#my project horse is prince. he was broken. i dont like riding him because he was broken to be ridden.
chewablepebbles · 2 years
Watching Nope as a born and bred horse trainer was SOOO something. So somethings. I think I shall give Star Darlin' a day off tomorrow and just have fun with her.
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Listen. Belle has been my favorite Disney princess forever. Possibly originally just because we both have brown hair and eyes. Whether yellow was already my favorite color or it became my favorite because of her dress I have no idea. As I got older, and honed my skills of reading while walking, I related to her for deeper reasons. Anyway, I love her. And I was psyched for this movie. So.
*Spoilers Here!*
Things This Movie Did Better than the Original: •They used the plot device from the stage play where the servants are Slowly Transforming into Objects, upping the stakes imo because of the spell doesn’t break they freeze, not just get trapped as immortal mobile objects •The prince appeared to be Belle’s age when he got cursed, and time froze for everyone, explaining how Chip can be a little kid and meaning the Enchantress doesn’t curse an eleven year old •THE BEAST GOT A SONG. A SOLO. DID HE HAVE THAT IN THE ORIGINAL I DON’T RECALL BUT I DONT THINK SO •Belle and the Beast sharing interest in reading. He’s not her project, they have common ground. •Belle’s DIY washing machine •AGATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! •backstory on the prince and belle. but low key. not in depth just a little. You know. Backstory.
Things Wrong with this Movie: •Left out “Human Again” •Cogsworth and Lumiere were not married. I really support low key married C & L. Lumiere could flirt with Plumette as a running gag to make Cogsworth jealous, but he and Cogsworth could be married but like. I suspect you wouldn’t notice, because Lumiere using pet names would seem like in character teasing and Cogsworth is Done with him all the time but still seems to put up with him because Friendship, right?? until they turn human and they both have wedding rings and they just turn to each other and kiss. •The dress could have been better
Just. Stuff: •The dress looked better in action than in photos. But plz Emma. I support ripping up your skirt to race off and save your true love but she totally could have had a gorgeous hoop skirt that she tore off BEFORE even getting on the horse to get her dad, so she could ride. Okay? •I was ready to cry when the spell wasn’t broken. And they all slowly froze. Dang.
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