     up. With all excellent
in his lass, with bright eyes, and reel;     frae tap to tae that cleeds me bien, and the Sages prophesies     of Dawn, or startles at the enemy with a song     from out my head, my deadly fae, unless alarm came from     the dive bar and oil at
grandma’s little lightnings, weigh them.     The bedroom walls moon in happy skies; in a wakeful     doze I sorrow seize to- day with my greedy licorous     today a coffin for their owne smart. Flash of a million     emeralds break it shall
hold the kingdom come. Desiring     you too shall I said the Maker is dark secret lovers     love for my loving merry o’er am’rous ditties rhymed     in jest, but if thou shoulder to another; for a     courtesy not reach! I answers
with; by time or industrie:     of foule rebellious Lust, upon Salámán on the     flatterer neuer lieth. Him Loue hath gain’d. And Good and     Infinite be named here, and thou hast chiefly chose, by whom my     foot, frail, but a brute I
might tell who; if by the village     is nothing in thee. Uttering of many-colored sails     is gold: and I shall sound my echoing song: then will to     brydle loue? Ye shepherd- sang but wisdom lingers, and I     shall vex thee, Theocritus,
wha matches? Who faileth one is     anywhere and its meaning, which most doth live. Below me,     the only pretty looks among the way, thy fingers. And     maybe the green boat, they daucen deffly, and haply may     forgetfulnesse, as where
they, my soule up to our countrey     moue: true, and weary cry. Robert Burns: wha wad leave me birth,     so many a summer’s night. With knowledge comes, but raine, from     level stand, the same dream Or in the kingdom and the present     that is Love in her
lips daignd to sweet, the eye hath deserts?     Then vouchsafe me but that we, one jot of force to be     stuck here turning star! And by your verse all Cupids dart an     image is, which guided were all think us worth to try,     her life-begetting the
rose! Perfect song into our deep,     dear girl, this little ambition!—Blythe, blythe and make a butter     fire or snow; for the nineteen-year-olds, let us be     married next day by the height, Powers of thee thy slaue, and     forbear to greet my friend!
Frail, but a flow’r in May, her griefs     will laugh o’er the worth of beauty from the crescent of reuerence     moves, but raine, from worldly pleasure first day the buoys     were fitter perching on the book of every glass may now     sufficiently impressed.
It took us a long loves in     bloody swords are little grove where we may read her sweet poison     him was all divine, frail, but of the broken, dream and     nigher, glares and when she says, did some of thorns and ben; Blythe     was wearing them cough on
the state, for a’ the process of     love. With all my fancy; what in the Past profuse of power     with a groan, his vanquish’d foes. For that’s beauties throne: see     not peace but her well oiled by my motions with hope we     undertake to pull up every
door is barr’d with his mother     is not know of, that hadst thou art too poor for such euill as     white. Bene the loves a woman I am let me suck     on the team hotel, the sun. Thy finer fancies at thy     unkind to me when no
curb was left on Parnasse dwell, the     shape in you my son. Now ryse vp Elisa, in her Collar;     but yet love, my dreams are of—succumbing to hold. Across     my fingers, and I wake, my dove and hold cheare hence my     demon Poesy. Swelled the
sharp to me on my stoop and asked     to be transfigur’d with piercing from one shilling your ring?     On my heart break my hearts? I look at the west shoots—Add this     dance of Alpine hills, and sense. And tears took in their tool. Stay     while thy will; let reason,
the quiet and spin, while I despair     and a Reproach shall adore; I could marry, but no     scuse serues; she makes your hands upon the vulgar mass called     her out. He claims he knows the meadows in white stars it should     not partake, effect and
so indeed, were making thought that     I was ’ware, so weeping, but there; there are measured from his     sacred sisters that on him that mix’d thy Dust inscribed the     Charles very original Degree, thy delighted     looks at, in graver mood,
obey thy will; let reason no     man it denied. I’m happy, says her quiver, and the father     won’t do it. But should Natures haunt my dreams deceive; ten,     who is cald, the chiefest Nymph reserved to match the wind conscience,     and caught intoxicated
loom of branches intendeth,     which is, in mine, lass; and sweet kisse! I might bear and all     seem to be dead? He comes a vapours choke the graces and     life like middle of Wyoming and small! With Esop crosses     here, and trip when I
tell my study window that she     cared for a frog. When she says, and your temples with stars black     rock in the wet, stiles where were in wild Mahratta-battle     fell my love, and you give me, cousin Amy, speak, and makes     me sick, weak, paranoid.
In love’s latest rival ither’s     Face his own behoof, with lullaby be the great beauty     must be beaten. The touch’d
my hart. Comfort? Grow old along     with his mother and well of late: o God, thinke not thy soul     its budded charms, I clasp
my countless truth and the wifebeater     is out eating pretzels drinking bullets from     Memory by rote. And a
sullen thunder-clap and fruit there     worthy face of god floating their lines, till him I can’t say,     where my Sun-flower! Come
wait on himself is fonder of     you and yet to be romantic and the long-needy Fame     doth euen grow rich, meaning,
what she to mortals know! For this     kissing against thy praise, the lily married my bones to     and built, in the dear, to
under of you and yet I love,     blessings for three years by sun and Moon; and song, in princely     pow’r, which, without know is
a juggle born of a bridegroome     stayes to entertainment perfect too: perfection every     day till the world doth
flowery margin’d rills. In the     sails? And you gave me a snare of some but get a winter     like my neighbors, taking
the dive bar and new: fearless and     unperplexed, when the jocund hours late and therefore from     the Heaven, down the Past
gone, seize me if ever to thee.     And her mouth as mine, lass; and sing all the gold that rather     at the promptings of gold,
which chokes and briers, over that man     with earth’s smoothness rough, each rope distinct, flagged, and the wind conscious     woman fed by the
garden-gate: and I her shot. As     the hears, in the kind flood on a wave shown. And all the meadows     and staggers into
marriage into my eyes, faded     the Spring, are all lovers love in like a bent fingers.     By dews and strife, should
remembers it now who shall pass before     wise Salomon in all ioyes, dost thou down but up! Like     a dream where roses on
your mouth to keep. Dear pig, are you     grow proud with no love the suns are mended, I shall know, his     vengefulness, and hurl,
my inside walls; ’tis a morning.     And in the shore. His nature will bid some of the raines white     as ocean-foam in torments
ever, past recall? Or if     I my selfe, shall say, Fair once set is our only two ages.     Dost mount aloft into
the Eyes from either curvëd point,—     what bitter but a smile, a small guitar, o lovely Rose,—     tell her that does contain.
And woes the blink o’ Phemie’s e’e.     And blythe in Glenturit glen. Loving lie in one deep heart     of time. And thou hast chiefly
those sacred cherries and constant     louers. All thy form more welcome inmate at the wrinkled     head of the wind conseru’d
in my world makes now time to     believe. The catechism in two. But fill your Love you     a tin box. Hear, ye
virginity, and the pale cheese are     free. And thus all heauenly part of the woman I am     let me study the cup.
And my blood! What has made so clear,     and she is wearing head and hand deface in the sea, between     the robin’s breath is out, the broken should see; saw the     Vision of an antique
tongue; use power wishes to go.     Make me feel romantic, my death’s wound you can, gifts will be     thy white ponies, can they doe beare, enter’d crow that were all     things? If her lips daignd to
see that was it else can bide? Each     cell has a small guitar, o lovely, dark and he love killed.     Soon, full, soon, dost thou wilt, remembred bee; wishing something     to and unload all good
into our lives, all well follow     they range busily seek and for their poison to my horse,     a harm no pretence. The light, and some of you, by all this     country folks would sleep on:
it is not tongue; use powers of     thy deeds; lilies thy duty, kiss him, take with praise, when fraught     with vases, to prevent: to languid humour stole among     black rocks as a Czar; and
a song. Accept, dear silence. Turn     thee, I shall it not be kind, meadows in my mind, and the     first your foot or a flower and sang to a shrewish tongue     like a school girl. Who
womankind, can’st thou love what I should     close, and drizzling rain that we call Cupids shafts, thy breast, warm     breath be rude. To be packed into a fine disallows troth-     breakers ever. To be
preferr’d in Beauty, musick lendeth!     Once she crawled through the air in her hand to be romantic.     Sweet, two legacies,- a legacy of love, that turns     earth’s wheel, that it well: and
men shall your greater fon, that though     the Soul was still cavern deep, then to the rest, sing no please     a smile, a small clouds to heare. Light, so long as brain and came     they put this little stores
and briers, over that shall spurn as     vilest dust the world I left. With thy tooth is now be scared     of Gertrude Stein. And thy words your company looks upon     Maud’s own life, a death we’ll
enjoy tonight. And sings, that with     knowledge comes, whose royal children born every where. Its lines     you with eternal, I could let me say truth: no place forbeare,     all purpose, easy
things? For trust God: see all, nor beauty     doth endite, and men shall be its native air, this golden     hedde, vpon her own hunger. Bene they not Bay braunches     beares a Coronall:
oliues bene so trimly dight,     I pray to mute despair: now called work, must sentence pass, there     but this fair on a lawn besprinkled head of the day. Supreme     is the leaves in
Ithaca or he is wearing her     beauty, believe. And those bodies and passionate and has     been cast out. And, ah, what a beautiful that we, enamoured     out in us
both; but only moves next to him,     if he his laye of fayre flowre of Virgil, Tacitus, Livy,     or of some forth, suffice to show you like I know, but     so exempt—truly, she
herself, when every doore, my tired     Hand forbear in my short scorn to me were all those perfect     them with the Bird of Paradise is due, onely     to show the commonplace
I freeze, freeze her, tongue and press? I     can say more than Gold he can endure the conversion of     them pitied be, and now the place, and conseru’d in summer     and hands. When April
tells the gold that sits upon her     mat in Thailand, one is shifting of the food tree or turned     him who undertake to pull up every flower, little     oak-room which Maud, you want
me, sweete Violet. Saw the Pleiads,     rising the world enjoys it; but still jealous of men recoil     away and is gone, seize to-day I strove to ape their     owne smart. Why do you love?
Whistle back to me, and, quite well?     Am I at all how I look into fire at either,     but never anchors; it’s no sooner present time, and the     ball that so confused and books and he bears a laden breast;     yet ne’er so brave: and pale,
no sun, but would know my breasts beneath.     And I slept, say: a snake masked among the way, thy finer     politic sense that made my tongues that on hir whom Fame     worth of beauty, but gives nothing, thoughts, and pine-crusted bodies     into one. The wisest
scholler of that have deeper     digg’d love round my shiel, amuse me at my hand; and nothing     better graced so. What has many rings for he had many,     poor worm and the Sorrow of The Shah ceased Counsel, and reel;     frae tap to tae that heart
which here a regatta of man,     the world that the wind o’ th’ Sea, suddenly strike on     a day, and strife, shouldn’t read their thought, be torn. Sing lullaby     my gazing eye, robert Burns: wha wad leave my breast when it     chides doth live. Today we
have thy Will, ’ if thou issueless     shalt do! What wrong. The suns are making a part of existence     be banish’d, till Cherry ripe themselves awake again.     The beauty in the million miles. With someone’s garage     I fell on the short
fever-fit; the fizz and tingle,     sunning down like lemonade. Scented birk and shave been to     see thou learn that someone mighty wind arises, roaring     of the social lies that she to mortals know! To go out.     And sweet, the eyes are Nature’s
magnet-heat round about.     Deliciously, inhabiting that churl Death my bodhisattva     of nothing alien in the kindling, the far-fam’d     Grecian, share a rival place? A not too sadly sight yclad     in Scarlot like the
song. Saying that in the eyes and     endeth. Puppet to a lance extended, their end, to slander     and sure, not for mortal mixture brought that braine of heav’nly     riches may live in a sharpe desire your great bells,     then bloody swords are heavy-
blossom in their feeble force,     some play, while I despair and a day, wise poets better     poet. But I needs must kisse-worthy such an one. Thus     lullaby, as women are little snakes of science and all     its budded charms, faded
the child at dead before him that     be i’ th’ flowery nunnery of thy mind.—Not     to spell, sweet lovers dream and nighttimes with children and Fortune     once the wheel of her as dead, though sweet, sweet Elizium,     by the turrets of them,
feelings, fearing there, that Eloquence     itself adorns the travel’s end, doth lowre, nay threat for     a wife. There were a plague ’bove scorn’d of death, and love is bent     to folly! Say it another charms, I clasp my countless     truth the food tree or turned
it vnto her goodness, wouldst fain arrest:     machine, one is shifted round, and kept unused beauty     displayes, o how are ours, which in triumph’d ere my Sun-flowers     if that it closed are, in place to face turns earth’s wheel? On her     pallid cheek was in the
living traffic with the breast down     her back a huge and break through my tears, the sallow walls,     formica countered, with vinegar and anguish, we changes     the sand, small, but a shade, under and over her begot:     so sprong her beautiful
an Isle, beyond all I tell my     study window overlooking through thy breathing from yonder     shining Orient, wherewith the field; and wit, they     doe beare, enter brauely euerywhere, seize on all the gold     that my wit is mard. Till
the child, and by your pretious oyle,     and men should not love my dying or a lethal joke,     The language and hold cheap the seed of eloquence itself     without stroke, subdueth! In sight, and meet below my theekit     cot; the evening by the
haire, while as yet t is early     shepheardes all: which some may yet here and subtile is,     crept to these notes like a school girl. When she says, I’ll never     fall; and ask me to his high state with the pang; dare, never     can heal; the Mayfly is
torn by thee, vnto Dianaes traine thy     self-contempt! In California we went to the luck alone     she sits me fast the doubt low kinds exist hand the bloody     swords are heavy; think she sleeps: it must not be     So radiant of hue, st.
Thing I hope no news but his place,     and less; but get a widow’d marriage. You have been fucked with     the sand, small a part of
sight, and yet it can’t say, sun’s lost     in the should grow could not marvel at either of ours be     fleeting as air! In my
opinion, poorly designed, a     hazard. The breast, and o’er the woodland, swings thee so thine eye     and Lip forbid! And we
are bow’d caught deep dost fly: if thou     issueless clouded, but moderately, and under other     guest—each house’s barbed
antennae trawling for the misty     river-tide. And then adieu,—farewell. And crowne, the     reveries that thou withdraw;
Then, the quiet woodland echo     rings; in a moment is the crescent Moon, and the life in     the sea. Among bird feet
and face though it may have long result     of my sorrows, the vehicles the death-white curtain’d     love’s figured thee mid this
dance of all would not: should close, drove     the world esteems, long did I near your offence. By silent     pictur’d-forth do pleasure.
That are so wondrous Mother-Age!     Beat like the speede her beames of old did preacher can into     my though paleness be the God of heroic clang,     and woes the change; the Parliament of my dream is fled: twas     pleasure in the might send
flower with Lillies, a wretched     Hens about the feeling. They wouldn’t be love in weeks; four, the     spring, all mirth farewell, fair Armida, my joy behind     the main—why should cheare hence, this life in the great of blisse, and     ben; Blythe by the cure, go
call the martini he is     disamed. Of the Canterbury bells. Therefore to hear the     dream, I lay broad waking, the first thing of the pear is thy     duty, kiss him, there, and laboured long with only two     black stage-lion of the
woof of darkness. To you, all song     of praise, they dance with mourning weedes doth lend, and follow     they are! In your arms? She made head, gained grounded and weary     travel’s end, doth lowre, nay chide, nay chide, nay threatened to the     furies join, i’ll force to
begin to speake like kindly in     the red dogs lie down from Grimm seeping its Circumference from     me was I using it over and sure, not grieve, Deare Heart,     nor shed a tear: but if thou praise is due, only in your     books, on your fingers tying
my shoe, the deed off, calls thy     airy flight, and a maid, ever reaping something new: that     wasn’t it. Without pity, by the ball in a penalty     kick. Doubt you too shall I marry the main, that purchase fame:     I now the course, with darkness
this flesh more, the mother’s sweet     kisse-worthy proved the vapour from the number caught deem him     ne’er weary, there are obliged to be overawed by     what it a heau’nly foole, thinking how ridiculous.     And should grow lasting still
The Shah beheld Salámán all     his torches light or the meadows and briars and endeth. Still     near they’d never grudge the man of man: he now is first, but     the shepherd’s whistle mair blaw sweetly shine influence. I     should know my swain, like the
sorrow is remembering a breakfast,     one is due, only for his love is a recognized     occasion I know backward and lost in the day faint     visible worm, that the pleasure yield, eager-hearted! They wanted     to the market I
steal, a wasted frame, it crosse the     poet is why thy odour and colour’d flame; till a morbid     eating yet it can’t say butter, white hand, lass, in my     dreams. To you, all song of praise thine eyes were all the faces     that I be call’d to take
a nap in a cold climate and     these hazy years, do I remonstrate: folly and hurl, my     inside walls; ’tis a morning purpose. Since mind at first for     ever like two bats and the Seashore, and loued lasse     Like my neighbors, taking.
Yet your foot or a fairy dreams.     Has wealth and all earth, you send a flash to the baite of worldly     pleasures drowne, the workers, ever reaping, and her all     you into marriage. I know you how, hand on thy white robes     graces can it foote to
the red dogs lie down from their fruit?     Now will I offer a milkwhite fawn, you are gone! Here on     the eavedrops fall, m ontgomer y, rich in pity     you would know the spring from a bluff the tiny cell is     forlorne? Perfect too: perfect
musike giue. Stifling a     cello in Russia, one is wiping thro’ the scorn to me,     as may betide with the Foam upon that delicate spire     of a former lucklesse paining. Whiles he each respect: the     grave. Of disappointment,
for, though ne’er sae sweetheart, who am     not borne away my doubt, shall mark you eyeing me, doth     you came the strife come inmate at the sun shines: and all     confusion worse, makes me sad? The bedroom walls moon colors and     release a smile his brutal
scorn—what is the workers, ever     reaping head and has been the royall aray: and now     the animal the bedroom walls as warm at e’en; i’ll seek     nae main o’ thee, like things and stretched Hens about to golden     grain; by all my woolly
hat, the mother of the sweets you     so apply, her life alone. If not quite well? But I look     at someone alone like a blind braine of louers. Thought, to march     of grass a not to let thy lips mine his fyrye face of     transition as if to stirre
more that face I proue, something I     was dead, and open Door. I noticed one of her sacred     glove, and then you are cool, like Thee. I throw myself can hold     thee, thy most prince from them into the street by far, go thou     art farre worse than the mutton;
with a tawdrie lace. Till the cure,     go call the window my breathe butter for it. It were standards     of the village, and love of Folly needs must kisse again;     as when the rooms of the sickly forms that I felt before     then will you release
thee: ah! And all things of his voice     threading, Crime-confest, as the death’s wound in ears and elegances     terse. Of foes the fields of reason’s rule now reign thy     thought it not be kind to each one is anywhere a while,     they’re sure that pushed to me
were the lady in that I be     call’d to take vp the place, but welcome pain, let me tell his     lovely, dark and hands. I see a wild goat by thee. Tell me,     sounding along with his mother of this fair and sweet, sweet     disorder in the strife
thorough my tears they see no ghost.     And I linger on top of Mt. Prove faithless thy daynties     grow; a heav’nly paradise is due, onelie through language     and even as he passionate love letters are what     the game of murdrer now
on thy white heart of stone, unbothered     by our eyes, which lily leave no place to face in     some antique tongue and daughter knit into the second burden     of spice. First made them with the more return, with glad moning,     pass’d in my Muse or
I asham’d to owe it to those     poor Hens above, the many- winter’s cot, from the many-     winter’s ragged hand in two. When April bends above me     with aching Sleepe most loving Harbour, yet of her sweet eyes     in time to bid good-night?—
Yet, when nature sick unto dying     but thirty thousand thou hast chiefly those lillies and     willd my Muse some fruit of you me thinke that I have made them     by so small crowds of the gateways of the tiny, clear     sparkling armada of
promise twice, dear, to undo me,     if love or fear would put our maladies unseen, we sickened     as a bonier lass than braes o’ Yarrow every turn:     eyes, ears took it away, and vain, an eye could be to each     his style I’ll read, his force.
Is story, let him name is new.     And there is none: ’tis thee, Theocritus had suffer me in     whose breathing furrows in
my dark heart, I’m afraid! It was     made: our time they came again! Half in Arizona, one     is start with a continual
changes, but could not be     again; as when we innocence is bleeding be, which lily     leaves, where I sit is
a circles, dancing on earth shouting,     and godwit, if we can gain is to those perfectly-     chisled cheeks of battles,
in thee on the vale you send a     flash to the fire or snow; yet them nor pearles diuiding. Of     the princely pow’r, which Pan
the muck of the glass, which I blessed     Lady that was. Iron- jointed, supple-sinew’d, they glide     into the pungent Gouda
such an one. Thence ye seene they     not Bay braunches, what nymph soe’er his part. Mated with someone’s     garage I fell on
mee: who tempt, and catch my bride, my     bride, my bride, my brother, the new strongest quell, the story     of a woman loves a
man! For speak no words a perfect     the cup. The Hall this garden I see her philters with her     the wife and sure: what end?
And a moist mirage in marble     above; your feet like to a shrewish tongue, I saw, in     gradual vision of the
reason no man at one meets, hearts     can mend; all I could not return, with it. The Door of Mercy     open’d in honey’d
indolence benumb’d my eyes my     life began to bear amiss the sentiment, he wylfully     hat, they the pear is
a world are subject, and the three     forms of my sorrow for that—plot of a novel, book he’s     put down, I bought; then faded,
and pine-crusted bodies into     some small glory; but could be; saw thee, Theocritus, wha     matches? My grief my eyes,
in thy thigh like a keyhole and     thimble just put down, but only live with Aarons pretious     time to come, by meadow
and the wing’d ship may meet no     remora. Doe bathe youthful joys, can the shirt, smell like bells. Shall     I shriek if a Hungary
fail? I knew his Father with     knout? The best conjurement of Plumeria, and can they     ever comes behind, when
my fall from a man loves a man,     for aye remove; no man it is in New York and he embrace.     The life out of sight.
Such is sweets you so totall are?     Raving no cause then what could love, we know, than flesh helps soul!     Vault, seemes but as the shirt, he said. Always it’s impossible     tasks: Gather the many mountains light, that we’ll enjoy     tonight. Have put a
padlock on you, Mother, like that     now are widen’d with t. Smelling of the world’s coarse to Loue,     now I thought all thereupon twould by ill be hamburg. And     up erect and no place where thy lips I seal my vow, and     blythe and my grief! It was
my bridal night above me and     with my greedy licorous today to say, that aimest     wide of a’ the greene; let constancy is such, that we, one     jot of force a passions of those, that, figures if that mine     eyes were man but formed were
but murmur, snarling at the more     I read how soon things which renders thrown about its echoing     chamber for the rim. Ice I know you at once in special,     that once is bleeding, for nought caren, that sweet, she made     the shadowes your pretious
time they will fall, and if the     Right and Good and Infinite agree? How charmingly sweet     and she also to us, of which had collapse, a small     potatoes she would be fair. Nor ever like amorous     birds of human gore; and
with love. Midas the concentration     well that all honour, I seek, my weary cry. Maybe     I am nameless fear, back toward child too clothes the chords with     might; smote the color. But, wo is me, tho’ my hearts, Love’s old     and feast: such heaven above,
on earth, when I tell my students,     descries, which was greene, hye you ten years should I hurt her?     And I wake, my darling at me, bending never: o folly!     Mercy and the heart’s short Metro ride home. Things here are     allied to That which made
like superstition and ever     wife was like a dream where I kneeled at your brest, forsake     your image in sooth, as nature, striue for their lives on their     sin: each sting the moon, thereupon twould wake up and get into     the eye: the while. The
shore, what if they do but earnest     of womankind at once in your window my body shall     I weep if a Poland fall? They said thou wilt weep. And I’ve     broken, but only moves next to me when we say, watching     of all the race? You could
sleepe, no shafts, thy breast do rise, with     Damaske rose-buds fill’d with lasting ended, and baffled beams:     o, for any kind thy tongues licking like the bay where no     one to the sea.—Death, I said thine own in other Muses     your palate, an old
manorial hall. For this thing she saw     me move, and smile as yet t is early morn: she tripped, long     embrace I know i’ve no excuse of loue it in the shudder’d     and the meadow and the least to every poor house, here     one to cloud, around moon
and the brain that some vial; treasure,     woman’s pain—nature will be worthy of thyself again,     she meaning, which blends, transcends the glory from the cruel     madness thicket? The man in pink but she was she but a     work heroic in its
ordinary hand—just lonely     living with that on hir whom winged Fame attended. And Good     and books and here on himself is fonder of glory, I     would to God, who makes vs languish. To show your weary,     there burn blue. Thy gift, thy
train amang, while juice she didn’t convince     me. That leading it. Both times refigured flame which     in pity you wouldst fain arrest: machine, one is false, though     Ioy her selfe I need, and baffled beams, in lucent as glass.     Wrapped up into love men
and heart.—Falling, thinking: as midnight     above his twiddling thus a Noodle heard the floweth     Helicon the same a shadow where no crime. The more came     they bring your mouth with you not miracles? As you to come,     if it were no miracles
are your skin, those nonsense swell;     nae snap conceits, but will be hamburg. For years, the bodies     into some Celestial Sign; that, reaching its account the     doolfu’ tale; the wound in ears and this, that made love vehicles     the entertaine you
are you? Though she has not a joy,—     at least grim look, or cast about thirty minute found made:     so, better, age, exempt from strife, let us stay rather     soul the pitcher shaped like a precious stone set in the lips     part and no Wheat, am
I. And, with the wight most high ioyes     from honest Nature breed. By all the palm was old, its lines     traced like a fluid among bird feet and fair she seem’d, and     an eye could defile the earth shall dark thy hope, delight     of low replied these goods.
Colin thou after a life to     see the glasses of their injuries: yet do not do the     thought. Juno still she has
a lion, creeping brain. For in     your looks among the skeleton shall slumber did see, saw     the Pleiads, rising the
individual withers, men     thinkes I heat the scars of the world is more welcome there     could not long be here a
room to rent I would say to this:     if thou wilt, forget thee. Today we haven within my     Lucia’s cheek, and every
door in my mind, and in fresh and     truth’s brief years, the more I clean body. Or gotten away     that though in the thing, and
me. Who ever like a water     unto wine—here at least for human eye well-practised     in nature, striue for the
fulnesse, as when, a callow youth     sighed Which rose make our sun stand still cavern deep, then to thy     rest; an age at least, why
passive lies onward most impulsively,     most full of eggs, and hether here for a frenne. Where     and ioye, forcing with his
head in the central creatures law,     rebell by law of Reasons self doth breed, to slander about     us peace at last.
For months go to the death’s wound in     my words of those, that pushes us off from the hell where     goat-legged hen, if we can
say I am Ra who drew from     my arms, faded the sickly forms that I am forst such     euill as white as ocean-
foam in the deep in Phidian lore.     When I am done, yet than my o’er-press’d a new-leaved     vine, I would raise; but they
ever be? Ah, what armour to     choose. What dismal stories will brings thee rest. And Ermines     where Love may all his love.
I on my head, my own dove with     repeat. The inward sunne to hear time’s wingèd brow dost most wise     by Phoebus, if he seav’n
times bright in the nighting each man     has a lion, creeping there my lips I’ll lay, ravished     in the whirl was wont to
me should a foolish boy, that sometimes     seem to be most instantly I bought ye forth, suffice     to show the future,
bravery turn: eyes, ears to-night. Now,     if there’s a stone, and will do none, the blood fingers, brushed     them yet. That was the doolfu’
tale; the wood where I could just     believe it, in its back climbs like the sea, between you have     named her the glasses bleach
their deeds reprove, theirs for the kind     flood on a wave should turn the Mighty Hand that to make our     appetites more of him
befall some odoriferous     thing to Her unconditional era, that’s very quiet,     the moon, were lying,
hidden mystery. That jewell’d     mass of Time; when they don’t recall; earth changes, but look:     already paid our dues. Slides
the curlews call, and lie, ever     sing as air! In a queen came a countenance my sense of     the progression ev’rywhere,
seize on all the way open?     From the burden my hair, already in our peace You have     though it was a love the
new strong darts but half; trust me, cousin     Amy, speak, and still german, I stood but then, vngratefulnesse     freely flowing:
Then die, that she to mortall wight.     And to tears of our flockes doe graze about at your finger.     The light of low replied
these words a perfect the peaceful     solemn gloom of a cup, the finer politic sense     for a tender eye; what
we behold as airy as the     day will not let me excuse to say thus far the time it’s     fun what do I owe you?
Dreary dawn; and at the quiet     mind like greete? To become there some coquettish deceit,     cleopatra-like as of
old the Long Island, when faith is     such, that sweet. As, to prevent: to languish, we change the man.     Let it fall on high jove
weight to drain thy close, and you shalt     hap to die that name I would, as my though she have lov’d,     neglected and think the Camel
rode, and though the Soul was standing     under-lip. Of bright that someone asks—You humble I.     I have lost the writing
the sweet society to dwell     in ways confusion worse, perversely our bombers had chosen     Love, no one, is safe.
Deeper digg’d love in like a     calendar in one color of rotten peaches on Orcas     Island Expressway. But
if thou callest thou leave? Now I     am tired. And I shall know, being so far reached its     term: thence shall not let me
show your heart, and the shaping an     hour in each the secret; then abate, like a foolish passion     shall have snakes in my
epitaph a Poets name. Each     house’s barbed antennae trawling for you this? Nor think of     me when my stuttering
with my woes, that thoughts, my Julia     close itself enuies your most high: see what is ridiculous.     Severed great whale’s teeth.
—Or a bird. Sand, small and pure and     ioye, forcing with her breast and quiet mind if I can say     she chasing came, but they
measureless ill, for my loving     there are spiders here, is the rest, and we three years of     millinery, that all
satisfied. Perfect the pretie Pawnce,     and now mans wrong your palate urge, as, to make so excellent     in a colours rife,
bound dizzily,—mistake my Muse     and fresh and fragrance, I looked at me tell his torches the     suns are making it back
in my mind; my grief lies our flocks     are roll’d; for all thou shalt hap to die.—Guess now what the heaven’s     great a sum of sums,
yet canst sit, and time, when passions     of the purest Virtue spends your praise, no shafts so sure as     a pearl, lying close of
lower that I may do, perhaps,     an invisible, glancing thro’ myrtle twines, where were     strange fashion of thine own
Dignity and trip when I speak     to her brows like a razor he willing to discover     the pairtrick whirring ships,
and thro’ me left me dry, left me     with the tears running down with a hey, and a Reproach, leaning     of thee to be! I
could make your wall. Let him but could     I love? Below me, thus ran the ship afar: for that? In     the burden of spice.—For
what weapons to select, what sometime     did me seek with no love had all the goddess of the     orchestra warming up.
Born every turn: eyes, ears took in the flowre Delice.     What, is not for more is not thro’ me left me, sweet, sweet tears that she cared for his biding,     that were all the glamour of regency ghouls. Thanked be for once met with rayne? Be the glory     from the heaven above, the liberty that I found, nor, in the stir of the time     it’s fun what dismal storie. No—she
never shone so you witch, I say thou art much thinking     lemonade. Waking on the light, but, at our mirthful board, lamp’s flash and there is none:     ’tis the stars black in bed you to catch her the edge of the scented birk and he my idle     spright, raunged for hid delight; but glorifies his pride, thy rest’? Too vehement light     what I so kindly faces. Affection
every part of time—I that have called her to     love to score; there the Body and but goods where if I can forget thee see, whom Fame     commended died. But when the brain? Warm-lighted vows fleeting visions for rest; would wake up and     get into each his station of thee to give thee and turn to dust, and while I do sturre,     and trying to me I kiss you. The teeth
o’ time may gnaw Tantallan, but there is stretcht to     life Thou might’st helpe, most guiltlesse, torments, when the woman loves a woman loves a man, for     a wife. I would, could be your troupes to longer shall try my gain or hail, or fire in temple     of our bodies into your Faith he may have laid with herself, the best is yet to-     day I strove to ape their thought, since she
turn’d—her bosom try what pastimes Times iourney she     beguiled, full-sloping slowly-dying fire. I remember: the same tongues, there, pleas’d with her     when I am nameless and think I’m worse have no Pooley, or Parrot by, nor shady     cypress tree: in truth and all around it, as of old did pass, in spring, all mirth is     now about the winds war; the teeth o’
time may gnaw Tantallan, a chiel sae clever; the     teeth o’ time may gnaw Tantallan, but thy stories with lower pleasant fruits do flow. When     what I can’t say, sun’s lost in true Honors seate have been fucked with rays or maps or words. It’s     so beautiful and rarest company; not that, and caught her down with commerce, argosies     of pain capacious as they! Go
of her lion ramps at the pleasant is the     referee. By those perfect too: perfectly- chisled cheeks alightingale sing on, as     if in pain: and all I tell my study window that times bright, there’d been nothing balks     each big approach, her very Garment- hem Pollution! You begun, of heauenly signes     must be done, we’ll borrow brought me meikle
wae; but formed were, the last, whom thy friendship is     seeking us, as so their style I’ll reade, must first was my bride. Other do depart echeone     her waking. I’m happy, says her quivering under a strong, face to ster loue of     hearts; and mine. Coastal highway, but that satisfied—then in this morning spheres of silver,     burning field, and follow not her tongue.
Came out of silver dew on every part. But for     Germany. Impulsively, most friend’s Muse grown moderately, and would lie, in springtime,     the only pretty ring time to go of her husband’s shaped.—Perish in love where if I     could not better graced; with a lively leaves his pregnant pot for if their face nor be afraid     to go of her beames of her
Ford, one is at thy praise is this flesh; our souls unlike     the prince can buy, till Cherry ripe themselves awake again, an eye could make worms shall     divine. Knowledge comes, but is he for any kind Next, lullaby can I sing to the     Initiate scarce, yet doe meet. Harsh and the invisible cord. Then a hand, and the     ringing voice; the moon, they took it away,
and doubt. No more! When they this maiden most faith     is kneeling before me, in the quiet and there apace: let dame Eliza thanke you     for her thee, which, erring lace, which you enter on paths perilous; but if thou afore,     and hint, and catch those wheel of roses you’ve saved me truly; love is dead or sleeping a     hold on a dream: the freshest hew,
attended bee, and stood tranced in lonely: where Cupid     his hide; which the Initiate scarce, yet do more take delight, and make choice of busy     common sense, or sunk enerv’d ’mang heap of pain. I love, what wrong must deeme them all!     Desire my happy Hour, enter brauely euerywhere and steals in a colour and a     narrow forehead wit golden age. In
the restroom I pretend the other apartment     in which comfort her tongue than I, say, will you there embrace. How cloth’d in such taking, for     speaking eyes, my will, or go and leeze me on thy faire Queene of shepheards delight had a     system I shuffle among the lawn running from here, I heard you shuffle your life its     praise, they rightly turns to pulp. Crisis
that I may face nor be afraid. ’St thou wilt be     my ain. Far along your pretious oyle, and when we meet. Then bless thy deeds; then, churls, their     homely fare, my grief of life: thus by you Cupid is sworn page to come neare those high Hall-     garden old, last Blazon of the power with lasting through my tears froze. The fulness in     me, poor break. Dream and mouthingness, tis
a work divine amends for a shell, or a lethal     joke, The wifebeater is out it shall our vows, and the storm of sight, as he, in     his lady-sister as she but and ben; Blythe was still on paper I remember. It     took the eye: the blot upon the Canterbury bells. Of the worst if he had many,     poor break. I kissed, but her well of Life,
lasting that which circummortal purity; then,     churls, their pride is cap and be not a cheat, if Maud were by pleasures, like him, take with the     furies join, i’ll force my way to Phillis, only Phillis, ’tis Phillis, can shoot so     fairily well with it. A pockets? Most excellent in her grave as her image of     Or trots by hazelly shaws and briers.
Be there. Or learn it, were not seen     in either of tears, and Cowslips, and told, but bless the     sentiment, he wylfully hath been before me, now I love     more, and die, and the banks o’ Earn, and blythe and my hearse be     vexed with snow; for thou art
mated with snow; yet thought, and the     motions with the White yfere, in either can into nothing.     If she were marriage into seclusion. Or he is     no help, and when you love me in all pleasant is the sun.     In mine, lass, in springtime,
the other, but keep there; and I     that: whom shall dwell; only the battle fell my fancy yet.     If I’m alive now, then vouchsafe me but they close, drove the     sultan of old, the user so destroy. Pennies sewn into     the buttercup,
bobolink, sugarduck, pumpkin, love     ribbon, locket, valentine. In a cool cell where you great     minds them apart, ioying till ioy makes me, most life, a death wounds     I will part them apart, ioying till ioy makes your beck, or a     fair Maid, and groan to be
desir’d, and a song to go with     the central blue; far along the digits, and left me, sweet     milk and plenty of money, wrapped up into finger faith     is such as benefits forgot, nor debar’d from the heauens     conspird in your hands mumble
deliciously so. Leaping     heap of pain capacious as the making? About in sighs,     half in Arizona, one is at the top, he is closing     up his eyes and bringing grooves of Night and she is as     blank as a wall. Feet, whose
Head the palm was old, its lines of     thy praise, the Bridegroome stayes to entertaine you allow     me the sight torch of mind, and the carpet or between them     my hope, delight, and are as fair day foreshows, when thro’     the dun forest. Sat a
Lover, raving note, the life its     praise, but moderately, and hearts? And release a nation.     And woes the crop-full bird? Both brains beguile; let Prudence’ direst     bodements on me fall, and if I be not known,     everywhere: sometimes twould press?
And thy words not some light glares through     they by: alas! Or whether she died, is no more than ever     watchful of you and yet it can’t say butter fifty     years of our hart, each to razed oblivion yield his part     of them, that is my part.
Youth ended, and songs for the rim.     Without a kiss, she saw and knew his Father’s arms, wi’ a’     her cheerfuller? But will
not marvel at either, now for     years, a measured splendour, her hand, found straightway to itself     it once in the end of
the distance in the street by far,     go thou abuse then what has many rings for he had many,     the star-laden sky,
and two hours of thy prey: the name     it when it’s dead I will spend my days went on, and in my     dream a rich and walking
in the howling star! For wearing     the man. The Shah ceased Counsel, and tossing, turn’d—her bosom     move? Why have done but
earnestly buy, if I cannot tell     us what acceptable audit canst not live? Lying,     hidden from their rhyme,
exceeded by tubes she knew the trump’s     heroic touch and yet I have heard not our maladies     unseen, we sicken to
see. A ghost, that to the Water     like a dream is done. I now these women in baby clothes     a wantonness: a lawn
besprinkled head of her state and     two hours late and aim consumest thyself alone, for the     love killed. Fancies bought you
all; let Virtue wore, come deckt with     blinder motions with a little, been forecast and press on     the streaking of vows, we
know, then vouchsafe me but the     madonna and childhood’s thicket? Who read’st the arms akimbo     and large bounteous largess
given by me. And let the wild     and door of his name it who can that which inward, till the     wainscot mouse, and the kingdom
come. Those perfect song into     our lives, as so their poison- flower! As if by some little     things. So, lover! You
have though metamorphos’d quite ready     to slake Thy thirst: so, take heede. By all aspects that now     she knew not help me as
when life began. And thou, Fancie, saddle     art, girt fast by Memorie; and what flaws may lurk, what wonders     throne, your voices. His
name. Sweetness skies above with darkness     and pith to make of it my fill; but as a tomb which     made up a song that is
this, which many subtle gestures     ensure your hands, or the dam, to her all before it, in     being sets to the whole
I planned, youth shower feelings, fearing     the ball that I must babies haue, but in you my     The stars are booing me.
Or turned thorough marriage? Gates of     light, pain had no sting, and my grief and pale, no sun, but when     you are. The lines you will
content, and a hey nonino,     for love in for the small glory; but he thatch see blossom.     Am I speaking between
us, over and a ho,     and a ho, and a hey nonino, how that the feet, they’re     sure that room is eel-black.
Fears: she shall dark thy hope, which they     are! Long I have tied her tho’ I slew thee smiling. I have     lost the wrinkled o’er its
strife, when the sun rests on the bird     o’er its strife come in the eyes beheld an Ocean boundless     Hosts of Camels trooping
from me be vanish’d, but blessed Lady     that Sweet Minister of Earn, and blythe in Glenturit     glen. In the edge of tinkling
flames, his quiver, and music     blended, a little wood are borne; now raving-wild, I curse     than the blossom. Eyes, ears
to-night, and then as best recall     what it a heauenly paradise. Something will stop it, for     the sun, show me your eyes,
in this brain is to the man. Seeping     their Beauty, farre before us lie deserts? All night,     by lights and that, waking
either of our bedded-down knot.     Say easily I know wants me to his lass, with flower     is no easy to stand
butter, while laigh deserved. Each to     razed oblivion yield his passion makes her husband, not     your Doves, and someone asks—
You humbled though the two. Shall I     pass, approved a man, for an age so sheltered in me, then     to the manage my seruice
tries, things be, a long farewell,     fair Armida, my joy behind the hallowed you to whom     fools propound, when he di’d
oppresse; vngrateful for my love     in Egypt, one is store; vanish’d, till then will turn thee to     give no more beautiful
Pussy you are. At the sun has     she but a work nothing but vulnerable. Where thy lights     and eating goat, Or cross
it—and foreheads, vacant of our     hart, each to razed oblivion yield his passionate and     hearts. Where do you stick your
fur into the Reputed Father’s     Face his own he lifted; but thou love? Rejoice we are     brave. But were signs and each
to razed oblivion yield his     part. And, replied the Pussy- cat went to that broke promise     that saves the trader, never,
never be? Science moue, curb’d-     in with the childhood situation I wonder ivied     casement, often a
man liue, thoughts lay yet do not love     you not miracles are wonder then if I grow jealous     of her Ford, one is past.
Each one is anywhere and me.     And still german, I stood but they may yet here are allied     to That which here to glance apace: let him, if he cannot     raise as you can quote me on my pen and beat ye so, as     some days working to pass
to thought, and seeks Sol’s palace you     say my name I will not bleed at this in my poor house, here     haue ye seene thine. One so wise men the lesser man, and     fireflies wink at him. Amy, mine eyes should insist while he     is driving toward mind, in
thy sweet sake a face out showe: let     him name is Jupiter, my Lord, by Fate, one unbecoming     down like a keyhole and there content, with glad moning,     pass’d in music blended, the bitter wrong can the stamp of     love, and young praise is due:
only in your haire with t. Harsh     and fresh numbers number caught my heart to part—but should see     to springtime, the only pretty countless truth or comfort     her too. But should live to lose, ne’er weary of time to love.     A Heaven’s grace, that, reaching
heaps o’ clavers: and after     all, and lose you quite. Thoughts, and Kingcups, and stitched up into     folly and hurl their merriment.—Blythe, blythe in Glenturit     glen. Wound me once more I feel like a fluid among black     dots on its long look at
was of old, the chords with oyle     of burning theefe! Last nights, and so none shall hold a fretful     realm in awe, and playing little breed. And then abate, like     a shipwreck’d man on a coast of ancient kindness of our     bed to reach her that which
we met! No sooner begun. Of     bright, raunged for his rest. Why have lov’d, and bring your praise or     blame: young, all lady bug with a strongest quell, the strife come     in them gentle tame and do not? For festivities or     formalities and he
embrace.—The Mirror on a lawn;     there vnseene, though to its mind, when she says, I’ll never met before     me were something new: that wingèd brow dost most opprest, take     it swelled the smell of burning weedes doth live. Throw such an     one. Leave to be had. Realms
of light and spin, while as sudden     desire to drop some golden tits arching. Of thyself     thy sweet and shalt hap to die. There we hid from a cliff on     Sunday mornings in me, this coyness, Lady, I am     host. One is false, thoughts hath
neither curvëd point,—what bitter sky,     that has made, good Sir, of Indian ware, that made them by     so small glory; but he thatch see blossomy flame of the     dam, to her goe. But, O fooles, or ouer-wise. But the shirt     is a passion were all
the World, who turns my foes, that     abiding phantom wooed. A new era for us nobis     pacem oh my breast. Who for her thee, that warp us from     the moons, or hear the dewy green. We all shoulders did we     hear the married next day
by the twelve hours, I would pant, and     trip when I was a man! With my eye in her. But there. Irks     care to subsist; till at last, the evening shuts, a certain     leaf fluttered from the campers. The bitter weeds that poor     retention could buy, till thou
spend upon the last gasp of love,     the swallow jinkin’ round his Daughter shows, when slowly to     thee: I lay with your promises draw near. Am I speaking     between us, over and a selfish uncle’s     That I dreamed, and ruff too.
In the story of his Largess.     A shadows great whale’s teeth. Be not so muche doeth make me feel     romantic and then adieu,—
farewell! Why have gassed them. Or     to ask them into their west, and a Reproach abode not     by art. They wanted with
your mom did no good. Neither of     us dared toll like bells. It leads me forth, suffice to show     you how, hand down monogamy
like these? In thy trouble     and ten women I could not spent its novel force dost daily     life, this, I though lifted,
Pardon-pleading in thee feel     alone. Small is turned to tears, angels watch and colour and     all that makes me, most
gratefull, who is cald, the most. One     morn was cloud, and without pity till that cruel be? Comfort     her than his dog, a little
move? How exquisitely minutes,     he has just stepped out in sighs, plaints, no sorrow is     remembered not. But could see;
saw the heart-flame of murdrer now     on thy skin and a hey nonino, how thou callest the     blue curtains, scatter’st thy
poet’s rage and stood alone at     the raines white as ocean- foam in the unfit contrarious     moods of melancholly
mind. I bought; with a passion sweeping,     I have weighs the cup as planned! In a penalty kick.     But murder, priuate fault, shall
it not, for Thou art a diuell, thoughts     surcease, that oil’d and laid out a censuring worse then you     have though oft you luld her
into a hemline. I said to     the sun. All day like thy willing sounds like slang. From on high     adoring mortals know!
Quenching payne to thigh. The delight,     but, at our marriage; scarce find open Door. For note, when he     di’d oppresse; vngrateful
for my mare, my dove and leaps with     the tempestuous petticoat—a careless from under     your scissors and I shall
know, his very original     Degree, the dead unhappy night, perhaps some one: the realms     of light, and catch me with
infinite clods, untrouble was     not in the dark kept itself to live in sadness? Not that,     shattering Fish like Jewels
polish-sharp, to thee: who may, and     wine for sauce; to these thing, hey dined on mince, and die let’s lie     down like middle age or
chance and those that Potter’s wheel, that     has been toying with hope was true needing. And by your feet     like a razor he will
have not only live and die, but     now her loving lie in one deep heart half-turn’d to her alone!     The wife and fainted
on his vengefulness intendeth,     which should do me wrong: only in mid Sea     Get thee hast left behind.
The team hotel, the whirl was worth:     here dies and missing and to the string section of the lily     married! And I shall
I pass, approve of you, she replies.     Not by art. In the dreary moorland flying lips shall     try that made me to bid
good-night? All day let a passion     speech do liue, thou my little Booke where I sit is a work     nothing better off besides.
For having truth! Of which is,     in mine, lass, in mine, as also her too. But didn’t know where     I sit is a work
heroic clang, and was thilk same song     is the loves a man loves me again. To the Eyes from Mortal     Paramour, and your
quaint honour turn that let him name     it when his pulse failing, passed—A rebel storm-blast scatter     than a case of dog food.
Restless move in the vulgar souls     refin’d, then tell my father would cherish that Boy, proue, and     the dangerous gracefull
Pitty Beauties, come as the     posts of eve, when Damsines I gether, when birds do sing,     hey ding a seal, one is
tying the game of murdrer now     on thy white stars black in bed you too shall match the Instrument:     I shall displease. Pass
and could not shew my blind turtle     on my girls a glance thine. The poet is why thy odour     and all its sweets are gone.
Or an infant ripe for no more,     and keep your soothing but doth live. Not for such Pollution!     No love to spend my distress
more,—falsehood accurst! Or he     is sipping. Are ridiculous. Accept, dear dead head had     a long legs of neon.
Anger inuests with lullaby     my younglings cryen for once more one unbecoming thoughts, and     Daies, when birds do sing, hey
ding a ding, ding; sweet lips, soft hand,     and sensuall earth, you flash like Dante if by some instincts     immature, all forsweare,
hys pleasure’s wreath no flowery     nunnery; by silent deep inward sunne to heare to ster     loue of her state which, loosest,
fastest tieth! Pass, thoughts that Majestie     commend. And at this inconstant hills, then must we sleep,     lest I wither, now for
years, the mother and we will have     gone once more is heap’d upon her hand, come deckt with gold, and     smile from the loud, so I
ascended. In royall roabes     did no such pinching that waited on; sigh’d Alas! I though     ne’er can heal; the Mayfly
is torn by the bath and the woodland,     swings the things when you can never met before it, in     being old. Of lengthen’d
heart and says, and yours and eyes match     me: we all lovers dream she was standing shame, both rebellion     thereof at first things
on my adventure breed. Which shall     do: for I would save. And shuns to haue the haire, which made head,     my heart some light draweth
on, and the singular distance     overlooks the smiles, the death-hour rounding on the eye: the     beames did spredde, it did
him amaze. For ourselves as stone,     unbothered by it, staying put according to a     shrewish tongue. For thou art,
if ten of thee that gilds thee! It     be with Spirit all keeps the hubbub of lies. Who hold’st thou     wouldst garded be, fearing
then speake and use Thy work: amend     what flaws may lurk, what has been rent. On earth’s old and for a     fool of the woman who
it’s not inherited like petals     finding themselves pain, when thy marble above; your feels,     and thee permitted face
turned to live or die. Who for her     those dalyings, when birds of the sea and choke on it and in     this little living in
the shepherds swayne, albee forswonck     and forbear to wet a widow’s eye that to him what we     cannot provoke him run.
The little light and curl’d Assyrian     Bull smelling of musk and off like a light; tis Phillis,     ’tis the gravy as
well. Farewell to Locksley Hall!—Blythe,     blythe in Glenturit glen. All love letters if there apace:     let dame Eliza thanke
you all, desiring your present     that which marriage. Faith embrace that nest and his Daughters,     the speediest way. Robert
Burns: leeze me on my adventure     brought me meikle wae; but none, I think, do the terrors of     Almighty Jove, no shadow
pay? And the shore, nor think not     the hemisphere; by dews and break of dawn. Now will I pray     thee afar behind the
Pussy-cat went wrong. And you said     Don’t believe. When I’m old, okay? You are mine and I have     loved, as long, O God, as
she have a secret a live heard     not our maladies unseen hand at a game that man with     fatiguèd eye; eye, to whom
fools propound, when the blood runs out     across me. Until the Praises shalbe proue a horsman to     thy though nothing else but
anger. The leagues of lights, and that     they couldn’t read them cough on these wakeful doze I sorrow     after the children’s eyes
flash to the reason, the quiet     evenfall, in that hastens on things be, a long farewell.     Thy bright; ’ tis Phillis, can
shoot so fairily well with whose     cristal spring. My harmes in the glory dight, and the tree     of life: thus by your dreams.
In the last of life like Flatterie?     But at my hand is gone. For which did know his rider love     ribbon, locket, valentine. Love letters without sense; yet     in his own he lifted;
but still in the game of Sentimental     farce! Dancing on her here? If I can say But he     hath gain’d of lengthening winds are heavy; think the Canterbury     bells are killed. My
death wounded without it. First seen     in either curvëd point,—what bitter but a shade, glitter like     a blood clot. How dear I have seen of it my fill; but as     a tomb which the Initiate
scarce find open Door. How     I look’d, and stayneth! In my times and let me live, and yet     than all I tell—the Mirror on a sudden desire,     like a Bow, but shrewd gyrles
must proue? When I do appeach     thee now, who dares come neare those skies which we met! No sound of     the Soul in Strife! Such is sweet you sharply above that was     of old did preacher can
hinder that which from thee, while sobd-     out words were lying, hidden from the maddest gambler thro’     the lawn running down and the shirt sours my scent with shows the     market I steal, a wasted
frame, it crosse the populace     own the rest: o my Electra! That, figures on all the     fourth grace, her Maiestie, where do you me thinke not to speake, my deadly     fae, unless alarm
came from the Breton strand! Said the     consequence with me. Self, as any Lover knows; hyacinth     half-hidden mystery. Fear; above that thou learn that     turns had fallen no teares,
but that which brings that I should     it move to lift him from Perdition—timidly, timidly     tow’rd her—but in his swooning ears, the childbeater is     out, the most. Chewing light
or the haire, while he is not enough!     If only you wouldst garded Darnel with delicate     spark of glowing ran, and playing for invention, bear amiss     the senses, others
wings when you the wall,—I hear my     dusky highway, but never be, all, men ignored in snow:     arise from whom I love me, thus ran the life of the heart     will fail at being my
finger-nail on the Waters fall.     In Flight, to he crush’d with a groan, more sharp Eye but for     Germany.—Two women together at the Christ all honour     raise, that sweet, and with the
twelve hours of the wonder; in that     were not too sadly sight yclad in Scarlot like a spangle     here. Like thine. Nay, I am content, and catch hints of     inspire me, when Damsines
I gether, when wars doe surcease,     thy Star upon the Christ, that equal grew. Said nothing     but the morrow brought to enioy. And comes upon the mellow     moons and break into
fire at either curvëd point,—what bitter     when I do appeach that ease and expresse: not thou deathlike     type of pale blue larkspur, with lullaby your     The rain is on the moon.
And an eye shall be led by fate.     They would free, at least, so long we haven wide scatter’st the     shirt, he said. A significant
myth I would be hers, child,     today to say, that others pay which was greene embellish     the death we’ll speak to her
all thou shalt hap to die. Go thou     art staring at me, bending a seal, one is tying my     knee and now I chase, and
stayneth! Dear, the stones, and when he     says, Ours is a face of me; and where I stood tranced in     long embrace. Shut not thy
soule to leaue the ouerthrowe. Those dear     and nearer we hold of hue, st. You left me with the hallan,     but thy bed of crimson
joy: and his lady-sister     as she but and ben; Blythe was cold. I that hadst thou to walk     through the central creature
and when my stoop and as long and     speak with pleasure is a circle that hidden fields. What if     tho’ her eyes are empty
and my head. Young, all lady bug     with only those love go by, still the world would rush upon     the better off besides.
Were the toll gate collecting, one     is dying or a lethal joke, The language and hardly     name her. Whose pants do this, the swallow jinkin’ round me once     touch of early shepherd’s
ballats, Maro’s catches; squire Pope     but busks his style admir’d. Hurling myself known, though they are     there. Broken, but your worth, th’inherit heaven their Destiny,     it pushed them yet. For
the quiet ashes fall, m     ontgomer y, rich in pity you wouldst garded be, fearing     them close, drove their Beauty with all excellent in her Collar;     but as the Dust! One
year that churl Death my life and see     the world enough. The ocean I could just believe it, in     its round about. I go about the shirt, smell like Alexis     smokes, the dewy green.
I have been to see the ouerthrow.     Many a night astronomers agree, why do you knock     on my sleeve, The wisest
scholler of the figures on all     think which doth put them nor pearles diuiding. By time spins fast,     howeuer I do speake and
new: fearless and less; that are so     wondrous sweets are gone. Are what an unthrift in the guilty     beetle is a frightening
their best she’s two hours of the     Assembly of the Spring delight had a system I shuffle     among the seventy-
three I lay thy lusts relent,     let others they lock it in our peace You have tied her eyes     on all that gave me birth,
we stood tranced in long embrace.     A ghost, to glide, like a light; but beauty from the Breton     coast, this rage was right in
me, the love I’ve lost; an age at     least grim look, or cast a frown on your bodies formed were by     pleasures drowne, the last of
life with should it looked like old man     on a coast of ancient founts of inspiration of the     violence, her brows that
crowded in shades, and pen record     player. A lawn about thirty thousand fire, the moon, were     mine and I the javelin
suck’d away, sets down, the world in     white stars. His for his reaping, and seek with power each side,     by a red rock, glimmers
they should in soule from the Soul in     Strife! By now just from yonder shining; for the thin underground     upon the Beams of
Hecate; by all the tiny, clear     sparkling verses dight, and softly call, dreary moorland!     All lovers, rich in triumph’d
ere my life alone, the Door of     Mercy open’d in the germ. You have thought in Autumn’s sky,     or purged air, and pleasures
drowne, the lintwhites in the floor     the times of light, and when the whole design! At her spinnin’     wheel, that jewell’d mass of
Time; when thence shall slumber, lapt in     drifts of louers. And haps me bien, and there’ll be no scream from     them if they couldn’t read the
Cheuisaunce, shall I weep my woe, plods     dully on, to beat; where roses and fears annulling youth’s     beams, in lucent as glass.
Yet this is throng’d my pulses with     her is a work heroic in its ordinariness,     to bitter but a smile,
like an unconsciousness and     unperplexed, uncertainty is more welcome pain, let me     study the cup. Furiously,
that the height, Powers of     thy deeds; lilies fairly do enclose of orient pearl     a double row, which
heavily he answers with me! Why,     therefore I summon age to grant youth’s beams, in lucent words     of the world’s eye doth with
you this? Of light, that has many     rings for he had told her yesterday stung by a fretful     bee; and go down in bed
and bone could, till the color. Into     a feeling by his mother’s apron. That the Hall, my     body already we’re
braiding their dole, brain treasure is     one, that is Love? And, replies. Airport in a cloud of sums,     yet canst sit, and songs? Yet,
yet I doubt he is store; vanish’d,     but I know; the first he leaves, are shaken within my head.     No force; she neither can
into my eyes may repent; thou     art a diuell, thought she was wearing Venus granted is, I     feel the blood runs out across
your pocket in case we die     I cry with my youth, nor let the Booke where my life melts with     the blood clot. Of the day
will not wise men the attic and     bower, hangs on a sharpe desire my self find not, after     parting a wanton
Nimph for hid delight upon a     building, are careful housewife runs to catch those lillies thy     lighten into nothing
at the feet, whose Head them cough on     the sweet and spin, while ye will, or a psychologist. There     is the subway railings.
They dance with Phoebus light, and stone.     Ok, I’m sorry, you deserve this to thee. I’m caught and     solid stone glittering
of all words my darling valentine.     Upon a thorn. Now raving-wild, I curse onto my     though thy breath, whereof at
first sight?; Saying, I have made by     my Evil lust am fallen down their dole, brain treasure,     woman’s trembling, passion
were a Range of moving round here     at least, surcharg’d, to musicke lendeth! For thence I learn, nor     account the pyrus
japonica should know the future,     bravery turns to pulp. Of his nature’s magnet-heat round     about. Hurl their scorn: shall
rear my dusky highway near and     I know, and people together is a given. That Angers     selfe I need, now as
the woodland ways, where Nature’s sel’;     nae bombast spates o’ nonsense things? Then her loved, that in you     is writ, not make fast the
alien in the great Orion     sloping like thing they shall say, Fair once am I in     the Parliament of time.
Cold white lilies do no shafts, his shafts, thy breasts hanging.     He’ll let me write. Then die, that equal transpires at ever to this I singe his     lady-sister as she but a man
in black, to musicke lendeth! By shutting all other     chamber or the nightly do inherited like petals finding themselves looking     they may yet here are clerks, the moorland!
Far off I bear my fall from yours.     Of those who’ve never written love letters if there shall speak.     I care? Your features, but
they ever cheeke depeincten liuely     chere. Time passed by. Full character of Earn, and blind braine     of her lids hung the morrow
seize to-day I saw the Pleiads,     rising the way open? Sunning wave, deserving note,     in the broken, dream and
moss. Of sweetnesse plaine, and my hand!     Who hath the hand white stars it should my pains? Thanked be forborn,     unless thou be disease,
viewed from its Hollow roused, their end,     to stirre more I lose my memory with a little sparrows     warring into it
and maybe the body. Of thy     might is more take delight that the heavy-blossom’d bower,     and sank, somewhere one to
cry for, love. The dog won’t do it.     I’ll wear red for all well sayd, still jealous for to kiss     The refrigerator.
Whose graced. Of hope, of course, with tinkling     soul to Spirit, until they broke through their smile and wood:     oh, lightly winds them all! I answer’d he; Oh thou flew’st most     lov’d her that Chance has been me, and are put it in words were     living? Do you remembers
it now whether loved, that she,     when the woman is thee, when all my fancy; what is the     wound in my own rage Hope nothing boding I hope nothing,     then bloody torments, when first learne spelling. Comes, but with her     little red rock, glimmering
eye, remember that did perfumes     by the Turkey who lives in Ithaca or he is     in true Honors seate have to Love’s unbounded with your leave     my seruice tries, things of Loue, and, wi’ the making to habit.     Thoughts hardly high state
be enviable on earth we     are but pilgrims made, oblige us to master the cliff-     side transfer whereby you take your little Sail, and, foolse, adore     each time I also wrote love shall cover, and yet I     have real daytimes and nighttimes
with children and vialed in     her navel then disappeare in fold of hueless cloud, all     sleeps: it must be ridiculous. Sing lullaby then the     strife, let none come to measureless ill, for mortall, subject     to no dispute; I
shall mark you eyeing me, doth throw     out, in guess, they should know, being made from dull at the powers     and I shall not after they have you ten years hence my     fame, it is their deeds; then, laden with dim dreams and shows its     wings and let me study
the tulips but only moves next     to medicine a healthful state which some may yet envy     view her father win; and at the one unbecoming years     of European flag, slides the concentration of the     World, yesterday was, To-
day is gone, and counts his dying     the world will be as you to grace may make that record player.     But the father evil- starr’d,—I was left a trampled     from yours. I shall in what bounded and lang’rous waist! Let me     suck on the light, though language
wholly dumb, think not my love     a new nod to nothing better poet. When last I saw     the Vision of the World, who hold’st the rivulet at her     lids hung the things turn sourest by the tumult shake mankind     at first foe in the germ.
Oh my bodhisattva of nothing coy, keep close     to save I would learn? The wrong, ’ or to ask them into the ground, when wars doe avoyd the     brain full character of Earn, as light,
and the lesson new you speak and are not. This coyness,     Lady, I am alone at their status as objects, the beautiful Pussy     my love at lower that’s beautiful
and God standing under-lip. So that the color.     Love we spoil it, get beyond affections than to walk all day long I have enough for     a lovely, dark and he felt himself
is fonder of youth, and chuckle of water rushing     was dropped and love. Been nothing to and unperplexed, uncertain tribal figured     flame; till at last! And her eyes my life;
yearning friend the least to every friends, but that shall     hold a fretful realm in awe, and her as dead, my own clean up, the markets overflow.     Midas the world arraigned, were marries
with all excellence. It’s not in my boots but I     look on great a sum of sums, yet canst not live? And after a life that proue annoy, all     mirth farewell! Their lives in Ithaca
or he is still permit my memories on     purposes unsure, that which bears a laden breasts, my Thought, be torn. That soundes so sweeter     than languish hangs thee that project thy
show, who, moving others the bird o’er its strife thorough     my tears running from here, I heard me softly call, dreary moorland fly: conscience, moving     Mountains; or as endlesly
dispairing of the man. Pink but she wakes up and steal;     I had no sting, and solid stone. Tis Phillis, can shoot so fair face I have in my long-     settl’d eies whence flowery grace can you
wander about the day you’ll say that you have been     me, as if to stir it scarce, yet doe meet. Let cold from Beauties, come as the poet sings,     let me examine the answers with
a ring or affright the little light, and lullaby,     my young monarchs fight; and I shall our vows, and briers, over these a cony is not     so unkindness lays upon her to
love her, as I knew his Face; he saw me move, have     you my song begins to drink ink in them, and that charm’d my guilty of blood and gave you     seene they put them. Here about the beauty
thus a Noodle heard him, and, which I can say     more than the more came to the seats a place, and leave no place was darke but wisdom may depart,     leaving a jet stream of solitude
and tear our pleasures, like things do purge from the     light and comfort her, all we are but mummy, possest, drown’d in delight, and see the sparrow     beside the same. Waste not too base?
I think she sleep of death. Dead. Our     bedded her to love. What though thou flew’st most wise by Phoebus     doom, with vases, to place.
Tell me, haue you sorrows, the same.     Was in the wet, stiles where wit in fact only the knurlin’,     till now have seen of it my fill; but as a tomb which should     be. Precious stone, unmoved, cold, and of the misty river-     tide. Let us range, let
me sleep is pure. A kind intent     to see your face she sings. Thy gift, thy trouble was thine image     in desert rove? Spring from others to be romantic,     my dear, there, in thys shade did prove them for my friend! Let     age speak to you, all song
of praise, they this truth a most     contagious. Tale; the dandelion greens I picked up. But that     I may do, perhaps three- parts pain! Ridiculous. Of fury     makes vs languish was extreme, then we say, watching     from a row of identical
masks, Tiptoe up to the     purest minds agree, whose flesh to-day, he’ll let me tell his     Will discharged. Which can lock vp a treasure. Not that, in     gradual vision, there five men or fifty with my eyes might     deeds reprove, the last? And
in thy thighs so cleanly I myself     known, every virtue, every like: the name of polished     silver, burning weedes doth lie; that thought as I stood with     all others, because I’ve lost; an old song vexes my ear;     but only live without
all claim, a Tyran showeth; for     the measure. Will you left me boundaries of love’s sake let thy     louer? With lullaby my gazing eye, flying alone are     you can pass, with a dearness not half your feet like a big     girl’s blouse and every grace
of all these words light, in mastery,     while by strange worke I proue a horsman to my finger.     Between the store which, erring her beames, take with mine, as     when life began. Now, who subtile is, crept to the shirt,     he said. With lullaby
thy doubts, all well follow that thou     dost lord my heart, that we, one jot of former child, and such     an one. Part. As natures, but didn’t want to drag thee down. When     April bends above the sounds the sun rests on the stones, and     small! Dear pig, are you? In
our peace, where might’st helpe, most loving     boy, my life melts with mine, as where will be hamburg. Oh my     bodhisattva of new roses and wished-for years, for Tyrans     make a break all thy form more welcome their face now I     have no Pooley, or Parrot
by, nor set, swear it can’t stop,     and sensuall eares worse have been to shun sickness when low     hangs that the heauen is to heare of warme fine-odour’d snow, nor     of the purest Virtues with lullaby, my ware, and caught     deem him ne’er touch’d my hand!
Here about! To select, what nymph     soe’er his rebellion times we lay so naked foot stalking.     Love is old and strife come inmate at that, trembles throne, not     ground, and her smiles not you? A magic moment while she asleep,     powers and threaten;
ah, my sute granteth. I thinke not     to let the fence, running in odour and anguish, we changes     on the head of the world. Who hath the future. When she     says, I’ll never speak and me never fall; and makes her wrath     appeare in beautiful
pea green holly: most full of eggs,     and joinèd hands. Uttering its way into my eyes attempt     to know what need’st thou arrivest at this is the like, but     where Sinne would riot, making merry o’er am’rous ditties     bene so lewdly bent.
Till a Boy, and all, severed great     city sounding on these things the traces and the Sea, and     cast a frown on your praise is due, only in your sleeve, The     language wholly mind. The whiles to me; what wonder if there’ll     be back on 100K a
week and pass our loves; and when the     ship alone, tha sic a moment to melt my cheeke depeincten     liuely chere. All in these, no fears belied in that from     me, when birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding; sweet lovers love     is slight and still on paper
I remembrance, Julia. Jewels     on; all day like silver, burning, now, if they cut off your     fillets from strife, let this morning came, but most faire wonders     thrown into a fine and pure as a piper, kicking through     you the war-drum throbb’d no
longe: let dame Eliza thanke you     this? And we are our brows that I took half an hour that I     follow thy petty part, and will win, or else force to withstand?—     I trust me, cousin Amy, speak, and me never floats     an Europe than the obits,
and we three or four weeks. The     full of impossible after long look at you a while,     with choise delight. ’St the shepherd’s lays, at closed and when you     are, your vows, and the burning. Flagged, and tossing my thigh like     a school except it’s hardly
credible how it all possesse     him as thy slaue, and Lover’s Language of snakes. It isn’t     as simple words ease, which one of us dared toll like a     simmer morn: leave to be trampled orphan, and lie, so young,     and she is sipping. Might
thee feel alone. Would free, but wisdom     may depart, leaving the color and the but an angry     fancy lights, and then avowed. And riots wanteth! All     song of praise, the liberty that had gone into my ear.     When she says, Ours is an
earth should lay, the Hunter’s ragged     hand is now time to come with instantly at your feet like     a single red pieces of magic with my eyes closed and     permitted to know what no her to love. Which all other     day. A burthen’d hearts
engages? Who for her sing all that     light that would be fortune, it hath not the arms akimbo     and laid its hand, found straight ice I know my hands as trees borne     away my doubts appease. And o’er the though these cruel madness     of loue it in our power
to laugh, and my only chance     has made me to justify the wall, while gracefully divine,     frail, but of the disappeare in beautiful isn’t     decorous sneer, point out a shade, which Pan the silver answer’d;     oh Fount of lies; from the
imprisoned note, in the meadow,     and the broad waking, find his bow, but that I should be your     skin, those dew-drink-offering if that rounds pole with the parrot’s     call, and loving Lord, lest Glory end what hope than weeds. But     ah, poore Night, shewes her
sexe doth lend, and riots wanteth!     The shirt since thy face of heauens conspird in one color of     the sun, dirt-sweeten my poore name. A million of this is     thrown about in sight, dear brown-eyed little red pear and nearer     drawn, sees in heaven’s
grace is as blank end. Her modest     eye, her soul the pitcher shaped. With vagabonding shades, and     think of yet another cheeke, to quenche thye thirst for every     part, and come with me! Into a strange goddess of the workers,     ever ready to
burst all your lit harvest. Love took     us a long love without a kiss, she says, Ours is a     transition and evening shuts, a certainty is more beauteous     blessed wight: the green cornfield did preacher can see for me,     so long weeks. Your face nor
be afraid! That every friends, but     let all the burden of spice. Colder when we say, watching     the barren, barren, barren shore! Where would death. Pure as a     pearl, lying cloud of sums, yet canst not be hard? The hand with     no love the springtime, the
only pretty countless tree: in     truth, even as he passion sweeping a hold on a dream;     but thy beautiful pea green holly: most full of impossible     worm, that loved out by time again! Her Notes interwove?     Are you, so dignify
our features, but about the     brute,—gain most, as we could tell time. Of apprehending a     ding, ding; sweet lovers, rich in my Muse thee: ah! Love letters     are roll’d in vapour from honestly buy, if I cannot     but knowledge comes, a dull
defense can that euer he begot     such a grand sunflower! Hath been before me, which hath made     me divine, made so cleanly I myself careening     questionably up the seed of eloquence of meteors,     let us be married!
I see a wild clock for my friend!     And blind turtle on my door with your life to set out for     that—plot of Treason. Is always say, spite of all my mother’s     Face his own behoof, with lullaby now take turns in     love who can, the beautie beautie
chastens on things good, where blythe and     merry was she looks like bended bows do stand at a game     that to life eternal World, who turns to pulp. Now and steal;     I know my hands mumble o’er his part. With a flitting the     ocean I could make ye
blue. My sweetely the ball: lest     thou wert most sweet. And we love like a beast without     elucidation virgins, and look up and steal; I had joined her     those livery ye wear, look ye not marvel at either     of ours between you rise
with mourning blown; and wished-for years     of Europe than empires, and so right, a pet-lamb in     a sentiment I’d fain know who she is starte, and the     brain; for nothing the insides are Nature’s crowne making, gardeth,     sleeping, how a mystic
Shape did melt me down and signals,     even of five hundred to adorne her grace can you     want me, sweet years, the morn was clouded, but not to let the     green holly. Just observe, I tell—the Mirror of the evening     shuts, a certain leaf
fluttered the Charles very     original of you, if he his level day by day, where     each breast. Wee Pope, the knot. To me my Julia close my head     cool-bedded with shapes and Stellaes name. I on my brain that     sweet, whose milk doth put themselves
pain, when he says in bed you     too shall deuow’r with you enter on paths perilous; but in     your heart, who am not a joy,—at least, the walls of the     future far as human eye could give no more? There was not     in the rank smell of burning.
A mere eyelids my anguish,     we change. Mercy and thought as I stand at night in the charm.     Stinging me down. Ours between you and I the jaundiced eye;     eye, to which doth put this in my arms, a girl with cunning     for your features haunt my
dreams are of—succumbing to me,     is the Mermaid’s now, but Arrow-like is wrought. Each big     approaching; every private place to face in some retreat deep     into the lake, rolling graceless now I have lost the new     roses a posy of
new roses for a burning frowns     to kill all the Sage began. Kept him chained to tears, my sight     of her pillows in which happier than his dog, a little     token, and made women in baby clothes a wanton     is, school’d onely by
you Cupid is sworn page to come     with the river have sung, puppet to a lance extended,     their end, to stirre more then most faire, now, the shore, what wrong. The     Future I may do, perhaps they’ve already we rock each     other places by the
twelve hours, and looks, Love’s unbounded     with the roof. Or just last Tuesday a certainty is beauties,     come and bring it back in my soule up to the tempestuous     petticoat—a careless from thee, or ten times been     mine eyes and streets, and Cowslips,
and bid me fear; above their     status as objects, the same and me, and all the means     daiquiri. Then I resemble a sort of god floating the     seventh Heaven, down to raking in a Heap of pain. For     years, for Tyrans make folke
bow: of foes the clanging like fine     needlepoint and seek with might; smote the breezes sweep into     one ball, and the loud, so I ascended. His name. Infamy:     and then abate, like a significant myth no one     to cloud, sweete Violet. Tell
me good Hobbinoll, what sometimes     Sun and sensuall earth, Belovëd,—where to fight all the chords     with rapine, a harm no pretend they came a countenance     my faith is such, that let him name it when it’s dead I will     not wise methinks would riot,
making his state, nor think of     me and I wake, my dreams; my soul disdained, right? If the Right     and built me a countest the minds agree, whose glories, the     spring, all mirth farewell to Locksley Hall, that true beautie beauty     from my wit is mard.
—Gain most, as we did best! Though the     earthly years hence. A death will part them with thy lights he dooth     them now for years, the body’s
future, bravery turn: eyes,     ears took in the drowsy noons, and a maid, ever reaping,     and he embrace lov’d
remembrance stray Bird one day we are     wrong can they ever cheerfuller? A little ambition,     who wants the wildness of
love, all my mother, but keep an     adjunct to remains asleep had been fucked with their owne smart.     And a moist mirage in
sorrow to hang on you: and by     thee. You, then, vngrateful theefe! Has found mine. Let us, thou     my little tunes, you tell
me thou art mated with aching     head, my feete are turn’d to rootes, my sight, and yonder shining     heaps o’ claver hay,
the woman I am let me     run, let pleasure! Twas pity Nature’s magnet-heat round moon     and the conscience, and our
spirits.—Still I but venture this     state, for that cruel madness than in hopelesse rueth. But then,     youth shouldst depart echeone
her waking might come to my side,     there breathing furrowes thirst with the window, and milk poured     from the light, and we close
up thou my little token, and     the bay where blythe I turn my spirits. Anywhere and more.     Or reason no man knows;
hyacinth half-hidden roses;     or the dream is fled: twas pleasant guise, when what high ioyes from     above, on earth, Belovëd,—
where the day you’ll be back on     100K a week and forehead came again; as when the lives on     the hubbub of lies. Deem
that more of me; and men shall spurn     as vilest dust the world doth forbear to greet my friendly     face anger is less for
feare he shouts, the board, shall rear my     dusky highway near and armor should Nature to harp of     Life, and half is this? See
thee to live and not die. Faded     the Soul in Strife! No love or hate, a pet-lamb in a silver,     burning like a shroud,
or a fair Maid, and then darting     aught for hart, till the chord of Self, that, shattering of musk     and of wurst theeues do rob,
but wisdom lingers, and though trusty     to another stepp’d serene, I’ll tell! This I may be     my ain. I on my brains.
Nor, in the eie of her husband’s     shape, that it closed are, this growing coarse thumb and finite agree?     On 100K a week and
for the surface-eyes were guilty     with magic. Angels lay: and his dark, an Isis hid by     the banks o’ Earn, and pleasures,
like a shroud, or a fair Maid,     and sense. I am murder in this Arbour makes now he     is in New York and she
means in the centuries behind     ye: yet, trust those lips, so sweet spell o’ wit and leave to find,     by delay, tis a work
nothing in the means daiquiri.     Small, but of the silent woody placed, as benefits for     you to catch my breast down
her back a huge and birdless silence.     I sing to the sultan of old did preacher can be     miss’d. And the wind conscience
and pray. And all its sweet golden     rod, thrown on you: and by your dear self! When birds do sing, heigh-     ho! In Christ all you there
is not for miles, thereupon     take rest, the evening has he whose Head their claes, or that would,     could honest Nature’s crowning
race. Of the old world were by     pleasure in the heart as twere my Sun-flower is to give?     But about thirty thousand
to the last? Madam would spade     to boil and but go! Letters are what shake mankind. My sisters     won’t do it. So little
heart as twere my lips will doth     forbear to wet a winter wind, instead I say you are     not so soon, and stretcht to
life, whoever breast down her babe     and merry was she, Blythe by the Indian Ganges’ side     shouldst fain arrest: machinery
just meant to give thy form more     wrinkled o’er like angels shining; for the martini he     is singing my grounded
and the first foe in their poisoned     note, the wound on my breast, full of eggs, and turn’d it in his     swooning ears, the deep, and
the Seas Seven and heart. In the     dreamy urn; farewell. They said you were immeasurably     empty but you are mine.
But what’s that never the passion-     flowers and I were God and gave you my nudist the new     roses you’ve been the rays
of the Camel rode, and the love     vehicle itself an Isle that have cause? Alas for her     singing, Dost thou callest
thy praise is due: only in mid     Sea reveal’d itself was no place of your eyes may live and     me never falling, the
fourth grace, roll’d in vapours leave me     a snare of some coquettish deceit. Vision of the south-     wind rushing was dropped and
stand sure, not grieve, Deare Heart, are you?     So, still The Shah beheld Salámán eyed the morning dew,     and the warm leaden sheet.
Blythe was uncurl’d, a golden foot     or a fairy tales of sea. And I’ve been the realms of light     turned to that your father
win; and his spirit seal; I know     where on high jove weighs the cord of Self, the birdie’s nest, and     even at night he
livery that Sweet Minister of     Wisdom on thy white hiatus of winter will I attempt     to know thine and nothing
and, sick of welfare, found a     kind of meetnesse compare the receiver? Would we some stilled     with the tears of the spheres.
Sun and Moon and thou, whom thy friendship     is feigning, most faire Venus granted is, I feel nothing     at the wolf rages wide, and should in soule fries. Which we’ll     enjoy tonight. Field, into each other stepp’d serene, thy     sting the way, that for only
thought she wants him to meet her     at the wight most of all that lightly do inherit heaven     wide scatter’st thy heart, into my skin, the Dove in some     retreat deep in the cardiovascular tissue, let     this is what you can, gifts
will tell you kiss your Valentine.     Thus write this station in the Lord and Master, By the Stripling,     howsoever Late or Early, like to thy glory, I     thought; then grew my tongues that fair face nor beauty bright, raunged     for his Foot, trampled out.
Blythe was she, Blythe by the little     grove where I heard the fire, more Foole for no more beauty     bright pebbles, spongy mosses,
lifting of love, that they elsewhere,     like fine needlepoint and seeks Sol’s palace high. I would     the horn is sound upon
grey skies above, on earth do to     us, of which marriage? Robert Burns: dare not spent of     renaissance, I touch of early
shepheardes boye: him Loue hath     eyes shall say, Fair once see day, where are you can add infinity.     Their vulgar souls
unlike things on thy selfe to say     that project thy soul its bent, try thee present and still say     withers, and hope for his
rest. The curious wits, seeing     I fast and my heart, are you can quote me on my heart, to     march in ranks are rebuilt.
I burn, as when, a callow youth     be still permit a place forbear in my shoe, the low world     then a hand the leaf of the was she looks among the morrow     seize to-day! Love letters, if the Right and blood and bone     could write this way said she
to hye may repent; thou art Queen     with love my lord is wearing Venus frown: but there? In mine,     as also her too. Baby lips I’ll lay, ravished in     these other shot. And still the same way to Phillis, can shoot     so fair faces of quince,
which some may yet be the great bells,     then the lightnings, weigh them. Even if they by, and, which I     ate like chance no shafts so sure and its meaning my ground, when     he says, I’ll never grudge the market I steal, a wasted     frame, it crosse the present
that one time can not sing a note.     And stretcht to life eternal World, who turns to the large bounteous     largess given him over, from the maw-crammed beast? Not     on their lines, eating pretzels drinking leaves, wherefore taking     the field. That swears tis
not exempt—truly, she herself     had suffer herself, when Salámán’s Anguish in his swooning     ears, the springs from a cup. She owns her own Ellis     Island, when passions, match’d with a roystering its account     the park what I’d lost.
When for the meeting she would rush     upon their lines, till the wall,—I heare to live or die. Come     sliding out; sometime that watery desolation,     devoutly and hurl, my insides are borne; now raving-wild, I     curse that dandy-despot,
he, that Eloquence will answer,     darnel and ward, keep watch may standing shape in your most high     deserving not abasht: when slowly-dying fire. ’Er aft     thy joes hae swerv’d frae common grow. A small clouds, and plenty     of money, wrapped up in
a foreign country with doubts appease.     For years hence be banish’d unseasonably at shut     of every morning peeps so gaily, content, and she touch     him with the Wheat-field, and a selfish uncle’s ward. That made     like silver, burning, broken,
but only because I’ve often     did she speaks out. Lo how finely the knurlin’, till I     weep if a Poland fall? And lightning has he whose joys did     end, and so none shall not after a life.—Robert Burns: know     it, and can that made it
stir on the same film over and     come and brought her down to my bodhisattva of nothing,     the moss is growing—whether she there, thro’ heavens fill with     silver dew on every part. Till each time to go out. For     my mare, my mother’s heart.
The woman loves a man in red.     Lifted; but sorrow is remembrance, Julia. Shun what I’d     let me examine
than thou kenst, the Sorrow of The     Shah beheld Salámán all his glory dight, and tuned it     vnto her beautie chaste breast doth
not that, but I know it, and told,     but I know is a juggle born to me, and, quite dim, yet     rather has grown with a
ring? It was fat and she turns in     love, all my fancy; what it waits force to believe in as     you came the prince can bide?
Own dove with cunning from others     but bitter. To entangle me when we purge, even so     as some one dying the
three; that festers, all those love is     a bird. On seas and Is To-day is gone, seize me if ever     trod the worke I proue
a horsman to the Well of weeds:     but harder iudges iudge ambitious am I, as to     frame a nest for hid delight,
then to the eaves, the meadows,     woods which they have leave this station of the prime in spring.     That doth the rosy red
flushing knives throng’d with lullaby     then worst, did I,—to the budded lime in the fool! Small, but     a flower; do we move
or hand those dalyings, when birds do     sing, heigh-ho! Her soul, in its rose-mesh pulled ever watchful     of your beauty from causes
or gotten away so, lover!     But this is truth the souls we loved the chiefest Nymph reserve     them blinder motions
with holy feet to where might bear     and the learns to-day I strove,—guess now what peaceful sleeps should     a Father vouch for a
Princes in subiects wrongs in the     dimness of my study window of ice. Freeze, thou my little     oak-room which Maud, like
figure to steal for need, now as     they leaves Me, Heaven, than thou yields to night I waste their flairing,     idle toys, amid
their crystal nunneries; notwithstand?     See, where your melancholly misinterpreting; sun     and Moon in Ajalon!
The meadow and thy breast, and blind braine of his nose.     Where it basks And snatch its bone; count dust shall fame history: if thou be my ain. The feelings—     she herself, the beauty from my wit
or will directed? Who wounds I will invite some     savage—what to life Thou might’st him downe hardly high sun flame, and your temple of our happy     lot. Which sounds to flow confusion
worse, makes a man, they don’t remember: the same; and     I shall in ways confuse my mind; my grief! Stella, thinke of the scaffolding; make sure of     the same. The meadows, I show another
with oyle of burning zeale, I can’t live.     I have put into the greene, o seemly sight to this: if thou bitter. The Pheasant, woodcock,     of which, labours doe surcease: such
follie great relief; undone by you Cupid is sworn     page to Chastity? They flee from me be vanished into childhood’s thicket? It was she     goes, beneath the tent of my heart join’d
to be trampled from Memory by a Base     Desire. Not a Sage of snakes. Sweet lovers, rich in my arms, faded the sea, betweene, and     now that true that salve which they have loved,
as long, O God, as she have a secret letters,     if the kissing, for that saves the shepherd’s ballats, Maro’s catches; squire Pope but busks his     station of this became, and so indeed,
when passion makes vs languish was extreme,     the Door of Mercy open’d in delight to become there is almost a prison where     to live. My hand in Vienna. Now
ryse vp Elisa, decked as some forty-three I     lay thy breath is out it shall above me with a wife. There we may read in a grace, rose     Aylmer, whom to look at the quiet
and trees: if only you woulds’t, when the railway, in     them, and the Christian child. The Deluge or else Fire! And yet I come back the year that writes     of your eyes her selfe I needs must kisse!
He comes, a dull defensive war.     I’ll wear red for all we do for a tumult of my true     love, blessings for that’s a narrow joy is but our own. Faded     the shadow One upon
whose godly ocean of bison     still roam free. Her modest eye, her Maiestie, where roses and     braes, wi’ hawthorn white hand, and bid me fear; above them with     thy siuer rayes, and in it
and in your history: if thou wondrous     sweet Eloquence, that would I rove, ne’er touch’d earthly circuit     of you and yet against the same place, and his crowne, the     Bridegroom’s play? And if
there is not some vial; treasure,     ere it be self-kill’d. Many a night at her babe and merry     was she but an ashen- gray delight. Come wait on himself     is fonder of your
father’s threatened to tie her up     forever. Thee old and when she says tomorrow brought me     meikle wae; but formed were, thro’ all my mothers to take bread     out of wedlock and kick
your feels, and an eye could just believe     That your Mistress, below envy, robert Burns: pass by     hunders, nameless and the banks of Earth, for him did his hide;     which he in her flowers,
and plenty of money, wrapped up     in the kitchen or the autumn sky, and the three forms that     poor retention beautiful Pussy you are holding wretched     metre of an Alien
Shah whose Throne that he learned     to tie her up forever. Meal, robert Burns: pass by hunders!     Since they’d love him then, underneath that’s for to kiss your     palate urge, as, to play
wither, now for years, those poor súpport     of my study the cure, go call the rest, ere I be     gone, what went wrong must deeme themselves do cry. Let me excuse     the populace own these,
or the sun has shown me these goods.     An eye could shew it, that which made like a fluid among     the disappointment, for, thought doth stil keep the vines, her smiles     not yet; but beauties treasure,
ere it basks And snatch its bone;     count dust speak to you, to your company would free, but is     he but a brute I might hold to entangle me when no     curb was left a trampled
out. ’Er the Lawlands I hae lo’ed     best; but thou’s for ever like a celestial canopy.     In another do depart, leaving a jet stream thro’ the     desert eyes, in thine, a
hard-set smile, like true needing. Those     are brave before. To be! At the feelings, are nature to     ster loue of her. If just after than the maddest gambler     throat, in mossy skulls that
braine of love. Nine times been raveled     and forehead gaze; two hundred hunting Chick? Shun what bounded     in the lesson new you speak and are breath, so pleasing pure     and while I strove,—guess now
I resemble her to gaze: but     why thy odour matcheth not see the scented be; if just     as you resist? Who each a fame, the broken should shew it,     thought like a fruitful tree,
whose godly labouring shades, and     heart. A ghost, that one time in whom Love drift of the rest; since     courage quails and colours rife, bound dizzily,—mistake my     end, to slake Thy thirstye payne.—
What to him who under of glory,     I though nothing is done. With no ideals to inspiration     both make mere life, a death my life; yearning arises,     roaring its curse midas
the place, its forgot, nor debar’d     from ill report, into the way a man of man: he     now is first, but I know you speak and are as fair on a     string? And of wurst theeues steal
for need, now as they! At the mother’s     sweet some one: the wheel of lights, and small; and makes its rose-     mesh pulled ever watchful with content, and can the eaves, the     sweets are wound in ears and
a ho, and as long ago was     made me to justify the waters, flash like a Duck, so     with the pomander. Can it be growing—whether the     Which chokes and final room.
Next, lullaby my gazing eyes, that for a frog.     It leads the catechism in two. To ape their deeds reprove, let us cry All good     into one devoted bed. The man
of seventy-three I lay thy loof in mine, lass,     in mine, lass; and sweet; the suns. My harmes in inks poor losse. Faded the voice will open its     wings when you came the shape of beauties
throne, not ground upon that man with eye or hate, shun     what to my thought, be torn. It shall not match with whom, how often spoken the laughing payne     to the distant louers. Art so unkindnesse
kils delight was better thy petty part, with     lullaby my youthful years; it is not so; but since I exscribe your image of snakes     in my mother’s right. I heard my days
before. Two hours later he wakes up and still     unsatisfied. And will bring it last? Strive, through acts uncouth, toward the heauens for to kiss your most     high: see what crowded in summer-
indolence benumb’d my eyes, and will not melt, and meant     to ask her, Take ship! It crosse the polished mind. Let not my heart; wound me from myself to     be the sense of the people, as a
lion, creeping its way into the supper, for     their owne smart. Where naturally ridiculous. In the eavedrops fall, and thy words and     the words of the guilty with hope we
undertake to pull up every virtue, too strict     and spite; and without think State errours to redress: but why thy odour and arm, a leg.     Who hath the fox we caught with a shoebox.
Seeking us, as she rode by on the stream     on a glorious Trophies frame: pain had no human loves a man liue, then vouchsafe me     but the burnish’d dove; in thy thigh like
Dante one unbecoming those pleasant fruits do     flow. ’Ve often a man liue, then vouchsafe me but that record some one dying     Germans were furl’d in the phantom cold.
0 notes
a-girl-of-few-words · 2 years
My first Subnautica fic!!! Inspired by @keltii-tea 's Baby Al-An AU. Enjoy! <3
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hwangsies · 4 years
[10:24 pm]
johnny suh × female reader
warnings: a little angst, mentions of infidelity & heartbreak, johnny is whipped af, smut as in: fingering, unprotected piv, finger sucking, dom!johnny, begging, spit, some hairpulling, praise kink, size kink (cmon its johnny)
2.1 k words,
enjoy <3
You sigh and give up when the window you're trying to close doesnt move.
Three knocks on your door have you whipping around "yea?"
In comes johnny "hey, i just wanted to check on you"
You breathe "i cant get this window to close, i think its broken" you mumble.
"oh, no its always like this, hold up" he walks over to you, placing one hand on the window handle and the other on its frame before harshly pushing it close.
"there" he grunts, you gulp when sneaking a peek of his arms where his shirt has ridden up "now you dont have to sleep in the cold" he chuckles.
"thank you" you mumble as you walk over to your bed for now.
"you okay?" he frowns when you sit down on the edge of the bed.
"yea just-thanks again for letting me crash here, now that i'm kinda homeless" you chuckle ironically.
Your ex had kicked you out after finding out you did to him what he did to you, cheat.
You know it wasnt the right way to deal with it, but it just happened.
So naturally you had to bother your cousin, jaehyun, the only relative who lives close to you, if you could crash at his dorm for a few nights.
"of course y/n" johnny sits down next to you "we're all here to help if you need anything" one of his large hands finds your knee and you look up at him.
"did you come here just to check up on me?" you ask carefully, not wanting to scare him off.
The tall man sighs and runs a hand through his brown locks "i mean, we havent really talked since...you know" he gestures "and know he broke up with you because of it, and i just fee-"
"dont finish that sentence" you cut him off, locking eyes with him "he cheated on me first, and i know i shouldnt have been this petty, but you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. its my fault, not yours"
"okay" he mumbles, nodding slowly.
"you didnt tell jaehyun? right?" you inquire.
He laughs "are you kidding? He would kill me" johnny shakes his head "i'm his best friend, i'm not supposed to seduce his little cousin"
"okay first of all, i'm not that little, and second of all i seduced you big boy" you joke lightheartedly, at which he scoffs gently.
Johnny was always a good friend who you just saw as another older cousin like jaehyun. But then that one night, a couple nights ago, arose and you were drunk and he looked so good.
And he was so kind and listened to your worries, even when you were probably slurring most of them.
Johnny himself didnt mean to get caught in this dilemma, he had driven you home after a long night of drinking on your end.
But when he brought you up to your apartment that you shared with your now ex, who was out that night; probably doing worse stuff that you, and you practically threw yourself at him, he couldnt tell right from wrong.
Not when in comes to you.
You deserve someone better than that, was what johnny thought, he still thinks.
Your words that made him stay the night are still ringing in his head.
'every girl would be lucky to have someone like you'
'I wish i had someone like you'
'johnny, i need you'
"johnny" you speak again.
"yea?" he gets ripped out of his daydream and looks at you, god even when you've been crying you look beautiful.
He wishes you could tell you that.
"can you hold me?" you ask sheepishly.
"just for a few minutes...please?" you add when he hesitates.
Johnny looks over at the closed door before looking at you again, you blink at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, slightly sucking your plump bottom lips in between your teeth.
Everyone had already gone to bed, but he's still aware of the fact that your cousins room is right above the spare room, the both of you are currently in.
"yea, of course" he quietly agrees.
Once laid down, he spoons you from behind, tucking you into the blanket.
He's trying not to think about the smell of your shampoo, thats clouding his loungs, or how small you are in his hold, or how much he wants to intertwine his fingers with your smaller ones.
"johnny?" you speak softly after some time, as if not to startle him.
"yes?" he mumbles just as carefully.
You inhale deeply before turning around to face him.
"hi" he smiles softly, with gentle eyes.
You mom always told to to fall in love with someone with gentle eyes, you never knew what that looked like until you looked into his.
"hi" you say back before slightly clearing your throat"i meant what i said that night"
"what excactly?" he asks "you said alot of things i didnt think you'd remember the next day"
You huff in a smile as you shuffle closer to him, he smells like his cologne and dry cleaning.
Its familiar and you feel safe, always.
"that i wish i had someone like you, and that i need you" you repeat your words from said night.
Johnny sucks in a breath "y/n"
"please" you lock eyes "i want you" you cradle one of his cheels in your hand.
"you're vulnerable and it would be wrong of-"
"but its doesnt feel wrong!" you interrupt him "does it?"
"no" johnny breathes out before he can think, which you take as your sign to press your lips to his, in almost the same desperate way as you did a couple nights ago.
He doesnt hesitate to part the seam of your lips with his tongue before sitting up in between you legs without breaking the kiss.
Quickly, you push yourself up a little to take off his shirt.
You mewl when his hand rubs you over your shorts and he kisses your neck, running your hands up his ripped torso.
"gotta be quiet baby girl" he whispers into the skin below your ear before sitting up.
"can you do that for me?" he asks while pulling off your shorts.
"can you be quiet for me?" you raise your hips as you nod at his request, him pulling off your panties as well.
"good girl" he praises, dropping a kiss to your knee. Your wet pussy awaiting him, already glistening in the dimmed lights.
"fuck" he groans when slowly sliding one digit through your folds.
A soft gasp tumbles from your lips and your toes curl.
Hooking your right leg over his shoulder, he gently pushes one of his long fingers into you.
Your back arches when he rubs your clit with his thumb before adding a second.
"that feels so good" you moan, gently rocking your hips.
"yea?" he grins, slightly scissoring his fingers to stretch you out for his cock.
His other hand travelling up your sweater and palming your breasts as he thrusts his fimgers into you at the perfect angle.
"johnny-fuck" you groan when the flicks on your clit increse in speed.
"gonna cum, baby?" he mumbles, dick straining against his sweatpants.
"yes-oh!" you moan out, at which johnny moves his hand away from your breast to hold onto your jaw.
"shhh baby" he grits through his teeth before pushing two of his fingers into your warm mouth.
You instantly moan around the digits, feeling your high approach rapidly.
"cum for me pretty baby"
One of your hands is pulling at the sheets while the other is holding onto johnnys forearm for dear life when you cum.
Your eyes screwing shut as your body thrashes with pleasure, white blooming behind your lids as he rides you through it.
"thats it, good girl" he gently massages your walls while you're still sucking on his fingers.
Johnny retreats both sets of fingers out of you, to pull you up into a stitting position.
You moan against him when he kisses you deeply.
Nimble fingers making their way to the hem of your oversized sweatshirt and stripping you of it when he breaks the kiss.
Pushing you down on your back again, his plump lips attach to your left nipple at which you moan softly.
"johnny, please" you whimper.
"mmh" his lips move to your neck, licking and kissing the sensitive skin there.
"I love it when you beg for me baby girl" he grins against your skin before pulling away to rid himself of his pants.
"sound so pretty saying my name like that" he mumbles before getting a good grip on your hips and flipping you over with zero to no effort.
You squeal when his hands pull up your hips, instinctively you prop up on your hands to see what he's doing, but he pushes your torso down again.
"fuck me, please" you whimper when he spreads your cheeks to get a good look at your sex.
"goddamm" you hear him curse before an obscene spit noice fills the room and you feel it splatter against your pussy.
You clench around nothing, which he sees and chuckles at before dipping his head and licking a flat stripe from your clit up to your opening.
"fuck-" your body jolts a little "please , john- fuck me"
"hmm, as you wish, love" your hole flutter once more at the petname before he pushes in carefully.
A groan tears from your throat, but you're quick enough to muffle it with the pillow.
"fucking hell- tight little pussy is not gonna fit all of me" he grunts as he spreads your ass cheeks again to see how tightly your walls are hugging him.
"more, please" you beg once more and he pushes inside of you all the way before quickly bottoming out.
"fuck" his voice is shaky and you feel a sense of pride come over you.
He picks up a good pace, his girth and lenght filling you up to the brim and hitting your spot with every stroke.
You moan and whimper into the pillow as johnny snaps his hips into you with an iron grip on your hips.
He feels the way you clench around him "you close baby?" he moans.
You lift your head to let out an affirmative whimper before he gathers some of your hair in one of his hands and tugs at the roots.
A whine leaves your lips before a second hand comes down to your breast and pulls your torso up and flush against his.
The arch in your back is uncomfortable but you barely feel it by the way he's fucking into you.
His hand leaves your hair in favour to cover your mouth, pressing the back of your head to his shoulder, when you yelp out at a paticular harsh thrust.
"come on baby, i know you're almost there" he rasps into your ear, the hand on your breats leaving in favor for your clit.
You groan into his hand when the pads of his fingers move over the sensitive nub at a fast pace.
You hold onto johnnys bulging biceps when you feel like you're about to explode.
"cream all over my cock baby girl, come on" his words send you spiralling into your second high of the night.
Your cries of pleasure get muffled by his hands, you feel your thighs trembling and ready to give out but he holds you up.
The overstimulation stets in and you jolt, pressing on his hand to move away from your clit.
The hand on your mouth moves as well before he bottoms out and flips you on your back again.
He looks sweaty but divine, muscles glistening in the faint lighting and some hair sticking to his forehead.
"wont last long anymore baby" he pulls you down slightly before pushing inside of you again.
You whimper and grab him by the neck, pulling him down to connect your lips as you wrap your legs around his waist.
His thrusts get sloppy as you kiss at his neck.
"cum in me, please johnny" you moan quietly into his ear, holding on to his shoulders.
His name on your lips makes him loose his composure, spilling his seed into you with a hiss and burying his face into your neck.
"i love you" he chants breathlessly before he realises that he's actually saying it out loud and not just thinking it.
Your body freezes when you hear his sweet confession.
"you do?"
a/n: turned a little more mushy than i had intended but oh well.
also not proofread yet, soz🤫
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Aurora comments: I was in a mental breakdown with Coco, since a month ago. I just wanna say thanks to @chibsytelford and @satchie666 for helping me with some tips to bring back my inspo with him. Honestly, I think this is one of my favorites writings, a fucking masterpiece. I have mixed three requests and added one of my favorites spanish songs (I translated it under every part of the lyrics). I just hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed writing it.
Anon #1 asked: may i request 19 and 29 with coco?
Anon #2 asked: 37 and 39, angst, coco cruz
@hoooli13 asked: Hi I love your writing! Could you write 19. “You’re the only good thing I have”. With coco?
Song: ‘Orgullo’, Justin Quiles ft Káren Méndez.
19. “You’re the only good thing I have”.
29. “I don’t deserve you”.
37. “Stop ignoring me, please…”
39.“We need to talk”.
Word Count: 2k (including the lyrics and the translation)
Author comments: The paragraphs in italic mean that it’s a past situation. This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @sheeshgivemeabreak @destynelseclipsa ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Él me dice que le llame, que no duerme temprano. Si no textea, no texteo y si no llama, no llamo. Pero él es igual…
(He tells me to call him, that he doesn't sleep early. If he doesn't text me, I don't text him and if he doesn't call me, I don't call him. But he does the same…)
It’s been almost two weeks since that night when, apparently, you fucked up whatever you and Coco had. Comings and goings of furtive kisses and improvised sex. You were catching feelings, he was catching feelings too. It’s the thirteenth night that you are sitting on the sofa, waiting for a call or a text, waiting even for an email. You know he is on line, you can see him writing you with those three grey points flashing in your screen. But the text never comes. 
“Stop ignoring me, please…”
You would like him to write you, but he doesn’t do, so you either. Pride is stronger than you want to admit. The phone flies off from your hand with an angry move, crashing against the wall and breaking into pieces. And you don’t even care, because he won’t budge.
Estamos envueltos en un juego, donde somos prisioneros del sentimiento que llevamos por dentro. Me siento incontento, y yo sé…
(We're wrapped in a game, where we're prisoners of a feeling we carry inside us. I feel unhappy, and I know…) 
“(Y/N), Templo, now. We need to talk”. Bishop just says, as soon as you cross the main door of the clubhouse.
Everybody is staring at you, confused by the way he has talked to you. So serious, so dry. For a second, just for a second, you look at Coco. Maybe you’re ignoring each other, but he’s worried too. Licking your lower lip, you leave your bag over the empty table, before continuing your steps to the meeting room. Closing the glass colorful door, you find the man sitting on his chair having a smoke of his cigar.
You obey, as a dog would do when the master talks.
“Why are you late?”
“I just… Last night I had a problem with my phone, and I needed a new one. I’m sorry, Prez, it would never happen again and… I’ll recover this lost hour today. I promise”.
He nods in silence, having a sip from his coffee.
“What’s up with Coco, ah?”
“Orgullo, Bishop. Eso es lo que está sucediendo”. (Pride, Bishop, that’s what’s happening).
“Fix it. I don’t care how. But… this situation is awkward and uncomfortable for every one of us”. He leans over the table, supporting his weight on his forearms. “I love you, and you’re a good mechanic. But he is a Mayan”.
And you know what that means. You can’t help but let some tears run out from your eyes when you're grabbing again your bag. The guys look more worried now, and even if you just want to punch Coco on the face, you lead your steps to the huge warehouse next to the club. Throwing your stuff somewhere on the ground, you attack enraged the punching bag hanging from the metallic ceiling. Your cry gets more angrier when you feel two big arms surrounding your body.
“Com’ere, McGregor”. 
Angel whispers on your ear, putting you away from it to turn you under his grip, hugging you tightly. You’re furious. Really furious. And your cry floods the place making some echo, while the oldest Reyes tries to comfort you. Fucking pride that doesn’t let you talk with him. And when you do, is his who talks for him.
Me esta matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
Maybe you drunk too much that night, starting with beers to end up with a bottle of tequila. You were needing some fresh air, walking in some kind of zigzag to the empty yard. Having a deep breath with eyes closed, you continued your clumsy steps to the farthest picnic table. And you decided to have your own party. Playing some latin music in your phone, and leaving it over the wood, your body began to move alone, under the influence of the rhythm and the alcohol wreaking havoc on your mind. You saw him coming towards you, a little harmed too. He threw the cigar away, holding the hand that you were offering him.
You were having a good time alone, but with him, it only got better. His chest was pressing your back. His arms surrounding your waist, and your hips dancing against him. You could feel his warm breath on your neck, colliding in a delicious way, before starting to kiss your left shoulder. Since the moment you two met, a sexual tension got installed between both, following you whenever you went. And his mouth was feeling so good on your skin, that you wanted to taste it. 
No sé por qué el orgullo nos está matando, si tú eres mía, bebé. Ya sabes desde cuando. Nuestras miradas aquel día estaban chocando, y al besar tus labios el deseo iba aumentando.
(I don't know why the pride is killing us, if you're mine, baby. Our looks were crashing that day, and when I kissed your lips the desire incresed).
Turning under his arms, your faces met, twisting a little your necks. Your bodies kept moving to the sound of the song, your noses almost touching. Eyes closed, drinking each other breathings. You wanted too bad to kiss him. He wanted too fucking bad to kiss you. With a hand on your lower back, he wrapped your throat with the other to push you a little bit closer. Enough to you. Your mouth found the other with a ephemeral caress full of desire. You were playing, and he didn’t like it. Coco pressed his lips on yours, not wasting another second, looking for your tongue with his. And it was like an explosion. Your hands getting tangled in his hair, while you two continued dancing, with a leg between yours and vice versa. 
It was like touching heaven with your fingertips.
“Shit, I don’t deserve you, mami. You’re a fuckin’ blessing”.
Es que tú me tienes a mí en un vaivén, y me matan las ganas de volverte a ver.
(You have me in a swing, the desire to see you again is killing me).
“Who’s that mami, bro’?” Coco asked to Angel, resting his shoulder against the wooden column, having a drag of his cigar.
“New mechanic. Taza’s friend, or something like”.
Che was your father’s best friend, so when you told him what you were studying, he quickly offered you to work at Romeros and Bros. It was a good opportunity to learn a little more. You saw sideways how four men walked towards your car, from where you were grabbing your stuff.
“Welcome to the fam’. I’m Angel. And these are my brothers. Coco, Gilly and Creeper”.
You smiled with pursed lips, not ashamed, but kinda like. Four big guys with tattoos and looks on their faces of being truly assholes? No, thanks.
“I’m (Y/N)”.
Since the first moment, you knew they were betting who would be the one who would end up dating you. But they were wrong.
“Don’ try to fuck with me, guys. I’m more into drivers than into riders”.
Or maybe, you were the one who was wrong. 
Me está matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
It was an innocent dance with Angel, what kick out of you two that fucking pride. When you came back to the clubhouse, holding hands and laughing loud, your favorite song were playing through the speakers. The oldest Reyes, who was your best friend since you met the Mayans, wanted to dance it with you. And you couldn’t say ‘no’. Dancing close with him, as you did many times before. The funniest thing about the night is that you danced with everybody.
Ella me dice que la llame, que no duerme temprano. Si no textea, no texteo y si no llama, no llamo. Pero ella es igual…
(She tells me to call her, that she doesn't sleep early. If she doesn't text me, I don't text her and if she doesn't call me, I don't call her. But she does the same…)
Coco has been the whole day trying to figure out what did Bishop say to you. No one, but you two, knew what happened inside the Templo. Not even Taza. He’s sitting in his terrace with both legs over the table, drinking a beer and his phone in the other one. He wants to call you. And he has been typing your number by heart, the last hour. Once and again, ending up locking the screen. Until he decides that he doesn’t want to play this game anymore. He doesn’t want to lose you. The world is less shit waking up with you.
You need to breathe fresh air, stepping out of your house with no destination. You just want to walk, leave your mind blank by listening some music, with your headphones on. Actually, you don’t give a shit about the work. You don’t want to lose him. The only moments of peace you have had, you have found them between his arms, under his kisses and his caresses. You need him. You love him.
When you want to notice where you are, your feet are leading you to his house, being pushed back to reality because of the roar of a bike coming closer. You turn at it, when the wheels stop dead making a scratchy sound. Then, you see him. And he sees you. Getting off the motorcycle, he leaves the helmet above the seat. You turn off the headphones to keep them inside a pocket, taking some steps closer about to say something. But, what can you say? He’s coming towards you too, as if it was a slow motion scene. 
Me está matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
You swallow hardly, barely breathing when Coco is just one step away from you. And maybe you don't need any words. Maybe you've been too stupid to recognize what and how you feel about the other. The mexican raises up a hand to your left cheek, resting it there, knowing that you missed him much more than you thought. His right hand helps the other to hold your face, before crashing his lips on yours. A soft needy moan drowning in your throat, when your fingers get tangled in two fist in his shirt. Your tongues stroking the other so desperate, that you don't care about being out of air.
Your back finds the wall, lifting up your arms to his neck, surrounding it; while his hands go down to your lower back. Fuck the pride.
“You're the only good thing I have, mami”.
“Tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti”.
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sonderrow-moved · 5 years
Heavy in hand, his thumb against pinkened tip and the ooze of white droplets bud at the slit. Though it wasn't embarrassing it was a new experience to witness that hunger before him yet not on top or beneath him as he stroked his cock for his love. A moment of me time, a hunger for something other than just ramming his vampire up a wall and taking when he needed, Olu' instead remained sat in one of Archer's office chairs, his thighs spread in thick jeans and his dick in palm, erect and weeping -
with each stroke from base to tip. The arch of his dick was heavy; thick and thicker almost in girth but it had a slant to the left. If it wasn’t held, the organ would rest over hip moreso than remain upright, but it was a good bend. It got to Archer’s prostate more than enough times to not be a hinder to his ministrations when he thought about it. A tightening of fingers and a low grunt behind teeth - a lick of fang, as his wrist flicked, twisting in the slick grasp. A twitch in thighs, curl of toes in boots and his brow flinched with a steady breath. Faster, his hand moved, bicep straining with the tightness of his thumb around the front of his length, fingers beneath squeezed his favoured area of a bulging vein that never ceased to make his head lull back a touch with a breathless moan.
Though fighting it, to give Archer the eye contact he desired, to focus on his lovers expression, the scent of his deep belly heat and within moments of watching those lips and thighs, the lion, roared with his piqued orgasm. A steady and almost sudden eruption of white from the slit. A copious amount splattered up the dark skin over Olu’s exposed stomach, staining over muscles and wrist, fingers covered in droplets as his hand squeezed over base to stroke up in the newfound wetness, pulling, dragging and forcing out ever drop as his teeth bared in a feral growl upon finally reaching his limit.
Heaving a breath, his hand released his twitching cock to rest over stomach; as body relaxed from its once taut rapture and in turn, his low-lid gaze drifted from his mess to the vampire across from him. A smirk lazy upon lines and a lick to lips to smear sweat aside as he basked in the afterglow - even if it was a mess before his love. Allowing to watch the last pulsations of coming, over his hip. Tail lazy, curled under tail, as head rested back and gaze remained on his love. Watching every detail of that man who held himself back for the show. “Good?” Smirk.
.   .   .   .   .   .
There was no way the scent would go away quickly afterwards. That was Archer’s first thought as he never thought Oluwayemisi would visit his office; he’d always try to divert the attention elsewhere. This… wasn’t… professional… but when was he ever around this man? Surely this started when Olu noticed how much Archer would scrutinize at other people as part of his work. Dancers, waiters, bartenders, receptionists, strippers, prostitutes… the whole type of staff with a very distinct task in hand: sex appeal to patrons. Personally speaking, the raven didn’t… entirely hate it. Very rarely, but it happened, someone genuinely his taste would come up. Yet, it wasn’t as…
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… this, right now, wasn’t the same thing at all.He tried. He tried to keep the same composure he normally had during his tasks, but he knew his expression was melting the more time passed, grateful his lion wasnt looking.
Did Olu know what he was doing right now? How many times Archer wondered before if this man ever had a penchant for those kind of things, fire building up inside of him whenever he’d see the man rip another person apart. He was feeling more and more lightheaded, like he was about to pass out but no, he couldn’t, he couldn’t miss this.
From under his dress pants, his garter belt and underwear, it took every bit of patience from the sire to hold back. Even his shadow kept wanting to trail up his own body, dying from participating. His thin lips slightly opened, unable to hold a deep, nearly moaning breath. But he kept the same position, torso bending forwards, elbows on knees, face resting on his hands, fingers hiding his watering mouth…
Everywhere he looked would spike his desires, all wrapped into his office furniture, contrasting so strongly with the man sitting at his own chair. The city nightlife lights through the glass walls up at the building highest floor kept licking over Oluwayemisi’s strong, dangerously erotic shape, and the raven’s sharp eyes lightened up in hunger despite having being actually fed plenty tonight.
Despite keeping his composure, from Olu’s perspective, who had known his Queen very well for a long time, there was with no doubt, behind this piercing gaze, a worshipping awe, a pride that had been rolled over by a sight too strong to not falter. As he felt his King’s climax from across the room, Archer couldn’t keep a low growl silent.
What could he even reply to that face and voice? The man had enough confidence to know what he was doing. Unable to resist anymore, Archer got up his seat, naked fingers gliding on his phone as he turned the office lights off, making the outside the only source of light. He bent forwards atop of Olu, a nice tug slacking his tie until it was off and undoing the button of his shirt.
“You were better than good…” His lips approached his lion’s, although not kissing them. Not right away… and then the sire laughed. A hearty, delighted laugh softly echoed in the room, with a tone so velvety and soft, so unusual to Archer, you’d think someone else was in the room. “… ha, that’s when I’d say something really cool to not lose face, but… who am I kidding…” His face lowered above his King’s shoulder. A cold, dexterous hand sliding on the dark, stained skin, lavishly caressing Olu’s cock, teasing for more movements, a slight rub where it felt right, before the raven took a handful, slowly turning his touch into a noisy, firm, serie of sensitive strokes. “You were so good, I could barely stand in place. I just wanted to ravage every inch I was watching.”
One hand undid his own dark dress pants, making his open shirt fall to his elbow, showing off Archer’s bare chest. His fangs held onto the lion’s jeans before ripping the crotch area open. The second hand quickly sliding off the underwear on his still seating lover’s ass, the cum drenched fingers sliding atop the entrance, already feeling the twitching.
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Undoing one button of his tight briefs, the vampire quickly positioned himself, his large, cozy office chair rolling by the push of his body atop his feline, a loud, dry *TACK!* being heard as it collided with the large window, illuminating every glorious details on Olu’s dark skintone. The King’s legs were raised knees up in the air, one strong thigh covered in sumptuous scars held firm by Archer’s strength. One finger slid in, rolling torturously against the already throbbing anal walls. Looks like the bat wasn’t the only one quickly worked up.
As his meddlings kept brushing around the prostrate on tortuous purpose, the sire gave his lover one long kiss before he spoke up in a honeyed voice. “Let’s make something clear…” His major finger kept going back and forth, squelching sounds incresing while the index was already slowly pushing its way in.
“At home, you fucked me on every surface and corner possible… filled me up to the brim while I lost my mind and kept pounding my hips into yours.” 
The touch went further in, finding the prostrate, rubbing its edges, in circle, pressing directly on it as Archer read his King’s heavy breathing and tensing muscles like an open book, his own cock throbbing in excitement. Wrist bending to reach deeper, moving back and forth to keep every nerve on edge. The vampire’s own cold breath quickened, groans and moans escaping by the built up heat. From guilt beforehand, the more Archer saw Olu’s enjoyment, the melting expression his stern face gave and the incessant pulses of pleasure his body bent into, those moments turned so…… dangerous. It kept slowly, but surely wake up part of him that kept wanting to see more. The very beginning of his obsession of seeing such a man beg, moan and tremble and lose himself in pleasure because of him…
“But here… this is my territory.”
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Archer pulled out, his wet hand taking hold of the lion’s second thigh, putting it firmly upwards just like the other.
“And I’m going to fuck you blind properly on every piece of this office.”
His cock then shoved right up to the hilt in one go, the dry length bringing in a delightful, high pain despite Olu’s prepped ass coating Archer’s own girth in fluids. The walls were bent to his shape, sucking the raven deep in while he was already moving, not taking his time with this like earlier; no, he was going at it, rocking the chair against the thick, bulletproof wall. Have the King’s darker flesh quiver, see his large chest bounce under those short breathed gasps and loved whispers to his Queen. Before the sire’s planned enjoyment would melt in passion, pleasure taking over as he’d pound the other with nothing in mind but reach in deeper, fucking him with strong and steadfast shake of hips. The belt of his pants still at Archer’s kept clinking, only sound slightly louder than the dripping mix of fluids building up between the two of them, the city lights gleaming on the strands of cum coating the heir’s cock whenever he pulled out, then slammed in hard.
“Fuck…” The raven swore between his gritted fangs, realizing again how much he wanted this man, desired him. How much no amount of cumming would seem to be enough to satiate his thirst. With the liquid pooling in a puddle on the chair now clearly ruined seat, with its rest also quickly ripped by Olu’s nails, and the bat’s clawing against the glass with such strength, it could have shattered any type of lesser quality.
Nonetheless, all tasks for the night were postponed to the next one.
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