consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd said: [text]: So I got cockblocked by our relationship status last night. / from grey :/
[ text : gayson ] ??? uhhhh no thats literally not how that works [ text : gayson ] come round, i have zero intention of cockblocking you tonight 🍆
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entitaem · 5 years
@lighthouscd sent:  🛀 / grey @ juliet SORRY
Thank god for the bubbles or she’d be even more embarrassed over this than she already is. She couldn’t know his motives really, but it’s Grey so it could be anything, but the fact that he kept asking her questions from the other room and couldn’t hear her when she answered might be part of it. Juliet was already flabbergasted that he’d come into the spacious bathroom, saying something offhanded about the support bars that are so seamlessly integrated into the design of her apartment. The shower curtain had been drawn anyway, it wasn’t an issue. 
It still wasn’t an issue when he sat on the bench next to the tub, because if she was being honest she liked the company. But suddenly he’s making a joke about how big her tub is and she’s rolling her eyes and saying it’s an accessibility feature, and then he’s yanking the curtain back and Juliet gives a yelp of surprise and bending her leg to get it out of his way because he’s big and now there’s water everywhere and he’s definitely not wearing all the clothes he was wearing before. 
Juliet wipes bubbles off her face with a sputter, and crosses her arm over her chest even though the water is high enough to cover her. She gives him a look but honestly that shit eating grin of his is really hard to ignore. She hates that she bursts into laughter when he settles back against the other side of the tub looking way too self satisfied. 
“Three things,” Juliet says, still laughing, peaking over the edge of the tub. “One: you’ve soaked my floor, but your clothes are absorbing it all,” she gives him a look that just screams ‘You’re an Idiot’. She covers her face with her hands, hiding her flush of amusement. “Two: how did you get your legs off so fast? And three: I used a THC bath bomb in here so you’re gonna get a weird body high if you stay in here...” 
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foxymuses · 5 years
> i apparently have “behavioral issues” and i am “too defiant” / grey @ greg
> join the club> but if you want to keep your other limbs, take a xanax
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fullofvoices · 5 years
( @lighthouscd / Sorrel liked for a Reilly & gets Leech )
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       He’d met a girl, which wasn’t usual for him. Being shy and coming off as grumpy all the time, meeting knew people was difficult for Leech, especially getting to know them beyond a quiet hello. But this particular hello had been even more challenging, a language barrier of sorts between them. This woman he’d found an instant connection with was hearing impaired and communicated best via ASL, something with Leech wasn’t familiar. At first, it disheartened him, but after some thought, he began learning the language himself, taking classes here and there, and going to events and such, anywhere he thought he could see it live in action, which was how he learned best.
When he sees Sorrel again, he recognizes her, but doesn’t quite realize why at first. It takes a moment and then it clicks, and once it does, he sucks in a breath and finds the courage to speak with her. “You’re an interpreter, right? ASL...? I think I’ve seen you a few times.” He hopes he has the right person. “I’m actually learnin’ myself...”
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griefkept · 5 years
        @lighthouscd | starter call. ( for maphéist ) 
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              “ I wasn’t going to actually hurt them, ” Abel grumbled, though he was a man with a track record to prove otherwise. Fists unfold, arms crossing, a small shrug of his shoulders ; he was just doing what he thought he should. Maphéist had looked increasingly uncomfortable as the other had invaded his personal bubble, and Abel reacted like he usually did when a bad situation arose. By pulling out some sort of sharp object. A chisel, this time, and while not much can be done with a chisel, it must have looked dangerous enough. “ You were clearly in distress. I was just helping. ”
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astardead-a · 5 years
LIGHTER : my muse pulls out a lighter and lights it for your muse to use to light their cigarette. / from malik
meme / @lighthouscd
he saw the man doing the usual thing, feeling his pockets, looking for a lighter, but coming up empty. jack had one, hand digging into the pocket of his jacket to retrieve it, lighting it with a quick flick of his thumb and holding it closer for the other to use. “here...”
once the cigarette was sufficiently lit, jack let the flame flicker out and dropped the lighter back into his pocket with ease. “saw you over there before...” he nodded in the general direction that he had seen him. “doing that thing with your hands, you know... signing or whatever they fucking called it. that shit would be useful at shows sometimes. gets that loud, can’t hear for shit on stage.”
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epiitaphs · 5 years
lighthouscd replied to your post: “Oh, so now you wanna share?” / vic @ seb
well its rude to be THE WORST, sebastian
well i mean. can’t argue with that logic
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notimminent · 5 years
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@lighthouscd​ sent a meme that Shannon is too lazy to find because she wants to answer it and not lose motivation to write.
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    “ and further perpetuate the evil twin trope that seemed to just come out of nowhere that ever writer and their dog is calling new age and edgy? ”   the brunette huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she allows herself to sink further into the plush material of the couch behind her.   “ i miss when plot twists were actually twisty and showed hints leading to the reveal in the plot. i like connecting dots that have a satisfying conclusion, not things that are decided upon and implemented last minute with no lead up. it just all seems like cheap gimmicks for views to me. ”
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cybervigilant · 5 years
“Just breathe.” / from victor!
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Just breathe. Easier said than done as Elliot looked around frantically. He was trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings. Try to bring himself back to the present. Try to feel real again. It was disorientating and scary to say the least when you couldn’t remember who you were, how you got there. He wasn’t even really sure who was fronting completely. Sometimes it just felt like a sea of conflicting emotions and a lot of it was often anger. Right now it was just fear, his fear. And here was this man trying to help him, he must seem like a right mess. Elliot was doing his best to calm down, feet taking him back and forth as he paced, hand running across the shaved side of his head before he squeezed at his own bicep. Real. He felt at his face. Solid. He existed. He was here. He was present. Breathing came harshly and occasionally got stuck in his throat as a gasp but he was trying to focus on this stranger’s face, didn’t matter who he was. He might not have even been real either but it was something to focus on. “I’m -- trying.” 
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consultingsister-aa · 5 years
@lighthouscd said: “ easy they come, easy they go. ” / from grey
If wine made her giggly and vodka made her weepy, gin made her mellow. Finally, it might seem, she’s run out of energy. Around Grey especially, she plays up the little-sister role she is oh-so fond of; the annoying toddler on a sugar rush. He either finds it endearing or annoying but either way she’s pleased. But now that half the bottle of gin is gone, she’s settled herself down, looking oddly un-Cecelia. No heels in sight, she’s opted for jeans and a jumper. 
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She’s been tenderly prodding and prying all evening; finding her sweet spot. How to get Grey to open up, without scaring him back into his protective shell? It’s a lot of give and take, she’s had to admit some rather private feelings herself so not to make him feel like he’s the only one in the spotlight. “Not me,” she rebukes, “I’m impossible to get rid of, just try.” 
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entitaem · 5 years
starter for @lighthouscd from juliet for grey
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“This is something that would benefit a lot of people,” Juliet says, pushing a folder across the desk to the clerk. It has a decent weight to it. “Accessibility is about safety. I can give you more information, walk the owner through everything. “Your gym has a great reputation for training paralympic athletes, but there aren’t accessible showers or bathrooms in the locker rooms.” She fishes her card out of her bag, leaning her cane against the front desk. “Here,” Juliet offers, “please give the owner this, and have him give me a call.”
She leaves the desk, still in her workout clothes. She had worn shorts to film her workout (leg day, singular) and had tried to see the owner but he hadn’t been in and waiting meant she’d cooled off and was glad she’d put her hoodie on because her bare leg is cold enough to have goosebumps. The right side isn’t cold with a compression sock over her stump, and her thigh is always warm in the prosthetic anyway. When she heads toward the locker room she passes the weightroom and pauses. 
There’s a man with two prosthetics below the knee. She doesn’t mean to stare but seeing someone like her always makes her feel a little better about herself. Her own prosthetic has a cover on it, that matches her outfit in colour and pattern, which had been gifted to her by a brand she’s representing. Catching herself, she runs a hand over her hair and offers a sheepish wave before pretend to look over the selection in the vending machine.
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♖ : Having their hair washed by your muse / grey
She let the water burn her, too hot to really stand. It felt better that way, that it might actually wash off more than the dirt she was covered with. Maybe it could so something for her soul too, if she wasn’t already hopeless.
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Her hands scratched at her skin, trying desperately to remove something only she could see before Grey appeared.
     “ Don’t-” He stood in the bathroom doorway, leaning against he door frame as he watched her. No doubt expecting to be either fucked senseless or beaten the hell out of. Maybe both. “Not tonight. I don’t have anything left.”
He pulled his shirt over his head in one move, showing his inked body before he reached for his zipper. For a moment Alex debated arguing with him- although the thought of it made her hair stand on end. She had been destructive enough for one day. She needed to wash the blood off, bury the memories somewhere they couldn’t resurface and let her body reset. Sleeping was a fools endeavor, but she could lie awake staring at her ceiling for a few hours till daylight came.
Before she had time to argue with him, he gently placed his hands on her hips, his forehead resting against hers. Without words.
A silent comfort.
Alex was thankful, the tears rolling down her cheeks could fade straight into the warm water of the shower. People didn’t see her cry. At least for real. Sure, she could turn it on like a tap at a moments notice but that was just a ready supply of crocodile tears. This was unguarded, and uncontrolled.
Her real personal space.
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     “ You should go, I’m going to be awful company.”
He still said nothing, as his hands reached for the bottle of shampoo. Alex swallowed, letting him take control for once. She didn’t need to think, if only for this moment.
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foxymuses · 5 years
> what do u do when u like a girl? set her on fire? / aster @ sirius
> are you asking for advice or is this an interrogation?> for the record, it was an accident
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fullofvoices · 5 years
( @lighthouscd​ / Grey liked for a Reilly & gets Sparrow )
       On nights like these, she reviews all the decisions that led her to that place and how different her life would be if she didn’t have to dance for such disgusting assholes. Most nights, she didn’t mind it. Hell, sometimes she even enjoyed herself, but not tonight. Not after one nasty idiot decided he wanted to take the liberty of pawing at her. Thankfully, though, the bouncer had been there and prevented the creep from grabbing more of her and for that, Sparrow’s incredibly thankful.
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Picking up a whiskey at the bar, she wanders over to Grey, a little nervous, but feeling more ashamed than anything else. “Hey,” she announces herself and offers him the glass, smiling a little. “Just wanted to thank you for wrangling that jackass earlier. I know it’s your job and all, but you kept it from being a thousand times worse.”
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astardead-a · 5 years
❝ what are you playing at ? ❞ / from grey
meme / @lighthouscd
he should know better, but when there was someone between jack and his next drink, it didn’t take long for his mood to turn foul. “just need to be fucking let in.” he was slurring, already halfway gone, a hand on the wall to keep himself propped up and steady as he could be on his feet. “is it that hard to step out of the way and let me in? think it fucking should be.”
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epiitaphs · 5 years
“Oh, so now you wanna share?” / vic @ seb
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“Shut up.” There wasn’t too much malice there, really. Just the usual muttered annoyance that Victor was probably used to enough that he could ignore. “Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to look a gift horse in the mouth?”
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