#my poor unphotogenic boy
cat-lady-spinster · 4 months
My beautiful son
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diehellasrache · 3 months
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my poor little man was so scared of the thunder I had to sit next to him and pet him and talk or he wouldn't eat his food 😭😭😭 I'm so sorry angel boy (elegiac boy and his pillow are not from today, today boy is unphotogenically glued to my ankles and glaring at the betraying window where the thunder comes from)
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
manager matchup #1 ♡
@haikyuu-ink yuki darling! thank you so much for your kind words :( i hope you like this! i think i might surprise you a bit with the choices i've made? (when you had your little shipping thing going the guy i chose wasn’t mentioned, and you didn’t list him in your self-ship either so now i’m WORRIED) but i kept thinking it over and over, and i kept changing my mind.
ANYWAY on with the matchup!
school: shiratorizawa year: 3rd
it's the beginning of your second year when tendou approaches you. you're confused at first; but a few minutes of conversation make his intentions very clear. he really, really wants a team manager. and heretofore, he's been unsuccessful. you can't help but wonder how many girls he's asked at this point, but he's still making his pitch. and you're listening to him, but you're also thinking "hm,,, it could be good for my college applications,,, we've got a very good team here,,, it's not a terrible idea."
so, you say, "okay, sure." tendou doesn't quite believe you at first (he keeps asking you to repeat that), but that afternoon you're standing in the gym and you're like "what have i done." washijo's a bit confused about your presence (and you wonder if tendou has even spoken to him about this), but he lets you stick around. half the team is just as confused as to why you're there, and the other half is excited that they've finally got a female manager.
but, your responsible nature quickly endeared you to both the team and the coaches! before long, you've become an invaluable part of the team, and some of them have convinced themselves that they’d fall apart without you there (it’s goshiki. goshiki’s convinced they’ll fall apart without you--)
your team ♡
ushijima wakatoshi
✧ truth be told, you were probably intimidated as all hell when you first met him. he's massive, and he's blunt, and he's not exactly known for having great people skills. i know i'd be terrified of him at first! but, because he's so,,, straightforward, it's surprisingly easy to get along with him (so long as you're not expecting him to be something he's not)?
✧ he appreciates how responsible you are as a manager, even if he doesn't really say it all that often. admittedly, he didn't see much need for a manager, at first. were they not doing well enough without one? but, he's wise enough to notice the good effect that you have on the team. and, he appreciates your time-management skills. after all, you're not going to get an effective amount of practice if you don't have a good schedule.
✧ it took him a while to fully warm up to you simply because of his personality (and he's just,,, not the sort to reach out and try to cover that gulf with someone, you know?), and you have no idea what to try and bond with him over. but, you both don't like feeling fragile slkjdf
✧ funnily enough, the moment that you and toshi truly bonded was during the first few months of your third year, where things were really and truly beginning to get stressful. you, personally, were at a tipping point: college applications, prepping for exams already, varsity commitments, the volleyball club,,, frankly, it was all too much
✧ and that's when toshi finds you crying in the store room. he'd been practicing late (as he often did), when he hears your gentle sobs. he doesn't quite know what to do, because he's never really dealt with this kind of thing before. but, he just,,, sits with you. and he asks you what's wrong. and he lets you vent.
✧ he doesn't really say anything, because he's not equipped to. but, he's just there.
✧ after that, you're a little closer. he makes sure to ask you how you're feeling that day (to the surprise of much of the team ljds), and he pays particular attention during exam periods. it's only something small, and he always asks with that monotone voice of his, but it's enough to make you feel all soft.
✧ you don't spend any significant amount of time together outside of club activities, but when you do, people are terrified. the star of the volleyball team and an honours/varsity student? both with resting bitch faces? there are certainly some 'power couple' rumours going around about the two of you, but you don't let it get to you (even if it bothers a certain team member, but we'll get to that--)
✧ okay but a cute little headcanon,,, because he's the star of the team, you feel obligated to include him on any posters and such that you design (and, also because the coaches are adamant that featuring ushijima will draw the most attention). but,,, the man's deeply unphotogenic. like. every time you try and get a good shot it just looks a bit off. even if you take an action shot of him spiking. you're not sure how he manages it, and he doesn't quite get it when you try and explain it to him. tendou thinks it's hilarious dflkjdf
tendou satori
✧ tendou quickly becomes one of your best friends, both on the team and outside of it. As the person who recruited you, he feels personally responsible for your well-being (and for helping you integrate into the team smoothly). it's hard not to be endeared by that, especially when he's constantly checking in with you to make sure you're doing okay. and that's a habit that carries well into your third year.
✧ he appreciates the fact that you offer all the boys a shoulder, and he's grateful for how much you give them. he knows it mustn't be easy, tending to the needs of a large group of young men (and shiratorizawa has a large team), and he's always reminding you to look after yourself.
✧ he's excellent at reading people, and he's always there to support you whenever you're at tipping point. he’s not great at being vulnerable, per say, but he knows how to try and lift a mood. 
✧ oh, please share your writing with him, he'd be delighted to read it! especially if you ever venture into more fantastical genres. he's very supportive, and he's good at giving constructive feedback while also being an enthusiastic reader.
✧ i feel like you end up keeping him in check a bit? he strikes me as someone who’s prone to procrastinating, and being terrible at organising their time, so you’ll have to kick his ass into gear from time to time. he appreciates it, even if he’s always teasing you for being a such a model student
✧ like ushijima, i don’t think he’s all that great at being vulnerable? he seems like he’s got some walls that are harder to break down, as they’re some kind of defence mechanism. that being said, should he need to vent, he knows he can come to you.
✧ honestly, i think that quiet affection is a staple of your friendship; you’re more active in showing each other that you care, and demonstrating your support through your actions. you’re big on roasting one another (tendou’s very good at it hh), but you know you’ve always got each other’s backs.
✧ oh but he gets so sad if you snap at him,,, he’s more sensitive than he lets on and he doesn’t quite know how to meet your sharp tongue head on. he usually just tries to diffuse the situation with a bit of banter (since you two are good at that), but that tends to be hit and miss. you two never really have arguments, though, and he recovers pretty quickly (especially if you promise to read that week’s shonen jump).
✧ you two get so loud sometimes though,,, either before or after practice (basically outside the time frame where washijo can get at you dklj) but you’re always bantering back and forth. it often ends up in something of a three-way with semi, with the occasional input from taichi. goshiki tries joining in, bless his heart, but he’s really not very good at it.
✧ OKAY but he always has this big ideas for the team posters and you have to be like “satori, sweetie,,, absolutely not.” like, he wants them dressed as samurai. or yokai. or as characters from naruto. and you have to be like “that’s great but how is this going to get people to support the team.” and his excuses are always terrible.
✧ overall, you two have a very wholesome, supportive friendship? bless you guys. also he’s your number one wing-man and hype-man, even if you don’t want him to be. but we’ll get to that in a minute.
✧ side note: i think tendou’s an entp (if not, he’d be an estp), and they tend to meld very well with infjs! a good complement where you balance each other’s weaknesses while supporting one another’s strengths!
semi eita
✧ you were pretty intimidated by him at first, because 1) he’s very tall, 2) he comes off as very intense, and 3) he’s very, very pretty. semi was one of the guys who was a little confused as to why you were there; was a manager really necessary? but, you were cute, and you seemed pretty gung-ho about the whole thing. so, he just shrugged it off.
✧ because you got close to tendou, it was only inevitable that you ended up getting to know semi too. and, before you know it, you and tendou were constantly ganging up on the poor boy.
✧ but, you end up finding that being around semi is,,, surprisingly easy. your personalities just gel in a very natural way, and you balance each other out. he’s hot-headed and competitive, while you seem a lot more grounded and soft. but, at the same time, you have that sassy side, which plays off his personality quite well. so, you bolster each other while still being able to have a lot of fun together!
✧ honestly, semi develops a crush on you pretty quickly. it’s a few months into your friendship, and he casually mentioned that he’s interested in making music. when you were actually interested in what he had to say, he really perked up. and you let him ramble about it; that little passion of his that he hadn’t shared with anyone yet.
✧ and in that moment, he realises just how invaluable you already are to him? you listen to him vent about stupid shit all the time, you take an interest in the things he cares about, and you’re more than capable of maintaining good banter. and he’s like “oh shit oh no oh shit oh no--”
✧ tendou catches on immediately. semi literally begs him not to tell you. he promises to buy him boba for like a month for his silence. tendou never says anything directly (he’s a man of his word, after all), but oh man does he tease semi.
✧ you remember what i was saying about him being your wing-man? yeah. yeah.
✧ he’s already a bit of a show-off, and that only gets worse now you’re around. he tries to make his serves even more powerful and impressive, and he always looks over to you whenever he makes a service ace (he wants to see you cheering for him, but he’s not going to say that.)
✧ he’s literally always ranting about something slkdjf he says he’s not that hot-headed but you can always pull out a list of every single thing that set him off that week,,, and it’s never anything that serious, but it’s quite funny how much he’s able to ramble. but he really likes coming to talk to you because you listen and you tolerate it, and that does things to his heart, you know?
✧ it goes two ways. he’s quietly caring, and he’s very gentle with you when you’re feeling fragile. he’s particularly kind to you, and he tends to go into overdrive if he ever finds you upset. like, you can snap at him, but instead of getting angry he’s just like “O H N O what can i do? how can i help? i’m here if you need me.” and you’re like “huh? that,,, wasn’t the response i was expecting?” but he’s always unfailingly supportive of you.
✧ you’re always there for him, letting him lean on you, so he wants to return the favour. he told you that, once, with a blindingly red face.
✧ your relationship, even when you’re ‘just friends’, is littered with soft little moments. whether it be that support, quiet little compliments at opportune moments,,, that usually end with one of you turning around and going “haha i actually meant that you’re a l o s e r”
✧ because , for all the tenderness, you two roast each other all the time. is it flirting? probably. usually, actually, on semi’s side (tendou’s always complaining that semi’s never that nice to him when they’re bantering). honestly, semi just gets all giddy when he makes you laugh.
✧ he tried teaching you how to serve one time, because he’s like “okokok, this is an excellent opportunity to flirt and get close to her. i’m gonna seem so cool, just you watch--” but he’s the one who ends up getting all flustered because of course (tendou roasts the hell out of him for it. semi never quite lives it down)
✧ definitely pretends to be a little dumber than he is so you’ll tutor him -- you catch onto him because his grades are actually fine, but you humour him (even though you’re a little confused as to why he’s doing it? but you’re not going to turn down an opportunity to spend time with him--) somehow he’s still competitive with you when it comes to grades, but that’s just,,, him
✧ semi’s capable of joining in on the chaos from time to time (he’s always ready to throw down with tendou, after all), but if you want to relax, he’s happy to be quiet. he’s just happy to be in your presence because this boy is a simp okay
✧ you feature him on posters more than is maybe reasonable, but it’s just because he’s so pretty. like,,, his face alone is good marketing.
✧ look, this boy would die for your cooking. when he’s crushing on you, getting food from you just. destroys him. like,,, he goes bright red and the rest of the team’s like “hey dude, are you okay?” and he’s like “:) she made this :) for me :)” (cue ushijima being like “actually she made it for the entire team” and tendou starts cackling--)
✧ confessed to completely by accident. was more than willing to take it to the grave with him, but fate had other plans. poor boy was probably jealous of someone (you’ll see below), and he gets all grumbly. when you confront him about it because Oh My God Semi How Are You More Terse Than Usual, he just,,, blurts it out. literally just goes “it’s because I’m in love with you, you dumbass!” and you’re like “uh—” and he’s like “UH—DON’T TELL TENDOU.” to which your response is, “that’s the first thing you’re going to follow that up with?”
✧ at that point, he’s begging you to forget that he ever said anything. you, of course, are like “nope. not gonna.” and semi’s desperate and scrambling in his brain about how he’s going to salvage your friendship, when you say – “i never turned you down.” and semi’s like ??????????? i,,, i guess??? and you’re like “so,,, date this friday?” and semi thinks he’s ascended. this isn’t how it’s supposed to go. being a complete and total dumbass is not the way to get a girlfriend but there he is—
✧ tendou never lets him live it down, by the way. semi spends the rest of his life regretting not having some fancy confession planned. you assure him that it’s hard of the charm. he doesn’t quite believe you.
✧ okay but artistic couple? powerful. you show him your prose, and he lets you listen to a little of his original music. he always gets kind of nervous about it, because he needs to be The Best and he needs you to like his stuff. but of course you love it (and your personal favourites become the pieces he’s most proud of)
✧ poor boy has considered writing you a song so many times, but he keeps chickening you out. he always finds excuses not to-- when he’s crushing he’s like “no, that’s too much.” when you’re in a relationship, he’s like “i can’t because of,,, reasons.” he just doesn’t want to get it wrong, you know? but he keeps the rhythm and the lyrics he associates with you as notes between his heart strings (>:])
✧ also, when you’re finally together, he’s clingy as hell. He’s not the best at asking for affection, but he has a tendency to just,,, initiate it. And somehow, he makes it awkward like half the time. But it’s hard of his charm, and there’s nothing he loves more than feeling your fingers laced through his.
✧ those soft hours you mentioned? yeah. yeah. Semi gets super fond whenever you’re alone (especially when you two are cuddling), and he has a tendency to just,,, litter your face with kisses. You tease him for it all the time, and it makes him blush something fierce. He wouldn’t have things any other way, though.
✧ you two make me so soft and it’s such a surprise? i didn’t really expect to choose him but here we are,,, and i love you two (even if it seems like an unconventional choice). also whoops it’s so long i’ve set a precedent for myself :’)
ohira reon
✧ let’s be honest, both of you are responsible for holding the team together. having reon around is something of a godsend because it’s like “finally, someone’s got their shit together.” because while your boys are talented, they’re an absolute disaster sometimes. it’s not even that they’re chaotic or anything; it’s just that they’re prone to self-destructing? so you and reon are just. constantly on mum duty--
✧ he’s so mindful and polite, and he’s constantly thanking you for all you do. he knows you’re putting in a lot of work for them, and he wants to make sure you feel appreciated. he gently reminds you to look after yourself (especially around times of high stress), but he makes sure he doesn’t overstep any boundaries.  
✧ okay, but it’s so nice to just relax with each other every now and then? whether that’s chatting before or after practice, catching up on the weekends to discuss your disaster children, or helping each other study… he’s just a nice dude to spend time with?
✧ he’s more than willing to be a shoulder for you to lean on when times get rough. he’s well aware that you’ve got semi and tendou, but it’s certainly not a bad thing to have a sizable support system. reon strikes me as a good listener, so if you’re ever in the desperate need to rant, he’s your guy.
✧ he’s a bit supporter of you and semi. he likes how you balance him out and soften him, and he genuinely enjoys seeing your dynamic. he also just likes seeing two of his friends happy, you know?
goshiki tsutomu
✧ look,,, the moment he joins the team, he’s your son. you and tendou co-parent him. it was bound to happen, and how can you not develop a fondness for him? he definitely looks up to you like an older sibling, and your word is law in his world fdslkjdfs
✧ he just really wants to impress you! he doesn’t get the validation he’s seeking from his teammates, and that’s where you step in. give him the praise that he needs! tell him he’s doing well! he deserves it!
✧ he tries to keep up with the banter but he’s,,, not very good at it. his jokes don’t really land all that often because he’s too earnest. he’s too eager to please so he can never actually roast anyone (especially not you third years,,, the poor boy would combust before that’d happen)
✧ he appreciates how supportive you are! he’s also so, so appreciative, thanking you for listening to him, for making meals for him, for making time-tables for him,,, honestly, he’s just very touched? like you did this thing? for him? because you care about him? it makes him feel very Special, and that’s an instantaneous way to secure a place in his heart (even if technically, you’re doing it for the others too, as that’s kind of your job as a manager, but that’s irrelevant--)
✧ i don’t think goshiki’s very bright (bless), so he’d absolutely be asking you to tutor him. as with everything, he gives it his all, even when he’s got the question wrong. but, he’s your precious son, so you’re gonna do all you can to make sure he’s getting the grades he needs.
✧ i think you’d be able to get along with him quite well? just a very soft, loving friendship (also i can’t imagine you ever lashing out at goshiki, even when your patience is thin,,, just imagine the look on his face dssfklfsj poor baby,,, other members of the team are Deeply Jealous of him for that hhhhh)
shirabu kenijirou
✧ shirabu’s got a strong personality, and i think that could cause the two of you to get off to a rocky start. he’s the,,, “you have to prove your worth to me” type (at least by my count), so it might take him a few months to really understand why you’re even here (he’s still polite to you, of course, as you’re his upperclassmen, but the tension’s still there)
✧ somehow, the two of you have a bit of an academic rivalry going. sure, you’re in different year levels, but you’ve managed to make it into a competition. he’s not going to directly ask for your grades or anything like that, but you always feel like he’s testing you,,, trying to catch you out to see if he’s got a better understanding of the content than you did
✧ but because of that, he’s a really motivating study partner. if you’re both in the library (usually before practice), you feel this pressure to really buckle down and work extra hard because there’s no way you’re letting this runt beat you.
✧ a begrudging respect does develop between the two of you, and he’s willing to acknowledge all the little ways you help out the team. he also appreciates that you’re capable of being quiet ahahah
✧ he also appreciates the fact that you,,, can stick up for yourself, if that makes sense? even if it’s just roasting people? and he can’t deny how much work you put into your studies and your extra-curriculars. so, while i don’t think you guys would end up being all that close, your relationship is quite valuable.
yamagata hayato
✧ he’s a mum friend. no-one can convince my otherwise. and, that means he’s a mum friend for you, too (even though you tell him, constantly, that you’re the manager, and that means you’ve got to look after him. he doesn’t listen, of course.)
✧ he knows you’re smart and hard-working, but he wants you to look after yourself! he’s always reminding you to drink water and eat healthy. you’re one of his underclassmen, and he’ll be damned if you’re not taking good care of yourself!
✧ reminds you to go easy on the first years if you ever snap at them. he understands why, but he’s just like,,, a little calming force in moments like that. he says it’s a favour in return for you keeping track of his phone dsflkjdfljk
✧ he was one of the kindest, most welcoming members of the team when you first joined up! and honestly, the fact that he’s not A Giant (like some of the other boys), he was a lot more approachable. along with tendou, he lent a hand with helping you settle into the rhythm of things, and the two of you will always share a cute little bond because of that.
✧ he’s definitely one of the more chill members that you recharge with, and he’s also grateful to take some quiet time with the less chaotic amongst you.
✧ okay but i just have this vision of him helping you prepare food for the team? especially if it’s someone’s birthday or a different kind of celebration. i have no clue if he’s any good at cooking, but he tries.
kawanishi taichi
✧ he’s definitely one of the boys you were most intimidated by. He’s tall, and he’s got that whole expressionless thing going. He’s also not the type to,,, reach out, so your friendship develops due to propinquity more so than anything else
✧ honestly, i think you and taichi would have a cordial relationship, but not a particularly close one. you find each other pleasant enough to chat to, it’s just that you have other people that you’re closer to, if that makes sense?
✧ you’d gel best intellectually, i think. he’s clever, and he’s analytical, so i can see him sitting down and talking about the game with you. he thinks you’ve got a valuable perspective as someone looking from outside the court, so he likes to take advantage of that.
✧ often asks you what you think, and if you’ve got any ideas for improvement. The rest of the team is kind of ???? because his motivation is quite spotty, but it’s just because he likes thinking outside the box
sorry that one was short but I’VE GOT SO MANY WORDS YUKI AND I’M STILL NOT DONE
some other interactions ♡
akaashi keiji
✧ so, it's the first time you've gone to nationals with your team. and you're pretty excited. you guys aren't facing fukurodani, but your courts are next to each other during warm-ups. so, your boys get to it, and you take a moment to look around the room because you're so curious. 
✧ and, as you look over to the court next to you, you're dumbstruck because,,, the most beautiful man in the world is standing there? like it's nothing? and you're just,,, blown away. you don't notice you're staring until semi calls your name (because of course he's noticed that you're staring at someone--). you're like, "oh shit!"
✧ and as you're turning your head to call back to semi --thwack!
✧ you're on your ass. you're seeing stars. you're not quite sure what's happened. (as you were turning your head, one of bokuto's cross-courts collided directly with your face. all things considered, it's incredible that your nose is intact.)
✧ as your sight comes back to you, you see semi frowning at you. and next to him,,, oh god it's that boy. the pretty one. and poor you, dazed and confused and utterly fuddled can't quite handle it. you're being asked questions ("where are you?" "what day is it?" "how many fingers am i holding up?") and you manage to spit out acceptable answers, but your brain is going something like this: HFNHFNFHFNFHNDHSKDFFDJKJDSNFDSKJN
✧ somehow you make it to your feet, and you realise that one of your arms is being supported by semi, and the other by that pretty boy (you miss the side-eye semi's giving him). and he hangs around until you've been given a damp towel and a water bottle. "are you sure you're okay?" he asks, and you just smile at him. "i'm so sorry about that." you're unable to say much more than "it's fine" because you're so shy.
✧ and then he smiles. he smiles. It's Over For You. you can't get it out of your head, even when your game starts (even though semi is trying harder than ever to show off--).
✧ once your respective games are over (both teams came out victorious), he comes back over. and you're honestly just !?!?!?! "what's happening?" but he just smiles at you gently and says, "i'm so, so sorry about what happened. how are you feeling?" and you're like "oh, i'm fine! i feel much better."
✧ but then he goes, "let me buy you lunch as an apology." and you're like UM SIR? SIR? And he's like "I feel repsonsible because I set the ball." and you're like "THAT'S NOT YOUR FAULT UM--" and he's like "my treat." and because he's The Prettiest Person In The World, you buckle and agree to go with him.
✧ by lunch, he means a trip to the cafeteria (you're not quite sure if you're disappointed about that). but, he asks you what you want, and even though you try and pick the cheapest thing on the menu to be polite he's like "are you sure that's what you really want?" and he ends up getting you the most expensive thing anyway --
✧ (while this is happening, semi's freaking out having watched you walk off with Pretty Boy. He's just going TENDOU TENDOU WHO IS THAT WHO'S YUKI WITH WHERE ARE THEY GOING WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE SHE'S GOT STARS IN HER EYES and tendou's just like oh my god you're so obvious ask her out already. semi: ABSOLUTELY NOT)
✧ anyway, you and akaashi are having a genuinely lovely time? you were expecting to just have a quick lunch and then move on, but the conversation's flowing so nicely, and your personalities seem to complement each other? so your heart's going thump thump because how is he so nice, and pretty, and polite enough to treat you to lunch? maybe taking a spike to the face wasn't such a bad thing
✧ anyway, he ends up getting your phone number (because he’s smooth), and you end up texting back and forth a lot for the next few months. (whenever semi glimpses at your phone absentmindedly during study and sees akaashi’s name he’s all >:( and suddenly has trouble studying. twice as bad if you smile when you see the notif--)
✧ unfortunately, it’s a bit difficult keeping in consistent contact, because you’re so far away from one another (and i see akaashi as the sort of person who’s just. bad at texting, even when he’s trying ahaha). by the time you’re officially with semi, your texting relationship had dropped off a lot. but, not completely! you gel quite well, after all, and it’s quite pleasant to have a conversation every once in a while. definitely becomes one of those friendships where you’ll catch up if you happen to be in the same area for whatever reason!
iwaizumi hajime
✧ this is a more fleeting interaction, but it’s a sweet one nonetheless. the two of you met during your second year, when shiratorizawa was facing off against aoba johsai.
✧ from the other side of the gym, oikawa turns to iwaizumi and goes “i’m going to seduce shiratorizawa’s manager because that’ll lower their morale >:)” and iwaizumi goes “you absolutely will not be doing that”
✧ but oikawa’s already on his way over, and iwa’s just like “oh god no.” so, he sprints after his friend, half-yelling the words “shittykawa, i will kick your ass. leave her alone”
✧ but then you laugh and iwaizumi’s like “oh?” and oh at the same time. you’re quick to apologize, pointing out that you just thought the name was funny. isn’t that his captain? is he allowed to speak to his captain like that?
✧ oikawa tries to recover his dignity, but you and iwa are ignoring him. and the thought playing in the back of iwa’s head is :) a girl laughed at something i said :)
✧ he manages to get through the rest of the conversation before you’re called away (he heard something along the lines of ‘fraternizing with the enemy’ from some kid with a shock of red hair), but his heart is thumping a little quicker
✧ as they’re walking away, oikawa turns to him and goes, “iwa, you should seduce shiratorizawa’s manager to lower their morale.” iwa, of course, goes “you’re such an asshole.”
✧ but, he spikes really well that game, and a small part of him hopes you’re watching.
✧ after the game, oikawa pressures him to try and get your number (he thinks he’s being a good wingman, but honestly he’s just making it worse). iwaizumi’s excuse is that it’s too hard to approach you with the rest of shiratorizawa around; how’s he going to explain himself?
✧ oikawa’s like “duh you tell them you’ve come to steal their cute manager away” and iwaizumi’s just “i am One Step Away From Striking You Down Where You Stand.”
✧ he doesn’t end up getting your number, but oikawa brings you up consantly afterwards. he keeps telling the team “come on, we’ve got to get to the finals so i can finally crush ushiwaka and lay my inferiority complex to rest so iwa can see that cute manager again!”
✧ makki and matsukawa absolutely join in on the teasing. the first and second years are a tad too respectful to do the same (although yahaba and kindaichi are absolutely on-board with trying to set iwaizumi up with shiratorizawa’s cute manager,,, they tried to find you on social media once and iwa was a bit livid because he thought it was a little creepy fslfdk)
✧ so unfortunately, this doesn’t really go anywhere, but he does think about you sometimes. It’s usually just him wondering how you’re going, and hoping that you’re doing alright (because this is iwa we’re talking about, bless his heart)
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klutzdeluxe · 6 years
My Second Ritual - Omaha 11/6/2018
Okay. Finally, my second ritual. So it was over a month ago at this point, and I cannot believe I never put up my notes about it! It was amazeballs. Just as good as my first one in Kansas City! I met up with some super cool fans from a Facebook group beforehand and we got some supper. Some of us were VIP/photo op, so after we ate, we waited in line together. They helped me keep my sanity because I was absolutely FREAKING OUT about meeting the Cardinal. Thanks, guys! I’ve never met any sort of celebrity before. EVER.
~The moment I stepped through that curtain, I was a goner. I briefly made eye contact, felt my soul leave my body, and couldn’t look him in the face again. I shook his hand and he said, “Oh that’s quite the tight grip you’ve got!” or something along those lines. My brain short-circuits and I think I’m hurting him or some shit. I yelp, “I’m sorry!” and practically drop his hand. He wraps an arm around me and helps guide me to the photo spot because all I can do is mumble about never having done a photo op before and look at my feet. He holds me and we take the photo. I get my wits together enough to tell him, “Take care of yourself on the road!” and the Cardinal says he will and thanks me. I was so starstruck that I forgot to give my name, ask for a hug, or tell him basically anything I wanted to, so I was upset about it for a few days.
~In the end, the picture turned out decent, which is rare because I’m unphotogenic af. Plus I wrote him a card (with a cat on the front) with everything I wanted to say in it and was able to get it to another fan to give to him at their photo op. In that, I had some closure.
~We chatted with a few security guards before the show, and they really didn’t know anything about Ghost but seemed eager to learn about them. Later on, I saw the same guards bobbing their heads during the performance and taking a million pictures on their phones. It was great to see.
~To the ritual! I was third row in the orchestra pit, to my left, in which the seating was a bunch of folding chairs that would definitely not be staying in place. BOOM. Ended up right in Aether’s line of view this time. Eye contact immediately when the curtain went up during “Ashes.” Persisted throughout the whole night.
~For the record, if you’re toward the front during any show, it’s really not that hard to snag the attention of the band members. Especially if you’re a jumpy, bouncy bitch who sings along to everything like me. I was at it with my hands up the entire way through. INSTANTLY this was different than the Kansas City show. They sounded so fresh and ALIVE. You could tell they had the day off before.
~Periodically throughout the show, Aether would be jumping in time with my bunny-hopping, looking at me. It made me so freaking happy. What a goof!
~The Cardinal was annoyed about it being a Tuesday, so he made us pretend it was a Friday night instead.
~I think I got to hear him say, “For shits and giggles” at one point. I’ve never felt so blessed.
~I was one of the few belting out “Lord of silence/Desolated one/Vengeance is his” during the bridge of “Idolatrine.” Copia stared at me, gestured at me, and conducted my screechy singing.
~Waving my hands around, conducting the ghouls while they played “Devil Church” and getting various head tilts and “wtf” stares from them.
~At this point, I had been interacting with Aether from my spot quite a bit, so I cheered him on as loudly as I could during the pre-Cirice duel with Dewdrop. This time, he lost on trying to pick out A-ha’s “Take on Me.” For some stupid ass reason, my brain couldn’t figure out what the song was until I saw a video of it the next day.
~THE LITTLE GIRL GETTING CIRICED. I DIED. IT WAS SO PRECIOUS. We were all clapping so loudly for her. Also props to her for having the coolest dad in the world. I believe she did the photo op too.
~As “Cirice” ended, Aether pointed at me and attempted to throw me a guitar pick. He whiffed it, as it ended up in the hands of a man in front and to the right of me instead. Now, I missed his pick in Kansas City due to a similar circumstance, so I kind of just shrugged and pouted at him, and Aether shakes his head and throws his hands up in an apologetic gesture. I’m a bit sour about missing yet ANOTHER pick from him.
~Conducting the ghouls again during “Miasma” and just absolutely losing myself dancing to it, as you do. Aether was watching me dance. At this point, the chairs have really been moved around, in and out of the rows.
~Copia telling us to clap on the 2 and 4 of “Jigolo Har Megiddo.” The dude next to me sassed him saying, “So, 1 and 3?” very loudly. Copia stopped short and said, “NO! No, that’s stupid!”
~Copia conducting us during the vocalizing at the end of “Pro Memoria.” There’s nothing like it. It’s one of my favorite bits. Cue my screechy singing again in order to be loud.
~Dew didn’t come over to our side of the stage much but he did at some point and gave me a head tilt. I doubt he remembered me from KC. I’m kind of plain-looking.
~Swiss noticed me and started copying my dance moves during “Witch Image.” Just different ways of swaying and small hops.
~So it’s “Life Eternal” again and I’m crying. No meaningful interactions with the ghouls this time, BUT I got the smug satisfaction of seeing Dewdrop NOT interact with anyone during the song like he did with me in Kansas City. I’m horrible, sorryyyy. Chatted with some wonderful people around me during intermission.
~”Spirit” and “From the Pinnacle to the Pit” go by, and I’m getting real antsy about not still having a pick from Aether. I noticed that there is a wide open space (due to chairs being shifted and people not coming back from intermission) right in front of the stage, directly in front of Aether. “Majesty” starts up and I see that a few people have already jumped rows. I debated for a bit, looked security (who weren’t giving a rat’s ass), and climbed over seats to the open spot at the front. All of us in the VIP section paid the same price to be there, after all. Aether cocked his head at me, seeming surprised to see that I moved, and then just nodded.
~OMAHA, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU. We sang that chorus loud and proud during “Satan Prayer.” Copia was SO satisfied with us! Also his cape didn’t fasten properly so it was undone for most of the song; I nearly imploded. Also, several pairs of panties and maybe a bra were tossed onstage during this song. Copia picked up one pair and cracked a joke about, “Someone in the audience standing there bare-assed.” The other undergarments sat up there sadly, to be carried off by an unfortunate stage crewman when the song ended.
~Have I mentioned that ”Faith” is such a jam? I threw my neck out again. During the live performances, the Cardinal adds a growl during the intro that I can feel in my ass. Also Copia acts like he’s waving away a fart behind him during the “A fecal trail across the land” line. I died because it looked like he was sneaking away from cropdusting someone.
~Poor Dewdrop was so sick. During “He Is,” (I think), I saw him lift his mask a little and wipe his dripping snot on his sleeve. He went about it in a “Ewwww” kind of way.
~At the end of that one, Aether ONCE MORE points at me and tosses me a pick. It hits my fingers and falls to the floor. I drop to my knees IMMEDIATELY and scramble to find it. I do fairly quickly, stand up, and kiss it, elatedly holding it above my head in victory. Aether pumps his fist in the air when he sees me waving it around. I tuck it into my bra because “Mummy Dust” is about to start and we’re going fucking crazy. Sadly, very few bills were dropped. I did have Copia thrusting like five feet from my face though. I am eternally grateful for that experience.
~After Aether was introduced during the break in “If You Have Ghosts,” I blew him a kiss, and he caught it and clapped his hand to the side of his face, acting all bashful and cute about it. HE’S SUCH A SWEETHEART.
~For some reason, I was thinking that this was the last song, despite having been to the KC ritual. So when they played “Dance Macabre,” I was thrilled there was still more to the show and boogied around like the idiot I am. That song makes me so happy. Again, Swiss starts imitating my dance movements, adding a little more shimmying around this time. All right. Boi’s got my attention now.
~I’m trying to get good photos of Swiss now, but Aether is pouting and keeps photobombing them whenever I point my phone in that direction, pointing at himself to redirect my focus back to him. I stuck my tongue out at him. Brat.
~Have I ever said how much I love “Square Hammer” live? FUCK. THE ENERGY. Due to it being the “last song,” I blow a kiss to Swiss when it’s all over and get one from him in return. I have perished and am very distracted for the rest of the evening.
~Copia changing his mind about pretending it’s a Friday and telling us, “It’s Tuesday. Go home!” And we boo.
~During his speech before “Monstrance Clock,” he again takes note of the little girl he sang to during Cirice and asks her how her evening was. He also substituted the word “organism” for “orgasm,” for her. Such a soft father.
~I am fully watching Swiss now and his “Monstrance Clock” hips now and GODDAMN HIM. He put me in heat with those moves, I swear. I was instantly a hot mess. I was transfixed and soooo mad that I hadn’t paid more attention to him sooner.
~There was a cute lil’ stuffed dragon sitting at the front of the stage during the song. I’m not sure if it got picked up or not.
~That moment when the lights come on at the end of “Monstrance Clock” and the stage is completely empty as the song fades out is the most HORRIBLE feeling. Because it’s over and the absence of the band members is so profound. “Monstrance Clock” still occasionally makes me sad.
~A few of us waited outside by the buses for the band to come out. IT WAS FREEZING OUT. I hate the Midwest. We didn’t see Tobias (I think they snuck him out the back to their hotel across the street) BUT we did see both Ghoulettes (THEY’RE SO BEAUTIFUL. QUEENS!) and Dewdrop (Per) walk out, along with another member I wasn’t too familiar with at the time, so that was pretty rad.
I know my summaries might come off as a little self-indulgent, but it’s how it happened in my mind. Plus everyone else’s are too. And honestly, my rituals are something I want to remember. Major kudos to the Omaha crowd. Best crowd I’ve seen at a show in a while.
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