#our karma for stealing their special thing i guess
derek6196 · 2 years
The Old Pony
There is an old pony in a big pen by the barn. He has no real purpose. No kids ride him, he is not a companion to another old horse.
We have no history together. He came into my life by happenstance. There are no fond, warm fuzzy memories. I owe him nothing. But he’s polite and kind, and nickers to me as I come out the door in the morning.
He eats a princely sum of special food, and has a premium round bale of irrigated grass that the other horses can only dream of. His water is fresh, and warmed in the winter. I’ve gone out there late at night to make sure he has food, and he’s the first thing I attend to after morning coffee.
Why? Why not send him to the sale where ‘someone’ will want him? At 40 cents a pound, he’d be worth a nice steak dinner and drinks in town. They’ll load him on a truck with 30 other old ponies and horses, and somewhere down that line, if he doesn’t fall from his bad knee and get trampled in the transport, he will become dog food.
There’s a bum calf in our scale house on this cold frosty night. He’s little and scrawny, with poop stuck to his butt, and a bit of a runny nose. There’s a heater in there keeping the temp above freezing. In the morning I’ll make him a bottle of warm milk replacer and try to convince him to eat some of the pony’s special food. Bob will clean his little house and put down fresh bedding. It would be easier to have left him in the field with the 500 bigger, stronger calves, to steal milk from the occasional tolerant cow, to eventually freeze to death and feed the coyotes that lurk about the herd for just such an opportunity.
There is a wild kitten in the barn who most likely jumped off a utility truck a while back. We’ve been leaving food just for him, and making sure the heated water bowl is full, so he doesn’t have to go outside and perch precariously on the horse waterer to drink.
I guess we sound like saps, the old cowboy and I. Sort of wimpy and un-ranch like.
I guess we are. *But at our age, with certain infirmities starting to creep into our daily routines, and the realization that we are not perfect, we are thinking that kindness is a virtue and care is our purpose*.
Care of not just the healthy robust animals that make money and pay the bills, but care of everything we are capable of caring for - those creatures that, like us, are in need of a bit more attention to get through the day.
We didn’t go about seeking these creatures- they came to us and landed here not of their own choosing, or ours. But here they are, and off I go to town to a business that provides enough to buy the expensive milk replacer, premium hay, and special pony food.
There may be some karma in all this, or maybe not, but in the end we’ll know we did the best we could for those that needed us.
Peace. Really, I mean it.
By Laura Hayes
(Old Pony's name is Tony)
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
My Pokémon Part One
Pherocket and Flarespray, Fire/Steel-type Pokémon based on spotted skunks and fireworks. Both stages of this evolution line are classified as the Pyrotechnic Pokémon. They’re near relatives of the Stunky line and in the Field Egg Group.
These crepuscular Pokémon live in harsh, rocky areas with temperate to moderately cold climates like mountain ranges, cliffs and some grasslands. They eat metal and metal compounds, their diet particularly heavy on alkaline earth metals, akali metals, and other pyrotechnic colourants (metal salts that burn with colourful flames), although we aren’t yet sure how they can tell the metals and salts apart. Going without enough of these for too long will make them sick, since their internal fire sac runs low on fuel. Traditionally they find their food in the form of natural reserves, often underground, but in recent years the ones close to humans are increasingly bold and clever in stealing our metal compounds. Working smarter, not harder and all. Eaten metal not in the form of flammable or combustible compounds reinforces their steely claws.
They have an organ called a launcher inside their hollow tails, a tough, flexible muscular tube that can push flaming projectiles out at unbelievable speed. The elements and compounds they consume are compressed into pellets by a branch of their digestive system, ignited and shot out as fireworks. Yes, fireworks. The human invention of them was directly modelled on this line! It is unknown how the Pokémon know how to produce the beautiful colours, but they appreciate and enjoy firework displays, suggesting they see the same colours humans do. The pellets technically can’t be considered excrement because they aren’t waste; they could still be digested normally if they weren’t used in this way. Due to the sacrifice of fuel and risk of attracting other Pokémon (especially Bug-types), the line prefer not to fire rockets and reserve it for self-defence and battles. Much more common launcher uses are expelling smoke, showers of sparks or split-second blinding flashes to intimidate threats. Before they even do that, they’ll wave their tails high, stamp their feet and stand up on their front paws. However, the launcher’s uses aren’t only aggressive. Smoke and flares are a means of long-range communication. Each individual’s smoke is laced with its unique chemical signature, so they can recognize, keep track of and send detailed messages to one another through their pheromones. Such signals are the main reason the mostly solitary Pokémon sometimes come together. They may be helping a fellow member of their species in distress or joining them in feasting on an abundance of food. They have an amazing sense of smell.
The first stage of the line, Pherocket (‘pheromone’ and ‘rocket’) is a small spotted skunk. It has a longer, more weasel-like build than the stereotypical skunk akin to the western spotted skunk, the better to dig tunnels with. Its coat is the indigo of the sky at dusk with broken stripes and spots of bright red and yellow, and its eyes are an intense green. The vibrant colours are a warning sign. Its fur is thick. Its protruding front claws are silver and strong as steel. Its long tail has a flared shape with the fur clumping in outward spikes around its circular end and is solid red to draw attention to it; looking down it, you can see the opening of the launcher. It is especially warm to the touch.
At level 33, it evolves into the second stage, Flarespray (‘flare’, ‘spray’ and a pun on ‘hairspray’). It’s still lean, but bigger and stronger with powerful legs and longer, sharper front claws for digging, breaking down rock and tearing metal. Its coat is now midnight blue and has a different pattern of smaller stripes and spots clearly imitating the steaks and sparks of light when a firework explodes. Its thick artillery cannon of a tail remains red, but has a helical green stripe along it matching its eyes. It needs more food and preys upon Steel-types that provide, and Rock-types full of carbon like Carbink and Rolycoly. It has even been known to mortally wound Copperajah with the power and precision of its projectiles. With superior stamina and metabolism to its pre-evolution, it can produce a greater number of more destructive and advanced pyrotechnics more efficiently. It is nicknamed the ‘painter of the the sky’.
Pherocket’s base stats:
60 HP
75 Attack
49 Defence
80 Special Attack
50 Special Defence
65 Speed
Flarespray’s base stats:
80 HP
100 Attack
70 Defence
110 Special Attack
72 Special Defence
85 Speed
Their possible Abilities are Intimidate, Sniper and Tough Claws.
Their signature move is Burning Hail. The Pokémon stands on its front legs and shoots an extra large firework directly above the opponent. This consists of a cluster of pellets, that rain down in a circle with glittery trails when it explodes. They too then detonate surrounding the opponent.
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Regional Forms
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nuttynutcycle · 4 years
I just discovered your blog, and I'm in LOVE with your writing! I'm completely obsessed with Familiar, so if it's not to much to ask, could you write a continuation? Thank you so much, your snippets and prompts are greatly appreciated!!
Familiar - Pt 2
First part here
On a scale of one to ten, this was either a -2 or a 12 on the good idea scale. Hero double-checked the address Villain had sent her before looking back at the tiny house. The paint was peeling, steps were rotting and that roof was definitely of the leaking sort. Somehow, she had expected Villain to live on the rich side of town.
When he had invited her over to work on their assignment, her thoughts had been torn between screaming trap and find some evidence. The second side won. If there wasn’t anything in there to prove who Villain really was… Well, she’d have to find another way of getting proof to show the authorities. She knocked and noted the cracked windows to her side. After a few seconds, Villain opened the door.
“Hey, I’m glad you could make it. Come on in.” He led her down the musty hall towards a suspiciously normal bedroom. “Thanks again for making the trek all the way over here. My mom hasn’t been doing too well recently, and I’m trying not to leave her alone for too long.”
“Of course, I get it.” Hero let her eyes trail over the spartan room. The only furniture was a bed and two chairs beside a fold-up table covered with books and scribblers. Funny, the number of times Villain escaped from her with stolen cash made her think he’d at least have better furniture. Or a safe to put the money in. Maybe it was hiding in the closet? Although in this neighbourhood, keeping money lying around might not be the brightest idea. “It’s good that you’re taking care of her.”
He nodded, avoiding her gaze and moving his stuff from the table to the floor. “Hopefully, this next surgery will be the one that works.”
“Yeah, it’s tough watching people you love go through painful things. My sister has a heart problem right now, and it’s terrifying to watch her energy come and go.” Shut up! Stop telling him personal things. “Yeah.” She finished lamely.
Their gazes locked in understanding. Hero was the first to break away. “Ready to start the pain?”
They worked on the assignment in silence for a while. Honestly, there was probably a special punishment designed for whoever invented assignments over ten pages long. This just wasn’t fair. Hero sat back, running a hand through her hair. “I think this is karma's way of punishing me for not reading the textbook.”
His lips quirked. “There’s a textbook for this class? That would’ve been helpful to know at the start of the semester.”
“Want to know how tired I was at the beginning of the semester? I can’t even remember choosing my classes,” she pulled a hand down her face. “I think I just closed my eyes and pointed at the screen.”
“You could have been in differential calculus. Or worse, accounting.”
“Or Phys Ed. Did you know our university has a course devoted to badminton?”
Villain laughed. “What a racket. To think, I could have spent time swinging my arm around and gotten credit for it.”
“But then you’d be missing out on the glories of this assignment.”
“And a friend.”
Oh nope. Big nope. Wait, Hero reconsidered. Were they friends?  They did chat after class and had studied a few times together, but that didn’t mean- wait. Huh. Time to deflect with awkward humour and process these feelings later. “I thought you saw me as a role model, but that’s cool too. I’ll just have to find a new lackey.”
“And here I thought you were friends with me for my brilliance and good looks.”
She felt her cheeks begin to burn. “Yep, it’s all for your looks. If you seduce our professor, then we don’t have to do this assignment anymore.”
Villain rubbed his chin. “I’ve never seduced a professor before. Would I have to wear a sweater vest?”
“And a tweed jacket. It’s the only way.” Her fingers twitched, and she was suddenly very aware of him. The light hitting his hair, the way his lips curled when he was amused… Bad, very bad. This is your official ABORT MISSION alert. Find some evidence on the dangerous criminal and get out of there. She cleared her throat. “I’m parched. Could I get some water?”
Villain nodded, standing and leaving the room. Hero leapt out of the chair the moment the door shut behind him.  Her eyes latched on the only place one could hide anything in the sparse room - the closet. She yanked it open, feeling her heart speed up at the sound of Villain opening a cupboard in the kitchen and turning on the tap.
The closet was small and impressively dull. Clothes and boxes littered the tiny  shelves, with no signs of the files or weapons she was looking for. A flap of a familiar fabric dangling from one of the top boxes caught her eye. Bingo. Hero gingerly reached to feel the consistency, making sure she wasn’t wrong before bringing the authorities in, and accidentally bumped an elbow against the side of the closet. The box plummeted from its precarious placement and met the ground with a thump. No! She scrambled to pick up the box and the spilled-out uniform when a movement behind made her pause.
Villain stood in the doorway, hand clenched around a glass of water. His eyes darted to the clothes on the ground. “What are you doing?” he asked quietly.
Hero’s throat went dry. She tightened her grip on the clothes and tried to look surprised. “S-something fell in your closet, so I opened it to check what it was.”
“Huh,” Villain said. “That’s unfortunate.”
He knelt, gently taking his outfit from her hands and placing it back in the box. “You weren’t supposed to see this.”
“Clearly.”  Hero swallowed and prepared to run if he attacked. Worst case scenario, she had beat him before and could do it again. Theoretically. “I didn’t mean to-“
“I know.” A familiar calculation crept across his face, making her hands shake. Villain sat across from her and blocked the only exit, placing the cup of water between them. She felt trapped against the closet.
“You know, if this had happened a month ago, I would have killed you without a second thought,” he said mildly. “Guess you’re lucky.”
A horrifying reminder that she was not dealing with her awkward classmate anymore. “What are you going to do instead?”
Villain shrugged, seeming far too calm for the situation. “I don’t know yet. Talk, I guess?”
“I won’t tell anyone.” Hero said, lying through her teeth.
“Unfortunately, I’m too old to believe the promises of others so easily.” He trailed his fingers through the thin carpet, tracing patterns through the material. “Even yours. The stakes are just too high.”
“What’s even worth all the stealing and destruction?” she asked quietly. “Why do you do it? “
The  fingers paused. “It started out as one job. My mom needed treatment, and we didn’t have the money to pay for it. Then one treatment turned into two.” He shook his head. “Before I knew it, I was on the city’s most-wanted list.”
Her shoulders tensed. “Will you stop when the treatments are finished?”
“There have been other benefits to criminal activity.” Villain ducked his head, cheeks turning pink. “Lots of amazing people to meet. I haven’t decided yet.”
She leaned against the wall beside the closet, feeling safer with something solid against her back. “I don’t know if meeting people through crime is worth a lifetime in jail.”
He gave a bitter laugh. “You’d be surprised.”
Hero picked up the forgotten water sitting between them and drank, if nothing else than for the excuse to avoid responding.
His fingers trailed larger patterns in the carpet. “I never wanted you to find out- this is one of the first friendships I’ve made since I started university. I don’t want to lose that. And I don’t want you getting hurt, but this does put me in a tight position. I won’t let you inform the authorities.”
Hero pressed her back further against the wall.
Villain took one look at her wide eyes and softened his tone. “Just don’t tell. If I get one inkling that you’re about to turn me in, then..." he sighed. "Please don’t make me choose between you and my mom.”
He would know it was her. Hero didn’t think she could after this. Or fight him, knowing it was for his mom’s medical bills. She pursed her lips, making a highly regrettable split-second decision. “Alright. But only on one condition: you stop once her treatments are done.”
He twitched. “I told you, I haven’t decided yet-”
“I’m making the decision for you.” She tried to sound more confident than she felt. "Deals are much easier to trust than promises.”
“No. I’d miss-” Villain stopped, clenching his jaw. “I can’t let certain people from that life go yet.”
Something clicked. The girl he liked was from his criminal life… Oh gosh, Hero probably knew her. The brunette villain from the southside? The redheaded weapons supplier? Stop getting distracted.
“I trust you. Give it up as soon as you can.” The words slipped out before she could stop them. “For me.” That was even worse. Was it possible to die from a foot in your mouth?
Villain relaxed his shoulders. “Yeah. It’s a deal.” He stuck out a hand and Hero grasped it, shaking firmly and ignoring the sinking feeling in her chest. So like, a 5 on the good idea scale.
@revrevrew-personal @spruceandpine @sailor-cat2 @literally-just-kirby @emerqlds @chaoticgoodandu @notsocharmingmagician @flying-paperboat @touchedbyanerdyotaku
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sinnerburrito · 3 years
Jeremy's Companion Dialogue
It could have more stuff but i think it's big enough already.
- Can you tell me about yourself?
If you are up to listen the three hour long narrative of how I bravely explore the wasteland, sure why not?
I'm a courier, just like you, minus the whole "shot in the head" ordeal, used to be a prostitute too, a very good one, now I just deliver packages, read fortunes, steal, ya know, the usual.
- Fortunes?
Call it what you want, magic, lucky, madness. I know and see things... sometimes.
- And what do you see? (Answer differs based on karma/ affiliation)
You're a odd one, the cards you have is always shifting, but right now I see ...
Independent: a bright light smiles to you, thousands of wheels will guide you to freedom out a hill. The Bull don't know what's under its roves.
Legion: Blood paint the crosses, be careful with the fox, 83 is a large number and the man in gold will be not be followed.
NCR: Old laws of the old world has no place here, Shady, Sands, everything is corrupted. To others live some has to die.
MR. House: An delayed delivery, seven went and six came back, are you ready to bet all your caps in a platinum dream?
- Uh... Prostitute?
Look we all did things we are not proud of. It kept me alive and I'm thankful for that, but I'm out of this business.
-(Confirmed Bachelor) Maybe I can change your mind?
Maybe. But i think it would cost you 100 caps to try.
- Nice Tattoo.
Hey thanks. Is a family thing. And it actually goes around my body so if you're nice, I might show you one day.
-What's your thoughts on the Legion?
You're really asking me that? For real?
Okay I'll let that pass cause you got shot in the head but I'm a tribal and then a Legion slave some years ago. What the fuck you think it's my opinion.
-You don't look like a tribal.
Can't blame you. I only dance wearing my feathered headdress with paint in my body in very special occasions.
-Whats your thoughts on the BoS?
Same as the Legion, but not that bad.
I say i wouldn't beat the living shit of a Brotherhood member if they stood in a 1km radius near me.
- What's your thoughts on the White Glove Society?
They have quiet a....refined taste. Just stay away from them, trust me, better not try our luck to see if the rumors are true.
I know them seem polite but don't get fooled, I'm a fool myself and even I can can see what's up.
-What's your thoughts on the Omertas?
Oh, I'm going to be honest with you, they have a special place on my heart, there's not a single day I don't think about them what they did and keep doing.
I don't think they're a suitable sacrifice but this won't stop me to throwing every and single one of them into The Pit.
- Looks like you have something personal against them.
Is that obvious? Well, I do, and no, I won't elaborate.
- What's your thoughts on Mr. House?
Dude's a mineral and somehow still kicking everyone in the guts.
He's not so different from the Brotherhood. He only has more power.
- What's your thoughts on The Followers of the Apocalypse?
I'm on the fence about them. They're good but also not, kinda hypocritical if you want me to be honest, I think they sometimes act like everyone else is just poor lost stupid souls.
And for an anarchist group they depends an awfully lot on the NCR.
But you see, I have a talent to break bones, mine specifically, I don't know where I would be without their help. Probably alone in a shallow grave.
Oh fuck, sorry.
- What do you know about Benny?
The guys at The Tops? Head of the Chairman ? Checked train wreck?
A whole fucking lot.
If I could write it would be a hell of a book. He's an asshole as much he's ambitious.A compulsive backstabber too beautiful for his own good.
Don't underestimate him, if he have a plan for that chip of yours: Listen.
After his personal quest is completed
- So the Vipers are your family?
No No, I came out of a egg.
Yeah I guess so, I guess Ma still alive, somehow. I heard I had a sister once, ironically she didn't woke up after the Great Awakening but this was before I born.
My father....I have no idea, he was a missionary, whatever that means, i think he was sacrificed. That's all I know.
And you? Do you remember anything before the shooting?
- Yes/ No/ Just few things.
Well, maybe it's for the best, a opportunity to a fresh start.
- Let's talk about your tatics.
Constructive criticism only.
- Use a ranged weapon.
I was afraid you would say that./ Keep your distance just to be safe.
- Use a melee weapon.
No need to ask twice. / I'm already using? /Stab stab stab.
- Be agressive
Like that ever worked/ Have you noticed I'm not really an intimidating person?/ Like...angry?
- Be passive
For you? Always./ Anything for you, dear. /Oh,l I like your style.
- Wait here.
I'm not responsible for my actions from now on. / Okay I'll wait here...by myself...in this dangerous place. / Don't be long.
- let's trade equipment
These pockets are not just for Aesthetic. / If I find anything interesting I'll keep. / Be my guest.
- Overburdened
Okay, maybe it's better if my pockets just compliments my fashion sense. / Do i look like a damn Brahmin? / I knew you would break me in half but this is ridiculous.
- I would like you to go the Lucky 38.
(If his quest is not completed) The casino? At The Strip? Sorry, but I will wait for you at Freeside wandering aimlessly like a vagabond. / All those lights make me dizzy but okay / will try not steal anything there.
- Why don't go the The Strip?
Why don't you mind your own business? Sorry, it's not your fault. I just want to avoid conflict, that's all.
* In Courier's iron sight*
Do you have a death wish?/There's easier ways to get rid of me, ya know? / Of all the thing you could shove in my face, why the gun?
*Courier lays mine*
Uh...I feel like I should keep my distance./ It's a honor seeing such tatical magnificent working. / Full recovery my ass.
- It's time for us to part ways.
Awn fuck, I'm terrible with goodbyes./ I thought we had a great thing going on./ Okay, I'll go then. All by myself. In the big bad Wasteland.
*Player steals items or pickpocket*
Go, steal from the rich. / I could show you a tricky or two. / Just keep your hands off my stuff.
Have you seen my kidney by any chance? /Is this blood mine or yours? Nevermind. / I don't get paid enough for this.
*Crippled limb*
Quick question, bones are supposed to be inside the body, right? / It's ok, it's ok, I'm not going to cry. Not in front the mailman. / I don't think this sound is a good sign.
*Incomprehensible mumble* / See you in the other side. / Run...
So peaceful, you can even hear the cazadores buzzing around./ Do you hear...never mind" (close to the cemitery) / Is it too much to ask to see your shallow grave?
Would you freak out if i told you never really left this grave? (By the Courier's shallow grave)
-The Strip
Can you believe a guy like *him* runs a place called The Tops?/ This place reeks of cheap cologne and bad sex. / Ugh, this lights will give me a migraine.
- Gomorrah ( unlocks completing his quest and let him in charge)
Welcome back! Thirsty? Hungry? Horny? We got you covered. / Hey if it isn't our Or Royal Highness of Vegas / Don't look in the backroom.
(If the player enter former's Clanden's secret filming room, after picking a Very Hard Lock, Claden himself will be tied up to a chair with a camera set up right before him. It's impossible to either free or kill him).
- Gomorrah / The Fort ( unlocks selling him back to The Omertas or to the Legion)
* Yawns* / Next time give me something to work with. / Already? (After the Player has sex with him in the Fort or Gomorrah)
How the hell do you still alive? / Enjoying the view, asshole? / Told you, you never left that grave.
-The Tops
Do i look presentable? / I know why we here, don't kill him, please. / I regret giving Benny that fucking gun.
- Companions
Craig Boone, why I feel a bitter taste whenever he's around?( When Boone is nearby)
Bad knees my ass, I saw him running from a cazador (when Raul is nearby)
How Grandma Lily can stand Leo? Guy's an asshole. (When Lily is nearby)
Think I have any chance? (When Arcade is nearby)
*Hums Heartaches by the Number* ( When Cass is nearby)
Don't you have to steal a child's Pib-Boy or something? (When Veronica is nearby)
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daybreak-delusion · 4 years
Chapter 5
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Introduction: Whitney Goodwinson was planning on inheriting one of her deceased grandmother's properties, but not a little house off the coast of North Carolina.  As she struggles to meet new people, fix up her new property, deal with troublemaker JJ Maybank, and perfect her grandmother's infamous lemonade she might just find that the Outer Banks has more to offer than it seems.
Series Masterlist
Turns out JJ had been working at the “Lemon House” since he was 12 years old. The local kids had apparently been calling it that since before the dawn of time. The house belonged to Grandmother and her family, it was the only property that had ever been completely hers. During the summertime to make extra money, they would sell fresh-squeezed lemonade. I hadn't noticed it before but in the trees to the right of the house was a small greenhouse with a lemon tree grove inside. After Grandmother married Grandfather she would only come for the month of July and her lemonade stand would be packed. JJ said that it was the best months when “Vicky” would come stay at the house and make fresh lemonade for all of the kids. Apparently, the house was “neutral territory” from the two sides of the island, Figure Eight and the Cut. Figure Eight was home to the Kooks, the rich side of Outer Banks. Apparently, Kooks are stuck up, rich, ruthless brats who never had to work a day in their lives.
“You’d fit right in with them, sunshine,” JJ laughed reaching for another beer out of the ice chest. We were sitting on the dock in front of the Lemon House. After our little confrontation, JJ made another joke about my ass, and then I decided he was alright. Grandmother trusted him, so I trust him. Grandmother had a way of figuring people out. Some called her two-faced but she was just trying to survive. So I decided to give JJ and myself a break by day drinking. I honestly hated controlling people, who didn’t deserve it of course and just wanted to test JJ and see how he would react. 
“Please you don’t even know me,” I stated, sipping some of my beer which had gotten a little warm. I still couldn't believe the heat of this place, it was excruciating. 
“We could fix that you know, get to know each other a little better. I could even think of a few boning exercises we could, uh, participate in,” said JJ with another smirk. He’d been making these kinds of jokes all day and it was getting old. The first few times I felt something in the pit of my stomach, but then realized this is just probably how JJ acted all the time.  
“Ha, ha no thank you. Please continue your East Egg, West Egg story.” 
“I still don’t get your references, but whatever. So the Kooks think that they own the whole island just because they can use their daddies money to buy anything they want.”
“Yeah ew that’s gross, why would their parents let them do that? They won't learn anything about the real world and hard work if they piggyback on their parents' wealth.” 
“What and you’re not like that, miss ‘this is my house, my rules,’” said JJ mimicking my voice to sound like a prepubescent boy. 
“Oh shut up, I was just seeing if you would pass the test.” 
“Oh what test, you just wanted an excuse to get close to me.”
“Shut up and finish your story!” I said impatiently. 
“Nuh not until you explain your ‘hard work makes you a better person’ bullshit.”
“Hey hard work does make you a better person, look my family is very well off, obviously, who just gives away houses, but when I turned 18 I was on my own, cut off from my parents and grandparents money. My grandfather grew up in a small mountain town in California with a population of maybe 500 people. During the wintertime, these rich families would come and stay at these fancy resorts where he was a waiter. He worked at that place for eight years. He worked his ass off through college and medical school where he showed he had talent, not because of his parents’ bank account or by how many boats he owned, but by pure talent and it paid off. He had it all: a beautiful wife, three children, and a whole lot of money. Then when my aunt turned 18, she was cut off and had to start over just like he did, but my grandfather taught her and the rest of his children about hard work and dedication. My father taught me the same morals, so growing up while my boarding school friends got to go to parties all the time and go to Vegas for three day weekends I was working as our librarian's assistant. 
“Wait, you went to boarding school?” 
“Really that’s what you got from my story, really?” 
“Yeah pretty much also you were a librarian?”
“I was an assistant librarian, anyways you still need to finish your story! You already told me about the Soches I need to know who the Greasers are.” 
“Are you even speaking English? Anyways the other side of the island, The Cut, is home of the Pogues, the greatest people in the world,” he said with a smirk.
“Oh I’m sure.”
“Anyways we’re basically the bottom of the barrel, low life troublemakers according to everyone else. I don’t really mind it. I like the life I live and wouldn't change it for the world. We get to do what we want whenever we want” 
“Hm sounds nice, but what are your plans for the future” 
“Honestly I thought I would be in jail at this point,” he said completely honestly.
“You’re joking.”
“No, I’m not! I mean two years ago there was this hurricane and some friends and I kinda caught a break and stumbled upon a treasure hunt kinda thing that was supposed to change everything, but it turned out to be a bust,” he said sipping more of his beer. He had a sad look in his eyes so I decided to hold back my Goonies joke and changed the subject. 
“So, Pogues basically live like there's no tomorrow?”
“Yeah, basically. After this summer things are gonna change though.” 
“Why’s that?”
“Well my friends and I all graduated, some are even going to college, but me and my friend John B are just gonna work for a while.”  
“Wait, you graduated high school?” I joked 
“Yeah, I’m not as stupid as I look”
“You sure about that?”
“You’ve known me for, what, a day? Even less? You don’t know me,” he had a satisfied look on his face so I decided to keep my observations to myself. There were still some holes to fill, but I had a pretty good idea of who JJ Maybank was. I was guessing a single household and judging by his crude behavior and drinking habit he probably lived with his father. Past tense, of course, the way he talked about his friend John B’s house made it seem like it was his as well. What I really didn’t want to bring up was the obvious abuse from his father. From the way, he joked, didn’t care about his future, and faded scars suggested that he had either gone to war or had an abusive relative. If he was smart he would go into the Army or the Navy to do something with his life, but JJ seemed more free-spirited than that. So for now I guess he’ll mow Grandmother's lawn. 
“Ha, you’d be surprised how well I can read people,” just then I got the dreaded text saying that Rafe was picking me up in 20 minutes, “ugh I have to go get ready for dinner before you go can you tell me your work schedule?” 
“Oh right yeah,” I wanted to believe that there was disappointment in his eyes, but quickly pushed those thoughts down, “Um I usually mow the lawn once a week, trim the hedges every other week, and weed the garden and pick lemons every other day” 
“What have you been doing with the lemons?” 
“Oh I just take them to the farmers market and sell them”
“Ah, so you’re stealing from my property now?” I teased. 
“Oh no, no it’s not like that I just didn't want them to go to waste I mean I didn't-” 
“JJ it’s okay I’m glad you didn’t just throw them away and put them to good use”
“I tried making her lemonade, but it just didn’t seem right,” he said with a sad tone. I really hoped he was being genuine.  
“Oh well, maybe we can try it again? I’d like to continue the tradition for now. Anyways keep to your regular work schedule and I’ll make up a new one for you by the end of this week. Would you be willing to help out with maintenance work? I’d pay you extra.”
“Yeah, yeah that sounds great and I think I can do that” 
“Okay perfect, when will I see you again?”
“Well I’m free tonight if you want to practice those bonding exercises?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking like a fool. A cute fool. Stop it, Whitney! 
“I meant your work schedule dumb-ass, when will you be by again to pull the weeds?” 
“Oh um what day is it again?” 
“It’s Friday.” 
“Oh then I’ll be here tomorrow” 
“Alright see you then,” I said, extending my hand for him to shake. 
“Yeah, um see you then,” JJ awkwardly took my hand like it was a dead fish. 
“Is that really how you shake a person’s hand?” 
“Sorry, you just caught me off guard, who shakes hands anymore?”
“Professionals do JJ, next time I extend my hand to you better have a proper handshake”
“I’m on it your majesty,” he said as he saluted me. 
“Goodbye JJ,” I finally said walking back up the stone path.
“Good luck in Kook Land Whitney,” He yelled to me, smiling like a fool. 
It was the first time he had actually said my name and I had to say I liked the way it sounded. 
I quickly got ready for what was going to be the most awkward dinner of my life. Since I didn’t have time to shower or anything (gross) I pulled my hair back into a sleek bun and pinned up any loose hairs. For make-up, I put on my normal country club look and slipped on a white babydoll dress. I kept jewelry simple small diamond studs, with a matching bracelet, and a silver chain necklace with a wave pendant. The necklace was a gift from Grandmother, the last thing she gave me in person. She said that it was special to her and that it would bring me good karma. A lot of good it was doing now, I was on a divided island and was about to have dinner with a bunch of robots. Just then I got a text: 
Rafe: I’m outside when you’re ready 
A true gentleman.
The drive in Rafe’s truck was silent except for the music playing from a local music station. As we drove through Figure Eight I couldn't help but look at all of the beautiful houses. They were huge compared to the small cottage that I was currently living in. They weren't as big as the mansion my parents had just inherited or even my childhood home, but they were beautiful. We drove along a long driveway that came open to the Island Club. When Rafe finally spoke he told me that the club was also a hotel. It looked like it was out of a fairy tale with its peaked roofs and white windows. We pulled into the valet and a man in a white button-down shirt opened the door for me. I was half expecting Rafe to offer me his arm, but he just trudged ahead. We came to a big dining hall where other rich and important families sat. The Camerons were sitting by the front of the dining hall at a rectangle-shaped table next to a ceiling to floor window. It was dusk and the sun was just starting to set outside. It was weird not seeing the sun sink into the ocean, but the sky looked amazing. I was pulled from the stunning view of Rose Carmen's caked face. 
“Whitney! You look exquisite in that dress,” said Rose standing up to greet me with a hug. She was sitting to the right of Ward who was at the head of the table Next to Rose was a young teenage girl with glasses and dark hair. To Ward’s left sat a girl who looked about my age. She had long straight hair that I would die for and tan skin. She held an uninterested look on her face that told me this was the last place she wanted to be.
“You are too kind Mrs. Cameron, I simply cannot compare to your family tonight,” was my rebuttal to the compliment. I wasn't lying this time, the Camerons were a good looking family. I noticed the sour look on one of Rose’s daughters, wait, step-daughter, as she rolled her eyes at me. 
“Oh honey please just call me Rose and you are too kind,” she sat back down and gestured to an empty chair on the other side of the table. I nodded to Ward and took a seat next to the older looking sister and Rafe sat at the other head of the table. 
“Whitney I’d like to introduce you to the rest of our family, this is Wheezie,” she said gesturing to the glasses-wearing girl to her right. 
“It’s nice to meet you Wheezie,” I said, trying to keep the shock/amusement out of my voice. 
“And this is Sarah,” continued Rose now looking at the girl that was seated to my right, unaware of my struggle to stay professional, “I believe you two are the same age.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, Sarah,” I said, turning to look at the girl trying to be nice. I really did want to try and make friends, even if I was only gonna be here for the summer. 
“Likewise,” replied Sarah. Yup, she definitely wanted to be somewhere else. 
“So Whitney, how are takin’ to the OBX?” Ward asked me. Ah so, the interrogation began. 
“It’s been nice. It’s a lot more humid than California, but I think I’ll get used to it” 
“About California, has your family lived there very long?” interrupted Rose, causing a look from Ward.
“Yes, my father’s company headquarters is in San Diego so I’ve lived there all my life.” 
“San Diego?” Sarah surprisingly interrupted, “that’s where SeaWorld is right?”
“Oh that must be so fun to go too, seeing all of those fish and dolphins,” Rose added innocently. Sarah gave her a look of disappointment and was waiting for my answer with anticipation as if this question would shift the way the rest of the night went. I’d have to be careful with my words. 
“Um yes, it is, however my family and I are not supportive of the company. The captivating of Killer Whales is a huge controversy where I’m from. I don’t believe that those creatures should be held in captivity.” There was a pause of silence. 
“That’s really interesting Whitney,” said Rose, not sounding interested at all.
“Thank you, Rose,” I continued pretending I ignored her dull sounding voice, “the abuse of sea life for public enjoyment is not discussed enough in our society. My father's company has donated annually to charities in support of taking care of these issues.” 
“Ah yes interesting indeed,” said Ward taking a long drink of his scotch. I knew it was time to change the subject. 
“So Mr. Cameron do you like fishing?” 
The rest of the night went like this, chatting back and forth about the weather, food, and other things to do in the Outer Banks. The food was amazing: a three-course meal of an appetizer, entree, and dessert. The conversation at the table was basically just Rose, Ward, and me. Rafe would make a few comments when we would talk about fishing and Sarah would bring up the best beaches to go to for tanning. 
“Do you by any chance know of any good beaches for surfing?” I asked. I had been dying to get back in the water and the internet only suggested the most popular beaches. I figured a local would know of the best spots.
“Oh um I’m not really an expert on those beaches, but I have some friends who would know some good places!” said Sarah, at the mention of Sarah’s friends the rest of the table fell silent, “here give me your number and I’ll text you when the next time they go out!” She handed me her phone and I put my number in.
“Thank you so much! My board should be coming on Monday, so anytime after that, I’ll be free,” I said, handing her phone back to her. 
“Cool, how long have you been surfing?” 
“All my life basically, my mother grew up surfing and taught me at a young age and I’ve been surfing ever since” 
“Anyways girls we should get going, Whitney, it was so nice to catch up with you,” said Rose coming around the table to give me another hug. 
“Oh the pleasure was all mine,” I said standing up, “it was so nice to get acquainted with you all.”
“Oh, Whitney you must come by our house for brunch some time!”
“Yeah we'll see,” I said trying to lean towards the door not planning on taking her up on the offer.
“Alright Rafe take Whitney home and we’ll see you-“
“Actually,” interrupted Sarah, “I was thinking I could take Whitney home? She’s been hanging out with Rafe all afternoon and she needs some girl time.” 
She said it as if her parents had already agreed to let her take me home. Before they could say another word Sarah took my hand and pulled me out of the Country Club. 
“Goodbye!” I cried out as Sarah almost pulled my arm out of my socket and out of the restaurant. 
a/n: A little longer chapter and I wont be posting again today :( . Also who didn’t think Wheezies name was kinda ridiculous like I hope I’m not the only one. I’m going to start uploading longer chapters from now on because I just can’t wait for you guys to read more! Thanks again for reading it really means a lot and I’d love your feedback! 
Edit: Also next update will be Monday!
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lowkeyaesthvtic · 5 years
Evil Karma - Chapter 1
Word Count: 2,753
Pairings: none yet
Summary: A new VK arrives on the isle with no clue of what has happened to her ‘almost family
Rating: whole story will be a T rating (with some chapters being M) but this chapter is relatively PG
Warnings: mentions of (not graphic) death, just overall anger and villainy
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I awoke in a haze with a sharp pain in my back and shoulders. The last thing I remembered was using one of my father’s old trinkets to make a portal. The special thing with portals is that they could take you anywhere as long as you focused on where you wanted to go. What sucked about that was I had never been anywhere else before...therefore I had no place to focus on. This must have been where the portal placed me. I forced myself to stand and took a look around me. One thing I could immediately tell was that I was on some sort of island from the familiar scent of salty seawater hitting me. As I continued to look around, however, I knew this island was nowhere near familiar. Everything felt so incredibly overcrowded. Trash, dirt, and flies invaded the space around me. It was only a few more seconds before I noticed people bumping into me without a second thought. Some of them girls, some of them boys, some of them tall and mischievous, others were small and unknowing of their actions. One thing they all had in common? They all tried to steal something from me.
Pickpocketing was something I had learned from my father at quite a young age. He told me that the boys where we lived were ‘incredibly lost souls’ and ‘may not know how to react to someone who looked like me.’ His answer to that problem was to teach me as much as he could. So that’s what he did. I learned all the ways of my home’s magic, figured out how to harness and use it as a sort of...persuasion, and became the best on the island with a bow and arrow. It was because of all I had learned that anyone who tried to steal from me had failed. Until one person in particular had brought a bit of a challenge.
As soon as I felt him bump against my hip, I dodged any further contact and went for my dagger, as per usual. However, when I brandished my dagger, I was met with something I never thought I’d see: a rusted hook made of silver. No way. No way this could be true. “Hook…” I mumbled, standing down from my fighting stance and running through the crowded alley.
“Wait, you know me? But I don’t know you! Come back, you runt!” I hear a confused, aggressive yell in response and before I knew it, he was chasing me. As I hurried past the people in the alley, I ran past names that looked all too familiar. Lady Tremaine...Dr Facilier...Mother Gothel...it was at this point that I finally knew where I was. I knew my father and I had lost. My magic wouldn’t work here, my boys were likely too far gone, and I’d have to start all over. It wasn’t until I saw the hooked man’s figure in front of me that I realized I had stopped dead in my tracks. “How do you know me? One of the street rats tell you about me?” His accent was thick, incredibly hard to understand, yet it spoke to him. Something about his voice added to his madness, his unpredictability.
“I don’t know you...well, I don’t know your face, at least. Our parents knew each other. It was kind of a love-hate relationship.” I responded, taking in his face. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that he looked intriguing. His hair was a dark black and looked extremely messy, as if the chaotic life of a pirate had tossed it around. Despite attempting to darken his eyes with eyeliner, his eyes’ color matched the blue of the ocean from my home island. His face was incredibly structured and, like his hook, his jaw was sharp enough to cut. “My father was Peter Pan.” At the name, his eyes lit up.
“So you’re the famous Sofia Pan? Goodness, my father told stories about yours almost every night!” He stepped away from me, almost completely throwing away his intimidating aura and letting a playful smile grow onto his face. “I thought your father placed that one spell on Auradon to make them think he was a hero...what are you doing here?”
“Well, you’re right about that...I’m gonna be honest, I don’t remember much. All I know is I wouldn’t be here if Neverland was still intact. I guess you could say I’m on my own now…” Things were silent for a few seconds before he looked to me and gestured to what looked to be some kind of restaurant.
“Maybe not… come with me, Sofia Pan. Let me show you how to take the Isle of the Lost and hook it like it’s nothing!”
“Oh, you can just call me Sofi. If you want.”
“Harry Hook. It’s nice to put a face to your name, Sofi.” And with that, he led me further down the alley into what I could assume was some kind of plaza. We were much closer to the ocean and a lot farther away from the pickpocketing ‘street rats.’ I had started to notice during our walk that most people either respected and followed Harry Hook or were scared of him to the point where they’d do anything he asked whether they wanted to or not. Eventually, we came upon Ursula’s Fish and Chips Shoppe. “Uma is going to absolutely love you! We’ve got girls on the ship, yeah, but if you’re anything like your father...well we’ll just see what happens.” A smirk began to return to the young pirate’s face. Something in my gut began to tell me that this would be a bit more intense than I thought. Was this a good idea?
“The chip shoppe looked just as run down as the rest of the Isle, the only difference being an overall theme of the sea and a tiny television tucked by a long table at the front of the restaurant. Standing by said television was a sight I nearly felt honored to behold. Her skin was smooth and matched the wood of the table she stood behind. Her hair was tightly braided, combining white, black, and a shade of blue that matched the sea close to what I used to call home. She had a bitter glint in her eye but I could tell she wasn’t the type to wallow in her problems. “Harry! It’s about time you came back...where’s the money?” She spoke with certainty, domination, like she knew that she was in charge. In all honesty, the assertiveness in her voice was almost as intriguing as Harry’s accent.
“Right here, my Captain. I have something else for you..a bit of an unexpected guest.” He abruptly pushed me towards her and our eyes met for the first time. After a few seconds, Uma snapped out of a momentary daze and looked to Harry.
“Who is this? Are you trying to set Gil up again? I mean, come on Harry...I don’t think she’d be his type.” She began to eye me up and down, as if she were checking me for anything that could threaten her or her crew.
“No...this isn’t for Gil. Uma, I would like you to meet the wickedly infamous Sofia Pan.” Her eyes widened at the name, was I really that well known on the Isle? “Well...she said that Sofi was fine enough, but I figured you’d want to know her rotten legacy.” With emphasis on the word rotten, I was reminded of where I had come from.
When my father first created Neverland, he had relatively wholesome intentions. He wanted to take boys who felt unloved and unwanted to a place where they could do what they wanted without fear of what others would think. But as he continued to live on the island, Neverland’s magic grew stronger and infected him with madness and the undying desire for power and control. He began forcing his Lost Boys to live on the island, using magic if he had to. He once made a magic Pan Flute that he would take with him across the kingdom and use its song to lure all of the young boys away from their parents and off to Neverland.
By the time I was born, my father was completely corrupted by the magic of the island. His darkness was all I knew. However, it did have its benefits. He taught me to never take no for an answer. He taught me to look in the eyes of authority and say ‘you can’t control me.’ Little did he know that would be his demise…
“So your father had the power to fool an entire kingdom into thinking he was the good guy? I honestly don’t know whether I should be jealous that I wasn’t in your shoes or intrigued by what that could mean for you.” She kept her arms crossed and firm, but I could tell that I wasn’t her victim. Not today, at least.
“If you must know…” I stepped closer to her, leaving Harry in a state of surprise. I guess he must have thought that I’d be hesitant. The poor naive boy, he has no idea just how easily I can charm someone. “It means I’m an expert archer, I know how to reel boys into shape, and I can be..incredibly persuasive.”
“Incredibly persuasive? What does that have to do anything? Your Neverland magic isn’t going to work here.” Harry questioned, trying to act as a barrier between me and his Captain.
“It means she can get anyone to do anything...and we need that here.” Uma grabbed Harry by his hook and gently pushed him to the side. The way the two looked at each other was almost affectionate. It wasn’t my business to question what they had with each other, and something told me that I would soon find out as long as I kept my mouth shut.
Our conversation was quickly interrupted by the sound of the television being switched on. “Hey Uma! Harry! The VKs are on the Auradon News again!” Uma rolled her eyes as she looked towards the television. What I heard next sent shivers down my spine.
“Alright Meeko, this is Nakoma here with the latest update on Auradon’s newest heartthrobs. Our four VKs, Carlos, Jay, Evie and Mal informed us last week of the wicked corruption behind Peter Pan, a hero that we all thought we knew and loved. It turns out, when villains were being sent to the Isle of the Lost, Peter Pan used his Neverland Magic to enchant the entire kingdom of Auradon so he wouldn’t be locked with the rest of the villains. It’s a good thing evil magic doesn’t work on the Isle, because if it weren’t for these core four, we never would have known about it! I’m here with Mal, daughter of Maleficent and current partner of our King Ben, who has just returned from seizing this corrupt island. So Mal, can you describe the events that took place during this battle?” The news anchor gives her microphone to a skinny girl with purple hair, green eyes, and an obviously fake smile.
“Well, the first thing we did was search for Peter Pan himself. He had quite the army built up, it was probably one of the most difficult battles the VKs and I have faced. However, I can happily say that Neverland is completely empty, never to be inhabited again.”
“So did you ever find Peter Pan? And what of the Lost Boys living on the island? Are they all on the Isle now?”
“We couldn’t find Peter Pan anywhere, we can only assume that he fled away. He’s never been one for bravery, after all.” The reporter laughed with Mal before continuing her tangent. “As for the Lost Boys, I can say that they were...properly taken care of.” I could feel the fire rising in my eyes. I remember now, I remember it all.
I could feel Harry and Uma shift their eyes towards me, their crew following suit like a pack of sheep. They killed my Lost Boys...she killed my Lost Boys. Out of pure rage and impulse, I grabbed pieces of the fish guts from some pirate’s tray and chucked it at the television. “You murderous wench! You heartless, cold coward! I swear to all that is wicked if I ever see you I’ll -” Next thing I knew, I felt two pairs of arms around me pulling me down from the table I was standing on. There was Harry, looking at me with almost a sense of concern, and a blonde pirate looking at me like a confused puppy. Uma quickly switched off the television and put her hand on the blonde’s shoulders.
“Gil...I just realized that our new sail hasn’t been set up yet. How about you take the rest of the crew and get that taken care of, huh?” He jumped at the idea and led the rest of the pirates out of the restaurant, leaving me, Uma, and Harry all alone. Did I know what she had planned for me? No. Did I care? Not really. This ‘Mal’ and her friends had slaughtered the only family I had, and I wanted revenge. “Well, I guess now we have a common enemy.” Uma said to Harry, slowly shifting her direction to me.
I tsked and looked to her. “What, she killed your family too? Who does this purple haired traitor think she is? And since when were VKs allowed in Auradon?” Harry rolled his eyes and threw some scrap fish at the screen.
“Since three months ago. King Ben chose four VKs to come live on Auradon for some kind of ‘second chance.’ He wanted to start with the baddest of the bad. Son of Jafar, son of Cruella De Vil, daughter of the Evil Queen...and apparently, the daughter of Maleficent was the most rotten of them all. He whisked those posers off to a better life and left the rest of us in the dirt.” Uma replied, scowling at a poster of the ‘core four’ that had since been vandalized with classic pirate graffiti reading ‘we ride with the tide.’
“What I wouldn’t give to wipe the smiles off their faces…” Harry drifted off, wiping a piece of fish from the television and slipping it into his mouth with his finger.
It was then that an idea had popped into my head. Would it be hard to pull off? Of course it would be...but the victory would be oh so worth it. I sit on the long table behind me and look Uma straight in the eye. “What if we did more than that?”
The two pirates piqued their eyebrows in interest. Clearly I was winning them over. I’m not saying I’m completely surprised but given Uma’s sense of domination I figured it’d be much harder to get her to listen. I guess you learn something every day. “More than wiping smiles off their faces? Explain…”
“Mal and her little group of friends left you and your crew to rot, when you clearly deserve to be on Auradon more than she does. She also had the gall to go after my home and take everything I once held close to me. As you said, we have a common enemy.”
“Yeah...I still don’t know what you’re entailing here.” Harry mumbled, now leaning on his Captain’s shoulder.
“What if she got a taste of her own medicine? She left you out to dry and she tore apart my family...so we take her little group and tear them limb from limb until she feels all alone, just as she deserves. My village pillaging friends...what I’m proposing is an act of karma so sinister that Princess Purple here will wish she was never born.” Harry and Uma’s eyes begin to light up. Harry’s mad smirk returns and Uma mischievously chuckles before going to sit on the table next to me.
“You know Sofi, our crew needs someone like you…”
“Funny you say that, Uma. I was thinking the exact same thing.”
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She wanted to ruin me after I left her. But karma can come back twice-fold.
This is long so I will post a tl;dr at the end!
I once dated this girl, let's name her Jules. Jules and I met at the beginning of my college experience and really hit it off. It was my first time away from my conservative parents, which meant I could finally date another girl. I wanted to keep my options open, because it was the first month of college and I wanted to make a connection. I told her as much and she seemed okay with it.
Flash forward two months later, Jules is over at my place all the time. She basically lives there. And she lives like a pig. I mean, clothes so piled up that they make a new floor. I clean whenever I come home so my cat doesn't die from it. Jules is unhappy with me, a lot.
She doesn't like one of my sexual things, which is fine. I was a little shy about it and didn't need it at that moment. She doesn't like me hanging out with other people. Ever. It doesn't matter guy or girl (I'm bi), and she doesn't like me spending time without her. She's texting me constantly, angry when I get out of class and don't come to her.
She starts to interact with other girls to try and get a rise out of me. It doesn't, because I am okay with casual. One night, my cat gets sick and a friend of mine says she'll take me to the vet. I invite to Jules to come along and she blows up at me. She said that I should wait, because she had a special night planned for us and that my cat shouldn't be more important than her.
I just looked at her and said I didn't want her around me anymore and that she needed to leave. She threatened to harm herself and leave me if I didn't give in (she did this a lot). I said, okay. Leave. (My cat just had a throat infection, she's better now).
A few days later, Jules comes back to me and said she was being an ass because she loves me. I tell her I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore, and she starts yelling about how I stole her virginity and how me saying that I loved her meant nothing (I had never said "I love you." because. Casual.)
I helped her pack up and leave. I didn't realize, when she left, that she took a lot of my clothes. And a flashdrive with all of my writing from the last four years on it. When I asked for those things back, she said she never had any of it. So, lost about 500 pages of a book.
She then started saying I cheated on her, so a good portion of our mutual friends dropped me. I hadn't been with anyone while I was with her (not because I didn't want casual, but because if I even suggested we spend a night apart, she would start crying about how I hated her). And to top it off, the day after we split, she was sleeping with other people.
She also exposed my sexual preferences. At the time, it was mortifying for me, because I was incredibly ashamed of them. Not anymore, but back then. Wow. I have people asking me about them, and she's the only one that knows them. She also steals the tickets I bought to a play -- but more on that, later.
A few months pass, and a mutual friend, John, of our reconnects with me. He says that he can't be seen talking to me, however, because she would get upset at him. It goes like this for two other mutual friends. I'm their friend in secret, because they don't want her to blow up at them -- especially since they are all living with her. It also works for me, because even though I was angry, it was nice to get back at her a little bit.
Her best friend -- let's call her Sophie -- even gets close with me, saying that Jules isn't hanging out anymore now that she has a girlfriend. (Which, can confirm she does this.) Her best friend and I really, really get to know each other. And decide to date -- this was not revenge on Jules. But we do it secret, because Sophie doesn't want the backlash.
Everyone's coming to me, complaining about Jules behavior. I'm slowly winning everyone over. Finally, John says he can't live with her anymore and asks if when her lease is up, I take the room. He hasn't told Jules yet. I say, of course, sure.
I plan to take Sophie out to a show, a set of tickets I bought for it because Jules was a theater major. When I go to grab them, they're missing from their spot. Jules needed to see this play for a grade, but the tickets were under my card. So I went to the theater department, did up my distress real big, and said that a theater major stole my tickets from me.
They assured me they'd put my name and Sophie's down on the list and if a theater major came in with my tickets, they'd be expelled from the program. Guess who showed up at the same time as me and Sophie? Jules. The director told her himself that she was no longer allowed to be apart of the program, which she yelled at me about.
Before I could get a word in, Sophie jumps to my rescue and tells Jules she's so entitled that it disgusts her. Tells her about our relationship. Tells her that she doesn't want to Jules again, because of how she is.
Sophie and I have a great time at the play, and during intermission, John messages me to come over to the house because Jules was spending the night with her parents. Sophie and I head over and we're having a great time. Until Jules walks in.
She sees all of us, blinks, and turns to John to berate him for not telling her that he was having guests over -- because, in her own words, he has to make sure she's okay with every guest he has. He gets real quiet, before telling her that doesn't matter because in two months she won't live there anymore. He's not leasing her again (his dad owned the house) and I was taking her place.
She was out in a week, with no major and no friends. I also hear her girlfriend left her a few days later, because of how smothering she was. I moved in, because rent was three hundred dollars cheaper.
tl;dr: Smothering ex-girlfriend tries to take my friends and smear my name. I end up taking her best friend, her home, and her major from her.
(source) (story by pepicant)
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anicegaykid · 6 years
who dis?
#firstpost seems more daunting than it needs to be. Got myself all creative blocked up so here is a little diddy to get to know me better.. 
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Are you named after anyone?
I am actually named after Jessica Wakefield from Sweet Valley High
When was the last time you cried?
tbh, I tend to flip from emotionless to SUPER emotional like 0-60. Sometimes no response, sometimes (like this afternoon) I see a beautiful pond surrounded in nature, being natural and beautiful, water sparkling in the sunshine and the tears just roll.
Do you have kids? If no, how many do you want?
No kids atm, but a couple kiddos would be nice in the near future
If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
..like.. what.. ? am I just like a duplicate of me? Like am I the same person I am now and would I be friends with someone JUST like me? Or am I someone else? Who am I? Like, I enjoy spending time on my own? 
Bottom line, I like me. 
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
eyes, smile, lips, face bone structure
What is your eye color?
blue, sometimes they get a little grey
Scary movie or happy endings?
Favorite smells?
Citrus, patchouli, cut grass, peaches and strawberries
Do you have any special talents?
Talents include: fantastic with horses, very good dog mom, I can cook frozen pizzas to perfection -- if I don’t get distracted, designing queer tees, i can roll a pretty decent j, solid problem solver, got some wit and can be funny. 
Where were you born?
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in it?
Leo; I mean it IS surprisingly accurate like all the time. 
What are your hobbies?
I am kind of in between hobbies right now.. I dabble in some things. I go to the gym like more than average, but I would like to go more - said everyone ever. I’d like to hike more, camp more, build more things out of pallets, you know.. the usual
Do you have any siblings?
I have a 21 year old brother and a 14 year old sister.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Life is pretty great tbh, I’d like to continue being happy with my little fam
Who was your first best friend?
My first best friend would have to be my cousin, Brittany. Like a sister.
How tall are you?
What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
I wish I was a lot better at expressing how I feel. 
Things that still bother me - my wife and I had a discussion about proposals and who would ask who. We landed on me asking her, which I did and am SO happy about, but the reason behind it being that I am so poor at expressing emotions that she was afraid it would affect her confidence in my response. 
For a first TMI moment of the blog, I have so much anxiety in my ability to express myself that I can’t even manage to make any “noise” during sex. Doesn’t even matter that I am my most comfortable self with her, STILL struggle. A work in progress for me I guess. 
Funniest moment throughout School?
There was a time when we were at a beach party when I was 17, the RCMP showed up to break it up and snag any and all intoxicated minors they could. The tide had recently come in, but where we were was a little dip in the side of the cliff so the path back to the road was water-covered. So someone peeks around the cliff to see the two Mounties wading through the water. This party crew are country-folk and are 100% ready for this situation with a wooden ladder that leads up the side of the cliff into a field close to where all the vehicles are parked. As party-goers are running through the field to cars, someone shouts, “PIT PARTY” and everyone heads towards the local Pit. Along the way someone with a truck steals a round bale from a field and uses it to create the BIGGEST bonfire I’ve ever seen. 
How many countries have you visited?
like ~10
What was your favourite/worst subject in High School?
I struggled with math but funny enough my career path has led me to a life in the casino so I do math daily and enjoy it very much!
My favourite courses in High School were Conservation and Agricultural Science. 
What is your Favourite drink? Animal? Perfume?
Coke Zero Cherry
Karma by Lush
What would you (or have you) name your children?
I really like Posy, Daisy, Freddie and Loren
What Sports do you play/Have you played?
I used to Figure Skate, Horseback Ride, Ringette
Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?
I’ve always been a Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart fan
I like Phil DeFranco for news, Pewds for some lulz, love me some Tyler Oakley, Whitney Simmons and Chloe Ting to work the booty, Vox for learning, FunForLouis has some BEAUTIFUL imagery and plays to the traveler side of me and I recently discovered Will Smith’s channel and cannot get enough!
How many Girlfriends/Boyfriends have you had?
I have had an unsettling amount of bfs for a lesbian, but 2 of them really stand out as being genuinely decent guys and I would still hang out with, platonically, to this day.
I have had a grand total of 4 gfs, I married the fourth bc I got LUCKY AS HECK!
Favourite memory from childhood?
The day I got my first puppy.
One time I was gifted a horse for Christmas bc my Dad felt so bad that I had to have my first pony put down earlier that year. 
I also was old enough to remember both my siblings being born!
How would you describe your fashion sense?
tom boy hyper femme 
What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?)
Tell us one of your bad habits!
I bite my nails and chew my cuticles
3 things that upset you?
excessive force
did I say inequality?
3 things that make you happy?
My animals
How is your relationship with parents?
My Mom is one of my best friends in this world! My Dad is an odd case, he struggles with my sexuality, I understand that it is because of where and when he grew up, he is never outwardly rude or mean to me, he’s a quiet country guy, he was at our wedding, he gave me away with my Mom, he’s kind to Olivia, he’s kind to me, he doesn’t understand but recognizes that it is real. I love my Dad, I really do. I’m proud of my Mom for educating him and ensuring that he is present and polite. I get frustrated from time to time and I have cried a lot of tears about it. Our relationship can be strange but at the same time hasn’t changed. He’s been a great Dad and he’ll be a fantastic Grampy. I have to check myself because there are people who are much worse off than me. I get jealous of Olivia sometimes because her Dad is so sweet to her and treats me like a daughter so easily, but my Dad has never been the soft spoken lovey type. We’ve hugged twice in my life. One of them was when I was leaving for England with a one way ticket and no foreseeable return plans and one was when he was jokingly blocking my path and I used it as a disarming mechanism to scoot through. 
What’s on your mind?
All I can think about today is the fact that I became an aunt at 5AM this morning and I’m going to see his later this afternoon. I SO excited!
What’s your talent?
troubleshooting queen.
naturally creative to my own surprise.
One word that describes you?
What’s your favourite quotes?
No Pride for some of us without liberation for all of us . Marsha P Johnson
We way too fly to partake in all this hate, we out here vibin’ . Ariana Grande
Any pets?
4 dogs:
Finnley - Great PyreneesXAustralian Shepard
Effie - Border CollieX
Shiro - DacshundXMiniature Australian Shepard
Moose - Great PyreneesXFinnley
2 Cats:
Priya - long haired tabby, kinda sorta Ragdoll’esque
Punkin - short haired orange tabby with a poofy tail
2 Beta Fishies:
King Push & Todd
What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
I lived in England for 2 years & travelled Europe for a month
Are you an extrovert or introvert?
I think TECHNICALLY an introvert?  I can be v extroverted but I really need time to recharge. Recharging for me is being home with my comforts. My wifey, doggos, snacks and Netflix.
Are you left or right handed?
Right hander
Do you consider yourself a good cook?
Like.. sort of? I don’t cook much but when I do I always surprise myself with how well I do lol
Does your name have a special meaning?
It means my Mother was 18 when she had me and REALLY liked Sweet Valley High
If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday?
2 weeks away from home/work, road trip to Halifax for the fertility clinic, get started on a baby and then fly off to one of those tropical cabins on the water. 
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would love to have a few homes! A winter getaway BC. A condo in Halifax, NS and a cute little hobby farm here in PEI in some rolling hills somewhere in between Kensington and Charlottetown. 
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
I love chocolate chip waffles/pancakes, French style pastry breakfast, and when I’m feeling fab, some eggs benny on smoked salmon with a couple mimosas on the side. 
What’s your favourite gadget?
I just got a Fitbit so thats been pretty exciting, aside from that, my phone is on me at like all times. 
What’s your longest relationship so far?
My current one. We’re about to hit 4 years together, married for a little over a month. 
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blazardragon · 7 years
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Korotan D: English Translation of Chapter 7 (Last Chapter) 
Finally, we have reached chapter 7! It’s been a fun ride, but all good things must come to an end :’D
In this chapter, Karma confronts Nagisa about Kayano, so Nagisa’s thoughts are revealed to the reader a bit more. Only a bit, though, as it seems that Nagisa might be better at reading Karma than Karma is at reading Nagisa. Also, a good portion of this chapter is Kayano being amazing and the class’s well-read folks (Hazama, Fuwa, and Mimura) appreciating her amazingness. Well, I guess everyone in 3-E found her amazing, but those three’s conversation about movie adaptations was fun to read ^^
Chapter 7: Performance Time
“We’ll start filming in 10 minutes! Hurry it up with your preparations!”
Nathonni raised his voice through a megaphone. The art group was busy working to reproduce an authentic-looking street of food stalls. Sugaya, too, worked as a member of the art group, painting one of the stalls so that a feeling of livelihood could be felt.
Kimura, Isogai, Kataoka, Okano, and Maehara, the members of Class E who were particularly confident in their physical abilities, hurried to put on their costumes in the waiting room. After hearing about Class E’s efforts to recover the golden Buddha statue from Jerome, the director suddenly decided to add another scene. It was a scene where ninjas who pursued Rin from Japan have a showdown with Jerome, a scene that was once rejected because they didn’t have enough stuntmen. He offered to have Class E play the part of the ninja group.
Knowing that he was about to take part in an action scene, Kimura was itching with excitement as he checked out the ninja costumes, which Hara helped make. Karma peeped in on the five ninja figures as they waited in the waiting room.
“Westerners really like having ninjas appear for no reason, huh~  But if it’s that director, it may end up being interesting after all, so I’m looking forward to this, too.”
“I’m jealous of you, Karma. If word got out that you did the stunts for Jerome the heartthrob, you’d be soooo popular with the girls!”
The idea was very like Maehara.  Thanks to Jerome’s injuries, he was unable to complete his action scenes, and because Karma could move well and had a build similar to Jerome’s, Karma was selected to be his stuntman. Karma being Karma, he looked calm on the surface, but, in truth, he was thrilled that he was going to perform in one of director Nathonni’s films.
“Karma, you’re really happy, aren’t you? Even if you try to hide it, I can still tell.”
Nagisa saw through Karma’s heart.  
“Not really.”
Karma had a broad grin as he said this.
 Nathonni broadcasted his orders through his megaphone.
“Okay, take-one! Action!”
Mimura, who was appointed as the assistant director in charge of directing the extras on-site, received Nathonni’s orders and made a large motion with his hand.
“Action! Walk!”
People acting as passerbys began walking back and forth along the street. Those stationed at the food stalls also began acting. Karma, acting in place of Jerome, and Kayano, acting as Rin, ran through the area. They made it look as if they were running away in a hurry. Behind them, ninjas hiding themselves behind their masks and black clothing were following in pursuit. The ninjas made use of their agility as they jumped over the pedestrians and ran atop the food stalls, and, in the blink of an eye, they caught up to and surrounded the pair.
“Cut! Magnificent! That was even better than I had imagined!”
Nathonni cried out in excitement.
“But why in the world are you all so physically capable?”
Kurahashi, who was observing beside the director, puffed out her chest as she answered.
“Our P.E. teacher in middle school was super strict! If you ever saw his superhuman moves, you’d totally offer him a job~”
 When it became time to re-shoot the kiss scene that Kayano had messed up repeatedly, Nathonni anticipated that Kayano would be nervous, so he urged the staff to work quietly. Sensitively feeling such an air around her, she continuously told herself to concentrate. However, when rumor got around that the two stars’ kiss scene was about to be filmed, the crowd of onlookers became even larger than usual.
“Quietly, quietly.”
Mimura told the locals in English and through his gestures to try not to make a sound. However, it turned out that such a thing wouldn’t be so easy.
As many trainees gathered around the filming location in a hubbub, Nagisa silently distanced himself.
“Nagisa, where are you going? The filming site is that way.”
Karma caught Nagisa.
“I was thinking that I should try not to disturb Kayano.”
“You’re the one who said that Kayano’s blade isn’t so fragile. What are you going to do if you don’t put your faith in her here?”
“ ……Also, when I watch Kayano’s kiss scene with Jerome, I feel really anxious.”
“Ooh? And why is that?”
“Because of her work, Kayano’s in a frightening world where it’s impossible to know just what might happen, right?”
“Well…… I guess.”
“If by chance she were to get involved with a lewd beast like that and have her career as an actress adversely affected in the future…… when I imagine such a thing, supporting her in person feels so complicated.”
Karma burst out laughing when he heard Nagisa refer to the new Hollywood star as a “lewd beast”. He didn’t know if Nagisa was saying this as a friend, as something like a parent, as a fan, or as something else entirely, but Karma knew that for Nagisa, too, the fact that Kayano is a special, precious existence will never change.
“Look, instead of chatting here, let’s go watch her. If you’re going to support her, you have to watch her properly with your own eyes.”
Karma grabbed Nagisa’s shoulders and forcibly pulled him along.
At the filming site, Kayano and Jerome were already standing in position. Kayano stood with a nervous expression, straining to keep her concentration from breaking. In contrast, Jerome was staring at her with a smirk on his face. This was because out of all the girls he has done a kiss scene with, every single one of them had fallen for him.
 The scene began with lines from Rin.
“You’re only in it for the money!”
“Yeah. I do love money. But you know, there are other things I love besides money!”
“Like what!?”
At Rin’s strong response, Jerome grabbed both her shoulders.
Jerome closed in on Rin’s lips, and gave her a bold, masterful kiss.
When I release my lips, Haruna’s gonna be looking at me with lovey-dovey eye-
 At that moment, Rin slapped him.
Stunned, Jerome reflexively held his cheek, but Rin removed his hand and kissed that same cheek.
“Don’t just steal my lips as you please! With this, we’re even.”
Jerome stared at Rin, eyes open wide. Rin’s lively smile stood in stark contrast against his expression, inspiring even greater interest in the audience to witness their adventure.
“Hey, don’t space out on me! We need to go retrieve my father’s Buddha statue!”
As Jerome’s face returned to its original whiteness after the slap, Rin pulled Jerome’s arm and led him forward.
 “Cut! Haruna, your ad-lib was the best!”
Nathonni was roaring with laughter as he praised Kayano. Jerome, on the other hand, looked as if he wanted to protest.
“D-director! Doesn’t this totally go against the script!?”
“Yup, it does. Haruna proposed the idea to me, telling me, ‘Rin is a determined, unyielding character, so having her be swayed by a single kiss from a man is way too simplistic. I want to add to this scene.’ However, never in my wildest dreams did I think that suddenly slapping you would be her ad-lib! I’m in awe!”
“Wai- but you treated my ad-libs like a joke! Director, you’re laughing way too much!”
“Jerome, your talent is in your reactions to other people’s ad-libs. You can check the video we recorded just now. Your expression is first-class, which maximizes the charm of your character.”
In fact, the director’s eyes were on the mark. Later on, the comical expression Jerome made in this scene was highly acclaimed, expanding his range as an actor.
 What a woman…… She didn’t change a single line, and yet with just one slap, she doubled the liveliness of the whole scene.
 Checking the video, Jerome was astonished at Kayano’s acting sense, which made both of them shine. It was as if she were a killer wearing an actor’s skin. If he were to get lazy on his acting, he, the protagonist, would be devoured. He figured he should stop trying to flirt with her for a while…… For the rest of the time they were filming, he looked so serious that one would have thought his life depended on his acting.
 When Kayano returned to the waiting room, Class E suddenly encircled around her.
“That was so good! He’s a bad guy, but you straightened him up!!”
“That slap wasn’t in the script, right!? Was that what you’d call an ad-lib?”
“Although, considering that the script was set for you to be all lovey-dovey from one kiss, that slap is quite the sudden change. The director took it well.”
“Kukuku, we laid the groundwork.”
With their plan complete, Hazama and Fuwa laughed.  
“It’s a common thing for screenplays based on great novels to lay down such undisguised opportunism. Even when the original novel isn’t a love story, they employ cheap developments such as that. In the original novel, the charm of Rin’s character is supposed to be her unshakable, strong heart.”
Fuwa nodded approvingly at Hazama’s opinion.
“And that’s precisely why it’s better to make use of her self-assured character! I told the director that when we were eating.”
“The director didn’t take it as bad as I thought he would. It sounds like the producers were pushing for it since it was written by a screenwriter they had sponsored, but it seems he was unsatisfied with the script. Right, Mimura?”
“Yup. As the director, changing the script is easy if he gets onboard with Kayano’s ad-lib. In Hollywood, it’s fine if the final product takes a 180 degree turn by the time filming is complete and editing begins.”
“So, taking the director’s responses to three different people as a hint, I decided to try acting the way you saw earlier. I wasn’t sure if he was going to give me the okay, though.”
Kayano smiled wryly.
 Kayano left behind her classmates, still talking enthusiastically about the script, to get a drink when she spotted Nagisa, who was standing there with his mouth agape.
“Nagisa! What did you think about my acting!?”
“……It was amazing. Maybe I’m just stating the obvious, but…... the one standing there was Rin, not Kayano. You kissed with Rin’s heart and words, then returned to being the usual Kayano. I guess that’s what acting is.”
“It depends on the actor, but I leave my role behind the second I hear the word ‘cut’. After all, the everyday me is the everyday me! I don’t want to take my work home with me.”
Once again, Nagisa couldn’t help but respect Kayano’s high level of professionalism. He felt ashamed of himself for the unneeded concern he was feeling just moments ago.
“So, so, how was Jerome’s kiss? Was it good? Was it, was it?”
Nakamura laid bare her trashy heart as she asked Kayano.
“Hmmm, I guess it’s because I’ve felt Bitch-sensei’s kisses, but I thought it was nothing special.”
Everyone went into a bustle at her response.
“Ooh~ After facing off against a Hollywood star, our Kayano has said it herself!”
Nakamura stirred things up even more.
To press for an answer to his questions, Karma poked fun at the two of them as he observed them closely.
“And yet Nagisa was so worried that you’d go all lovey-dovey over Jerome’s kissing technique~”
“Wai- Karma!”
As Nagisa panicked, Kayano reacted sensitively,
“You’re horrible! You thought I’d brainlessly get hooked by a goofy showoff like that!?”    
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Nagisa was being tormented from all sides.  
“Nagisa, go apologize!”
“You’re treating Kayano like a bitch!”
“I’m really sorry!”
Seeing Nagisa put his hands together in apology, Kayano recalled the Nagisa of three years ago.
Nagisa had apologized in the same way after saving her with his kiss when the tentacles were killing her. At that moment, Kayano was shot through the heart, and Nagisa has kept her stolen heart since then. Even now, no matter how popular the actor, no matter how skillfully she is kissed, they will never compare to the kiss her junior high school classmate risked his life to give her.    
He hasn’t noticed yet, has he……? Just how fearsome a killer he is.
The bitter smile Kayano let escape was quickly replaced by a genuine smile as she witnessed the liveliness of her classmates, unchanged since back then. She returned to her circle of friends, who were all messing with Nagisa once more.
 Everyone laughed together, hugging each other’s shoulders and joking around as the crumbled crescent moon rose above them. It was as if it wished to continue watching over those students, as if there were still more to come.
 Class 3-E is the Assassination Classroom.
Tomorrow, as well, the morning bell will ring.
 No notes, so just comments:
We need more actresses like Kayano! That kind of respect for the original source material is a rare occurrence these days! Although, as much as I love the way she changed that scene, her complaint about Rin being swayed by a single kiss is a little ironic considering how much she was swayed by a single kiss from Nagisa.
Speaking of irony, Maehara would be in hysteria if he knew how popular Karma already is with girls. He doesn’t need to do Jerome’s stunts to have fangirls.
I was hoping everyone got a line in the last chapter, but a lot of the names I had seen were just mentions, it seems. Although, a fair number of students weren’t even mentioned in this chapter D:  Where did Okuda, Takebayashi, and the others go?
I’m mildly disappointed that the moon wasn’t described as “chipped” since the ending theme for half of season 2 was called the “Chipped Moon”. However, that mild disappointment is nothing compared to the feeling of anticipation that the ending gives me. This might be overly optimistic of me, but it feels as if it’s implying that there will be more canon material in the future. I don’t want to feed my hopes, but maybe… just maybe…
I hope you all enjoyed this! It feels weird for this to have ended already. My translation is nearly 20,000 words long, so it’s a lot of new content, but it feels like we blazed through it so quickly! I definitely still want more DX 
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Ep. 9: “If you’re not on top, you’re on the bottom & getting played” - Maddison
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I made the merge!!! Let’s gooo baby!
I cannot believe me the oldest person made it to merge! I’m still shaking a little bit to be honest. Haha I always see those reality tv shows where the oldest person is the first boot. Haha and I know there are other 30 year olds but this feels special to me. 
Yay merge! This lady is gonna kick it into high gear, hopefully the alliances I made and the friendships I have started help me to get far but we will see what the future brings 🌅
Olivia A.
I’m excited for merge but not sure if we’ll able to get numbers together and have a majority.
Grae G
We do be merging.... OG maola is in mini Priya so I will be spending every spare moment working my ass off to try and make as many OG Hanuha bonds as possible... 
While I'm happy to have made it to merge, I'm actually really sad about James. I've never been this sad about losing anyone in this game before. We started off never having had a one on one chat but we just had each others backs from day one. Stuck it out. Fought together. We spoke on a video call earlier and it was the most easiest conversation ever. He was genuine and kind and I wish him everything of the best in this life. He deserves so many good things. My heart is sore. I didn't want to be here with Amy. She's unresponsive and I don't really trust her. But she told me she had a steal a vote and she wanted to give it to me before tribal because it could be used post merge. And then, she changed her mind like 15 minutes before tribal she was like no this game is a distraction for me and I want to use it tonight. And it was either going to be James or me. She was in a position of power. I think she chose to vote James out coz she has previously stated that he is good at challenges. She wants to have a secret alliance with me. I agreed to it just so that I could be. Kept in the game by her I guess. I have no intention to betray other people I am in an alliance with. Idk. I'm just still shocked. I actually cried about it on a call with Cody earlier. Cody also told me that since day 1 Ben and Zack have been bitching about me voting James out and turning on James and weakening Hanúha Tribe alliance. Like? What? I'm so annoyed. Not once have I even considered voting out James. We had a good thing going. He's just one of the best people in this game and I honestly wish he was. Here. I'm not in the mood for these two faced assholes who only care about themselves. 
Pedro A
im scared ..this can change the whole game
AHHH, it’s Merge time! I’m so excited that I, along with most of my alliance, made it to Merge. Definitely sad about James being voted out at the last vote since he was one of my closest allies in the game but thanks for giving me coins and helping me get the idol James! 😊 Maybe Amy has put a target on her back after playing steal a vote and can be an “easy” first vote for the majority of people on our new tribe. Well, there was definitely a lot to catch up on in a week and I talked with Cody for quite awhile last night and he filled me in. He let me know that Ben confided in him and said he didn’t trust Zack fully either. Cody of course hasn’t completely trusted Zack this whole game so at some point, I’m sure everyone will vote out Zack. But for now, our alliance and former Hanuha tribe is staying strong. Like I’ve said, I feel like Cody and I are in one of the best positions in the game because of our connections with so many others. Aimee feels close to me, Najwah feels close to Cody, and Ben and Zack feel close to us. I have also had some communication with Grae and feel like I can talk with her. I do think there is an alliance between Grae, Maddison, Olivia, and maybe Amy though. This next challenge and tribal will be interesting for sure with a 6/6 tribe split. 
Olivia A
At the moment it feels like we’re in the minority (with Pedro still mad abt the John vote) but with this idol and the plan to get everyone to target Pedro I feel like we can get in a good place again. And then convincing people to turn on Zack will hopefully not be too hard.
It seems like the boys from original Hanuha are coming after me... and there is nothing I hate more than men chasing me. Time to bring down the hammer. :) I found an idol today thanks to the help of my lovely Rox the Sox alliance. I’m happy to have it in my possession but I’m also ready to use it for whomever in my alliance may need it. I wouldn’t have found it without them anyways. 
Amy A
Made the merge 🎉🎉🎉🎉. Can’t say it has been an easy road. Almost voted out last night. Even though that was not even remotely gonna happen cos ‘Steal-a-vote’. So, definitely happy to be here but sad that I lost my advantage. Also, my alliance with Najwah seems pretty solid. I hope she isn’t just saying stuff to me just to gain my trust and then break it. I absolutely trust her. Even beyond the game. I feel like I can actually talk to her. Let’s go merge!!! Amy A. So, lies. I feel like this should be my little confessional to keep track of my lies cos 😂😂😂😂😂😂 it’s so damn hilarious to ME. I don’t even have a cat but I feel like people seem you as more trustworthy when you have a pet. I also think Grae believes I’m not aligned with Najwah cos I told her I had a mini bond w James instead. This is really entertaining. 
Zack M
"well, i got it." - valerie cherish, the comeback and by it i mean the merge. i'm here. i've accomplished what i wanted to do. now my goal is to make it to top 10. baby steps. but i feel like i'm going to be the first person voted out tbh. something is off with my tribe. the only person i feel like i can actually trust at the moment is najwah. we had like a 2 hour video call last night and compared notes. apparently cody also tried to buy the necklace with her. i'm like 89% positive that him and sarah have the idol. i really wanted to go to final two with him but 1. i don't see me making 2. if i do, i don't think i can fully trust him. it's obvious he is running around talking to everyone and it's starting to get messy. anyways, i think i will be voted out first because it's clear the maola girls are working together. maddison, grae, olivia, amy, kalle all need someone to vote out. why not the guy who was the "tribe leader" at the swap. there may be some hope IF pedro stays loyal and votes with the hanuha tribe but that would also mean that aimee and sarah have to stay with us. aimee apparently told pedro she's been on the bottom which isn't a lie but like why aimee? *face palm* if hanuha stays strong and pedro votes with us then it will be 7 /5 and i should be safe. i would like to pretend to vote amy out (#Justice4James) because i feel like alan may have gave her the idol, if they actually had one like rumor suggests. she plays the idol ... we flush it ... and take out maddison or grae. that would be dream scenario. but who knows what is going to happen with this auction coming up. stay tuned. 
Olivia A
At the moment it feels like we’re in the minority (with Pedro still mad abt the John vote) but with this idol and the plan to get everyone to target Pedro I feel like we can get in a good place again. And then convincing people to turn on Zack will hopefully not be too hard.
Pedro A
OKay so kalle basically said...."I've been on the bottom since the John vote lol....I just don't know who I can try to connect or reconnect with at this point"...so she doesnt trust them anymore....which is nice...and i kinda believe her..considering they didnt pick her to be in the swap tribe...which honestly was a mistake......Grae and Maddison..im coming for you...karma is a bitch
Pedro A
im talking with najwah...i kinda wanna know about her relationship with amy...cause amy is a snake gURL...But i feel like its too early on to ask that...but im watching you GURL
Pedro A
lets just hope we dont self destruct...cause then we will be devoured by the habuha. tribe
Olivia A
Checked in with Aimee and she’s seeming iffy about the original Hanuha people and is still interested in working with me! This is very good news :) If we get Pedro our next and Aimee sticks w us then we’ll have the numbers 6-5.
Kalle N
This first tribal is going to be a gigantic mess. Pedro now says he trusts me and asked me really nicely to not lie to him bc he's sick of being lied to, and it just made me feel really bad. I think rox the sox is still planning on voting Pedro but if I feel like I genuinely have him on my side, I could maybe try to get our alliance to vote for someone else like Zack or Ben. Ben really wants to take out Maddison or Grae but idk how much I want to rely on Ben.
i honestly feel like i noone is being truthfull to me
Pedro A
Honestly im scared...at this point..i just want to make it into the top 10
Pedro A
one step at a time
Olivia A.
For this challenge I’m paired with Cody. I’m not really excited about it. I don’t have anything against him but I’ve never interacted w this man before and I don’t want to help him get immunity! He seems rly nice and funny I just feel like it’s gonna be awkward and also I have 0 ideas. Doesn’t rly matter though bc we’re not planning on targeting him so if he does get immunity it’s whatever. 🤷🤷
Pedro A
Is this  a jokkeeee..I'm with graeeeee .....I'm so unlucky...I'm honestly doneeee..like wtf...what did I do to deserve this ass...gods please help..
Kalle N
I don't know if you're familiar with the show New Girl or not, but it's my favorite show of all time and I'm going to use an example from it to explain how I feel. In New Girl, Nick Miller once said "I'm so sick of the lying... and the manipulating ..  and the out-manipulating". I'm lying and holding so much different info from different people and groups of people that my brain is going to explode. Can't wait to see what Aimee will be like but oof this is getting crazy
Olivia A
I take back what I said Cody’s vibes are immaculate 🤠
Haha I’m an idiot. I just sat there at the auction staring at the void. I think I’m still so shook I made it to merge that I just stare into the blankness instead of doing anything. Dang, I wish I would of gotten that envelope. I need that extra vote man. I don’t want that extra going to the Suite life of Zack and Cody. I feel like they are still a big threat to my game even if we are being friendly right now. I don’t necessarily believe in this old Hanuha strong alliance. I’m skeptical, the game of survivor is so complex and I don’t want to play this simple, it has burned me before. With this immunity challenge for me Kalle would be a simple vote to get out now. But now I have to work with her to get immunity. Damn. We will see how this goes. Your lady is gonna to try her best no matter what. No throwing challenges here , in this house. 
Zack M
literally fml. i didn't get anything the auction which i don't care about tbh. but now it's our first INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY CHALLENGE but we have to work in pairs. individual immunity challenge .... in pairs. i know. seems like kindergarten knowledge that we would work alone but like whatever. i'm partners with amy. she fucked over najwah and james. i hear she doesn't respond and she didn't even complete the last challenge. i guess i will be doing this alone. flashback to high school when i did all the group projects. this is kind of mean. amy could be a sweetheart of a person. she's been nothing but nice to me. and i did reach out to her this morning because her facial expressions during tribal do crack me up. so if you read this amy, know that my frustration isn't with you personally ... it's how you've played the game so far from what i've been able to see. + that our first individual immunity challenge isn't individual at all. whatever. 
AHHH, it’s Merge time! I’m so excited that I, along with most of my alliance, made it to Merge. Definitely sad about James being voted out at the last vote since he was one of my closest allies in the game but thanks for giving me coins and helping me get the idol James! 😊 Maybe Amy has put a target on her back after playing steal a vote and can be an “easy” first vote for the majority of people on our new tribe. Well, there was definitely a lot to catch up on in a week and I talked with Cody for quite awhile last night and he filled me in. He let me know that Ben confided in him and said he didn’t trust Zack fully either. Cody of course hasn’t completely trusted Zack this whole game so at some point, I’m sure everyone will vote out Zack. But for now, our alliance and former Hanuha tribe is staying strong. Like I’ve said, I feel like Cody and I are in one of the best positions in the game because of our connections with so many others. Aimee feels close to me, Najwah feels close to Cody, and Ben and Zack feel close to us. I have also had some communication with Grae and feel like I can talk with her. I do think there is an alliance between Grae, Maddison, Olivia, and maybe Amy though. This next challenge and tribal will be interesting for sure with a 6/6 tribe split. Olivia A.For this challenge I’m paired with Cody. I’m not really excited about it. I don’t have anything against him but I’ve never interacted w this man before and I don’t want to help him get immunity! He seems rly nice and funny I just feel like it’s gonna be awkward and also I have 0 ideas. Doesn’t rly matter though bc we’re not planning on targeting him so if he does get immunity it’s whatever. 🤷🤷
FUCCKK. I didn’t buy anything in the auction except for a ticket with the VL (which I’m honestly thrilled about that). I definitely thought there would be 10 items, I learned my Survivor auction lesson.... So much has happened in the past hour I- Cody got an extra vote which he told me and then we discussed whether we should tell the whole group or not. I encouraged him to share it because it would keep our Hanuha tribe from getting paranoid at this first vote if they knew we had that advantage. We don’t want Zack to get paranoid and flip... So. Zack messaged Cody about Najwah sharing with him about what the necklace meant. Zack said that the necklace had to be used with an idol and would be like a super idol that can be played after the votes are read. But if Naj holds on to it, she gets a 5% disadvantage each week. Najwah didn’t message Cody about it and he was hurt and didn’t know if he could trust her. Cody asked Najwah and at first she said it was just a cursed necklace with a disadvantage and then later shared with him about using it with an idol. So we have no idea what is the truth and if Zack and Naj are closer than we think... but Zack literally wanted to vote Naj out so I have NO idea what to think anymore. I’m also worried that James shared with Naj he had shared 5 coins with me because they got close and now she may think I have an idol.... asdfghjkl. Cody also wants to start a group of 3 with Ben, him, and I but we don’t know if that will expose Cody and I and if Ben would share that with Zack. Sooo much uncertainty. Merge is CRAZY. 
Grae G
Pedros my partner which sucks for him bc of my disadvantage :///
 I'm so happy about having Sarah as a partner in this challenge. Also awesome that I'm able to give people a 10% advantage. So Amy and I are secretly chatting. Initially I was ready to just blindside her and get her out but she's giving me the tea from the inside lmao and we are sharing ideas and hyping each other up and I love that. Pedro started talking to me too and we kinda connected. I told Amy the 10% in giving is for her and Zack and I'm telling Zack it's because I don't want to give Maddison, Grae or Olivia an advantage so Ben and Cody don't benefit from my advantage either. Aimee, Sarah, Zack, Amy and I do however and these are all people I'm willing to work with in the future. I have to play this very carefully. I THINK people trust me right now, but I suspect they're extremely weary. I don't want to be messy so I am sticking to Hanúha, Amy African Queen alliance and I'll listen and entertain Pedro if he wants to talk. He just needed to vent and I really think he's a genuine person. Not sure what he's going to be like now that he's working with someone he "Hates" and is "dead to him" yep my guy is hella dramatic. I feel for him though, I do. It's a game of survivor yes but the constant lying and betrayal affects one psychologically. It's important to still treat each other like humans and be kind. I feel okay right now. I think I'm in an okay position right now. 
Olivia A
I take back what I said Cody’s vibes are immaculate 🤠
Cody, Ben, and I formed a three person alliance tonight and I honestly feel really good about it. Cody and I were worried that it might expose Cody and I’s closeness but we both really trust Ben and want to talk through things and work with him. Ben brought up the point of causing chaos at the first tribal so the former Maola tribe can play advantages/idols and we can flush some of them out. I think that will be a good plan. We will get more information tomorrow and then make a decision when we go to tribal. I still haven’t told Ben about my idol yet and I feel like I may but I just want to make sure sure sure that he wouldn’t tell anyone else... After talking with Ben, Cody and I called for another hour and seriously, our friendship goes beyond this game. It’s so crazy how someone can become your best friend in a couple weeks. We obviously want to get to final three/two together and don’t care about voting each other out (if there was a million dollars up for grabs yeah I would want to vote Cody out 😂). We want to go down as the best dynamic duo. 
Pedro A
really GRAE an disadvantge??????....CHILLLLEEEEE....my luck...im literally so unlucky.....anyways lets try to win either way Im so not confidente about this challenge and about the next tribal jeez...this will be a long ride
Cody A
Pedro A
me and grae did fine.....i really liked our ideia....i hope the judges like it too......IM SO NERVOUS...after this challenge chilllee...IT WILL be a mess
Olivia A
I’m excited for merge but not sure if we’ll able to get numbers together and have a majority.
Olivia A
Working with Cody on this challenge was a lot of fun!! We’re not in the same alliance but if I’m in a position where I do need to strategically work with him later on I’m confident that won’t be too difficult. Also I love what we made lol. 
Grae g
Amy got immunity which is very sexy Zack not so much but you know he’s not an active target ((yet))
Kalle N
Ok I literally had to make a chart to keep track of which lies I'm telling to which people bc this is getting WILD. Basically, Ben and I are trying to organize a Grae blindside without Grae knowing anything. If all goes according to plan, we have the numbers to make it happen without me even having to vote for Grae, which will make Maddison and Olivia still trust me. We're also trying to get Maddison to play her idol so we're pretending that her name is being thrown out. In order for this to work we NEED Aimee so tomorrow we're trying to pit her against Grae and make her think that Grae is just using her as a number and wants to get rid of her. I also have to keep talking to Pedro and just make sure he doesn't spread any info or find anything out. Bc he could topple this whole thing. I've also told everyone that I have a fake idol when it's actually real, and Grae is the only one who knows it's real. So if we vote them out and they haven't told anyone else, then that secret dies with them and I'm golden. Even Ben thinks my idol is fake. I'M OUT HERE PLAYING 11TH DIMENSIONAL CHESS rn
Zack M
to quote the great philosopher t-pain, "all i do is win win win...." dude. what?! i won the first "individual" immunity challenge?! this is so wild to me. najwah and sarah's was so cute. i want the little bead man najwah made of me. she really called me an #EMOGAY ... love to see it. back to my work though ... look ... was amy my first choice? no. literally no offense to you amy because you were actually a delight to work with because you allowed me to do what i wanted to do. the secret to a relationship with me is to let me have my way. you did and LOOK AT GOD you're safe. i know i'm a threat in this game and the second i don't win i will be in the mouths of everyone ... im including my alliances in that statement. like why would you want to keep me in this game with my track record? i guess for a shield? seems risky to me. i would 100% blindside me. i would like to take a second and talk to one of the judges from this challenge: dear raffy, lord where do i even start. this is an online game of survivor that's happening while everyone is also living real life. i'm not sure what you expected from people but like damn dude ... you were really acting like you were a guest judge on america's got talent or something. make way for TRYra banks. he called himself "a moment" in his bio. let me tell you that no people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. i can't. lol. you literally gave me a 6 for appeal but gave a computer generated buzzfeed quiz a 9. these judges should really have to explain their scores live in my opinion. ALSO JUDGES SHOULD NOT BE PEOPLE WHO ARE DRAFTING PLAYERS!!! now, i'm not saying they are cheating. (please do not edit this out because i just learned that was a thing from najwah. i will share whatever is missing from my confessions on twitter or somewhere if it isn't here when posted.) it seems a lot of this game is "in the family" and i don't like that. it's hard to be unbiased. but back to raffy ... you said i should have included the entire tribe or created a whole deck. sir ... 1. this is an INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY CHALLENGE that i already had the displeasure of working on with someone else. it should have just been me on that card tbh. i'm tired of having everything comeback to a tribe. this isn't pre-merge. 2. create a whole deck? this was not some copy and paste art project. i did EVERYTHING including writing out the text on the cards instead of typing it out. now that that's out of my system .. jesus .. i don't even know where to begin with the vote. ben and i have decided to start floating maddison and olivia's names around. this will hopefully scare maddison into using whatever her MAYBE advantage from the auction is. let's flush that out. BUT the target i believe is going to be grae. we're not going to share that until later because we don't know if they're are any moles in the group. omg i just thought, what if her advantage is to steal immunity away from a player at tribal. i don't think that's ever been a thing but like maybe on this fucked up online version it could be. you just never know what to expect. hopefully everything goes according to plan and i just get to chill and see where everyone stands in the game .... and then i win again next time. 
Pedro A
I dont like that Amy came to talk to me.....seems suspicious...expecially because amy and najwah for sure have an allience...LOL.....i dont even know what to say..........i think im going tonight...maybe im just being paranoid....But i have this feeling....and hey its my 3rd tribal....3 times its a charm LOL
Amy A
So my little alliance with Najwah is brewing 😂. We’re super close and tell each other everything and I think this is the best move I’ve made since the game started. Also, I won immunity 🎉. Najwah’s advantage really helped. Cos that’s what boosted us. Unless no one tells me she’s the vote, she’s NOT going home tonight. I feel really great for tonight’s tribal and can’t wait to see what’s next.
Pedro A
but im 95% sure najwah..and amy are working a together...like amy came to talk to me...while najwah was online....and it seemed like shes was comparing notes ..to what i said to najwah lol
Pedro A
it feel like Najwah came to supervise me and to get me to throw out a name...LIKE GURLLLL...you think im stoopid?....I HAVE A BAD FEELING...i think its me tonight...chilleeee...which is dumb tbh....cause theres bigger fish...
Pedro A
I feel like najwah...doesnt trust me........like shes always...suspicous of me ...i dont like that....like im paranoid...but she is AN INVESTIGATOR 
Pedro A
IM going homeeee FUCKKK
Pedro A
Theory confirmed...CHILLEE...kalle told me....and Grae, Maddison, or Olivia, are planning to vote my ass out...like gurl....and apparently the other tribe was also considering voting my ass out also...wtffff...IM AT ROCK BOTTOM...and im not even playing both sides...i just want grae maddison and olivia out LOL
Pedro A
Grae´s ass better leave...i worked so mf hard on that challenge...and got a disadvantge from them ...and now they are trynna vote me out...LIKE chillleee wtf
I! Still! Want! Pedro! Gone! Also hi Zack you’re the clear ringleader but you’ll be knocked out soon enough my guy
Olivia A
Hiii so it’s looking like we’re going for Pedro. I think we have a solid 6 and hopefully 7 if we can get Aimee to get Sarah in with us. This vote feels really important bc it’s gonna establish who has the majority. Although, anyone could flip at any time. WHO KNOWS!! 
Kalle N
So last night I was stressing and now I've actually decided to just pass away. This is getting insane. I told Pedro about the Grae vote and he's in, I just have to babysit him and make sure that he doesn't say a word about it to anyone. We also NEED Cody to use his extra vote. I need to throw away my vote on someone that Amy could vote for bc I'm gonna have to throw blame on her after this if this actually works out. The lying is really getting on top of me bc I have to say different things to different people but here we are. Very big tribal tonight
I wish some people would realize that if you’re not on top, you’re on the bottom & getting played. 
Amy A
The votes are a MESS lemme tell you! The names are Pedro and Grae. We’re tryna use Cody as our decoy vote. The actual mess is in who we’re gonna involve and everyone tryna downplay their closeness to people on the other side. OG Maola tea-time seems to be working well together and have all agreed on Pedro. Maddison has taken a step back from the aggressive role cos I think she has seen that it’d make her a target. I honestly wouldn’t mind voting her out someday because she’s GOOD. I just want us all to get through this tribal and see where the lines fall. 
Amy A
Najwah is an actual rockstar 😂😂😂. She and I are basically a tag team at this point. Our private messages are actually lit. Nothing is off topic and literally everything I hear, I tell her. The best part is always blaming the things I know from her from our Palena swap tribe on James. I always say ‘James told me ...’ and it’s HILARIOUS. People may have doubted at the beginning but I think that now, no one even thinks we work together. We nicknames Zack and Pedro ‘Dynamic Dúo’ and I basically love her. She’s my spirit animal. 
Olivia A
Hiii so it’s looking like we’re going for Pedro. I think we have a solid 6 and hopefully 7 if we can get Aimee to get Sarah in with us. This vote feels really important bc it’s gonna establish who has the majority. Although, anyone could flip at any time. WHO KNOWS!! 
Olivia A
The vote is still Pedro but our fake-out vote is Cody. I completely trust the people I’m working with but I’m getting a gut feeling that this isn’t going to work out in our favor. Just bc the numbers aren’t quite secure yet. But I’ll just stick w the plan and stay hopeful :/
Kalle N.
kinda bummed we didn't get to pull off the Grae blindside tonight and give Pedro the idol that no one knows about :( But I'm more bummed that Zack was treating anyone the way he did so good riddance I guess. The PB & K alliance is hopefully going to be the undercover move making force that we need to keep our momentum going forward. Unfortunately I do have to work with Ben for right now since I'm definitely on the bottom of my other alliances. It'll be interesting to see what happens next
Pedro A
SOOO this was a mess....i was going homeee tonight.........this wholee situation saved my damn lifeeee.....lets hope this was only a situational thing....and next round is someone different....i doubt it...but still......im so shocked about zack...also can i say that my nº1s change every elimination ..like now its kalle and ben ...i trust them..they had my best interest in mind....im sorry to whoever is reading this...i dont like making long texts in english..and im not good with essays.. SORRY
I’m not sure where I left off in my last confessional lol so I’ll start here It was a lot of fun working with Kalle on the coloring and poem projects. I really liked her haiku and her originality of it. I hope she becomes more confident in her creative writing. I’m happy that we got 3rd overall. This morning I heard Grae’s name get thrown around. Haha I literally almost cried when I heard that. I’m not normally an emotional person but I feel like Grae and I have such a special connection and I don’t want to lose it so soon. They are a joy to talk with everyday and I might honestly have a little crush forming. ☺️😅 Their energy matches no other that I talk to in this game. 🤩 It was so nice getting reached out to by Grae and Maddison on how they wanted to vote Pedro out. It was such a relief to finally get included in a vote. I am working closely with Ben in this game. Our main thing is that no one can know we are working together so that we can hear information from all sides of the game. He is someone that I can spill my guts to about ANYTHING game related and I know that he is in it with me for the long haul. There’s so much we know about  each other that it’s almost impossible to betray each other without burning each other to the ground! Not that I would want to! He is such a sweetheart and I love him to bits! Haha it’s hard to keep track of the days at this point. We video chat a lot and I really enjoy his company! I’m happy we both made it to merge and together we can turn this game upside down. Sarah and I call ourselves Team Casanova! The flash game queens! 👑 I love talking with her about outside of the game stuff. It’s was so great having her on Maola with me and now merge. We have built such a strong relationship and I really think she is someone I can trust through the end!!!! I really enjoy Maddison too. She seems so down to earth and easy to talk to. I’m glad she sees me as an ally and am excited to see how far she is willing to work with me. Shout out to my girl Najwah! I had no idea what all she was going through and I’m so happy that the emotional threat to her well being is out of this game. She is such a gem and I hope we get to work together more in the future. I’m honestly happy Zack is out of the game. I don’t enjoy hearing what all he was saying about contestants and the host. This game is meant for fun. I hope with him being out the game will be less stressful for us all. I’m just so sorry to hear about what people on my old Hanuha chat had to go through, it sounds even worse than how I felt about things. It breaks my heart and I’m relieved for this reset in the game where we can all air things out and come together. I love everyone here and I’m so happy Jay has decided to recruit me. These friendships I have made and continue to make have been such a joy this summer. Your lady is strong and I will keep fighting for that immunity. ✌️
these past 24 hours have been the craziest ever and I have experienced a whirlwind of emotions, all while forgetting to eat, barely sleeping ans having not got out of bed today. Let me start from the beginning, hopefully I remember it all. Let me grab some snacks too. So it started with our first reward challenge. The auction. zack immediately asked me what I got and everyone else were sharing their bid items in the old hanuha group chat so in a panic, I told him. In retrospect, I should have lied. Anyway, zack made me doubt my trust in Cody so i decided not to tell Cody the truth about the necklace, i would learn that zack had told cody about my necklace almost immediately. But more on that later. Anyway, in a panic, i told ben too. lmao. Why? who knows? But i suppose it was an opening and Ben and i Could talk for the first time. Why am i writing this at 12 am on like2 hours sleep? who knows? Okay so then the reward challenge comes up and I am paired with Sarah. I end up having the best day ever. I had so much fun creating and chatting to sarah. We just spoke about life, absolutely nothing game related. For the first time in this entire game, I felt as though we could actually WIN and for the first time, I was having THE BEST DAY. I gave each of my 8bit survivor characters little haikus. It was funny, if i say so myself. Me? I love my silly humour. Okay this page is cutting me off I will write these in parts. 
Before the challenge due date yesterday, Cody messages me and of course I am pleasantly surprised as I have felt like things were a bit off between Cody and I since merge happened. He said he wants to call and it ends up being one of the most emotional calls i have had in a while, even in real life. Through our call, we realised that we have basically had the same gut feelings about zack and his behaviour for a while now and we spoke about how zack has been trying to pit us against each other, how controlling and jealous and manipulative he is. We basically realised that the reason we have been so mentally exhausted was BECAUSE of Zack's paranoia. zack spoke so much game. we were constantly being bombarded and had our trust and loyalty questioned and he thought nothing about throwing My or Cody's names out. All of this just validated and reaffirmed our feelings towards Zack and we decided there and then that we would vote Zack out ASAP. As we were talking, the reultsof the challenge were released and lmao what are the chances that FRIGGEN ZACK WINS IMMUNITY URGGGHHHH. We were reeling and i so much wanted to decompress with Cody but then I had my meeting with the VL draft people so I had to reframe my mindset. Bare in mind that this is all happening at 4am and im under the blankets, with a warm bean bag because it is freezing out. NajwahI actually loved my conference call with Ellie, Raffy and Tim. What awesome people. I wish i wasn't as distracted or could articulate better because I feel as though my mind was all over the place but i also took the opportunity to ask for their advice and guidance post my call of revelations with Cody. It was still fresh in my mind and they gave me some GOOD pointers. They also told me how I should approach the game moving forward. I loved how they all had such different approaches. Raffy made me laugh so much. They told me how to deal with Zack too. So some other ish went down after this call. 
Cody calls me and is like "lets get on a three way call with Sarah" After gushing about how much we love each other and how we have been on the same page for such a long time, Sarah throws an idea out that sticks. WHY NOT VOTE PEDRO OUT TO ISOLATE ZACK SINCE WE CANNOT VOTE ZACK. And we spent a lot of time freaking out and laughing about how we are going to do that. Cody was frustrated that everyone just assumed he and Zack were a duo and I said its because "Zack and Cody" to which Cody replied "Well this definitely aint the sweet life." Later I suggested that we call the group Mr Moseby and Cody said it was perfect as Zack was the bane of Mr Mosebys existance. Everytime i think about it I laugh. We spoke until my battery died, which was around 6am. I didnt sleep much because I was tasked to get a name out of pedro. I think i was messy there because Pedro accused me of being acting "like a supervisor and demanding a name from him like he is a ring leader" and honestly, it made me laugh so much. He is so dramatic I can't deal. Anyway, he knew what I was trying to do and he called me out and I apologised and honestly felt bad about the whole thing. In the end, I am happy we didn't vote him out. He has loose lips but he is very honest and I like that.
So i feel as though there are so many things that happened simultaneously today. Amy L and I are working together on the side, she gives me all the ex maola tea. She told me Maddison has an idol. I haven't used this information yet and I won't now because it will raise questions. I told her that some of us are willing to vote Zack. The funny thing about our chats is that Amy keeps saying we need to share this tea with the VL. Any bit of information I have ever given her, she tells her tribemates she got from James lmao. And whenever I talk about her, I use James and Ryan too. Our alliance is so low key and its such a safe, unpretentious space. We have the best chats and we just spill tea for information's sake. Neither of us are going to use any of the tea. It's great having an in. 
So all day Zack has been bitching about jay and Raffy and the judges and honestly, I can't even remember what else. It was as though he got a kick out of being verbally abusive. I think he watches too much trashy reality TV, there is a difference between sassy and just plain rude. I also felt that many of his comments were borderline misogynistic. also, whatever information I have given him, he used against Jay. Today was a blur and also intense and also exhausting. I went with Cody to a mall, to visit his friend at a military base, drove around with him, chatted in his room while he was drinking a whole bottle of frozen coke. Like we spoke so much and it was just Zack's constant bitching and paranoia getting to us? Like? How does one person make so many people feel uncomfortable. Cody got on a call with Ben and told him that we had been trying to vote Pedro out and ben went ballistic and said that i am being manipulated by ex moala, he didn't know that we all wanted Pedro out. It made me mad so I called Ben too and asked him why he keeps thinking I want to flip? But he gave me his word and I guess that should mean something. Today was especially exhausting because I had to pretend and entertain Zack until we voted him out. I hated every minute because usually if i find out people talk shit about me, I either talk it out or just not talk to the person at all. I couldnt do that with him. I needed him tio feel safe with me in order for us to pull of the pedro blindside. I wanted to see the look on his face when he realised wtf had just happened. Am i sad that I didn't get that satisfaction? yep. 
Do I feel Zack should have been removed? Honestly no. I don't agree with it. I think we should have worked with everyone else and voted him out. I genuinely don't think he is a horrible person. In all honesty, I wish we could have met outside this game. I feel as though the game wasn't good for him. Not that i'm trying to justify his actions but I feel as though he got too invested and was too emotionally unstable. Most of us are here to have fun. Sure, it would be nice to win but at the end of the day it's not real life and I would much rather preserve the friendships and connections I've made in this game than win. Winning is nice but it isn't everything. Am i worried about Zack and wonder whether he will have a setback of some sort? Definitely. He has spoken about his crippling anxiety numerous times, which he has also projected time and time again. 
So Cody feels bad and blames himself for all of this. I don't blame him. I feel bad too. I thought I would feel some sort of relief with zack gone, but it is just guilt. I mean the messages were still sent in confidence and I feel bad for violating his privacy. I also feel bad for entertaining him because of the game. I don't want to be playing so hard that I go against my values. It just feels weird with zack removed. Like he wont be on the jury. I can't stop wondering whether he is okay, as a human to another human. My husband says that the Russel Hantz of Tierra del fuego got removed. It made me laugh a little. He is a survivor super fan too so he is very invested in all of this. Sigh. I may have left some stuff out because its so late and just A LOT has happened but I will keep confessing as I think of things or remember things. Oh lol Ben said he would voted Zack out in a heart beat, Basically we all felt the exact same from the beginning, no one wanted to speak out in fear of being targeted.
Olivia A
The vote is still Pedro but our fake-out vote is Cody. I completely trust the people I’m working with but I’m getting a gut feeling that this isn’t going to work out in our favor. Just bc the numbers aren’t quite secure yet. But I’ll just stick w the plan and stay hopeful :/
From last night.... https://youtu.be/EirlyVVXDKk
Ben Kessler
Today was eventful, so I will skip to the end. Situationally, I believe I am not in a good spot at all. There are 11 people left, Pedro will receive votes next tribal, but I would like him to stay. My former tribe it seems as though everyone is closer with others than they are with me, except possibly Aimee but that's a stretch. Today could potentially crash my game. So, what do I do? Hope is not strategy. Tomorrow, I talk to others. I ensure everybody knows how close people are. I play double agent. I make sure I am at least in important conversations to merely be there. I let people know I want to be with them in a group setting. I re-establish that I am here to have a good time. At the end of the day, this both is and isn't monopoly. Strategy is involved, but the rules aren't as specific. You don't know how much money or property people are holding. Situationally, though, it is the same. You work with the hand you are dealt and I intend to make the absolute best of this hand. People will do what they want for a variety of reasons, so I need to let things roll off my shoulders, read, and react. To end this long confessional, I am not hoping for anything. I will be doing things to affect change. If I see it doesn't work, I lay low. Read and react.
the pink house has become my safe haven. i shall inhabit her until i can no longer. thank you, pink house, for the many blessings of coins that you have given myself and my allies.
Pedro A
Okay...so i think grae maddison and olivia are voting me....and everyone else is voting maddison (if maddison doesnt use her ring)...and im voting olivia and using kalles idol....idk at this point 2 hours till tribal..and anything can change
Plans keep changing every minute but as of right now going into this first Merge tribal, the plan is to vote out Maddison because it seems like Maddison, Grae, and Olivia want to vote Pedro so if they vote Pedro and the rest of us vote Maddison we may could blindside her and we could get an idol out of the game. If she plays an idol, then Pedro still goes home and original Hanuha is saved... but if Pedro wins immunity, of course we will have to rework everything. We may be able to do 4 for Olivia and 4 for Maddison .
Is this really happening? Am I going to vote for who I ACTUALLY want to vote for for once, as a treat? And I getting what I want...and controlling the vote?! Am I in the twilight zone? The name of the game now is to get all of my potential final allies to get along with each other and play nice. My hand is in so many cookie jars I have to be careful, all my relationships trust each other. I already have an army ready to strike if anyone tries to turn on me, and I was forming those relationships genuinely and BEFORE I needed them to come through for me, not last minute where trust would be harder to earn. I literally am running this vote off of Grae and Maddison and onto a different target. Hanuha is so deadest in getting one of the “core three” out and this is the best I can do to protect those two but also not flip on people who I trust from my original tribe. For DAYS they have been so afraid of Grae and Maddison and I’m put in massive work to divert that away from them. My plan is something right down the middle, where I get to have my cake and eat it too. I love the best of both worlds; I’m Hannah Montana!
Tonight is going to be a big one. I’ve heard my name and I really don’t want to go home with an idol in my pocket. Better safe than sorry? Olivia AI really hope this vote works out I’m NERVOUS!! Also, I worked really hard on this challenge so getting the disadvantage when I had 2 puzzles left was shitty but I don’t really need the immunity anyway. Still felt really good to finish it out regardless of if I win. :)
Plans keep changing every minute but as of right now going into this first Merge tribal, the plan is to vote out Maddison because it seems like Maddison, Grae, and Olivia want to vote Pedro so if they vote Pedro and the rest of us vote Maddison we may could blindside her and we could get an idol out of the game. If she plays an idol, then Pedro still goes home and original Hanuha is saved... but if Pedro wins immunity, of course we will have to rework everything. We may be able to do 4 for Olivia and 4 for Maddison . 
Amy A
Tribal again and with it, ALLLLLL the drama. So I have made a ‘vote four’ alliance w Kalle, Ben and Pedro which is supposed to be secret. Which makes it two secret alliances I’m a part of 😂😂😂😂😂😂. The alliance w Najwah is definitely the one I’m most loyal to but Pedro and co seem like a really solid group I can work with. I didn’t think I’d win immunity so there’s that. About tonight’s vote, the new ‘core four’ is aiming for Grae but in order to keep the alliance a secret, only Pedro will vote for her. It’s all exciting stuff and I KNOW tonight’s tribal is going to be THE ONE. Cannot wait. 
Olivia A
I really hope this vote works out I’m NERVOUS!! Also, I worked really hard on this challenge so getting the disadvantage when I had 2 puzzles left was shitty but I don’t really need the immunity anyway. Still felt really good to finish it out regardless of if I win. :)
Nooooo I didn’t need Olivia to win immunity. That way she is one of the “core 3 Maola” out. Oh man I don’t think I can save my game and Maddison at the same time. I got the target off Grae after merge happened. I worked so hard for that so this all wasn’t for nothing. There’s like fifteen minutes before tribal and I’m still not entirely sure what is going to happen.
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hogwartsgrapevinexx · 7 years
Happy New Years! My favorite thing about New Years is everyone making New Years resolutions promising change and bettering oneself then watching my favorite hot messes go back to their same old shit three days later. Luckily for you, my faithful readers, I have made no new years resolutions. You can’t beat perfection, ammiright? And since nothing has changed in the new year, I will report the news as accurately as possible.
Dorcas Meadowes started the new year with an invite only, open bar. Which honestly screams desperation and begging people to be her friend but when you’re so average, you need to do something to get one’s attention. She spent the night flirting with Cormac “Mick” McLaggen and I almost thought the average looking people of the world might finally get a win. That was until Narcissa Black got her claws in him and at midnight, the two kissed. Leaving Dorcas Meadowes to count down to the new year alone. It only got more pitiful when Sebastian Rosier ended up kissing her. I am all for helping out the unfortunate Sebastian but sometimes charity hurts rather then helps. How will she ever be able to find a man on her own?
Others that were found snogging included Lily Evans and James Potter (Lames strikes again), Emmeline Vance and Remus Lupin, Marlene kissed our favorite Slytherin heart throb, Lucius Malfoy and Ted Tonks and Mary MacDonald also got in a special snog as the clock struck midnight. Will this translate into the new year? I can’t be sure. What I can be sure of is that Ted Tonks seemed to disappear and leave Mary MacDonald in the dust. I’m almost positive it must have been another girl (the kiss appeared to be subpar. Get your shit together, Mary). What girl, I’m not 100 percent sure but do not fret dear readers, you will know once I do.
Lames is about as lame as ever. We get it. You’re in love but Merlin, give me something to work with. Don’t forget, once I stop writing about you, you’re a nobody. BUT I guess if I was going to throw them a bone, I would mention that at the Potter Christmas Party, Lily Evans spent the night. Tsk, tsk. Hopefully your . I may have been enjoying my holiday in Bora Bora but don’t think that I didn’t have my eyes and ears keeping up with you lot. Nothing gets past me.
Speaking of the Potters, Sirius Black seems to be adapting very nicely to having a lovely family. It really is just so sweet to see. Imagine how successful he would be in life if it wasn’t for all that inbreeding? At the Potter’s Christmas party, Sirius Black fell into bed with our favorite ‘ho ho ho’ (see what I did there) Dorcas Meadowes.  But like I said, New Year, New Sirius and he quickly left his childhood girlfriend in the dust for another average, slutty version. Mary MacDonald, did you get my check for your new wardrobe after your attack? If so, please put it to good use. That outfit you wore on New Years almost made me vom.
Some may have noticed some new hair style for the newest burn on the Black Family tree. Rumor has it that Marlene McKinnion and Sirius Black got into it. Not even in a sexy way, sadly. A duel. Probably over the fact that Sirius will never get Marlene to love him. Wah. Anyway, some enchantment gave Sirius some major extensions and honestly, I don’t hate it. Supposedly, he couldn’t even cut it off if he could. Looks like Marlene has been taking evil tips from her new boyfriend, Lucius Malfoy. Marlene has been sporting some might fine jewelry from her new beau and I’d be jealous if all of her friends didn’t hate her. Marlene’s fall from grace has to be my all-time favorite. I just can’t wait until she betrays all of her friends and family for that blonde stud. Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket, my friend. Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy have been spending more time together. A perfectly respectable match in my humble opinion.
Seems like the ice queen seems to be stealing all of the Gryffindor’s boyfriends. I mean, if I looked like her, I’d be doing the same thing. First, McLaggen and now Malfoy? It really is so exciting to watch. Although karma is a bitch my dear, Cissy. There was no better form of karma then watching Narcissa Black turn old thanks to the potions performance by Dorcas Meadowes. Now it only confirmed own suspicions that girl was off her rocker but at least the ugliness that was Narcissa Black is now burned into our memories forever.
Now that New Years has come and gone, it’s time to focus our attentions on the first Quidditch game of the season.  Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor.
Henry Davies, oh how I’ve missed him and his shirtless jogs around the Quidditch pitch. I know he’s been quite busy prepping for the next game but he’s been also busy prepping Glenda Chittock. Shagging in classrooms? Henry, I know you’re a human Adonis and one day you’ll forget the name Glenda Chittock but you need to be careful, my love. That’ll land you at least a suspension from the upcoming match. I expect more from you.
I mean especially since EVERYONE knows Glenda has been snogging Indy King on the down low. But isn’t Indy dating Remus Lupin? Oh no, now I get why Indy is dating our favorite PMSing female, Remus Lupin. Remus is her beard. Which is the only facial hair he’s capable of growing. I wouldn’t worry too much about Remus Lupin, he’s been snogging his extra limb, Emmeline Vance. It’d actually be sort of sweet if I couldn’t smell the desperation all the way from the beaches of Bora Bora. I promised myself I would play nice since you know, the girls parents died so I’m going to have to end this one hear folks before I break my promise.
At least one of us our keeping our resolutions.
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massivemindz · 7 years
You once thought you had ruined me, You once believed that you’d break me down to the point of no return, I’m almost certain you once believed I could not live without you, Could not breathe without you, Could not sleep without you, I bet you once believed that you had left such an impression upon me, I would never love again, & you were absolutely right . . . At one time, I couldn’t bring myself to do any of these things, But see . . . the beauty of reaching the lowest level, Breaking down to absolutely nothing, Becoming one with misery, Is that when happiness finally rescues you from your torment, You have a new found appreciation for it, You are now more cautious of your spirit, and those who speak to it, Those you allow in your space, Those you allow to be around you, Positivity becomes your only focus, & the negativity you once experienced loses it’s ability to harm you, You are no longer moved by devastation, You now see the light in the midst of darkness, You become able to recognize when things or people are no longer for you, You have the best intentions for not only yourself but others, You’re forever changing, & you understand the true meaning of growth, You once took this from me . . . hope that is, Once made me believe that I’d be nothing without you, Took my voice from me, Shattered all my dreams and aspirations, Made me feel as if there was nothing to look forward too, Forced me to find condolence in the lies you told me, You stripped me of my innocence, Attempted to ruin me forever, Used my body as if it was disposable, as if it meant nothing to you or anyone, Made love to me as if you had plans for our future, Caught up, tangled in a disparaging weave of deceit and hypocrisy, You lied as if it were your second language, Treated me as if I were the fool, everyone around us knew the truth, But they couldn’t tell me, couldn’t bring themselves to speak on your betrayal, They knew I loved you in a way only your family could, I accepted your flaws, because I saw potential in you, I ignored all signs of who you really were, because of the love I shared for you, You hadn’t proven much to me, but it meant everything to me back then, You hadn’t done anything spectacular but I found my treasure within you, I was forced one day to confront my truth, our truth, the only thing that mattered, I guess your friends had hopes you’d realize what was always standing in front of you, I guess they had hoped you’d one day appreciate the girl you took for granted, They had also hoped that one day I would abandon you, They used your betrayal as a stepping stone into conversation, I never paid attention however, I always remained loyal to you, and only to you, I had caught you in lies before, but none would hurt as much as this, I found out I was not the only woman you had been entertaining, I knew of the men who had tried to steal me from you, All of the men who wanted everything you had, We were in a relationship, discussing our lives daily, plans for our life, Discussing marriage destinations, and what our children’s names would be, You told me you wanted to live together, Told me that you wanted to create something beautiful, made me feel special, Made me believe I was the only one, the only girl you’d ever truly loved, You once told me you wanted forever, & it was all a lie, The fairytale, in which I had placed us as the two main characters, Had become my worst enemy, I didn’t know whether to be mad at you or myself, I couldn’t blame you, I knew from the way I loved you, that you had been dishonest, I had known for quite some time that you had been untruthful, You had no intentions on exploring the possibilities we once spoke of so passionately, I had faith in you, that is what hurt me most in the end, I saw something in you, you hadn’t even discovered within yourself, & see that’s where I found my solace, Looking back on the situation, you had never even learned to love yourself, How could you ever show me the love I showed to you? See I was comfortable . . . & I am comfortable . . . within myself, I see beauty within in me, even when the view in the mirror is not pleasing to the eye, I know that true magnificence within a person is their ability to love, Regardless of what they’ve been through, I know the true gem or jewel is to love yourself even when other’s do not, To be able to find appreciation in discouragement and disappointment, To be able to try again even when at first you don’t succeed, I loved myself long before I ever met you, I merely lost sight of what I once found so important, Now, I know better, I cannot find happiness within the presence of another, I must first find happiness within myself, and allow another only to feed my joy, Happiness is fickle, and joy is everlasting, & though we may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning, You were that for me, forgiveness, A direct example of my strength as a woman, I had to forgive you first, to allow myself to grow again, I smile different, I walk with delicate feet, but my presence is unsettling, I speak in noiseless dialogue, but you can feel every second of conversation with me, I move with calm demeanor, but my steps are now strategic, You once thought you had broken me, You stripped me of everything but the only thing you should’ve ever taken, My commitment, I assume you didn’t take it because you knew nothing of it’s meaning . . . I was committed to you once, hopelessly devoted, I managed to redirect my concentration, prioritize my own ambitions, I was to become a woman not easy to lose, and not only that, A woman no other man would ever be able to leave behind, See I left my mark on you, and your life, I left such an impression on you, you will search for me in every woman after, You will look for me on your coldest nights, where only your demons console you, You will want for me when all other things in life no longer quench your thirst, You will beg for my compassion, when Karma comes to collect her debt, You will crave my very presence, when you’re in a room full of people, You will call for me when there is no one else around you, You will compare your past and present for the rest of your days, I remember you once believed you owned me, The strong, intelligent, confident woman I am, You will want for me for the rest of your days, But see . . . I no longer want anything from you, You no longer hold anything of value to me, I do not see the same man I once fell in love with, You are still the man in which I see my future, I just no longer picture you in it, There is no us, no we, we are nothing, You’ve asked on numerous occasion if we could be friends, & I told you no, & I will continue to say the same for the rest of my days, You took me for granted when I gave you everything you could ever ask for, You will wish for time, until you learn to appreciate the gift that others give you, You will wish for the time to go back, and to do things over, & I will pray to God for your guidance, I pray that the lost little boy, you once portrayed as a man, Finds himself, so that you do not have to harm another, I thank you for doing all that you’ve done, I no longer harbor anger towards you, I’ve grown, I’ve forgiven you for all the pain you ever caused me, You were the best lesson I could have ever experienced, I know that you were only in my life for a season, & I no longer resent the climate for changing . . . I use to, I use to hate when the seasons would change, Because I knew that you would also, I know better now, with new seasons, comes new opportunity, One day you too will recognize the beauty in life, I wish the best for you . . . genuinely & I will hold for you my love, what you once attempted to steal from me, Hope . . .
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thewolvenangel · 8 years
🚬 , 😳, 🎤, 📝, 🌟, ✏, 🔮 (it should be working but I can't see emojis on my laptop :'D Also, I hope you're doing good over there!)
I see them well! :D And I am doing fine, thanks for asking and thanks for the emojis!!
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
Nope! I don’t smoke cigarettes, marijuana, or any other smokeable drug for that matter haha I am pretty straight edge 
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
That usually depends on person to person, but its typically a good few years younger than I really am. Id say most folks peg me at around 17 or 18, but I have been mistaken for 16 before! Im 23 and it was only recently someone guessed me in my twenties haha 
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
Oh man oh geeze I’d have to think well on that one 
In no particular order 
HIM (even though that bastard Ville is waklin away when he has promised ME an album for four years now...) 
Ludo (who also should give Broken Bride a break and come back and give me a new album...)
Panic! at the Disco (Brenden is a Good Boy and has been active with the music) 
The Wallflowers (Jakob come back to us ;A; ) 
Lord Huron (also due for a new album, any day plz) 
(( and I know it says five but shout out to Bear’s Den and anything by Ben Cooper!!! ))
📝 - Story from your childhood.
All that seems to come to mind right now is redneck as hell in involves one of the times I lived in a trailer park haha
I was friends with the son of the folks who owned the land/park, and we were maybe ten or twelve at the time? Anyways, they had a modified golf cart that went around 30-40mph and they used it to get to each designated area of the trailer park. (There were like districts set up all around the woods and by the lake, it was a real big place out in the middle of the Texas boonies.) Well me and him would steal the keys and take it out on the property all the time, jumping hills in the woods, running over crap, getting in all sorts of trouble. Boys bein’ boys, as they say. One time we had a contest to see who could do the most donuts and how fast and I went around so tight and so fast trying to show off I flung myself at least ten feet off of that thing and it was STILL going round in circles for a couple minutes afterwards. Anyways, the trailer park was also kinda like a resort in where you could rent out cabins near the lake for fishing and camping and stuff. So we’d get a lot of folks going in and out, along with the residents that lived there. One day a pack of kids came in with all their parents for a fishing/camping trip and all that. Well me and my friend was passing by and these kids had these aerosol pellet guns; just these plastic guns that were real popular back then that shot out tiny plastic pellets. They didn’t really cause much damage, might’ve been able to put out an eye but at most just left little bruises if shot too close. Anyways these kids wanted a ride on the cart and wanted to drive it and all that. We straight up told them no because my friend technically wasn’t supposed to let ME ride around and drive it, but I had special privileges cause I was Cool ™. So these kids get pissed off cause we won’t let them ride so they start shooting at as with their pellet guns, which only serves to piss me off. So I jump off and grab a couple of their backpacks, jump back on the golf cart, and drive off. So these pack of kids, about four of them, jump on their bikes and give chase. Theyre still shooting at us with the guns, but ofcourse they can’t really keep up with the cart at all and are several yards back. So I hurry and pull close to the docks on the lake and toss their backpacks in the water before shooting back off on the cart. Hoo boy where these kids livid, the older like, fourteen year old was cussing and hollering up a storm. My poor friend though, he was a lot more reserved and timid than I was and was freaking out the whole time. Mainly freaking out over his parents finding out what had happened. So I drive back and we park the cart and go off to our trailers and pretend like none of it ever happened. To make a long story short, the parents of the kids come to the owners, who in turn eventually came to us. We weren’t supposed to be on the cart that day so we lied and told them that the other kids started it and was shooting at us and that we did nothing wrong. In the end we didn’t get in trouble and they believed us, and the families went and moved off to another camping site down the road. We were trouble makers, but generally good kids and didn’t start anything like that for no good reason. But I did get a talking too by my mom because she knew for a fact that I was out driving on the cart haha. Really the worst me and him ever really did out there was steal some candy from his family’s shop on site, and we only did that once and awhile. (Plus I think his grandpa knew but let us get away with it anyways. He was the one that usually minded the shop and was a really cool old dude) I got quite a few stories from when I lived out there, I consider it some of the better times from my tremulous childhood. I didn’t stay around long, and it wasn’t always the best place. (Some drug addicts out there shot my neighbors dog and one dude got gunned down by to police during a different drug bust) But it was a fond time and a place where I could really escape and be myself, and it was a lot of fun either way.
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
Stability, security, love and contentment for myself, my partner, my family and all my friends.
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
I absolutely adore cats and I really really REALLY want to go to a cat cafe! And, to my knowlegde, they are still working on bringing one here to Dallas!! :D
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
I’ve never really thought that deeply about the concept, tbh
I suppose I believe to a certain level of luck/karma at work in the world
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thegirlintrovert · 8 years
The Lying Game
From the women I have connected with in the past year, I’ve learned some exception to not being able to leave a current relationship, such as children, assets, abuse, and/or waiting for your legal papers to be finalized so you can reside in the USA. But, in this entry, it is the mainstream reasons without the extenuating circumstances. 
Define cheating?
Do I really have to? I guess there is no clear cut definition of cheating. Cheating is difficult to define because people differ in the type of contact they feel it is appropriate for a partner to have with someone else. All in all, this is how I define cheating: If you have to sneak to do it, lie to cover it up, or delete it to keep it from being seen, then you need to be single. 
Cheating doesn’t mean you have to kiss, meet, or have sex with someone else. Once you find yourself deleting messages so your partner will not see them, then you are already there.
The cheater.
We all know that secret and lies kill any relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will eventually get caught. So why risk all? 
In most cases, men are believed to be natural born cheaters or at least highly predispose to cheating, as if somewhere in their DNA, a genetic mutation took place that caused an aversion to monogamous relationship. But how could this be when other men are able to be faithful to their woman? Ha! It’s because there is never an excuse to cheat. This is why a cheating behavior always correlates a negative punishment. 
Remember: They cheated because they wanted to. They lied, because they could, and now they’re sorry because they got caught not because they are wrong. It’s always about them. If you cheat on someone that is willing to do anything for you, you actually cheated yourself out of true loyalty.
Why do they cheat?
Cheaters are cowards that are tempted to chase the fantasy of what could be, instead of courageously addressing their own self-destructive and cultivating what is. He is someone who is just too damn selfish to chose one side or the other, but instead demands to have his cake and eat it too.  
I’m not happy with my current relationship. 
So you’re unhappy with him or the overall relationship? Then, why do you have to stay unhappy with him/her instead of leaving? Why do you have to cheat when you can leave? There’s no right reason to cheat on someone, unless, you’re forced to do so at gunpoint or with a dangerous abusive partner. I’ve noticed that they refused to leave their current partner because he/she is afraid to be alone.  They choose to cheat and juggle both parties, because they want a win-win result at the end. If it doesn’t work with person A, then they still have person B. It’s the matter of being a victor and having a safe haven to fall back to.  
Don’t cheat! If you are unhappy just leave! Oh wait, you’re NOT unhappy, you just want to have your cake and eat it too, because if you were that unhappy, you wouldn’t put so much effort into hiding your cheating from your partner. 
He’s my soulmate, the timing isn’t right. 
Ummm… no! Overlapping will never result in anything good. For my Christian/Catholic ladies… Just in case you’re  confused. God will never send you someone else’s husband or boyfriend. 
Why settle for half-a-man when you have your own man? If he’s cheating with you, then he will cheat on you! Karma is real, so please give the next woman’s relationship the same respect you’d want her to give yours. No matter the reasons are, do not be the other woman. Leave him. The second you take him back again will be your fall. 
Don’t mind being the other woman and think the one being cheated is the fool? 
If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that person is a fool. relative that the person trusted you more than you deserved. If your boyfriend cheated on you, maybe it’s worth exploring a second chance, but if you start a relationship being the other woman, you will never be the only woman. Well, being the other woman does not make you special, it makes you a runner-up. Don't play this game, you will lose! 
If you continue and become an active participant despite his failed promises, don’t expect to get treated like number 1 while playing the role of number 2.
If you agree to be the other woman, you’re worse than him.
He said, he left her, then next thing you know they’re still together. You hated her more. You wanted him back (as a single man). You wanted to win against her, even though every conceivable prize worth something had already been lost. It was ugly, and you are ugly for engaging it.
Part of you will always believe, even if you find the overall concept a bit ridiculous, that this has something to do with karma. You don’t think that it has a 1:1 ratio, or that you necessarily deserved what you got, but you do believe that something of what you put out in the world does come back to you in some way. Though this isn’t the reason you shouldn’t be the other woman. 
Something truly ugly happens in people when we feel that we’re losing something we love, something that we put in the work for and cared for, such as our significant other. This happens to all of us, but it is so often amplified between women because society as a whole is eager to see us fight. To paint us as good and bad, Madonna and Whore. And the woman who was slighted is filled with irrational hate, with jealousy, with a desire to have some kind of victory over the other. The other is hateful of the girlfriend because she represents everything that she cannot be with any trace of dignity. Both of them are robbed of their respect, of their empathy, of their sanity.
It brings out the worst in us, and makes us distrustful of the very same love around which we base so much of our happiness. It creates rivalries where there should be understanding, even friendship. And though both parties can end up doing ugly things, there is only one of the two who makes the choice to enter into and complicate things. You are not a homewrecker, you are not the sole wrongdoer. You are not the reason why it isn’t working between them. But you are making a choice to hurt another woman, to pit yourself against her, and to make her unable to trust again for years after it’s all over. You are stealing something from her, and it’s not her boyfriend. It’s not her husband. You are stealing her innocence, her desire to see the good in people, and her ability to be calm-headed about the problems in her own relationship. You are going to reduce her to someone who only sees in betrayal and lies.
There may be a million things wrong with her, but no one ever deserves this.And none of us should ever be the other woman, the one who drives the both of you past the limits that you had always prided yourselves on having. It’s not fair to her, and it’s not fair to you. And even if you think you love someone who is in a relationship, it’s always better to love yourself more. If they really want to be with you, they’ll leave and start things the right way. And you know it.
Sneaking around requires more work than working on the relationship you’re already in. For once in your life, please use your brain.
There’s a quote that says, “A cheater’s punishment is to live a life of mistrust because they live in constant fear that the person that cheated with the, will also cheat on them. Some cal it poetic justice, but I call it Karma.”
A woman who sleeps with another woman’s husband/partner will say anything to try to justify their actions. “His woman is crazy, his woman is a bitch, he doesn’t love her anymore.” They never stop to question the man who cheats on the woman he vowed his life to. They never stop to wonder if perhaps his wife/partner is a crazy bitch because his cheating ass made her that way. And they certainly never stop to think that maybe someday he might to the same to her. 
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Confessions Of A Mid-20’s Drama Queen
Welcome back to another week where I sit through my own personal hell, aka , and try not to put myself into an alcohol-induced coma. And shoutout to all the keyboard warriors who love to type shit in the commentsyall take this show way too seriously.
We start with Mona and Emily discussing Charlotte, who apparently stood Mona up the night of the murder. What kind of loser gets stood up by another chick at a shitty diner?
Emily is like and Monas like, uh no? I feel like thats pretty much the only answer you can give at that point. Emily figures that Mona changed her mind in the trial so that Charlotte would be out of jail and Mona could get to her, which is like real far-fetched.
Mona is like and OKAY thats a line straight out of .
Chris Hanson: Did you know that this was a 13 year old girl? Mona: I, uh, just came to talk to her.
Monas like *what would you do if your son was at home, cryin all alone on the bedroom floor.* and Ems like Monas like, well even if I wanted to kill her, she fucking stood me up so yeah. Of course, this whole conversation is overheard by A.
Aria is like,lets tell the police it wasnt me at the diner! Arias really seen some shit lately. She got burnt and questioned by the police. All Hannas had done to her is getting shitty room service food with a cryptic note. Spencer is like,
Lucas is back. Goddammit. Anyways, he overhears Hanna talking to weird ass Jordan on the phone, and is like Hannas like, Where are you gonna seat him Han? No one wants to sit next to the virginal weird kid from high school. You cant just mix the band geeks with the Plastics, thats not how this works.
Besides, there is this scenario:
Priest: Speak now or forever hold your pe- Lucas: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hanna is like, . Wear those ties Lucas, you look like a second place winner at a science fair. He tells Hanna that hes thinking of buying some factory and giving Rosewood a second chance. LOL rookie mistake.
Ali and Snaggletooth are being sexually aggressive in some shit bed and breakfast somewhere in bumfuck nowhere, East Coast. The Ali from Season 3 would have been honeymooning in fucking Paris rn. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Speaking of falling, Ali trips on her skanky heel and takes a tumble down the stairs, effectively knocking herself out. OKAY, did I not set that up just perfectly?
Alis in the hospital with a concussion, and Snaggle is like, you need to stay in the hospital. Shes like and its like, because thats how injuries work dumbass. The manager of the shit hotel is like and its like duh you know that shit is tampered with.
Ali: I was really happy before I fell, maybe this is my karma Snaggle: Thats not how the Universe works
ARE YOU SURE? Because pretty sure its an established fact that what goes up, must come down. Also, Ali its not karma, you just clearly dont know how to put one foot in front of the other and walk like a normal fucking human.
Snaggle is like, its an accident and he would know all about those, since his face looks like it was a victim of a tragic lawn mower accident. Ali decides to text her friends a selfie of her in the hospital, because concussion photoshoots, so hot right now.
All the Liars are like . They have 3 days to give up the murderer, because A is a psycho. All the girls are shit talking Mona and Hanna comes to her defense, because Hanna is like, such a good friend.
Aria and Ezra are getting ready to go to a dinner with their boss and Ezras talking about how he doesnt like the book ending or some shit. Arias like and that shit is about to go from an Ernest Hemingway to a really quick with Ezras freaky self.
Hanna goes to visit Ali in the hospital and Ali tells her she is going back to Rosewood when she can gtfo of this hospital. Ali has flowers all over the room, because apparently people like her, wtf?, and Ali says that they are all from Snaggle.
Of course, Hanna is looking at all the flowers and sees a very creepy card that has pictures of a staircase, and all of them on it. Either Snaggle is one fucked up dude, or A is just like, really a dick. Honestly, probs both. Obvi, Hanna steals the card.
Emily facetimes Spencer a video of Mona and Sara Harveys body guard dude chatting it up. Weve all seen , Im expecting some bodyguard three-way action ASAP. Also, how did Emily even remember that body guard? I watch this show every fucking week and make it a point to write down every flaw they have, and even I didnt remember this. Wow, I need to get it together.
Also, them talking looks like any relationship I have ever had: Mona talking shit and the dude sitting there looking awkward. Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard when he leaves.
Back to Snaggle and Hans. Hanna is like, And Snaggle is like, Im sure you said the same thing about that B and B, you human chipmunk. Hes like and its like cough, cough, lesbianssssss.
Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard and act like idiots on crack and pretend to hit the bodyguards car. Hes like uhhhh no its fine, and Spencer somehow manages to get information on the papers he is holding. I have seen better body guarding by the fucking preteens in Project X. Seriously who is this dude?
Spencer learns that the documents our shit security guard has are blueprints to Radley, because of fucking course. Do they just hand out blueprints willy nilly in this town? God I hate myself every time I watch this stupid fucking show.
Aria is reading Ezras newest chapter and it flashes back to a conversation with Ezra and Nicole. Ezra is begging Nicole to come with him, but shes like
Anyways, Ezra goes to his typical EZRA MAD, EZRA SMASH mode and basically yells at her and leaves fucking pissed off. And yeah, thats the last time he saw his girlfriend. One girlfriend you took advantage of when she was a teenager, the other you let get kidnapped by terrorists. Let that soak in.
Hes like , and Arias like,
Emily follows the bodyguard to a fucking ice cream truck? Wtf? And hes just casually sitting there, licking a Drumstick, when Sara Harvey drives up and gets something from him. Wait a second, she cant text and grip shit because of her hands, but she can drive? The streets of Rosewood are not safe. Maybe she was the girl who tried to run over Emily at the diner. She wasnt really trying to run her over, she was just making a very sloppy three point turn.
Hanna shows Caleb the staircase card. Caleb is like why did you come to me? And Hanna is like They decide to call As bluff, because that plan has worked every time before.
Spencer is on the phone with Emily, when she is greeted by her boyfriend and his ex. What a time to be alive. They act super weird, and then Hanna makes up some bullshit story about how she killed Charlotte. She starts crying to Spencer and Spencer is like YOOOOO THIS IS HEAVY SHIT.
Then Hannas like PSYCH and tells Caleb Well thats the stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Caleb is like and its like NO WTF HANNA DOESNT KNOW JACK SHIT. LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL. NOTHING. SHE KNOWS NOTHING. Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Aria and Ezra are at dinner with the editor and shes like, l Arias like and Ezra is like NAH I GOT U FAM, Ill have it to you by next week. Ezras that dick in every college class who votes against the deadline extension. There is a special place in hell for you.
Hanna and Caleb are pleading their case to Emily and Emilys like And for once, I agree with her. Spencer backs up Caleb and Hanna and is like, *under her breath* . This sounds like every parental argument.
Emily/Dad: We cant support our daughter moving in with her boyfriend Spencer/Mom: We need to support her, because if we dont shell work against us. And I want grandbabies!
Hanna is like and grabs Calebs hand very lovingly. Spencers like and its all v awkward. Spencer does what I would 100% do in this situationmake snarky jealous comments and guzzle a shit ton of red wine. I am Spencer, we are all Spencer (without the bangs, obviously.)
Emily also suggests they visit Ye Old Lizard King Toby and let him know about this whole shindig. Again, this idea never works out.
The editor lady tells her that Liam isnt on the team anymore and Aria is like, uhhhh okay. So I guess that relationship is pretty much dead. Good talk.
Spencer flashes back to a night with Caleb in Europe, talking about art and his foster homes or some shit. Yawn. For once, Spencer actually looks good in a nice dress. You did okay PLL wardrobe, dont get too excited over your one time you didnt fail.
Its a pretty pointless flashback, except it shows major sexual tension between Spencer and Caleb in Europe, which is like right after they both broke up with their significant others. See, I told you it was pointless?
Caleb goes to drop Hanna off at Lucas place and he asks Caleb on a very awkward man date. Below are the actual quotes:
Lucas: Do you lunch? Caleb: Uh, yeah I lunch. Lucas: Lets lunch!
A whole portion of dialogue that could have been summed up to we should get lunch sometime. Fuck yourself, Freeform.
Lucas shows Hanna the factory he wants to build and is like Shes like If she even THINKS her shit is going to be better than Clothes Over Bros, shes straight trippin. Lucas is like Bitches love companies.
Okay my high school friends will barely buy me a beer, let alone give me a fucking factory.
Ali has a dream of some kind and sees her mom, dressed in a fugly green top and with some bushy ass hair. I know they have leave-in conditioner in heaven, you lazy bitch. She tells Ali that Snaggle will take care of her and that she loves her, yadda yadda. For a loving mother, she also looks like she lowkey wants to strangle the shit out of Ali.
Mona and Sara meet up, the two sketchiest bitches on the block. Sara looks like Miley Cyrus if she ate herself and took makeup inspiration from a raccoon. Seriously there is like 6 pounds of eyeliner on this bitch.
Mona is like and Sara is like Sara is like, . Oh stfu Sara. You look like a balloon shaped like Nick Carter and your only friend is a dude who eats ice cream on a street corner like a fucking poverty stricken 6-year-old.
Ezra and Aria are having tea like a bunch of pussies and Aria drops the A bomb on him. She goes from 0 to 100 real quick and is like I HAVE TO END THIS.
Back to Ali and Snaggle. Lucky us. Ali tells Snaggle to go to his conference in Chicago and that when he gets back theyll resume their daily programing of boning each other (what a fucking gross mental picture.)
Caleb and Hanna present their shit idea to the group, who all agreeits a shit idea. Caleb is like . Hes getting awfully close to Hanna and Spencer looks like she is about to cut a bitch.
Caleb: This isnt a cheer-ocracy Spencer: Youre being a real cheer-tator, Caleb!
The plan starts by Hanna sending a message to A saying leave my friends alone and then a Carly Rae Jepsen-esqe version of Call Me comes on, while the binary code of her text shows up on the screen. A gets the text of that dumbass admitting to murder. Its about to go down.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/12/17/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/
0 notes
adambstingus · 6 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Confessions Of A Mid-20’s Drama Queen
Welcome back to another week where I sit through my own personal hell, aka , and try not to put myself into an alcohol-induced coma. And shoutout to all the keyboard warriors who love to type shit in the commentsyall take this show way too seriously.
We start with Mona and Emily discussing Charlotte, who apparently stood Mona up the night of the murder. What kind of loser gets stood up by another chick at a shitty diner?
Emily is like and Monas like, uh no? I feel like thats pretty much the only answer you can give at that point. Emily figures that Mona changed her mind in the trial so that Charlotte would be out of jail and Mona could get to her, which is like real far-fetched.
Mona is like and OKAY thats a line straight out of .
Chris Hanson: Did you know that this was a 13 year old girl? Mona: I, uh, just came to talk to her.
Monas like *what would you do if your son was at home, cryin all alone on the bedroom floor.* and Ems like Monas like, well even if I wanted to kill her, she fucking stood me up so yeah. Of course, this whole conversation is overheard by A.
Aria is like,lets tell the police it wasnt me at the diner! Arias really seen some shit lately. She got burnt and questioned by the police. All Hannas had done to her is getting shitty room service food with a cryptic note. Spencer is like,
Lucas is back. Goddammit. Anyways, he overhears Hanna talking to weird ass Jordan on the phone, and is like Hannas like, Where are you gonna seat him Han? No one wants to sit next to the virginal weird kid from high school. You cant just mix the band geeks with the Plastics, thats not how this works.
Besides, there is this scenario:
Priest: Speak now or forever hold your pe- Lucas: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hanna is like, . Wear those ties Lucas, you look like a second place winner at a science fair. He tells Hanna that hes thinking of buying some factory and giving Rosewood a second chance. LOL rookie mistake.
Ali and Snaggletooth are being sexually aggressive in some shit bed and breakfast somewhere in bumfuck nowhere, East Coast. The Ali from Season 3 would have been honeymooning in fucking Paris rn. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Speaking of falling, Ali trips on her skanky heel and takes a tumble down the stairs, effectively knocking herself out. OKAY, did I not set that up just perfectly?
Alis in the hospital with a concussion, and Snaggle is like, you need to stay in the hospital. Shes like and its like, because thats how injuries work dumbass. The manager of the shit hotel is like and its like duh you know that shit is tampered with.
Ali: I was really happy before I fell, maybe this is my karma Snaggle: Thats not how the Universe works
ARE YOU SURE? Because pretty sure its an established fact that what goes up, must come down. Also, Ali its not karma, you just clearly dont know how to put one foot in front of the other and walk like a normal fucking human.
Snaggle is like, its an accident and he would know all about those, since his face looks like it was a victim of a tragic lawn mower accident. Ali decides to text her friends a selfie of her in the hospital, because concussion photoshoots, so hot right now.
All the Liars are like . They have 3 days to give up the murderer, because A is a psycho. All the girls are shit talking Mona and Hanna comes to her defense, because Hanna is like, such a good friend.
Aria and Ezra are getting ready to go to a dinner with their boss and Ezras talking about how he doesnt like the book ending or some shit. Arias like and that shit is about to go from an Ernest Hemingway to a really quick with Ezras freaky self.
Hanna goes to visit Ali in the hospital and Ali tells her she is going back to Rosewood when she can gtfo of this hospital. Ali has flowers all over the room, because apparently people like her, wtf?, and Ali says that they are all from Snaggle.
Of course, Hanna is looking at all the flowers and sees a very creepy card that has pictures of a staircase, and all of them on it. Either Snaggle is one fucked up dude, or A is just like, really a dick. Honestly, probs both. Obvi, Hanna steals the card.
Emily facetimes Spencer a video of Mona and Sara Harveys body guard dude chatting it up. Weve all seen , Im expecting some bodyguard three-way action ASAP. Also, how did Emily even remember that body guard? I watch this show every fucking week and make it a point to write down every flaw they have, and even I didnt remember this. Wow, I need to get it together.
Also, them talking looks like any relationship I have ever had: Mona talking shit and the dude sitting there looking awkward. Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard when he leaves.
Back to Snaggle and Hans. Hanna is like, And Snaggle is like, Im sure you said the same thing about that B and B, you human chipmunk. Hes like and its like cough, cough, lesbianssssss.
Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard and act like idiots on crack and pretend to hit the bodyguards car. Hes like uhhhh no its fine, and Spencer somehow manages to get information on the papers he is holding. I have seen better body guarding by the fucking preteens in Project X. Seriously who is this dude?
Spencer learns that the documents our shit security guard has are blueprints to Radley, because of fucking course. Do they just hand out blueprints willy nilly in this town? God I hate myself every time I watch this stupid fucking show.
Aria is reading Ezras newest chapter and it flashes back to a conversation with Ezra and Nicole. Ezra is begging Nicole to come with him, but shes like
Anyways, Ezra goes to his typical EZRA MAD, EZRA SMASH mode and basically yells at her and leaves fucking pissed off. And yeah, thats the last time he saw his girlfriend. One girlfriend you took advantage of when she was a teenager, the other you let get kidnapped by terrorists. Let that soak in.
Hes like , and Arias like,
Emily follows the bodyguard to a fucking ice cream truck? Wtf? And hes just casually sitting there, licking a Drumstick, when Sara Harvey drives up and gets something from him. Wait a second, she cant text and grip shit because of her hands, but she can drive? The streets of Rosewood are not safe. Maybe she was the girl who tried to run over Emily at the diner. She wasnt really trying to run her over, she was just making a very sloppy three point turn.
Hanna shows Caleb the staircase card. Caleb is like why did you come to me? And Hanna is like They decide to call As bluff, because that plan has worked every time before.
Spencer is on the phone with Emily, when she is greeted by her boyfriend and his ex. What a time to be alive. They act super weird, and then Hanna makes up some bullshit story about how she killed Charlotte. She starts crying to Spencer and Spencer is like YOOOOO THIS IS HEAVY SHIT.
Then Hannas like PSYCH and tells Caleb Well thats the stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Caleb is like and its like NO WTF HANNA DOESNT KNOW JACK SHIT. LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL. NOTHING. SHE KNOWS NOTHING. Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Aria and Ezra are at dinner with the editor and shes like, l Arias like and Ezra is like NAH I GOT U FAM, Ill have it to you by next week. Ezras that dick in every college class who votes against the deadline extension. There is a special place in hell for you.
Hanna and Caleb are pleading their case to Emily and Emilys like And for once, I agree with her. Spencer backs up Caleb and Hanna and is like, *under her breath* . This sounds like every parental argument.
Emily/Dad: We cant support our daughter moving in with her boyfriend Spencer/Mom: We need to support her, because if we dont shell work against us. And I want grandbabies!
Hanna is like and grabs Calebs hand very lovingly. Spencers like and its all v awkward. Spencer does what I would 100% do in this situationmake snarky jealous comments and guzzle a shit ton of red wine. I am Spencer, we are all Spencer (without the bangs, obviously.)
Emily also suggests they visit Ye Old Lizard King Toby and let him know about this whole shindig. Again, this idea never works out.
The editor lady tells her that Liam isnt on the team anymore and Aria is like, uhhhh okay. So I guess that relationship is pretty much dead. Good talk.
Spencer flashes back to a night with Caleb in Europe, talking about art and his foster homes or some shit. Yawn. For once, Spencer actually looks good in a nice dress. You did okay PLL wardrobe, dont get too excited over your one time you didnt fail.
Its a pretty pointless flashback, except it shows major sexual tension between Spencer and Caleb in Europe, which is like right after they both broke up with their significant others. See, I told you it was pointless?
Caleb goes to drop Hanna off at Lucas place and he asks Caleb on a very awkward man date. Below are the actual quotes:
Lucas: Do you lunch? Caleb: Uh, yeah I lunch. Lucas: Lets lunch!
A whole portion of dialogue that could have been summed up to we should get lunch sometime. Fuck yourself, Freeform.
Lucas shows Hanna the factory he wants to build and is like Shes like If she even THINKS her shit is going to be better than Clothes Over Bros, shes straight trippin. Lucas is like Bitches love companies.
Okay my high school friends will barely buy me a beer, let alone give me a fucking factory.
Ali has a dream of some kind and sees her mom, dressed in a fugly green top and with some bushy ass hair. I know they have leave-in conditioner in heaven, you lazy bitch. She tells Ali that Snaggle will take care of her and that she loves her, yadda yadda. For a loving mother, she also looks like she lowkey wants to strangle the shit out of Ali.
Mona and Sara meet up, the two sketchiest bitches on the block. Sara looks like Miley Cyrus if she ate herself and took makeup inspiration from a raccoon. Seriously there is like 6 pounds of eyeliner on this bitch.
Mona is like and Sara is like Sara is like, . Oh stfu Sara. You look like a balloon shaped like Nick Carter and your only friend is a dude who eats ice cream on a street corner like a fucking poverty stricken 6-year-old.
Ezra and Aria are having tea like a bunch of pussies and Aria drops the A bomb on him. She goes from 0 to 100 real quick and is like I HAVE TO END THIS.
Back to Ali and Snaggle. Lucky us. Ali tells Snaggle to go to his conference in Chicago and that when he gets back theyll resume their daily programing of boning each other (what a fucking gross mental picture.)
Caleb and Hanna present their shit idea to the group, who all agreeits a shit idea. Caleb is like . Hes getting awfully close to Hanna and Spencer looks like she is about to cut a bitch.
Caleb: This isnt a cheer-ocracy Spencer: Youre being a real cheer-tator, Caleb!
The plan starts by Hanna sending a message to A saying leave my friends alone and then a Carly Rae Jepsen-esqe version of Call Me comes on, while the binary code of her text shows up on the screen. A gets the text of that dumbass admitting to murder. Its about to go down.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/181188109727
0 notes