#my utmost respect to everyone who can draw hair - this was a struggle!
i-like-the-eyes · 8 months
Me - Drawing more art for my own fic: "Lowered Shades"? - It's more likely than you think!
Nothing much to see... Just a Nightmare smelling the flowers🌼
(Aka - the censored version, unfortunately)
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The Sargent Chronicles; Chance Encounter
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Series Summary; Emily Dixon is a Mother of two. A Proud Mother to a 10-year-old son Andrew and eight-year-old Jessica. Ever since the world broke down and the unfortunate death of her fiance Jax, Emily has been struggling to keep the remainder of her family alive on her own. As her family travels down a disserted highway, a brave determined Sargent and his team are traveling the same highway trying to get the cure to Washington. What happens with Abraham and Emily cross paths and experiences the ups and downs on the new broken world? Chapter plot; Emily, Andrew, and Jessica are traveling along an abandoned highway, which isn’t abanded for very long.  Pairing; Abraham Ford X Emily Dixon (OC)  WordCount; 6,570 Warnings;  Strong violence, strong language, mentions of blood and death A/N; This is extremely long, but hopefully, you guys enjoy it
The smoldering sun blistered down on three desperate people. Ever since the world broke down every mission was the same; run and scavenge and attempt to find somewhere they could sleep for a night or two. Then they were back on the road. Emily’s back arched in pain with every agonizing step, the weight of their supplies on her back, food, water, medical supplies. Whatever she could find, she took and put in her rucksack. Two assault rifles carried on her shoulders, two pistols on either hip and several knives slipped into her belt that she had made personally. Safety was her priority and she refused to lose any more family members especially her children. 
Emily kept an eye out on Andrew, her ten-year-old son carrying a pistol aiming in the air ready to attack anyone or anything that came at them. When Andrew suggested that he carry a gun, she had been more than a little hesitant into letting him carrying anything more than a knife. In her eyes, Andrew was still a baby. Before this, all started Andrew and she had come to an agreement, his Uncles could teach him how to use a knife, a bow, and arrow, a crossbow. But he was not allowed to use a gun until he was eighteen, his Father had promised to teach him but after the world went to hell; she had no choice. 
The world had changed, there was immediate danger in every which way they looked or attempted to take. If it wasn’t desperate people who needed food or whatever you had then a Walker was not too far in front of, behind or to the sides of you trying to eat you. The weapons she had given Andrew to use for their protection were special and monumental, once upon a time before the world had gone to hell, they had belonged to his Father. So Andrew knew very well that the weapons he carried on his person he had to treat with the utmost respect. 
Jessica, Emily’s eight-year-old daughter head twisted and turned like an owl in the middle of the night. There was a time where Jessica loved the woods, Daryl and Merle used to take her fishing all the time. But now the woods and forests held Walkers and untold dangers. So now her Daughter stuck to her like superglue not willing to leave her Mother’s side for anything. 
“Momma, can we stop for some water?” Jessica questioned, Emily looked down at her briefly. 
“We can’t stop right now honey, but you can have a drink of water. Turn around and I’ll get it out for you okay.” The two of them briefly stopped as Emily rummaged through her Disney Princess rucksack. All the whilst, her eyes maintained on Andrew making sure he was safe. The moment Emily had the bag zipped back up, the two of them were back on the road. 
“Mum! There’s a car!” Andrew’s alert caused Emily to begin to scan the road up ahead. There was indeed a car, nothing overly special, a basic four-door sedan but that was enough for the three of them. Everyone seemed to get a burst of adrenaline as the three gathered up sped heading towards the car. 
“It looks trashed.” Emily and Jessica who were still a bit behind picked up to a light jog. The moment the two of them arrive at the car, Emily dropped her rucksack near the car. For the world they lived in it looked relatively clean and in good condition minus the rubbish inside of it. But Rubbish meant the possibility of supplies.  
“At least there are no dead bodies in this one,” Andrew commented as he pulled open the door. 
“That is one positive the question is why has it been left. Jessica, honey, why don’t ya check through the bags in the back of the car, Andrew pop the trunk and see what’s in there that’s salvageable. I’m going to look under the hood and see what we’re dealin’ with.”  Before Emily knew little to nothing about cars and whilst she knew barely anything now she knew enough to get them started at least. 
The car appeared to be in pretty decent shape, however, there was one problem. There was no fuel. The chances of finding any source of fuel were near impossible. As far as the map revealed there was no gas station within miles. They were on a flat stretch of road that didn’t provide her or the children any places to stop to rest other than vehicles and she was beyond tired in letting the kids sleep in a cramped vehicle. Kicking the tire of the car, she needed to think she couldn’t keep on like this. Slamming the hood of the car down in sheer frustration, she needed to think and think quickly of what she was going to do. 
Jax would have known what to do, he always could think of a plan. But now she was stuck in a world where she and her children never seemed to get a break or an ounce of luck. They were fucked, she didn’t know where she was going to find food or a place to sleep. 
“Mum look out!” Andrews' voice brought her out of her train of thought. Grabbing her knife out of her belt swinging it straight into a Walker’s head. 
“Am I not allowed five fuckin’ minutes to think without one of ya dead decaying fuckers trying to eat me or my kids.” Looking up she noticed at least six more making their way towards them. 
“Andy, get in the car, shut the doors, I’ll handle this.” Andrew hesitated but he knew all to well the look in his mother’s eyes. A look until the break out he has never witnessed before. Running around closing all the doors and grabbing the rucksack he got into the car with Jessica who was panicking in floods of tears. 
All the while Emily stood there waiting for the Walkers to approach as they did Emily sprung into action almost as if it had become some sort of dance that she did. One by one, Emily took the Walkers down stabbing them or throwing punches at them. She had no preferable method other than to unleash anger on the ones who had caused her so much pain and agony. A bloody mess was all over the floor and herself.  
The moment it came down to the last Walker that used to be a man, she smiled. 
“I’m really sorry but ya picked the wrong day to cross my path.” Punching the Walker in the face she began her onslaught of punches onto the Walker before grabbing the butt of her assault rifle over and over again. The Walkers face was completely destroyed and it was certainly dead but Emily was not going to stop anytime soon. 
That was until she heard a truck. 
A piercing scream broke Emily’s concentration, her head jolted in the other direction to witness two Walkers attempting to break into the car. Emily efficiently went around the car stabbing both in the head. The trucks break screeched as they came to a halt, moving to the trunk of the car she braced herself. She had no idea, who was in that truck, what was going to come out of it whether it be good or bad. 
“What the fuck are ya staring at? Come to enjoy the show have ya.” Abruptly the truck doors opened, two men one woman exited. The woman appeared to be fairly lean, her hair tied up in pigtails. Emily knew if she weren't to pick a fight strategically than this woman could easily give her a run for her money. The man with the dark brown hair and the shorts appeared to be absolutely terrified, an easy battle for her. Yet the ginger-haired man, tall, bulky, military haircut dressed in a grey vest top and military camouflage trousers oozed authority, confidence and was attempting to suggest dominance over her. That was not going to happen. 
“You’ve got a big mouth on ya Darlin’, what else you got?” The tall ginger man was clearly attempting to make her back down and submit to him and his group but he was barking up the wrong alley with her. 
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” Emily struggled to get her bearings with the man to see if he was one of the few good ones that had been left on this forsaken planet, she couldn’t quite tell at the moment, but she was intrigued by him deeply. The woman stepped towards the car, Emily made quick to step to her drawing her pistol and aiming it directly towards her head. 
“Ya go near this car again and I’m going to blow ya brains out, do ya understand me? Because if ya don’t things are going to get really ugly for ya and fast.” The woman attempted again but Emily was not having it, drawing her knife from her belt. She prepared herself, they were not going to get at her children, no way on hell and she was more than ready to fight to the death. 
“I have warned you twice, I am not gonna warn you again. You take one step towards the car and I will kill you oh so slowly and painfully. Do ya understand me?” The brown-haired man pointed towards the car, Emily observed intently. He knows. He can see Jessica and Andrew. The man whispered to the tall Ginger haired man who seemed to follow his finger. 
“Rosita, back off. She’s not playing she will kill you.” The ginger-haired man ran his hand over his mustache. Emily watched as the woman who she now knew was Rosita back off. She slowly lowered her weapons feeling like they were all at a safe distance. 
“Why do we have to back off? She might have things we need.” 
“You wanna go against a Momma bear protecting her cubs? That’s for someone who has a death wish, which we don’t. I apologize for the hostilities, honey we don’t mean any harm to you or your cubs. My names Abraham, this here is Eugene and that’s Rosita.” Emily wasn’t happy. For all, she knew this could be some elaborate trap. Something deep in her mind was telling her that they were good people. 
“Emily Dixon.” Abraham’s eyes fluctuated between Emily’s body and her face trying to gauge her reaction. He knew exactly what was going through her head, By the looks of it, Emily had been on her own on the road for a while. At one glance he knew how exhausted and drained she was. But she kept fighting for her children and the need to survive. Her clothes were covered in blood, Abraham hoped that most of it, if not all of it were Walkers and not her own. 
“Eugene go grab a rag so she can clean up a little. Ya got any spare clothes?” Emily nodded signalling to the car. Suddenly the car door swung open and Jessica came running out. 
“Jessie, wait Mum didn’t give the signal” Jessica ran towards Emily, who was quick to wrap her arms around her youngest. 
“Don’t move!” Andrew’s gun was aimed directly at Abraham. 
“Whoa, easy there son. I’m not a threat to you, your sister or your Momma okay. I was just about to ask your Momma if she would like to come with us. I’d give you my word that I and my group will not harm any of you. Does the car work?” Andrew slowly lowered his weapon and shook his head. 
“There’s no gas. Might be wise to see if there are any parts in-case something goes south.” Abraham nodded, running his hand over his beard. 
“That’s a good idea. Why don’t ya go and sit in the truck while your Momma goes to get changed and then we’ll scrap the car before getting a move on.”
“I’m not giving up my gun!” Andrew virtually yelled Emily shot a stern look at her son.
“No one is asking ya too. Have I ever told ya how much you remind me of your Uncle Merle when ya say stuff like that.”  Andrew smiled sheepishly, slowly moving towards Abraham’s truck whilst Emily lifted the rucksack onto her shoulder. Abraham took the time to bend down to the little girl with the wavy brown hair and the electric blue eyes. 
“Hey, there little lady, I’m Abraham. What do you say we go and investigate your new ride?” Jessica buried her head deeper into her Mothers stomach. 
“Go on, sweet girl. I’ll be there in a second okay. I’ve just got to change okay.” Reluctantly Jessica went with Abraham looking back every now and again searching for the reassurance provided to her with a gentle smile.  
Tracking back to the beat up car, Emily wondered if her luck was finally changing, yet she remained  cautious, she didn’t know who these people were, they could still prove to be a threat yet there was something about Abraham that sat well with her, perhaps he was one of the good ones. 
Throwing on her spare set of clothes, she began to tear a shred of her old shirt before shoving it into the rucksack. Getting out of the car, dropping the bag beside it, she walked towards the nearest tree, wrapping it around the tree, before pulling out her dagger to carve a message. 
“What is she doing?” Eugene questioned as Andrew stood to the side of the truck keeping watch on his Mother. 
“She’s leaving messages for Uncle Daryl and Uncle Merle.”  Andrew scoffed, was it really that difficult for someone to clearly see what his Mother was doing. 
“But why?” Rolling his eyes, Andrew couldn’t believe someone to be so blatantly thick.
“Because Uncle Daryl and Uncle Merle are the best trackers in the world.” Andrew thought his Uncles were the coolest people on earth. Uncle Merle had many problems and many people hated him for it. But Andrew didn’t, he knew that Uncle Merle was a good person deep down. 
Upon seeing his Mum coming towards the truck, he gave in and began to get into the truck being assured they weren’t going to go off and leave their Mum stranded. 
Emily stopped in-front of Abraham, making sure to look directly into his eyes.
“I’m warning ya if ya thinking about harming my kids, I will kill ya.”  
“You are just going to have to learn to trust us. Your carriage awaits.” Emily waited until Andrew was safely in the truck before getting in herself wondering where this was going to take her and her children. 
A couple of days in, Abraham informed Emily where they were heading and why. Eugene was a scientist that might be able to stop the end of the world. It appeared to be too good to be true, but Emily was hopeful. 
Other than that Abraham, Eugene and Rosita were good people. Eugene was shy but brilliant, he was so intelligent. Emily had never met someone who was able to solve something in a scientific way before. Rosita, on the other hand, was whole different kind of badass, Rosita was bold, strong and an excellent fighter but she was a quick thinker, an ideal person to have on your side during times like this.  
Yet it was Abraham who was the most difficult to read. He was angry, volatile, argumentative and arrogant. Yet every time she observed him she knew there was more than he was putting on the table. 
One night, Abraham was driving, he’d asked Emily if she wanted to sit with him in the passenger side.  Andrew, Eugene, Jessica, and Rosita were all asleep leaving the two of them alone. Emily sat up with her boots off resting her feet comfortably on the chair, her head resting against the back of her chair.
“You’ve been extremely impressive over the past couple of days, ya know I’ve been wonderin’ where ya learned those skills. “ Emily glanced up at Abraham pulling the necklace off of her neck and opening up the small trinket. 
“There’s me thinking me you wanted to know what my favourite colour was. I got my hunting and tracking from my brother Daryl, Merle taught me how to shoot and my ability to think quickly came from my fiancé Jax. He was a military man like yourself”
“You don’t have to talk about it but where is your fiancé?” Emily looked down at the small picture that was held within in the heart. 
“I have no idea. One day he went out to see if he could grab some supplies, he’d been gone a little longer than usual but I didn’t worry about it. He came back a little later covered in blood. I thought it was nothin’ perhaps he’d killed a few Walkers but when I pulled off his shirt a chunk had been taken out of his arm. I knew what it meant and so did he. Do you know what the crazy son of a bitch did? He wrapped his arm up in a bandage so the kids didn’t see and began to load up the car with food and supplies. He told the kids they were gonna go see their Uncles for a while. He made sure they had everything, Jessica’s Teddy bear, Andrews comic books. He made sure they were okay. Then he leads me to the gun cabinet and gave me every last weapon we had in the house. Every last bullet. Everything he thought we would need. I knew he was getting weaker. He got us all in the car, kissed the kids and myself and went back into the house, just like I was going to my brothers on a regular day...I know I should have killed him...But I couldn’t not him.” Emily’s hand was met with a rough calloused one as she stared down at their hands before looking up at Abraham. 
“You did the right thing. You got you and your pups out of there and you’ve been keeping them alive all this time. You did what you had to do.” Abraham had never encountered a woman so dominant before, a woman so headstrong who’s also able to quickly think on her feet. He never believed that Wonder Woman existed before, but to him, Emily was getting pretty close to it. Yet he knew deep down there was more to her. Abraham wanted to know her, every inch and crevice 
“Perhaps your right, but that doesn’t mean I feel any less guilty. So what about you?” Abraham sighed, he had never spoken about it. He’d been with Eugene and Rosita for months and he’d never spoken about it. Yet this woman had walked into his life and he suddenly feels like he can open up to her. What the fuck was going on?
“We’ve got similar stories, expect the world decided to fuck me up real hard. I lost my wife and my children. Now I’ve got nothing left to lose.” Emily tightened her grip on Abraham’s hand. 
“Ya know you don’t have to be tough around me right? My brothers attempted to be tough sons of a bitch’s all the time. Thinkin’ if they went around pretendin’ that shit didn’t go down then I wouldn’t notice it. Yet I saw every dam thing. I saw every last dam thing. Albeit, Merle was better than Daryl was. Then again Merle had a lot of shit to hide. The alcohol. The drug taking. There wasn’t a dam pill on this earth that Merle hadn’t tired. What I mean was I can see through these tough ass personas.” Emily and Abraham laughed quietly attempting to not wake anyone up.
“Your really something, you know that Darlin’”  
“I’ve been told that a few times... Does that mean we get to stay traveling with ya?” Abraham cocked his eyebrow at her, despite her threatening him a couple of days ago, he knew he couldn’t get rid of her and the pups. No way in hell. 
“I haven’t got much choice now, do I?” 
“No way in hell.” Abraham focused back on the road with a smug grin on his face. He was about to be in for one hell of a ride and for once in this dicked earth, he was looking forward to it. 
Journeys became a part of a routine, everyone seemed to get on with each other, occasionally they would stop and search cars for supplies, all there was were forest and road and the occasional Walker. The world had turned so bleak it was almost laughable. Emily sat behind Abraham watching the world go by. 
The worst thing about this entire situation was the heat, it was so dam hot. Emily was melting. Her plaid shirt rested on the back parcel shelf rather then on herself. She was looking ahead when she noticed a silhouette of something in the distance. 
“Abraham, what’s that ahead?” Abraham turned his head slightly so he could catch a glimpse at her, a scar on her collar bone caught his attention. But he couldn’t ask her about it now. Following her gaze, he quickly caught what had caught her attention. 
“Well Darlin’, it looks like you caught sight of a fellow human being, let’s see what she’s got to offer.” Abraham sped up before bringing the truck to a halt. The truck was in complete and utter silence, Emily grew tired of watching the scene unfold in front of her. A young woman was currently beating the living daylights out of a couple of Walkers, it appeared to be some sort of Deja vu experience except last time Emily was one on the other side of the glass. 
“Is this some sort of initiation experience? You watch people struggle whilst you make a determination of whether or not they are good people” Emily popped her head around the chair so she could properly look at him. 
“No Darlin’ we just leave that for the pretty ones...now let’s go and figure out what we’re dealing with right here.”  Abraham pushed open the door and everyone began to pile out. Emily got out helping Andrew and Jessica out. Instinctively, Emily used herself as a human shield to block the woman away from her children. Abraham turned to glimpse at Emily who was geared up and ready to go despite still not sleeping. 
“Don’t worry Momma, she’s getting an ass whooping if she gets to close.” Upon feeling his Mother tense up, Andrew moved from behind her to stand beside her. He wasn’t a little kid anymore, he would protect his Momma and his little sister with his life if he had too. 
Scanning the area, Emily noticed a man lying in the ditch, perhaps that’s why the woman was being so protective. 
“Go ahead and check it out, I’ve got her.” Walking towards the young woman she kept her hand on her knife, she approached with caution but knew if she had to she could fight her, not that she wanted to right now. Just as she expected to, the woman checked her out, attempting to figure her out, Emily wasn’t going to give her anything. 
“Is he alive?” Emily tried to get past her but once again the woman blocked her path.
“If you try anything? I will kill you.” The woman threatened whilst Emily squared up to her, posture straight, shoulders straight, Emily stood eye to eye with the young woman. 
“Looks like we agree on somethin’ Cause if ya try anythin’ I will kill ya. The ones behind me won’t even get a look in.” The woman let Emily passed as she crouched down to check out what she was dealing with. Emily attempted to check for a pulse, but since the man was wearing a helmet and full body armour. What the hell were they doing?
“Has he got any injuries that I need to know about?” The woman shook her head as she crouched down beside her. Knowing this Emily began to work efficiently removing the helmet and the body armour. Finally, she was able to check a pulse, it was there but weak. 
“I need some water and a rag.” Emily was more focused on the young man rather than who was moving around her. 
“Is he going to be okay? What’s wrong with him?” The young woman questioned and Emily smiled. 
“He’s going to be okay, it seems like he passed out from heat exhaustion. All he needs is some rest and plenty of water when he wakes. He’ll be bright as rain....thank you.” Rosita passed her the water and the rag, being quick to smother the rag in the semi-cool water, gently running it over his face. 
“My names Tara, by the way, and this is Glenn.” 
“I’m Rosita and that’s Emily, Abraham should be along any second to get you settled in the truck.” Abraham came lifting Glenn into the back of the truck, Emily passed Tara the rag and the bottle of water she still had. 
“Thank you,” Tara spoke softly as Emily closed the back of the truck, Emily went to get into the truck when Rosita gently grabbed her arm. 
“Okay spill, were you a doctor before all of this went down?” Emily grinned, flattered that someone could think of her so highly. 
“Thank you for speaking so highly of me but I wasn’t a doctor...I was a vet.” Emily casually entered the truck taking a seat. 
“What are you two fine ladies gossiping about?” Abraham asks whilst he turns on the ignition of the truck. 
“Emily used to be a vet, that’s how she knew how to help Glenn.” Abraham turned his head slightly grateful that she was sitting in the middle this time. 
“Dam Darlin’ your just full of surprises aren’t ya...so are you qualified to work on humans or is that just a myth.” Leaning forward, Emily paid attention to them more.
“You have no idea when I’m gonna surprise ya. I can work on humans but a Doctor can’t work on animals. I have some of my medical supplies in one of the bags but not nearly as much as I’d like to. “ Abraham smirked whilst Emily kept her composure calm. 
“What kind of animals did you use to work on?” Rosita asked, Emily almost laughed, a question completely trivial, momentarily Emily had forgotten how much she missed that.
“Mainly Horses, Deer, Raccoons and Coyotes, Dogs, cats etc. I’ve worked on the occasional Alligator and Porcupine.” Abraham looked into the mirror with a shit eating grin on his face. This woman was driving him absolutely nuts and boy he was loving every second of it. She was like a jigsaw puzzle and slowly she was coming together. Best part, he knew now if he ever needed any medical attention, he had an excuse to get close to her. 
The morning sun rose above the trees. Abraham continued to drive whilst the others slept, he turned his head to get a glance at Emily who was sleeping her head resting against the glass panel. There was no way on earth that position was comfortable but at least she was finally asleep. She hadn’t slept the entire time she’d been with them. When they get to Washington, he was going to make sure that she had an actually had a bed, perhaps she might let him join her somewhere down the line. 
“She trusts us,” Rosita’s eyes fluttered open stretching out her aching limbs. 
“She does...it’s about time.” 
The two drove in silence for a while letting the other four sleep. He needed to let her have the rest while she could have it. Yet, of course, the earth was dicked. 
“Stop! Let us off! Stop the truck.” At first, Abraham ignored them, hoping that they wouldn’t wake any of them up. A slam against the glass, lurched Emily’s head forward a scream escaping her lips. 
“Emily!” Abraham slammed down on the breaks, Rosita turns to look at Emily to see her hand covered in blood. 
“Momma!” The world spun as Emily attempted to get her surroundings, she had no idea what had happened, she’d been asleep and then an agonizing pain. 
“Abraham she’s bleeding,” Rosita yelled, pulling open the door, he got out pushing the seat forwards. 
“Eugene stay with pups! Come on Darlin’ come here.” Emily stood on her feet, attempting to take a couple of steps but she stumbled forward, falling directly into Abraham’s arms. 
“I’ve got ya. Come on.” Picking her up bridal style, he carried her around the back of the truck where Tara and Glenn were picking up their things. 
“I’m just going to place you on the truck right here...I’m just going to get something to clean you up okay.” Emily slumped against the truck. 
“Emily, what happened?” Tara’s face appeared in front of Emily yet she was unable to fully focus on her. 
“One of you fuckers thought was a good idea to hit the back window with the butt of a gun in the process hitting her head. Now she’s bleedin’” Abraham began rummaging through the bags trying to find the medical supplies she was talking about.  
“Tara, we need to get moving?” Glenn instructed but Tara looked back at Emily the woman who saved Glenn’s life.
“Wait, Emily saved your life. The least we can do is help her.” Glenn looked back at the young woman who was just about awake. 
“We’re behind, he looks like he’s got it covered.” Glenn and Tara began to walk away, Abraham had just found Emily’s medical stuff, picking up a mixture of bandages and tablets, he didn’t know what any of this would do so he grabbed it all. When he turned around he noticed the two gone. 
“Son of a bitch.” Abraham dropped down returning back to Emily who was in and out of consciousness. 
“Darlin’, I don’t know much about head injuries but I do know ya need to stay awake. Let me see those beautiful blues of yours.” Emily opened her eyes just enough. 
“They’re getting away,” Emily muttered and he was dam neared floored. Here she was in pain, with a head injury still worrying about everyone else. 
“Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna pick you up and move you around to the front of the truck so we can get Tara and her friend to stay with us and whilst I’m doing that I’m gonna fix you up....I’ve got ya Darlin’, I’m gonna take care of ya.” Abraham lifted the young woman up, holding her tightly with one arm whilst grabbing everything he thought he needed. 
“Andrew, I need ya help.” He was hoping that he might understand what some of the medications might mean. Tara and her male companion hadn’t made it that far. Andrew and Jessica were out of the truck and standing by Abraham in a second. 
“Do you know what any of these medications mean? Jessie, honey I need ya to keep your Momma talking whilst, I go and deal with these two.” Andrew nodded and the two began to get to their missions, Abraham jogged up to catch Tara. 
“Where the hell are you going? Where the hell’s he going? I don’t know what your lady friends been telling you about the special nature of the mission we’re on, but this shit is time sensitive and we’re already way behind schedule. So I’m going to need ya to turn your ass around and get back in the truck...Not to mention you’ve hurt one of our own.” Abraham turned to take a glance at Emily to see she was struggling to get up, her hand holding onto her head. 
“I need to go.” The man replied but Abraham wasn’t paying full attention to him. 
“Yeah well I need to go and take care of her but she’s more worried about you two. You know what, it seems like neither of you has been paying attention to the hell on earth we’ve been living in. So let me tell ya how to best avoid winding up just another dead alive prick. You find some strong like-minded comrades and you stay stuck together like wet on water. We need people the more the better. We need each other, partner. Even with all the gear on your shoulder, you won’t last a night, not by yourself. “ 
“I’ll take my chances.” Abraham laid a hand on his chest. He did not want to start a fight, not right now. He wanted to get back to Emily as quickly as possible. 
“Imma have to insist.” The tension was high, luckily for him, Rosita had come up behind them. Abraham felt a hand on his fist, momentarily looking down. He didn’t want a fight at this current moment, he needed to get back to Emily. 
“Believe it or not. The fate of the entire dam human race might just depend on it” The man shoved his hand away, Abraham could feel his temper rising. 
“The hell are you talking about. Who is this guy?” 
“I’m Sargent Abraham Ford and these are my companions, Rosita Espinosa, Eugene Porter, Emily Dixon, and her two pups, Jessica and Andrew.” 
“I’m not a pup!...aren’t you meant to be helping my Momma?” Andrew yelled. 
“Alright, then a young dog, I’m coming.” Abraham began to walk towards Emily, the boy was right, crossing the distance, when he got to her, he crouched down. 
“We’re on a mission to get Eugene to DC. Eugene’s a scientist and he knows exactly how to fix this mess.” Abraham smiled when he realized that she was still awake and holding onto his arm. 
“Alright, so what happened?” The man asked, whilst Abraham looked through Emily’s brown locks, her curls fighting his view. The cut looked nasty but he knew he could fix it up enough. 
“It’s classified.” Eugene perked up, Andrew handed Abraham an antibacterial wipe, slowly he began to work. 
“Fuck,” Emily muttered as Abraham began to touch the deeper cut. Abraham realized he couldn’t just put a plaster on it, but he needed to keep it clean. 
“Just apply the gauze on her head and then use the bandage to keep it in place,” Andrew instructed. Following the instructions, Abraham found it pretty easy.
“He’s been talking to Muckidy Mucks on his satellite phone. The past couple of weeks no one's been picking up on the other end. We saw how you handed those corpses back there, we could use your help.” Abraham took the bottle of pills from Andrew, passing Emily those and some water to take them with. 
“Darlin’, I’m gonna get you to stand up now. we’re just gonna have to keep an eye on you for a while.” With Emily up at least, he was now fully able to work on his other problem. 
“Sorry.” The man walked away, Emily tries to work out what on earth she’d been missing, looking to Rosita to see if she knew what was going on. Glenn and Tara began to walk away. Abraham followed them tired of all the bullshit. 
The way Abraham walked told Emily everything she needed too, he was growing tired and he was pissed off. Leaning off of the truck, Emily began walking in the same direction, Andrew and Jessica took her flank. Emily’s unsure of what’s going on much of the conversation she can’t make out until she hears;
“That’s where she’d go to find me,” Glenn said to Tara as Emily attempted to put the pieces together.
“It’s a waste of time, Tara told us what went down. There’s zero chance you would ever find your wife alive or dead. Mainly because sorry to tell you she’s gone...no need for you to die too. Everything goes silent, Emily felt Abraham’s words harsh and unfair, trying to get him to come with them is one thing but to use his wife is another. 
“No need for you to die too, now come on get back in the truck.” 
“She’s alive and I know it.” Out of no-where Walkers began to drag their dead bodies towards the group, Jessica’s scream brought the group to realize just how urgent the situation was. Instinct took over, everyone seemed to know exactly what to do. Despite feeling weak, Emily managed to take down a Walker on her own. 
It was all going so well until everyone heard a number of gunshots. Looking in the direction where all of the gunshots had come from. 
“What the fuck?” Emily questioned as she walked to the truck, looking down at all of the bullet holes along the side. Emily crouched down in front, holding her head. The liquid seemed to be pouring out of the gas tank, Abraham crouched down beside Emily resting a hand on the truck behind her.
“Don’t suppose you can fix bullet holes, can ya darlin’?”
“No, unfortunately not. Know anything Sargent?” Abraham smirked, he liked the way that sounded coming off of her lips.
“I can have a look, if you feel ill anytime Darlin’, you stand back up.” Rolling her eyes Emily knew he was putting her best interests at heart. Getting under the truck, Abraham began to examine the truck. 
“You tell me how in the holy hell, could you possibly kill this truck.” Emily sniggered at his use of holy then it dawned at her what it meant. Life back on the road, the running, the scavenging for food and supplies.
“Looks like we’re walking now.” Abraham made a statement to everyone, looked around.
“Emily’s got a head wound, and probably a concussion should she really be on her feet?” Rosita questioned, Abraham looked at Emily who was still crouched down. He knew she shouldn’t be on her feet but they had no choice and little Jessica was practically shaking in fear. 
“We need to get moving, we all need to keep an eye out for her.” 
“I’ve not gone deaf you know.” Abraham laughed as he slowly helped her up, she held her head tightly as she began to move around the back of the truck slowly loading herself up, the kids followed suit knowing exactly what to do. Emily knew how scared Jessica was so she attempted to bend down but Abraham was already there, it was almost as if he was a mind reader. 
“Little Lady, remember when we first met and I vowed to you, your brother and specifically your Momma that I’d protect you and you were safe with us. Now, just because we’ve got to leave this truck behind does not mean that offer is leaving or any of us is going to leave ya...tell ya what I’ll even hold ya hand if you want to. Your one of us now and we protect our own....besides I’m going to need someone to help me keep an eye out for your Momma.” Emily smiled at him, it was the first time he’d seen her smile genuinely.
Emily felt eyes staring at her intensely,  her eyes turned to look to see Glenn staring at her. 
“You're the woman in the photo, your her....you’re the sister...Daryl’s sister.
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sun-in-sagittarius · 5 years
Drunken Truth
Jumin gets too drunk and ends up telling everything that has pilled up in his mind to Jihyun.
This one-shot was inspired by a song with the same title, ‘Drunken Truth’! I listened to the EXO’s Chen ver. here. If you are interested, please do watch and listen to it!
The clinking sound of the tableware echoed across the hall, accompanying the guests as they were having conversations with one another. They were having fun throwing jokes, making new friends, or exchanging stories. The hosts giving the utmost care to their guests, making sure they were comfortable and enjoying the party. Delicious food and liquor came endlessly to satisfy their appetite. It was a busy, yet pleasant night.
Out of all the parties they had hosted, this party is the most rewarding one. They went through a lot of up and downs together during preparations. They learned something they wish they never know. They couldn’t believe it themselves, they always try to deny it but they couldn’t. Since they witnessed it with their own eyes. Everything they were always curious about, something that had been kept for a long time, they were all answered in the most horrifying way possible.
Though it happened a few days ago, the feeling of guilt and disappointment were still running in their heads. They were really shocked that after all this time, their respected leader lied to them, and hold a great secret all by himself. The secret itself… is the one that left them speechless. Someone who is supposed to be passed away, standing strong before their eyes. Someone they admire and love. Rika. They cannot believe their ears when Rika confessed herself that she did all of those cruel thing, just to reach her own goals and ideals. She hurt her own lover and someone’s precious family. Saeyoung was beyond shocked as if he was struck by lightning, seeing his own brother in that state. They were all dumbfounded looking at V’s condition. His eyes were severely injured, and he struggled in a lot of pain because he was drugged.
Jumin shouted in rage when he saw his friend’s terrible shape. He quickly told his people to bring V to get the treatment he needed. He glared at the woman who did all this. All he see was not the Rika he used to be fond of. Rika who always wanted to help people kindly. Why would she do this? What for? How do you have the heart to do this to human being? Let alone… your lover?
Jumin called out her name. Nobody in the RFA ever heard him shouting very loud like that. Not even Jaehee.
“You definitely will pay for your crimes,”
 It was the first time Jumin let his anger take control of his body. It felt like his blood was running backwards in his veins. He rubbed his forehead. His head hurts if he remember that again. How could he didn’t notice it? How could he keep it a secret from everyone? How could he endure it all on his own shoulder? Didn’t he said we are… family? Jumin took a sip of his wine. V’s secretive behavior makes sense now. Jumin started to blame himself for not noticing the pain his old friend has endured for a long time.
Am I really his friend? Or is it only me who thinks that we’re friends?
“Why are you drinking alone here, Jumin ah? Everyone is having fun at the hall” a gentle voice rang into his ears, making Jumin turned his head and found his childhood friend smiling at him.
“Jihyun,” Jumin averted his eyes from him. He didn’t really want to see him right now. He was ashamed of himself for not being able to protect him. V… should not act friendly with him right now. V took a seat in front of him. Jumin gulped his wine all at once, still avoiding eye contact with the blue haired man.
“Are you… mad at me?” V asked him hesitantly.
“Not really,” Jumin poured wine into his glass. He offered it to V but he politely let Jumin drink it himself, “Rather than mad… I’m more disappointed,”
“I… I apologize—“
“I’m disappointed at myself. Not you,”
“Uh? Oh…” he flustered, fidgeting his fingers under the table, “Jumin ah, I—“
“If you’re going to apologize, do it to the other members. You don’t need to do such thing to me,” he locked eyes with V, “Just… tell me everything,”
“Alright,” V took a deep breath to prepare himself telling everything to Jumin. He couldn’t bring himself to tell the members because it was something that is really hard to believe. Since Rika always showed her caring and nurturing side to the organization, no one would suspect her doing something like that. Rika held a precious place in each of the member’s heart. Especially Yoosung. That boy… he cares for Rika deeply and willing to give everything to make her happy. To Zen, Rika is someone who helped him go through his rocky career path. As for Saeyoung, he feels indebted to her as she was willing to rescue them from their abusive mother and take care of Saeran. To Jaehee, she is a capable and admirable person who does amazing thing through this fundraising event. To Jumin, she is a precious friend who can make him open up about his own feelings. It is not something anyone can believe unless you see it with your own eyes.
And V knows about Rika’s plans all along, so he didn’t want the members involved further in this matter. It is his fault that Rika become this way. Should anything bad happen to the members, he wouldn’t forgive himself. Their lives are his responsibility. Because he is the leader. 
“You see, nothing good comes from sacrificing yourself like that,” Jumin gave him a sad look, “You get hurt, everyone’s worried about you and doubted you… you said it yourself that we are family. You can tell us everything. Well, if you don’t want to, you can at least… tell me,” he tried to keep his composure. V fell silent, couldn’t give him a single word.
“This will be the last time you hide something like this from me. I usually respect it if you want to keep a secret, but if it’s something that harms you… I cannot stay still,” Jumin said with a stern voice.
“I got it,” The latter nodded his head, keeping his words in mind. Having a friend like Jumin makes you feel relieved. The heavy burden on his shoulder suddenly feels lighter. V was still guilty for making his friend felt bad like that. It must be hard for him to accept all of this at once. But he was glad that Jumin has a big heart to forgive him. The calm and comfortable atmosphere began to surround them. Both Jumin and V felt a lot better after talking what they’ve been feeling.
“Don’t you want to join the others?” V suggested. The raven haired man smelled the aroma from his wine glass, “I want to drink here. Besides, I’m trying to avoid any chance to encounter my father’s new girlfriend,”
“Ah, I think I saw her earlier. Is she Glam Choi?”
“Hmm,” Jumin answered with least interest on his face. He would always react like that at the mention of his father’s girlfriends. V chuckled at his unchanging behavior from when they were young. He felt a bit nostalgic. It has been a long time since the last time they relaxed and enjoying the night breeze together like this. It makes him want to tease Jumin a bit.
“Your father keeps changing girlfriends from day to day. Are you not interested to be in a relationship?”
“I’m not interested,” he gazed at the moon, “Women who try to get close to me, they desire the same thing. They only need my money. They expected something from me. If I show them how I really am, they will hate me and leave me for sure,”
“Heey, what are you saying. I’m sure there are a lot who can understand and accept you as you are,”
“Jihyun,” Jumin put down the wine glass, “I’ve lived like this for 27 years. I know it better than anyone else. I don’t need to experience it myself; just by observing my father’s girlfriends, I know at a glance that they only want a wealthy life by dating my father. I know it very well there are only a few who can understand me completely,”
“Don’t be so negative. You will find someone whom you can trust someday,"
“I don’t plan to find one,” he said calmly, “…you’re here, so it’s enough,” Jumin mumbled his words.
“What did you say?” V didn’t hear it clearly, and draw his head closer to Jumin so he can hear more clearly. Jumin refused to repeat what he said earlier, and refilled his wine to distract V. He started to get worried. Jumin usually doesn’t drink this much. But he tried to understand; Jumin can do anything he wants since they were at a party after all, and probably he wants to put his mind at ease by drinking. A bit part of V’s heart blames himself, it can be he’s the one who caused Jumin to be like this.
“I have few enough trusted friends as it is. I only have you and Rika. But Rika turned like that without me knowing and she did those unforgivable things to you. And you… what would happen to you if we didn’t make it to save you?” Jumin covered his face with his palm, cannot bear imagining worst possibilities if they didn’t arrive in time to save V.
“I almost lose you…”
V turned speechless. The pain he caused to Jumin was more serious than he thought. It was the first time he saw Jumin like this. He wouldn’t ever waver when he had family issues. But now, tears streaming down his cheeks when he talked about V, making him quite taken aback. They’re childhood friends, but V had never seen Jumin drunk, even once. Which is it? Is it because of me? Or is it because he is drunk? Jumin was about to drink again, but V stopped him by holding his hand and took the wine glass from him.
“Jumin ah, I’m sorry, but enough drinking for today. You’re drunk,”
Jumin took a good look at his friend’s face. You’re right, I may be drunk. When morning comes, I may act like I don’t remember what I have said to you. I would like to apologize for my current state... But there is something… that I absolutely have to say to you.
“Jihyun ah… we’ve been friends since childhood… and until now you are the only friend I can trust. Of course I can trust other members too… but I can be myself only when I’m with you. Just being with you by my side is enough for me,” Jumin said with affectionate tone. V became more concerned, he never knew Jumin has this side in him, it frighten him a little, “Jumin ah, do you want to go home? Should I call your bodyguard to escort you home?”
You foolish friend of mine, Jumin chuckled seeing V’s panicked face. Just because I’m drunk, don’t think that is why I’m saying this. Even if it sounds sloppy and corny, I’m aware about what I’m talking about. I’ll probably never do something like this again, Kim Jihyun.
“Jihyun ah,” Jumin looked at him in the eye, “I adore you. I want to be the person you can depend on. Please stop keeping everything to yourself. If you can’t carry the burden alone, you can turn to me and ask for my help,” Jumin patted his head lightly,
“I ask you to treasure yourself the same as I treasure you, Jihyun ah,”
V started to lose it. He dissolved in tears, the words Jumin said to him touched his heart in the gentle way possible. He didn’t realize how much he longed to hear those kind of words. He always put others before him, until he forgets about his own needs. He also want to be loved. He also want to be taken care of. And Jumin understands him the best.
“Jihyun… about your offer earlier…” Jumin laid his head on V’s shoulder, “Could you please call for my guards… I’m starting to get lightheaded,”
V hit his head gently, “Control your liquor next time,”
So he’s the type who will speak the truth when he’s drunk, V giggled at the sight of drunk corporate heir.
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recoloblog · 8 years
Top 5 Albums of 2016: A sign of the times
2016 was one hell of a year. Full of shocks, pleasant surprises, and unbearable heartaches. In terms of music, we lost so much talent and wisdom in Prince, George Micheal, David Bowie and Phife Dawg, The latter hit me the hardest as he was an artist I genuinely grew up on. The funky diabetic was the glue that held Tribe together. His lyricism and wit meant his verses were always memorable and full of quotables.
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He complemented Q-tip’s laid-back style with a more fierce and punchy delivery. I was caught off guard when it was announced that A Tribe Called Quest were releasing an album. I feared it was going to be another disjointed posthumously released album that lacks cohesion, but I was taken aback by how effortless it seemed. It was like they never left. They tapped into and captured what was happening in today's world with Q-tip and Ali Shaheed staying true to the sound that has garnered them so many fans over the years. "We The People" is a summation of the America that Trump has left behind in the wake of his recent election. The album as a whole is very much rooted in today's world and the issues that affect us. It serves as a wake-up call to everyone that the world needs to wake up and address its issues before it's too late.  It was exactly what was needed at the time.
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That was a common them for albums released in 2016. The timing was always just right. Solange released  A Seat at the Table at a time where African Americans were being slaughtered what seemed every day by the police and their deaths were broadcast across social media like the latest trending meme. It made many question what is a black life really worth? Locally Gladwin Matsheke and the homies at Marvin.co.za were starting a movement of their own, #WeComingForEverything. It’s about taking back what's yours and leaving your mark on society. Claim your seat at the table because this shit is For Us and By Us. Stop apologising for who you are. It was uncanny the way Solange tapped into all those thoughts and feelings. 
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Like Pretoria Girls High’s oppression of African hair and the bravery of those young women fighting back for their right to wear their hair naturally. "Don’t Touch My Hair" captured their rage in a beautiful and soulful way. The whole album is full of angst, doubt, and anger but Solange remains composed throughout. The narratives from Master P, Tina Knowles, and Matthew Knowles are powerful and comforting as they recall tales from their past struggles and how they found strength and grounding in who they are and where they come from. It’s a reminder of the strength we yield as black men and women.
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The year started off with a bang with Anderson Paak dropping “Malibu.” It was an album that was a slow burn in that as the year drew on the more people caught on to the wave. It had everything from soul to uptempo rhythms, even an ode to fake titties. A song for every moment. "Season/Carry Me" is a recollection of the struggles he endured growing up and finding his way, looking to his Mom for guidance and serenity. "Come Down," produced by the mighty Hi-Tek, is a groovy throwback jam reminiscent of an old block party. “Your Heart Don’t Stand a Chance” is Anderson Paak at his best. His singing/rapping style is unique and raw, the lyrics are encapsulating and the beat is a classic head nodder. Not many people knew him at the beginning of 2016 but going into the new year I' sure he's amassed a few die-hard fans.
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Speaking of die-hard fans few are more worthy of the term than J Cole’s fan base. When he announced he was releasing an album they all went crazy. I’m sure one or two were ready to dub it an instant classic. Such is the climate we live in that we don’t give music the necessary time to breathe and settle in. We all want to be a part of the hype. After my first listen to 4 Your Eyez Only I was unsure of how I felt about it, to be honest. 2014 Forrest Hills Drive was a watershed moment for J Cole as a major label artist. He returned to what his core fans loved about his mixtapes, particularly Friday Night Lights and to a lesser extent The Warm Up. Forrest Hills Drive was easy to listen to, whereas 4 Your Eyes Only demanded your full engagement. He was telling a story. At first, it seems like his story as he speaks of love and entering fatherhood but then the last track flips everything on its head. As a whole the album was solid but the context provided by the title track, “4 Your Eyes Only” puts everything in perspective and elevates the entire project. Musically from a production standpoint, I feel this is Cole at his best. The incorporation of live instrumentation (look up Theo Croker by the way he’s dope) really took it to another level. You can see the impact fatherhood is starting to have on him through his maturity and how he views the world. He’s always been a blue collar hero and a humanist but now he’s really embracing it with a fearlessness that is rare in today’s rap artist. A song like "False Prophets," though it didn’t make the album, demonstrates this as he calls out the False Idols of Hip Hop. As a man and a father he is not just sitting back and letting it happen he’s using his voice to put a lens on certain topics and for that, he gets my utmost respect.
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Someone who didn’t get enough credit for his album, again due to timing was Schoolboy Q. Blank Face LP was a great album but it came out the same week as another black man was gunned down by the police in America causing it to slip by the wayside. But those who gave it a listen to know it was arguably his best album and possibly the best Hip-Hop album of the year. There was no Kendrick Lamar feature to draw bandwagon TDE fans along, this was an album for SchoolBoy fans and fans of LA Hip-Hop as a whole. It’s dark and gritty, with only one crossover radio single “Overtime” featuring Miguel and Justine Skye. The intro “Torch” sets the tone perfectly. The first real voice you hear is Anderson Paak as he proclaims, “I trade the noise for a piece of divine,” before Schoolboy announces “This that fuck the blogs” while painting a morbid picture of life in LA as a guitar wails in the background. He then lets you know “this is the realest shit he ever wrote,” and after you hear the album in full, it probably is. Blank Face LP tells a story but unlike 4 Your Eyez Only this is more of a scene setter. He immerses you into LA as he saw it growing up and the struggle that continues. “Lord Have Mercy” is a cry for help for the souls claimed by LA’s infamous gang culture. Other standout tracks for me are "Ride Out" feat Vince Staples, "By Any Means", "John Muir"  "Neva Change" with SZA and "Black Thoughts." "Black Thoughts" is Q like we’ve never really heard him before. He displays a level of consciousness very few people knew he even had. Again like J Cole’s album you really need to engage with it to appreciate it. Don’t just skim through it.
Those are my Top 5 albums for 2016, in no particular order. There were many other albums I thoroughly enjoyed. Dvsn had the best album of anyone on the OVO roster with a smooth 90s RnB vibe on "Sept 5". Chance the Rapper stole the show with "Coloring Book" and his verse on "Ultralight Beam". Here's my list of other honorable mentions for last year. Can’t wait to hear what 2017 brings our ears.
NxWorries (Anderson Paak & Knxwledge) - Yes Lawd Blood Orange - Freetown Sound Kaytranada - 99.9% Mac Miller - The Divine Feminine Elaquent - Worst Case Scenario Rihanna - Anti PARTYNEXTDOOR - PND3 Kendrick Lamar - Untitled/Unmastered Common - Black America Again
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