#my standards of cleanliness are clearly different from everyone else’s in this house which is just not a great situation to be in
camgoloud · 9 months
the unaffordability of one bedroom apartments in my area is something that can be so oppressive to me personally
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polss · 5 years
Political Swizzlestick: Seema Nanda and Tom Perez - DNC Heads - need to rid the DNC of its bullshit....Or get fired when the Dems lose to Trump.
As anyone who followed the train wreck that was the Iowa caucus knows, Tom Perez is the head of the DNC. 
Let me throw another name out for you. Seema Nanda is his boss, the CEO of the DNC. 
 And they are both on their way to helping Donald Trump get reelected. 
 How can I say such a hateful and unfair thing? 
Because it's neither hateful nor unfair. 
It's truthful. 
 In the 2016 election, the GOP and the DNC gave us two candidates that we hated more than any other candidates in the history of US elections that we've tracked. So we had an election where everyone in the liberal-leaning states voted their asses off against Donald Trump and everyone else in America voted their asses off against Hillary Clinton (and to a lesser degree against President Obama's economic policies, which most of us will admit we didn't particularly like.) 
It's now four years later. People in the liberal states who hated Donald Trump have four years of evidence showing that their hatred was justified. 
People in the conservative States and in the Swing states have seen Donald Trump address probably 80 to 90% of his campaign promises, far far far more than any previous Republican president. Republicans are on board , even most of the 2016 "never Trump" Republicans have realized that it's four years later and their skin has not been melted off by a nuclear disaster. They are on team Trump now. 
 So, what does that mean for the 2020 election? 
Well It means that again The Electoral College will decide the winner and victory will be dependent upon which candidate wins the Rust Belt states (as well as North Carolina and Virginia). 
Trump won those rustbelt States in 2016. While the DNC can probably count on Michigan moving back into the DNC column, There is no guarantee on the rest of the Rust Belt. 
Now Trump will have a few more votes as moderate Republicans realize they can tolerate Trump or just fall under the sway of Trumps continuous 4 year long disinformation campaign. 
It's no given that the Democrats can win. 
In the face of that, people who want to vote against Trump who aren't Democrats and don't believe in the ethics of the DNC, have just seen what appears to be an attempt by a candidate to steal the Iowa election. 
"Whoa! Whoa there!" you might say. "There is no evidence that Pete Buttigieg's people were cheating In Iowa and hope to cheat again in Nevada in that caucus!" 
Well, then, why did embattled DNC had Tom Perez call for a manual recount of Iowa's results? 
That action makes my point. He did it because there was the PERCEPTION of fraud that threatened to drive away non-reliable Democratic voters like myself.
Tom Perez is the replaceable COG of the DNC . He gets that. Calling for a recount Is something he can do. If Trump wins re-election, Perez will be gone. 
Nanda should be gone too but Perez is in the position that would certainly take the fall. 
Really in that instance anyone with over 20 years of experience working in the DNC in management should be removed. 
Why can I say such an unfair thing?
Because there is a culture of corruption in the Hillary and Bill era DNC operatives. That corruption needs to be scrubbed out. And at that point it would make a lot of sense to simply cut out the infected tissue, if the leadership cannot self-correct. 
Every action that the DNC leadership has taken over the years is designed to protect their ability to push down on the scales for one candidate over another that the public has chosen. 
When I cast my vote In a primary for a Democratic candidate, the DNC does not count my vote as one part of however many total votes are cast. 
That's a fuzzy statement. Let me explain this another way. 
I'm going to throw some numbers out there to keep the math easy. 
If I am one of 10,000 people who vote for a candidate in a state where 100,000 votes are cast. My candidate has gotten only 10% of the vote. AT BEST, my candidate will get 10% of however many delegates the DNC has assigned to the state. I could be in a state with a population of say 3 million people that tends to vote Democrat in the general election. 
 My neighboring state also has 3 million people in it, but may always vote Republican in the general election. Given that the GOP dominates that state, Democratic turnout is always low because they have no ability to affect government. They have 50,000 people who turn out and vote in the Democratic primary. The candidate I hate gets 10,000 of those votes in that state (20%).
With fewer people supporting that candidate, that candidate is likely to get more delegates.... possibly twice as many. 
That is an unfair system. 
And it gets even more unfair. The DNC weights the system to cheat for the leading vote getters.
Many/Most/all? state democratic primaries and caucuses have rules about “viability” of candidates.  Google your state’s primary or caucus and read the rules.  Basically if your candidate earns less that 15% in a certain region of the state, they are considered unviable in that region and barring a change are mostly inelegible to secure actual delegates using the votes placed in that region. It’s like those votes were never counted.
If it is a caucus state (an entirely deeper level of clusterfuck) you and your fellow participants are actually told you need to vote for another candidate or not have a voice at all.
The candidates who are viable in various regions and them alone split the actual state delegates.  How fucked is that?
Applying the viability rules to our example, it is entirely likely that despite 10,000 people voting for my candidate in my state of 100,000, there is statistically a great chance that our preferred candidate didn’t clear 15% in ANY of the state’s various regions. For all of our efforts, our candidate is likely to walk away from the state with zero delegates.
We probably should have stayed home and played nintendo instead.
That not piss you off yet?  Wait until you look at the neighboring state.  In that state the candidate we hate pulled 20% of that state’s total 50,000 votes. Their candidate actually won the state with 6 other candidates splitting the rest of the vote. That candidate won 100% of their “pledged” delegates.
So while each state has say 25 pledged delegates, my candidate who earned twice as many actual votes gets 0 delegates and the candidate I hate gets all 25 of my neighboring state’s delegates.
That is fucked up logic.
So why don't we just count the existing votes? If between two states with 3 million people, 150,000 votes are cast and the candidate that I like gets 10,000 of those votes and the candidate that I don't like gets 10,000, both of those candidates would get the same number of delegates. And both me and my neighbor in the next state over would have the same ability to choose our candidate. 
"But we have to do this to protect small states!" 
Do we really? If someone who lives in Iowa has the same ability as I do living in Texas to cast a single vote with exactly the same value, how exactly are they being hurt? 
Is it worth more to the DNC to give say, Iowa a state where 90% Of the population is white, a much greater ability to affect the nomination, then it is to have unrepresented voters in a large red state with blue State demographics (Texas) feel like they finally have the ability to exercise a political voice and a reason to get registered to vote? 
I think if you look clearly at that picture, the former gives you the ability to ensure that your candidate is a lily-white candidate who fully agrees with the values of the DNC core. 
The latter gives you the ability to force the GOP to change their tactics. No more obstructionist government. No more underhanded dealings. No more talking in racist dog whistles. 
The former has been what the previous leadership of the DNC has valued. The latter I would argue is what the DNC leadership from here on out should value.
In the latter instance, if the GOP wants to win future elections at minimum, they have to treat either Black or Mexican voter with respect --- like they're valuable humans too. Default current operating practices of the GOP would have to change. And our society would benefit from it. 
So the question becomes do you want control of the nomination process? Or do you want to win? 
The argument for delegates is the same argument for the Electoral College. "The US was designed to be a republic." That statement is regularly made to defend the status quo. 
When it is made in that context what that is actually saying is that the US was designed where people vote for convention delegates or electoral voters who are "smarter or make more capable than them" to cast an actual vote that mean something on their behalf. 
That is, not surprisingly, a republican argument. 
But if you told Americans back in the Revolutionary War who thought they were fighting against taxation without representation that that's what they were fighting for, trading the British House of Lords making decisions for them for rich Americans making decisions for them, the Civil War might have come a lot quicker. 
Americans were promised democracy. This is why they supported the new US government. This is why those who are willing to vote for the Democrats expect democracy to be delivered. 
 It boils their guts every four years when they read about how the DNC has “super-delegates”, party insiders whose opinions are on their own worth several delegates.
I am pissed when I think that my vote and likely several thousand of my Texan neighbors' votes are required to get one single DNC delegate , but superdelegate Hillary Clinton's opinion, directly and indirectly, is probably worth more delegates than some states! 
Hillary has blown two freaking presidential elections ----  two opportunities for the dems to run the show....and yet here I am beholden to her sensibilities. 
That is not democracy. That is corruption. 
The DNC only won in 1992 because Ross Perot split the Republican vote. Without that, Bill Clinton would have been curb-stomped. 
Barack Obama won in 2008 because he was running against a second Great Depression. George Bush was totally unable to address the problem with the standard Republican tactic of trickle down economics and John McCain ran on continuing Bush's economic policies. 
Obama's people did run a brilliant campaign in 2008 but let's not overrate winning when you're running against a second Great Depression. 
You have to go back to 1976 to see the last time some random Joe Schmoe Democrat cleanly won their way INTO the white house. 
So let's not overrate our chances or give the Clintons, the Obamas, or some hoity-toity career DNC operative, the ability to select "winning candidates" against the will of the voting public. 
And the superdelegates are just one objectionable piece. The pool of delegates alloted to a state is usually divided into pledged and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are just like super delegates --- totally unbeholden to the voters.
And, the DNC makes it even worse. My vote and everyone who sees the candidates like I do's votes don't give us a single delegate "chip". 
No, we get a “pledged delegate” chucklehead who doesn't really even have to vote the way we voted. This is slimy. It's underhanded. It's disgusting. ....And it's the DNC today.
"But the GOP does the same thing" you might argue. 
The GOP believes America is a republic. They have a built-in argument for their corruption that their voters accept. 
The DNC believes America was founded on democracy. Democratic is part of the name. So why not be democratic? 
Since 2016 a huge chunk of the democratic voting base has argued to get rid of the Electoral College and embrace a direct popular vote because it's more democratic. 
Maybe you can't do that in the actual election, but you sure as heck can do that in the selection process. 
I have this advice for Seema Nanda and her employee Tom Perez. Be different from all of the other people who have had the positions that you're currently in. 
Discover ethics. 
Be Democratic.
Spend your political capital changing the rules to make the party successful. Instead of pushing down for one candidate against another and pissing off all of us “non-reliable” DNC voters that you need to win the Rust Belt and the other swing States in order to defeat Donald Trump in 2020, push down on the scales to help the DNC against the GOP. 
Meet with all of the presidential candidates and get the majority of them to sign off on shit canning delegates. 
The candidate with the most votes will be the nominee at the convention. 
With the possible exception of Mayor Pete, I think every other candidate will gladly concede to those terms in order to remove the perception of corruption that has dogged the party in this election. 
Count every citizen vote in the primary season. Give us totally transparent running vote totals after each race, and then celebrate the totals at the DNC convention. 
Give me exactly the same voting power as someone in Iowa, New Hampshire, New York City, California or anywhere else in the country and you'll increase Democratic registration countrywide, turning a lot more States purple and blue.
You, Seema Nanda and Tom Perez, will get to be seen as the white hats of the DNC. You'll be seen as once-in-a-lifetime leaders --- the reformers who permanently dragged the party out of corruption. 
These are controversial changes, No Doubt, but they are changes that increase the party's chances of defeating Donald Trump. 
Your reputations will get the benefit of the doubt when the DNC defeats Donald Trump. 
And if the DNC loses to Donald Trump....you're in exactly the same boat you'd be in if you do nothing. 
Tom Perez can call for recounts, but Seema Nanda is going to be required to change the culture of the DNC. 
 There was a guy you might remember by the name of Barack Obama who talked about being on the right side of History. You two are currently on the wrong side of History. 
Don't think that you can't get rid of this 20th century corruption that is inherent to the party rules, because someone in your positions eventually will. 
 If you don't do it, your replacements will or your replacement's replacement will. It's just inevitable. 
The Democrats are losing too many presidential elections for things not to change. 
Or you can stay the course and be unemployed in a year.... another disgraced scandal-ridden failure in those positions, reduced to writing books because your political careers in the DNC are over. The choice is yours.
final note
I thought about not writing this piece because it might hurt turnout.  People might read this and think, “why even vote in the primaries?” But then I thought, “that is actually a great reason to publish this.  If people don’t vote in the primaries that puts the screws to Perez and Nanda.”  
People have to register to vote in the primaries.  People not registering in time costs the party votes in the general election.  They want strong turnout in the primaries because it shows you are registered. I want them to sweat bullets. (Please register to vote now even if you chose not to vote in the primary because your candidate will fall short of your state’s viability thresholds.)
And then there is the Bernie factor.  Bernie is running away with this race to the chagrin of the DNC leadership.  Bernie voters are loving this.  They are going to vote. His turnout is guaranteed.  The only way Bernie could lose is if the DNC has strong turnouts for an alternate candidate. They need turnout.  
And if Bernie is the nominee he also would benefit from the most possible registered democratic voters ahead of the general election.
Everyone gets what they want if you do the right thing, so why not maximize turnout?
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dolleffect-blog · 7 years
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