#my loveletter to sad heartbreaking fics <33333
tulipic · 1 year
tarot for my distant love (teruhashi kokomi x fem. reader)
(unrequited angst for the sad sapphic nation )
"Um, excuse me, but does this say maiming?"
Teruhashi squints. "And miscellaneous torture acts? And seafood allergies?" The fortuneteller grins in delight and gestures to the rest of the contract Teruhashi's holding.
"It sure does, young lady, though I've had to cut back a little due to... legal technicalities because of," the fortuneteller pauses and shakes her head. "But, I believe you're seeking a love-related prediction." Teruhashi blushes a little at the emphasis of "love".
"Yes, ma'am," Teruhashi says, brushing her sweaty palms off on her skirt. When she saw the mysterious, deep blue tent from the road, the heart-shaped sign caught her attention. It gave her margin of hope that her angelic-like luck was telling her something. But now...
She's considering asking for a refund. "Place your palm on the card that appeal to you the most." Teruhashi looks down at the two cards placed in front of her.
Each embellished with shiny foil and translucent paper, one card is purple and the other is pink. She hovers an uneasy hand between both. The fortuneteller taps her nails against the wooden surface of her desk. Tap! Teruhashi shuts her eyes tight. Tap! She lands her palm firmly down a card. Tap!
She chooses the purple one.
Somewhere, far away, a girl heavily sighs and lays her tired head to rest on a pillow.
You rummage through your cluttered wardrobe. The one event you managed to care about and you're going to be late. But, if you've successfully spent enough time in the closet, you should be well-dressed. That counts for something, right?
A light pink cardigan catches your eye. You feel the thick, cotton fabric between your fingers. Memories of carnival music and the sweet smell of funnel cakes pass through your head. She got this for you. When you ate too much cotton candy and sat in the corner of the mirror house crying, she draped it over your shoulders and said:
"I know it's the color of what got you sick, but it's a pretty color," She showed off that angelic smile. "Kinda like you!" Woah.
What really got you? What pulled you in and killed your pathetic crying ass? When her angelic, little smile melted into a humorous, big grin; you couldn't help but stop crying. She was trying way too hard to be the nice girl. It was all saccharine and overplayed.
Then, why did you look up at her face and let your heart grow a little fonder?
You grumble and pull the cardigan off the hanger. You button it up while gathering your things. A small giftbox, wrapped in ribbon stares at you from the kitchen island. "It's just a thank-you gift," you rationalize, picking it up.
"That's all." You feel yourself become less affirmed, but you walk out the door anyway.
Aiura meets you by the ice cream cart. She holding wrapped popsicles and tosses one at you. "How's the love business treating you?"
You unwrap your ice cream. "Read my mind." You're about to walk off, but she holds your arm.
She grins at you, unfazed. "Come on, let me show you something." You're dragged across the pavement against your will. Eh, you've been in worse.
Loud brass instruments from the marching band drown out any thoughts you could manage. Like: where is she taking me? Will I get to finish my ice cream? How- Wait is that her?
You pull away from Aiura and stand in place, feeling a sudden chill. Suddenly, the sleeves of your jacket feel uncomfortable; the coziness of the soft threads withers away. You cast your eyes to the ground, feeling small.
Teruhashi softly laughs while squeezing Saiki's arm. Her eyes reflect... pure infatuation, wonder, and even desperation. Because while she's so enamoured with him: he's looking the opposite way. She's relentless, though, asking him questions and looking up at him with those shining eyes. It's easy to tell she got all dressed up for him, careful attention put towards her hair and makeup.
You turn around, take a deep breath, and go off to find Aiura.
"I didn't encounter anything like you said, no 'charm of purple', no 'great sadness', just nothing..."
"Perhaps you should be more patient. Especially since I don't do reimbursement." Teruhashi held her head in her hands, elbows propped up on the desk. She'd spent all of this week's allowance on this place. Were she and Saiki really so Yin and Yang?
So different that their opposites couldn't attract?
"What if I bought the boy I like a purple shirt? Could that work?" Teruhashi mused, smiling sadly at the table. The fortune teller clicked her tongue. She reshuffled her cards and laid them out again.
She lightly touched Teruhashi's hand. "That's not how divination comes about, you know. It's all about fate and auras," the fortuneteller says, trying to be comforting.
Teruhashi sinks further into her chair. Maybe tonight she'd be able to dream her troubles away, get lost in a world of whimsical romantic fantasy. One where she'd never get it wrong. She'd have someone realer than fanboys and more tangible than Saiki to hold.
The only question was: Who?
Somewhere, far away, a girl wipes her eyes and slowly unwraps a giftbox. Inside, there's a little flower keychain. A cute, albeit plain, purple flower. She opens her desk drawer and lays the item there, spending a moment to stare at it. She heavily sighs and lays her tired head to rest on a pillow.
It seems it's for the best.
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