#my somnus ♥♥♥
lacrymoon · 2 years
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Stay where you are
I finally like the shape I made for Lelutka EvoX Tae head. I think he's cute ^^
I really love Tae!! It quickly became one of my favorite mesh heads because his face looks so much softer than the other ones I have. Honestly, I think it's the one with the softest look so far and that's what I've always wanted for Ren* so it makes my heart happy.
I already do have a lot of male face skins in my inventory, but I ended up using the face skin that comes with the head. I really loved the eyelid detail on this skin, so I don't think I'll be switching to a different face skin for a while.
I sure hope I can find other skins with a similar eyelid in the future though!
Tae also comes with fox ears that are incredibly cute!! There are various EvoX layers in the pack that you can use to change the color of the ears, including fluff textures for inside the ears. The layers are all modifiable so you can tint them to your heart's desire. ♥
* Ren is the male version of Lacry, by the way, and is not an alt. I don't have the L$ to shop for an alt lol.
♡ Lacry
+ better quality pictures on Flickr! 1, 2 | wordpress post
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bonus pics that I didn’t upload to flickr!
※ Credits ※
LeLutka Tae EvoX 3.1 head + Legacy M body v1.5.1
LeLutka - Tae Face 003 (the default skin that comes with the Tae head. I loved the eyelid detail on the skin so I wanted to use it)
LeLutka - Tae Fox ears + EvoX fluff (comes with Tae head)
Stray Dog - Legacy Body Skin (Shaved) in Tone 03 (@ mainstore)
Tristan Flinders - Linea L scar in Pale (group gift)
Aii & Ego's Hair Hell - Eclipse BoM Hairstyle (@ mainstore)
Toksik - Isolate Top in Dragon (@ mainstore)
Toksik - Isolate Pants in Black (@ mainstore)
DAE - Natural Nails (@ mainstore)
This Is Wrong - Restless tattoo + shine in Red Fresh (@ mainstore)
Somnus - Spider Demon Eyes in Rui’s Eye Kanji and Rui’s Eye 02 (available at the marketplace)
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wilsons-journey · 2 years
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🚫 Don't repost or use my Artwork without my permission. NO NFT / NO AI! 🚫
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#myArt - Displays art I made #wip - for WIPs of Art #askTheCrew - shows all ask / prompt related post Nametags:
>>> See also “The Cast”, for more information
Valefor and Kying Masterpost Story summary
- - - This Blog is also open for Role Play - just drop in an ask for Wilson or her Friends in the >>> Ask Box I’ll answer with a small doodle :> - - -
I’m from germany - so english is not my native language. But I try my best! My GW2 Handle is  Nektarius.1472 (EU) // Wilson.3184 (NA). I also have discord: wilsonsjourney 
You can also find me here: https://nektarius.carrd.co/ My Main Tumblr Account is @wilson-van-nektarius
--- Pagedoll by @scrumpygoat ♥ // Avatar by @astralarias​ ♥​
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wentian · 5 years
Favorite Male Character
Ravus Nox Fleuret
Favorite Female Character
I’d die for Lunafreya from Kingsglaive. The moon of my life, my brave princess, my love ♥
Least Favorite Character
I wish Somnus to burn in hell, thanks. The Astrals can join him there.
Favorite Ship
I think Ravus & Ignis would make a pretty badass power couple ♥ Luna & Nyx are my favs as well here ♥
Favorite Friendship
I’m not original here, so the chocobros :D I’d also love friendship between Noct & Luna, but… “Star-crossed lovers” *mockingSpongeBob.jpg*
Favorite Quote
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Worst Character Death (if any)
Lunafreya deserved better
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
Verse 2 ending
Saddest Moment
Ravus crying over Luna’s body, I think. Well, honestly, post-Altissia & the original ending are one big sad moment
Favorite Location
Insomnia & The Myrlwood
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birthbyfantasy · 8 years
Tagged by @radiantgarden​ and @gladiolvs​ thanks! ♥
a. - age: 20 b. - biggest fear: failure and dying I guess c. - current time: 0:45 am d. - drink you last had: Orange Kas e. - everyday starts with: pain and laziness, depending on the day I wake up between 11:10am amd 7:24am (weekdays, I usually wake up at 2pm on weekends) f. - favorite song: don’t really have one, but I’ve been listening a lot to Ardyn II, Hydraean’s Wrath, Hellfire, Magna Insomnia, Somnus and Somnus Ultima g. - ghosts, are they real: maybe, haven’t seen one u kno h. - hometown: Pamplona i. - in love with: idk j. - jealous of: People who can get tattoos because I can’t orz k. - killed someone: Yeah, a lot of npcs in games, what did you think? l. - last time you cried: Yesterday while playing Kingdom Hearts 2.8 because feels and nostalgia (it’s been almos 5 years since I’ve played one (unchained doesn’t count)) m. - middle name: Don’t have one n. - number of siblings: 1 o. - one wish: Idk, get a job that I like that allows me to live comfortably with no worries. p. - person i last called/texted: My bf q. - question you’re always asked: idk r. - reason to smile: my cat, my friends (irl and online) and videogames (tho they make me cry too) s. - song last sang: Somnus, recently t. - time you woke up: 8:55am u. - underwear color: black v. - vacation destination: I’d love to visit Japan some day. w. - worst habit: procrastinating ‘til last minute x. - x-rays you’ve had: My back y. - your favorite food: CAKE (chocolate, cheese, idk, I love sweet stuff) z. - zodiac: Capricorn
Tagging: @allora-the-booty-slayer @ryuko-hime @ocean-kun @icyykey and @zelchers only if you want to
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Well, this the end result of my Somnus :>c, he's a bit sad, I just imagined a scene where he would realize the feelings he has for his oracle ... something like: "Oh, no, I can not to feel what I feel for her ... ", that first moment of denial.
And then, every moment with her becomes more and more special that it is evident that he has fallen in love with her Oracle ...
Hahaha what drama ... well, as turbulent as I am :p
And this song to accompany that moment, with feelings of skin:
  ( Jesus! Now I can not stop laughing for a comment from a certain little person, a advice, if you don't want to ruin your own drawings, do not show them ahead of time to anyone X'DDDDD )
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Somnus , próximamente sólo en twitter y tumblr por VeroMaia ;D ♥♥♥
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Somnus por Vero Maia ;D ♥♥♥
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somnus-maya · 6 years
Somnis, “I can see u Ardyn... And i’m not happy...”
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Just a little temporary dementia before tomorrow see the FFXV special! 
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Hijos de la luz del cielo
♥♥♥ Somnus & Ardyn ♥♥♥
(Te amo Somnus! ♥3♥ )
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Somnus Lucis Caleum, The King Founder ♥♥♥ 
Ardyn Lucis Caelum, The Accursed ♥
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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My progress with my Somnus
Sé valiente mi corazón, podemos hacerlo! Es lo que me repito día a día para poder seguir avanzando n.n Pronto terminaré este dibujo de Somnus, que sinceramente él me gusta muchooooooooo! ♥3♥ Be brave my heart, we can do it! It is what I repeat every day to be able to continue advancing n.n Soon I will finish this drawing of Somnus, that I sincerely he like me a loooooooot! ♥3♥
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Well, lately I played Castlevania Symphony of the Night and God! I love this game with all my being! Alucard inspired me to create this Somnus, beautiful as a dark prince, there in his night, his kingdom, his domain XD sometimes I get intense with these things. I think that after all it has become my new obsession  we will see what happens I forgot that I did it too for Inktober! ;D .
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Who are you - Young Somnus Lucis Caelum FFXV
Well, my intention was to draw Somnus, Ardyn's brother but of course it did not look like him, I tried, I really tried, I know, it's a crime against the real Somnus, I'm so sorry X'D That's why its name is "who are you?"
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somnus-maya · 6 years
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Rey Somnus
Ta-daaaaaa! XD de nuevo, otra vez yo atacando con mi Somnus, no sé por qué pero presiento que me voy a enamorar de él, si es como creo que es, él será el sueño de toda mujer pisciana :'D ♥♥♥ Y hablando del dibujo, bueno, se parece más a Jesus o Rasputin o peor aún, como me dijo mi hermana, un vagabundo XD , pero no me importa, lo mismo me decían de Ardyn, que parecía un alcohólico vagabundo y aún así lo amé, porque tengo que decirlo, ya no lo amo con la misma intensidad de antes X') Ta-daaaaaa! XD, again I'm attacking with my Somnus, I do not know why but I feel I'm going to fall in love with him, if he's how I think he will be, he will be the dream of every Piscean woman :'D ♥♥♥ And speaking of the drawing, well, it looks more like Jesus or Rasputin or worse, as my sister told me, a vagrant XD, but I do not care, the same they told me about Ardyn, who looked like an alcoholic vagabond and still loved him , because I have to say it, I do not love him with the same intensity as before X')
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