#my sev would be so confused all the time but v sweet about it
🎰 / oh no
well this could be hilarious @lighthouscd
maphéist aduain / severin moran
ruben lund / moira moran
malik vitali / sebastian moran
aster boehme / moira moran
ava vitali-lis / alex moran
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thinkingimmensely · 7 years
Like an Open Book III
Part I | Part II | Part IV | Part V  | Part VI
A/N: Hey hey! I’m so happy that I got this done really fast and I actually like this chapter. This chapter jumps from Y/N’s perspective to James’ and there are page breaks to signify the change of point-of-views. I hope it’s not confusing. And as promised, a longer-ish chapter! :D Thank you everyone for your continued support!
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything from the Potterverse!
So without further ado, here’s the next part! Enjoy!
"She's a freak, I tell you Pads." James whined to his best friend.
Sirius Black wrapped his blanket around himself more tightly, covering everything except his face, which was still green. "What part makes her a freak again Prongs?" They were the only people in their dorm room right now since Remus was off doing prefect duties and Peter was getting them sweets from the kitchen and Frank... well Frank was probably snogging Alice somewhere.
"The part where she stares at me. Like... really stares at me then leaves without saying a word!" He let out a shiver, "I feel as if she stared right into my soul."
"Ah yes, she does that sometimes. That doesn't make her a freak though." Sirius said and flopped down on his bed. "She's a Gryffindor mate, don't lump her up with snakes like Snivellus."
James groaned and turned away from his best friend, "I don't think you realize that she hangs out with Snivellus. I bet they're together right now." He turned to see Sirius shrug and roll over. He furrowed his brows and adjusted his glasses. "I'm sorry but how does this not bother you?"
Sirius sat up back and shot him a look. "Why does it bother you so much?"
"It doesn't!"
"Then help me get rid of this green skin! I look like a troll!"
You sat by the windowsill of the Astronomy tower and basked in the dying light of the sun. You inhaled the scent of the forest and turned to look at Severus who silently sat adjacent of you. He's been quiet ever since he arrived earlier.
When the sun completely set you went back to safety, away from the windowsill, and Severus followed you. You turned to him and flashed him a concerned smile. "Sev, you're awfully quiet."  He sighed and sat on the ground, you followed suit. "Have you been practising?" He nodded. You grinned and took hold of his hands, which caught him off guard and he stared at your holding hands in shock until he finally looked up to you. Wrong move. 
You were standing outside of the Gryffindor portrait hole. It was nighttime and Lily, who was wearing a dressing gown, stood with her arms folded. "I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here."
"I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just-"
"Slipped out?" Lily's tone was cold and held no pity. You turned and saw Severus desperately trying to reel his brains for a reply, something, anything to make Lily forgive him. You felt a wave of sympathy for him as you felt yourself getting pulled out of the memory. You furrowed your brows as you distincly heard real-time Severus shouting at you to get off his brain. 
"It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you."
The pull became stronger and the last thing you saw was Lily's green eyes burning in rage. You gasped and turned to look at Severus  who panted, sweat beading from his forehead and trailed down to his hooked nose. Then you noticed that tears also streamed down his cheeks as he looked away in shame. 
"Sev." You murmured then pulled him in a hug and held him as he sobbed out for losing Lily Evans, the only girl he's ever going to love.
James glared holes at the back of Y/N's head as she sat in front of him at Transfiguration. It's been two weeks since their last chat, and her ignoring him irked him. He turned to look at Remus who was currently talking to her as if she was some kind of close friend. 
Tomorrow's the full moon and Remus really shouldn't be wasting precious energy on you. He thought and huffed out in annoyance. Sirius, whose skin was finally back to its original green-free state, shot him a questioning look, but he just turned his back on him in reply. Stupid Remus. Stupid Sirius. How could they be so warm and welcoming and be all smiles to someone who hung around Snivellus?
"Lily used to hang out with him too, mate." Sirius had pointed out yesterday. "I don't see you scowling at her everytime you see her."
"Don't remind me; Lily's different." He had answered. 
"I don't see how different they are, they're friends with Snivelly and they hate you. They're practically twins." His bestfriend snorted out and flipped through a Muggle magazine Remus had brought with him after summer break, it was about machines and Muggle transportation. After scanning through it, Sirius took a sudden interest on something called a motorbike. "I'm just saying man, why does Y/N get your blood boiling so much?"
Why indeed? 
James tapped his quill on the desk as everyone started getting up from their seats to get to their next class. He saw Y/N wave to Remus before she left , which the latter returned with a smile. He followed her with his eyes as she headed towards the doorway, only to be stopped by Professor McGonagall. The professor had slipped her a note which she too hastily unrolled and read its contents right in front of her. He noticed the way Y/N's cheeks turned pink, a look he'd never seen on her before, as she thanked the Professor and hurried out. He stood up in a rush and grabbed his bag to go after her.
"Prongs, where you off to?" Sirius called out, but he had already left the classroom to delve into the sea of people, trying to spot her out of the crowd. When he finally saw her wound up a flight of stairs, he was quick to follow.
He grabbed the invisibility cloak his father gave to him on his eleventh birthday and quickly covered himself with it. Thank Merlin he brought this thing everywhere. He trailed behind her as she passed through an empty corridor then through another flight of moving stairs, circular this time, only to come to a halt in the third floor in front of a hideous, stone gargoyle statue.
She looked around in good measure and he instinctively wrapped the cloak around him tighter. "Key lime pie." He heard her utter and the gargoyle moved aside, revealing a pathway that lead inside the room. He quickly went inside before the gargoyle closed right back. He soon realized he was in the headmaster's office, the room was round and had multiple bookshelves and artifacts and at one part of the wall lined portraits of all the previous headmasters of Hogwarts.
"Ah Miss Y/L/N, I'm glad you could join me. Please have a seat." James flinched as he heard the Professor's gentle voice ring out and he looked as you took an empty seat beside an ugly bird which regarded her fondly.  Her back was turned to him so he couldn't see the expression she wore. What exactly did she do to land herself with the company of the headmaster? 
Professor Albus Dumbledore finally focused his attention to her, away from something that looked like a bird bath or a basin that had a silvery substance that appeared to be like a cloud-like liquid.
"I'm sorry for calling you out so suddenly and keeping you from your classes, but I just wanted to check up on you since I may be too busy to do it later." He apologized and poured some tea on a cup and handed it to her before taking his own seat behind the desk cluttered with books and parchment. His desk, James noted, was the only thing untidy in the entire room.  He raised a brow in confusion. What the heck was all this about?
Every reason you had originally thought about why Professor Dumbledore wanted to see you had just been dumped into forget-bin as you relaxed in the chair. You had mentally punched your brain walls, trying to remember what you may have done wrong but then he just wanted to keep tabs on your well-being. You let out a small sigh of relief and shook your head and accepted the tea, taking a sip from the hot liquid. "It's fine, Professor..." you trailed off, thinking of something else to say. "Um, and I'm doing well." Some conversationalist you are.
"You have everything under control?"
You nodded, feeling a bit happy at the feat. "Yes... at least for now." It had been exactly one month and two weeks since your Legilimency went haywire on you, and you hoped it stayed that way.
Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and studied you with a look you didn't quite understand  then let out a small smile. "That is good. Have you used it on anyone lately?"
Your shoulders stiffened. You had used your Legilimency a lot in the last couple of weeks, what with everything happening between the Marauders and you. You dropped your gaze in shame as you felt your face flush in guilt. It wasn't really illegal to use Legilimency but Dumbledore had warned you against using it more than necessary.
"The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure, Y/N." He had told you before. That line had stuck to you ever since and you had parroted it to Severus during one of your sessions.
Dumbledore cleared his throat, unperturbed by your lack of response. "I noticed that you've been around mister Potter lately; I'm happy that you're making more friends. Now off you go." He continued and waved his hand away in dismissal, his eyes lingered by the doorway for a second before flashing you one last smile.
James felt a cold chill pass through his body as Dumbledore met his gaze. He shook his head fervently, that was impossible, he was wearing the invisibility cloak so he couldn't have seen him... right? 
Deciding that he didn't want to wait to find out if the Headmaster really could see through invisibility cloaks, he quickly turned to sprint out of the office just as she rose to leave. He didn't learn much but one thing was for sure: Something was up with Y/N Y/L/N.
taglist: @serenefreakgeek​
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rfassholes · 8 years
Hey! Could I request how the RFA+V+Saeran would react to an MC who was learning Korean as their third language and is still pretty choppy/needs them to talk a bit slowly? Like I've known Japanese and English since birth pretty much, and I might learn Korean in the future, so maybe something like that if it makes sense? You don't have to use those languages btw! Sorry if that's too specific! I love your work so far, and I hope I see more from you soon, have a nice day!
Hell’s yeah I can! Don’t apologize either, sweet person, you have done no wrong. Also, don’t worry about how specific it is; it helps me understand what you’d like to read! I think it’s pretty rad that you’re learning another language, too! Thank you for supporting what I write and enjoying it. I hope you have a nice day, too; much love!
He had to take a couple English classes to gradate highschool and get into uni, so he completely understood if you weren’t 100% fluent!
If you were pretty good at reading it, he’d lend you some random books so you could get practice
Wouldn’t pressure you to speak Korean in public either
that shit’s scary sometimes
He was really excited that you could speak Japanese, too
languages are really scary sometimes, okay?
Yoosung would brag to people on and off campus about your ability to speak multiple languages
He’s just really hyped that you’re really smart
He’d want to learn really cheesy phrases in Japanese and English
Extra excited if you wanted to learn Korean ones
Would be really nice to correct you if your grammar or pronunciation was off
8/8 would try to learn another language with you
“Yoosung, I’m already trying to figure out one right now” “But it’d be fun!” “You’ll probably stop practicing after a couple of weeks” “Well you’re not wrong, but-” “Yoosung, no” “Watch me”
Now he would say random things in Italian because sOMEONE missed the opportunity to when he signed up for a class
You knew that Jumin probably had her be somewhat proficient in a couple of languages for business affairs
She might’ve only dealt with that for less than three years, but Jaehee wanted to enrich herself anyways
Then she found out that your Chinese was really good on top of your Tamil
Jaehee was happy that you were fluent in some of the languages of the countries she dealt with the most (no, I totally didn’t google what countries south korea imported and exported with the most)
You two became the couple that spoke different languages at home than in public
However, your Korean wasn’t as close to fluent as you’d like
I mean, she could tell from phone calls early on by your accent that Korean wasn’t your native
She really liked to sit by you while you were translating something aloud and she was working
Those were her favorite nights
Especially since you usually got her to pause working to help you work out a sentence or two
Then it turned into encouraging cheek kisses
Then she couldn’t completely focus
guess you both just have to….be….cute..what..a….tragedy
She would also buy you cute-looking books that were in Korean
It may or may not have been so she could get more of those nights 
He’s probably had some scripts that weren’t completely in Korean, so he’s familiar with some language patterns and can say “je suis un pomme”
Okay, so you were just slightly offended, because he thought he was saying he’s a prince
You’ll admit that knowing English and French then deciding to move to Korea was a bit odd
But c’mon, man
“…you do realize you just said you were an apple, yeah?” “No, I called myself a prince’ “We’re speaking in English right now” “That’s correct” “It’s literally prince in French” “Well, how was I supposed to know” “Dumbass”
You wouldn’t let him live that down for weeks
Zen then tried to get you to speak a bit more Korean when you were on set rather than confusing people
oh shit
my cover’s blown
Well, now you were the one getting made fun of
“You called me a table” “That may be true” “A tABLE, MC” “At least I said you were a pretty table?” “You called me a moist table, MC” “Okay, okay, you see-” “Mhm” “Shut up, pretty boy” “I thought I was a table?” “That wasn’t even funny” “…” “You’re still a dumbass”
Nobody in the rfa chats knew what you meant by calling him an apple
Then Zen just had to talk about The Table Incident
MC has left the chat
cue him running into the living room
“but, bAAAABE” “Leave, you apple” “MC, love meeee” “I already do” “Can I at least get a hug” “Nope”
MC has entered the chat
He then tried to get take the phone while you were typing out The Apple Prince Incident
You got Seven in on it to change his name in the messenger to je suis un pomme for a week
Seven: (slight route spoilers, but I changed it a bit anyways)
blah, blah, taxes, blah, author of several books in Arabic, blah, likes cat
w a i t  j u s t   a   d i d d l y d a r n   s e c o n d
Arabic? And Portuguese?
aww yisss
This was probably when he approved you and went straight to V
Plus cats?? That was a bonus
He really liked talking to you with the messenger even if your grammar was a teensy bit off
may or may not have recorded a few phone calls to hear your accent
Once you had gotten to meet him at the apartment
whoo, boy
He was getting on your nerves just a bit
You snapped just a bit and kinda sorta went off on him in Arabic and he just sat there
“You done?” “Yes, was there an issue?” “Yeah, it was kinda hot”
*narrator voice* He realized he had Fucked Up right Then And There
“You didn’t hear that” “Sev-” “Good day”
This time he wasn’t staying away to protect you, he just didn’t want to turn as read as his hair next time he had to see you
He finally had been able to hold a conversation after staying stonefaced in an attempt to forget
You didn’t tho
After everything had gotten sorted out and you had understood why he was acting like that, it was pretty okay
Neither of your dumbasses realized that you were both speaking Portuguese during the Incident, so the only time he heard your Korean was on the phone
He’d take breaks from working whenever you wanted to practice the language
I mean, if he could be fluent in seventeen, so could you
Seven regarded your ability to speak Arabic as something “holy” and was ecstatic that you were one of the few that didn’t need his help to get home
Once he found out that you could read and listen to Korean, but not speak it all that well, he immediately found a tutor
He’d like when you’d hold short converstaions with him in his native
However, Jumin just didn’t know that you were fluent in Russian and German
It took him a couple of weeks until you greeted him as “dorogoy” (my dear) when he came home from work one night
Jumin knew a fair bit of other languages, so you both spoke to each other in this odd Franken-language (lmao but that’s German already)
He really loved it when you’d forget a word in Korean and looked confused for a second before saying it in German
Would always help you with a word or slang phrases
just because he had to look them up does not invalidate this
Definitely would buy you so many books
You’d probably end up with the same book as multiple copies in other languages
He just wanted the best access to literature for “mein liebling“ (my beloved)
Would be the Softest if you had a question or wanted to carry longer conversations in Korean
So! Supportive!
Since he’s traveled so much, he knows how to ask and follow directions, ask how someone’s doing, and general things like that in a variety of languages
Once he found out you spoke Dutch and Hebrew, he wanted to learn more about the languages
You’d lean against each other on the couch at night and ask questions about each others languages
“How do I call you my moon?” “Mijn maan” “I like that; it suits you” “How do I call you my star?” “Naui byeol” “I think that suits you, too”
If he ever went to a country where many people spoke either languages, he’d ask you to come
Definitely took photos of you interacting with people and reading plaques at exhibits
Was kind of an excuse to take you on a vacation
V would also would carry both a Dutch to Korean and a Hebrew to Korean dictionary for you if you couldn’t remember the word to say something to him
Started having you write descriptions of his work for exhibitions so he could broaden his market
Would 784282/8 continuously help you if your speaking was a bit choppy and lessen any anxiety you had about it
“Just buy some dictionaries” “Yeah, well, what if I don’t want to?” “Then google translate” “But then I’d end up saying something stupid” “You always say stupid things, though, MC” “Don’t be an asshat” “Suggestion taken” (haha, what? me? use google translate for the languages I don’t speak for this post? pssh)
He’d be the ones to leave passive aggressive sticky notes in other languages if you weren’t paying attention
Also the one to label things if he didn’t understand the yelling in Haitian Creole
he’s trying, okay?
Saeran may speak multiple languages but not whatever that spewing was
“Saeran, that was Korean” “Yeah, and I’m a cat” “Hey, at least I tried” “You asked me if the parakeet gave a prophecy, MC” “…That’s besides the point”
Would correct you bluntly
Would continue with the sticky notes on everything
started learning Greek and Haitian Creole so he could add proper translations to things
One morning, he woke up with a sticky note on his forehead that labeled him as “내 사랑, αγάπη μου, doudou mwen”
He ended up keeping that in a drawer on his nightstand
I’m sorry that I write this at several different times. I’d be glad to fix any of these if you don’t like them. Especially Seven’s. I did horribly with his. I hope that they were semi-decent, though, and that you enjoy a few of them!
Please correct any mistakes I made with the languages. I can only vouch for the ones I speak, the rest were google translate. If there’s any other issues, I’d be glad to fix them as well!
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thinkingimmensely · 7 years
Like an Open Book II
Part I | Part III | Part IV | Part V  | Part VI
A/N: Everyone! Thank you so much for the 308 follows! I wasn’t expecting to reach these many at all! And in such a short amount of time too! I’m absolutely thrilled that so many of you read and like my stories. So again, a huge thanks to all of you! Cheers! <3
This part is kind of short, but the next one would be somewhat longer if I don’t change my mind. He he. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything from the Potterverse!
So without further ado, here’s the next part! Enjoy!
"Lookit who we have here." You flinched as you felt an arm snake around your shoulders. You turned to see Sirius Black smirking at you, his gray eyes laced with mirth. "Little Y/N, off to spend the day protecting snakes again?"
You shoved away his arm and went back to your soup. "Leave her alone, Pads." A tired voice murmured from across the table. You looked up to see Remus Lupin take his seat and start pouring himself some coffee. "Good morning Y/N." He greeted as an afterthought and you nodded and offered him a small smile in reply.
Why are they even here? You purposely sat at the front end of the table near the teachers so other people wouldn't bother you since no one wanted to be in plain sight from the professors. Sirius nestled comfortably beside you and started filling his plate with food and you just noticed Peter Pettigrew grudgingly slip in next to Remus and immediately stuffed his mouth with bread. This was some kind of sick joke, right?
You looked over at the Slytherin table and saw Severus eyeing you in confusion but when he noticed you were looking at him too, he immediately turned away. You went back to your soup, finally consuming it and took a bite of your bread. As you were about to take a gulp out of your pumpkin juice, you noticed that Sirius and Peter were looking at you expectantly although they tried not to. You turned to look at Remus who was currently fixated on reading the Daily Prophet.
Just as the liquid touched your closed lips, James arrived noisily which took the trio's attention from you momentarily. You immediately got out your wand and switched the contents of your goblet with Sirius'. "Why are we even sitting here in the first place?" You heard James annoyingly ask as he shot you a glare. You rolled your eyes at him and drank Sirius' pumpkin juice and smirked behind the goblet.
"Why James, I thought you said you wanted to sit near Minnie today to show her how good of a student you are?" Sirius chimed and flashed him am excited grin. The wheels in James' head were finally turning and he grinned back and looked at you.
"Oh I forgot, good morning Y/N, you feeling alright?" He asked, his voice sickly coated in fake sweetness.
You forced out a smile at him. "Swell. The same can't be said for your friend though." You stated and nodded towards Sirius whose skin, after drinking from his own cup, was starting to turn into a neon shade of green.
"Bloody hell-" James uttered and quickly stood up from his seat to aid his friend. The other students soon took noticed of the commotion ensuing and began to laugh. Professor McGonagall jerked up from her seat, her face red in anger.
"Next time you try to prank me, I suggest something a little more unexpected." You hissed and slipped off from the bench and left the Great Hall just as McGonagall arrived and started reprimanding the boys.
You turned around and saw Severus running towards you. "Did you do that?" He asked as he tried to catch his breath.
You frowned at him. "Of course I didn't. Their plan just backfired is all." It didn't seem as if he was listening though since a venomous smile made its way through his thin lips as if he was glad that you were getting back at the Marauders. There were times when you didn't need to to use Legillimency to know what Severus was thinking or feeling anymore and you brought it to yourself to try and sway him away from falling too far as best as you could. "Sev, they're not bad people."
He shot you a perplexed look immediately. "What do you mean they aren't?!" He yelled at you and you flinched at the hate that laced his words. "You know fully well what they did to me!"
"I know! But-" The doors to the Great Hall slammed open as students began to exit. Severus huffed and walked away to go to his first class. You frowned and turned away.
"Had a fight with your boyfriend?" James inquired as he wrapped an arm around you.
You slipped away from him immediately. "Please stop talking to me." You told him and started walking faster, that didn't deter James though as he matched your speed and walked beside you.
"Tell me, when did you and Snivellus become so close? Last I noticed, you didn't really talk to anyone."
You rolled your eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning alone and quickly entered the classroom and sat on the first seat you saw. James smirked at you and shot a wink at the person beside you and went to sit beside Remus.
"Obnoxious isn't he?"
You looked at your seat mate and realized that it was Lily Evans. The redhead glared at James but gave you a smile when she turned to look at you. "This is the first time we've ever talked for the entire five years we've been in the same house and share the same dorm, right?"
You bowed your head in shame. "R-right. Sorry."
Lily shrugged, "It's fine. I should say sorry as well, I never really approached you first either." But with that said, the both of you didn't share another word with each other throughout class. It wasn't only after the professor dismissed you that Lily flashed you a kind smile and gathered her stuff, "I'll see you at dinner then, Y/N."
You meekly nodded at her and she left to get to her next class. When you got up to leave, you saw James still hanging around by the doorway. You frowned and decided to just slip past him. This entire thing was getting pretty exhausting and you needed the energy later for the rest of your classes.
Life, however, had different plans. Because as you tried to walk past the glasses-wearing Marauder, he in turn, grabbed your arm before you could escape. "Let go of me, Potter! Or Merlin forbid, I will hex you!"
James let go of you and raised his arms in front of him, "Woah, woah, calm your knickers down Y/L/N, I just wanted to ask what you and Lily were talking about. Did she mention how handsome I am?"
"Yeah? In which aspect?" You spat and began to walk away. He followed you and stepped into pace by your side.
"What I'm saying is, now that Snivellus is gone from her life, you can be her new best friend and help me out with her. Be my wingman-woman. Wingwoman!” He cleared his throat, “You two hit it pretty well earlier too."
"That's because we share a mutual dislike for you." You stopped walking and looked at him, he mimicked your actions and wore a lazy smirk on his arrogant face. You glared and looked straight into his eyes and noticed for the first time, what a pretty color they were. Bluish with a tint of brown, with specks of gold outlining his pupil. Pretty hazel eyes. You shook your mind away from your latest discovery and delved into the mind and memories of James Fleamont Potter.
If you didn't hate him before, then you did now.
James looked at you expectantly. Your face flushed with anger and envy, because here was someone who has never had any real problem in his life. Someone with loving parents, a wealthy family, good grades, great friends and no real enemy, maybe except Severus. His life was perfect and you felt utterly betrayed that someone like him even existed. Even the handsome Sirius Black had his fair share of downs in his life; and you wouldn't even want to get started on Remus.
No wonder he thought he was better than everybody else. This wasn't fair, but then, you reminded yourself for the umpteenth time, that life indeed wasn't fair.
You left him without a single word.
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