#my search was not in vain as I did discover a new band
niuniente · 4 months
Brutal death metal songs are always named like Corpse Discharge Pit or Tortured Cannibal Fetus but I have to say that a song named "Cystic Ovarian Burial Ground" wins the price.
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thecluelessredhead · 4 years
Sunset Curve: A Hollywood Legacy
Summary: Sunset Curve, the greatest new band of the ‘90s, was supposed to die. One fatal decision to change it all. One fatal decision was never made. 
Put simply it’s an AU in which Luke, Alex, and Reggie never died.
Word Count: 2912
Chapter 1 of ???
Additional notes at the bottom.
Chapter One
“Okay, well, I’m thinking we fuel up before the show,” the lead singer was saying. “I’m thinking street dogs.” He looked at each of his bandmates in turn, and waited eagerly for their approval. The boys didn’t respond immediately, for their rhythm guitarist had caused a distraction by leaping off the stage and walking suavely up to a woman wiping down the table, who had been cheering moments earlier. “Hey, Bobby, where you going?” The other three band members exchanged a knowing glance, but gladly followed their friend down the stage stairs and to where the girl stood, a slight smirk on her face. 
“I’m good,” the one walking away called back to the singer. Then, he turned to face the woman, and plastered a coy smile. “Vegetarian,” he said to her, placing his hands on the table she was wiping down. “I could never hurt an animal.”
The woman didn’t respond directly to him, but instead addressed his approaching bandmates. “You guys were really good,’ she gushed. 
“Thank you.” Luke accepted the compliment with a shy but proud grin. 
“I see a lot of bands,” the girl went on. “Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it.” Something in her face told the boys that she didn’t say these things to just anyone. 
“Yeah, that’s what we do this for,” the lead singer said, stepping into his confidence. “I’m Luke, by the way.” Luke was the shortest of the group, and his face seemed to hold a constant expression of flirtation beneath his chestnut hair, which wasn’t entirely untrue.
“Hi, I’m Reggie.” It was the bass player who had spoken, and he was beaming. He had deep brown hair, a slender build, and a look of blissful oblivion. He put in his two cents quickly, and got out of the way. 
“Alex,” was all the drummer said, for he wasn’t interested in the girl. He was the biggest of the group and his blond hair was hidden under a black backwards hat. When he had ceased speaking, he put his hands back into his pockets and resumed slouching next to Reggie.
“Bobby,” the self pronounced vegetarian announced, trying to draw attention back to himself. He had a deep, soothing voice, and hair parted perfectly down the middle. He may have been counted out of Sunset Curve’s value, but that would’ve been erroneous. 
“Nice meeting you guys,” the waitress answered, and though her voice was kind, a hint of mockery and sarcasm could’ve been detected. If so, it only made the boys like her more. “I’m Rose.” 
“Oh, uh, here’s our demo.” Reggie offered her a black CD, with a practiced smirk. “And a T-shirt, size beautiful.” Rose accepted both items with a simper that matched Reggie’s. Alex merely groaned at Reggie’s smarmy efforts. 
Rose ignored him as she held the shirt up to her torso and examined it. It was a plain white garment, with the words Sunset Curve written in black across the front. “Thanks.” She beamed, and this time it was genuine. “I’ll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one,” she joked, throwing the shirt over her shoulder.
“Oh, good call! Whenever they get wet, they just kinda… fall apart in your hands,” Alex informed her, making an awkward visual with his fingers. He trailed off, clearly feeling awkward about his addition to the conversation, though no one really noticed his discomfort. His hands returned to his pockets.
On that note, Bobby was eager to get rid of them. “Don’t you guys have to go get hot dogs?” 
Hot dogs was something that the band members had yet to agree to. Luke turned and looked expectantly at his friends, who seemed to think. 
Reggie was the one who spoke up. “Actually, my older sister Carla is in town for the show. I was going to go meet her.” Luke nodded, and turned to face Alex for his opinion. 
Alex looked uncomfortable now that the spotlight was on him. He took his hands out of his pockets and rubbed them together nervously. “I was actually kinda hoping to get a little time to breathe before the show.” He didn’t like admitting this to anyone, especially not someone he had just met. His hands quickly returned to his pockets and he looked down at the ground.
“Oh, cool,” Luke said, turning in a quarter circle so that he faced Rose again, even though he didn’t plan on speaking to her again that night. Now that all three bandmates had abandoned him, what did that leave for him to do? Luke, now slightly upset at being left alone just before a life changing night, pushed Bobby aside and leaned toward Rose. “He had a hamburger for lunch.” Alex, Reggie, and Rose giggled as Luke walked away, basking in the light of a successful joke. Bobby groaned at being out done by Luke once again. 
Luke, Alex, and Reggie all left together through a side door, leaving Bobby to pick up the pieces of his failed flirting practices. 
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Luke exclaimed happily as they strolled into the alley.
“The smell of Sunset Boulevard?” Alex asked, wrinkling his nose, and looked around, as if searching for the source of the constant odour. 
Luke stopped walking to look into Alex’s green eyes. “No.” He laughed and gave Alex a playful shove. “It’s what that girl said in there tonight.” Luke kicked up puddles and spoke as if the event hadn’t just happened. “About our music, all right?” He turned to look at Alex again. “It’s like an energy. It connects us with people. They can feel us when we play.” He stopped walking again as the group reached the end of the alley. He pulled his bandmates into his arms. “I want that connection with everybody.”
“Then, we’re going to need more T-shirts,” Reggie said, taking the serious edge off of Luke's monologue. Luke laughed and looked back and forth between Alex and Reggie. 
It came to a point where the three had to go their separate ways, and they said their goodbyes, despite the fact that what Luke had said held true and they would always be connected to one another. 
Luke walked alone down the sidewalk, past crowds already lining up to come to see the show. While he walked, he thought. At first, his thoughts were directed toward Reggie, and he wondered how someone who had such a difficult time at home could be so happy and think so simply all the time. He wondered if Alex still thought about Luke in the way Luke thought about Alex. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to that particular inquiry. Luke pondered about what Bobby thought about, for he was the one person Luke could never truly get to. Never really read. 
Luke forced himself to push these thoughts aside, and think only of the show. This was to be the night of his life, and he decided to cherish his last few moments before his world was wound upside down. So, he dragged his mind to nothingness, and continued on his search for something to do. 
Alex was having just as hard a time as Luke. He had yet to calm his nerves, and was getting discouraged, which always led nowhere good. The night was cooling off quickly and darkening at twice that rate. Alex stood on a street corner waiting as patiently as he could for the light to turn. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms and returned them to his pockets in a vain attempt to warm up. Traffic was bad. Cars roared across the boulevard, headlights blaring, and for one wild moment, Alex feared one would veer off the road and hit him. He would soon discover that that was the very least of his worries. 
Alex felt ridiculous, being off on his own when the band’s biggest performance was rearing its head like a serpent before him. He sucked in a deep breath, and the air seemed to harden in his lungs.. He looked once more at the traffic as he turned to head back to the Orpheum, and wallow. 
His final glance was one that saved a life. 
A figure was flying too fast into the street on a skateboard. The being pushed off the asphalt with his right foot, and a grin was visible on his face as he pushed the limits of death. Cars blew their horns,and slammed on the brakes. Alex’s fears were almost realized as vehicles swerved to avoid the daredevil. The man giggled and turned on his skateboard to cross the boulevard again. Alex’s heart stopped in his chest, but the cars didn’t. 
In one moment of complete insanity, the drummer lunged took two long strides and lunged across the street, snatching the skater in a flying tackle. The two of them hit the pavement and rolled, knocking people out of the way. Alex felt his back hit a wall, the boy still wrapped in his arms, and he opened his eyes. They were met by a mop of glossy, luxurious, brown hair. Alex didn’t have long to look however, because as soon as they stopped rolling, the figure fought to free himself from Alex’s clutches. Alex relinquished his hold wordlessly and allowed the man to wriggle away. The boy leapt to his feet and grabbed his skateboard from where it lay on the sidewalk a few feet away to examine it. 
“Aww, you dinged my board!” he whined, without looking up at Alex. 
Alex stood up, suddenly very heated. “Dinged your board? Dude, I saved your life!” The boy looked up at him, as if realizing for the first time that Alex had rescued him. Upon meeting his eyes, his head cocked to one side, and he studied Alex’s face carefully. The boy took in Alex’s handsome features, and made an unconscious decision to give the guy a chance. He smirked slightly at the scrunch in Alex’s eyebrows, and hitched up his skateboard in his left hand. 
He reached up with his other hand to pull off his helmet while he spoke. “Yeah. yeah, thanks. I guess it’s about time that I learned-” He stopped speaked, and bent his neck to shake out his hair. He whipped his head back up, and Alex’s eyes caught each one of that man’s features as if his movements were in slow motion. “-skating in traffic is bad,” he finished, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ears. Alex made a frustrated mental note that the boy had the handsomest of ears. The boy’s brown eyes were scrutinizing him, and he realized his mouth was hanging open. The boy seemed to take his silence and flustered face to mean he was upset, and pursed his lips. “Hey,” he said gently. “Thanks.” Even if the words were weak, the sentiment was solid and powerful. 
“Yeah.” Alex nodded, regaining his composure. “It was nothing.” He stuck out his hand. 
“Sure, it was,” the boy said, lazily accepting Alex’s honesty, taking hand and shaking it. 
“I’m, uh, Alex.” He grinned.
“Cool, I’m Willie.”
Willie. The name stuck in Alex’s brain, and it was as if at that moment, the six letters were being engraved in his head, so that he would never forget. They had stopped shaking hands, but had yet to let go. Alex’s hand was the first to fall. 
“So, do you often make stupid choices?” Alex asked. Now that his initial shock of seeing the boy had gone, his miffed attitude was returning. 
“Yes,” Willie answered, defensively. “Do you often save lives?”
“No,” Alex replied, melting again under the boy’s warm gaze. 
“Who are you?” Willie looked around unexpectedly, as if searching for some mysterious answer. “Some sort of hero?”
Alex blushed hard, blood rushing to his cheeks and drawing his eyes toward his nose. Willie noticed, and reddened as well. “No. No, not a hero. Just a drummer.”
“Ahhh!” Willie smiled, and began to walk away, expecting Alex to follow. Alex, however, remained still, his head turned slightly as he watched Willie go, his feet seemingly glued to the concrete. It didn’t take Willie much time to realize his new acquaintance wasn’t with him, and he turned back. “You coming or what?”
Alex was certain that the blood rising in his face was becoming permanent. “Um, no. No, I don’t think I will.” He shuffled his feet nervously, and Willie attentive caught onto that fidget.
“Why not?” he asked, taking two uncommonly long strides back to Alex. He was close, and looked up into the taller boy’s large green eyes, with a curiosity and concern that was not to be expected from someone as reckless as him. 
“I have a gig tonight. Yeah, my, uh, my band’s playing the Orpheum. Well it’s not my band. I’m in the band, but uh-“ Alex cut himself off. Willie was grinning. 
“The Orpheum, huh?” He nodded slowly, as if coming up with a clever scheme. “So, why aren’t you there?”
Alex chewed on the inside of his cheek and thought about how to answer that question. He decided on the truth, in the hopes that Willie would be appreciative of it either way. “I wanted some air. This is kind of a big night for us. Like, life changing.”
Willie’s eyes crinkled like he was pondering these words. He seemed to understand what Alex was saying, despite never being in such a situation himself. “Can I stop by? Cheer you on?” he inquired, nudging Alex gently with his elbow, and biting his lip in a suppressed smile, which only made Alex blush again.
“You don’t have a ticket,” he pointed out.
Willie shrugged, as if the rules were just a formality. “Please. I’ll find a way in.” 
Alex opened his mouth to protest, but Willie cut him off by holding up a single finger. 
“I’ll see you there.” He grinned, slipped on his helmet, dropped his skateboard, and skated away, leaving Alex both nervous and flustered.
Reggie was standing patiently outside of the airport, waiting for Carla. Standing is a bit of a stretch. Reggie seemed to live in a constant state of movement, and right now, he was walking dreamily in circles and kicking up puddles just for the heck of it. He was beginning to get a few funny looks, being a seventeen year old boy, standing outside an airport, splashing through rainwater, but Reggie didn’t want to go inside. He didn’t like airport security, because taking off his shoes made him uncomfortable, and he always got lost. So, both he and Carla decided it was best for him to remain outside while she got all of her affairs in order. 
“Reggie,” a voice asked, and he knew it was her. He whirled around, throwing water in a perfect ring around his legs. Reggie didn’t say anything as he approached his sister, only spread his arms and went into her welcoming ones. She then stepped away from him and held him at an arm's distance to look at him. She looked proud of him. 
“Hey!” Reggie exclaimed finally. “How was your flight?” 
Carla shrugged, mostly wanted to hear more from Reggie. “Fine.” 
Reggie stooped down, and eagerly took one of her bags from the ground where she had set them to embrace him. “And how’s college?” he pressed.
“Oh, you know,” Carla said evasively. Reggie laughed and shook his head, and Carla had to give in to his boyish excitement. His joy was contagious. “Okay, well my classes are great,” she began as they started to walk. “I got this great internship working for one of the most incredible professors there. She thinks like me, and understands the changes we need to be making to the modern education system.” Reggie waited eagerly for more. “And I’ve been hanging out with this one girl, who I swear is the most brilliant and funny human being I’ve ever met. And you know how I feel about hyperboles.”
“They're useless. Say what you mean,” Reggie repeated what his sister had been drilling into his head since he had learned the meaning of the word. 
“Exactly.” Carla beamed at him.
“Can I meet her?” Reggie pleaded. Carla elbowed him in the kidney, and he wasn’t entirely sure why, so he dropped the subject. 
“No, tell me about you! How’s the band? How are the guys?” she asked. 
“They’re great. Can’t wait to see you again. You’re coming to the show right?”
They had arrived at the Peters’ house. 
“Of course!” Carla promised. Reggie grinned goofily. Neither went inside the house, and Carla asked the question both had been dancing around for the entirety of their short walk. “How are Mom and Dad?”
Reggie’s grin faded. “The same. Most nights, I don’t come home. But they don’t notice.”
“I’m sorry I left you with that,” Carla said, and she looked like she meant it. 
Reggie avoided her gaze. “It’s okay. You had a chance to get out. And I’ve got the band.”
Carla nodded. “You should’ve had me.”
“Shall we go in?” Reggie asked, determined to change the subject.
“If we must,” Carla answered, throwing her head back in a regal way, linking arms with her brother and turning to face the house, which from the outside look peaceful. 
Together, feeding off each other’s bravery, the pair approached the front door.
Notes: Thanks for making it this far. I’m not on Ao3 or any of that, so this is what you get. Next chapter will definitely be longer, I just really wanted to get this first one out in the open, so bear with me and be kind. Also, I felt like this was very heavy on Willex, but I hope you enjoyed the theory that I creaed with them. Also, sorry the first part is like, just the show. The title and summary make me cringe, too, feel free to disregard that. Reblogs are appreciated, and hope you enjoyed!
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The Thief and the Samurai Episode List + Summaries
So I got carried away with this fictional show I made up to save some of my OCs, and decided to type out a full episode list with brief summaries.
Beginnings, Part 1 - Sakura’s early life and origins are shown.
Beginnings, Part 2 – Sakura’s time training under Master Ishida is shown.
Beginnings, Part 3 – With her training complete, Sakura goes off into the world to begin her goal of protecting the innocent. Soon enough, she meets the wily thief Michelle Kitt, and the two decide to travel together.
A Helping Hand – Sakura wishes to help a village being tormented by bandits to prove herself; Michelle on the other hand just wants to get paid for ridding the town of its problem.
Without a Paddle – Michelle and Sakura decide to take a river boat to their next destination; unfortunately, they get mixed up in a smuggling attempt and must face off with dangerous criminals.
Darke Rising – After yet another misadventure, the two girls run in to Freya Darke, a cyborg who seeks vengeance against Michelle in the name of her master.
Blackmore – Horatio Blackmore makes his grand debut, attempting to pull off a complicated plan to kill Michelle and Sakura.
Framed – Blackmore frames Michelle for the theft of a precious jewel, leading to her and Sakura having to evade the law while trying to get the jewel back.
The Triad – Sakura and Michelle encounter Serenity, Hope, and Faith as they seek out the jewel to clear Michelle’s name.
With Catlike Tread - The two must sneak through Blackmore’s mountain factory, all the while being pursued by the Triad.
Afraid of the Darke – Freya appears once again, this time accompanied by a cyborg attack wolf named Echidna, a prototype of a line Blackmore wishes to mass produce. Jewel in hand, Michelle and Sakura must escape the factory with these two pursuing them now as well.
Hanging Judge – Upon returning the jewel, the two find that none other than Blackmore himself was the owner of the jewel, having lent it to the museum it was stolen from for the sole purpose of framing Michelle. Michelle is then put on trial.
Objection – Ridiculous courtroom antics are brought to a halt when the Triad attacks the courtroom. Sakura and Michelle escape; now fugitives, the two argue, with Sakura very upset about the path her life has gone since meeting Michelle, and Michelle irritated with Sakura and her attitude. The two bitterly part ways at episode’s end, which is all observed by the mysterious Man in Black.
Stop and Stay a While – With the authorities after her, Michelle holes up in an old, out-of-the-way inn. Unfortunately, the inn turns out to be run by cannibals, and she is forced to fight her way out of a deadly situation. Ultimately she decides not to rob the folks but instead turn them over to the proper authorities, noting that maybe Sakura was a bit of a good influence on her after all.
Seeing Green – Sakura encounters a rude, snobby upper class young man who enlists her aid in acting as his bodyguard for an event at his university; he soon reveals himself to be a hypocrite, a liar, and a thoroughly unpleasant individual who abuses others. Sakura determines that he needs to be taken down a notch, and shames him in front of his peers before robbing him blind. She notes, amused, that perhaps Michelle did have the right idea sometimes.
The Man in Black – Michelle ends up chased by the Triad, who nearly kill her in battle. She ends up having a meeting with the Man in Black, who claims she has cheated him and that he has come to collect his due, describing the Triad as his personal band of debt collectors. Before Michelle can find out what exactly it is she did to him, he is fought off by Sakura.
Memories – As Sakura nurses Michelle back to health, she opens up about her past, telling of her life before becoming a thief and the death of her family at t he hands of a twisted serial killer who had the power to turn his blood vessels into barbed wire and attack with them.
The Canyon – Pursued into a canyon, the two decide now is the time to make a final stand. However, not confident in their ability to take them out, Blackmore uses his airship to fire on the authorities, killing them to frame Sakura and Michelle. Freya is noticeably disturbed by this.
The Hounds – Using the supposed terrorist actions of Sakura and Michelle as a bargaining chip, Blackmore gets funding to begin the mass production of his cyborg hounds. Soon amassing an army, he overthrows the queen of England and begins to rule London with an iron fist.
Dirty Work – Sakura and Michelle sneak through old sewer tunnels in an effort to get into Blackmore’s London factory and shut it down. There they encounter the Rat King, a man hired by Blackmore to guard the sewers with the ability to control and mutate rats.
London Calling – After their battle in the sewers, the two emerge into the city proper and begin to fight their way to the factory.
Devil Factory – The true extent of Blackmore’s wicked technology is shown in his factory and the torturous cyborgification process. The two must face the deadly assassin Kirk the Killer here, who may or may not be as competent as he seems...
Fight or Flight, Part 1 – Blackmore attempts to escape on his ship, his factory destroyed and his cyborgs falling to the combined forces of Sakura, Michelle, and the authorities. Sakura and Michelle pursue, and are aided by the Triad.
Fight or Flight, Part 2 – Blackmore finally confronts the two head-on. In a battle of wits, cunning, guns and swords, Blackmore almost emerges victorious, until Freya turns on him and attempts to toss him off the airship. However, prepared for this event, he activates the self destruct and flies off on a jetpack. The ship veers off course, crashes, and explodes; however, Freya, Sakura, and Michelle escape.
Heroes – Returning to London, Michelle and Sakura are praised as heroes and given a full pardon, as well as a large sum of treasure. The two spend much of their time unwinding and figuring out what they’re going to do next, and if the two should part ways. Michelle lets slip that she actually had sold what she stole from Blackmore to a mysterious individual, and Sakura, determining it to be too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands, decides they must find this man. Michelle agrees; however, before the two can venture off, they are confronted yet again by the Triad.
No Escape – After a brutal fight with the Triad, the two women are faced yet again by the Man in Black. He reveals that he is actually Death, and the Triad are his personal angelic entourage who help him hunt down those who cheat him in the game of chess he offers to those who cling desperately to life one way or another. However, after talking with Michelle it soon comes to light that she never actually cheated, and that whoever attempted to kill her had a powerful dark aura to him to muddle Death’s perception so much. He apologized for the miscommunication and considers all debts balanced, before saying they will likely cross paths again. After he leaves, Michelle sighs, wondering who or what her killer actually was. Sakura promises that whatever else, she will help find the killer of Michelle’s family and bring them to justice. Their friendship solidified, the two venture off on their next journey.
With Strange Eons – After searching in vain for who Michelle sold Blackmore’s plans to for months, the two come across an ad for the Strange Eons Science Expo in Strange Eons, Maine in three days. Seeing one of  the guests pictured on the poster makes Michelle realize he was the one who bought Blackmore’s work off of her, and so the two decide to head to Maine. The two get aboard a ship, but on their way the ship is attacked by what appears to be a zombie sea serpent. The two end up shipwrecked in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
The Beast in the Bay – The two are begged by the residents to defeat the creature somehow, as it has been attacking ships for well over a year. The two decide it’s the right thing to do, and find a way to end its life. After killing it, they discover that someone had experimented on it to bring it back to life. The residents speak of a scientist there who had shown up to conduct strange experiments before vanishing. Showing off the brochure, they find that the man they are looking for is the man from the rumors.
Clowning Around – As the two travel through New England towards the science fair, they are waylaid by a clown with the power to use their fears against them so that he can siphon their energy. Neither Michelle nor Sakura takes him seriously, much to his chagrin.
Asylum – The two are asked to rescue teenagers trapped in an abandoned asylum; while there they discover the place is overrun with reanimated corpses.
No Fair – Arriving in the town of Strange Eons, they make a shocking discovery: the town is already overrun with zombies. They soon discover the reason: Hojo Doboro, a mad scientist who performed experiments to reanimate the dead. He sics a giant zombie on the two and makes his escape.
Life and Limb – The two slice their way through the town and find their way to the university. There, the faculty and students holed up in there shed some light on Doboro: he was once a teacher there who was kicked out for sneaking in to steal cadavers for experiments. He vanished for years, recently returning with an army of the undead he created with his own experiments as well as the item stolen from Blackmore. Said item is revealed to be an item known as a Keystone, which is described in ancient death cult texts as being able to call forth beings known as Old Ones from a world beyond to do their bidding. If all five were gathered, then the summoner could command the Old Ones to do anything they pleased. Realizing the danger such a power would pose, Michelle and Sakura use the notes they found to locate the other four Keystones before Doboro can get them. However, after finding the notes and attempting to leave, they are attacked by Gemini.
Lost and Found – The girls find the first Keystone in an old burial ground’s secret crypt; however, Gemini arrives and uses Doboro’s re-animation gel to resurrect the bones in the burial ground into a giant bone monster that Michelle and Sakura face down.
The Lighthouse – The third keystone is tracked down to an old lighthouse; however, this time Gemini takes the keystone.
Road to Ruin – The girls try and make haste to the next keystone. Meanwhile, Doboro is preparing his army, and Gemini is beginning to feel uneasy about all of this.
Two of Hearts – The episode focuses on Gemini and her origin, as well as her successful capture of the fourth Keystone. In this episode she begins to waver in her support of Doboro, even if he did create her.
The Gathering – The girls manage to get the final keystone, and then make haste to the old mansion Doboro has holed up in to steal back the others.
Arisen – The girls confront Doboro, only to discover he was counting on them coming all along; the stones needed to only be in the general vicinity of one another. With them all together, Doboro uses the power to call forth an Old One; however, Gemini knocks the Keystones out of balance and thus the summoning is botched, instead merely summoning a powerful demon for a moment before the ritual is shut down. Enraged, Doboro unleashes his ultimate weapon: Viscera, the reanimated amalgamation.
Even Death May Die – After Sakura, Michelle, and Gemini deal with Viscera, Gemini catches up to the fleeing Doboro and injects him with his own reanimation fluid before kicking him down into the cellar and locking him up. Gemini says she will stay behind to try and clean up the mess made, and helps the girls destroy the Keystones so that they cannot be used for evil ever again. Satisfied, the girls head home, unaware that the demon whose summoning they interrupted, Camazotz, is now plotting vengeance against them.
Camazotz – The episode focuses mainly on the demon king forming his plan, as well as Sakura and Michelle’s trip home. When they arrive in London, they have a feeling they are being stalked.
The Terror – While making their way through town, they are attacked by a large, lizard-like demon who proclaims he will destroy them in the name of Camazotz. After winning the ensuing battle, the two decide to figure out who Camazotz is just in case this was more than just a fluke.
Lunacy – After entering the countryside, the girls find their way to a strange church run by a man named Brother Moon, who may or may not be an alien. He offers advice on how to deal with demons as well as an old tome that details who Camazotz is. He offers the girls the chance to stay the night. However, an unwelcome guest sneaks in to their room...
Incubus – The Incubus Thot sneaks in to the girls’ room and, rather than do what is expected of him, instead causes general mischief and just acts like a real jackass.
Hell House – The girls must exorcise a possessed demonic house with the help of Brother Moon.
Sleepless Nights – The demon Hypnox attempts to kill the girls in their dreams.
The Evil Within – Kirk the Killer returns, this time getting possessed by the demon Akuba. The girls must find a way to remove the demon from his constantly regenerating body. They get help from a new ally: Lady Kali.
Lady Kali – Lady Kali assists Michelle and Sakura in fighting off a horde of shadow demons that are attacking a village on the moors.
When We Were Young – A demon transforms Michelle, Kali, and Sakura into children; overwhelmed by being able to see again, Sakura is taken out of commission for the e pisode, leaving Michelle and dKali to fight the demon. However, in their exhaustion they end up being caught by Thot after defeatting the other demon.
Prisoners of Love – Sakura and Brother Moon work together to rescue Lady Kali and Michelle from Thot. After Thot is defeated, he comes to realize he is absolutely smitten with Michelle and vows to win her heart. Michelle is absolutely not impressed.
It Lives! - Doboro returns, this time as a hulking reanimated monster, warped by his reanimating solution. Having found out who is after the girls, he uses black magic to summon Camazotz into the material world.
The Wrath of the Demon King – Camazotz appears to finish what he has started, and he along with Doboro attempt to kill the group. Gemini, Kali, Michelle, and Sakura distract them long enough for Brother Moon to cast them back into hell. However, at the last second Doboro attempts to drag Brother Moon into hell with him; Gemini ultimately sacrifices herself and falls into hell with her creator. In the aftermath, the group mourns the loss of Gemini, Kali returns home, Brother Moon returns to his church to recover, and Michelle determines they need a vacation. Sakura decides they should perhaps visit her father in Japan.
Cherry Blossoms – Sakura, Rhiannon, and Michelle arrive in Japan and reunite with Sakura’s father, Hiro. Hiro shows them around and shows how much things have changed in the time since Sakura set out on her journey. The episode is a simple yet pleasant intro that hints at what’s to come, with Orochi Overlong appearing in the final minutes and realizing Sakura and Michelle are likely a threat.
Overlong – Orochi Overlong reveals himself, saying he has heard of Michelle and Sakura’s exploits. After a battle showcasing his sorcerous abilities, he teleports the two across the ocean to America and makes the oceans utterly impassable. He then gives them an ultimatum: defeat his agents that he has scattered throughout the world within 44 days, or Rhiannon and Hiro will die. Having supplied them with a map of where his henchmen reside but no other details, the two set out across Aamerica to begin their quest.
A True American, Part 1 – The two arrive in a midwestern town, stopping for rest at the tavern of Kurtwood Armstrong, a man with fists who hit like iron and who is loud and patriotic. He bemoans the relentless cruelty of the preacher Cyrus Lovelace, who rolled into town recently and began stirring people up into a bigoted fervor. Sensing that this man might be one of the first of Overlong’s minions, they team up with Armstrong to fight him; however, they soon find the whole town has been whipped into a bigoted frenzy by Lovelace’s own power, and so they must proceed with caution, as they do not wish to hurt the innocent people.
A True American, Part 2 – The team confronts Lovelace and ultimately defeats him.
The Hunger, Part 1 – Taking a detour to Mexico, the two are met by Ernesto Banderas, a man with the power to amplify sound into powerful concussive blasts; naturally, he is a guitar player.  He asks the two if they are here to stop Elvis Chavez, a would-be dictator who rolled into town and has begun wasting all the resources.
The Hunger, Part 2 – The group confronts Elvis, who is a massive mountain of a man with the ability to consume anything safely. Determining him to be Overlong’s minion, they attack him. After his defeat, the girls part ways with Ernesto, but not before he has a bit of a romantic moment with Michelle.
Clowning Around, Again – The girls pass through New England and find the evil clown, this time working for Overlong. Yet again, the two absolutely refuse to take the clown seriously.
Falling Down, Part 1 – Returning yet again to London, the girls try to find Overlong’s minion, and instead run afoul of Freya, who decides now is a great time to start a fight with the two. Their battle is interrupted by an attack on the London bridge.
Falling Down, Part 2 – Going to the bridge expecting to find Overlong’s latest assailant, they instead find the minion apparently already dead – Blackmore killed him to lure the two for his revenge. Michelle and Sakura do battle with him, but ultimately he escapes, taunting them that he has wasted their time and that the real minion is still out there, and he only wished to divert their attention so that they would lose precious time in the quest to save Rhiannon and Hiro. Now having fled the city, the girls are at a loss for what to do, but Freya decides to help them track down the minion.
Horse on the Moor – The group confronts the minion on the moors, a man known only as The Rider, who can conjure up a spectral horse made of psychic energy to ride upon. After his defeat, Freya parts ways with the two.
Erin go Bragh, Part 1 – The two venture to Ireland, where they meet Rick and Bailey O’Brien, twins with electrically charged speed that increases the closer the two are to each other. The two say there have been strange disappearences in their town lately, and so Sakura and Michelle help investigate.
Erin go Bragh, Part 2 – As it turns out, the disappearances were caused by Overlong’s minion, a man with dwarfism who dressed like a leprechaun to lure unfortunate souls into his grasp. With his power to turn everything he touches to gold, he attempts to kill the group; however, they manage to defeat him and free his gilded victims. It is believed these two episodes are what got the series banned entirely in Britain.
It’s Personal, Part 1 – The girls head to Italy next, where they meet the irritable dwarf Vinny, who is out for revenge against his family’s killers. Sensing something of a kindred spirit, Michelle asks Sakura if they can help him; reluctantly, Sakura agrees, and they seek out the trio of killers.
It’s Personal, Part 2 – Finally confronting the killers, they discover that they are in fact minions of Overlong.
Heart of Darkness, Part 1 – The two travel to Africa, where they find the woman Lesedi already tracking down a cannibal witch who has been a legend among her people for years. Sensing this may have something to do with Overlong, they offer their help.
Heart of Darkness, Part 2 – The group confronts the evil cannibal witch Morrigan Maro. The witch is soon defeated, and the two move on to Egypt, where they meet the local girl Talia Ishtar, who is looking to plunder a tomb. Ecstatic at the opportunity to do what she does best, Michelle volunteers her help and Sakura goes along with it.
Pyramid Scheme – As it turns out, one of Overlong’s minions had been in the tomb as well. After defeating him they discover hieroglyphics apparently depicting Overlong in ancient times. Not yet knowing what this means, they bid Talia farewell and continue on their journey.
The Perilous Pass, Part 1 – Returning to Europe, the two make their way through Germany. There, they meet Kristopher Cross, who needs help getting through a dangerous mountain pass so that he can retrieve medicinal herbs for his sick boyfriend. Sakura, unwilling to allow someone to suffer if she can help, offers to escort him through the pass. As it turns out, though, the pass has another of Overlong’s minions waiting to ambush them.
The Perilous Pass, Part 2 – The minion, Shepard Starbuck, has the power to easily climb the steepest and most dangerous cliffsides, and tries to split up the group with rock slides. It is revealed here that Cross has magnetic powers, but has been too afraid to use them since he accidentally was responsible for his boyfriend’s current condition. With a little motivation, he manages to control his powers and help defeat Starbuck, and get Sakura and Michelle through the pass. He parts ways with them and returns to his boyfriend through the pass, much more confident and brave than before.
Bloody Tears – Entering Romania, the girls are confronted by an exhausted, miserable Kirk the Killer. He mentions that his country has been taken over by one of Overlong’s minions, and that he will be grateful if they could help him. Reluctantly, they do so. The group confronts the minion, a man who can generate spikes from his body, in a dark old castle. Said man lets slip that Overlong is not just biding his time to kill Sakura’s parents; rather, he is trying to regenerate his body, as he is Yamata no Orochi of legend. Horrified, Sakura determines they must move ever quicker if they are to stop Overlong.
Holy Protector, Part 1 – Arriving in India, the two meet up again with Lady Kali, who is having trouble driving demons out of her homeland. Apparently the reason so many demons aare appearing is because of a man named Raktabija, who can conjure up hell portals.
Holy Protector, Part 2 – Raktabija fights the heroes, but is ultimately defeated when one of his Hell portals frees a familiar face: Gemini. Lady Kali ultimately tosses the man through one of his own hell portals, and after a reunion Gemini joins Michelle and Sakura to take down Overlong.
The Serpent Reborn– Arriving in China to fight the last of the minions, the three soon discover a horrifying truth: Overlong was counting on them defeating each of his minions so that he could harvest their powerful spiritual energy upon defeat so he could obtain his true form. Overlong appears before them to taunt them about this fact before assuming his true form.
Orochi, Part 1 – The girls take their fight to Japan, where they begin the final confrontation with Orochi.
Orochi, Part 2 – The fight against Orochi seems hopeless, and the three are seemingly done for. However, as it turned out the Man in Black decided to step in, as much like him Orochi was a supernatural being of great power. He could not directly help, as that was not his right, but he did aid by calling forth all the friends Sakura and Michelle had made along the way so they could lend their power, as well as allowing the Triad to fight. With the combined might of all their friends from round the world, Sakura was able to land the killing blow and defeat Orochi, killing him and saving her parents. Sakura decides at the end she wishes to return to her master and inform him of her adventures, and Michelle and Gemini decide to go along with her, while the rest of her friends return home, determined to keep in touch somehow.
Master Ishida – The girls arrive at the mountain school where Master Ishida teaches his students. Happy to see Sakura, he decides to allow her to instruct a new class. She also fills her master in on all of her adventures so far. Things seem well until episode’s end, when two men walk into the hall: Jet and Chicken Wire.
Jet – Sakura is shocked at Jet’s return. He reveals that the fall that supposedly killed him nearly did so, but he was saved by a witch… a witch who then cursed him and took something from him. Bitter, angry, and miserable, he had been taken in by a teacher named Black Phoenix who helped him hone his rage so he could get vengeance. Chicken Wire, whose mouth was wired shut, was someone he had found along the way and who his master had taken in as well. Jet declares that unless Master Ishida surrenders the temple, there will be dire consequences. Obviously refusing, Jet leaves, and Sakura and friends begin to formulate a plan to protect the temple.
Berserker – The next day, the consequences come to light: Rika Ainia, another student of the Black Phoenix who also became cursed, attacks the school, wounding several in her attempt to get to Ishida. After a hard-fought battle, she is apparently taken down.
The Next Day – The group helps repair the school and tend to the wounded, while Sakura tries to find out more bout the Black Phoenix; Master Ishida refuses to speak of it, as it is his greatest shame. Just when Sakura thinks she may get some answers, an attack is launched… from Rika Ainia, who had been killed the day prior. Shocked, they once again fight her, but this time she successfully kills a student in the crossfire of the battle. Coming out of her rage and in a state of shock, she has a complete breakdown. In the chaos, Master Ishida is captured.
Cursed – Rika is interrogated, and a lot of details about her life come to light. She says she was sent as a distraction so that Chicken Wire and Jet could kidnap Master Ishida. Taking her as a hostage, they journey off to find Jet.
Legend of the Black Phoenix – While passing through a mountain village, they try and find more info about the Black Phoenix. However, most of what they find is merely urban legends and rumor, and nothing totally concrete.
Chicken Wire – Chicken Wire tries, and fails, to lure the group into multiple traps as they work there way ever closer to where Jet has Master Ishida.
The Escape – Rika breaks free and runs off, with the group giving chase.
Crossed Wire – The group splits up to try and find Rika, Jet, or Ishida; Gemini finds herself victim of Chicken Wire’s tricks and traps, though eventually she does defeat him and begin tailing him back to his hideout.
Cursed – Michelle finds her way into a shack in the mountains that contains a variety of odd objects, including a large mass of spiky wires, a broken staff, and more. She soon discovers it is the home of a witch, and makes her escape to tell the others.
Reunion – Sakura and Jet meet face to face; Sakura tries to appeal to the good in him and tries to get the boy she once loved to return, but instead the two fight, leading to him being wounded. Michelle and Gemini catch back up, and they track Jet to his hideout via a trail of blood.
The Cave – The group finds the cave where Jet has been hiding, and tracks him deep inside to where he has kept Master Ishida imprisoned.
Phoenix Rising – After finding Master Ishida, he finally explains the truth: That the Black Phoenix was a student of his who he had expelled for violent tendencies ages ago, and who had gained reputation since then as powerful evil. He had no idea that he had been training his own set of students for years. Before they can escape, they are confronted by the Black Phoenix himself.
The Black Phoenix – Akuma Kokuho introduces himself, and says that he is not going to kill Master Ishida yet; he wishes to humiliate and demoralize him first by proving to him that he is a far greater teacher. To this effect, he has decided to put forth a set of combat challenges to see if Ishida’s students can best his own.
The Challenges – Kokuho’s students and Ishida’s students begin battling and competing in deadly challenges, with Ishida’s students ending up dead. Jet begins to grow ever more disturbed, while Rika grimly accepts all the brutality fate throws at her. Jet’s resolve sways even further when he watches  Chicken Wire get brutally beaten down to the point of near death before intervening.
Disgrace – Disgusted by Jet’s weakness, Kokuho determines the only solution is to put him into combat against Ishida’s greatest student: Sakura. The fight is to the death, and if Jet refuses to fight, Kokuho will kill her himself. The two fight, but seem at a stalemate; Sakura does not want to kill Jet, and Jet does not want to kill her while at the same time he must put forth effort to seem as if he is not throwing the match. The match ends when Sakura, sensing the problem, impales herself with her own blade.
Betrayal – Having angled the sword in such a way it did not harm any of her organs, Sakura is injured but otherwise okay. Irritated, Kokuho demands that she be prepared to fight again the next day; disgusted, Gemini and Michelle go off to spy on him. They catch him abusing Jet and, strangest of all, they find him sneaking off to the hut of the witch Michelle previously visited. It turns out the witch is Kokuho’s daughter, and she curses people by taking away things precious to them so that they have no choice but to turn to Kokuho so that they can find any semblance of peace. They try to escape and bring this information back, but they are caught by Kokuho.
To the Pain – Rika, sensing something is amiss, wanders off into the woods, finding herself at the shack. There, she witnesses Kokuho fighting Michelle and Gemini, and though they fight valiantly, Kokuho bests them. Before his daughter can curse them, Rika leaps in and maims the daughter, only to be beaten to a pulp by Kokuho. This does, however, give Michelle and Gemini time to escape.
The Hero Within – Gemini and Michelle return, and try and warn all of Kokuho’s students of his treachery, but only Jet and Chicken Wire seem very interested in the truth, with the rest threatening them. When Kokuho makes his way back, Jet stands up to him and fights him to a standstill, injuring him and stealing medicine to heal Sakura.
Rage of the Phoenix – Kokuho attempts to kill Sakura and friends, but a now fully healed Sakura fights him off. The group manages to beat a hasty retreat so that they can form a concrete plan on how to stop Kokuho and his witch daughter.
End of an Era – After attempting to retreat to Ishida’s school, the school is destroyed by Kokuho.
Her Master’s Keeper – Ishida, worn out and tired from the running and his failure, decides to stand up to Kokuho. He fights valiantly, and though Sakura leaps in to protect him, he is ultimately slain, but not before passing on his greatest secret to her.
The Secret Technique – Sakura and Kokuho do battle once again, though this time she uses the secret technique that Ishida taught her: the Strike of Ages. This allows her to astral project into Kokuho’s mind and sift through the evil to defeat his innate dark spirit.
  The Fog of Ages – Sifting through his memories, Sakura learns about Kokuho’s past. Eventually, she duels him in the center of his mind, defeating him and rendering him comatose.
Phoenix Down – The group manages to find their way to Kokuho’s daughter, who puts up a great fight but is ultimately defeated. Upon her death, the cursed objects all disappear, returning what they stole to their owners. All seems well, with Rika promising to find a way to atone for her sins, perhaps by remaking the school and leading Kokuho’s students to a peaceful way, and with Jet determining he wants to confess his love to Sakura. However, Chicken Wire too is freed from his curse, and with his barbed veins and muscle mass restored and his mouth free once again, he kills Jet and reveals himself to the group. In a shocking cliffhanger twist, it is revealed to Michelle’s horror that Chicken Wire had been her family’s killer.
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Do you like Courtney Love? And if you do is it because of her Nirvana/Kurt connection or because you just think she’s awesome for herself? Thanks in advance for your time in answering this. ☠️🤟
Yes, of course! I’d say I reblog/post on her quite a lot here, maybe even too much, but yeah, she’s my favourite woman in rock music. Of course Courtney has a lot of flaws and she’s not perfect, but people treat her waaay too harsh. Sure she’s awesome for herself, to me Hole and Nirvana are kind of separate worlds in some ways, even though Kurt & Courtney were great together and they were an example of a very interesting & inspiring relationship, because they both made music, both had successful bands & to me because of that they were equal. I know people mostly look down on Courtney and say she’s only famous because she married the right person, but anyone who’s not sexist or misogynistic and actually takes time to read/listen to C.Love without an immediate mindset that she killed Kurt, “she’s a talentless fame whore” etc. can see she’s very intelligent and in my opinion she had as much to say as Kurt and had a huge impact on people, especially girls. 
But that’s another subject. I;ve got to admit however I got into Hole through Nirvana. I knew about her vaguely before, by vaguely I mean I’ve seen her on tv or elsewhere but didn’t really know who she was. She played a show in my country in 2010 and she was the main star at the big festival (i regret i didn’t go, but I started to listen to her about 1 year later!)  It was the time of Nobody’s Daughter release and general public was rather hateful towards her. The only rock magazine in my country wrote a bad article about her, mostly spitting on ND and bringing up how she’s on drugs & how she showed her tits on David Letterman show. (I don;t think it was anything particularly smart or bad either. But it’s ironic how that particular occurence was deemed literally Courtney’s “biggest fall from grace” & now 16 years on somebody’s showing their tits daily on tv, mtv, instagram etc. & it’s consider oh so empowering.) Magazines also mocked her because of plastic surgeries... and let’s be honest plastic surgeries weren’t as normalized as they’re now.  In my country they were only achievable to celebrities. Now everybody pushes out their lips & botches their faces a lot so i think these procedures got more affortable. 10 years ago surgeries were considered something really vain however, so they mocked Courtney Love. In my opinion Courtney should have stopped in 1996, she looked her hottest in 1996. She looked great but later she got a nose that made her look like Madonna, and then continued to overdo it. But it’s her choice, now she kinda has no way now. I just think it’s kind of low however to mock her for having her 1st nosejob.  I’d say her first nosejob was understandable, she wanted to improve her appearance and kind of get rid of her father’s genetics, so it was more of cosmetic surgery. I read Kim Gordon’s book and I was disgusted how Kim mocked Courtney for getting the FIRST nosejob, for having any procedures at ALL. She describes her nosejob scar at POTI sessions and she shades her for surgery in general, (that same old mindset plastic surgery=being vain) which only made her looked shallow, not Courtney. Ok too much talk on the nosejobs though, back to the subject.
Then in 2011 I discovered Nirvana and it was very important band to me, that was a band of outsiders, I could relate to Kurt & his story. They introduced me to a lot of underground punk rock and good bands. Tbh i was very surprised that his wife had her own band. I listened to Violet first and then other songs and i could tell immediately it’s great music. That was something I searched for, a woman that plays guitar herself and sings with a low & harsh voice. A woman that plays noisy punk music but doesn’t try to be a man. Joan Jett is great, L7 too but they’re more like the tomboy chicks always in trousers that very masculine, you know. I didn’t like that if you wanted to be a woman in rock music, you had to always IMPRESS, you had to PROVE you’re the same as men. Men can literally slack off and do nothing but they end up being praised, but girls are always questioned - they have to prove they can even play guitars, they have to be able to play complicated poodle metal solos or else they “suck”, they have to dress like boys, etc. I hate that kind of thinking. Courtney didn’t give a fuck, she sang & played as she wanted, sounding in a conventionally “ugly” way. She wore cute girly dresses with a torn punk twist and wouldn’t brush her hair, and she was very confident. She was thousand times more punk than all those rock boys making stupid faces and dressing up in all the rock’n’roll stuff. Or all those rock’n’roll Axl Rose boys with macho rock groupie-fucking mentality. Also soundwise, Pretty On The Inside was extremely noisy. This one is still the heaviest record with female vocals, in the same way In Utero is darker than all the black metal stuff. There are female heavy metal bands, but they sound pop compared to Pretty On The Inside - it’s the darkness & heaviness in the vibe, noise and lyrics, not in the guitar tuning.
Courtney had a low voice & we had the same scale. A lot of female singers have high or pretty voices, which kind of irritated me cause I had no songs to train singing. I learned singing confidently & screaming on Hole’s songs. I also started wearing dresses & skirts again after getting inspired by her looks. She had those doll dresses, which was something new to me. I played guitar and wrote songs, but I always planned only to be a guitarist and to get a singer, but after getting into Hole I got confident enough to sing my lyrics. I guess Courtney Love inspired countless other girls to play/sing/write lyrics and be confident. 
Obviously i read a lot about her, watched documentaries, live shows, bought Dirty Blonde book. Additionally i can say she’s really smart and funny. People that say she doesn’t write her own songs are usually sexist and cannot accept the idea that a woman can write her own songs, or play guitar. Hole’s songs are group effort but people who say Kurt wrote lyrics for Courtney are the worst, Courtney Love has a consistent writing style which becomes even more visible when you read Dirty Blonde. She really should release a poetry book. 
I know Courtney Love possibly did some questionable or controversial things, or that she changed a lot and got into all that red carpet high fashion brands stuff,  I admit i tend to ignore her faults tbh. But people villify her and love to hate her. It’s too easy to take the anger out on her and think she murdered her husband because it’s easier than accepting he really killed himself. It’s really fucking stupid, it’s idiotic how people now rewrite the story, say that Kurt Cobain was a poor little thoughtless Bambi without his own will, that he got pushed into drugs by her or that he wasn’t depressed or suicidal at all, because Buzz Osborne said so (as if talking to him at school or seeing him once a year on tour means he knew about his feelings or private problems, lol. I love Melvins but what Buzz Osborne does is kind of stupid, he speaks as if he was Kurt’s closest friend and lived with him or whatever. People think that just because you’re a funny guy and you laugh it means you can’t be depressed or suicidal. What a bullshit. It’s not like we cannot laugh or behave normally, lol. We don’t sink down and cry every second of our lives. But laughing doesn’t cure depression or deathwish, lol.) Or how people say that Kurt didn’t even love Courtney at all, that she didn’t really want a child but Courtney chained him with pregnancy. Dude... people are really desperate. I think they would eventually get divorced if Kurt lived but it’s not like he never loved her and she forced him to stay.
So coming back, I’m not on the level of praying to her altar everynight or something, but she’s my favourite female musician, i like Courtney & treat her as someone I can resonate with. 
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 11: In love?
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hoseok's apartment was on the thirty second floor. It was expensive, spacious, modern. And practically empty. "I have ordered furniture but it has not arrived yet" he said as he ushered Hyeonji across a huge expanse of pale blue carpet. "But don't worry. I did manage to buy a bed before I moved in. I had them send one of the floor stock, complete with bed linen."
Hyeonji's heart leapt. A brand new bed, with virgin sheets, waiting for her and Hoseok. No bad vibes. No memories. No comparisons.
He led her into a huge master bedroom dominated by an equally huge bed with dark blue and maroon bedding. The large double-glazed window which stretched across behind it was covered with cream vertical blinds but no curtains. A door to the left led off to what she presumed was an en-suit bathroom. "So what do you think?" He said as he shrugged out of his dinner jacket and reefed off his black bow-tie.
Hyeonji tried not to stare when he began unbuttoning his shirt. She kept telling herself it wouldn't be the first time she'd seen Hoseok naked to the waist. He alwayd mowed his mother's lawn like that in the summer. But this was different.
"I think we have all the essentials, under the circunstances," she said, her crisp tone belying the thickening in her throat. "A bed. A bathroom. And us." Hoseok laughed while he yanked the shirt tails out from the waist band of his trousers. "I don't know if I entirely approve of Moving-On-Hyeonji, but I won't deny you have me totally intrigued."
"I would prefer turned on to intrigued," she quipped, determined not to revert to the mouse she'd once been. Where had that got her? Certainly not into Hoseok's bedroom with Hoseok undressing in front of her!
"That goes without saying," he said, and stripped off the shirt. Hyeonji swallowed. "Does it? I've never turned you on before..." she locked eyes with his and by sheer force of will kept hers steady. She would not have been human if her earlier nerved hadn't returned. This was unknown territory, after all - but she was damned if she was going to show them.
"Shall I undress as well?" She asked, her hands going behind her back in search of the bow which anchored the laces. She could not find the ends and screwed her head around over her shoulder in vain attempt to locate the wretched things. Hoseok materialized behind her. "Let me," he said softly, and removed her shaking hands. "I've been wanting to do this all night..."
Hyeonji gasped when he bent to press tender lips to the nape of her neck, at the same time obviously pulling the right thread, for the restricting laces suddenly gave way. A tremor raced through her as he eased the narrow silk straps towards the edge of her shoulders, kissing her neck all the while. Another inch or two and the whole dress would fall from her body, slithering down to the floor to leave her near naked to his eyes, and to his touch.
Her heart turned over at the thought, then quickened. To have Hoseok touch her bare breasts...His hands moved outwards and the dress slithered downwards. Hyeonji gasped, then held her breath. It felt an eternity before his hands moved again. And when they did she moaned her frustration at his lack of speed. They slid slowly up and down her goose-bumped arms before finally taking her arms and winding them around behind him.
"Yes," he said thickly when she clasped together at the back of his waist, effectively imprisoning herself against him. Her mouth dried at the feel of his bare chest pressing up againsts her own bare back. Her heart thudded heavily behind her ribs, her naked breasts jutting out impatiently for his touch. They seemed to swell with each pressing moment, their eager tips stretching out and upward in silent yearning. Something else was swelling as well, making its presence felt against the cushioning curves her bottom. Heyonji had never seen, let alone felt, an erect male before. She knew the theory, but somehow the reality felt different from her virginal imaginings.
Bigger. Harder. And with a mind of itsown. Her own mind reeled at the inevitability of its final resting place tonight.
Dear God... she thought.
Hoseok's hands grazing down over her breasts brought her back to the present, thrusting any thought of pain to the back of her mind. Pleasure took its place, blissful, blinding pleasure. She gasped when his palms rolled over her nippled a second time, then groaned when he took each tender peak between his thumb and forefinger, playing with them till they burned and throbbed with the sweetest ache she had ever known. But it wasn't only her breast which burned and ached. Her whole body was swiftly becoming a furnace of frantic fire.
"Hoseok," she whispered in pleading tones.
"Please don't stop..."
"I won't," he rasped, his mouth moving restlessly over her neck, kissing and sucking at her heated skin. Hyeonji shivered violently. "I mean later. Don't stop for anything."
His hands froze on her breasts. His mouth lifted. "Are you sure?" He asks as Hyeonji nods her head.
"What about pregnancy?"
Hyeonji was taken aback. She'd actually been thinking of her pain stopping him. Now she realized what he was referring to, and shrank from the concept of him putting anything between them. She might only have this night with him and she wanted everything to be perfect. "There's no danger of that," she reassured him hurriedly, desperate to have his hands and mouth back on her flesh once more. "My period is due this week and I'm never late."
"You haven't asked me if I'm any danger to you..." says Hoseok. Again that thought had not occured to her. "Are you?" She asked, shaken.
She shivered her relief. "Then everythings all right then."
He spun her abruptly in his arms and cupped her face. "Promise me you won't trust any other man like that." He demanded. "You have no idea the lies some creeps will tell you not to use a condom."
The realization that he was already anticipating her sleeping with other men after him dismayed Hyeonji. Silly she thought. What had she expected. That he would discover how much he secretly loved her tonight? What a romantic fool she was.
"Don't worry about what I do with other men, Hoseok." She said sharply.
"But I do. You're my friend and I care about you."
"Really? You yourself said tonight this had nothing to do with friendship." She stepped back and hastily stripped her pantyhose and shoes, scooping the bundle of clothes to one side and straightening to stabd naked in front of him. Her chin lifted defiantly her hazel brown eyes glittering as she pulled the swinging earrings from her lobes one by one and tossed them on top of her green silk dress. "You were right. This has nothing to do with friendship, Hobi. Nothing at all!"
Too much passion in her voice she realized. But too late.
Hoseok frowned. Then frowned some more, "And what has it to do with, Hyeonji?" He asked slowly, his eyes searching hers all the while. "I sure hell hope Jungkook wasn't right."
"Jungkook? What has Jungkook got to do with this?" Slowly getting irritated by Hoseok.
"Nothing, obviously. But he seemed to think your feelings for me encompassed more than friendship. He said he was watching you while I made my speech tonight and he reckoned you were in love with me. He warned me not to fuck you since virgins in love were notoriously vulnerable. I didn't believe him that time. I thought Jungkook was just making trouble. But now I'm beginning to wonder."
Hyeonji knew she had to act quickly or all would be lost. She hoped her laughter had just the right mixture of disbelief and dry amusement. "In love with you, as well as my Mr X? I'm not that much of a masochist. But you have grown into a very attractive man Hobi," she said, undulating towards him with a sexy smile curving her mouth. "And your experience with women is impressive. Why do you think i chose you for this exercise? No, Hobi, I don't want your love tonight. I just want your body." She pressed her palms against his naked chest and kissed the base of his throat, then slowly lifted her eyes back to his.
Was he angry with her? Or angry with himself? Whatever, his brown eyes were blazing with something. He gripped her elbows and lifted her bodily off the carpet, carrying her over and tossing her back onto the bed. She lay sprawled there in breathless silence, watching dry-mouthed as he proceeded to strip himself with rough, angry movements. The sight of the unknown was worrisome as she feared. No doubt about it. This was going to hurt. She only hoped he remembered his promise not to stop. For anything.
Chapter 12
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Wellness around the world
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When the book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ came out it seemed obvious why it was so successful.  As an ambitious and driven woman yearning to find her career passion alongside a big, adventurous balanced life, this book hit home and I don’t think I was alone. Most of my close friends and colleagues dreamed of doing or being more too.  
The truth is, the search for whatever “more” was to me, started decades earlier. Growing up in a small southern town, I was the slightly unique girl that managed to float relatively easily between the different cliques and social norms in my environment. I enjoyed and got along with almost everyone.  All the while, I felt I was destined for a faster paced, more exciting (in my naïve eyes) big city.  
Having been absolutely unable to stop singing and dancing as well as being crystal clear that I was meant to be a big Broadway star (who then went on to direct blockbuster movie musicals), I pursued my dreams with fearlessness and gusto!   If I wanted to do an improvised dance piece for an audience, I just did it, if I wanted to choreograph the big tap number for the kid’s theatre group, I naturally took charge and made it happen.  I started the dance team in my high school when there wasn’t one and I didn’t think twice about doing it, I simply made it happen.
When I decided to quit being a professional singer and actress and commit to being a spa manager, I felt as if I went through a break up. I was heartbroken that the industry I had loved my whole life was not the dream I’d thought it could be.  I was talented enough to work relatively consistently, yet I rarely felt authentic and was always searching for my own voice.  I performed on cruise ships, did a lot of regional and off-Broadway theatre, was in a few bands and I sang on tour in a Broadway show all over the world and worked with and performed with legendary icons. At auditions, I tried subconsciously to be what I thought the casting directors were looking for in hopes of landing the job.  Ultimately, I became disillusioned and that’s when I discovered I was good at something else…. (sound the trumpets) Customer service.
I enjoyed my ‘survival’ job as we called them then, of being a receptionist in a busy NYC spa.  I loved talking about products and interacting with guests.  I quickly moved up and it felt very natural to grow in this new environment.  I used my acting skills along the way when needed but for the most part, I truly liked being part of a company, participating in the growth of a brand and ultimately discovering that leadership was in my blood.
Cut to almost 15 years in the spa and wellness industry and I’m on a beach in Costa Rica having just booked my ticket only a few days earlier.  What was my purpose?  I had grown to not only love this industry but adore and admire the people I connected with along the way.  It was so much fun to be an equal and smart businessperson alongside these other smart, driven people sharing ideas, best practices and even antidotes of our crazier moments. It was inspiring to move up and become part of a huge corporation with a strong vision that I got to be help facilitate. I felt proud to represent the companies and brands I worked for.  So how come I felt burned out and unfulfilled?
Standing on the beach with my toes in the sand, I promised myself I’d make my mark on the world and do something awesome.  Now as I approach middle age (gasp), what happened to that fearless young girl whose world revolved around the magic of theatre?  Surely I have not reached my full potential.
After my own personal ‘Eat Pray Love’ trip involving a few weeks in St. Thomas BVI, a week alone learning to surf in Costa Rica and a week with business colleagues learning to ski in Steamboat Springs CO, I made a big move. Still trying to find my way, I accepted a new, bigger job that I had hoped would be my dream job in a new city. Sadly it wasn’t, and even though I didn’t know what I was going to do next at the time, I knew it was time to seriously reevaluate.  
Then, my father died suddenly.  Let me tell you, when you quit your big fat job, leave your friends and home across the country and then your biggest supporter and constant ear is gone…. The world is a totally new and different place.  So here I am sitting at my mother’s kitchen table watching endless webinars, reading multiple self-help books and trolling LinkedIn for some sort of inspiration.  
WHAT am I yearning to do? As most good slightly controlling driven people do, I wrote a list.
1.       Travel – I have inherited my father’s wanderlust and absolutely LOVE to explore and visit pretty much anywhere.
2.       Wellness or balance – I’ve lost my way and am not in my best shape physically or probably mentally so this is also a personal quest.
3.       Products – I love love love products and have rarely met one I didn’t like. Drug stores are like candy stores to me and a sparkly Sephora or well-appointed spa is my crack.
4.       Leading a team – being part of a bigger picture and leading a team feeds my soul.  The best compliment I have ever received was from a former assistant who said my development of her propelled her career and that I’d made a positive impact on her.
5.       Genuinely helping and caring – big and small scale.  Being even the tiniest part of someone’s experience that they will cherish is an amazing gift.  Heck I grew up going to Disney world, I will always believe in magic, it’s in my DNA.
6.       The Spa and Wellness industry in general – I did not grow up going to a spa so when I did start working in one it was a whole new exciting world!  That feeling has never worn off as I see trends change and evolve and provide help, healing, and relaxation for people.  
7.       Looking and Feeling great- this one is tough because I rarely feel like I look or feel my best but I strive for it.  Getting a treatment or even better, creating a treatment with therapists/estheticians is fantastic. Everyone should get a massage and a facial often. Seriously.  
8.       Alternative healing and beauty- this is vague passion but I’ll sum it up: I like it all. Cranioscral, Reiki, acupuncture, Yoga….you name it I am down for it.
9.       Medical spa services – I know, it’s a contradiction but not to me. I’m an equal opportunist, I believe in Natural and organic products for some things and believe in science for others.  Plus, being in this industry I’m a little vain and am not above a little botox to remove the angry eleven from my forehead.
10.   Travel – yup, it shows up again and again. I’m not sure if this means I travel on my own or being a guest at some of the world’s beautiful spas and wellness centers. I’d hoped that my previous “dream job” would take me all over the world but alas, it is up to me at this point to make my global dreams come true.
Having made this list, I realize I’d like to combine all of these but how?  This my friends is the moment of inspiration…… I will go in search of wellness around the globe and share it with you.  I’ll document my journey with blog posts and videos.  Having been previously sidelined with obstacles, many self-imposed, I now rally my inner strength. I hear my Dad’s voice in my head saying, “you got this Jilly” and I slap on some sunscreen and go.  
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politicalmamaduck · 8 years
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Ring in the Reylo 2017
Please leave kudos and comments for all of these hard working writers!
Fics under 100 hits and kudos:
Tall Tales of the Western Wilds by Anonymous for Vivien They say there’s three sides to every story: his side, her side, and the truth. No matter which you choose to believe, Ragin’ Rey Kenobi was the greatest bounty hunter there ever was.
Bound in the Balance by Anonymous for TheBridgeIntoYourMind He sees her struggles. He feels her frustrations. He senses her presence in the Force, a sensation that echoes his own. He feels compelled to help her, to tell her the truth about herself and himself. How much he ends up telling her, he didn’t expect. 
Take my hand by Anonymous for tyrantsandcreampuffs 
Fics under 100 kudos:
Convergence by Anonymous for Elywyngirlie Whatever the next steps are, I want to take them with you.
the hint of hope that is you by Anonymous for ReyloTrashCompactor (NextToSomething) Rey, Poe, Finn, and the rest of the staff at Recto et Verso Books are gearing up for the holiday season when a surprise mass shipment throws them off balance. Selling 742 copies of anything would be a challenge for a store their size. Selling 742 copies of pretentious, free form, emo poetry by some asshole named “Kylo Ren” is next to impossible…or so they think.
The Wheels Keep Right on Rolling by Anonymous for Hamliet Ben Solo is brilliant and handsome. He is also insufferably arrogant, a flagrant womanizer, and a total ass. On certain days, they get along as well as oil and water. On others, it’s more like ammonium nitrate and TNT. Which is why the prospect of spending the next 48-hours cooped up in a car–on a road trip with the man–has left Rey feeling a bit out of sorts….
desperado (where you gonna run to) by Anonymous for La_Catrina ‘It is my personal opinion that we cannot take Snoke down without you. Sorry excuse of a man that you are at the moment.’ Rey’s eyes skimmed him up and down as though searching for something, and coming up wanting.Kylo could not fault her for that. He’d failed at being a good man a long time ago, and a bad man more recently. He was adrift between two worlds, belonging in neither.
Gideon’s Sacrifice by Anonymous for Ceallaigh Since the loss of Rey, Kylo Ren’s pursuit of these new enemies has been relentless. Planets of no consequence, like Serpindal and Belkadan have gone completely dark from technology - there were no electronic subspace transmissions. Later his Knights of Ren discovered the planets were destroyed by space anomalies, such as the moon crashing into Serpindal, and an overgrowth of insects on Belkadan. His daughter has been left in the care of his mother, Leia. However, in this last visit, New Republic Forces have chosen to arrest him and try him for his crimes against the galaxy from the last war. The war the First Order lost to the Resistance. He was tried by grand jury of the New Republic and convicted of various crimes. His sentence was to be placed in Carbonite stasis by a new protocol that would cause him to be devoid of the Force. Leia refuses to let Kylo Ren surrender to them. Kylo Ren has other plans.
Love makes the galaxy go round by Anonymous for bittersnake Their masters make a secret arrangement behind their backs.
Family issues by Anonymous for Artemis1000 Rey tries to understand her feelings for a redeemed Ben Solo while his mother and uncle treat her like the hope for a better galaxy. It’s not easy when you have to be a jedi, a friend, a warrior and a lover.
In Balance by Anonymous for Fangirltrashbaby Kylo Ren arrives on Ahch-Too with some surprising news. Rey is hesitant at first but when Luke strands them on the planet she has to learn to get along with him.
soon I know you’ll see (you’re just like me) by Anonymous for KyloWren She crooks a finger. He kneels.
climb so fast to fall by Anonymous for LueurdeLaube Kylo Ren arrived at (crashed into) the Resistance base and fell in front of the general, broken and bleeding. No one was very happy about this development, least of all Rey.
i’m always in this twilight (in the shadow of your heart) by Anonymous for jitterygummy Coded on a secondhand datapad in a run-down motel room in Mos Eisley, deleted and never sent: Everything about us was a whirlwind.Written on a scrap of durasheet in a Tion Cluster outpost, the words fading after a while into air and ghosts: You shouldn’t have forgiven me for any of it.Scraped into the bark of an oak tree on the Argazdan homeworld: You won’t believe the dreams I have about you.
Two Comets Lost, Following the Trails of Stars Unknown by Anonymous for Karla_shadow He calls out to her as if through the Force, a pull that repels and attracts her in equal measure. He draws nearer to her as if he can’t help but follow that strange call. She backs away.“You can’t fight destiny.”
Exigence in Force Majeure by Anonymous for MostTulip This war has raged for ages and most of the leaders at its helm are long gone. It’s left to Kylo Ren, and Rey, his constant opposing force, whose minds have seeped so far into each other as to make planning in secret impossible, to come to some accord or else watch the galaxy burn in their futile efforts at mutual destruction.
Muscle Memory by Anonymous for thewayofthetrashcompactor (BriarLily) The war may be over, but Rey is still encountering Kylo Ren far too frequently for her peace of mind.
The Force Works in Mysterious Ways by Anonymous for agirlfromniima Sometimes you just know what you need to do. 
Jazz Night at the Jakku Philharmonic by Anonymous for SaintHeretical Rey expects nothing good when the Jakku Philharmonic plays an outdoor gig with weird and reclusive jazz legend Snoke. As for his backing band, they’re something else. Kylo styles himself as “the loudest trumpet player in the universe”, and his mic stand is right behind Rey’s chair in the woodwind section.
This Darkness Which You Know You Cannot Fight by Anonymous for OccasionallyCreative Rey gives in to her anger. It has been a long time coming.
Fight Like Me by Anonymous for SWAG_77 After mysteriously crashing on a moon, Rey and Kylo Ren find themselves Forced to fight together.
Quiet Words by Anonymous for RacheyMayBe She wants to take his heart in her hand and dare it to beat when its fickleness is the reason Han’s never will again.(She doesn’t know yet that this fury doesn’t wholly belong to her.)
One Thousand and One Nights by Anonymous for TehanuFromEarthsea Really, Rey ought to kill him. But instead she found herself fascinated by him
Trapped by Anonymous for PalenDrome (nerdherderette) Rey and Kylo get trapped on a shuttle in the middle of deep space. Inspired by ChroniclyFlaming’s “Revanche"
Between Daydreams and Nightmares by Anonymous for BeMyDarkling “Bring the girl to me.” Kylo begins to train Rey after her abduction; however, as he attempts to draw out the Dark Side in her, she ignites the Light in him.
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit by Anonymous for SouthSideStory A diplomatic mission to Fest goes differently than expected.
Shadowed by Anonymous for Limra The war is over. It has been for years. A damaged Kylo is forced to face his fears when Rey tells him that she wants children, believing that the sins of the father would be passed on to the children – his children… much like the sins of Darth Vader ruined the reputation of his mother, then-Senator Leia Organa.Rey? Well. Rey thinks that it’s about time that Kylo faces what people really think about her husband.
A Ghtroc 690, Fully Restored by Anonymous for Chthonia This is the Force, Rey knows, trying to draw her to Kylo Ren, but she doesn’t care about whatever greater purpose a higher power has in store for them. She hates this man, and she despises any connection they have, no matter how divine its origin. (Or: the Force ruins Rey’s first vacation.)
Solace for the Damned by Anonymous for incognitajones Christmas Eve, and a lone priest of a tiny, isolated parish works feverishly in the snow until an old friend drops by. She misses him- what will it take to lure him away? When will he stop hiding behind the cloth?
The Planet of Fates by Anonymous for Juulna Simple scavenger Rey was almost ready to find Luke, to bring peace to the galaxy once again, until a mysterious force pulled her into the dreaded Kylo Ren’s path. Though this may be a trap, something bigger seems to be playing out for the two adversaries. And it won’t be like anything they’ve faced before…
Anchorite by Anonymous for momo_official It was right, Rey thought, that he had to bend so low to speak to her. Men like Kylo Ren were made to kneel. 
the one thing you leave behind (is how did you love) by Anonymous for diasterisms Kylo’s orders are to turn Rey to the Dark Side. His personal feelings may prevent him from doing so.
Clandestine by Anonymous for kuresoto She should have just done her job as a Jedi, should have remained detached yet polite, should have guarded Senator Ben Organa, and should not have jumped into bed with him.
Opposition in Vain by Anonymous for solikerez Rey is a factory girl living off of meager pay and the hope that her parents will return. She’s given a new chance at happiness when the parson Luke Skywalker (a former student of her grandfather’s) adopts her. Years later, the Skywalker-Solo merchant business is facing financial ruin. In order to save her found family, she enters into marriage with the prodigal Ben Solo, who became wealthy through betrayal. But there may be more to this arrangement than what meets the eye…
That One Time Rey Got Drunk by Anonymous for dungeoncrawler Rey is drunk, Kylo is impulsive, and neither of them can admit their feelings. They can, however, express them through physical intimacy. 
The Five Times We Met At The Train Station And The One Time We Did Not by Anonymous for the-reylo-void (Anysia) Exactly what it says on the tin(or the five times rey assaulted ben in some way lmfao)
Clockwork by Anonymous for Vickyshipsreylo He is young, and there are two things he fears above everything else: death, and clockwork.
Stay by Anonymous for Thelittlescrimshaw Prompt fill for Ring In the Reylo New Year’s gift exchange. 
Sins of the Father by Anonymous for Hormonal_Trashbag Unable to outrun the sins of his past, Ben Solo is faced with a ghost from that life that threatens his chance to finally find a peace he has sought his entire life. 
The Fickle Finger of Fate by Anonymous for OfHealingLove She should not be afraid of him. She does not understand. She will. He will make her.
such language holds the solemn sea (to sands upon the shore) by Anonymous for cassanah They only ever met in large cities where they could blend into anonymity. This time they were in a city called Tvell’ia on a bustling trade world in the Outer Rim. Kylo came here once when he was not Kylo Ren. He remembered how the luminescent algae in the ocean glowed in the darkness of the night here, and he wanted Rey to see it.
let the silver arrow fly by Anonymous for LarirenShadow Leia plays cupid, and fires a few misshots before getting it right.
Retrouvailles by Anonymous for NatMatryoshka : The joy or happiness of reuniting with someone after a long separation.Prompt from NatMatryoshka: “Padawan Rey and Senator Ben Organa Solo: Rey and her master Luke escort young Senator Ben Organa for a noisy party in Coruscant. What will happen?”
The most beautiful souls by Anonymous for dustoftheancients (The_Hollow_Bones) Rey is a Jedi, trained by Luke Skywalker, granddaughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi, another famous Jedi master. Kylo Ren has moved his first steps as a Sith: he’s sure of himself, stubborn. They have felt in love too soon.[Jedi/Sith AU]
Heart Craters, Filled With Light by Anonymous for KagamiSorciere Rey has never been able to celebrate Christmas before. Kylo can’t help but become a little invested.
His Desire by Anonymous for Ghostsdontdie Kylo Ren’s hopes and dreams are fulfilled with a marriage to Rey, but he remains uncertain and unsatisfied.“Which of us is happy in this world? Which of us has his desire? or, having it, is satisfied?” ― William Makepeace Thackeray, “Vanity Fair”
The Word of Skill by Anonymous for onstraysod When Kylo Ren kidnaps Rey from Ahch-to, he expects her to be a worthy rival and a pupil. He’s already seen enough to know she’s a girl who can match him in wits and in Force power. But it’s the other things Rey learned during her years of neglect on Jakku that will make all the difference; not only to Kylo but to the other inhabitants of the Finalizer, and perhaps the Galaxy itself. 
Love makes the galaxy go round by Anonymous for bittersnake Their masters make a secret arrangement behind their backs.
Fugue by Anonymous for Queronea Kylo and Rey keep their marriage in secret during the war, but in the final fight with Snoke, Kylo gets hit in his head and loses all his memories of Kylo Ren. Now he’s Ben Solo, balancing work in the Resistance base, his Jedi training with Luke, the disappearance of his father, and the constant fights with Rey, the only person in the base he cannot seem to get along with.
A wig and glasses isn’t enough by Anonymous for TheJGatsby Rey meets a celebrity in disguise, and things only get crazier from there…
Just a Dream by Anonymous for kmanion At night, desperate to sleep, Rey imagines an island.
we must be killers (children of the wild ones) by Anonymous for personalphilosophie He chuckles. He can’t help it. “You have to stop terrorizing the merchants, my love.”“I’m ‘your love’ now, am I? You were calling me ‘little idiot’ a few days ago—”“Who,” he snaps, “in their right mind would just drop down into the middle of a pack of Sith hounds?”“Element of surprise?” she offers. “Anyway, they were only Sith hounds.“There is refuge even here, in their little games. He can’t remember precisely when it started. It crept up on him like salvation, like forgiveness, like dawn seeping through.
Home Is… by Anonymous for Sydney508 “Building a life together” is more than just a phrase. For Kylo and Rey, it literally starts with building a home, one little step at a time (but please don’t let them play with electricity anymore.)
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monocerosland · 7 years
The Tale of Snow White
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass and the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, first leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. I am here to set the record straight and tell you the true story of Snow White.
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful Queen who was very much in love with her King, they had only been married for a short period of time before learning that she was with child, an heir to the throne. The King was overjoyed with the news as was the rest of the kingdom. The Queen was also pleased and they ruled the kingdom fair and just and were happy that their child would be able to carry on the tradition. One day the Queen sat by the window sewing a blanket for her unborn Prince and then she pricked her finger with her needle, causing three drops of red blood to drip onto the freshly fallen white snow on the black windowsill. Then, the Queen heard a voice call out; “My Queen, you believe that you will bear the King a son, however, you will instead have a Princess, that has skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony."  The Queen turned her head startled by the voice as she had never heard it before and grasped her stomach then dismissed the thought and proceeded to sew the rest of the blanket.
As winter passed and spring arrived the Queen had fallen ill toward the end of her pregnancy. The King searched all of the lands himself consulting with fae and witches and all other mythological creatures to find something to save his beloved Queen, trying all kinds of antidotes and magical spells. And just as all hope seemed to be lost the Queen gave birth to everyone's surprise but her own; a beautiful baby girl, whom they named Snow White.
The Queen miraculously regained her health but not nearly all of her strength and she blamed Snow White for it. She held resentment toward her for being a girl and not a boy but she never addressed it to the King, who loved Snow White dearly, and as she grew they noticed that she had retained some of the magic that was in the potions and antidotes and she would grow to be a very powerful witch. But Snow White was not the only one affected by this, as the Queen herself also possessed some sort of magical capabilities but they paled in comparison to Snow White's. The Queen soon realized that the voice that had spoken to her was coming from her mirror that she had received as a wedding gift, and it possessed magical powers of its own. She would ask the mirror every day; “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” The mirror would always reply; “You are the fairest one of all my Queen.” Which was the only thing that seemed to please the Queen, for the magic mirror could never lie. She still loved the King but she grew envious of the relationship between him and Snow White. And one fateful day she heard Snow White scream from the Gardens as she ran out to her she heard her daughter cry, “Papa! Papa!” and she saw the King lying in the Garden unconscious.
The Queen lashed out at Snow White “What have you done to him, you wretched girl?”
“Nothing, we were going to pick some flowers and give them to you and he just fell Mama!” she said crying into The Queen's dress.
The servants rushed out shortly after and took the King to his chambers and the doctor told The Queen that he had suffered from a syncopal episode less than a month later The King had died from an ear condition, we now know as Mastoiditis.
After his death The Queen's hatred for Snow White only grew, and to make matters worse as Snow White grew up, she became more beautiful each day and even more beautiful than the Queen, and when the Queen asks her mirror, it tells her that Snow White is the fairest of them all. And from that moment on the Queen's heart had turned completely against Snow White, but despite her increasing hatred toward Snow White she persisted to love her mother and hoped to get love in return, but the Queen only grew more wicked and vain.
One day while Snow White was picking flowers to give to her mother she had been walking through the Gardens when one of the Guardsmen approached her, “My Princess, if I might suggest the forest has an abundance of wild flowers we do not have here in the Gardens I can accompany you if you'd like.”
Snow White smiled at this, thinking that it might be just the thing to hopefully bring a smile to her mothers face. “Of course, Thomas, just give me a moment so I can alert the other Guards of where I'll be going.”
Thomas stepped in front of her, “Don't worry yourself about that your Grace, I will alert them that we are on our way out of the Castle, I will meet you in the stables in a moment.” he said to her motioning her toward the horse stables. And Snow White left without a second thought, trusting him more than anyone because they had grown up together. Little did she know, the Queen had known of Thomas closeness with Snow White and had ordered him to take her into the deepest part of the forest and murder Snow White and for proof, she demanded her heart, in hopes that by having her murdered her strength and beauty would be fully restored.
Thomas takes Snow White deep into the forest and as they were walking she reminisced with him of how they use to go into the forest as children and use her magic even though she hadn't properly learned how to control it yet, with no one to help guide her and how fond of him she had become over the years. He turned to look at her, “Your Grace if I might say - “
Snow White touched his arm, “Please, how many times must I tell you? Call me Snow.” she smiled sweetly at him leaning in closer as if she were about to kiss him.
He looked into her eyes and shook his head, “I can't do this.” he backed away, from her.
Snow White now looked confused, “What are you talking about?” he turned away from her, “Thomas why are you acting so strange?” she said walking closer to him, “Is it because you don't feel the same way for me?”
He spun around to face her and put his hands on her arms, “No, it is because of how I feel about you that I cannot do this, Snow, your mother, she wants me to kill you.”
Snow White's eyes widened in horror, “What?”
“She ordered me to take you into the deepest part of the forest and murder you and bring her back your heart. And I can't do it, I love you. You have to go, run Snow, run as far away from the Kingdom as you can and don't come back or she will kill you.”
As Snow ran away from him, he found a wild boar and cut out its heart and presented it to the Queen that night.
Snow White ran until she couldn't run any longer and her legs fell out from beneath her, she was in complete disbelief that her mother wanted her dead, despite the hatred she had shown her over the years she couldn't fathom the thought of her truly hating her that much. She cried lying there in the cold forest unable to move barely breathing she was cold but then suddenly she felt warm but her eyes were too heavy to hold open and she fell asleep. When she woke up she found herself lying in a bed unaware of where she was or how she got there.
“Is she...dead?” she heard a voice say.
“Quiet! She's sleeping!” another said quickly.
“Well she won't be if you two keep clamoring on like that!” said another.
“...I think she's awake” the first voice said softly. As Snow White turned her head to see where the voices were coming from.
“Hello?” she said sitting up in the bed.
Suddenly she saw a bright light fly in from the other room. “Hello!” it was the first voice she heard, “I'm Glick!”
“Snow White, you're...you're a fairy?” she said in awe.
“Yeah, I sure am, but that's what the gals prefer to be called I call myself a fae and this here is Whick, he's a dwarf.” he said dragging a dwarf out from hiding.
“Ugh!” Whick said unhappily, “I told you to be quiet!”
Glick whistled, “Hey guys she's awake!” and suddenly Snow White heard thuds and footsteps some heavy and some soft and then she saw a band of seven mythological creatures standing before her, Snick who was an elf, and the third voice that she had heard, Blick a Werewolf who reassured her not to worry because he only turns during a full moon, a merman holstered up with crutches named Plick, an Orc who didn't say much but grunted and groaned a lot named Quee, a shape-shifter named Flick who displayed how he could turn into a hawk and insisted that he was the smartest animal someone could choose to turn into. And of course the dwarf  Whick and the fae Glick.
Snow White explained to them what happened, and they told her to stay with them in exchange for housekeeping. They warn her to be careful when alone at home and to let no one in when they are away delving in the mountains which she happily agreed to.
Meanwhile back at the palace, The Queen asked her mirror once again: "Mirror, Mirror on the wall who's the fairest one of all?" The mirror replied: "My queen, you are the fairest here so true. But Snow White beyond the mountains at the cottage of the Band of Misfits is a thousand times more beautiful than you." The Queen is outraged to learn that Thomas had betrayed her and that Snow White still lived.  And as she searched for him she was unable to find his whereabouts for he had himself fled knowing that he only had a short amount of time before the Queen discovered his deceit. So she decided to instead kill Snow White herself and conjured up what energy she had and cast a spell to disguise herself as an old peddler. The queen appears at the cottage and found Snow White washing laundry in the brook and told Snow White that she was a traveler who had lost her way and was in desperate need of some water. Snow White being the kind Princess that she was, took pity on her and not only offered her a drink but invited her to come back to the cottage and rest for a moment.
“Thank you, kind girl.” She said sitting down at the table, “I don't know how to ever repay you other than to offer you some colorful, silky laced bodices, I made them myself, it's all I have.”
“Oh, I couldn't possibly.” Snow White persisted.
“Oh you can and you must, if you don't I will never forgive myself for taking advantage of your kindness.” The Queen said standing up, “Now here I will help you put them on.” she said approaching Snow White.
“They're quite beautiful.” Snow White said as the Queen fastened the bodice around her.
“Yes, just as you are. Now hold still while I tighten the laces for you.” The Queen fastened the laces so tightly ignoring Snow White's protesting until she fell at The Queen's feet, now taking her true form, “There, there my daughter, not long now until you draw your last breath.” she said touching her cheek then leaving her in the cottage for dead.
Luckily the Misfits arrived just in time to save Snow White by Quee ripping the bodice and loosing the laces. Snow White gasped for air thanking them but didn't tell them about the Peddler because she had agreed not to allow strangers in the cottage, to begin with.
The Queen then consulted her magic mirror again, and the mirror revealed Snow White's survival. Outraged The Queen poisons a comb and makes it to the cottage again disguised as a crippled comb seller convinced that her naive daughter would never question the intentions of an innocent cripple. And at first Snow White was hesitant but then The Queen said, "Here I will leave it here for you, do with it what you wish. Good day." and with that, she left hiding in the trees nearby watching as Snow White picked the comb up and began brushing her hair with it and then she watched as Snow White's skin turn gray and fell to the floor. The Queen satisfied with her work headed back toward the Castle but little did she know the Misfits were on their way home and immediately examined her to find out why she was unconscious again. Snick touched the comb and felt the poison coming off of it and abruptly removed it. Only this time the Misfits asked her what was going on because they knew the comb was poison meaning someone had to have been in order to poison it, to begin with.
“Snow,” Plick said taking her hand in his, “we need you to tell us who was in the house?”
“Who was it?!” Blick said almost in a roar.
Snow White shook her head, “I – I don't know.”
Whick sighed, “We won't get mad at you Princess, we just need to know who was in the house and why they would want to harm you.”
Snow White put her hands on her temples, “I can't remember.” she looked up, “All I can remember is a crippled comb seller laid it on the windowsill and that's all I can remember.”
Snick stood up, “Okay, so there's only one person we know that could want to cause her harm and that is The Queen, but she has no idea where you are right Snow?” he said turning to her.
“N-no.” she said shaking her head slightly while Glick made healing incantations to ease her headache from the poison.
When The Queen approaches, feeling stronger than ever, the mirror again indicates that Snow White still lived.
She paced back and forth in her chambers, “Why?” she shouted, “How does she still live?” she bellowed toward the mirror.
A few days passed and nothing had occurred to the Queen to try to succeed in killing Snow White then she remembered when Snow White was younger she would always request to go to the Apple Orchard with her parents and that's when it struck her. “Apples,” she said with a smirk. She decided to make a third and final attempt on Snow White by disguising herself as a farmer's wife and offering a poisoned apple to her. But she knew by now Snow White would be starting to catch on after two attempts on her life. So The Queen took the apple and only poisoned half of it. Leaving the other half harmless. When she approached the cottage she noticed Snow White was in the kitchen making pies.
“Smells delicious!” The Queen called to her, “Blueberry?”
Snow White glanced toward the window and nodded, adamant on not talking to any strangers, then looked back down at the pie.
“Always been an apple woman myself,” she said placing the apple on the windowsill, Snow White glanced at it but did nothing to accept it.
“What's the matter, dearie?” She said grabbing the apple and slicing it in half with a knife, eating half of it with a smile. “Go on, have a bite.”
“Well apples are my favorite and they remind me of the ones back home,” she said eagerly takes a bite.
As she bites down she hears the farmer's wife cackling, “What's the matter, dearie?” She walks over top of her daughter for the last time now looking at her with no disguise, “You look so sad, are those tears? Oh, my sweet child, you want to know why I'm doing this?” she kneels down and places Snow White's head in her lap, “You took my power, my beauty...the minute I gave birth to you. A woman becomes a mother, to a daughter she can't help but see her mortality in that cherubic little face. Every time I looked at you I saw my own death. You were a constant reminder...of my worst fears....if only you would have been the Prince that I had promised your father, I loved you so very much until I realized what you were. And with each breath you take closer to your last I can feel my power surging from you back into myself. It's the greatest gift.” she said brushing Snow White's hair back, watching a tear slide down her cheek until her eyes went glassy. The Queen clicked her tongue getting up “Well, I will tell you this, I couldn't kill you, my child. I'm not a monster, no instead you will be unable to move ever again, and then they will bury you my dear and the worms will eat away at your flesh and you'll be screaming but no one will hear you because your lips will never move.” and with that the Queen left the cottage and went back to the castle once more.
Unaware to The Queen, ever since the second assault, the Misfits took turns staying home with Snow White hiding just in case someone returned. Plick had been in the brook catching fish for dinner while he saw The Farmer's Wife approach and when he saw The Queen leaving instead he alerted the other Misfits as quickly as possible. Unfortunately this time, they were unable to revive Snow White. Assuming that she was dead, they place her in a glass coffin enchanted to never allow her to age while she was inside of it, her beauty inside and out should never be below the ground. So she stayed there for a few years and flowers grew around her and the Misfits visited her often, though Whick visited her most of all. One day, as he was talking to her, he heard someone in the woods, certain it was The Queen he hid until he spotted the figure then attacked it. Only to find out that it was a guardsman from The Palace. As they threw a few punches at each other the Guardsman looked up and over to Snow White.
“Snow!” he fell to his knees.
That's when Whick realized he knew her, “You knew the Princess?”
“Yes, I love her.” he said tears falling from his eyes.
“Thomas?” Whick said now realizing who he was, “She always talked about you.”
“She has to go back to the Kingdom,” Thomas pleaded, “They must know what has happened to their princess, they must know how the Queen truly is.”
Whick hung his head, “There's no stopping her, Princess is gone.”
The rest of the Misfits emerged and agreed with Whick except for Blick who declared that they needed to go into The Palace and make The Queen pay.
So they allowed him to lift Snow White out of the coffin and as he held her in his arms he couldn't help but kiss her lips and then he feels something between her lips and noticed that it was a piece of an apple that had been lodged in her mouth and he removes it. Snow White awakens saying "Where am I?" the realizes she is with the Misfits and Thomas and they decide to head back to The Palace together and confront The Queen together in front of everyone.
Once they arrived Thomas stopped her before they went to confront the Queen, "Wait, I have an idea."
Meanwhile, the queen, still believing that Snow White is dead, again asks her magic mirror who is the fairest in the land. The mirror says: "Thou, lady, art but second loveliest here, I ween; but lovelier far is the new-made queen", which enrages the queen. Not knowing that Snow White had arrived and that when they arrived they had told the council everything that had happened and they were not hesitant to believe them once they realized Snow White was, in fact, alive and well after believing her to be dead and abruptly made her Queen.
The Queen storms into the throne room only to find Snow White sitting on the throne, suddenly The Queen gasps clutching her throat while all of the Council and Misfits watched as she fell to the ground. For all of the magic she had conjured up and been siphoning from Snow White was drained from her abruptly leaving her no more than a pile of ash in the middle of the throne room.
Snow White and Thomas married and just as her father had promised the Kingdom his heir did reign happily over the land for many, many years and sometimes traveling into the mountains and visiting the Misfits if they weren't already within the palace walls.
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maral12944-blog · 4 years
20 Marketing Jokes for Marketers Working from Home
New Post has been published on https://gohomeworkers.com/20-marketing-jokes-for-marketers-working-from-home/
20 Marketing Jokes for Marketers Working from Home
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I’m not right here to misinform you: Sheltering in place is getting fairly outdated. 
I do rely my blessings, after all. My household and I are wholesome. My spouse and I each can work from dwelling; our children are fairly nice; we truly take pleasure in every others’ firm. 
Still. There are solely so many loaves of bread you possibly can bake, puzzles you possibly can remedy, board video games you possibly can play earlier than the ennui units in. 
If you’re like me, you may use fun proper now. And I must train my comedy muscle groups earlier than they atrophy.
And in a world the place persons are nonetheless writing articles known as, “Should You Include Humor in Your B2B Content,” we’d like fixed reminders that individuals like jokes. People wish to snort. Laughter brings you nearer to your viewers and creates a connection.
Not that any of those jokes will make you snort, after all — however I’ve heard that a smile and a groan is nearly pretty much as good for you.
20 More Jokes Only a Marketer Could Love
Q: How many agile entrepreneurs does it take to vary a lightbulb? A: Three: A scrum grasp, a product proprietor, and a one-man improvement workforce. After a weeklong dash, they ship a candle, after which iterate from there.
I named my canine “Organic Reach on Facebook.” I don’t have a canine.
We’re testing an influencer program the place you possibly can sponsor the cool youngsters in a highschool to advertise your product. We name it “pay per clique.”
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Automated personalization! Automated personalization, who? %First_Name, we miss you! Hope issues are good in %City.
I employed an ex-marketer to rework my lavatory. But he couldn’t get the bathe dimensions proper, as a result of he was solely fascinated with vainness measurements.
I simply consulted on a well-liked spice firm’s web site. My sage recommendation was that they wanted to extend their thyme on web page.
Q: Why did the salmon make an important social media marketer? A: He had years of expertise in stay streams.
It’s not that I don’t have that many Twitter followers… I’m simply training social media distancing.
No matter the place I’m, Google Maps solely recommends companies from a single city in Alabama. I don’t assume that is how Mobile-first indexing is meant to work.
Apparently there’s a brand new advertising band known as search engine marketing Speedwagon. I couldn’t discover them on Google, however I heard it from a good friend who heard it from a good friend who heard it from one other…
Working from house is bizarre. I bought so sick of sitting at my desk, I wrote my final weblog from my youngsters’ trampoline. The time-on-page was fairly good, however the bounce fee was actually excessive.
I’m not saying he’s a clueless marketer, however I requested for extra evergreen content material and he wrote a weblog about Christmas timber.
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Indies! Indies, who? Indies unsure occasions, our model needs you to know that we care…
Did you hear that Instagram is lastly being localized for the U.S. market? It’s rebranding as “Insta .035724 Ounces.”
The CEO at my outdated job was so clueless about social media… How clueless was he? He thought you needed to be trying off to 1 facet for your profile image!
How many clickbait content material writers does it take to vary a lightbulb? Only 5, however quantity 4 will shock you!
My youngsters hate listening to we’re having leftovers for dinner. So now I name it “Repurposed, snackable content.”
Why did the marketer steal groceries from Whole Foods? She is aware of you don’t pay for something natural.
My buddy lately misplaced his job doing advertising for a type of serial-killer podcasts. He in all probability shouldn’t have instructed user-generated content material.
Q: Why does the social media marketer preserve getting off the elevator on the unsuitable flooring? A: He’s nonetheless making an attempt to determine Stories.
The Value of a Joke
Content entrepreneurs know that nice content material presents worth to the reader. We have a tendency to think about that worth as one thing inspirational or instructional. But let’s not overlook leisure worth. If your content material gives a quick distraction from the on a regular basis, that’s helpful. That’s one thing that individuals want…  and Indies unsure occasions, we’d like it greater than ever.
And if you happen to’re available in the market for 60 extra jokes about advertising, we’ve bought you lined:
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avaliveradio · 5 years
9.23 New Music Monday Release Radar Playlist with Jacqueline Jax
Explore some exciting new music from creators all over the world recently discovered by our host Jacqueline Jax as she searches the far corners of the globe for talented songwriters and music creators who are telling their truth to bring the listener a unique experience.  
SUBSCRIBE to our broadcast here: www.wavve.link/avaliveradio
CURRENT SHOW NOW PLAYING:: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio/episodes/9-23-New-Music-Monday-Release-Radar-Playlist-with-Jacqueline-Jax-e5h231
Artist: Sir London
New Release: Mirror2020
Genre: Hip Hop
Located in:  London
I would describe my music as the ‘golden era’ hip hop meets new school hip hop; I pride myself on lyrics and bars but then again, great music to me isn’t about being the most technically gifted, it’s about a feeling. 
I came up mostly listening to the likes of Biggie, Lox, Hov, Nas, Dipset, 50 Cent, State Property, Papoose, Ali Vegas, Kool G Rap, Mobb Deep, Cormega, Foxy, Flip Mode, Saigon, CNN, Nature, Fabolous so you will always hear those influences in my music. 
It’s different times though, so I like to make sure I’m in tune with what’s going on out there now. I'll come with different flows depending on where the beat takes me but I’m always gonna give you London at the end of the day. Every track I do, I mean it so I’m different from a lot of artists that record to put out lots of music for the sake of it. 
As far as this new track – ‘Mirror2020’, it’s more of a commercial joint. The instrumental by one of my favorite producers at the minute – Jaywan Inc and it’s kinda dark and melodic, almost trance-like/hypnotizing but then it’s also got a nice bounce to it cos of the bass. As a matter of fact, on my first mixtape – Hacking 4 Beats, I did a freestyle track called Reflective King. 
 Right now we are...
It's all Mirror2020 right now, and I'm putting 100% of my energy into this at the minute - so we'll see what's next. I've got another few joints in the clip, but Mirror2020 is the motive right now.
LINKS:  https://twitter.com/Sir_London1 https://www.facebook.com/SirLondonOfficial https://instagram.com/sir_london1
Artist: d'Z (dee zee)
New Release: Conviction (ft Freddi Lubitz)
Genre: Melodic Groove Jazz-Funk
Sounds like: : Steely Dan, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Earth, Wind & Fire, Gino Vannelli, Incognito, Tower of Power
Located in: : Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Conviction is the first single of d'Z's debut EP CONNECTED and is about the thoughts we can have to limit ourselves. d'Z states that the quality of life depends on our convictions. What do we believe? Do we choose to live our lives based on fear or love? Scarcity or abundance? Although the song may have some critical remarks, it's also a feel-good tune, which leaves a smile on your face. Conviction, with vocalist Freddi Lubitz, reached #1 on the Independent Jazz Juice Radio Charts for a few weeks. The music of d'Z stands out when it comes to horn arrangements, a tight rhythm section, real-life musicians playing real instruments, high-quality recordings, and positive energy.
d'Z is the artist name of Dutch drummer, composer, producer Hans-Peter de Zeeuw. Being influenced for many years by many styles and genres such as Gino Vannelli, Steely Dan, Incognito, Tower of Power, d’Z’s musical heart landed on the shores of Groove-Jazz City. In 2018, he decided to make a record by choosing original music to make his entry into the music industry. All tunes from his debut album have different vocalists (Katie Léone -Incognito, The Brand New Heavies), 2 times Grammy Nominee Sandra St. Victor -Chaka Khan, Prince, The Family Stand, among others) which gives the music a wide variety to listen to. Since the release, many radio stations around the globe (UK, US, Australia, South-Africa) play his music regularly on their shows.
Music is my life and passion. I always knew one day I would become a professional drummer and composer. I'm happy to say that up till now, that is the case. I feel fortunate to share my music with the world. I'm convinced music can heal. So if I can make a difference, even if it's just a tiny one, I'm satisfied.
Right now, besides being a busy drum teacher, a freelance drummer, and composer for clients who want music for their video advertising, d'Z is prepping for recording new material. It is intended to head to the recording studio in 2020 and release original songs sung by a variety of fantastic vocalists.
LINKS: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Y2Qe3Nhh4dqA5i28JTycm?si=qEcJjhTFSWiB4O_Wq99DOA Twitter: https://twitter.com/dZTheMusic1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dzthemusic Insta: https://www.instagram.com/dzthemusic
Artist: Labán
New Release: Acércate
Genre: Pop, singer-songwriter
Located in: : Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Acércate is a song about an intense but short relationship that left the artist asking for more. It is the sweetness of pain. It is part of the upcoming album Todos Somos Dueños de Aquí.
The principle of respect for human life is part of the album’s concept and a central idea. Therefore, each of the songs is associated with a vital part of the human body. The function of each part is related to the song’s intention. This is the fourth single from the album.
Musically, it leans towards Jazz, Pop, RnB, Funk, and Rock. The lyrical content goes from protest against corruption, impunity, extreme income inequality and violence to frustration and existential crisis to love relationships and friendship.
A new trumpet funky tune, "Feel the Distance" will be the fifth single and it will come shortly after this one. We have a short but amazingly cool tour in certain cities of Mexico and the US will be announced after the release of the album, soon.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/1iSJ17cAQFOlXvFimf3PEb?si=vDfQBlOFQHeKwPCmn1VeSg https://www.reverbnation.com/labán/song/31066116-acrcate https://www.instagram.com/elbuenlaban https://twitter.com/elbuenlaban https://www.facebook.com/elbuenlaban
Artist: Chris Barclay
New Release: New York (I'm On Fire)
Genre: Rock, Metal, Guitar Shred
Located in: : Auckland, New Zealand Technique wise I am influenced mostly by alternate pickers like Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Morse, and John Petrucci. Style wise today I enjoy the use of Modal approaches like Steve Vai and Joe Satriani with Neo-Classical touches here and there.
I am a guitarist in the vein of Steve Van, Joe Satriani, Richie Kotzen, and Yngwie Malmsteen. My heroes are all highly skilled on their instruments. My music is made up of both song and instrumental music-based Progressive, Rock, Metal, NeoClassical Country Rock and Pop.
I have immersed myself in the guitar technique and I strive to cater to audiences who appreciate that same world. We are the guitar players, the musicians, the rockers and rock anthem lovers.
New York (I'm On Fire) is a little departure from my other releases. It is a song written when I first visited New York City. I was blown away by the energy of the city and it seemed that it was indeed the center of the universe. NYC seemed to me to be the ultimate metaphor for success, chasing dreams and where anything seems possible. This is what the song is about.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/chrisbarclay/song/29943877-new-york-im-on-firehttps://open.spotify.com/album/6FCkjAKZZjOw2OZPhi0TKW https://twitter.com/chrisbarclaynet https://www.facebook.com/chrisbarclaymusic https://www.instagram.com/chrisbarclaynet http://chrisbarclay.net https://www.youtube.com/user/chrisbarclay1
Artist: Dave Molter
New Release: Foolish Heart
Genre: Rock
Located in: Pittsburgh, PA USA
A contemporary rocker with amazing guitar work from Steve Dudas (original member of Ringo Starrs band The Roundheads), "Foolish Heart" features lyrics that anyone who has loved in vain can relate to.
After a 55-year career in music, "Foolish Heart" is the title track of his debut EP of the same name.
Dave's first full CD "Mid-Century Man" will be released in early 2020. The music is an assemblage of eclectic influences, everything from Tin Pan Alley to British Invasion, psychedelia, and pop.
LINKS:  Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/davemolter/song/31091465-01-foolish-heart Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1TKrXQIkeko9qqgIa7ihms Twitter: molter_Dave Facebook: www.facebook.com/davemoltermusic Instagram: dave_molter_music Website: www.davemoltermusic.com
Artist: Suniil Bhatia (Artist)/ Sound Machine (Band)
New Release: You're My Sunshine (Acoustic)
Genre: Indie Acoustic Pop Rock
Located in: Mumbai
This is the acoustic version of a new song called 'You're My Sunshine'. It’s a happy friendship song mostly in Hindi with some parts in English but the vibe and energy is clearly expressed for all listeners.
The song is part of the Album called 'Yeh Din' which means 'These Days'. The album has every song in an Acoustic and Modern Techno/ Electronica version.
Right now I am working on more songs to complete the Album.
LINKS:  Reverbnation : https://www.reverbnation.com/sunilbhatia/song/31126128-youre-my-sunshine-acoustic Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/sunil-bhatia/your-my-sunshine-acoustic Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/2YN7ZCGcV9hame4JWJnwci (Link to Electronica album) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/YoursMusically Intagram : https://www.instagram.com/sonu.sunil.bhatia Twitter : https://twitter.com/sunilbhatia
Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/2toX0f3dPmI8gmUSOKZicx?si=TGb4QHaSRSu-JIcfWZ_WHQ
iHeartRadio station page : https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-AVA-Live-Radio-Musi-29336730/
Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/ava-live-radio-music-6913mD
Overcast Fm: https://overcast.fm/itunes1307621014/a-v-a-live-radio-music
Pocket Casts: http://pca.st/0Skw
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-v-a-live-radio-music-marketing/id1307621014
Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Ixl4ww7zxmhv2mfymrzj3abikja
Sticher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ava-live-radio
BTalkRadio: www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio
Apple CarPlay: https://www.apple.com/ios/carplay/
Android Auto : https://www.android.com/auto/
Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/5x3w7-61273/A.V.A-Live-Radio-Music-Podcast
Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/ava-live-radio-music-marketing
Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-v-a-live-radio-music-marketing/id1307621014
Google Podcasts:  https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xNmUxNWY4L3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz
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kartiavelino · 5 years
Kurt Cobain’s manager details rock icon’s downward spiral
Twenty-five years in the past this week, Kurt Cobain took his personal life. The tragedy felt earth-shaking to Gen X music followers who linked strongly to Nirvana’s melodically blasting songs of angst and alienation. All too clearly, Cobain sang from the center. Strung-out and despondent, the 27-year-old rocker shot himself within the head, with a newly bought rifle, on April 5, 1994. He pulled the set off in a pool-house behind the Seattle house that had been not too long ago bought with spouse Courtney Love. Cobain’s bloodied physique was found by an electrician who had no concept of the rock star’s notoriety. Danny Goldberg rode together with Cobain whereas Nirvana loved a meteoric rise, starting in 1991. As associated in his ebook “Serving the Servant: Remembering Kurt Cobain” (Ecco), out Tuesday, Goldberg liked Cobain, who, in flip, seen Goldberg as a father determine. Goldberg managed the band from 1990 till ‘92 and the pair stayed shut ‘til the tip. “I felt linked to Kurt and thought of him a buddy,” Goldberg instructed The Submit. “You’re employed with lots of people and that occurs solely often.” Danny Goldberg’s new ebook is out Tuesday.ECCO Although Goldberg might have been near Cobain, he was not initially aware about his shopper’s internal demons. They turned overwhelmingly obvious in January 1992. That was when Goldberg flew to New York to attend Nirvana’s first “Saturday Evening Dwell” look. It was an enormous occasion, following the discharge of “Nevermind,” Nirvana’s debut chart-topping album. “I bought to the resort and faxes of two articles awaited me,” recalled Goldberg who presently owns a administration firm referred to as Gold Village Leisure. “They each referred to Kurt’s drug drawback.” One described a sallow-skinned Cobain nodding out, with eyelids closing on dilated pupils. “There was an incredible shock and disappointment. Once I bought to ‘SNL,’ it was clear that Kurt was stoned. [His heroin use] went from being a rumor to one thing we had been satisfied was true.” The presence of a father determine didn’t quell Cobain’s druggy urge for food. Later in 1992, a then-pregnant Love shockingly instructed Vainness Honest, “We went all the way down to Alphabet Metropolis … and copped some dope. Then we bought excessive and went to ‘SNL.’” By the following yr, issues had solely deteriorated. Again in New York for a follow-up look on “SNL,” Nirvana was staying at Omni Berkshire Place Resort on East 52nd Avenue. Photographer Jesse Frohman had been assigned to shoot the group for a canopy story in London Observer Sunday Journal. In preparation, he arrange a collection of elaborate photographs on the streets of Manhattan and in Central Park. Frohman walked into the resort at 11 a.m., the agreed upon assembly time. He acquired an disagreeable shock. “Nirvana’s manager instructed me I needed to shoot them within the basement of the resort,” mentioned Frohman. “It was ‘take it or go away it.’” Whereas ready three-and-a-half hours for Cobain to seem, Frohman turned the basement right into a makeshift studio, full with lights and a white seamless backdrop. “Kurt confirmed up along with his head hanging down as if his physique was on a hanger,” Frohman continued. “He needed to know if I had a bucket. I requested why he wanted a bucket. He instructed him that he may have to puke. Kurt was positively excessive and a buddy later instructed me that he had OD’ed the day earlier than [apparently, he came out of it and did not require hospitalization]. I believed I had a catastrophe on my fingers” — carrying a searching cap and bug-eye sun shades, Cobain smoked, drooled, spat water and possibly revealed extra of himself than he meant — “however it turned out to be an genuine file and one of many all-time nice rock ‘n’ roll photograph shoots.” Photographs from the session had been compiled for a ebook entitled “Kurt Cobain: The Final Session.” Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain with child Francis Bean in 1993.FilmMagic Issues plaguing Cobain neared a crescendo on the evening of March 3, 1994. Probably the most incandescent rock star of the day, he was convalescing in a Rome resort room, making an attempt to get better from a sore throat that necessitated Nirvana canceling its European tour. Love was with him; the couple loved room-service dinner and a bottle of classic champagne earlier than dozing off. Close to daybreak the following morning, Love discovered her husband on the ground and unconscious. Later claiming that he downed “50 f—ing [Rohypnol] drugs,” Love has maintained that the OD was no accident. She believes it was a suicide try and has claimed {that a} be aware advised as a lot. By the point she positioned a panicky name to Goldberg, her lank-haired husband was comatose at Umberto Polyclinic Hospital in Rome. “Clearly, I used to be freaked out,” mentioned Goldberg, who steeled himself for Kurt’s demise. “Courtney was devastated. She and I prayed on the cellphone. Then I hung up and prayed that he would survive and be secure and are available out of it.” He did, and there was hope that the star could be scared straight. Again within the US, following an unsuccessful stab at rehab — after a single day at Exodus clinic in Los Angeles, Cobain jumped a six-foot wall and escaped — Cobain satisfied a so-called buddy to purchase him a rifle. “If I knew about that, I’d have mentioned it was a fairly horrible concept,” mentioned Goldberg. “Drug issues and weapons are a nasty mixture. Being vulnerable to despair just isn’t nice for weapons both.” Goldberg’s last in-person encounter with Cobain was at a last-ditch Seattle intervention that went from dangerous to worse. Arriving noon, Goldberg encountered a clutch of shut mates on the home the place Kurt and Courtney lived with their 1-and-a-half-year-old daughter Frances Bean. Cobain sat on the ground alongside a fellow drug person — “If you’re a junky, you get junky mates,” Goldberg mentioned — and so they each seemed to be out of it on smack. “It was awkward and in no way snug to indicate up for one thing like this in somebody’s house.” Danny Goldberg and Kurt Cobain on the 1993 MTV Video Music Awards.FilmMagic, Inc Mates begged Cobain to get off of medicine and Cobain felt “ganged up on.” Issues hit a nadir when Janet Billig, one among Nirvana’s managers, took issues into her personal fingers. “She went upstairs and started throwing away Kurt’s medicine [flushing them down the toilet],” mentioned Goldberg, describing Cobain as feeling “violated” and Billig as being “mortified” upon discovery. “The second was heartbreaking. However Janet was simply throwing away issues she thought had been poisonous. She meant effectively. He was upset. I puzzled learn how to get by the following 30 seconds.” Over the fast brief time period, Goldberg managed. However, quickly after, when Cobain lofted the thought of being a lifetime junky and utilizing William S. Burroughs as a task mannequin for his ongoing plan, Goldberg realized that he would slightly be house in LA along with his spouse and daughter. He left for the airport and hoped for the perfect. The perfect by no means got here. Inside every week, Cobain died at his personal hand. Moreover 5 albums value of nice music, Goldberg has mementos from his rocker buddy. One is a photograph of them taken backstage at th MTV Video Music Awards. Each males look pleased and exude affection with arms round one another. “I take into consideration Kurt daily since he died,” mentioned Goldberg. “I have a look at footage of us collectively, see Kurt smiling and smile again.” Share this: https://nypost.com/2019/04/01/kurt-cobains-manager-details-rock-icons-downward-spiral/ The post Kurt Cobain’s manager details rock icon’s downward spiral appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://kartiavelino.com/2019/04/kurt-cobains-manager-details-rock-icons-downward-spiral.html
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readbookywooks · 8 years
'No,' said Turin. 'One sting was enough. I slew him. But I spared Androg, and he will soon return.' Then he told all that was done, rebuking those that did such deeds; and while he yet spoke Androg returned bearing Forweg's weapons. 'See, Neithan!' he cried. 'No alarm has been raised. Maybe she hopes to meet with you again.' 'If you jest with me,' said Turin, 'I shall regret that I grudged her your head. Now tell your tale, and be brief.' Then Androg told truly enough all that had befallen. 'What business Neithan had there I now wonder,' he said. 'Not ours, it seems. For when I came up, he had already slain Forweg. The woman liked that well, and offered to go with him, begging our heads as a bride-price. But he did not want her, and sped her off; so what grudge he had against the captain I cannot guess. He left my head on my shoulders, for which I am grateful, though much puzzled.' 'Then I deny your claim to come of the People of Hador,' said Turin. 'To Uldor the Accursed you belong rather, and should seek service with Angband. But hear me now!' he cried to them all. 'These choices I give you. You must take me as your captain in Forweg's place, or else let me go. I will govern this fellowship now, or leave it. But if you wish to kill me, set to! I will fight you all until I am dead �C or you.' Then many men seized their weapons, but Androg cried out: 'Nay! The head that he spared is not witless. If we fight, more than one will die needlessly, before we kill the best man among us.' Then he laughed. 'As it was when he joined us, so it is again. He kills to make room. If it proved well before, so may it again; and he may lead us to better fortune than prowling about other men's middens.' And old Algund said: 'The best man among us. Time was when we would have done the same, if we dared; but we have forgotten much. He may bring us home in the end.' At that the thought came to Turin that from this small band he might rise to build himself a free lordship of his own. But he looked at Algund and Androg, and he said: 'Home, do you say? Tall and cold stand the Mountains of Shadow between. Behind them are the people of Uldor, and about them the legions of Angband. If such things do not daunt you, seven times seven men, then I may lead you homewards. But how far, before we die?' All were silent. Then Turin spoke again. 'Do you take me to be your captain? Then I will lead you first away into the wild, far from the homes of Men. There we may find better fortune, or not; but at the least we shall earn less hatred of our own kind.' Then all those that were of the People of Hador gathered to him, and took him as their captain; and the others with less good will agreed. And at once he led them away out of that country. Many messengers had been sent out by Thingol to seek Turin within Doriath and in the lands near its borders; but in the year of his flight they searched for him in vain, for none knew or could guess that he was with the outlaws and enemies of Men. When winter came on they returned to the King, save Beleg only. After all others had departed still he went on alone. But in Dimbar and along the north-marches of Doriath things had gone ill. The Dragon-helm was seen there in battle no longer, and the Strongbow also was missed; and the servants of Morgoth were heartened and increased ever in numbers and in daring. Winter came and passed, and with Spring their assault was renewed: Dimbar was overrun, and the Men of Brethil were afraid, for evil roamed now upon all their borders, save in the south. It was now almost a year since Turin had fled, and still Beleg sought for him, with ever lessening hope. He passed northwards in his wanderings to the Crossings of Teiglin, and there, hearing ill news of a new inroad of Orcs out of Taur-nu-Fuin, he turned back, and came as it chanced to the homes of the Woodmen soon after Turin had left that region. There he heard a strange tale that went among them. A tall and lordly Man, or an Elf-warrior, some said, had appeared in the woods, and had slain one of the Gaurwaith, and rescued the daughter of Larnach whom they were pursuing. 'Very proud he was,' said Larnach's daughter to Beleg, 'with bright eyes that scarcely deigned to look at me. Yet he called the Wolf-men his fellows, and would not slay another that stood by, and knew his name. Neithan, he called him.' 'Can you read this riddle?' asked Larnach of the Elf. 'I can, alas,' said Beleg. 'The Man that you tell of is one whom I seek.' No more of Turin did he tell the Woodmen; but he warned them of evil gathering northward. 'Soon the Orcs will come ravening in this country in strength too great for you to withstand,' he said. 'This year at last you must give up your freedom or your lives. Go to Brethil while there is time!' Then Beleg went on his way in haste, and sought for the lairs of the outlaws, and such signs as might show him whither they had gone. These he soon found; but Turin was now several days ahead, and moved swiftly, fearing the pursuit of the Woodmen, and he had used all the arts that he knew to defeat or mislead any that tried to follow him. He led his men westward, away from the Woodmen and from the borders of Doriath, until they came to the northern end of the great highlands that rose between the Vales of Sirion and Narog. There the land was drier, and the forest ceased suddenly on the brink of a ridge. Below it could be seen the ancient South Road, climbing up from the Crossings of Teiglin to pass along the western feet of the moorlands on its way to Nargothrond. There for a time the outlaws lived warily, remaining seldom two nights in one camp, and leaving little trace of their going or staying. So it was that even Beleg hunted them in vain. Led by signs that he could read, or by the rumour of the passing of Men among the wild things with whom he could speak, he came often near, but always their lair was deserted when he came to it; for they kept a watch about them by day and night, and at any rumour of approach they were swiftly up and away. 'Alas!' he cried. 'Too well did I teach this child of Men craft in wood and field! An Elvish band almost one might think this to be.' But they for their part became aware that they were trailed by some tireless pursuer, whom they could not see, and yet could not shake off; and they grew uneasy. Not long afterwards, as Beleg had feared, the Orcs came across the Brithiach, and being resisted with all the force that he could muster by Handir of Brethil, they passed south over the Crossings of Teiglin in search of plunder. Many of the Woodmen had taken Beleg's counsel and sent their women and children to ask for refuge in Brethil. These and their escort escaped, passing over the Crossings in time; but the armed men that came behind were met by the Orcs, and the men were worsted. A few fought their way through and came to Brethil, but many were slain or captured; and the Orcs passed on to the homesteads, and sacked them and burned them. Then at once they turned back westwards, seeking the Road, for they wished now to return back north as swiftly as they could with their booty and their captives. But the scouts of the outlaws were soon aware of them; and though they cared little enough for the captives, the plunder of the Woodmen aroused their greed. To Turin it seemed perilous to reveal themselves to the Orcs, until their numbers were known; but the outlaws would not heed him, for they had need of many things in the wild, and already some began to regret his leading. Therefore taking one Orleg as his only companion Turin went forth to spy upon the Orcs; and giving command of the band to Androg he charged him to lie close and well hid while they were gone. Now the Orc-host was far greater than the band of outlaws, but they were in lands to which Orcs had seldom dared to come, and they knew also that beyond the Road lay the Talath Dirnen, the Guarded Plain, upon which the scouts and spies of Nargothrond kept watch; and fearing danger they were wary, and their scouts went creeping through the trees on either side of the marching lines. Thus it was that Turin and Orleg were discovered, for three scouts stumbled upon them as they lay hid; and though they slew two the third escaped, crying as he ran Golug! Golug! Now that was a name which they had for the Noldor. At once the forest was filled with Orcs, scattering silently and hunting far and wide. Then Turin, seeing that there was small hope of escape, thought at least to deceive them and to lead them away from the hiding-place of his men; and perceiving from the cry of Golug! that they feared the spies of Nargothrond, he fled with Orleg westward. The pursuit came swiftly after them, until turn and dodge as they would they were driven at last out of the forest; and then they were espied, and as they sought to cross the Road Orleg was shot down by many arrows. But Turin was saved by his elven-mail, and escaped alone into the wilds beyond; and by speed and craft he eluded his enemies, fleeing far into lands that were strange to him. Then the Orcs, fearing that the Elves of Nargothrond might be aroused, slew their captives and made haste away into the North. Now when three days had passed, and yet Turin and Orleg did not return, some of the outlaws wished to depart from the cave where they lay hid; but Androg spoke against it. And while they were in the midst of this debate, suddenly a grey figure stood before them. Beleg had found them at last. He came forward with no weapon in his hands, and held the palms turned towards them; but they leapt up in fear and Androg coming behind cast a noose over him, and drew it so that it pinioned his arms. 'If you do not wish for guests, you should keep better watch,' said Beleg. 'Why do you welcome me thus? I come as a friend, and seek only a friend. Neithan, I hear that you call him.' 'He is not here,' said Ulrad. 'But unless you have long spied on us, how know you that name?' 'He has long spied on us,' said Androg. 'This is the shadow that has dogged us. Now perhaps we shall learn his true purpose.' Then he bade them tie Beleg to a tree beside the cave; and when he was hard bound hand and foot they questioned him. But to all their questions Beleg would give one answer only: 'A friend I have been to this Neithan since I first met him in the woods, and he was then but a child. I seek him only in love, and to bring him good tidings.' 'Let us slay him, and be rid of his spying,' said Androg in wrath; and he looked on the great bow of Beleg and coveted it, for he was an archer. But some of better heart spoke against him, and Algund said to him: 'The captain may return yet; and then you will rue it, if he learns that he has been robbed at once of a friend and of good tidings.' 'I do not believe the tale of this Elf,' said Androg. 'He is a spy of the King of Doriath. But if he has indeed any tidings, he shall tell them to us; and we shall judge if they give us reason to let him live.' 'I shall wait for your captain,' said Beleg. 'You shall stand there until you speak,' said Androg. Then at the egging of Androg they left Beleg tied to the tree without food or water, and they sat near eating and drinking; but he said no more to them. When two days and nights had passed in this way they became angry and fearful, and were eager to be gone; and most were now ready to slay the Elf. As night drew down they were all gathered about him, and Ulrad brought a brand from the little fire that was lit in the cave-mouth. But at that moment Turin returned. Coming silently, as was his custom, he stood in the shadows beyond the ring of men, and he saw the haggard face of Beleg in the light of the brand. Then he was stricken as with a shaft, and as if at the sudden melting of a frost tears long unshed filled his eyes. He sprang out and ran to the tree. 'Beleg! Beleg!' he cried. 'How have you come hither? And why do you stand so?' At once he cut the bonds from his friend, and Beleg fell forward into his arms. When Turin heard all that the men would tell, he was angry and grieved; but at first he gave heed only to Beleg. While he tended him with what skill he had, he thought of his life in the woods, and his anger turned upon himself. For often strangers had been slain, when caught near the lairs of the outlaws, or waylaid by them, and he had not hindered it; and often he himself had spoken ill of King Thingol and of the Grey-elves, so that he must share the blame, if they were treated as foes. Then with bitterness he turned to the men. 'You were cruel,' he said, 'and cruel without need. Never until now have we tormented a prisoner; but to this Orc-work such a life as we lead has brought us. Lawless and fruitless all our deeds have been, serving only ourselves, and feeding hate in our hearts.' But Androg said: 'But whom shall we serve, if not ourselves? Whom shall we love, when all hate us?' 'At least my hands shall not again be raised against Elves or Men,' said Turin. 'Angband has servants enough. If others will not take this vow with me, I will walk alone.' Then Beleg opened his eyes and raised his head. 'Not alone!' he said. 'Now at last I can tell my tidings. You are no outlaw, and Neithan is a name unfit. Such fault as was found in you is pardoned. For a year you have been sought, to recall you to honour and to the service of the King. The Dragon-helm has been missed too long.' But Turin showed no joy in this news, and sat long in silence; for at Beleg's words a shadow fell upon him again. 'Let this night pass,' he said at length. 'Then I will choose. However it goes, we must leave this lair tomorrow; for not all who seek us wish us well.' 'Nay, none,' said Androg, and he cast an evil look at Beleg. In the morning Beleg, being swiftly healed of his pains, after the manner of the Elven-folk of old, spoke to Turin apart. 'I looked for more joy at my tidings,' he said. 'Surely you will return now to Doriath?' And he begged Turin to do this in all ways that he could; but the more he urged it, the more Turin hung back. Nonetheless he questioned Beleg closely concerning the judgement of Thingol. Then Beleg told him all that he knew, and at the last Turin said: 'Then Mablung proved my friend, as he once seemed?' 'The friend of truth, rather,' said Beleg, 'and that was best, in the end; though the doom would have been less just, were it not for the witness of Nellas. Why, why, Turin, did you not speak of Saeros' assault to Mablung? All otherwise might things have gone. And,' he said, looking at the men sprawled near the mouth of the cave, 'you might have held your helm still high, and not fallen to this.' 'That may be, if fall you call it,' said Turin. 'That may be. But so it went; and words stuck in my throat. There was reproof in his eyes, without question asked of me, for a deed I had not done. My Man's heart was proud, as the Elf-king said. And so it still is, Beleg Cuthalion. Not yet will it suffer me to go back to Menegroth and bear looks of pity and pardon, as for a wayward boy amended. I should give pardon, not receive it. And I am a boy no longer, but a man, according to my kind; and a hard man by my fate.' Then Beleg was troubled. 'What will you do, then?' he asked. 'Fare free,' said Turin. 'That wish Mablung gave me at our parting. The grace of Thingol will not stretch to receive these companions of my fall, I think; but I will not part with them now, if they do not wish to part with me. I love them in my way, even the worst a little. They are of my own kind, and there is some good in each that might grow. I think that they will stand by me.' 'You see with other eyes than mine,' said Beleg. 'If you try to wean them from evil, they will fail you. I doubt them, and one most of all.' 'How shall an Elf judge of Men?' said Turin. 'As he judges of all deeds, by whomsoever done,' answered Beleg, but he said no more, and did not speak of Androg's malice, to which his evil handling had been chiefly due; for perceiving Turin's mood he feared to be disbelieved and to hurt their old friendship, driving Turin back to his evil ways. 'Fare free, you say, Turin, my friend,' he said. 'What is your meaning?' 'I would lead my own men, and make war in my own way,' Turin answered. 'But in this at least my heart is changed: I repent every stroke save those dealt against the Enemy of Men and Elves. And above all else I would have you beside me. Stay with me!' 'If I stayed beside you, love would lead me, not wisdom,' said Beleg. 'My heart warns me that we should return to Doriath. Elsewhere a shadow lies before us.' 'Nonetheless, I will not go there,' said Turin. 'Alas!' said Beleg. 'But as a fond father who grants his son's desire against his own foresight, I yield to your will. At your asking, I will stay.' 'That is well indeed!' said Turin. Then all at once he fell silent, as if he himself were aware of the shadow, and strove with his pride, which would not let him turn back. For a long while he sat, brooding on the years that lay behind. Coming suddenly out of thought he looked at Beleg, and said: 'The elf-maiden that you named, though I forget how: I owe her well for her timely witness; yet I cannot recall her. Why did she watch my ways?' Then Beleg looked strangely at him. 'Why indeed?' he said. 'Turin, have you lived always with your heart and half your mind far away? As a boy you used to walk with Nellas in the woods.' 'That must have been long ago,' said Turin. 'Or so my childhood now seems, and a mist is over it �C save only the memory of my father's house in Dor-lomin. Why would I walk with an elf-maiden?' 'To learn what she could teach, maybe,' said Beleg, 'if no more than a few elven-words of the names of woodland flowers. Their names at least you have not forgotten. Alas! child of Men, there are other griefs in Middle-earth than yours, and wounds made by no weapon. Indeed I begin to think that Elves and Men should not meet or meddle.' Turin said nothing, but looked long in Beleg's face, as if he would read in it the riddle of his words. Nellas of Doriath never saw him again, and his shadow passed from her. Now Beleg and Turin turned to other matters, debating where they should dwell. 'Let us return to Dimbar, on the north-marches, where once we walked together!' said Beleg eagerly. 'We are needed there. For of late the Orcs have found a way down out of Taur-nu-Fuin, making a road through the Pass of Anach.' 'I do not remember it,' said Turin. 'No, we never went so far from the borders,' said Beleg. 'But you have seen the peaks of the Crissaegrim far off, and to their east the dark walls of the Gorgoroth. Anach lies between them, above the high springs of Mindeb. A hard and dangerous way; and yet many come by it now, and Dimbar which used to lie in peace is falling under the Dark Hand, and the Men of Brethil are troubled. To Dimbar I call you!' 'Nay, I will not walk backward in life,' said Turin. 'Nor can I come easily to Dimbar now. Sirion lies between, unbridged and unforded below the Brithiach far northward; it is perilous to cross. Save in Doriath. But I will not pass into Doriath, and make use of Thingol's leave and pardon.' 'A hard man you have called yourself, Turin. Truly, if by that you meant stubborn. Now the turn is mine. I will go, by your leave, as soon as I may, and bid you farewell. If you wish indeed to have the Strongbow beside you, look for me in Dimbar.' At that time Turin said no more. The next day Beleg set out, and Turin went with him a bowshot from the camp, but said nothing. 'Is it farewell, then, son of Hurin?' said Beleg. 'If you wish indeed to keep your word and stay beside me,' answered Turin, 'then look for me on Amon Rûdh!' Thus he spoke, being fey and unwitting of what lay before him. 'Else, this is our last farewell.' 'Maybe that is best,' said Beleg, and went his way. It is said that Beleg went back to Menegroth, and came before Thingol and Melian and told them of all that had happened, save only his evil handling by Turin's companions. Then Thingol sighed, and he said: 'I took up the fathering of the son of Hurin, and that cannot be laid down for love or hate, unless Hurin the Valiant himself should return. What more would he have me do?' But Melian said: 'A gift you shall now have of me, Cuthalion, for your help, and your honour, for I have none worthier to give.' And she gave him a store of lembas, the waybread of the Elves, wrapped in leaves of silver; and the threads that bound it were sealed at the knots with the seal of the Queen, a wafer of white wax shaped as a single flower of Telperion. For according to the customs of the Eldalie the keeping and the giving of this food belonged to the Queen alone. 'This waybread, Beleg,' she said, 'shall be your help in the wild and the winter, and the help also of those whom you choose. For I commit this now to you, to apportion as you will in my stead.' In nothing did Melian show greater favour to Turin than in this gift; for the Eldar had never before allowed Men to use this waybread, and seldom did so again. Then Beleg departed from Menegroth and went back to the north-marches, where he had his lodges, and many friends; but when winter came, and war was stilled, suddenly his companions missed Beleg, and he returned to them no more. CHAPTER VII OF MiM THE DWARF Now the tale turns to Mim the Petty-dwarf. The Petty-dwarves are long out of mind, for Mim was the last. Little was known of them even in days of old. The Nibin-nogrim the Elves of Beleriand called them long ago, but they did not love them; and the Petty-dwarves loved none but themselves. If they hated and feared the Orcs, they hated also the Eldar, and the Exiles most of all; for the Noldor, they said, had stolen their lands and their homes. Nargothrond was first found and its delving begun by the Petty-dwarves, long before Finrod Felagund came over the Sea. They came, some said, of Dwarves that had been banished from the Dwarf-cities of the east in ancient days. Long before the return of Morgoth they had wandered westward. Being masterless and few in number, they found it hard to come by the ore of metals, and their smith-craft and store of weapons dwindled; and they took to lives of stealth, and became somewhat smaller in stature than their eastern kin, walking with bent shoulders and quick, furtive steps. Nonetheless, as all the Dwarf-kind, they were far stronger than their stature promised, and they could cling to life in great hardship. But now at last they had dwindled and died out of Middle-earth, all save Mim and his two sons; and Mim was old even in the reckoning of Dwarves, old and forgotten. After the departure of Beleg (and that was in the second summer after the flight of Turin from Doriath) things went ill for the outlaws. There were rains out of season, and Orcs in greater numbers than before came down from the North and along the old South Road over Teiglin, troubling all the woods on the west borders of Doriath. There was little safety or rest, and the company were more often hunted than hunters. One night as they lay lurking in the fireless dark, Turin looked on his life, and it seemed to him that it might well be bettered. 'I must find some secure refuge,' he thought, 'and make provision against winter and hunger.' But he did not know whither to turn. Next day he led his men away southward, further than they had yet come from the Teiglin and the marches of Doriath; and after three days' journeying they halted at the western edge of the woods of Sirion's Vale. There the land was drier and barer, as it began to climb up into the moorlands. Soon after, it chanced that as the grey light of a day of rain was failing Turin and his men were sheltering in a holly-thicket; and beyond it was a treeless space, in which there were many great stones, leaning or tumbled together. All was still, save for the drip of rain from the leaves. Suddenly a watchman gave a call, and leaping up they saw three hooded shapes, grey-clad, going stealthily among the stones. They were burdened each with a great sack, but they went swiftly for all that. Turin cried to them to halt, and the men ran out on them like hounds; but they held on their way, and though Androg shot at them two vanished in the dusk. One lagged behind, being slower or more heavily burdened; and he was soon seized and thrown down, and held by many hard hands, though he struggled and bit like a beast. But Turin came up, and rebuked his men. 'What have you there?' he said. 'What need to be so fierce? It is old and small. What harm is in it?' 'It bites,' said Androg, nursing a bleeding hand. 'It is an Orc, or of Orc-kin. Kill it!' 'It deserves no less, for cheating our hope,' said another, who had taken the sack. 'There is nothing here but roots and small stones.' 'Nay,' said Turin, 'it is bearded. It is only a Dwarf, I guess. Let him up, and speak.' So it was that Mim came into the Tale of the Children of Hurin. For he stumbled up on his knees before Turin's feet and begged for his life. 'I am old,' he said, 'and poor. Only a Dwarf, as you say, not an Orc. Mim is my name. Do not let them slay me, master, for no cause, as Orcs would.' Then Turin pitied him in his heart, but he said: 'Poor you seem, Mim, though that would be strange in a Dwarf; but we are poorer, I think: houseless and friendless Men. If I said that we do not spare for pity's sake only, being in great need, what would you offer for ransom?' 'I do not know what you desire, lord,' said Mim warily. 'At this time, little enough!' said Turin, looking about him bitterly with rain in his eyes. 'A safe place to sleep in out of the damp woods. Doubtless you have such for yourself.' 'I have,' said Mim; 'but I cannot give it in ransom. I am too old to live under the sky.' 'You need grow no older,' said Androg, stepping up with a knife in his unharmed hand. 'I can spare you that.' 'Lord!' cried Mim in great fear, clinging to Turin's knees. 'If I lose my life, you lose the dwelling; for you will not find it without Mim. I cannot give it, but I will share it. There is more room in it than once there was, so many have gone for ever,' and he began to weep. 'Your life is spared, Mim,' said Turin. 'Till we come to his lair, at least,' said Androg. But Turin turned upon him, and said: 'If Mim brings us to his home without trickery, and it is good, then his life is ransomed; and he shall not be slain by any man who follows me. So I swear.' Then Mim kissed Turin's knees and said: 'Mim will be your friend, lord. At first he thought you were an Elf, by your speech and your voice. But if you are a Man, that is better. Mim does not love Elves.' 'Where is this house of yours?' said Androg. 'It must be good indeed to share it with a Dwarf. For Androg does not like Dwarves. His people brought few good tales of that race out of the East.' 'They left worse tales of themselves behind them,' said Mim. 'Judge my home when you see it. But you will need light on your way, you stumbling Men. I will return in good time and lead you.' Then he rose and picked up his sack. 'No, no!' said Androg. 'You will not allow this, surely, captain? You would never see the old rascal again.' 'It is growing dark,' said Turin. 'Let him leave us some pledge. Shall we keep your sack and its load, Mim?' But at this the Dwarf fell on his knees again in great trouble. 'If Mim did not mean to return, he would not return for an old sack of roots,' he said. 'I will come back. Let me go!' 'I will not,' said Turin. 'If you will not part with your sack, you must stay with it. A night under the leaves will make you pity us in your turn, maybe.' But he marked, and others also, that Mim set more store by the sack and his load than it seemed worth to the eye. They led the old Dwarf away to their dismal camp, and as he went he muttered in a strange tongue that seemed harsh with ancient hatred; but when they put bonds on his legs he went suddenly quiet. And those who were on the watch saw him sitting on through the night silent and still as a stone, save for his sleepless eyes that glinted as they roved in the dark. Before morning the rain ceased, and a wind stirred in the trees. Dawn came more brightly than for many days, and light airs from the South opened the sky, pale and clear about the rising of the sun. Mim sat on without moving, and he seemed as if dead; for now the heavy lids of his eyes were closed, and the morning-light showed him withered and shrunken with age. Turin stood and looked down on him. 'There is light enough now,' he said. Then Mim opened his eyes and pointed to his bonds; and when he was released he spoke fiercely. 'Learn this, fools!' he said. 'Do not put bonds on a Dwarf! He will not forgive it. I do not wish to die, but for what you have done my heart is hot. I repent my promise.' 'But I do not,' said Turin. 'You will lead me to your home. Till then we will not speak of death. That is my will.' He looked steadfastly in the eyes of the Dwarf, and Mim could not endure it; few indeed could challenge the eyes of Turin in set will or in wrath. Soon he turned away his head, and rose. 'Follow me, lord!' he said. 'Good!' said Turin. 'But now I will add this: I understand your pride. You may die, but you shall not be set in bonds again.' 'I will not,' said Mim. 'But come now!' And with that he led them back to the place where he had been captured, and he pointed westward. 'There is my home!' he said. 'You have often seen it, I guess, for it is tall. Sharbhund we called it, before the Elves changed all the names.' Then they saw that he was pointing to Amon Rûdh, the Bald Hill, whose bare head watched over many leagues of the wild. 'We have seen it, but never nearer,' said Androg. 'For what safe lair can be there, or water, or any other thing that we need? I guessed that there was some trick. Do men hide on a hill-top?' 'Long sight may be safer than lurking,' said Turin. 'Amon Rûdh gazes far and wide. Well, Mim, I will come and see what you have to show. How long will it take us, stumbling Men, to come thither?' 'All this day until dusk, if we start now,' answered Mim. Soon the company set out westward, and Turin went at the head with Mim at his side. They walked warily when they left the woods, but all the land seemed empty and quiet. They passed over the tumbled stones, and began to climb; for Amon Rûdh stood upon the eastern edge of the high moorlands that rose between the vales of Sirion and Narog, and even above the stony heath at its base its crown was reared up a thousand feet and more. Upon the eastern side a broken land climbed slowly up to the high ridges among knots of birch and rowan, and ancient thorn-trees rooted in rock. Beyond, upon the moors and about the lower slopes of Amon Rûdh, there grew thickets of aeglos; but its steep grey head was bare, save for the red seregon that mantled the stone. As the afternoon was waning the outlaws drew near to the roots of the hill. They came now from the north, for so Mim had led them, and the light of the westering sun fell upon the crown of Amon Rûdh, and the seregon was all in flower. 'See! There is blood on the hill-top,' said Androg. 'Not yet,' said Turin.
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avaliveradio · 5 years
9.16 New Music Monday Release Radar with Jacqueline Jax
Explore some exciting new music from creators all over the world recently discovered by our host Jacqueline Jax as she searches the far corners of the globe for talented songwriters and music creators who are telling their truth to bring the listener a unique experience.  
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Artist: Beautiful Things
New Release: Dream World (Sky Mix)
Genre: Pop /Adult Comtemporary /Alternative Rock
Located in: Los Angeles, CA
We are an ethereal rock band from So-Cal with the essence of a singer song-writer. We are heavily influenced by 80s alternative rock and pop. This is a song about betrayal and how it can change you. After it happens to you it’s like you were in a dream as far as your relationship with the betrayer was concerned. The harsh truth of your relationship comes at you quickly when the betrayal is revealed to you and it stings. You lose your innocence and you’re never the same. This ‘Sky Mix’ is a new version of a song that we had originally released ten years ago on our first album. We ended up making changes to the tempo, guitar pattern and sound fx of the original version to enhance its energy when we performed it live. We thought it would be great to record and release the song again in this new way. We incorporate more electronic elements to our music than we did before. We love to experiment with music technology and this new mix of an older song of ours is an example of the new direction we're going in.
We are currently recording a new single and will be making a video to promote it.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/6aeGsnssMKFMNkd45JkYkU https://twitter.com/officialthings https://www.facebook.com/beautifulthingsmusic https://www.instagram.com/beautifulthingsmusic
Artist: Chris Driver
New Release: Transparent Hearts
Genre: Folk-Country-Pop / Singer-Songwriter
Located in: Brighton, UK
'Transparent Hearts' is about my Dad. He passed when we were all in the room. It was one of the toughest and most powerful experiences I've ever had. The song references the process of grieving through to now and reminds us of the importance of remembering the good times and laughing about the amazing memories you have. We all have these memories to keep with us as a family.
He always encouraged me with all aspects of my love for music. He was an amazing guitarist, arranger, teacher and all-round musician. His overall knowledge of music from classical, jazz, blues, folk, opera, musicals, rock'n'roll, and pop was insane.
Music, love, and laughter can get you through the toughest of times, and make the best of times truly incredible.
So big man this one's for you. Thanks for the music, love, laughter, and the amazing memories x ❤️ x
Note from the artist: This song is the final release before the EP. This collection of songs captures the last 15 years of my life. A celebration of past and present and moving on.
Right now I am in the process of preparing the release of my first EP at the end of the year. This includes the three singles I have released already and an exclusive track. I am also in the process of writing for my new album.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/64SsViMuxgMLIfSHNyxjdO https://www.facebook.com/chrisdrivermusik https://www.instagram.com/chrisdrivermusic https://twitter.com/ChrisDriverMus1
Artist: Dave Molter
New Release: Foolish Heart
Genre: Rock
Located in: Pittsburgh, PA USA
A contemporary rocker with amazing guitar work from Steve Dudas (original member of Ringo Starrs band The Roundheads), "Foolish Heart" features lyrics that anyone who has loved in vain can relate to.
After a 55-year career in music, "Foolish Heart" is the title track of his debut EP of the same name.
Dave's first full CD "Mid-Century Man" will be released in early 2020. The music is an assemblage of eclectic influences, everything from Tin Pan Alley to British Invasion, psychedelia, and pop.
LINKS:  Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/davemolter/song/31091465-01-foolish-heart Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1TKrXQIkeko9qqgIa7ihms Twitter: molter_Dave Facebook: www.facebook.com/davemoltermusic Instagram: dave_molter_music Website: www.davemoltermusic.com
Artist: Sarantos
New Release: Coming Home
Genre: Rock
Located in:  Chicago, IL
We all have a story. It began somewhere. Home can be many things. Home is usually our beginning. For some, home is where they begin and where they end. For others, home is only something they find after many years of searching. For still others, home is something they ran away from or got tired of, only to realize years later how much they truly love it and miss it and how comfortable it feels when they go back there. For me, this is the story of Greece. When I was in grammar school, my mom would take us to Greece for 2-3 months every summer. This meant 7 trips and as I grew older I complained that I wanted to stay back in Chicago to hang with my friends. 
LINKS:  https://play.spotify.com/artist/0fSzbfDxSHL10T1ryPsRLQ http://www.twitter.com/sarantosmelogia https://www.facebook.com/Sarantosmelogia https://www.instagram.com/sarantosmelogia http://www.reverbnation.com/sarantosmelogia
Artist: Suniil Bhatia (Artist)/ Sound Machine (Band)
New Release: You're My Sunshine (Acoustic)
Genre: Indi Acoustic Pop Rock
Located in: Mumbai
This is the acoustic version of a new song called 'You're My Sunshine'. It’s a happy friendship song mostly in Hindi with some parts in English but the vibe and energy is clearly expressed for all listeners.
The song is part of the Album called 'Yeh Din' which means 'These Days'. The album has every song in an Acoustic and Modern Techno/ Electronica version.
Right now I am working on more songs to complete the Album.
LINKS:  Reverbnation : https://www.reverbnation.com/sunilbhatia/song/31126128-youre-my-sunshine-acoustic Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/sunil-bhatia/your-my-sunshine-acoustic Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/2YN7ZCGcV9hame4JWJnwci (Link to Electronica album) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/YoursMusically Intagram : https://www.instagram.com/sonu.sunil.bhatia Twitter : https://twitter.com/sunilbhatia
Artist: Pablo Mercedes
New Release: Sweet sweet Rose
Genre: Alternative country - folk punk
Located in: : Leicester Leicestershire UK
The song is about the end of life and the departing of a dear sweet friend. It’s for those of us left behind.
These two 21st Century Cowboys have formed a new musical Collective (PABLO MERCEDES Y LOS COJONES DEL DIABLO) both were born and raised in the Tex area.
Built on historic wastelands next to the Rio Grande, this Wild West sector, where the Gunslinger is adored and the gift of music is worshiped. Forgotten movies and Prairie sounds fill their minds. Dodge city utopias form their music. Living within an Old Number 7 soaked ritual that releases your heart to the Colt 45's daughter, they go down & dirty into the heart of the wild west and drink at the devil's side. These two amigos of Folk Country unite to form the NEW country ! ! ! Pablo Well he's a NEW disciple of Acoustic Country Music and the gifts from Diablo have a price that we all have to pay in the end.
3rd Album Released 30/08/2019 "Devil made Two"
Right now we are gearing up for our return to SWSX festival 2020 - and a tour of UK/Europe.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/7htlzcMa5aiTE9trFbZuIt?si=XvF7lWkJQliabh6dc7Ra5A https://twitter.com/Pablo_Rocksey_M
Artist: Vovkulaka
New Release: my Devil
Genre: Metal/Dubstep
Located in: Odessa, Ukraine
Have you ever been in a relationship where you find yourself doing things that normally, you never do? The situation almost possesses you to struggle but still, you can't manage to break away. The desire is the conundrum. Like Demons with thoughts... A living Hell. You stop and think this is my Devil.
The music we are creating is Dark... Angry... Evil... Metal
Right now we are preparing to release our CD.
LINKS:  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3928niLRX3PB1EbxuRvhpu?si=OSLSKd0JRA-g8eghCufsrQ Twitter: Twitter.com/VovkulakaMusic Facebook: Facebook.com/VovkulakaFanPage Instagram: Instagram.com/VovkulakaMusic
The legendary Front man of the cars died today he was found in his New York City townhouse by his wife Paulina. These are some questions and answers from previous interviews. This episode also includes Music from our current Release Radar Playlist.
New Music Release Radar Playlist
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readbookywooks · 8 years
In which a conversation takes place which seems likely to cost Phileas Fogg dear
Phileas Fogg, having shut the door of his house at half-past eleven, and having put his right foot before his left five hundred and seventy-five times, and his left foot before his right five hundred and seventy-six times, reached the Reform Club, an imposing edifice in Pall Mall, which could not have cost less than three millions. He repaired at once to the dining-room, the nine windows of which open upon a tasteful garden, where the trees were already gilded with an autumn colouring; and took his place at the habitual table, the cover of which had already been laid for him. His breakfast consisted of a side-dish, a broiled fish with Reading sauce, a scarlet slice of roast beef garnished with mushrooms, a rhubarb and gooseberry tart, and a morsel of Cheshire cheese, the whole being washed down with several cups of tea, for which the Reform is famous. He rose at thirteen minutes to one, and directed his steps towards the large hall, a sumptuous apartment adorned with lavishly-framed paintings. A flunkey handed him an uncut Times, which he proceeded to cut with a skill which betrayed familiarity with this delicate operation. The perusal of this paper absorbed Phileas Fogg until a quarter before four, whilst the Standard, his next task, occupied him till the dinner hour. Dinner passed as breakfast had done, and Mr. Fogg re-appeared in the reading-room and sat down to the Pall Mall at twenty minutes before six. Half an hour later several members of the Reform came in and drew up to the fireplace, where a coal fire was steadily burning. They were Mr. Fogg's usual partners at whist: Andrew Stuart, an engineer; John Sullivan and Samuel Fallentin, bankers; Thomas Flanagan, a brewer; and Gauthier Ralph, one of the Directors of the Bank of England-- all rich and highly respectable personages, even in a club which comprises the princes of English trade and finance.
"Well, Ralph," said Thomas Flanagan, "what about that robbery?"
"Oh," replied Stuart, "the Bank will lose the money."
"On the contrary," broke in Ralph, "I hope we may put our hands on the robber. Skilful detectives have been sent to all the principal ports of America and the Continent, and he'll be a clever fellow if he slips through their fingers."
"But have you got the robber's description?" asked Stuart.
"In the first place, he is no robber at all," returned Ralph, positively.
"What! a fellow who makes off with fifty-five thousand pounds, no robber?"
"Perhaps he's a manufacturer, then."
"The Daily Telegraph says that he is a gentleman."
It was Phileas Fogg, whose head now emerged from behind his newspapers, who made this remark. He bowed to his friends, and entered into the conversation. The affair which formed its subject, and which was town talk, had occurred three days before at the Bank of England. A package of banknotes, to the value of fifty-five thousand pounds, had been taken from the principal cashier's table, that functionary being at the moment engaged in registering the receipt of three shillings and sixpence. Of course, he could not have his eyes everywhere. Let it be observed that the Bank of England reposes a touching confidence in the honesty of the public. There are neither guards nor gratings to protect its treasures; gold, silver, banknotes are freely exposed, at the mercy of the first comer. A keen observer of English customs relates that, being in one of the rooms of the Bank one day, he had the curiosity to examine a gold ingot weighing some seven or eight pounds. He took it up, scrutinised it, passed it to his neighbour, he to the next man, and so on until the ingot, going from hand to hand, was transferred to the end of a dark entry; nor did it return to its place for half an hour. Meanwhile, the cashier had not so much as raised his head. But in the present instance things had not gone so smoothly. The package of notes not being found when five o'clock sounded from the ponderous clock in the "drawing office," the amount was passed to the account of profit and loss. As soon as the robbery was discovered, picked detectives hastened off to Liverpool, Glasgow, Havre, Suez, Brindisi, New York, and other ports, inspired by the proffered reward of two thousand pounds, and five per cent. on the sum that might be recovered. Detectives were also charged with narrowly watching those who arrived at or left London by rail, and a judicial examination was at once entered upon.
There were real grounds for supposing, as the Daily Telegraph said, that the thief did not belong to a professional band. On the day of the robbery a well-dressed gentleman of polished manners, and with a well-to-do air, had been observed going to and fro in the paying room where the crime was committed. A description of him was easily procured and sent to the detectives; and some hopeful spirits, of whom Ralph was one, did not despair of his apprehension. The papers and clubs were full of the affair, and everywhere people were discussing the probabilities of a successful pursuit; and the Reform Club was especially agitated, several of its members being Bank officials.
Ralph would not concede that the work of the detectives was likely to be in vain, for he thought that the prize offered would greatly stimulate their zeal and activity. But Stuart was far from sharing this confidence; and, as they placed themselves at the whist-table, they continued to argue the matter. Stuart and Flanagan played together, while Phileas Fogg had Fallentin for his partner. As the game proceeded the conversation ceased, excepting between the rubbers, when it revived again.
"I maintain," said Stuart, "that the chances are in favour of the thief, who must be a shrewd fellow."
"Well, but where can he fly to?" asked Ralph. "No country is safe for him."
"Where could he go, then?"
"Oh, I don't know that. The world is big enough."
"It was once," said Phileas Fogg, in a low tone. "Cut, sir," he added, handing the cards to Thomas Flanagan.
The discussion fell during the rubber, after which Stuart took up its thread.
"What do you mean by `once'? Has the world grown smaller?"
"Certainly," returned Ralph. "I agree with Mr. Fogg. The world has grown smaller, since a man can now go round it ten times more quickly than a hundred years ago. And that is why the search for this thief will be more likely to succeed."
"And also why the thief can get away more easily."
"Be so good as to play, Mr. Stuart," said Phileas Fogg.
But the incredulous Stuart was not convinced, and when the hand was finished, said eagerly: "You have a strange way, Ralph, of proving that the world has grown smaller. So, because you can go round it in three months--"
"In eighty days," interrupted Phileas Fogg.
"That is true, gentlemen," added John Sullivan. "Only eighty days, now that the section between Rothal and Allahabad, on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, has been opened. Here is the estimate made by the Daily Telegraph:
From London to Suez via Mont Cenis and Brindisi, by rail and steamboats ................. 7 days From Suez to Bombay, by steamer .................... 13 " From Bombay to Calcutta, by rail ................... 3 " From Calcutta to Hong Kong, by steamer ............. 13 " From Hong Kong to Yokohama (Japan), by steamer ..... 6 " From Yokohama to San Francisco, by steamer ......... 22 " From San Francisco to New York, by rail ............. 7 " From New York to London, by steamer and rail ........ 9 " ---- Total ............................................ 80 days."
"Yes, in eighty days!" exclaimed Stuart, who in his excitement made a false deal. "But that doesn't take into account bad weather, contrary winds, shipwrecks, railway accidents, and so on."
"All included," returned Phileas Fogg, continuing to play despite the discussion.
"But suppose the Hindoos or Indians pull up the rails," replied Stuart; "suppose they stop the trains, pillage the luggage-vans, and scalp the passengers!"
"All included," calmly retorted Fogg; adding, as he threw down the cards, "Two trumps."
Stuart, whose turn it was to deal, gathered them up, and went on: "You are right, theoretically, Mr. Fogg, but practically--"
"Practically also, Mr. Stuart."
"I'd like to see you do it in eighty days."
"It depends on you. Shall we go?"
"Heaven preserve me! But I would wager four thousand pounds that such a journey, made under these conditions, is impossible."
"Quite possible, on the contrary," returned Mr. Fogg.
"Well, make it, then!"
"The journey round the world in eighty days?"
"I should like nothing better."
"At once. Only I warn you that I shall do it at your expense."
"It's absurd!" cried Stuart, who was beginning to be annoyed at the persistency of his friend. "Come, let's go on with the game."
"Deal over again, then," said Phileas Fogg. "There's a false deal."
Stuart took up the pack with a feverish hand; then suddenly put them down again.
"Well, Mr. Fogg," said he, "it shall be so: I will wager the four thousand on it."
"Calm yourself, my dear Stuart," said Fallentin. "It's only a joke."
"When I say I'll wager," returned Stuart, "I mean it." "All right," said Mr. Fogg; and, turning to the others, he continued: "I have a deposit of twenty thousand at Baring's which I will willingly risk upon it."
"Twenty thousand pounds!" cried Sullivan. "Twenty thousand pounds, which you would lose by a single accidental delay!"
"The unforeseen does not exist," quietly replied Phileas Fogg.
"But, Mr. Fogg, eighty days are only the estimate of the least possible time in which the journey can be made."
"A well-used minimum suffices for everything."
"But, in order not to exceed it, you must jump mathematically from the trains upon the steamers, and from the steamers upon the trains again."
"I will jump--mathematically."
"You are joking."
"A true Englishman doesn't joke when he is talking about so serious a thing as a wager," replied Phileas Fogg, solemnly. "I will bet twenty thousand pounds against anyone who wishes that I will make the tour of the world in eighty days or less; in nineteen hundred and twenty hours, or a hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred minutes. Do you accept?"
"We accept," replied Messrs. Stuart, Fallentin, Sullivan, Flanagan, and Ralph, after consulting each other.
"Good," said Mr. Fogg. "The train leaves for Dover at a quarter before nine. I will take it."
"This very evening?" asked Stuart.
"This very evening," returned Phileas Fogg. He took out and consulted a pocket almanac, and added, "As today is Wednesday, the 2nd of October, I shall be due in London in this very room of the Reform Club, on Saturday, the 21st of December, at a quarter before nine p.m.; or else the twenty thousand pounds, now deposited in my name at Baring's, will belong to you, in fact and in right, gentlemen. Here is a cheque for the amount."
A memorandum of the wager was at once drawn up and signed by the six parties, during which Phileas Fogg preserved a stoical composure. He certainly did not bet to win, and had only staked the twenty thousand pounds, half of his fortune, because he foresaw that he might have to expend the other half to carry out this difficult, not to say unattainable, project. As for his antagonists, they seemed much agitated; not so much by the value of their stake, as because they had some scruples about betting under conditions so difficult to their friend.
The clock struck seven, and the party offered to suspend the game so that Mr. Fogg might make his preparations for departure.
"I am quite ready now," was his tranquil response. "Diamonds are trumps: be so good as to play, gentlemen."
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