#my substitute teacher watches sp
im-feral 1 year
My substitute teacher ships bunny no way?!?!
so not that long ago my class had a substitute teacher and the sub we had teaches our class often and I'll call him mr S. So me and my friend were sitting next 2 each other and we were meant 2 be doing work right but b4 I had told my friend abt how I did a sp ship tierlist 馃拃 and than she went on2 teirlist maker and started doing a sp ship tierlist, than mr S comes up behind us and is like "what r u ment 2 be doing" or smt I cant remember and my friend switches tabs 2 her work and she says "im just doing my work" and he says "no go back 2 the tab u were on" so she gos back on2 the tierlist and he says smt like "oh is that sp?" then my friend says "yeah I'll start doing my work now" than mr S gos "nah screw ur work" than he just clicks the tab w/ the tierlist me and my friend r just in shock and im holding back tears than he says 2 me and my friend and says like "so r these relation ships or friendships?" and my friends says "friendships" and im just sitting there wondering wtf was going on and looking @ my other friends on the table and they also look really confused and he starts going through the tierlist and see's the ship @ the very top in OTP and hes like "wats that ship?" and my friend says "its called dip" i think she said that or smt i dont know nad than he starts talking abt creek and he says "didnt that jittery kid and um stan like hav a relation ship in that 1 episode" and me and my friend were really confused 4 a second than 1 or us says "do u mean tweek and craig?馃槶" than he instantly says "yeah" and i thought he was gonna be like agenst the gays or smt but aparently not than he gos back 2 talking abt the ship tierlist and he surprizingly says "i really like uh butters i think and kenny" and me and my friend just stared @ eachother and btw he wasnt talking abt him liking the characters individuly he was talking abt them like as a relationship me and my friend started bursting out laughing and he just looked @ and said smt along the lines of "wats so funny?" and i maneged 2 say through tears "its nothing its just and inside joke we hav" or smt i dont know than the my other friends on my table started laughing than he said "ok get back 2 ur work now" than he walks away than we end up doing our work and a bit later while were eating lunch my friend that was also sitting on the table asks him "wats ur fav sp quote?" and he says "my fav quotes gotta be screw u guys im going home" and the whole table starts looking @ me and 1 of my friends says "hah thats wat (my name) says when they log of discord" and than my friend that asked wat his fav sp quote was says "my fav quote is oh my god they killed kenny u basterds!" and i just look at my him like u just said basterd in front of the teacher dude wtf and i thought mr S was gonna say smt abt my friend saying basterd but he didnt say anything and than we all just went on with our day and now my school just started having our schoo holiday for 2 weeks but next term were gonna hav him as a teacher for the first 4 weeks and now me and my friend that was doing the tierlist call him the bunny shipper but ot 2 his face. So that's the story of how I found out that my sub teacher watches sp and Ships Bunny and Creek 10/10.
Edit: i forgot 2 include this but he also said he thought wendy and cartman was a good ship 馃槶
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starlightbooklove 5 months
Part 2 of My really insane college life 馃檭馃檭馃檭
Ok The classes
To give you a little context, most (if not all) of the professors at the university are doctors, doctors in practice, who are helping the university because there is no professor. Therefore, many of them do not have the pedagogical preparation to teach the subjects they are assigned to, or despite having it, they explain as if ee were a human video recorder that perfectly captures the information they say at 100 words per second lmao.
This does not mean that they are all bad, I am lucky to have several who clearly love the career and teaching and they make me understand very well with their classes. But, as I mentioned, they are practicing doctors, they have been practicing their career for years and continue to practice it while teaching, So there is a lot of planning and time problems, sometimes they have to leave super quickly because something comes up at the hospital, or they don't teach classes that day because they have to operate or have a Medical appointment
And since we are short of teachers (to the point that we are one of the few sections that has all its teachers) it is not like we can change them So this results in sometimes going to the university (which for some is an hour away) to watch almost 1 hour of classes alone 馃珷
The classrooms
As I was telling you, the section representative asked us for money at the beginning of classes to do Maintenance to the air conditioning of the classroom they had assigned to us, But then they changed our classroom to one without air conditioning and asked us all for $5 to pay for the Air conditioning, anatomical models (at least two per section) and curtains.
5 dollars is not much but considering that inflation in my country is very strong, And the national currency is 'the Bolivar' It's still money, but before that we had already paid for the projector (which was something that the teachers highlighted as essential because they show their slides there) And that was (if I'm not mistaken) around the same amount as what they were asking us this time, that's almost 10 dollars and it's only the first month. And that's not even all.
The first week of school was an ordeal, mentally and physically, we had no chairs, we entered our assigned classroom and there were more tables than chairs (and this is something I've always found funny because in high school, we were always scolded if we even leaned back from our desks, and the first time I sat at a table for lack of Chairs I thought they were going to scold me 馃槄, but I soon realized that the university student takes care of himself as best he can and everyone ends up sitting at the table without any scolding in the end) So we had to go ourselves to another room to look for chairs to complete the ones we were missing, it doesn't sound like much but the heat is horrible here and let's remember that it's not like we were going To rest in a cold room
Now the problem of the chairs is solved, it also happened to us once when they did the opposite, many chairs few tables
Anyway, we don't have windows, that is, we have the threshold and the frame but there is no glass 馃珷 lmfao, and this continues like this. What's more, due to the lack of glass, they placed two blackboards (one in each window) as a substitute, I wish it were a joke, and there is only a portion left on the sides even without anything because it obviously does not cover everything
And we still don't have air conditioning or anatomical models
This, for several reasons, first, not everyone has paid those 5 dollars, both because they don't want to and because they don't have it (there are people who have to pay for tickets, rent and food).
Second, because there are more expenses, teachers ask for money to make copies of the exams, that is not a lot of money (depending on the teacher) but it is when several evaluations are added together (my current situation) That becomes up to a dollar added to what is already spent in the week Then there is the payment for the 'sports' shirts, only God knows why the hell we see that stuff, that was 5 dollars too (I didn't pay for them because the truth is that I was lethargic 馃槀)Then there are the copies that one has to make of the printed works that have to be delivered, which again, on their own are not much, but together they amount to dollars in that
And then (yes people, this continues) there is the money that they are now asking us to pay for the computer because the one we have been using until now belongs to a student and to take it from there to here (being for her personal use) it's not very practical And, for that it is 3 dollars per student, now they are also asking us for 2 dollars because the art and culture subject teacher, another that I don't know why the hell we see it, wants us to plant plants at the university, no, it's not a game, it's not a joke, it's not an exaggeration, it's just what I'm telling you.
And well, attached to that is a payment that had to be made by taking two dollars from the models' 5 dollars, to pay for an air Conditioned at a medical center where two professors give us classes And another dollar to rent a damn room to watch a midterm exam.
To give You some context and perspective One dollar is 36 bs, copies (prints) are charged from 10 bs to 20 bs, the bus fare is 5 bs for students, but, for example I must pay for bus and cart (a term for taxi basically) and that cart costs 15 bs, those who have to take the bus and car pay almost 30 bs per day, especially when they have to go to the Medical Center, because they have to pay more. Do the math for yourselves
And now comes the good part, the really screwed up part, in the next part because I should be asleep by now and because in the other part there is A LOT to say
Part 1
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flyawaybooks 2 years
had some wild dreams this morning and I want to write down at least some of it before they are completely gone
had an imaginary phone conversation with a real friend about his new girlfriend (made up by my brain) and my aro/ace confusion (real). He ended up giving me solid advice , so thanks to my brain's version of my friend. wish I could remember the advice tho lmao
separate and far more trippy dream: it was the far future on earth and humanity had split into two major factions that lived on slightly separate planes of existence. One half had to live on submarines and had become symbiotically or perhaps parasitically involved with a certain kind of kelp. They were mad at the other half of humanity who had destroyed half of the world. also it was never daytime for anyone so that sucked. The other people seemed mostly normal, but they were stuck in this pocket dimension to hide from the kelp people. The kelp people could enter the pocket dimension, but couldn't get through the glass walls. I remember having insight into both sides of the conflict and seeing that both sides had legitimate grievances, but I did think that the kelp people trying to kidnap the glass pocket dimension's children was going a bit too far. also there was singing? truly a weird dream.
third dream which was more normal: I was a floating substitute teacher but the plans I was given in the morning were for the whole day, but I knew I had to cover for the other teacher later in the afternoon, so I left the room full of kindergarteners with their TA (?) to have a conversation with the secretary. but both she and the principal were at a district office meeting. so I went back with the kindergarteners and watched a very cool interactive musical explanation of how the -ly suffix works. it was a mixed sp. ed and regular ed class with like six or seven adults and it was super chill. I ended up leaving them to it and went to work with the other class, which was in a weird portable next to a horrible shack.
and those are the dreams I remember from this morning
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