#my making roy kent queer agenda
Putting my Roy x Jamie tinhat back on!
In my queer Roy post I mentioned his double life with his yoga besties and compared it with Colin’s situation (in the sense of “which other character is shown to hide aspects of himself? Oh, surprise, the gay one!”), but thinking about it further I realised that essentially Jamie was leading a double life in season 1 as well.
Jamie was pretending to be someone he deep down was not to please his father. We saw the hints of the “real” Jamie mainly in his interactions with Keeley. He always was soft and sweet and fun with her. Even after their breakup he was open and vulnerable. No hint of him trying to hide his real self behind some mean and bitchy persona.
And then I noticed a big difference between Roy, Colin and Jamie: Colin and Jamie are true to themselves and don’t hide aspects of themselves when they’re around their intimate partners—Roy on the other hand is like two different people when he is around his yoga besties vs. when he is around Keeley (and Phoebe). He is softer with Keeley, yes, but … he is still keeping his insecurities from her, doesn’t like her to see him soft and vulnerable, even though she should be the person closest to him. And he obviously is keeping things from his yoga besties as well (who for sure are convinced he’s their gay mascot, you can’t convince me otherwise.) He seems repressed to a degree where he is never fully himself with anyone.
When I saw this gif set I also realised how this is the only time I can recall that Roy wears something that is not black-ish (aside from the Richmond kit, but that is not something he decides to wear)—interestingly it is a subdued orange; who else is wearing orange in this scene? (And who was wearing orange in Amsterdam? In the pride flag orange symbolizes healing, btw.)
The only colorful things Roy ever wears are his socks, that he can easily hide in his shoes. (Edit: The socks he wears in the scene mentioned above? Same colors as the pansexual pride flag.🤡)
I don’t know yet where specifically I’m going with this—maybe it just illustrates another way Roy x Keeley never truly worked, maybe I’m actually onto something with my queer Roy agenda, but the thought was nagging me, so I wanted to share it with you lol.
Anyway, if we get queer Roy we’ll likely know by tomorrow or at least get some less subtle hints.
(I’m so excited, like, not a shred of me believes they could still be going for Roy x Keeley endgame🤡, so I’m here with my clown makeup muttering to myself “Tomorrow we’ll find out whether they go Jamie x Keeley or Jamie x Roy (x Keeley, on the horizon)” and I’m not ready)
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