#my mom’s verdict 2 years ago ive been going strong but .
eebie · 2 years
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pov not allowed to have discord until you move out
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
You’ll Be In My Heart: Chapt. 2
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Summary: Robin explains his proposition to Regina.
Also on AO3
It had been 5 years since Robin had seen Regina Mills. She had worn suits every day over the year long court battle and always looked so put together, despite having a toddler at home. He always commended her for that. She seemed so strong, until the verdict that was. He watched her break down into Daniel’s arms, looking more devastated than he had ever seen anyone.
 Now, she looked a lot more relaxed. She was wearing a pair of lounge pants and a long-sleeved shirt, her hair shorter. God, she was more beautiful than she had any right to be.
 “I don’t understand,” Regina said, pulling him out of his thoughts. “I tried for over a year to get him back. It’s impossible.”
“A lot has changed.” He stuffed his hands into his pockets. “I’ve been taking care of Henry for the past 4 years.”
Regina tilted her head. “I don’t understand. Emma was the one that got custody after the case.”
“Emma died a year after the verdict.”
 Regina’s eyes widened and she stepped away from the door, gesturing for him to come inside. He stepped into the house, looking around the comfortable yet meticulously decorated living room. On the mantle piece above the fire place were a few pictures, some of her and Henry, but most of just him. He had never seen baby pictures of his nephew. It was hard to think that he had once been a squishy little baby. In the pictures where he was held by his former adoptive mother, he was looking at her with all the love in the world.
 “What happened?” Regina asked.
“It was a car accident, her and my mom were in Spain together.”
“Was Henry with them? Is he alright?”
Robin had to hold back a laugh. There was so much he wanted to tell Regina, but his lawyer had advised him against it. “No, Henry was with my sister in California at the time. Emma barely took care of him anyway.”
Hurt filled Regina’s eyes and he couldn’t blame her. “So, you have custody of him now?”
“That’s the problem. After the accident, my father was given guardianship, but he was barely around to take care of him. Mary Margaret was doing her best to help, but she was just starting college. So, I took over. Henry lives with me.”
“I’m still a bit confused where I come in.”
 Robin sighed. Admitting his faults wasn’t his strong suit, he was pretty sure it wasn’t anyone’s.
 “Henry is a very smart little boy. He’s the type to do tons of research and ask for help when it comes to answers he can’t find. We spend a lot of time reading books or going over Google.” He let out a tiny chuckle. “I’ve learned more with him, than I did over my 4 years at Vassar.”
Regina shifted uncomfortably. It should’ve been her bragging about his accomplishments and he knew that. “That’s great.”
“The thing is, he’s starting to remember things. A lot of it is hazy. He can’t remember Emma at all, but he talks about you.”
“He says he remembers crying and holding onto a woman with dark hair. That you gave him lots of kisses and told him it’d be okay.”
Regina bit her lip. “That was the day he was taken away from me.”
“I figured. He’s been asking about why we don’t have baby pictures of him and where he was those first few years. I’ve done my best to explain. I’ve been doing my best period, but I know that Henry needs more than me, he needs a mother. Not just any mother…he needs you.”
“Well, that’s what I argued for two years. Your family didn’t care, they ripped him from me.”
“They were wrong. Mary Margaret and I tried to talk some sense into them, but nothing worked. You have to believe me, I never wanted this.”
“I don’t see how I can help you. What are you trying to say? You want to convince Leopold to give me custody? He wouldn’t do that 5 years ago. What’s going to change now?”
Robin let out a deep breath. “I’ve been fighting for the past couple of years for my father to let me adopt Henry. He’s called me “Dad” a few times and I can tell he wants to on a permanent basis. The issue is, Leopold doesn’t think that I can do it alone. He’s old fashioned, extremely so. Even though he’s a single man, he knows that one day he’ll die. He wants Henry to have a mother and a father, like he would’ve had if my mom hadn’t died alongside Emma.”
“So…what are you trying to say?”
“If we got married, he’d let us both adopt him.”
 Regina’s mouth dropped open and for the first time since he met her, she truly seemed speechless. He couldn’t blame her, he knew that this wasn’t the most conventional way. Robin had gone over it a million times in his head before he decided to open up this can of worms. He wanted to do the right thing for Henry and this was the only way he was going to be able to do it.
 “Marry you?” Regina asked incredulously after the shock wore off. “I barely even know you. I hate your family.”
“I know, and I don’t blame you. I’m not doing this for me, I wouldn’t expect us to even share a bed. It’s all for Henry.”
“You honestly think your father is going to let me adopt him again? After everything he did to take Henry from me?”
“I’ve discussed it with him. It was never about you, he didn’t want to hurt you and Daniel personally…”
“Well, he did! This entire thing ruined my marriage. I’m assuming you know that, or else you wouldn’t be here.”
Robin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I hired a private investigator to look into you. I’m aware.”
“Of course.”
“Look, Leopold isn’t a great guy and that’s why I took Henry. He’s getting sicker by the day and I know he doesn’t have much longer. I want him to consent to the adoption before he dies, or else there’s going to be an uphill battle. He’s made it clear if I don��t get married before he dies, Henry will go with Mary Margaret and her husband. Which I know they would do, but it’s not what they want. They’re still young, not even ready for kids of their own, let alone an 8-year-old.”
 Robin could tell that Regina was actually considering it, which both surprised him and didn’t at the same time. He wasn’t asking for himself, he was asking for the little boy that they both clearly loved with everything in him.
“You’re sure your father approves of me?”
“He knows at this point, he can’t be choosey.”
She rolled her eyes. “Gee, thanks.”
“You know what I mean. Look, I love Henry. As much as I wish they hadn’t taken him from you, he’s become my entire world. If I lost him…I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Well, I already did.”
“And this is your chance to get him back. This marriage doesn’t even have to be forever. It’s just until my dad dies, then we can work out custody and all of that.”
“You’d be willing to split custody with me?”
“It’d kill me not to see him every day, but I want to do what’s right for him. That starts by marrying you.”
 Robin reached into his pocket, pulling out the black velvet box that had been burning a hole in it the 5-hour flight. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to pray that it would work. Flipping open the box, he revealed the diamond that he had selected.
 “Regina Mills, will you do me the honor of becoming my nephew’s mother…again?”
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