#my only remaining question is whether you (anon) care about fatphobia since you had pretty much no idea what timidsketch was trying to say?
anastacialy · 7 months
please dont put violent racists like timidsketch or anyone who equates someone not looking like them to the horrors of genocide (???????? wtf is wrong with that person) on my dashboard
alright, i'm gonna walk you through this real quick, much like i had to clarify for timidsketch. i'd love to just ignore this ask, since this feels a bit like sealioning (trying to start an argument knowing it'll make others look bad) but instead, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. firstly, timidsketch is not racist, nor are they 'violent,' they simply misunderstood part of a poem. much like you misunderstood her reaction to said poem. not everyone is great at literary analysis. or reading comprehension. this is the piss on the poor website.
timidsketch, in her reaction to said poem, expressed that the genocide in gaza is horrific. and that gaining weight should not be seen as AN EQUIVALENT HORROR to genocide. because it isn't. this, the both of you clearly agree on. however, that was simply the part of the poem that was misunderstood. the poem wasn't saying that it was equivalent. the poem was highlighting that as a contrast, that there is so much more going on in the world than something so simple as the author's weight gain.
genocide (big, awful, horrible) VS. laundry to do (small, easy, a slight inconvenience at worst). simple as that.
you, anon, in your accusations, have also simply misread the post.
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