#my reasoning is: in my celibate life i don't have to worry about it UNLESS something happens. and then if i won't have my tubes tied i woul
dieletztepanzerhexe · 8 months
i plan on staying single until i'm at least 30. tubal ligation has many dangerous side effects like post tubal ligation syndrome that according to some statistics affects even like 30 percent of women who undergo it and apparently is more prevalent in younger ppl and well, i'm in my early 20s but i've seen also posts from women in their late 30s who suffer from it (so maybe it's not dependent on age of patients but it's just once again medical misogyny??). i can' even research these things bc i get sick and disgusted after seeing words related to female r*productive system
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
Uproar ki if Vansh doesn't want kids, why did he sleep with Riddhima? "This is the inevitable next step" and what not. 🤦🤦 Matlab are married couples who decide to be childfree supposed to be celibate for life? Yeh kya baat hui?
But, it made me think of something, and I was curious on your thoughts. You've spoken on your blog a bit about how we as a society sometimes put too much importance on romantic love. Going to the 'inevitable next step', does it ever irritate you ki the default is that everyone is expected to have kids? And if you do not, people assume it's related to some childhood trauma or personal insecurities. Like when I tell people I plan not to have kids, responses range from 'you'll change your mind when you're older' (I'm already in my mid 20s btw and mind ain't changing) to 'don't worry, everyone is scared of becoming a parent, but you'll learn'. That's fine, I'm sure I could learn to be a good mom if I wanted to, I don't have insecurities about my own competence or maternal instinct. I just don't want this.
Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy once said, "I’m not a monster. If I have a baby, I’ll love it....there is no compromise. You don’t have half a baby. I don’t want one. Okay? It isn’t about work, this isn’t a scheduling conflict, I don’t want to be a mother." And I've never vibed harder with a fictional character than that moment. It's so simple, yet so hard to explain to people sometimes.
Lmao, fuckingggggg ridiculous, man. Sex is not just for baby-making. Like you said, are people who don’t want kids just not ever supposed to have sex????? Even if a couple does decide they wanna have kids, is every session of sexual intercourse supposed to result in a child, and if not it’s a “wasted endeavor”????? Lord, this is why this planet needs comprehensive Sex Ed.
I’ve heard alllllllllll of the dialogues that you mentioned from friends and family (thankfully not from my parents though, who took it remarkably cool when I vehemently declared at the tender age of 16 that I was never EVER having biological kids..............) and every time someone’s told me I’ll change my mind, they just made me even more adamant about it. I’ve always hated that this expectation to have kids is so damn pervasive and unrelenting. Waise toh desi elders are all “dost kuwein mein koodega toh tum bhi koodoge kya???” and in any case someone wants to assert their right about their own life/body they’re all sAb KaRTe HaiN, tUm bHi KaR Lo!!!!!!! Fuck that noise. The fact that these people will never openly discuss sex and sexuality and abuse and misogyny but fully make it their business ki what you’re doing with your private parts in the privacy of your bedroom with another consenting adult is just fucking ridiculous.
When Christina said “There is no deeper reason. I wasn't abused. I don't have a dark secret. I wasn't mugged by a baby. I just don't want kids.”, I may have stood up and cheered, coz no other character has ever made me felt so SEEN about this issue. Other shows may have childfree women, but then they never really show them being accepted or loved or getting their happy endings after having made such a choice. That she decisively made herself crystal clear on the whole matter to everyone who needed to know, and then finally did get her heart’s desire makes me so so so happy.
(And speaking of Vansh/Riddhima, they shouldn’t even be in charge of a passive pet like a fucking goldfish, let alone a wholeass human child. Their relationship is so bloody messed up and toxic they’re riddled with 1001 mental issues, all of which they will not only pass on but also compound horrendously in that poor offspring. Not unless they have at least 5 years of counseling should these two be allowed to fuck without at least two [2] forms of birth control.)
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