#my shep sits the same damn way I always do lol
milkywayes · 6 months
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(they're both texting garrus.) ro shepard belongs to @gammaraydeath 🖤
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"Tell me" prompt for Joker and Fem Shep please? ^w^
Tell Me - Joker x FShepard
Leave a “Tell Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about one character confessing something to another [be it a love confession, a secret, feel free to specify.]
So since you said FemShep I’m going to use my femShep if you don’t mind lol I might do some more editing tommorow…I’m kinda rusty with writing lol 
Cerberus had rebuilt her from nothing more than a slab of meat. A bloody terrorist organization by all accounts. She growled in frustration as she thought about it, and leaned forward to rest her hands on her desk.  The raven haired woman could feel her biotics flaring up slightly, emitting a light blue glow. She hated Cerberus but she knew that they were in the right in this situation. Human colonists were going missing left and right and no one seemed to want to do a damned thing, not even the damned Alliance. It frustrated her beyond belief that they were so blinded.
“Damned Alliance…damned Council..” she muttered.
Sydney Shepard. Saviour of the Citadel was now looked down upon as some sort of criminal. Even though she had the Council’s support, she could see in their eyes that they didn’t fully trust her, despite the fact that she had saved their sorry asses from ultimate doom. Had it been any of their people who were being taken, an investigation would have been conducted immediately. Despite the progress that humanity had made, they were still seen as second grade. Now she was forced to surround herself by strangers, on a mere replica of the original Normandy. It wasn’t the same. To top it off it brought up painful memories she would have rather have forgotten.
Yet still one thing did remain. Joker. Well two, given that Chakwas was also there as well. Shepard considered Chakwas to be like a mother to her. Still, Joker had become her best friend throughout the time they spent together on the Normandy. He provided that extra kick that she needed. He didn’t sugar coat things or kiss up to her as many others had tried to. It was a breath of fresh air. If she only had Chambers to talk to, she might have considered throwing herself out the airlock to escape. Yet every time she thought of her pilot, her heart seemed to fasten it’s pace no matter how hard she tried to calm it. He never failed to put a smile on her face.
EDI’s voice broke through her reverie and made her slightly jump in surprise.
“Commander, Jeff Moreau requests to enter your quarters”
“Oh…Let him in EDI.” she put down her datapad as Jeff hobbled through the door.
“Heyyyy Commander. Wow…Nice… place” he looked around at the commander’s quarters. It was pretty spacious and pretty fancy with the fish tank built into it. Though where the hell were the fish? He wondered. Kinda creepy.
Sydney smiled “It is pretty nice huh? Definitely an improvement from the drab Alliance bunk I was given back in the old Normandy….But I swear if I find cameras around this room I’m out”
Joker let out a snort and smirked “Wouldn’t that be something…Get you here just to make a Commander Shepard porno. Though that would be pretty stupid… I doubt they would want to piss off a powerful biotic while in a ship…You’d tear them apart…Possibly the ship with it…But please don’t wreck my baby. She fits me like a glove”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms around her chest. “I won’t mess with your baby. Though I can’t promise I won’t be using the airlock to dispose of some garbage at some point…especially a certain redhead…”
“Welp, just make sure the bodies don’t hit the Normandy. Blood stains are a bitch to get out”
Jeff watched her as she smiled and giggled. To him it was the most beautiful thing in the world. He felt cheesy for even thinking about it, but he couldn’t help it. For two years that smile had haunted his dreams. It was his fault that she had died, and that now they were in this position. He knew she didn’t like this, but knew it was necessary.
When he had found out that Syd was alive, he hadn’t believed it. He had thought that someone was playing a very cruel joke on him and he had the urge to punch them in the face. Mind you, he’d probably break his arm, but it would have been worth it for the level of assholery it would have taken to make a joke like that. He was an ass but even he wouldn’t go that far. He had even yelled at Miranda when she first brought the information to him. Jeff hardly ever got angry enough to yell, but he had felt broken at that point. He felt like he had lost everything.
When he saw her face in person for the first time after he revival, seeing the joy written on her face when she saw him, he was awestruck. It really had been her, and not only that, but she wasn’t angry with him? It almost seemed too good to be true, but there it was. He still believed he deserved her anger. If he hadn’t have been so stubborn they would have both made it out alive.
“Jeff…?” her soft voice called out to him, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Are you alright?”
“Oh uh…ya uh…sorry…Just thinking…”
“Try not to hurt yourself with that” she smirked.
“Har har har”
“Really though…what’s on your mind?” she tilted her head, watching him curiously. Her soft brown hues staring into his with concern. She always had been a great listener, never judging him. Well, much. She knew what he really needed, even if it was silent support with just sitting near him. He loved that she never pitied him. He had grown so accustomed to people being assholes that he had come to expect it from everyone. Got to shield himself somehow. Why not with sarcasm and humour?
“I just…Shit…I’m not good with this crap but uh…I need to come out with it…Why aren’t you angry with me? Or even hit me for crying out loud. Why?”
“Hit you…? Why would I do that..?” she said with a confused look spread across her face.
“Because..you know…everything that’s happened…I was…I was a stubborn ass and didn’t leave the Normandy when I should’ve and I got you killed. That’s why. To me you should have biotically wrecked my ass the moment you came back…” he frowned and looked away. He never stopped blaming himself and went many a night with thoughts swirling in his head and his heart hurting from the guilt. He had wished that it had been him that went down with the ship that day. He was replaceable. She was not.
A soft hand caressed his face gently and turned his face to look at her, her eyes filled with hurt that he would feel this way.
“Jeff…please don’t ever say that…You don’t deserve pain…I would go through that a thousand times to save you…You matter Jeff…”
“Pfft I’m no Commander Shepard. I’m just some Cripple Pilot who happened to impress a few people. Nothing special…”
A slight frown spread across her face and she flicked his nose.
“Oi! What was that for?” he looked at her in confusion.
“For being a donut” she skipped over to her bed and sat down, thinking that it’d probably be more comfortable for him there. Patting the spot beside her, she waits to speak more until he is sat down beside her. “You know I couldn’t have gotten through this without you right? All those times where we were in a tough spot and you made the impossible getaways? That was all you. You made the absolute impossible drop on freaking Ilos! It wasn’t even supposed to be possible! But you did it and made it possible for us to get there and therefore defeat Saren. You were also the one who did alot of work to take out Sovereign. Any other ship would’ve been destroyed by something like that. So don’t you say that you are nothing alright? That’s just bullshit”
He stared at her for a moment, blinking his eyes slightly in disbelief at the level of praise he was receiving from her. Sure, he knew that she thought highly of him, but she said it with such passion and determination that warmed his heart.
His eyes were slightly damp, holding back the tears that threaten to spill. This woman in front of him seem to care so much about him, and truly believed in him. There was no form of pity or deceit in her eyes. All that was there was admiration and a sadness that he would speak so lowly of himself.
“But…I..I’m just…”
“Just what?” she pouted “Just the best damn pilot in the damn galaxy? Just the most sarcastic and witty man I have ever met? Just the man that I love–” she looked shocked that she had made such a revelation, but there was no question that she truly felt that way. “That I love…” she whispered once again, no hesitation in her voice.
Leaning in slowly, she tested the waters with a small chaste kiss to his lips. It was a small, quick kiss, but it still made her feel a slight tingle in her body. When she pulled back, her chocolate orbs searched his for any sense of hesitation or indication that she had made a mistake. Yet soon the pilot himself wrapped his arms gently around her waist to bring her closer, claiming her lips with his in a sweet and tender kiss that made her feel as if her whole body was a live wire. The beating of their hearts synchronized as they held each other, while they tasted each other and while they melded with one another. With eyes closed they took in the pleasure of their other senses and the warmth that radiated from the other. Jeff could feel the slight tingle of her biotics flaring, but not an uncomfortable feeling, but rather a comfortable warmth that encompassed him. It was a feeling he was unfamiliar with, but could definitely get used to.
It was hard to believe that the great Commander Shepard could be so gentle when she literally could kick a krogan into the sky. She was badass, beautiful, kind and just absolutely amazing to him.
When they pulled back from each other, they stared into each other’s eyes, an incredulous look on both of their faces. Neither one could believe what just happened, yet no regret was present. A bright smile dawned on her face, one that made Joker’s heart leap and his eyes wandered around her face which was surrounded by her dark raven locks which cascaded down her back. He admired her deep rich brown eyes, that held fire and life within them, her cheeks decorated with a soft pink of blush and soft tiny freckles across her cheek bones. Normally he’d have something to say, whether it was a joke, sarcastic remark or just plain old rambling, but in this moment he was completely speechless.
Noticing his lingering gaze upon her she giggled shyly and rested her forehead to his chest to hide the ever growing blush. The commander shy? Jeff had never seen her in such a state.
“So cute…” he muttered under his breath at the shy display that his normally confident boss was now showing. It made him feel good that she trusted him enough to show her more vulnerable side.
“Don’t…tease me…That’s an order…” she grumbled, still hiding her face but slightly peaked up at him.
“Sorry Commander…gonna have to disobey…You can punish me later all you want. However you want~~” he slightly purred and gave her a devious wink.
“You!! You are incorrigible!” she laughed.
“But you love me!” he wiggled his eyebrows.
She shook her head with a smile “Yes…yes I do…” the short female looked up at him with a soft gaze.
“I love you too…” he said in a soft voice before he kissed her softly once again. “But…what about my…condition? You don’t mind?”
A gentle hand made its way to his bearded cheek. “Have I ever given the slightest indication that I minded?”
“Well no…but people tend to ya know. Save it for behind people’s backs. People just looveeee to gossip” he rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.
“Well…I’m not those people. Your condition doesn’t define who you are. It means you have to be more careful but it doesn’t make you weak. You make the best of your condition and have surpassed those without your circumstances…And even if you hadn’t…you are you…And..I fell for the man… not your abilities…Sorry if that uh…sounded cheesy or anything…I uh…I’m a bit of a dork…”
“Nooooooo really?” he rolled his eyes but then faced her scowl. Normally her scowl would’ve been terrifying, but in this moment she looked more like an angry little chipmunk, which only made him laugh harder. “I’m kidding I’m kidding. Don’t hurt me. I’m fragile” He put his hands up in surrender.
“Hmmm…fine…but on one condition”
“Oh? Making demands huh? Everyone alwayssss wants somethin don’t they. What is it, babe?” he smirked.
“Well uh…ilovelotsofhugsok”
“What was that, m’am? Didn’t quite catch that”
“Hug me dammit!”
He let out the heartiest laugh ever before wrapping his arms around her. “I guess that can be arranged…”
A few minutes of peaceful silence fell upon them before Joker broke the silence once again.
“You know…This could be considered abuse of power…”
“Shut up, Moreau. You’re ruining the moment” she flicked his forehead.
“You don’t do this with everyone to get hugs do you?”
“No you dummy”
“Not even Chambers”
“Right. Shutting up…Now…”
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fictionalabyss · 6 years
My first comic con experience.
I first posted this Saturday, but it was incomplete. Tumblr mobile deleted HALF of what I had written / edited, and posted just the rough first draft that was incomplete. Rude. And  while I said I would re-do it yesterday, I didn’t and I’m sorry.
I was drained and exhausted by the time I got home Saturday, but I had a good time.
I got three autographs!
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Caitlin Glass, aka Winry. She was  so sweet and happy to be there, and chatting with everyone.
We were chatted up by a girl in Caitlin’s line, Pat jokingly reffered to her as a “con crazy” but she was very sweet and kept us laughing.  We enjoyed her company. She was just super excited and was working on an anime poster that would get 50+ autos. She’s been going to cons and collecting autos for something like 15 years, and it was really genuinely nice having her in my first auto line to help ease my anxiety. So to the girl who kept joking about people taking too long and then took long herself, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You helped make my morning awesome, and you honestly helped shape my first con experience into a good one. I hope to run into you again.
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Next, we saw Mark.
I bought this Pop at the con just  for him to sign. He was all about laughs. He saw my post it that said simply ‘Mel’ and started asking what it was short for.  When I didn’t answer quick enough, he started to guess. I expected Melanie to be his first, but it wasn’t. “Is Mel for Melon?” I chuckled and shook my head. “What then? Melange?”
Pat  was laughing behind me and Mark seemed amused, so I kind of laughed and said “No, nothing that original.” When he asked again, I replied with “Mellissa. See, unoriginal.”
Before we walked away, he reached out for my hand, said it was lovely to meet me and thanked me for coming to see him. Then he turned to Pat, and did the same.
Mark was 100% there for the fans. To meet them, talk to them, and being around him is so utterly refreshing that I’m so glad I went. Next time, I’m at least getting a selfie. No excuses. In hind sight, because we left early, I had 115$ left over, so I could have, but since we were expecting to be there the whole day, and we were expecting to do more, and pat paid for a few things, I wasn’t expecting to have that extra money, or I WOULD have gotten a picture.
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Last  auto, was David Duchovny
I paid 100$ to have a panic attack in a lineup. Luckily, I was able to stick it out and get the auto. Also luckily I had a VIP ticket, so the line I was in went really fast.
Due to my panic attack tho, I just wanted to get in and out. One of the girls in front of me saw me in distress and  reminded me to take deep breaths, and Pat pushed his way back into the line to get to me (he had left to go sit because his knees were bad from standing in that line for so long).
The people David had working with him were very kind. They helped keep the line moving quickly, but were also polite and chatty. You didn’t feel like you were being pushed along as quickly as possible, it was very smooth. By the time I reached David though, I was still shaking, still having heart palpitations, and he was distracted by the girl ahead of me, the one who reminded me to breath. He signed my picture barely even glancing at me, I didn’t get a hello or anything, and honestly, I was oddly thankful for it. I just wanted to get outside and away from people. He wasn’t a dick or anything, he was talking to people and seemed just as nice as the other two people i’d seen, he was chatting to the girl ahead of me about a possible mutual friend or something, so he must be nice, right?
Honestly, I really am very glad he was distracted come my turn, because I don’t want my first impression to a guy I’ve had a celeb crush on for 25+ years to be me puking on him ROFL.  I didn’t puke, but probably only because I got out of there fast lol.
If he comes back, I’m totes seeing him again and getting a pic. He is divine (insert heart eyes here)
Up next, Mark Shep’s Q&A
After a quick rush to the least crowded bathroom I  could find, We hurried  upstairs to see Mark again! And holding VIP tickets, we were like 5th in line to get in. And that means..
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I’m so glad you guys helped me to get here. I went in, still shaking, still with chest pains, still not 100%, and Mark is just so god damn refreshing that by the time I left, I felt fine.
I hope this Q&A is up on youtube, because it should be.
He joked around, making fun of our version of french and the accents he heard. When asked what was worse, the fiery pits of damnation in hell, or the Montreal heat wave, he answered with how disgusting our heat wave had been. Poor Mark got to town on Thursday, our worst day, but luckily the last one.
And while it might not be the intention, I was getting the impression that people wanted Mark to be bitter about how he left the show. Or maybe dish about how this theory or that was correct. But it was simple, and he spoke honestly, and fondly about his experiences with both SPN, the cast, and Creation.
He spoke fondly of working with friends, watching them grow from boys, to immature men, to seriously married with kids. He joked about the “angel that annoyed him” but all the amazing work that Misha does and how the ‘spn family’ makes it happen. How proud he is of the change it puts out into the world one bit at a time. He spoke about how his supernatural experience changed his life for the better in so many ways.
When it came to Creation, he talked about how he wanted to see more places (like Montreal) but Creation always had said no. He wanted to meet more fans, wanted to give everyone a chance to see them. Instead of the same cities every single year and only those cities, he believed they should be visiting different places. And he didn’t believe they should be charging more and offering less time. But even them he spoke so fondly of, and mentioned how despite his feelings of those two aspects, Creation was good to him for years. He does this for us, for the fans, to meet us and talk to us. It’s why he prefers local cons that won’t cost an arm and a leg to attend. And after my own experience with him for just a moment, I know this to be true.
He talked about his favorite SPN episode, the end of season 8. He practically got a standing ovation when he mentioned that the writers wasted so much potential with Demon Dean and how that went. He talked about (and I fully agreed) how it seemed to go downhill with seasons 11 &12, where Crowley was almost dumbed down and left eating peanuts by a bar, and he was written into a corner. 
I was sad his Q&A was only 45 minutes, because I could listen to that man talk for hours. About anything and nothing at all. He strolled through the crowd, he hugged people, he joked with people, he high fived a kid who was laying on the floor watching something on a tablet.
Mark is just so genuine and real. And I highly enjoyed my time there in his presence. I told pat, if he comes back, We’re going VIP again, just for him.
In short, if Mark comes to a con near you, IT’S WORTH THE MONEY. 110% worth every cent spent.
And I will be going to more cons, but maybe not planning for the whole day, because we bought those X-File event tickets, and ended up not attending. But I still have those tickets as a souvenir. A reminder of the massive accomplishment that was me attending a con, and how far I’ve come with handling my anxiety, but also a reminder that there’s more work to do. Because if there ever is another X-Files event, I’m fucking going.
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gemini75eeyore · 8 years
CRAZY LOVE Chapter 8
Char: Jensen, Reader, Jared Mentioned: Kristen (AC) (past love), Tom, Shep
Word Count: 1929
Warning: previous death, broken/depressed Jensen mentioned
Chapter 8
When you woke up it was after 6 pm, you were feeling hungry so you decided to make some tacos. After you ate, you cleaned up your mess and washed the dishes. You don't like to let anything sit in the sink dirty. Then you grabbed your laptop to see if Jensen had messaged you. You saw that he did.
"Hey sweetheart, I just wanted to say hi. Jay" You smiled to yourself that he just wanted to say hi. He is really sweet. You really can't wait to see him again. You are thinking about maybe video chatting again.
"Hi, sweetheart! I'm home and I took a nap. :)" You say then you close your IM window. You open the window to watch "True Blood".
Jensen is at the Padaleckis' for dinner that they always do right before they head back to Vancouver. Fri is dinner night, Sat is cookout/bonfire, and Sun is Sunday breakfast/Family day. Jensen goes to his parents or his sister's house on Sun. Jensen didn't want to miss you messaging him so he made sure that his IM messenger was set up on his phone. When he got the notification that he had a message, he got a huge grin on his face and Jared looked at him with a curious look. When Jensen said, "Excuse me, I'll be back in a few minutes," Jared knew that he must have got a message from you as that was the same grin he got when Jared said your name. Jared says, "Excuse me" and goes to see where Jensen went. He wants to know what's going on. He's certain that Jensen is falling for you because he hasn't seen him act that way about anyone for years. The last time he saw Jensen act this way was when he was seeing Kristen. Jensen was torn up when Kristen died from a brain hemorrhage while behind the wheel. She woke up with a headache. She called Jensen and told him that she had a headache. She told him that she was going to go to the drug store to get some Tylenol. She never made it to the drug store as she hit a tree head on. She was killed on impact. The autopsy showed she had a blood clot on her brain that burst that caused a hemorrhage which caused the accident. Jensen found out the next morning and it tore him up. He was broken. He became very depressed and struggled to focus on anything except his job. His job and Jared were the only things that helped him get through it. He thought he could never fall for someone else again. Jared knew how Kristen's death broke Jensen. Jared is so happy to see Jensen happy again. He knows that when Jensen gives his heart to someone that he gives it all. Jared doesn't want Jensen to go through any more heartache.
You get notice of an IM message and pause "True Blood" knowing that it's probably Jensen.
"Hey, there sweetheart! Did you have a nice nap, lol? :) Jay"
"Hey, Jay :) Yes and apparently I needed it, lol, " You say smiling at him calling you sweetheart again. "I'm at Jared's but I wanted to let you know that I have my IM messenger on my phone so we can still chat! :) Jay"
"That's great! I don't want to keep you from visiting so you can message me later if you want. :)" You don't want him to feel pressure to chat when he's around others. You don't want to occupy him.
"It's fine. I will message you later, sweetheart. :) Jay"
"Ok ttyl, sweety. :)" You close your IM window and begin watching "True Blood" again.
It was now about 10:30 pm and Jensen was driving home. He decided to shower and get ready for bed then message you. He was tired from playing with the boys but he told you he would message you and he really did want at the very least tell you good night. After his shower, he sent you, "Hey sweetheart, I don't know if you're still up but I just wanted to say good night if you were asleep but if you're not then I would like to chat more. Jay" You saw that he messaged you and of course, you wanted to chat more too.
"Hey sweety, I'm still awake thanks to my nap earlier lol." You say smiling.
"I'm tired because of Tom and Shep but I will always be happy to talk to you as long as I can keep my eyes open, sweetheart. :) Jay"
"Awww, I love that you want to talk to me but I don't want you to loose sleep over it, lol," You say smiling sweetly.
"It's fine, honey. I really would rather talk to you. :) Jay" You get rather flustered and bright red with happiness as he just called you honey. Maybe Jensen has feelings for you. You have always loved him like most fangirls but now talking to him you're feelings are deepening and growing into more than a fangirl crush.
"Awww, you are the SWEETEST!!! I really love talking to you!! Jay, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to video chat for a couple minutes as I would love to see your face again?" You're so nervous but you really want to see him.
"Sure babe. 1 second while I turn on a light. BRB :) Jay" Now he just called you babe so you think that it's a safe bet that he has some kind of feelings for you.
"Ok honey :)" You reply smiling. Jensen comes back, reads what you sent, and smiles. He clicks the video request still smiling and you accept. You think to yourself 'How can this beautiful gorgeous man be interested in me'. You're smiling at him but you don't speak. Jensen says "Hey there, babe," You could hear him but you just smiled really big back at him for a moment then you said, "Hey sweety". That was all you could muster to say as your voice wasn't working again. Jensen smiled really big and then he did something that shocked you but also sent the warmest, loving feeling through you. He puckered up and blew you a kiss. Your face got bright red and he could see it then he smiled a big sweet smile. After a couple seconds, you gave him a bashful smile and blew him a kiss back. He acted as though he caught it then pressed it to his lips. Oh, how you wished that it was really your lips touching his lips. He licked his lips like he does so often and you just about lost it. You typed "So is there something you want to tell me or ask me, babe? :)" you send it and smile at him.
Jensen smiled back and then read your message. It was his turn to turn bright red. He smiles again and then he gets this look of what should I say. Do I tell her that I'm interested in more than just singing with her and is she interested as well? He decides to just type it and hope that you're interested in him too.
"Well I don't want to scare you off but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we sang together. You have been on my mind every day ever since. I haven't felt this way or thought about someone like this in years. I want to know more about you and I want to spend as much time as I can getting to know you. You are so beautiful. I hope I didn't scare you or overwhelm you with this and I'm hoping you feel the same. :) Jay"
You watched him looking down at his keyboard as he typed and was wondering what he was typing. When he sent it, he looked into the camera and smiled with his eyes at you. You read what he typed and couldn't believe what you read. Your eyes started filling up with tears as your body just heated up with happiness. You couldn't believe that the most beautiful gorgeous man you've ever seen was interested in you. You smiled so big and decided to blow him another kiss while a tear streamed down your cheek. Jensen looked at you and blew you a kiss but then asked why you were crying. You couldn't speak so you had to type.
"The tears are because of how happy and warm you made me feel. Jensen, you are the most beautiful gorgeous man I have ever seen. I never in a million years would have thought that you would be interested in me. Yes, I would love to get to know you better and spend as much time together as possible. :)" You smiled at him again as you pressed send. You were so happy that you asked him and he told you how he felt.
'You have made me so happy!!!' Jensen says 'I want to swap numbers so we can talk on the phone so I can hear your voice more often.' Jensen smiled. 'I would love that Jay!' You were actually able to say a complete sentence. You gave him your # and he gave you his. You sent him a quick text to make sure that you saved it correctly 'Hey Jay just making sure I saved your # right' then you pressed send. He texted you back 'Yes, babe I got it XOXO!' You blew each other another kiss. You could see that he was really getting sleepy so you said 'Hey babe, we can talk tomorrow if you're not busy. I'm off. I can see that you're fighting to stay awake.' He yawned and said 'ok babe, I'll call you tomorrow' then you both smiled, said good night then closed your IM window.
You sat back as you continued smiling knowing that Jensen wants to get to know you. It just warms you all over. You weren't tired enough to go to sleep right now so you decided that you would rather watch a movie instead of continuing to watch "True Blood" tonight. You go through your DVDs and find Sleepless in Seattle. You put it in and start it as you haven't watched it in years but it felt like the perfect movie since you and Jensen have only been talking online and haven't actually spent time together. You doze off about 3/4's of the way through.
When you woke up, you realized it's already 10:00 am. When you look at your phone you realize you missed Jensen's call. He called you about 9 am. You couldn't believe you slept so late. 'Damn nap' you thought to yourself. You decided to text him in case he was somewhere that he couldn't talk. "Hey babe, I'm so sorry I missed your call. I must have been more tired than I thought since I just woke up. You can call me when you can talk." You took your phone with you to the kitchen to get a drink of water. You didn't want to miss his call so you kept your phone with you. Jensen sent you a text 'I'm heading to Jared's for a BBQ in a few minutes. I will call you soon. I miss talking to you already XOXOXO. TTYS babe' You replied 'Ok babe I'll talk to you then XOXOXO' You love being able to text him now but you would rather hear his voice.
Tags: @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms, @crowleysplaythings, @avasmommy224, @atc74, @teamfreewill-imagine, @bringmesomepie, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog, @riversong-sam, @impala-dreamer, @impalaimagining, @haseaufdrogen, @dancingalone21, @hollygopossum, @redhead95, @zoeb86, @hellkat2@catackles16, @frenchybell, @frickfracklesackles, @jalove-wecallhimdean, @ruined-by-destiel, @spn-fan-girl-173, @katnharper, @ddubstepp1009, @curliesallovertheplace, @papizota, @apacik, @stray0cat, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @deansleather, @m5awesomesauce, @cheezbot, @moonstonrmystyk, @donnaintx, @the-great-irene, @dorky-and-i-know-it, @nothin-after-79, @demonangelimpala, @thamiagiarraidhbriosgaid, @emilydank, @mrs-squirrel-chester, @madiisaurusrex, @mamapeterson
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