#my thought process was that they would expel smoke and fire instead of musk
inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
My Pokémon Part One
Pherocket and Flarespray, Fire/Steel-type Pokémon based on spotted skunks and fireworks. Both stages of this evolution line are classified as the Pyrotechnic Pokémon. They’re near relatives of the Stunky line and in the Field Egg Group.
These crepuscular Pokémon live in harsh, rocky areas with temperate to moderately cold climates like mountain ranges, cliffs and some grasslands. They eat metal and metal compounds, their diet particularly heavy on alkaline earth metals, akali metals, and other pyrotechnic colourants (metal salts that burn with colourful flames), although we aren’t yet sure how they can tell the metals and salts apart. Going without enough of these for too long will make them sick, since their internal fire sac runs low on fuel. Traditionally they find their food in the form of natural reserves, often underground, but in recent years the ones close to humans are increasingly bold and clever in stealing our metal compounds. Working smarter, not harder and all. Eaten metal not in the form of flammable or combustible compounds reinforces their steely claws.
They have an organ called a launcher inside their hollow tails, a tough, flexible muscular tube that can push flaming projectiles out at unbelievable speed. The elements and compounds they consume are compressed into pellets by a branch of their digestive system, ignited and shot out as fireworks. Yes, fireworks. The human invention of them was directly modelled on this line! It is unknown how the Pokémon know how to produce the beautiful colours, but they appreciate and enjoy firework displays, suggesting they see the same colours humans do. The pellets technically can’t be considered excrement because they aren’t waste; they could still be digested normally if they weren’t used in this way. Due to the sacrifice of fuel and risk of attracting other Pokémon (especially Bug-types), the line prefer not to fire rockets and reserve it for self-defence and battles. Much more common launcher uses are expelling smoke, showers of sparks or split-second blinding flashes to intimidate threats. Before they even do that, they’ll wave their tails high, stamp their feet and stand up on their front paws. However, the launcher’s uses aren’t only aggressive. Smoke and flares are a means of long-range communication. Each individual’s smoke is laced with its unique chemical signature, so they can recognize, keep track of and send detailed messages to one another through their pheromones. Such signals are the main reason the mostly solitary Pokémon sometimes come together. They may be helping a fellow member of their species in distress or joining them in feasting on an abundance of food. They have an amazing sense of smell.
The first stage of the line, Pherocket (‘pheromone’ and ‘rocket’) is a small spotted skunk. It has a longer, more weasel-like build than the stereotypical skunk akin to the western spotted skunk, the better to dig tunnels with. Its coat is the indigo of the sky at dusk with broken stripes and spots of bright red and yellow, and its eyes are an intense green. The vibrant colours are a warning sign. Its fur is thick. Its protruding front claws are silver and strong as steel. Its long tail has a flared shape with the fur clumping in outward spikes around its circular end and is solid red to draw attention to it; looking down it, you can see the opening of the launcher. It is especially warm to the touch.
At level 33, it evolves into the second stage, Flarespray (‘flare’, ‘spray’ and a pun on ‘hairspray’). It’s still lean, but bigger and stronger with powerful legs and longer, sharper front claws for digging, breaking down rock and tearing metal. Its coat is now midnight blue and has a different pattern of smaller stripes and spots clearly imitating the steaks and sparks of light when a firework explodes. Its thick artillery cannon of a tail remains red, but has a helical green stripe along it matching its eyes. It needs more food and preys upon Steel-types that provide, and Rock-types full of carbon like Carbink and Rolycoly. It has even been known to mortally wound Copperajah with the power and precision of its projectiles. With superior stamina and metabolism to its pre-evolution, it can produce a greater number of more destructive and advanced pyrotechnics more efficiently. It is nicknamed the ‘painter of the the sky’.
Pherocket’s base stats:
60 HP
75 Attack
49 Defence
80 Special Attack
50 Special Defence
65 Speed
Flarespray’s base stats:
80 HP
100 Attack
70 Defence
110 Special Attack
72 Special Defence
85 Speed
Their possible Abilities are Intimidate, Sniper and Tough Claws.
Their signature move is Burning Hail. The Pokémon stands on its front legs and shoots an extra large firework directly above the opponent. This consists of a cluster of pellets, that rain down in a circle with glittery trails when it explodes. They too then detonate surrounding the opponent.
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Regional Forms
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