#my maternal grandma is just as bad just without the addict stuff
scum-belina · 1 year
My granny royally ripped me off this month on paying me for cleaning her house and other chores and errands she didn't want to do, and less than a week later has the nerve to ask me for money so she could buy some Valium. This is the quality of family I have.
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Do you have pets? If so, what kind? If not, why not? Yep. I have a 1 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix named Princess Leia. She takes the princess part very seriously. haha.
Who do you live with? My parents, younger brother, and the Princess herself.
Are there any family members you never get along with? It’s not that we don’t get along, but we do bicker and butt heads sometimes.
What is the saddest thing that has happened to you? What about the happiest? I’d have to say the incident that made me a paraplegic at just 7 months old would be the saddest, but I’ve had a lot of other things happen as well throughout my life with health stuff and obstacles along with that, loss of loved ones, heartbreak, etc.  As for the happiest... I have a harder time pinpointing something. I’ve had happy times, like my childhood was great despite some obstacles. I look back on my childhood very fondly. Many happy memories with family like vacations, holidays, and just times together. Getting my dogs, Brandie and Princess Leia. Graduating. Getting accepted into the college of my choice. Stuff like that is what comes to mind.
How many years has it been since you graduated high school? It’s been 10 years. D:
What was the last new drink you discovered that was delicious? Hmm. I haven’t had a new drink in a long time, so I don’t recall.
What are five things you are good at? 1. Taking surveys. 2. drinking coffee. 3. Pushing people away. 4. Putting myself down and being my own toughest critic and enemy. 5. Overthinking everything.
What are five things you are bad at? 1. Doing some things that would really be beneficial for me. 2. Being a functional adult. 3. Not pushing people away. 4. Masking my emotions. 5. Math.
Do you have a YouTube channel? Yes. I don’t upload videos, although I actually did upload a few years ago. Those videos will never see the light of day again, though. lol.
Do you have trouble letting things go? Yes.
What was the easiest subject for you in school? English.
Do you decorate for holidays? Yep. I especially love to decorate for Christmas.
Do you dress up for holidays? I used to sometimes, but nah not anymore.
Did your high school have a strict dress code? I don’t think it was different than most high school’s dress codes.
Were you happy as a teenager? I struggled with low self-esteem and depression, but not like how I do now.
What do you do for your mom on Mother’s Day? I take her to breakfast or lunch and buy her some gifts.
Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? No.
Have you killed a bug this week? No.
What was the first food you learned how to cook? Top Ramen.
Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? Yes, in psychology.
Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? I always go with my mom.
How long is your average shower? 30-45 minutes.
What color is your soap? Like a peachy color.
What is the most awful thing about the world today? There’s a lot.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for? No.
Have you ever been in court? If so, in which role? No.
Could you go a day without talking to the last person you kissed? We’ve gone like 3 years now.
Would you die for someone you love? Yes, but my favorite counter question to that, which I think says even more in my case is, “would you live for someone you love?” The way things are going right now in my life with health stuff and me not taking care of myself like I should be, plus the fact that I’ve let my health consume and take over... I’m not really living. I’m letting my life pass me by as I just waste away I feel like. My family worries a lot about me and they’re stressed out and also frustrated. They don’t want to see me this way. They of course want more for me than this.
Would you have sex with someone of the same gender as you? No.
What do you identify as? Like my name or gender? I’m a female named Stephanie.
Have you ever been addicted to something? Yes.
Have you ever gotten drunk? Yes, a few times.
Have you ever dealt with an eating disorder? I feel like I have something of an eating disorder, but I don’t know. It’s not anorexia or bulimia, but something is going on with me and food.
Have you ever stolen a street sign? No. I don’t get why people do that.
Have you ever eaten a piece (even just a small bit) of paper? No.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert to the core.
Trump or Hillary? Blah.
Have you ever stepped in something disgusting with bare feet? No, but I’ve ran over cat and dog poop on accident *BARF* SO disgusting.
Have you ever had a concussion? No.
How many dresses do you own? Like 5.
When was the last time someone scared you? Yesterday. My mom came running out of the bathroom towards me with a Scream mask on and I screamed bloody murder lol. It was too real cause the way she came rushing out was just like how it’s does it in the movie slkjskdlfjlds.
Have you ever thought someone died when they didn’t? Yes! Such a weird thing. I had a dream and I wasn’t sure if I really did dream it or if it was real, so I ended up looking this person up on Facebook. They were very much alive, thankfully. It was just random, too, because it’s not even someone I’m friends with. It was someone from elementary and high school that I haven’t seen or talked to sine then.
Can you crack anything besides your knuckles? I sometimes crack my neck by just moving my head side to side. I don’t like do the whole, grab my chin and twist my head as far as I can. That freaks me out. I also stretch out my arm sometimes if I feel like it needs it and it cracks.
Do you know anyone who has a pet gecko? No.
Would you ever go bear hunting? No.
When was the last time you sang along with a song? Which one was it? It was recently, but I forget what song it was at the moment.
Do you prefer drawing or painting? Any particular reason why? I only color and that works for me.
Name something you thought was cool when you were younger but don’t now: Hmm.
What was the last book you read? I’m reading, “The Lonely Girl” by Gracie Wilson.
Do you like raisins? Chocolate covered ones are better.
Do you have a printer? Yeah.
Did you like the movie Antz? I’ve never seen it.
Is it okay to have crushes while in a relationship with someone else? I wouldn’t be okay with that. I mean, unless it was like a celebrity crush.
What do you think of sexism and double-standards? Do you believe in double-standards or do you think we should stop doing stuff like that? (ex. women can wear skirts and pants, but guys can only wear pants or they’ll get made fun of if they wore skirts): Uh, I think that they suck.
What’s your age range when it comes to dating? I think I’d go a year younger, but I’d really prefer them to be my age or older up to like 5 years.
If you had kids, would you want them to look like you? I’m not having kids.
Were you born with hair on your head? Yeah.
Would you rather have a home birth or hospital birth? Hospital.
If you could go back to your senior prom, what would you do differently? My prom went fine.
Do you currently live in the house you grew up in? No.
Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? I didn’t have one.
Who were your best friends in high school? Derek, Gabby, Gage, and Amanda.
Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? It’d have to be the bottom bunk for me.
Are you close with your cousins? I used to be with a few, but not anymore. :(
Are you close to any aunts or uncles? One of my aunts and I are pretty close.
Are you close to your grandparents? I was very close to my maternal grandparents, especially my grandmother. I have a good relationship with my paternal grandparents as well, but again especially to my Nana. It’s not the same how it was with my maternal grandma, though.
Who betrayed your trust? Meh.
Who was your first best friend (apart from a sibling)? These 2 girls, Crystal and Starr, in preschool.
What’s the name of the gas station you last stopped at? *shrug*
Is there a topic that gets you really heated when it’s brought up? I avoid ones that would.
Do you forget to flip the page of your calendar at the start of each month? No, I’m pretty good about that.
Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone? No.
Who is your least favorite actor? I don’t know if I really have a particular least favorite.
When is the last time you had a cigarette? Never.
Was babysitting your first job? It’s been my only one, if you want to count it since I only ever babysat my younger brother and a couple of my cousins. I need get money for it sometimes, though.
Do people always say you’re too thin? Yes, I hear that a lot from family and my doctors. I’m very well aware of it.
Is there something that you could never give up? Coffee, it would seem. ha.
Do you prefer piano music or violin music? Piano.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collarbone? No. Have you ever showered with someone? No.
Are you racist to any race? No.
Have you ever intentionally hurt an animal? No.
Do you like being hot or cold better? Cold. I like cozying up under a blanket, wearing a hoodie or sweatshirt,  enjoying a nice hot beverage, and/or sitting near the fireplace. Being hot is just absolutely miserable to me and there’s nothing enjoyable about it.
What’s the best thing about school? I liked the learning part and some of the assignments/projects for the most part, but I could have done without all the stressed. I got so overwhelmed and burnt out so easily.
Do you watch independent movies? Have a favorite? Not usually.
In relationships, are you obsessive? No.
Have you ever auditioned for American Idol? Ha, no. I can’t sing at all. I mean, I can, technically, but I can’t sing well.
What’s your favorite Dr. Suess book? Hmm. Not sure I really have a particular favorite.
Do you dot your “i"s will little hearts? No.
Do you own any autographed memorabilia? No.
Have you ever dated a twin? No.
Do you own any expensive designer purses? No.
Do you look like a boring person? Probably. They’d be right to think that.
Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos.
Do you have a better body or a better face? Neither.
Is it hard for you to admit when you’re hurt? No.
Have you ever considered being a cop? Nope.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): Life is Strange. ha.
Do you like sitting in the front, back, or middle of the classroom? I had to sit in the front.
Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before? No.
What’s your favorite superhero movie? The Avengers films, Deadpool 1& 2, Guardians of the Galaxy volume 1 & 2.
Do you struggle with acne? Not really. I get a little now and then. I did when I was a teenager and through my early 20s, though.
Have you ever fostered an animal? No.
Do you have a back pack in a shape of an animal? Yeah, I have a giraffe backpack.
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