#my original plan was for Leo to be with Fugitoid but i felt that wouldn't make sense considering he was mad at Fugitoid in the show
fabuloustrash05 · 11 months
Where is everybody during the Mission Failed AU? What becomes of them?
So shortly after the Turtles, April, Casey and Fugitoid failed their mission to save the Earth from the Triceratons, the team broke out into a massive argument, out of grief, failure and loss.
There’s a little WIP I’ve done so far of their argument:
"If you didn't try to pull another stupid solo mission at the last minute then maybe we could've made it in time!"
"Woah dude, don't blame Leo," Casey interrupts, "He was trying to protect us from the dino freaks ships. Maybe if we didn't take so many detours just so one of us could make out with some lizard babe than we would've not fallen behind!"
"You leave Mona Lisa out of this!" Raph growls.
“If talking about any ditours, what about April?" Mikey asked.
“What about me?!"
“Everyone please, don't fight!" The professor begs.
"No!" April crosses her arms as she glared at Mikey, "Please explain to me how is it exactly it’s my fault?"
"Well… I mean… y-you did want to return the Soul Star back to the Aeons instead of going after the Triceratons when they stole one of the pieces from us…"
"I wanted to help all planets, not just ours! And besides, we had the pieces, but then Donnie had his 'crisis' and let the Triceratons get away!"
"Are you kidding me?" Donnie was shocked by April's words.
"I-I'm sorry Donnie…" April said, immediately regretting her words, "I didn't mean-"
"What? That because I'm not smart enough like the professor so it's my fault the Triceratons stole the black hole pieces from us?!" He snaps at her, "No! Raph's right. This is all Leo's fault!"
Hurtful and cruel words were said that cannot be taken back which led to everyone slipping up and going their separate ways, refusing to contact one another for many years.
Donnie continues to live with Fugitoid, staying on his spaceship. He now works as the professors assistant/apprentice, learning and advancing his knowledge in many fields of science. The duo travel the cosmos to study and explore for their next big experiments. Occasionally Donnie visit Dimension X and works with the Utrom Council too.
Leo is living out his Captain Ryan fantasy. With his brand new team of heroes. together they travel the galaxy helping neighboring planets, wanting to protect other planets for he failed to protect his own. He’s hurting but hides it all with a smile, in denial and has convinced himself that he’s fine.
Casey has become his childhood dream of being a intergalactic bounty hunter. In truth, he's living his best life and him and Mikey are the only ones who stay in contact.
Raph (along with Chompy) lives on Salamandrian. He and Mona Lisa got married and after training with Sal Commander, Raph is now a highly respected warrior on the planet, looked up to by many. He misses his brothers but no matter how many time Mona tries to convince him to contact them, Raph refuses, feeling too guilty to see them.
Mikey works at an intergalactic rest stop where alien from all over the cosmos travel just to taste his delicious foods that are all based on Earth cuisines. Casey occasionally visits him at his shop and the two catch up, together the miss the good old day when everyone was together.
The loss of her home and father broke April the most. The grief was too much that Za-Naron was unleashed. April and Za-Naron, now as one powerful being, returned to the Aeons home planet where she is now worship and seen as a powerful goddess to them.
After nearly 10 years, the team are all still grieving, some worse than others. Perhaps maybe they could all heal if the reunite again and talk this out instead of avoiding their problems.
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