#my mom was supposed to take us to our dentist appointments but she didn't give a shit
bisaster-energy · 2 years
just got home and because my parents decided that their problems are my problems im living in actual hell
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heyheshi · 4 years
Chipped Tooth
2.2k words
written and uploaded: September 3, 2020
🩋 - fluff
Please like and reblog! Also please don’t post my writings anywhere!
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Aren’t these kittens just look adorable! The first cat is Cuddles and the second one is Snuggles! Kinda inspired by the new photo of Harry on a football field.
"Cuddles! Come back here!", you yelled as you run after your 2 month old kitten who's running away from you towards the living room.
You sat down beside her after seeing her on the couch, petting her head making her purr at you, you smiled, "where is Snuggles, huh? Where is he?", you asked your cat as if she was a real person.
Cuddles only 'meows' at you and jumped off the couch and ran off somewhere in the house, leaving you alone in total silence, you sigh.
You started cleaning the living room, picking up multiple cat toys on the carpet and vacuuming it, as well as the couch to at least get rid of the cat furs.
You love your cats, they're just really messy and they needs a lot of time and affection most of the time which is a bit tiring but also a great practice to when you start having your own real babies even though it's not nearly the same.
Harry gifted you Cuddles when she was just a month old for your birthday almost a month ago adding to your small family - together with Snuggles - who is now 3 months old.
Cuddles looks like a toy with its white and gray fur and deep blue eyes. She's a Persian cat, really really tiny and quiet and often chooses to lounge on your bed or couch but she loves being cuddled - hence her name and loves to run away from you and Harry so you can give her some loving. What a brainy little teacup kitten.
While Snuggles is the exact opposite, a Munchkin cat who's very active. He also looks like a toy, he also got white furs but with a touch of brown. As much as he's active, he also loves to sleep but only when he's snuggled to Harry's side - you're not his favorite but you can live with that since he gets along with Cuddles really well - both intelligent cats.
Speaking of your fiancé Harry, you look at the wall clock and realized that he will come back home in an hour giving you enough time to prepare some snacks and clean your bedroom.
You were about to climb upstairs when you lost your balance after seeing Snuggles laying on the first staircase sleeping - you almost crushed him! Thank God you saw him just in time but you fall pretty bad. Both of your feet feels alright but your mouth feels numb, your right palm is on the third step helping you get up.
Snuggles is still sleeping peacefully, you picked him up to bring him upstairs with you - oh and you almost forgot to mention that he sleeps like a human, with his back on the surface he’s laying on! - but you saw something on the stairs. It looks like a broken bead, you look closely to pick it up, not wanting the cats to eat it but it wasn't a bead, it looks like a chipped tooth...
You run your tongue across your lower teeth, then your upper teeth until you felt something crooked making your eyes grow wide in panick.
Grasping "your" chipped tooth with your left hand and Snuggles in your right arm, you stomped upstairs to the master's bathroom after laying down Snuggles on the bean bag near your study table.
You opened all the lights and prayed to God that it's wasn't your tooth - that what you felt wasn't it but as you smiled with your full teeth on the mirror, there's a dent.
On your Central Incisor, you can see the chip and it looks awful in your opinion. You’re not teeth obsessed but you also know that this doesn't look good at all! The chip was in the front!
You racked your head with the possible outcomes and what you can do with it for the mean time. Harry will be home in a few and you gotta think quick.
Then you saw the box of disposable masks on your dresser, took one and wore it. 'It'll work for now', you thought and went downstairs to make some sandwiches for when Harry arrives.
Approximately an hour later, a very sweaty Harry came into the living room, "hey love! Why are you wearing a mask? Did you went out?"
You shake you head, "no, I didn't. Supposed to but I got lazy.", lie.
"Oh alright. Gimme a kiss Y/N!", Harry slowly went to you on the couch but you dodged his arms giggling uncomfortably.
"Later!", you winked at him to hide your nervousness as you stood up, walking towards the kitchen, "I prepared us some snacks."
Harry whined like a little boy as he pouted, "fine! Be like that! But I'm gonna go take a shower, I smell horrible anyway!", he said while walking backwards to keep your eye contact, "but you have to give me a kiss when I came back!"
You shooed him away and yelled "no promises" as you hear him scampered upstairs. You're not gonna lie, you're really embarrassed with what happened but you also know that Harry is not going to judge you but still!
You wait for Harry in the kitchen, not daring to remove your mask and eat the BLT sandwich you prepared even though your stomach is grumbling.
Harry arrived a few minutes later eyeing you down then looking at the meal in front of him, "I can't decide which one I wanna eat first...", he hummed teasing you.
"Oh shut up! Eat your sandwich.", you said as you pushed the plate towards him. Harry only clinked his tongue, strutting towards you, ignoring the food you made for him.
"Kissy!", Harry tried to remove your mask away but you only pushed him back, giggling, "eat your food first!", you said.
Harry crossed his arms on his chest and shake his head, "no."
You laughed at him, "what do you mean no?"
"Do I smell that bad? I already showered! Is that why you don't wanna kiss me?"
Now you feel bad seeing Harry feel down. You know it certainly isn't him but you don't think you can tell him that.
You stood up from your seat and went to him, hugging your fiancé tight, "I'm sorry Bubba...", slowly looking up at him seeing him already looking down at you but not hugging you back.
You only snuggled closer to his chest and squeezing him tight, "you smells good, as always, H.", you whispered not knowing if he can quite hear your with your mask.
"You don't know that!", he protested but pulled you closer to his chest.
"Oh I know..."
Harry kissed your temple while you rocked the both of you, "can you remove your mask now, pwetty pwease?", Harry requested in a childlike voice, "wanna kiss, haven't kissed you since this morning!"
"Don't want to!", you already know that he's pouting before and your reply will make him annoyed with you.
Harry pulled away and turned to the sandwich you made, taking a huge bite, "give me a valid reason."
"It's embarrassing!", you said, already feeling hot but collecting all your dignity to remove the mask.
Harry can sense that something is bothering you so he put his food down and looked at your eyes, "what's the matter love?", you only shrugged your shoulders at his question.
"Can I...?", Harry softly took your head in his hands and run his fingers through the mask making you softly nod your head.
You clasped your lips tight as Harry remove your mask. You know you're being dramatic but you're too clumsy and careless for your age!
"Why are your lips like that?", Harry thinks you're only teasing his so he laughed, pulling on your chin to get you to separate your lips.
"Mhfmfm mhdf!"
"Lovie I don't understand you!", he only laughs harder making you squint your eyes and look at him like you're a tiger ready to eat its prey.
Harry put both of his hands up in defense, "m sorry! I'm sorry!", as he laughs more, his giggles makes you wanna smile but you're annoyed at him.
You took both of your hands to cover your mouth as you speak the next few words, "I smifd mi fodth!", but it still come off as a muffled words.
Harry pulled both of his eyebrows down in a distressed and questioning manner, "you what?"
You removed one of your hand in hopes to speak more clearly this time, "I said I chipped my tooth."
Harry was about to laugh when he saw the serious look on your face, "wait! Really?!", the hot bastard looks excited!, "I wanna see! C'mon!"
But Harry wasn't having it, he started to tickle you making you laugh and remove your hand away from your mouth. 
'He can see it now Y/N!', you scolded yourself in your head.
"Oh now that's a really cute chipped tooth!", he grinned at you making you feel a bit better, "what happened baby?"
You saw a pen and paper for your grocery list, attempting to take it and just write what happened but Harry interrupted you, "nu uh! It's okay Y/N, it happens to us. I still love you and I think it looks cute. Now tell me what happened.", he playfully demanded.
You're still a bit wary of opening your mouth but fiance's order, "I was going upstairs to clean our room after finishing up the living room...", you started in a small voice to minimize the opening of your mouth.
Harry just looks at you supportingly as you continue narrating to him, "and I was about to take my first step when I saw Snuggles sleeping on the steps, I almost stomped on him but I saw him last-minute so I lost my balance and well this happened...", you looked down as you finished your story.
"Oh well that makes you a great mom! You didn't kill our baby!", Harry joked making you smile a bit, "so that's why our room is a bit messier and that's why Snuggles is on our room now.", he concluded.
You nodded twice, "pretty much. Is he still asleep?"
"Uh huh, and Cuddles was in the living room when I came back down.", Harry explained as he now hugged you from behind.
"I wanna get this fixed babes, you think we can go to the dentist tomorrow?", you looked up at him and he pecked the tip of your nose before answering.
"Of course, I'll make you an appointment but for now let's eat, I'm starving!", you agreed with Harry and took your plate as Harry took his and started descending to the living room.
You plopped down to the couch beside Harry, Cuddles on the center table playing with his stuffed candy toy.
"How was the game? Do you still got it?", you teased Harry, feeling more comfortable and confident now talking to him.
He looked at you and smirked, "are you really asking me if I'm still good at football? Baby I'm great at it!"
"Says who? Says you? The one that sprained his legs when he attempted to kick the ball?", you poked his arms laughing.
Harry swatted your finger away, "it was one time!"
You rolled your eyes at him, still laughing, "yeah sure!", you said and took your first bite on the sandwich, moaning on the taste making Harry smile.
"Oh what a narcissistic!", he sarcastically said.
"Well mister, I make banger sandwiches and we both know that this is what reeled you in when we started dating!", you looked at him accusingly.
Harry laughs, "okay! Okay you're right!"
"I know I am!", you smirked.
He looks at you fondly, "thank you for the sandwich and everything."
You smiled at him but playfully punched him in his right thigh, "oh don't be dramatic now Harry!"
He gasped, "I wasn't!", then looked at you mischievously, putting his arms around your neck and pulling you to him, "Snuggles!", you giggled but snuggled him.
Then the very awake Snuggles came rushing downstairs after hearing Harry's voice and tried to jump to his lap. He probably thought that Harry was calling him!
Harry looked at the Munchkin cat and picked him up, the kitten immediately snuggling on Harry's chest then you heard a 'meow' and you saw Cuddles looking at the three of you, eyes begging for her to get picked up and cuddled too, so you did.
The four of you in the livingroom just cuddling and snuggling each other making you forget about your chipped tooth and your sandwiches.
You looked up at Harry as he looks down at you at the same time, exchanging ‘I love you’s’. You finally kissed him without feeling any embarrassment making the both of you smile during it with your cats on each other's chest.
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