#my oc prosperitas
Megop headcanon that Optimus treats their flyer sparkling like she's made of glass but as soon as she's able to hold her head up on her own Megatron will just literally throw her around.
Not hard enough to hurt her! But he just chucks her up in the air or tosses her across the room into someone else's arms. He knows he needs to as it helps develop her understanding of 3D spaces and will help her learn to fly later on. And Halcyon enjoys it! She even asked to be thrown off the balcony which Optimus shot down real quick. (This is also a thing that human kids need which is why little kids like to be thrown into the air or jump off high surfaces.)
Optimus watches this all terrified, convinced that Megatron is gonna miss or throw her too hard, and Halcyon is gonna go head first into the ceiling or furniture corner. But she comes out of it unscathed and a great flyer so it works!
And then they have another kid and he's a grounder and Optimus and Megatron's roles flip. Now Optimus is the one throwing Prosperitas around, sliding him across the floor, chasing him, and gently chucking him across the room into their couch. Just like Halcyon needed an understanding of 3D spaces for flying, Prosperitas needs spatial understanding for driving, and this helps develop that.
Meanwhile Megatron is standing on the sidelines, worried that Optimus is stressing him out too much. Halcyon is patiently waiting for her brother to get his first jetpack so they can go flying together since she can't really fit on the main roads.
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Random ideas and thoughts about my TFA Megop sparkling and the post-war Cybertron peace AU she lives in that I thought up during work. Putting it all under a read more since it’s a long post. 
While Cybertron has declared peace and most everyone abides by, there are still pockets of dissent and groups that act out against this. This includes groups that align with Decepticons and groups that align with Autobots.
Cybertron also has a good relationship with Earth and considers it a fellow galactic power despite only having rule over one planet and a moon.
Cybertronians can live on Earth and operate out of Cybertronian bases or work for Earth companies. However humans can't live on Cybertron for extended periods. While the official reason given is that Cybertron's climate is too hostile for humans, most believe it's the continued organic xenophobia (organiphobia?). 
Detroit remains the go-to spot for Cybertronians visiting or working on Earth. Other major cities in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Japan have begun to welcome Cybertronians as well, albeit to a lesser extent.
Sari alternates between being on Earth and Cybertron as she serves as one of the official Galactic Representatives for Earth. Her specialty is relations with Cybertron.
She is also Halcyon's godmother! (But not in a religious way, if that makes sense.) She got Halcyon to call her "Aunt Sari."
Post-war economic boom means a change in culture as well. Economic prosperity allows for new fashion ideas to emerge. The most popular one being transforming safe jewelry that looks good in both root and alt mode. There is also temporary paint like makeup which is utilized by all younger people regardless of occupation.
There's also a shift in food culture as energon goes from just being fuel that needs to be conserved to being something to enjoy. Semi-solid food items begin to be created and become popular. There is a form of energon based boba tea (because I love a good black milk tea with boba).
There are memes. While influenced by Earth some, Cybertron has it's own meme culture and social media platforms. Halcyon has an account on all of them and she will show her creators memes she finds funny. They have no clue what they mean and they do that old person thing where they hold the phone way out and squint at it.
Halcyon likes Earth but prefers beaches and desert regions over Detroit's temperate climate and lake.
Every time she goes to Earth she takes a rock with her as a souvenir. She has been told to stop multiple times but always manages to get one past security and her creators. After a while, the park service just points at rocks that she can take without any severe impaact to the environment because they know they can't stop her. Her creators are just grateful she's not bringing back actual organic matter that could rot.
She's very proud of her rock collection and shows it off every chance she gets. Family friend dropping by for a quick chat? Show off the rocks. Important business meeting? Show off the rocks! Tense negotiation between politicians? Show off the rocks!!
She also wants a pet turbofox! But there is one issue: turbofoxes are not domesticated and have never been domesticated. She is convinced she can be the first to domesticate one.
She cried when she found out she was getting a brother. Not because she doesn't want a brother, she loves him. But because she thought the big news her creators were going to tell her was that they were finally domesticating a turbofox for her.
Contrary to her name, Halcyon is actually an extremely chaotic and energetic kid and teen. She calms down a bit when she hits young adulthood but still tends to act without thinking everything through and says whatever comes to mind.
Full grown Halcyon is about as tall as Megatron, only a little shorter but she's slimmer like Optimus. Her base paint (that is the colors that naturally occur and not an added paint job) are dark gray, blue, and silver. She likes to get purple and red added as accents. She is a flight frame. 
She has heterochromia. Her left optic is blue and her right optic is red. Heterochromia can occur in Cybertronians but neither Megatron or Optimus knew they carried the code for it. It doesn’t impact her vision at all.
Her younger brother, Prosperitas, also has heterochromia but his optics are flipped (the left is red and the right is blue). They joke that they could swap one optic each and have the same color optics but argue over who gets which color.
Prosperitas’s base colors are dark gray, red, and blue. He is a ground frame. 
Prosperitas was born around the time that she was the equivalent of being about eleven to twelve years old. When she gets older she does occasionally have to babysit him and bring him with her. She’s worried others will think it’s lame that she has to bring her little brother along. Prosperitas is excited to get to hang out with older kids.
Halcyon does eventually find a turbofox and begins domesticating it, bringing it energon and getting it used to being pet and training it to perform simple commands. She names it Swiftfox. She doesn’t tell her creators since she knows they’d worry about her safety despite the turbofox being very docile. Prosperitas learns about it but promises not to say anything as long as she lets him pet Swiftfox. 
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