#my point is that the way yall act on here ingrained biphobic and panphobic behaviors in me
boyfriem-moved · 7 years
unpopular opinion but the gay culture on this website is so strong and suffocating that it’s making bi and pan kids feel like it’s bad or wrong for them to like people of the opposite gender and it’s kinda toxic and y’all need to calm down
#ive had this thought for awhile but i felt like i shouldnt say it because people would get mad#but uh fuck it#yall need to hear this#because you think with your violently gay culture you're helping young queer kids but you're really not#i struggled with my sexuality for years because I felt so pressured to Be Gay when the message should have just been to be myself#and a lot of that i can blame on my friends at the time but plenty of the blame goes to this website as well#i was very young (still am really) when i was first figuring out my sexuality and when i first got a tumblr#and i was young enough that i didnt understand that concept of sexuality being fluid or using gay as an umbrella term or anything like that#i dont want to say this because it's what all the old christian women say and i know that but honestly on tumblr being gay is cool#and thats what i saw and thats what my friends were like#and i mean all of my middle school friends and i are legitimately queer kids#we were when we were thirteen and we are now#but with the exception of maybe one or two people i don't think any of us has stuck with the labels we were using back in middle school#but anyways that alls a rant post for after i post this one#my point is that the way yall act on here ingrained biphobic and panphobic behaviors in me#and even though im older now and i know better#i still have to remind myself not to judge the bi girl in my history class for talking about boys#and i still have to remind myself that there's nothing wrong with enjoying a heterosexual romance in a book#and i still have to remind myself that it's not bad for me to like girls because theres nothing wrong with that it's just who i am#which is literally what gay kids who have grown up in heteronormative families have to teach themselves by the way so#yall think you're being progressive and you're having the opposite effect#calm yourselves#aight im gonna stop typing because this is getting ridiculous#goodnight
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