#my sweet Bow Anon 🏹
tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
Oh baby work was the worst last weeks, I couldn’t do anything besides shower but everything’s fine now, i started to work out regularly, it’s doing wonders to my mental health i hate to admit angbhg i think I’ll get a couple of weeks off work next month and go places who knows
Love, i cried my eyes out when I read the last chapter, I don’t really think he’s dead but it hurts to see him suffer ))): what do you think?
Of course I think about you my heart! I went to an anime store with my friends the other day and I saw all this BNHA merch and I just started giggling cause I was thinking about you and how down bad we are for aizawa </3 and my friends thought I was just being weird anyway I want a T-shirt but most I saw were ugly ajugasfwf anyway I love to see you here, I’ve also started to appreciate the anime much more than I did before thanks to you! You’re constantly on my mind and it cheers me up. Btw mayyyybe i have a couple of prompts ideas I just feel too dumb to ask you, I have to start to write them down cause I forget so easily
Lots and lots and lots of kisses in your beautiful face I love you so much baby don’t forget, ok? πŸ’“πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’“ -🏹
Sweetheart I'm so happy you have more time for yourself these days, you really deserve a breather. And I concur, working out helps –not only your physique, but also to your psychological well being, it helps me out a lot and since I'm still on a break for a couple more weeks, I've been taking advantage of my free time and spending longer hours at the gym because once I'm back to work, I'll only be able to go on weekends.
Haaaah don't get me started on Bakugo baby, I'm praying for a way out of it that would hopefully involve him being revived, I don't think I can live with any other option 😒❀️
You have no idea how happy I get when I receive an ask from you and hear about your news!
You're just so cute and I love you so much and I want to protect you from everything bad in this world πŸ₯° and to know that I got you more interested in the anime world makes me really happy and proud hehehe 😍
OMG you have new prompts!!! I can't wait to see them and I'll be honored to work on them for you if you want baby! 🀩
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bones4thecats Β· 8 months
If requests are open, I'd like to send one in. Hear me out: the Octavinelle squad and the Pomefiore squad with a reader who makes jewelry. And one day they make something especially for them (A pin or a bracelet or something)
A/N: Apologies that this took so long, Anon! But I do hope you enjoy this piece~~
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πŸ‘‘ Your beautiful boyfriend has watched you make your jewelry for quite some time
πŸ‘‘ The way you would mold something worthless into something gorgeous in the matter of minutes to maybe hours was impressive to him
πŸ‘‘ His birthday was something that was quite popular around NRC, and all of Twisted Wonderland, so you’d expect him to get stuff sent to him all the time
πŸ‘‘ And you were correct
πŸ‘‘ But when he finally retired for the night, in favor to spend time with you, his gorgeous S/O, he smiled when you handed him a box wrapped in shimmery purple paper, with a cute little jewel bow
πŸ‘‘ Opening it was fun for him, the way your eyes lit up when he held up the headpiece was amazing
β€œ My Dear, this is beautiful, thank you very much. β€œ
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🏹 Rook always sprung surprise gifts onto you, so you decided to put your love of crafting to use
🏹 He always loved to watch you make your pieces whenever vice-housewarden duties didn’t burden him
🏹 When you walked up to him and held out a decently sized box with a beautiful ribbon with an arrow made out of it and he smiled
🏹 How sweet was his S/O?
🏹 When he opened the box and saw the beautiful necklaces you had made, he gasped and began to rant on how gorgeous they were, and how we couldn’t bear wearing them, they weren’t even on the same level as formal pieces
🏹 They were far above!
🏹 And, true to his nature, he pulled out a small box and showed you a necklace with a bow and arrow on it, which made him laugh fairly loud, different from his more formal one used around others
β€œ I guess we are soulmates, mon bijou! β€œ
Mon Bijou ~ My Jewel
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🍎 Epel always was hard to make gifts for, he wanted to seem manly, but was organized in a, in his words, β€œprissy and preppy dorm”
🍎 So, when his birthday approached, you had made him a gorgeous ring with amethyst and steel, and you knew he’d like it
🍎 While the rest of the first years laughed and joked with one another, you grabbed your boyfriend before handing him the small ring box, with the words on a tag saying, β€˜For my one and only <3’
🍎 That was enough to fluster the country boy
🍎 But seeing the ring you had made turned his face nearly full red, you could’ve compared him to Riddle!
🍎 He smiled and allowed you to put the ring on his finger
🍎 It may not be completely manly, but Epel can put this behind him, just once
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πŸ™ Azul was a hard one to give thing to, as he believed he didn’t need them as much as others
πŸ™ It was one of his faults he gained from bullying
πŸ™ But you wanted to make him something that would both go with his outfit and not attract to much attention to
πŸ™ And obviously be unique, you needed to give him something original
πŸ™ It took quite a while, but on your monthly anniversary, you handed him the ring and he just blushed and laughed as he gave you one as well
πŸ™ You guys put them on each other and the tweels teased on how it was like a scene at a wedding
πŸ™ He never took it off afterwards, unless it was necessary, he doesn’t want his S/O’s precious work damaged
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πŸ„ This guy, whoa
πŸ„ You have made him feel welcomed with his odd fungi obsession, so he has encouraged your wish of jewelry-making
πŸ„ Jade has given you many different things that he finds fit for either your dorm room or for you personally, like a mushroom themed hair pin
πŸ„ This tweel never really expected much when it came to physical objects in return, he was quite content with basic affection, whether it be verbal or physical
πŸ„ So when you messaged him one afternoon after school, saying you had something for him on his walk, he was intrigued
πŸ„ Smiling when he saw you, he asked what the immediate meeting was about
πŸ„ Handing him the necklace was hard, as it was difficult to tell his emotions
πŸ„ He looked at the piece of jewelry and chuckled lowly
β€œ My delicate S/O, you really do listen to me. Mushrooms and the most beautiful chain, you truly are amazing. Oh, what did I ever do to deserve you? ”
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🎭 Floyd never really gave you anything material, his love language was mainly physical affection or his constant teasing
🎭 But when he learned of your craft made him laugh
🎭 He really does admire how much patience you have to make these dazzling pieces in time
🎭 Whenever he saw something he liked, he’d rant about how amazing they are, before eventually leaving, per messages of Azul or Jade for skipping work or something random, Sevens knows
🎭 Floyd was just hanging out with you on his birthday when you asked him about the extra mark by his ear
🎭 He just smiled and said when he was younger he pierced his ear with a paperclip (not canon, but I thought that sounded cute)
🎭 That was when you got the idea, an earring, and thankfully, you were wearing a moray eel earring
🎭 Taking the object out and handing it to him made him freeze and ask what you were doing
🎭 This tweel brother just laughed at your answer, β€œFor your birthday, of course.” You said
🎭 He grabbed it and pierced it through the hole, exclaiming how amazing you were and asking,
β€œ Oh my tiny S/O, what did I ever do to deserve you? ”
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inmaki Β· 3 months
HIHI ZUMAAAAA ive been stalking ur page for a while now and I gotta say…..DANG???? u write so well omg, my jaw is still on the floor…still haven’t picked it up πŸ˜“ ANYWAYS u are AMAZING and keep it up !! take breaks when you need to, and don’t push yourself TOO hard !! <33 also idk how this emoji anon thing works (help I joined this app a month ago or less) but uhm if u respond can I be β˜„οΈ (comet) or 🏹 (bow) anon ONE OF THEM u can choose if their not taken@??? I’m sorry I yap too much it’s a habit πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜“
HIHIHIH AHHHJH u rly think 😞 u are so FUCKING SWEET I LOVE THIS ASK SO MUCH THNAK U <333 and im so sorry for the late reply, ofc u can be comet noniee !!! U ARE NOT YAPPING TOO MUCH AJAHJSA DONT WORRY AT ALL!!! i hope ur doing well 🫢🫢
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
Baby!!! How you’re doing? I got my tattoo last week and didn’t hurt a little, if I’m being honest I kinda liked the pain, it’s so pretty I wish I could show you. I just read everything I missed out and I love how easily you can red my face, I’m so in love πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— Tokoyami was a nice surprise I never see anything of him, he’s so cute I love him dearly. Oh and last Yamada and Aizawa headcanons were so *explotes* sorry for squishing my thighs that hard. now every time I see BNHA merch when I go out I only can think of you, makes me so so happy πŸ’— how are you feeling, love? Is everything good? Are you taking care of yourself? - 🏹
My sweetheart! My cutie pie you have no idea how much I missed you 😭 I was thinking of you all the time and wondering if you were alright but I'm happy you're doing good baby 😍 receiving your ask was the best thing that ever happened to me this week.
I'm happy you got the tattoo sweetie I'm sure it looks gorgeous on you even if I can't see it because when I googled that beautiful creature I was amazed at how alluring it was ❀️
I'm happy you enjoyed it all and you're right! Tokoyami doesn't get enough appreciation so when I saw his name in the request I got so excited.
Hehehe don't worry about feeling a little hot over that Aizawa/ Mic headcanons because I felt everything you did when I wrote it 🀀❀️
Really? Are you serious? You really think of me when you see bnha merch? πŸ˜ƒ This makes me so happy! You are so sweet to me! Just come here and allow me to give you a tight hug and kiss all over your face 😘😘😘😘
I've been doing well baby except for when reading what happened in the last chapter (I'm not going to spoil it for you in case you haven't seen it yet) but other than that I'm really good, and now I'm really really really happy you came back 😍
I love you so much cutie and I need you to always be safe okay? 😘
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
This goes out to my sweet Bow Anon 🏹 so it will probably make no sense to anyone else. The reason why I'm answering you in an independent post is because you shared some secrets and personal information in your last ask so I didn't want to post it publicly. ❀️
First of all baby, let me tell you that I'm so proud of you for moving all by yourself to a different country and starting a whole new life and succeeding in making it on your own!
Second if all (and I need you to hear me out) You! Are! Not! Alone! And! You! Are! Not! A! Freak!
You were able to make new friends where you're living now right? And that's a big deal trust me πŸ˜ƒ even if they aren't many, that's totally fine as long as they are good to you. Plus you have me! Yes I'm your friend and I'm always here for you ❀️
And let me tell you one more thing, those people who refer to you as "freak" are simply closed minded. They're afraid or uncomfortable with what they find different, and instead of trying to understand and accept those differences, they simply choose the easiest way and call them "freaks". But I have another description for you! "Special"! Yes you are special and that's a part of your beauty 😍
Now, let's talk about this amazing tattoo idea!!!!
I googled it and OMG it's the most beautiful creature!! I really hope it's not a hoax because imagine having this beauty living in the same world as us! And even if it's a hoax I love that it inspired you to have it tattooed on your body! It's going to be amazing 🀩 by the way I understood the placement and I really like it (the underside of your upper arm right?) I can already imagine how it's going to be! 😍❀️
Baby always remember that you have me by your side okay? I'm proud of you and I love you so much πŸ˜˜πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
This goes to my sweet Bow Anon 🏹
Baby I have just received your ask and let me tell you that you have such a beautiful mind! I loved it! It was so sweet and tender and I read it many times because I couldn't get enough! ❀️❀️
I promised that I'll keep what you sent a secret between us since it's private and you haven't shown it to others before.
I just want to thank you so much for trusting me and for cheering me up it really worked 😍
I love you so much and I want you to know that I'm always here for you just as you are for me.❀️
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
My baby you’re making the red go straight to my face and my hands with your words! It makes me so happy you liked it, feels good to β€œlet it go” thank you so much for all the love and support you’re giving me, you’re too sweet to me my baby, I’m always here for you also, please take care, ok? I love youuuu -🏹
I love you too my sweet Bow Anon ❀️
I just wish I could meet and hug you one day.
You are truly talented it's amazing! And your cute messages never fail to warm my heart πŸ₯°
Please always be safe and watch out for yourself sweetheart.
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
⚠️ // mentions of self-harm, suicide etc
I know this is a little weird maybe but it’s been an awful week, can you do a bnha boys + reacting and consoling their girlfriend who just relapse into self-harm (it can be in any form you feel most comfortable to) some of them could already know about her tendencies but others just found out idk, you can also do it only for one of them that’s fine for me. If you don’t feel like it please ignore this I know it’s a sensitive topic and I don’t wanna upset you never!! I love you my baby - 🏹
My sweet Bow Anon, I hope you're feeling better honey. Please come and talk to me whenever you feel the need to. I'm always here for you. In the meantime have this small gift. I love you so much.
This is a sensitive topic but I had fun working on it, it was strangely soothing so thank you for requesting it.
Title : The abyss
Characters : Shouto/ Shinsou/ Bakugo/ Taishiro/ fem reader
Genre : Angst/ fluff/ hurt and comfort
Trigger warning : Self harm!!!!
Please do not read if you're a minor
I cannot stress this enough but this is not for the faint of heart!! Please consider this before reading
Shouto :
It hurt, of course it did it always had, but that was the point right? Why else would you heat up the knife and press it to that annoying little unmarked spot in your inner thigh?
Your tears rolled down your cheeks as you sat down on the kitchen floor, but you were still not done yet. You didn't want it to fade quickly this time, you didn't deserve that luxury.
You looked up to the ceiling, biting the inside of your cheek so you wouldn't scream, when suddenly the burning stopped and an annoyingly soothing coolness replaced it.
You looked down to find your boyfriend kneeling in front of you, knife in one hand while gently placing the other over your burnt skin and carefully activating his quirk.
The look on his face said it all. His usual calm and relaxed expressions were taken over by a pained one.
You've been doing good for a while, that's what he thought, but in reality you had been stifling your pain and urges deep within yourself until you finally burst that evening.
When did he get home anyway? Apparently you had been absorbed into your "task" that you hadn't noticed anything else around you.
He threw the knife away and cupped your cheek, eyes searching yours for an answer.
But what answer was he expecting? What were you supposed to say?
You felt horrible, and that's the only thing you were certain of.
The look he had on his face tortured you. He was hurt, worried, scared even, and it's all because of you..
The look he had on his face reminded you of the first time he saw your self inflicted burn marks.
The look he had on his face brought back the memory of the promise you once made, the promise to never hurt yourself again, but at the time, you only gave him your word because you hated the look he had on his face. It's a full circle, and now you're back exactly where you didn't want to be.
_ "Shouto.."
_ "Are you okay? Let's take you to the hospital first, we'll talk later." He could finally find his words.
_ "No need, I'm fine." You didn't even deserve to be treated, that's what you kept thinking.
_ "Don't argue with me, we're going." It might've sounded like he was mad at you but truth be told, he was just worried. "Sweetheart, it'll be fine trust me." He knew he had to reassure you and pull you back to him because at that point you were lost..
Your tears suddenly stopped, and a gleam of hope appeared in your eyes instead.
You hugged him tightly and allowed him to carry you outside. This time you will take his hand and never let go again.
_ "I love you y/n, and we'll get through this together."
Shinsou :
You were doing it again. You knew it was bad, and you knew you could die but at that moment none of it mattered, not even him.
All you wanted was a minute of peace, a good night sleep, accomplishing a task without spiraling out of control.
You winced as the needle finally pricked your skin for the first time in months, and you regretted it as soon as it did.
_ "What am I doing?" Your trembling voice spoke to no one in particular before your tears followed suit.
Fortunately, not a drop of that intoxicating liquid left the syringe as you immediately pulled it out of you and threw it away.
You dropped to your knees sobbing and whimpering and calling his name, but he wasn't home yet, he didn't know what was happening.
You reached out a shaky hand and grabbed your phone dialing your boyfriend's number.
_ "Hi babe, I'm on my way home I'll be there in a couple of minutes." But you didn't answer, and all he could hear was sniffling and more whimpering.
_ "Stay with me y/n don't hang up the phone, I'm almost there." His tone changed as he knew instantly what was happening, he feared the worst since you almost lost your life last time.
You did as asked and held the phone to your ear, but still said nothing. Your tears kept flowing and you could tell he was rushing to get to you by the heavy breathing from his side.
It couldn't have taken him more than a few minutes before he burst through the door and straight to your side.
_ "Babe look at me! Do you recognize me? Show me your arm! Fuck I need to call an ambulance first!" He was panicking and the idea of possibly losing you fogged up his brain.
_ "No, I didn't do it.. I almost did.. but I stopped last second.. I'm sorry, I'm always causing trouble." You struggled to speak between your sobs but you're grateful you did, as your words cooled him down a little.
He turned around to where you had tossed the syringe earlier and sure enough, it was unused.
_ "Hey look at me love." He gently lifted your head up and kissed your cheek, "You're strong, you're amazing I mean look at you! You could've easily done it but you didn't, I'm proud of you so thank you for stopping."
You couldn't believe your ears, he wasn't mad or disappointed, he was actually pleased with you.
_ "But Hitoshi how can you say that? Look what I've almost done!"
_ "Almost, but you didn't and you want to know why? It's because deep down you don't want to go back to that road. That's why I'm proud of you, and that's why I'll walk hand in hand with you until you're completely over it."
You couldn't stop your tears after that, but it was fine, you were finally happy to know that you're on the right way.. and with the right person.
Bakugo :
_ "What's that?" He asked as he noticed the new bandaid on your wrist.
_ "Oh nothing! I just broke a glass yesterday and injured myself while cleaning the mess." You nervously responded and instinctively hid your hand behind your back.
But he wasn't stupid, he knew what it was, he'd seen it before.
Only.. he thought it was over already, he thought you were finally doing better.
He gently took your hand in his and traced the covered area before speaking:
_ "Tell me the truth, you promised you'd always tell me the truth."
You flinched realizing that lying would get you nowhere. He didn't deserve that from you, he was the one who pulled you out of the abyss the first time and you promised you'd always go back to him.
But there you were, relapsing and lying about it.
_ "It's useless.. I really tried but I'm too weak." Shame and regret washed over you and again, you felt worthless.
You braced yourself expecting him to get up and leave, or even get mad and start yelling at you. But what he did next left you wide eyed and speechless.
He lifted your wrist and gently kissed your covered wound, his lips lingered there for a minute and it looked like he was struggling to find the right words.
Tears started forming in your eyes and you blinked them away.
_ "Katsuki.." That was all you could utter without sobbing, and it was as if hearing his own name snapped him back to reality and he could finally speak again.
_ "Y/n, it's alright I'm not mad." He knew exactly what you were thinking. "Listen to me, you're stronger than you believe, it's fine to lose track sometimes, it happens to the best of us, but don't keep it in." His fingers caressed your cheeks as he gently wiped your tears away. "Trust me, talk to me I'll always listen. I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear but you're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting me too, you're killing me." His words came out strangled as if he was trying to keep his own tears at bay. And he was right, those were the last words you wanted to hear but he had to say them and you needed to know what your actions were causing you both. You clung to him desperately and apologized repeatedly.
_ "Forgive me Katsuki I'm begging you, I'll do better and I'll never keep anything from you anymore.. please believe me." His words were a wake up call, and you wanted him to realize that you will never give up easily, that you'll try your best.
_ "I believe you honey, and I'll be right by your side the whole way." He pulled you impossibly close to himself and you were grateful to finally hear him sigh in relief.
It will be hard, that much is true, but you're not alone anymore.
Fatgum :
It's itchy, no matter how hard you try to ignore it, the itchiness never goes away.
You stood in front of your bathroom mirror watching your scarred arms and tracing them with your fingertips.
You tried to stop, truly, and for a little while you managed to control yourself, but it was hard to carry on. The itchiness is the worst, and all you wanted to do was make it go away.
You picked up the knife again and ran the cold metal along your arms, it felt good -horrible as that might sound- the anticipation of what was coming sent shivers down your spine. For a moment, just a single moment you get to feel better, to breathe freely before going back to hating yourself and regretting the whole thing. But you needed that moment, you craved it.
_ "Y/n baby is everything okay? You've been there for long." The all too familiar voice of your worried boyfriend came from the other side of the door.
He knows you, knows your struggles, your pain, and everything you do to chase them away. And that's why he keeps an eye on you at all times.
_ "I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute." You tried to sound cheerful as you pushed the blade within your skin.
_ "Please open the door for me, I'm begging you." His voice was calm, but he was desperate.
You never responded after that, you smiled watching the red liquid running down your arm and into the sink.
All of a sudden, the door flew open as your boyfriend easily broke in, snatching the knife from your trembling hand and throwing it away.
And before you could turn around to face him, he picked you up in his arms and ran out straight to your bedroom where he placed you gently on the bed and proceeded to treat your injury while murmuring reassuring words. Thankfully he got to you in time as it was just a shallow cut.
_ "It's gonna be okay, I got you." He was frightened, you could tell, and as much as he tried to hide it, he simply couldn't.
He never blamed you for any of it, never left your side or even thought to do it.
_ "I'm sorry Taishiro.. I tried to stop but.." you were cut off by your own strangled sobs.
_ "It's okay, you'll be okay I promise."
He finished treating you quickly and pulled you on his lap, allowing you to cry to your heart's content. He traced your back and kissed the top of your head repeatedly as he hoped you would feel safer.
_ "I love you, and I will never leave your side so please let me in, talk to me whenever you feel the urge to cut yourself. Don't be afraid, there is nothing we can't overcome together." He whispered against your temple and you nodded.
You will try your hardest, if not for yourself than at least for him. He deserves that much.
_ "I promise I will."
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
Ok I finished this and I picked Bakugo because I love him and because it's his birthday. I had so much fun with this and I want to thank my sweet Bow Anon 🏹 because it was their idea. I love you baby.
Title : Beauty mark
Characters : Bakugo/ gender neutral reader
Genre : Teeth rotting sweetness
You laid there, in his arms smiling against his chest as you listened to his steady heartbeat.
He had you in a tight hold, not allowing you to move an inch away from him. He craved your touch, your smell, your presence, and everything about you.
And no matter how many times he had you in his embrace, it was never enough.
_ "Katsuki, you're choking me." You playfully gasped hitting his chest.
He smiled and loosened his grip just enough for you to lift your head up and place a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.
_ "That's better." You whispered, still smiling.
_ "That's all you get dumbass, you're not going anywhere." He responded sliding his hand under your shirt and gently tracing your spine.
He's always been overprotective to the point of possessiveness when it comes to you, and you're okay with it, in fact you love it.
It makes you feel special being the only person to have the great Bakugo Katsuki's full attention and care. It's always been like that, even before the incident that happened last year. It was something neither of you could get over, you almost lost your life and he almost lost you.
What hurt you more than being on the verge of death, was seeing Katsuki's frightened and pleading eyes as he held your injured body between his arms. For some reason, he blamed himself -and still does- for the whole thing.
It obviously wasn't his fault, you two were on a mission and had your hands full. Neither of you noticed the sneak attack served by one of the villains until it was too late. It caused a portion of the building near by to fall on top of you. It all happened in the blink of an eye that none of you could react in time.
But you're grateful to be alive, to be able to remind him that it was never his fault.
_ "I love you Katsuki. You're my everything" You mumbled, lips brushing his neck. It was the only thing you could say at the moment after remembering that life changing experience.
_ "And you're my everything. Never leave me no matter what happens." He kissed the top of your head and you could sense the urgency in his voice, so you had to reassure him.
_ "Oh I'm not going anywhere Mr Bakugo, you're stuck with me and that's that." You giggled playfully but you meant every word you said.
He rolled you over on your back pinning your arms on top of your head before moving slowly to capture your lips in a deep kiss. He took your breath away.
You smiled into it and tried to free your hands from his clutch, you wanted to touch him.
He took the hint and released you, allowing your fingers to thread themselves through his hair.
Moments like these are your favorite, when you're by yourselves entangled with one another, laughing, touching, kissing and loving.
Moments like these make you wish you could stop time.
He broke the kiss leaning his forehead against yours. Your eyes kept following his lips and you smiled feeling his soft breathing tickling your face. He moved slowly, kissing his way down your neck, and you knew exactly where he was going, so you closed your eyes and hummed in satisfaction as you anticipated his lips to nestle in the soft skin right above your collarbone.
For some reason, he loves kissing you there, he loves brushing his nose and lips against your beauty mark.
Everytime you're close, he'd plant a kiss there. The softest kiss, the sweetest one. It's a habit of his and you have never questioned it.
It's cute, and you giggled trying to figure out the reason behind him preferring that particular spot.
_ "What?" He groaned, lips still touching your skin.
_ "Nothing honey, I'm just wondering why you like kissing me there that much. Is it because you like my mole?"
He tensed up a little, and didn't respond immediately. He placed his forehead where his lips have been and sighed.
_ "Katsuki, are you okay?" He got you worried. You didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, you were just being playful. You kissed his unruly locks and hugged him closer. And right when you opened your mouth to apologize, a yelp came out instead when he turned around on his back bringing you with him.
_ "You really wanna know?" He asked averting his gaze from yours. But wait! Is that a blush? No it can't be, he never gets flustered not even in your most intimate times. So what was happening then?
You nodded eagerly without saying anything.
_ "Well, you see. There is this stupid belief that moles are marks and reminders of your lover's kisses... You know, in a former life." He stopped for a second to gaze into your eyes before uttering his next words:
_ "I don't really believe in superstitions or in life after death or any of that crap, but if there is even the slightest chance for any of this to be true, then I want to find you in the next life, and all the ones after that." He smiled seeing your stunned expressions.
His response rendered you speechless. You didn't know he thought of those things, but it all made sense.
He didn't just like your mole, he actually considered things out of his own beliefs just for the smallest chances to continue being with you.
You wanted to speak to say something, anything, but all you could do was cry.
Your tears run down your face and onto his own, and it freaked him out.
_ "Babe, what's wrong?! Are you hurt? Did I say something that upset you? Please talk to me." He sat up bringing you with him in a sitting position and gently wiping your tears away.
_ "No, I'm not hurt, I'm actually happy. I'm so happy I don't know what to do. I want to be with you in all our lives Katsuki, if it's not you then it can't be anyone else."
_ "I love you dumbass. I'll never let you go, in this life and in the next, you're mine and I'm yours."
You giggled through your tears and caressed his cheeks before leaning in to kiss him. And it was sweet and tender. It was love.
_ "You're mine and I'm yours." You whispered against his lips and he hummed in satisfaction.
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
Teach! Oh god i just had the cheesiest dream and you should be the beautiful tumblr writer to know:
You’re laying down with [mha man of your preference] admiring each other, not really saying much, only sweet nothings in between loving kisses β€œI adore you” β€œyou’re the love of my life” everything feels so warming, you want this moment to last forever just like this reminding each other of your love promises. He carefully gets on you and starts kissing that spot many times, yeah, you know the spot between your neck and clavicle where your mole is, he always kiss it tenderly in soft moments like this. It’s been like this since you almost died in a mission last year, it’s part of the job but he became much more careful with you than before, like you were made of crystal. you cup your hands in his face and makes him look at you without loosing the position β€œwhy that part of my neck is the one you always go for?” You ask playfully giggling, he looks completely lost in your laugh, looking at you like a miracle and without hesitation he responds οΏΌβ€œI heard someone a long time ago saying that the moles you have on your skin are the spots where your lover used to kiss you the most in your last lifetime” he caught you off guard and he continues β€œi know, I know, sounds stupid and I don’t really believe in god or life after deathβ€” well, I don’t really know if I do” he says remembering your tired smile in your face last year when he almost loose you. His hearts shrinks and He looks at you know completely serious and determined β€œi want to take every chance I have to find you in the next lifeβ€” however would that be. You’re mine in this but I want you in all, it’s not enough for me, my love” heavy tears are running in your face at this point and you start kissing him again and again, not having enough of his lips, never having enough of him too in this lifetime. β€œI’m yours forever. I’ve always been yours” you say and he kisses your tears.
I thought you might like the idea, use it if you want to however you want to as your own -🏹
You know what? This is perfect, it doesn't even need anything added to it. I swear it warmed my heart. Such a fluffy and sweet picture. I'm so grateful you decided to share it with me but I'm not gonna use it as my own, I wouldn't dare.
I will however develop it into a one shot and link this ask as the source. This is yours, the creation of your beautiful mind and I'm just honored you picked me to work on it.
You are too kind my sweet Bow Anon and I love you.
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
Teach your banner!!! Oh sweetheart you look so beautiful i love it and I wanna kiss you on your pretty nose. And aww, you have a little cute mole... I’m stunned, honestlyπŸ’“πŸ’“ -🏹
My sweet Bow Anon!
Thank you babe you're too cute. I'm a really shy person and I usually feel awkward whenever I post a picture of myself elsewhere (Which is rarely) but I feel safe here that's why I did it :')
Your words mean the world to me babe I swear.
I love you so much <3
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
My pretty baby! How are you? Anything new to share? I’ve been too sleepy, anytime I have a break I only want to sleep 😭 besides that everything here is fine, mostly listening to love songs cause I’m daydreaming all the time, a little embarrassing but anyway, I want to dye my hair wine red but I have black leftovers from a year ago, besides that I haven’t really experimented with dying my hair, ughhh but I need money so bad, there’s so much stuff I need to buy but I can only think about dying my hair lmao, have you tried many colors? I love yours, looks soft and it has beautiful volume! Oh, i also wanted to ask you... any fanfics recs for me my heart? Please take care or I’d have to go personally to put you in bed and baby-feed you andkissyourprettymoles πŸ˜‘πŸ’“ i love you sm my baby -🏹
Hi my sweet little Bow Anon! I missed you so much ❀️
I'm so happy you're doing good baby, just take as much rest as you can okay?
I LOVE trying new hair colors 😍 I've tried many before, but lately I've been dying it using henna. I like it because as you said it leaves a soft natural color in the hair and it looks even more beautiful in the sun. My natural hair color is dark brown so it's kinda hard to make it lighter hehehe.
I love you so so so much you have no idea! I'll be lucky to have you taking care of me sweetheart 😚
I haven't had the time to read anything new lately 😭 but my holidays just started so I'll have much more time reading stuff from the amazing creators I'm following so I'll be sure to make a separate post about it I promise 😘
Oh by the way! I went to the beach yesterday as I told you so let me link a couple of pics I took and a small video on my way back home. I didn't take lots of pictures because I spent the day swimming and basically unwinding πŸ˜…
Tumblr media Tumblr media
My hair looks a lot shorter than it actually is in the first picture because it's wet and pushed back lol.
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
My heart, I’m sorry but how can you do this to me? πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” seeing your beautiful face makes my heart rush!! I may die y’know? Oh and you have many cute little moles, I’m kissing em, no questions. I love your hair so cute and short and your smile is just so sweet I’m in love -🏹
My cutie pie! You're the sweetest thing ever 😍 your words always bring warmth to my heart I swear.
Hehehe yeah I have a lot of them on my face but sometimes I cover some of them with makeup because growing up, people used to tease me and call them "fly poop" (it makes more sense in my language so I donno if the expression loses its meaning in English. Basically what they mean is that I have a lot of moles on my face that it looks as if some flies pooped on me) πŸ˜… so I'm usually self-conscious about them but seeing your beautiful message gives me a boost of confidence so thank you so much my beautiful Bow Anon I love you so much!
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
Oh my! I came here to tell you that I love the Todoroki idea it always breaks something in me seeing the love interest protecting their s/o from bad comments and no physical violence in general, it happened to me where my exe’s mother didn’t approve me cause I wasn’t β€œwoman enough” uhh, it was hard at the time so I’m excited to see it your input!! I also wanted to say that I love you It’s so cool you’re from Tunisia I mean I’m amazed by you, take care my heart -🏹
My sweet Bow Anon I missed you so much <3
You deserve the world, and deserve someone who would appreciate just how amazing you are! And what does she even mean by not "woman enough"?? Is that even a thing? It's infuriating when people start judging and categorizing others, it only shows just how ignorant and narrow minded they can be. So trust me sweetie you're better off.
I'm so happy you liked my idea for the Shouto's one shot! I'll start working on it soon so wait for it.
You're the one who's amazing and cool baby I really don't deserve you <3 <3 <3
I love you so much and oh by the way I'm working on your request right now so it'll be up soon.
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
This is for my sweet Bow Anon 🏹
I've just received your ask baby and I'll start working on it soon! I love the idea -sensitive as it is- but I have lots of ideas to include in it. Just let me know if you have specific characters that you want me to include, if not, I'll do a variety.
Also one more thing! I love you so much sweetheart and I'm here for you, so if there is anything you want to talk about just reach out to me and I'll be there.
I hope the rest of your week turn out for the best. <3
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tired-teacher-blog Β· 2 years
Hello my dear Teach πŸ’ how’s everything going? Your Bakugo piece was really good, always making me giggle, can’t wait to see what you’re gonna do next with it (but no pressure!)
I wanted to know what are your favorite things to write about? Favorite relationship dynamics? I’ve been thinking a lot about certain BNHA ships, any favorites that you have? I hope this message finds you well, please take care, my sweetheart -🏹
Hi baby how are you? I missed you so much my sweet Bow Anon.
I'm very happy you liked it cutie and let me tell you a little secret:
"I'm already working on the second chapter."
Those are some interesting questions <3
I absolutely love writing angst! Seriously it's my favorite thing to write lol.
Hurt and comfort! YES YES YES totally 100%
I also love working on action scenes/ fights/ deaths.
I love putting the characters face to face with death and then play a little with the emotions that come with it (that's why "My savior/My demise" is the closest thing to my heart amongst the things I've written).
This got a little darker than it should lol
That's not to say I don't enjoy writing fluffy sexy scenes, because I absolutely do. I take those as a self indulgence and kind of a stress reliever.
As for my favorite relationship dynamics.
I love when character A is overprotective of character B even if B can actually take good care of themselves.
Also when A is a delinquent but only shows their best behavior around B.
When B is a total dork and clueless to the point of constantly getting themselves in trouble, and you can count on A to set them straight or get them out of trouble.
On the other hand, I'm a sucker for when character A is psychology and emotionally troubled and seeks B for comfort (this right here is my absolute favorite and for some reason I had Dabi in mind as person A because this fits perfectly).
Now, for the ships part ( I have many so get ready lol)
TodoDeku/ BakuDeku/ TodoBaku/ BakuTodo
Thank you so much sweetheart for the amazing questions I loved answering them.
You too baby, take good care of yourself and I hope you have a wonderful week.
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