#my own little headcanon that Crowley is a huge fan of carnival
czitara · 5 months
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Hello everyone.
Please say hi to my newest flatmate, Crowley.
You may not recognise him at once since he is currently wearing a Jester “costume”. He had recently spent too much time in south-west Germany and found out about one of the German’s finest traditions: carnival. Given that this particular tradition is advocating everything the Serpent of Eden is known for endorsing – gluttony, drunkenness, mockery, and all other kinds of sins that come with excessive partying – he had taken to it like a fish to water.
Granted, the costume wasn’t exactly part of the plan. But it seemed like a good idea at first to blend in with the crowds when trying to lure the already heavily sinning masses into committing more sins (sins that seemed to lack the usual creative spark the serpent would normally invest and instead strongly focused on more drunkenness and more badmouthing about clergy and aristocracy).
He was having the time of his life all while feeling very productive. Crowley was really besting the concept of “find a work that you like and you never have to work for the rest of your life”.
It all went jolly well until one day, the demon had to learn that his efforts had caused somewhat of a downward spiral amongst the humans and thus caught him the attention of the local count’s guards who apparently accused him of fomenting disobedience among the people and planning a coup to gain power over his territories. Utterly ridiculous and insanely far-fetched if you asked the Serpent. Could one no longer invent some innocent little rhymes about the beheading of a certain fopdoodle of a count and spread the word like wildfire without being charged with treason these days?
He changed back into his snake form for the remainder of the festivities to keep the local authorities off his back. But he was rather annoyed about being deprived of this particular pleasure that would now continue without him. So, he decided to keep having fun nonetheless, even just with his own company (the angel unfortunately – but not unsurprisingly – NOT supporting this kind of sinful festivities).
And until the morning of Ash Wednesday, if one was to stumble into an empty barn in a dark, abandoned alley near the celebrations, one would have found a bundle of colourful, oddly shaped rectangles curled around a keg of German beer. And if one would have bothered to take a closer look, every now and then, one would have seen a snake’s head appear out of the colourful bundle, dipping its head reverently all the way down into the keg and then emitting gurgling sounds of drunkenly hissed melodies, while the head was swaying rhythmically to the faint sounds of German folk music in the distance.
I found him like this and decided to take him home, poor snek. Jester Crowley will return for next carnival’s season.
PS: he will always vehemently deny liking German folk music although for some strange reason, his take on the matter will always, reliably, be subjected to thorough revision, once past his 5th drink…
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