#my roommate has been obsessed w tank boy ever since i showed her the time kwangie almost cried when receiving a wholr box of it
ddonggeun · 2 years
*crunch on a tank boy* eunkwang my beloved this one is for u have a blessed one brother
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Kissing Me
Anon Request: Tom Holland imagine with the sentence starter "Kissing me breaks the promise… remember?”
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College was an interesting place and, if you played your cards right, was the exact opposite of high school. In high school, kids were overly judgmental and didn’t venture far away from the few close friends they’d had since kindergarten, where as in college, people are exposed to new people in tons of new situations every day. It was during one of these randomly happened across situations that (Y/N) found herself during the first few months of her first year on campus.
(Y/N) shared an apartment like dorm room with three other girls who were all strangers, but eventually got to know one another fairly well. Despite having her differences in personality with her three roommates, everyone managed to get along, but there was one thing that irritated (Y/N) more than anything else that her roommates did: not tell her when they were having people over. 
More often than not, when (Y/N) finished a long day of classes and wanted nothing more than to go back to her room and sleep, silence wasn’t an option when her roommates brought over their other friends. There was only one time where the inconvenience of them bringing people over and not telling her wasn’t too much of an inconvenience, and that was the night she officially met who would become her closest friend: Thomas Stanley Holland.
(Y/N)’s roommates were, without a doubt, more outgoing, friendly, and approachable than she was--which probably accounted for why they always had people over--and one night, decided to order a couple pizzas and invite over a couple guys they met at a campus event earlier in the year. As the three girls planned on what they were going to do once they got the two guys they’d all been secretly pining after for the past couple weeks in their dorm, (Y/N) finished an Algebra quiz, thinking only of the left over food her mom sent her back to school with after a weekend visit and of binging whatever season of The Office she was about to re-watch.
With her night planned out in her mind, (Y/N) hurried home to shower, put on a pair of loose fitting shorts and a slightly baggy tank-top, pulled her hair into a bun on the top of her head, and slipped beneath her covers to watch TV on her laptop. As she began to dress down on that Friday evening, her three roommates had begun primping themselves: touching up makeup, fixing fly aways, redoing their hair...the works. For a moment (Y/N) was thrilled to be able to have the suite to herself, thinking that the other three were going out to a party, but when the minutes ticked into hours and a knock sounded at the door, she groaned as her roommates’ giddy squeals sounded through the apartment like dorm. 
Out of curiosity to see what the other girls in her suite were so obsessed over, (Y/N) rose from her bed and walked into the open area of the suite that consisted of the living room and kitchenette. She grabbed a piece of pizza and took a quick glance at the two guys that had just entered the room: one was taller than the others with blonde hair and blue eyes, the other had dark brown hair and eyes that matched. (Y/N) recognized the second almost instantly: he was an exchange student and was in the same psychology class as her, but she didn’t have any interest in lingering around with her horny roommates as they tried to seduce one, if not both of the boys they’d invited over. 
It wasn’t long after (Y/N) ducked back into her room and started watching The Office again that the brunette with chocolate colored eyes poked his head through her doorway. Apparently he was less than thrilled about the movie choice (Y/N)’s roommates made and had heard the theme song to The Office repeatedly mocking him from the next room over. The brunette, Tom, spent the rest of his night there watching Netflix with (Y/N) and ignoring whatever attempts were made by her roommates to get his attention, and it was then that (Y/N) realized that she had a friend for life.
As semesters passed, the bond between (Y/N) and her roommates withered, as the one between her and Tom grew stronger. She knew they were jealous that he didn’t give them any attention after that night and was closer to (Y/N) than them, but she hated that they took that out on her. When junior year rolled around the corner, (Y/N)’s roommates decided to downgrade to a three person suite and leave her to fend for herself. Around the same time that (Y/N) was searching for a place to stay, Tom was looking for a roommate to share his two-bedroom apartment with. Given how close the two had gotten in the past two years, it was a no brainer for him to immediately, without question, tell her to move in with him. After some consideration and a period of anxiety over being homeless, (Y/N) agreed and moved into the guest bedroom of Tom’s apartment under certain conditions.
“Conditions?” (Y/N) had mockingly questioned him as Tom helped unpack her boxes.
“One, let me know if you plan on having people over. Two, food can and will be shared. Three, my dog has to accept you. The final and most important condition: this,” he said while gesturing between him and the girl before him, “has to stay platonic.”
“Didn’t have any plans on changing that,” (Y/N) muttered with a smirk as she started to set up her room and Tom lowered a few boxes into a corner.
“Well then good,” he said with small laugh that, on one level or another sounded disappointed. “I’m not trying to get tied down here when I’m wanting to go back home after graduating,” he said as he tried to offer (Y/N) an excuse for the condition.
“Don’t worry Tom,” she sighed, “We’ve been friends for two, almost three years now. If I was going to fall in love with you, I’d have done it already,” she mocked. She laughed on the outside but felt a pain inside her heart she recognized as disappointment, only she hadn’t figured out what for yet.
Living with Tom had been one of the easiest and greatest decisions of (Y/N)’s life. It was a simple and straightforward lifestyle that she hadn’t ever experienced while living with the three other girls who had subtly kicked her out. Almost all of their time outside of school was spent together: they cooked and ate dinner together, watched TV together, studied together, and the partier Tom and been early on in college--and even into the beginning of that year--had subsided. He began to look forward to hanging out with (Y/N) every night, to teasing her about insignificant things, messing with her, gently stroking her hair while she fell asleep on the couch watching whatever show or movie they had chosen, but above all, he looked forward solely to returning home and knowing she would be there. Of course he didn’t realize that the domesticity of his relationship with (Y/N) had lead to a blossoming in the way he saw her. As they grew closer and closer, it became more and more difficult for him to deny that things on his end were no longer strictly platonic. 
(Y/N) and Tom had just finished cooking dinner and, as Tom piled his plate high, (Y/N) sat on the couch with Tom’s dog, Tessa, at her feet. Tessa rested her strong, block-like jaw on (Y/N)’s knee and her big brown eyes drifted toward the new, female presence that Tom had once jokingly referred to as her new mom. Unable to resist the cuteness of Tessa’s begging face, (Y/N) slipped the dog a bite of chicken and then allowed her to jump up on the couch and curl up against her thigh. Tessa nudged and wiggled herself until her upper body was positioned half way across (Y/N)’s lap, forcing (Y/N) to hold her plate above her head to avoid spilling.
“Tess!” the two heard Tom call as soon as he rounded the corner from the kitchen into the living room. Tessa’s playful and loving behavior was quickly reverted to guilt; she knew she wasn’t allowed to be on the couch, but she knew (Y/N) would let her. (Y/N) rested her plate on the coffee table and held Tessa against her lap, keeping the dog from getting up and causing Tom to narrow his eyes at her. “(Y/N),” he tried to scold her, but after having fought whatever sexual tension (Y/N) knew was lingering between them, she couldn’t think of his attempt of being mad at her as the intro to a bad porno. 
“Tom,” she said in response by mimicking his expression. 
“You know Tessa isn’t supposed to be on the couch,” he said.
“Technically she’s on me,” (Y/N) countered.
“And you’re on the couch!”
“If you put the hammer in an elevator is the elevator worthy?” (Y/N) countered while cocking an eyebrow and holding the muscular dog in her lap.
“(Y/N), we have rules for a reason,” he said while drawing out her name in an exhausted tone, tired of having to tell her repeatedly to get Tessa off the couch.
“Look at her face,”  (Y/N) said in a cutsie voice reserved for puppies and babies while widening her eyes and frowning to mimic Tessa’s puppy dog face.
“Like I said,” Tom repeated trying to stay firm in his decision, “we have rules for a reason.” (Y/N)’s face quickly distorted and a small flash of frustration or anger was visible to Tom even if only for a moment.
“Some rules are meant to be broken,” she stated sharply and hugged Tessa before letting go of the dog to let her make her decision on which human parent she’d listen to. Tessa’s eyes darted between Tom and (Y/N) before she reluctantly slipped off (Y/N)’s lap and flopped down onto her dog bed beside the couch. “Coward,” (Y/N) muttered after Tessa, earning a small laugh from Tom who was trying not to read into her previous comment.
As Tom lowered himself into the cushion beside (Y/N), he couldn’t help the lack of control he felt his body urging him into when in her presence. The rules he had, the conditions he made her agree to, were all made with protection in mind: keeping Tessa off the furniture protects his belongings, ensuring Tessa got along with (Y/N) was to protect Tessa from feeling like she was being replaced, and making (Y/N) promise to keep things platonic was to protect their friendship from falling apart due to the complications of romance. Oddly enough, it wasn’t until Tom saw the hurt expression in Tessa’s face when she reluctantly got down from the couch that he recognized the hundreds of times (Y/N) had bore the same expression. From the second he introduced the final condition of living together, to every time they were messing around in a friendly manner or bantering back and forth, or even having an impromptu fight while chunking the couch cushions across the room, both of them had held back the full force of their emotions, and (Y/N)’s came through via the guilty expression on her face for nearly breaking her promise.
After finishing eating, (Y/N) went into her room, like she always did after a rough encounter with Tom, to process how she could keep herself from acting on any emotions pressing her to be more than just platonic roommates with her best friend. She wasn’t sure if he felt the same way--sure she never saw him with any other girls, but she convinced herself not to look too deep into something that could be nothing, and so she honored his wish of staying just friends. 
Time after time, Tom had sat alone after eating, waiting to see if (Y/N) would come out from her room and continue watching TV with him, only to be left to his own thoughts--normally, those thoughts focused around her. Whether it be the lingering question of what things would be like if they were an item, or him wondering what it felt to have her lips against his, or even reverting back to the fantasies he dangerously entertained himself with from time to time--most notably while watching her being domestic for and with him. After three and a half years of knowing her, half a year of living with her, and what felt like a lifetime of trying to force himself from feeling anything for her, he couldn’t think of anything other than her snarky and bitter voice as she said some rules are meant to be broken.
Tom took one long look at Tessa as she lay, discontent on her dog bed with her nose pointed toward (Y/N)’s room and a low whimper in her breath. He took a deep breath himself before standing and making his way toward (Y/N)’s door. With a soft knock and no response, he pushed the door open lightly and noticed her slipping an oversized t-shirt he thought he recognized as his on over her head. He cleared his throat to let her know he was there, and (Y/N) spun around to see Tom’s face pulled tight in an anxious expression.
“Everything okay?” she asked as he took a few steps toward her. He shook his head softly and gently grazed his fingers against hers before looking into her welcoming and kind eyes. He took one last courageous breath and then lowered his face to hers. When his lips met the soft skin of hers, he relaxed into her presence, slipped his arms around her waist, and pulled her close to him, comforted in the fact that she had reciprocated the same repressed feelings he held for her. After his lips grazed against hers and he begged for the kiss to deepen, (Y/N) pushed back against his chest, hesitant in what she was doing and wondering if what was happening was a reality, a dream, or some sick prank.
“Wait,” she said through a heavy breath. “Kissing me breaks the promise.” Tom’s eyes were locked on hers and she self-consciously looked away. His fingers gently touched her jawline, begging for her to bring her eyes back to him. Once she had given him her attention, he pressed his forehead to hers and relished in holding her against him for a moment longer.
“You were right,” he sighed, “some rules are meant to be broken.” At the end of his words, he couldn’t contain himself any longer. Tom’s lips fell against (Y/N)’s once more and both of their hearts pounded as the tension and excitement overcame them both.
Sensing a change in the atmosphere and emotions around her, Tessa jumped from her bed and ran into (Y/N)’s room. With a big leap, she jumped up onto the bed that Tom and (Y/N) had fallen into--their lips still locked and bodies still holding one another. Feeling the shift in weight on the bed, Tom pulled away for a moment to see his dog curling up on the pillow behind where he and (Y/N) lay. A “disappointed” smirk fell over his face as he narrowed his eyes at the girl lying beneath him.
“You came around when it came to me,” she said with a smirk, “give it time and you’ll give up on that rule too,” she teased. Tessa panted happily as Tom returned to kissing (Y/N), and fell asleep content, knowing that something important had happened today to have Tom let her lie on a piece of furniture. From that moment on, Tom didn’t see either of his girls bear that disgruntled look of reluctance, and all three of them were happier because of it.
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