#my main is isitdonproof!
samrriegel · 8 months
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Who does Sam Riegel voice? [x]
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samrriegel · 4 years
okay okay I've been trying to find some connection to space for Sam, and I stumbled across a series of TMNT (2003) episodes in space... a 5 part series. and I do wonder if to a mainstream audience that might be the role he's best known for?
as a massive fan of sam’s who has been following him since 2003 because of ninja turtles, i can confirm that pre-critical role that is what he was best known for. from 2003-2009 he was donatello. he still says that working on that show was his favourite role.
the space arcs in the show aren’t a big thing - they time travel too, there’s a whole season dedicated to them being in the year 2105. correct me if i’m wrong (i don’t know how the masked singer works) i think the alien thing is just some quirky thing for fun and doesn’t actually have any bearing on the identity of the person?
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