#my whole sum of 3 followers (me myself and I) must be so starved for content
crimsomcrystal · 5 months
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Wait what
19 notes · View notes
honeyoongiah · 4 years
Pairings: Taehyung x reader 
Genre: Neighbour! Taehyung AU, fluff, angst, smut
Words: 6.3k
Warnings: mention of harassment, explicit sex 
Summary: You just moved out to study in another city when you met your new neighbour Taehyung. You instantly feel connected to him, but somehow life just doesn’t stop getting in your way.
A/N: This is an older piece but I love it. I had to translate it before I could post it because I wrote it in german originally. And since I had a chance now, I edited it a bit. Enjoy!
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"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" - "Your plane is departing soon, get in this damn taxi now!" I laughed and pushed my mother out the door. Her eyes were still glaring at me with concern while trying to get free. "I can always book a new flight." 
"Mom no, go now. I'm an adult, I can do this.", I said and gestured how tall I am already. "First of all you are only 22. And you live alone now! That's a big step. You were never very long or far away from me. In my eyes you'll always be my little one." 
I hugged my mother one last time and kissed her cheek. "Now go. Tell me when you land and greet my siblings. And thanks again for helping me out so much. Are you sure I shouldn't bring you to the airport?" - "Yes I'm sure darling and don't thank me, I'll always be there to help you. I'll call you from home then!" 
I watched my mother for a while until I closed the door of my new house and leaned against it from the inside. I really moved out now and my new home was not exactly around the corner. But I was lucky with this place, it's a beautiful estate and close to my university. 
I walked straight up to my refrigerator in the kitchen because my stomach grumbled. A glance at the clock told me that their war had been a while since my mom and I ate breakfast and I hoped she wasn't starving on her way right now.
My eyes looked right into a yawning void and I sighed in frustration as I didn't feel like going shopping now. In the end, I would have no other choice. It was Saturday and if I didn't have food for today, I'll definitely stay hungry tomorrow. 
I ran upstairs to my bedroom and grabbed my handbag that was placed on the bedside table and opened it. Phone, key, wallet. Everything inside. I took a quick look in the mirror and checked whether my pigtail was still sitting properly and pulled it again.
Then I ran back down the stairs and left my house, of course not without locking the door. I got in my car and started the engine. Less than 10 minutes later I stood in the parking lot of a grocery store and slammed my car door. With quick steps I entered the building and looked around. I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, I could already hear my bed calling for me. 
After my bulk shopping was done and I paid an inhuman sum at the cash register, I had a hard time carrying it all to the car. Somehow I had made it and dropped the whole bags into my trunk. After I drove back and parked in my garage, I threw myself into my seat in frustration as I remembered how many heavy bags I would have to carry inside now. 
Come on, it doesn't take that long I tried to cheer myself up and forced myself to get out and go to my trunk again. I was able to carry the first 3 bags and just got the key out of my door when a small husky stared at me with an innocent look. "Um..." I got out of a urge to react as if the dog could answer me. I almost dropped the bags, but I was able to put them down in time and crouched down. 
"Well, who are you?" I asked and the dog cocked his head to the side. I held out my hand and waited for him to come closer to sniff it. Who knew if he had not experienced traumatic and maybe attacked when I act too harshly.
Slowly the husky puppy padded towards me and nestled his head on my hand. I started to stroke him properly and his tail back and forth happily. "Snowball?" I turned around, but at first I couldn't find who this dark voice belonged to. "Snowball? Snowball where are you?" 
Then the little one in front of me responded to these calls with even more wagging his tail. "I guess you're Snowball, right?" He barked loudly and I giggled. "Snowball?" Slowly he padded past me to his owner, I turned and looked up into two brown eyes that pierced mine. 
We just looked at each other for a few seconds until I finally woke up from my rigidity and got up. "Um, hi. I'm y/n, I just moved in here." - "I'm Kim Taehyung and I live in the house next door.", said the other person while pointing to his house and grinning shyly. I returned the grin and looked over. "It's nice to meet you." 
"Nice to meet you too. I'm sorry if Snowball scared or annoyed you. He just ran away when I wanted to get the mail in and I couldn't catch him straight away  and then he already was out of my sight.", He laughed and scratched his neck nervously. 
"Oh, no problem. I love dogs and Snowball is really cute.", I replied honestly and looked down at him again. "Okay, then I'm relieved. Still sorry and thank you for taking care of him. I don't want to bother you any longer."
His eyes fell on the shopping bags by the door and he looked back at me. "Do you need help carrying it in?"- "Oh ah no, it's okay. I'll be fine," I said, waving my arms around in the air.
"Sure? It's not a problem for me to lend a hand."
His long brown-gray hair fell into his eyes and he ran his fingers elegantly through them while his eyes continued to look at me. „I am sure these aren‘t the only bags, if you just moved in here. Come on, let me help you.“
I gave up and nodded. Taehyung's smile widened immediately and he nodded back in confirmation. "The rest is in the trunk. I go and open the door already, so Snowball won't run away again."
Taehyung let Snowball into my house and carried the 3 bags from the front of my door to the kitchen, then he came to my garage and took as many bags as he could carry.
"I can take some too," I muttered, but he just shook his head and walked back inside my house.
I locked the car and the garage, then I followed him.
"Should I help you unpack, too?"
"No no, that would really be too much to ask for. Thanks for your help, would you like some coffee?", I walked over to my machine and looked at him questioningly. "Oh no, I don't want to bother you."
"It’s totally fine and besides you just helped me and I want to give you something back." - "Well if you insist then it would be my pleasure.", I nodded contentedly and let the coffee machine do its work while I leaned against the counter. "So why did you move here?"
"I am here for my studies, the university is just around the corner. I also always wanted to be independent as early as possible." Taehyung nodded and surveyed the facility. "Everything is already ready here."
"My mother was here and helped me with everything. She flew back this morning."
"Do you miss her already?" - "I didn’t get to that part yet, to be honest. Since she's gone, I've only been grocery shopping, nothing more." I laughed and Taehyung joined in. We talked about our life for a while and I found out that he studied at the university like me and that he had lived here alone for a few years. Unlike my family, his family lived near him, only that he still didn't see them too often. They didn't have a particularly close relationship. He had Snowball only for a few weeks and he made him really happy, even if it brought him into all kinds of problematic situations.
"I'll be gone then too, my girlfriend is probably wondering where I am," he explained to me with a smile and went to the door. A part of me was really sad that he was apparently in firm hands. "Thanks again for your help."
"Thanks for the coffee. If you need something, just come over."
I closed the door, started to put my groceries in the fridge and finally made myself something to eat. Later my mother called me and told me that she had arrived safely but would fly back at any time if I needed anything. With a laugh I declined her offer and we hung up. I spent most of the following evenings curled up on my sofa watching some trivial series on TV before my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep. One night I heard someone shouting and winced. I slowly opened my eyes and was startled because I was not used to the surroundings.
I switched on the light and turned the television off. Is someone arguing? So loud in the middle of the night? I decided to go to my bedroom after going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Shortly after I entered my room and wanted to open the window when I noticed that I could look perfectly into the room across the street. Two people faced each other and seemed pretty angry. I could see that one of them is probably Taehyung and that the woman with him must have been his girlfriend.
She raised her hand and landed directly on his cheek. I flinched in surprise, but Taehyung kept a straight face. He said something else to her that I didn't understand and she left the room. Still staring in shock, I stared over until his eyes met mine and I felt caught.
You don't stalk people just like that, I thought and I blushed. Taehyung just smiled and shaped a sorry with his lips. I shook my head to signal that he didn't have to apologize for anything and he nodded.
I smiled goodbye to him again and then pulled my curtains shut. Apparently he was having a fight with his girlfriend. I hoped that would settle down soon and went to bed. A few weeks passed and I met Taehyung a few times at the university and in front of the house. I found out that he had broke up with his girlfriend and he apologized again for waking me up.
I also got to know the first people and made a few contacts. A boy named Jimin seemed to be particularly interested in me and he invited me to dinner. I thought why not? and agreed. He was really attractive and friendly, you could talk to him well, so I was looking forward to my date. On that day the doorbell rang and I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
Jimin wanted to be here in an hour? I wasn't done with getting ready yet. I trudged to the door and found Taehyung. "Hey, I wanted to ask, if you would like to see a movie or something today? I cooked and there would be something for you too." In fact, I would have liked this, but I was already appointed. "I'm sorry, I'm busy today. Next time?"
Taehyung was visibly disappointed but he smiled anyway. "No problem, what are you doing?" Somehow it was uncomfortable for me to tell Taehyung that I was on a date, but it couldn't be avoided. "I'm having dinner with Jimin, I think you know him." His eyes widened and he looked away in shame. "Oh oh yes, I know Jimin. He is really nice. I wish you a good time." We said goodbye and I got ready for my date. It was really nice, Jimin picked me up and opened all the doors for me, adjusted my chair and even paid. He was really courteous and gracious but also funny.
We stopped at my front door to say goodbye. "I enjoyed my evening with you, y/n." Jimin smiled shyly and scratched the back of his head. "I thought it was very nice too." I admitted honestly and he smiled brighter. But something was missing. Jimin slowly reached down to me, watching my reaction closely and resting his forehead on mine. When I didn't move away, he gently put his lips on mine and I returned the kiss. We quickly broke apart and Jimin said goodbye for today.
This was followed by some dates, some kisses and at some point we were a couple.
"Do you want to go out today, honey?" He asked as he hugged me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder as I made myself a tea. "I don't care, we can stay here as long as we are together." I replied and got a kiss on the head. "You are so adorable."
Jimin was really the perfect boyfriend and I enjoyed being close. Spending time with him was pure relaxation for me and yet I couldn't help feeling that I was missing something. But I didn't tell him, I didn't want to hear it myself and gave everything to be a good girlfriend to him. We sat on the sofa and I leaned against him. He immediately put an arm around me and put my cup on the table. "Hey, I wanted to drink it now!" I laughed.
Jimin leaned down to me and pressed his soft lips against mine. I sighed contentedly and he grinned into our kiss. "It makes me so happy to make you happy."
"You poet." I giggled and united our lips again. Just as he was about to lean over me, the doorbell rang. Jimin already had his lower lip out formed to a pout and I laughed. "I‘ll go."
Jimin got up and arrived at the front door in a few steps. "Oh, hey Tae. What's up?" Immediately I became clairaudient and got up to go to the door. I stood next to Jimin, who automatically put his hand around my waist. Tae's gaze immediately fell on it and I felt an uneasy feeling. "I-I just cooked too much again and wanted to bring something over. So you are together now?" 
Jimin and I nodded, he definitely more vigorously than me. Taehyung put on a false smile and nodded. "I'm happy for you. Then you can eat it together, it'll be enough for two people." If it was enough for two, half was definitely not for Jimin and I felt bad to have canceled again when Taehyung indirectly asked me to meet. We said goodbye and I watched Tae walk down the stairs until Jimin closed the door. "Delicious food." Jimin murmured as he greedily examined the baking pan and I had to laugh.
Time flew and two years passed by quickly. Taehyung and I saw each other every now and then, when I was jogging and he went for a walk with Snowball. Who, by the way, had already become huge. Sometimes we were even grocery shopping at the same time. I also saw him go to bed every night because our bedrooms were facing each other and we always went around the same time to close the curtains. It was like a ritual. Neither of us mentioned it and neither said it was intentional, but we both knew we were eagerly waiting for 10 p.m. to finally be able to walk to the curtains and smile at each other least a few seconds a day.
After two years of relationship, I broke up with Jimin. He was a perfect boyfriend but he wasn't... perfect for me. The feeling that I was missing something grew bigger and bigger and echoed loudly in my head. I couldn't go on like this. Jimin was hurt, but understanding as expected. Again I met Taehyung while jogging, but this time I wouldn't just keep walking with a smile. I stopped, to mine and to his amazement. "Hey, Taehyung. We haven't talked in a long time," I said kindly.
"That's right, how are you doing right now?"
"Oh, it's okay so far, there's a lot going on right now," I replied. Please ask about Jimin, it shot through my head and I was scared of myself. Why did I want that? "Yes, the university is troubling us all. How's Jimin?" Yes! "I don't know, we broke up," I said, and I could have sworn to see a quick smile on his lips. "I'm sorry, you were together a long time." I nodded. "It was my decision. Something was missing," I emphasized. "Sometimes there are things that aren‘t meant to be and sometimes you have it right in front of you and you don't recognize it." he said absently and avoided eye contact.
We said goodbye and I thought about his words. Was he thinking about us? What would have been if he had not been taken or if it wasn’t directly after his breakup? What if his invitation had come a tick earlier? Would I have been with Jimin at all? I soon decided to cook too and bring him something over there. In fact, I still had one of his baking tins and decided to make a potato casserole.
But the university tore at my nerves and I couldn't find any time. Taehyung always seemed tired and stressed when I saw him in the evening or met him at the post office. Finally, half a year later, when I still hadn't given him his shape back, maybe just to be able to do this, I found the time and cooked for us. All day I was happy that it finally worked and something inside of me tingled with excitement. The thought of eating and talking with Taehyung, maybe laughing, gave me goose bumps and a pleasant warmth ran through my stomach.
I never had that with Jimin.
Humming happily, I cooked my casserole and looked proud at my work when I took it out of the oven. I let it cool down a bit and ran upstairs to choose something to wear.
Simple or a little bit more prettied up? We would only eat, but I still wanted to look good.
I entered my bedroom and automatically looked over into his.
My smile immediately disappeared when I realized that he was standing there with a girl and kissed her soulfully as they moved towards the bed. My stomach tightened but I couldn't look away. He held her face with one hand and with the other he pulled her closer to his waist.
She had buried her fingers in his hair and was playing with them.
I seemed to have been too noticeable because a few seconds later he broke away from her and looked in my direction. Just in time I could pretend to get my cell phone off the bed and disappear.
Before I left the room I looked over again. He had turned back to her and probably hadn't noticed that I had seen her. I sadly went down the stairs and wondered what I wanted to do alone with so much casserole. Then I just had something to eat for two days, I thought to myself, but I couldn't just keep it. It was meant for him and he should get it.
I got out a pen and a small piece of paper and wrote a message.
"Sorry for bringing over your cake tray so late. The casserole is for you and your girlfriend. Sorry, I didn't want to stalk! ~ y/n" I packed the form in aluminum foil and stuck the note on it. I quickly put on my shoes and ran the few meters over to put it in front of his door. Then I went back inside and threw myself on the sofa in frustration. Some things shouldn't be. At 10pm I went to my curtains as usual, but for the first time in 3 years, his curtains were closed.
The next morning I walked to my mailbox, but this time I saw no Taehyung.
I glanced at his front door. The casserole was definitely no longer there. But between my letters I found a small piece of paper. "The casserole was great, but not necessary! Thank you (^ o ^)" He did not go into the matter with his girlfriend, which is not surprising.
With a sigh I packed the remaining letters and ran back into the house.
The weeks passed and tests were pending. I hardly left my house, tried to focus as best I could. But Taehyung always managed to sneak into my thoughts and I tugged my hair I should have noticed earlier that I wanted more. Already at the first meeting I noticed that there was something. But he had a girlfriend. Then I had a boyfriend. The university also consumed a lot of time and now he seemed to be taken again.
He lives next door and is still so far away.
Another few weeks passed and Taehyung didn't come to the window regularly at 10pm. Maybe once or twice a week I saw him grinning at me through the window.
I always smiled back in a friendly way, but I was sad inside. I should just get over it and be happy myself again. After all, I had separated from Jimin over half a year ago. The university had planned a big prom after the exams and I tried to be happy and not to think that Taehyung would probably bring his new girlfriend there.
I got some invitations for this evening, but I didn't really feel like any of them. Everyone was really nice, but that's just not enough. Nevertheless, I accepted Haesung's invitation and he picked me up at 8pm. He drove us to the location and even looked really good in a suit.
We talked casually and entered the room.
The large hall was dipped in a soft blue and the furnishings matched perfectly. My dress was also color-coordinated, because the motto had already been announced. "Would you like a drink?" my date for this eveing asked, but I didn't feel like alcohol today. "No thanks." He got some of the alcohol-free punch for both of us, because he still had to drive. We talked and drank until my eyes fell on the door that someone was opening.
His suit looked great and my face immediately turned a light red.
To my surprise he was alone, without any company. His eyes roamed the room as if he was looking for something and finally met mine. We just looked at each other until he started eyeing me and my dress and smiled shyly. I blushed but smiled back. His smile was really heartwarming and it made my stomach tingle again. He looked over at Haesung and his eyes changed from shy to worried. What was going through his mind?
"y/n? Are you listening at all?"
Haesung pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked at him. "I'm sorry, I just noticed my neighbor." Haesung nodded and we continued the conversation.
My eyes fell briefly on the door again, but Taehyung was no longer to be seen. Well understandable, who liked standing in the door frame all night. The evening was calm and relaxed, I was still looking for Tae but couldn't find him anywhere. Time passed and slowly I wanted to go back home. Nothing kept me here.
"Haesung, I'm pretty tired. Would you mind if we left now?" I asked with puppy eyes.
You could see the disappointment, but he nodded and we walked back to the car. I searched for Taehyung one last time, but I still couldn't find him. Maybe he was home already?
The journey was quiet, there was silence between us but that was fine with me. I didn't really feel like talking to him anymore.
He walked me to the door and I tried to say goodbye, but Haesung supported himself on my front door with his hand and narrowed me down. "Can't I get a good night kiss?" He said, and I got a bad feeling about it. "Haesung please go now," I tried to say in a strong voice. He frowned. "But babe, we haven't gotten to the fun part yet." - "Haesung it is enough, I don't want that." I said with tremor in my voice this time and clenched my hands into fists to calm down. "Oh come on, I can still convince you. You will have fun."
Haesung moved closer and I was getting ready for the worst, but just before his face was close enough to mine, he was pulled back by the shoulder and stumbled a few steps back. "Fuck off Tae, this has nothing to do with you." Haesung said, visibly pissed off and tried to get out of his grip, but Taehyung gripped harder and harder. "No means no haesung and if you don't leave now and stay away from y/n in the future, you and I will have a problem." Taehyung said coldly and pierced Haesung with a look of death.
"Alright alright, I'm leaving," he muttered and went to his car.
Relief spread through me and I leaned against the door with a sigh. "Thanks Tae, it would have turned out badly without you." - "Nothing to thank me for. I was worried when I saw him with you, he has always been a guy who knows no boundaries. That's why I kept an eye on you and that didn't seem to be a mistake. Besides, you didn't seem really interested in him?", the last one came out half as a question and he cocked his head slightly.
"I thought he was nice and I didn't want to go to prom alone." I answered honestly and shrugged. "I would have invited you.” Taehyung murmured, looking at everything but me, hoping I didn't hear it. I did however. "I thought you were going with your girlfriend." I said, and Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Exactly, I wanted to talk to you about that too. I have no girlfriend, where does that idea come from?" I thought back to the day I cooked for us and then saw him in the room with this woman. How he kissed her and pushed her towards the bed. My stomach turned. "I saw you in your room with a woman, and judging by what you were about to do, it looked very intimate." I replied embarrassed, playing with my fingers.
Taehyung thought for a moment, but then widened his eyes and blushed.
"I-I ... that wasn't my girlfriend. I just got to know her back then and … ah doesn't matter, it was a huge mistake. So you thought she was my girlfriend ever since?" He threw his head back and sighed heavily. "Don’t worry about it! You are grown up and can do whatever you want." I tried to calm him down, but he just shook his head. "You're right about that, but that was never what I wanted. No matter it's late, you should go to sleep. By the way, you look really gorgeous in this dress. Good night." he said and disappeared.
I unlocked my front door and warm air flowed towards me. I ran upstairs and saw Tae lying on his bed and running his hand through his hair while looking frustrated. I ran to my closet and dug out a long top because I didn't like to sleep in pants, and went to the bathroom to change. I could have just closed my curtains, but I didn't want to lose the chance to see Tae's face again. Who knew when the next time would be. I took off my make-up and changed my clothes. When I ran back to my room Taehyung was still there, but now he was sitting and resting his head on his knees with his hands. He probably hadn't noticed that I could see him yet.
For a few minutes I watched him go through his hair, check his cell phone briefly and throw himself back on the bed in frustration again. Then I decided to offer him his privacy and pulled my curtains shut. Another few weeks passed and our evening ritual was revived. We met and went jogging again often, sometimes we even ate together at the university. Finally it seemed to be going uphill. But fate was simply not on our side. I noticed that there has been an unusual amount of noise coming from his house lately and his bedroom looked emptier than usual. What was he up to? Renovation work? I didn't get to ask him, because the next day he was already at my door and handed me a small piece of paper. "I'm going to do a few semesters abroad. I can't be here anymore, but that's my number, if you need something or want to talk, just contact me.", He was still there until I finished saving his number but after that he wanted to turn back and go immediately.
No no no! I couldn't let something separate us again!
He was still walking along the path of my property when his cell phone rang.
He got it out of his pocket and took the call.
"You said I should call when I need something. Don't go away, I need you." I spoke bravely into my cell phone, my hand trembled and I was ready to get the brush-off. A tear rolled down my cheek but I just ignored it. Taehyung continued to stand with his back in my direction for a few seconds, which felt like hours, but then finally turned to me and waöked towards me with huge steps. "I've been waiting for so long," he said before taking my face in his hands and meld our lips. I sighed contentedly and put my arms around his neck, pulling him further down towards me. He pushed me into the house and kicked the door shut. His hands moved from my face to my hip, where he pulled me closer and I moaned in surprise.
I buried my fingers in his long hair and scratched his neck. In response, he gave a low grumble and pushed me against the wall. "I've wanted to do this ever since I met you," he whispered against my lips as we briefly separated from each other due to lack of air. His eyes shone and I lost myself in them. He grabbed my butt and I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist. Again he pushed me against the wall and rubbed against me as he spread a thousand kisses on my neck. I cocked my head and took a deep breath when he touched a sensitive area with his soft lips.
"Found it.", He murmured contentedly and started sucking on it. I moaned softly and clawed into his back. I wanted to feel his lips on mine again, to memorize his taste. I grabbed his face and turned it back to me, didn't hesitate for a second and reunited our mouths. Taehyung pushed me a little more against the wall and grabbed my butt a bit harder.
He bit my lip lightly and I slightly opened my mouth when I moaned, which he immediately took advantage of and also united our tongues. It was a struggle for dominance that I would clearly lose. Slowly I felt something hard between my legs and gasped in surprise.
"Sorry, if that's too quick for you, we can stop too...", Taehyung said out of breath, still very close to my face. His breath tickled warmly on my swollen lips and I didn't even think about ending this. In response, I pulled him closer to me again and pulled his shirt up a bit on his back. Taehyung grinned and we pulled away from the wall so he could carry me upstairs.
In the meantime, I worked on his neck and left my love bites everywhere. 
When we arrived in my bedroom, he threw me on the bed and immediately leaned over me to focus on my neck again. "I’m so damn attracted to you. I crave you." he growled in his deep voice against my skin as his hands slowly moved under my top and explored my body. He quickly pulled it over my head and looked at me for a while. "Taehyung what are you doing?" - "I'm trying to catch every detail of you." he answered, leaning back down to me. His lips wandered down my neck to my cleavage and opened my bra with his hands. It felt like his hands and lips were everywhere at the same time, my skin burned hot in the places he touched. The comfortable tingle in my abdomen became stronger and I gasped when Tae had reached my pants. 
As he continued to spread gentle kisses on my stomach, he opened my pants and threw them carelessly across the room. I pulled his shirt over his head and threw it down to my pants. He took my panties off with his teeth and licked his lips while he examined my now completely exposed body. It was uncomfortable to show myself so naked, but his lustful gaze on me felt good. He climbed up to me again and we kissed passionately as he ran his fingertips over my body. I reached for his belt, which I had successfully opened after some fiddling, and tried to open the button. 
But unexpectedly, Taehyung let his fingers disappear between my legs and I groaned loudly. He grinned into our kiss and playfully bit my lip. "Taehyung-ah, I can't concentrate like this..." I tried to make no noise while still trying to open his button. He let go of me briefly to take off his pants himself and I stared at the bulge that could no longer be overlooked. Again he kissed my body until he got between my legs and gently sucked marks on my thighs. "You don't have to concentrate on anything, baby. Just let yourself fall." he said seductively, his lips touching my clit lightly and driving me crazy.
Shortly afterwards, a pleasant sensation ran through my whole body and I moaned loudly when I could feel Taehyungs tongue. "Tae-Taehyung..." was the only thing that could leave my mouth, my hips started moving by themselves and I closed my eyes. The fact that I moaned his name only made him move his tongue faster and harder while he began to use his fingers. He pushed two inside of me, no time to adjust but I didn’t need it anyway. I clawed my hand in the sheet and buried the other in his hair, which exerted slight pressure on his head. Just when I was almost at the limit to cum, he stopped and I looked down at him in surprise. I whined at the loss of contact when he removed his fingers.
"I want to come with you, baby." he gave me as an explanation and I quickly nodded. There was nothing I wanted more than to feel him inside of me. I’ve waited for this for so long that I was almost nervous.He stripped off his boxer shorts and leaned over me.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and looked deep into his brown eyes, which I fell in love with at first sight. "Taehyung, I love you," I said, smiling, and Tae's look looked surprised.
"I love you too, (y/n). Finally you're mine.", he answered lovingly while entering me slowly.
I moaned deeply when I felt his length inside of me. This time I needed a few seconds to adjust, but Taehyung was patient and kissed my neck while he waited for my okay to move. I still felt like I could cum any minute, him stretching me out and his soft lips on my neck while his hands stroked my body drove me crazy. As he started to suck on my nipples I got impatient and whined. “Please move. I want to feel it.”
Taehyung groaned in response and moved his hips back and forth, his eyes not leaving mine. “I love how you look right now. God you’re so beautiful.”, he whispered to me and I blushed, not able to give him an answer, the pleasure too much for my brain to form words.
My fingers were buried in his hair as I moved my hips in sync with his. We both moaned louder when he started to thrust a bit harder, revealing how needy he really was. “T-Taehyung it feels so good I’m close.”, I whimpered, now scratching his neck and gaining a low groan in response. “I can feel it gorgeous, you’re clenching around me. It feels amazing.”, he answered and bit my neck softly. “Cum with me.”
His words sent me over the edge, the pleasure running through my veins as I moaned loudly. Shortly after I could feel that Taehyung was close as well, only a few thrusts away from filling me. I touched his body and marked his neck where I discovered he liked it the most and helped him cumming as well. “God you’re incredible.”, was the first thing he said after pulling me close into his arms. I chuckled and kissed his chest. “I’ve never felt like this.” 
“Me neither.”, I whispered and looked up to him. “Are you really going to stay here with me?” 
Taehyung nodded fastly and kissed my forehead. “I won’t let anything or anyone come between us. We wasted way too much time the past years and I think we need to catch up on that.” I nodded and sighed in relief. Taehyung wouldn’t leave me. We finally found each other and wouldn’t let go again. “I love you.”, he said lovingly and I smiled. “I love you too, from the very first moment I did and I’ll never stop.” 
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emmaekay · 6 years
Kotonari - Travel: Part 3
AN: OMGGGG LOOK I FINALLY FINISHED THIS CHAPTERRRR. Only two chapters left until this story is finished. 
You can read this on Ao3, too. (It’s probably easier to navigate chapters if you do.)
Travel – Part 3
Hours passed. Trunks took his shower then sat in the kitchen filling his belly with the remnants of the last few meals that had been cooked in that house. Half a chicken, half a roast, ten soft rolls, a basket of greens, a pot of rice – Trunks ate as if he’d never seen food before and never would again. Bulma came down the hall, babies sleeping away upstairs, and chuckled to herself as she watched him gorge.
Trunk guiltily wiped his mouth. “Sorry. We ran out of food almost a week ago and I’m… starving.”
“Don’t stop on my account. I’ve seen your dad eat after training, and this is restrained by his standards.” Bulma laughed, and Trunks tore into another fistful of rolls.
“What’se liwwe?” Trunks asked, mouth stuffed full.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
Trunks gulped, choked, drained a glass of water to ease the too-big-bite down his throat. “What’s he like?” he repeated himself.
“Who, Vegeta?”
Trunks nodded, shoveling rice into his mouth at a dangerous rate. “I don’t know the same man you know… you know?”
“Queen Pea told me. Your time is all wrong. Your sister…” Bulma trailed off. “Well, you’re right that you don’t know the same Vegeta I know, he’s nothing like the man you described to the Queen. And he would never hurt you, or hurt Cip. When I was pregnant with you two, he actually threatened to tear the entire second story off this house because I wouldn’t stop going up and down the stairs.”
Trunks snorted. “Subtle.” “That he isn’t. What else… oh! Did you ever hear the story of how we were fasted?” Trunks shook his head no, and Bulma continued. “Well, I had lunch with the Queen and she seemed so nice, so sweet. All of a sudden, the afternoon was over and evening cold had started to settle in. Your dad landed behind me and the Queen got up. As if she thought Vegeta was there to fight…” Bulma’s voice was soft and faraway. “The Queen headed back toward the tall door leading back into the castle and the King was there. It was like a frame around them, like in the oldest fairystories that were full of sadness and danger – and they told me I would have to fight Daiku in order to marry your dad.” “Sensei?” Trunks mouth fell open.
“Yep. And I was so scared – I had met Daiku before this and he was huge! Huge. And aside from that, he’s the arena fight champion and I am definitely not a brawler. And Vegeta… he was scared, too.”
“He was scared?” Trunks had never seen his father frightened. Or happy. Or really anything but murderously enraged.
Bulma smiled. “We didn’t really know it yet – we were just barely starting to realize it – but we already loved each other very much. He took me up in his arms, high away from the castle and away from the threat of that battle – into the clouds and the moonlight. He promised me,” she said, blushing now with a look of such softness and love that Trunks felt the tumblers of some never-turned lock click into place within himself. What would it feel like to have a woman look at me that way?
“He promised you what?” Trunks asked.
“That he’d never let anyone hurt me. That he’d never let me go. And that scared me even more, you know?”
“Why?” “Because I never wanted him to. I wanted to disappear into his arms and hide myself away in his love. I wanted to let him keep me safe… and I had never wanted anything from anyone, not that way, in my whole life.  Back on Earth, I was – well, I was the same as Vegeta. I was powerful and smart and people looked up to me. People relied on me to keep things running, to keep things moving in the right direction. But with all that power, I could never admit that I really wanted someone to see me. Me - not the money or the power, not the influence or the attitude, not the person I used to be, not the teenage love or the best friend… me, one woman trying to support the weight of an empire, alone.”
Trunks studied his mother’s face. He saw so much of his sister in her stubborn face, her serious frown that would suddenly change into a bright grin, as it did now.
“And then I was here. And Vegeta … your dad saw me. He saw that I was smart, he saw that I was tough, and he saw… that I needed him. I needed his loyalty. I needed his love. And now,” Bulma felt tears starting to prick at her eyes. “And now, he needs mine. He’s out there, somewhere, with poison in his head. That voice, that miasma, it’s torturing him. And I can’t do anything… I’m not strong. I’m not a fighter like Queen Pea. I’m not fast like Beri. But I still want to go to him!”
Trunks shook his head, “Mom…” “I know. I know, he could kill me. He’s not in his right mind. I know all the reasons why I should stay here and there’s no good reason I should go. But Trunks – my heart tells me that you and your dad need me there.”
“Lady Bulma, absolutely not!” Beri objected from the doorway of the kitchen. She looked tired and her hair was wet around the edges, as if she’d just gotten out of the bath. Daiku towered behind her, clogging up the doorframe. His torso was bare and his waist was wrapped in the loose cloth that passed for a towel on this planet.
Shaking his hair a little, he said, “I’m inclined to agree, Princess. This will be no place for you. Beri and Choy will be left behind as well, Choy due to pregnancy and Beri to guard you and the babies, so at least you aren’t alone in your dishonor, if dishonor is what you feel. The Namekians will be here as well.”
“Don’t I outrank you people?” Bulma pouted, put out by the universal objection from her friends.
“You may out rank them,” boomed King Vegeta from the backdoor, swinging it open wide and stepping into the kitchen from the back garden, “But you don’t yet outrank me. You, of course, will not be going.”
Bulma scrunched up her face. She was tired of being told what to do by people who, frankly, didn’t know what she was capable of. They assumed that because she was not Saiyan, she couldn’t contribute to the fight. But – who had kept the darkness in Vegeta at bay? Who had reached his soul through their bond? Who was the premier scientist on her planet? She seethed.
She seethed, but she stayed silent. Long days in board meetings, long nights in the lab had taught her one lesson more consistently than all others: Easier to ask forgiveness than beg permission. The conversation turned to the Queen and to the multiple sightings of Vegeta.
“King Vegeta, the two sightings are as far away from each other as they could be. Should we assume one is a mistake?” Daiku asked.
“How many Saiyans look like my father?” Trunks asked, dubiously.
“He couldn’t be in two places at once, kid. One of the sightings is wrong.”
“What did the messages actually say?” Trunks asked, causing the King to produce two slips of paper from his pocket – the messages from the hawkers who’d been sent to find Vegeta. The King spread them out for all to read.
Sire – Vegeta outside Caarte. Exhausted. Strike recommended immediately.
Sire – Vegeta is in Jardin. Trouble here. Recommend all forces divert to Jardin immediately to prevent imminent loss of life.
“Imminent loss of life? Should we not head immediately to Jardin, then?” Daiku stabbed at the note on the table with a finger. Beri returned from the pantries to spread more food out in front of Daiku and Trunks, who both tucked in almost immediately. Beri ran back to the pantries once more as the King helped himself to a tin of fish, a loaf of bread and four apples as Nappa and Choy walked through the door. Choy was still heavily pregnant and about to pop any day now, but she still looked as strong and robust as ever. Nappa looked pleasantly exhausted – like a cat who’s caught a mouse.
“What’d I miss?” Nappa asked, collapsing into a chair alongside Trunks.
“Kid got a name, Bulma wants to go after Vegeta, King’s men have spotted Vegeta in two different places.” Daiku summed up.
“Good for him, is she nuts, and where at,” Nappa replied, commenting on each announcement in turn. “What’s your name, kid?”
“Trunks,” he grinned. It felt good. Really good – to have a name, to have a mother, to have Saiyans fighting beside him. Hope crept in.
“What kinda name is that?” Nappa screwed up his face. “Not a Saiyan name.”
“No,” Bulma interjected. “His name comes from my people. His sister is called Cipolline, which Vegeta chose.”
“Cipolline!” Daiku, Nappa, Beri and the King exclaimed in unison.
‘Y…es?” Bulma looked a little confused.
“An excellent choice,” the King nodded. “Cipolline was the first queen of Vegetasei. No others have borne her name since.”
“Why?” Bulma asked.
“She abdicated the throne in order to take a common husband. Her father, King again, passed a new law. Saiyans wishing to marry outside their rank and class could do so, provided they obtained the permission of the crown and that the chosen partner could win the right to fast in an antefasting battle.
“Cipolline’s mate battled for her hand, but lost and was killed,” The King continued. “That Cipolline … followed her love to the afterworld at the end of the battle, driving her hand through her heart, in the same manner that her mate’s opponent had killed him.”
Bulma felt sorry for her, that Cipolline who gave up everything for her mate… and Bulma understood.
“No Saiyan has named their child Cipolline since, afraid that the new babe would share her sad destiny – to change our world, and to die doing it,” the King finished.
“Then why,” Bulma asked, “did you say it was an excellent choice?”
“Because Vegeta must believe this child is strong enough, not only to bear that fate – but to break it,” the King smiled, reaching over the table and cupping Bulma’s cheek in his hand. “As her mother is known to do.”
Bulma patted his hand.
“My lord,” Daiku interrupted, “Jardin or Caarte?”
The King frowned again, brought out of the romantic troubles of the past to the very serious troubles of their present… and future. “The missive from Jardin seems more urgent than the one from near Caarte, but isn’t it possible that Vegeta, in his madness, attacked Jardin and then made for Caarte, exhausting himself and stopping to rest?”
The room nodded. It was the logical interpretation of the two sightings.
“Where’s the Queen?” Nappa asked.
“Unknown. We know from Cress that she went off to find Vegeta, but there’s no telling where she went, since she did so before either message arrived,” the King growled in his irritation. Pea should have waited – now his focus was split when he needed to act decisively more than ever.
Choy spoke up next. “Then you must leave her to it, my lord. If she doesn’t find Vegeta, she’s perfectly safe. If she does, you four will be there to fight with her soon enough. We must proceed as if she weren’t involved at all.”
The men nodded – it was logical. Still, the King’ heart burned in his chest. He could feel some trouble, some struggle inside himself, and wondered if Pea was in danger after all.
“We’re leaving.” The King stood, hands on his hips, barking orders. “Jardin first. Nappa, inform the Crown’s Battalion immediately. Daiku, get dressed. Trunks, go with Nappa and get the appropriate gear from the armory.”
The three men saluted the King in the Saiyan way, fists over hearts and opposite hands tucked behind their backs. Daiku and Nappa kissed their wives, Trunks hugged his mother tight, and then they were all gone in four flashes of light.
Bulma sat at the table, feeling angry and scared and lost – and not much liking it. Choy placed a hand on her shoulder. “Come out back, Princess.”
Bulma cocked an eyebrow. “Why?”
“A gift from Nappa.” Choy gestured for Beri to follow them as she lead the way through the kitchen garden door. “When the King came in through this door earlier, I really thought the jig was up. But either he didn’t notice, he didn’t think it was out of place, or he was too distracted to care.”
“About what, Choy?” Bulma asked, still not getting the point.
Choy gestured to a Saiyan space pod, the oldest model Bulma had seen yet, that had been landed just outside the estate on the opposite side of a garden shed. It was too small to fit Nappa OR Choy.
“What… is this?” Bulma walked over, running her hands over the pod’s weather beaten surface to find the airlock tensioner so she could release it and have a look inside.
“It’s an illegal pod. Waaayyy too broken down to actually make it out of the atmosphere and it really should have been decommissioned and turned into scrap by now.” Beri frowned. “Why. Is it. Here. Choy?” she growled, already seeing into Nappa’s machinations and hating it, hating it, hating it with every fiber of her being. Beri was fast… if she flew hard, she could catch up with Nappa and kill him dead.
“Because this is wrong,” Choy said, folding her arms across her chest, legs apart, ready to fight if need be. “Bulma has every right to fight for Vegeta’s life. She is his wife. She is his mate. They have the eternal bond of the Keiyaku. She is our best chance to bring the Prince home alive!” Choy yelled.
“She is powerless. She will die!” Beri yelled back. “She has two babies inside, Choy!”
“Uh, excuse you two,” Bulma interjected, “she is right here, she can hear you.” Beri and Choy looked down a little, each ashamed. “Beri, I’m not powerless. I am a brilliant scientist, and now: I’m going to prove it to you.”
Bulma strode over to the shed, tossing out wrenches and rebar and shovels; flotsam and jetsam of every type she could find – everything metal, anything useful. She found an acetylene torch at the back, and felt sure she had everything she needed.
“I’m going to tear this ship apart and make it into something I can use to fly. I’m going to find Vegeta, I’m going to slap some sense into him, and this will all be over by breakfast.”
Choy smiled.
Beri shook her head
In the armory, Trunks picked out a dark purple suit and the same type of flexiplate chest armor his father wore, the same flexiplate boots with the reinforced tip. Nappa gave a low whistle when he saw him dressed. “You look like a Saiyan, kid. Missing some shit, though.” Nappa walked out of the armory, and returned just a moment later with a full red cape that he clipped into the shoulders of Trunks’ chest armor so that it billowed out behind him. Next, Nappa produced a small pot of  
“Is that blood, Nappa?” Trunks exclaimed.
“It should be, but I ain’t bleeding for ya, kid. Vegeta can do that. His job anyway, or maybe Daiku’s, but I am not getting my ass chewed for letting you into the field unmarked.”
Nappa shoved Trunks half a step backward and brushed the boy’s hair away from the left side of the breast plate. “Tie this shit up, kid. Shame to die ‘cause you got your fuckin’ hair pulled in a fight.”
“Right.” Trunks took a leather string off his wrist and used it to tie up his hair. “So, what do you mean by unmarked?” “Royalty’s gotta be marked as royalty on a battlefield so if ya die, the person who killed ya can’t piss and moan about not knowing you were royalty when the rest of the Saiyan race comes to kill them.”
Trunks cocked a brow and Nappa snorted. “Don’t know about your fucked up time, but Saiyans are loyal. You are a Prince of the Crown,” Nappa said, dabbing his finger in the red stuff as he traced the Saiyan Royal Family symbol onto the boy’s chest. “This mark on your heart tells the world – ‘you fuck with this kid, you fuck with this whooole goddamn race.”
Trunks found it oddly touching, if vulgar. “And it’s supposed to be in blood?”
“Yeah, your father’s or your teacher’s. I ain’t either one, but this is a weird fuckin’ day,” Nappa said, straightening back up to his full height. “There. Now you look like a Prince. Let’s go kick the shit outta Vegeta.”
Nappa turned to leave the armory and Trunks followed him. At the edge of the room, he stopped as something caught his eye. Trunks sidestepped and removed a sword and scabbard from the wall. He unfastened the buckle and shoved the scabbard under his cape, fastening the buckle again in the front and sheathing the sword. Only the hilt, grip and pommel were visible, poking up near the nape of his neck, and the sword would be fully concealed when he let down his hair.
Nappa gave him a funny look, to which Trunks replied, “What? I like swords.”
The two marched out, Nappa shaking his head, to join the King and Daiku at the sally-out point on the roof of the armory. Both were there already, clad and waiting, when Nappa and Trunks finally emerged from the stairwell.
“Who’s blood is that?” Daiku gestured to the symbol hastily fingerpainted on Trunks’ chest.
“Not mine, so take your tail out of your ass,” Nappa snapped. “It’s fuckin paint. Until his father can do it properly.”
Daiku huffed, but said nothing more.
“Ready?” the King asked. The other Saiyans snapped to attention, and the King lead them off into the skies to approach Jardin.
Bulma looked uncertain. “Uhh… okay, here goes nothing!” She squeezed both her hands, both gloved in steel gauntlets with switches in the palm. The right hand controlled the left boot, the left hand controlled the right boot. Hitting both switches at once should cause both pulsar thrusters to activate in both boots, and she should be able to fly.
Or, explode.
Probably both.
Bulma squeezed her hands shut, squeezed her eyes shut, and squeezed her buns together to lock her legs in place as she shot into the air, spiraling upward and screaming all the while. Beri shot into the air with her and grabbed her by the waist to stop her upward ascent. Bulma released her grip on the palm switches little by little until the thrust was more stable.
Bulma was hovering in mid-air, Beri’s hands still firmly around her middle.
Bulma tapped the two switches twice, rapidly, simultaneously to lock in the current setting. She should be able to let go of the switches to test the blasters now… or she would plummet to the ground.
She let go.
The boots kept her aloft.
“Ha ha!” Bulma crowed triumphantly, “I did it! Yes! I can flyyyyyyyyyyy!” She did a little loop-de-loop in the air, curling in on her abs and dislodging Beri as she did.
“Princess! Be careful!” Beri snapped.
Bulma laughed again. “I did it! I did it!” She sighed happily. “Now, let’s see if the weapons work.”
Beri flew back a short distance and took a fighting stance. “Ready when you are. Remember, if these don’t work, I won’t let you leave.”
Bulma reached over and tapped at a screen on her left arm, fingers flying over the screen for barely a second. The hover settings were working. She tapped again, changing the settings from flight to fight – the switches in her gauntlets would now activate a few different energy wave attacks.
“Ready?” Bulma called out to Beri.
“Ready!” Beri yelled back.
Bulma suddenly remembered her favorite video game back on Earth. MegaMan, the blue bomber. She chuckled to herself – her gauntlets kind of looked like his! Guess that makes me, what? The blue bombshell? Let’s do this.
Bulma went weapons free – blasting at Beri with ki waves and heat blasts. Beri evaded each, deftly, easily. Bulma spun on the spot, still hovering, but able to shoot from that rail at any angle, and Beri crept up on her little by little, weaving through her shots.
Beri placed both her hands on Bulma shoulders. “Princess, you can’t beat a Saiyan like this, you need to be able to fly around as we do – quickly, nimbly, unpredictably. I can’t let you go after Vege-“
Bulma slammed her fists together in front of her chest and an enormous energy blast surrounded her, knocking Beri off her back and blinding her. Bulma spun around and put the blaster to Beri’s head. “Bang.”
Beri blinked, feeling the energy weapon at her temple. Bulma could have blown her head off just now. All those mornings spent training with Vegeta before her pregnancy, all the afternoons watching the Saiyans train had obviously paid off. Bulma could fight, and now she had weapons that would give her a sliver of a chance.
The weapons also meant that there would be no stopping Bulma from going after Vegeta. He could still, easily, kill her… but Beri knew that Bulma now felt strong enough to take him on, no matter how wrong she really was.
It was a losing battle.
Beri would have to let her go.
Bulma tapped at the screen on her arm and went gently back to the ground. Beri touched down next to her, and Choy gathered both up in her arms and squeezed them into a giant bear hug. “It worked!” Bulma laughed and Beri smiled, despite her trepidation.
When Choy finally put the smaller women down, Bulma looked at them both seriously. “Choy, Beri… will you watch Trunks and Cipolline? Dende will be here if anything goes wrong, and the other Namekians can help you guard the estate. I … have to go after Vegeta.
“I’ll care for them as if they were my own cubs,” Choy said, patting her own swollen belly.
“And I’ll take care of Choy,” Beri laughed. “You’re sure I can’t talk you into staying? Please, Lady Bulma… you just came back from the land of the dead. Your babies need you. This… this Kingdom needs you. You’ve heard what happens when you die – everything goes to hell.”
“That’s not what happens, Beri.” Choy corrected her. Bulma and Beri turned to look at the taller woman as she explained, “That isn’t what happens at all. In that boy’s time, our planet is lost and our people are dead not because Bulma died, but because Vegeta lost all hope. It is hope that he needs, hope that she can give… hope that will save us all. She must go.”
Beri threw her arms around Bulma’s neck. “You must come back – alive and unhurt. You must, you must.”
“I promise.” Bulma said, hugging her friend tightly before shooting off into the air before she could change her mind. She decided to set off for the outskirts of Caarte – the King’s party would be heading to Jardin, and she doubted the King would be as supportive of her decision as her friends had been.
Vegeta had found an empty, if not abandoned, house on a dilapidated farm to sleep in after wandering the outskirts of Caarte for most of the day, slinking from cover to cover and trying to avoid the crown’s hawkers, naked as the day he was born. He was fairly certain he’d been spotted at least once, though.
By dusk, Vegeta had found himself more tired than he should be and he began to search for a safe place to sleep. He’d found the farmstead, windows dusty and doors locked, looking empty. Vegeta had walked through the outbuildings and the barn, finding no signs of life. Not even a barn cat. The grounds were empty.
That was good enough for him. He lit a fire inside, ripping a curtain off the wall and tying it around himself like an ancient Saiyan’s toga. He tried to make the farmstead seem as though it contained a family – the best cover for a lone man was a crowd. Absent a real crowd, Vegeta would try to simulate one. Smoke trickled out of the chimney and Vegeta turned on every light on the property – the barn and outbuildings shown against the purple bruise of night.
Further supporting the idea that the farmstead was abandoned was the total, complete lack of food on the premises. Vegeta was starving. He walked out into the field behind the barn and peeled the bark off a sapling tree, thinning it down to a flexible sinew. He tied a snare over a rabbit’s warren, and with nothing better to do, he waited.
It was over an hour before Vegeta saw movement over the hole. Up popped the head of a baby rabbit. Tch. Vegeta abandoned his snare, loosing it with a flick of his wrist – the rabbit kit fled unharmed back into his nest. Just a mouthful. Not worth killing.
Instead, he loosed the neck of his wrap so that only his waist was covered, and used the rest of the fabric as a makeshift bag for the sap thick greens of lion weeds and the sweet, floral heads of clover plants. Both grew thickly in the field, and he soon had enough to fill his belly. He walked back to the farmstead, stopping to strip the needles off a branch of a tree for a hunger-killing tea.
He walked through the back door of the farmstead and instantly dropped everything he was holding – stunned by what he saw waiting for him.
“Vegeta?” Round, rose petal lips spoke. He stared. Clear, glittering, dazzling blue eyes stared at him. Vegeta stepped forward, crushing the plants he’d gathered for his dinner under his bare feet. “Vegeta, are you alright?” the vision asked, pale skin moving like cream floating to the top of fresh milk, as it removed heavy metal gloves and let them drop on the floor. His hand shook as he reached up to touch her, knowing that she would dissolve into mist as she had done over and over all day long.
He stopped, shaking still. Maybe if he didn’t touch her this time, maybe this time it would last a little while longer – the illusion that he was home, that she was alive. He stood there, hand trembling, breathing jaggedly, blinking hard – both willing this torturous vision to end, and hoping it would never go away.
Bulma grabbed Vegeta by the nape of his neck, both hands desperately grasping his hair, and her lips flew to his. She kissed him again and again, whispering his name, “Vegeta, Vegeta, where have you been? Vegeta, are you alright? Say something.”
Vegeta stood there, stone still but melting little by little as her hands and her mouth fluttered over his lips, his neck, his face, his hair. “Bulma?” He grabbed her by the shoulders, fingers digging tightly into her flesh. “Are you real?"
Bulma frowned at him. Was he really mad now? “Vegeta, it’s me. I’m here. I’m real. Really.”
Vegeta fell to his knees, burying his head against her stomach. Bulma thought he might be weeping. She stroked his hair, his neck, his shoulders. “I’m really here.”
“You’re alive?” he whispered against her.
“I’m okay.”
“The children?”
“At home with Beri and Choy and a Namekian guard. I came to get you, since you seemed to be having trouble getting home.”
“Bulma, I’m sorry,” Vegeta said, still whispering. He leaned his forehead against her stomach, still on his knees. “I broke my promise. I let you die.”
“Vegeta. Stand up.” Bulma dropped her arms from his neck. “Stand up,” she repeated when he didn’t stand. “Vegeta, get up and look me in the eye!”
He stood.
Bulma placed both her hands on his cheeks.
“I did not die. You did not break your promise. None of this is your fault. Whatever darkness was in your head, whatever it told you – it was wrong. Whatever it said about you, whatever it said about me – it was wrong. Your father is alive. Your mother is alive. I am alive. Our children are alive. Stop acting like such a sadsack and fight this thing!”
In the blink of an eye, Vegeta was on top of her, peeling her suit down to fill his hands with her breasts, kissing her deeply, roughly, with an unbearable and ferocious need. Bulma arched her back as he pulled the suit lower over the soft curve of her hips. She kicked off the flight boots and wrapped her legs around his back, digging the fingers of one hand into his muscular behind, the thin cloth he wore making no real barrier between them. Her other hand was knotted tightly into his hair, holding his face to hers as she drank his kisses in like a wilted flower.
His lips left hers, only to let his tongue trail over the line of her jaw. He felt something primal taking over his body and he sank his teeth into her neck. Bulma threw her head back as electricity jolted through her, connecting the tender flesh of her neck with the tender flesh between her thighs. Tingling, shuddering – her neck bleeding just slightly, but a river of warmth flowing out between her legs.
Vegeta lapped at the blood from her neck, feeling his senses coming back to him. Bulma squeezed her eyes and her thighs shut and she felt the same way she had when Dende had catapulted her through the Keiyaku to Vegeta when he was imprisoned in the mind of that miasma. Every memory, every sensation they’d ever shared flashed before their eyes and washed over their hearts.
Vegeta, mouth working around one of Bulma’s rosey, erect nipples now, lifted himself up and parted Bulma’s thighs with one hand, guiding his burning member inside of her with one swift motion. Joined again and pumping in and out of her, the flashing memories changed  - every time he’d been inside her, every feeling he’d felt within her, washed over them both. Every thrust into her slick body, every flick of his tongue over her wetness, every delight she’d ever felt, washed over them both now. Everything they’d ever felt alone before, they felt together now. Vegeta thrust in and out of her with incredible speed, skin slapping skin. He leaned down, scooping her up in his arms and crushing her to him, both arms behind her back. Bulma gasped and shuttered and cried. She buried her face in his neck, and instinct made her open her own mouth, biting down into the muscle and sinew of his shoulder. Blood flowed out of him and into her mouth, but it tasted like the sweetest wine.
His chest rumbled in a low, long groan of pleasure as she ran her tongue around the wound, licking and sucking the flesh. He felt the same electric shock run between the bite and his groin, everything firey and aching now. Vegeta sucked the spot on Bulma’s neck as she licked gently at the wound she’d made on his, and the connection was complete.
They both exploded into bliss beyond bliss – a crushing, agonizing, incredible feeling beyond any orgasm ever felt before. Vegeta’s head was clearer than it had been in years, he felt stronger than he’d ever felt before. He gently let go of a panting, overworked Bulma, laying her down beneath him. He was still inside her, both in her mind through the Keiyaku connection and physically, his member was still inside her, still hard. He felt ready to take her again, ready to take on the world after he did. He kissed her lips softly, softly.
“I love you,” he said.
Bulma laid under him, eyes closed. Every time he breathed, his hardness jumped a little inside her. She could still feel … everything. Everything he felt, everything he’d ever felt. Every time she’d ever cum around him, whimpering and screaming out his name, was still flooding through her. Her eyes fluttered open, and Vegeta stared down at her with such love… and such hunger… in his flaming teal eyes, that she began to move against him without intending to, rolling her hips up.
Wait – teal eyes???
Vegeta was blond haired, teal eyed and glowing with a golden ki from his place on top of her. “Vegeta!” he ground his hips into hers, roughly rolling his body into hers, creating the most incredible, delightful pressure against her sensitive clitoris. She cried out in pleasure and surprise. “Vegeta, look!”
He looked at himself through her eyes and saw himself a golden, glowing god. He had his ki back, his ability to fight would be above his old abilities a hundred fold, but right now, feeling Bulma’s hot breath in his ear, her warm, wet slickness flowing over his cock as he rolled in and out, in and out of her – the change didn’t seem important.
Bulma hooked her legs around his back, pulling him down and around until he was underneath her. She wanted to see him. His eyes rolled back in his head as the new position plunged his manhood even deeper inside her. Bulma leaned forward, watching him bite his lip as she lifted herself almost completely off him before driving his cock back home, hard. He growled and grabbed her ass in both hands, trying to keep her ground to him.
Those long, slow strokes up. The fast, hard slam back inside. Bulma rolled and rocked up and down on top of him, watching his rippling chest rise and fall more raggedly the more she rode him. She threw her head back and his golden glow enveloped them both as they came together, still connected by the Keiyaku, each feeling the force of their own orgasm and of the other's – passion and pleasure echoing and doubling and rippling out out out in their bodies. Bulma felt as though she would come apart entirely, drift away into nothing. No sooner had she thought it than Vegeta grabbed her hard around the waist with one arm, ramming himself inside her, grinding his hips into hers hard enough to bruise. He grabbed her chin with his other hand, forcing Bulma to look down into the intensity of his eyes.
“No leaving. Never again.”
Bulma quivered and shook around him as he lifted his hips off the floor, both hands on her hips now as he raised her up with him, keeping her pinned to him in pleasure so intense it was half pain.
Bulma dug her nails into his chest, drawing blood. “Never! Never!”
One final thunderclap of an orgasm rolled through them both, and they lay together: panting, sweating, the whole world glowing gold.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
Binge read the last two Books to get you up to speed! Book 1 * Book 2
Chapter 16: Drive Safe by Rich Brian
It’s graduation day and I am so washed over with relief that I’m just floating...literally. Everyone except Lili are in attendance to see me walk the stage twice for my double degree. Beizu and I could hardly sit still for the ceremony, holding hands until it was time to receive our diplomas. The moment we were able to walk out, we bolted out the door to scream out our new found freedom! Our families met up with us for the food part of our celebration, but before that, the usual suspects came up to us.
“IIDA-KUN!” yelled Gon “Don’t leave without saying goodbye!”
“Yea! Lets stay in touch!” Kage said with a smile “I know you have big things ahead of you, so don’t forget about us okay?”
“Aw guys, I don’t think I could if I wanted too” I joked “But I have to thank you guys for making my time in hero class worthwhile! I don’t think I’d do much if you guys didn’t push me to the challenge or pester me into doing the sports festival.”
“Bro, you inspire me” Gon was moved by my words “Invite me to your housewarming and wedding bro! And I’ll invite you to ours.”
“Ours?” I raised my eyebrow “you’re dating someone?”
“Oop maybe I’m getting ahead of myself” Gon turned red “Anyways! We’ll see you later Iida-kun!”
“See you whenever I do!” I waved them off, then turned to Beizu “I hope I do see again, they’re good people.”
“Come on Iwata, Beizu” called over mom “we don’t want to be late to our reservation!”
We excitedly jumped into the car to go to the best dim sum place this side of the country! Mom has been ordering from this place since it was just a street cart vendor, now it’s an established restaurant with many culinary awards. We go on special occasions as a family and they serve us like royalty. As we ate, I really reflected on everything I’ve gone through in these three years. Nothing like I thought it was gonna be but at least I didn’t go through it alone.
“Hey Bei” I said as I split my beef roll “I feel like I don’t tell you how much I appreciate you sticking through things with me. Couldn’t have survived these three years without you.”
Beizu raised a brow and chuckled “Why so gracious out of nowhere?”
“I dunno, I just was thinking about it now that it’s over” I put half a beef roll on his plate with telekinesis “I didn’t dread waking up or doing all that work everyday, because I had you to make things not suck so much. Heck, I wouldn’t even consider applying if you weren’t going to be there! So thank you Beizu, for everything.”
Beizu smiled “I can’t go without my best friend, you’ve made this leg of our lives that much more significant. Thank you for loving and wanting me to be part of your world.”
“Not to ruin the moment but can you pass the scallion pancakes?” Tensei’s voice cut in from across the big circular table.
“Oh sure! Sorry!” I levitated the plate of food to him.
“That reminds me!” Mom gasped as she grabbed her purse “We have a graduation gift for you two. Mei and I thought this would be the right time to give you such a gift.”
Beizu and I receive a large envelope from my mom. We exchanged a look and opened it.
“What is this?” asked Beizu confused to see a letter and two train tickets.
“Well, since you two were a little nosy about Beizu’s father” Beizu’s mom explained “We arranged for you two a vacation to Saitama, where Beizu’s dad is from, to learn more about him.” She turned to her son “I know you want some closure, in the letter are directions to his parent’s lodge that’s still functional. You can ask all the questions there and I’m sure they’d be happy to see that he didn’t let his legacy die.”
I was dumbfounded by the thoughtfulness of this gift. We didn’t know how to express our thanks other than crying and hugging our mothers. We really wanted to know how was this man we were named after. So fast forward a week later, we hopped on the early train to Saitama. Apparently this lodge is so obscure, I couldn’t find any reviews or information on them other than it’s approximate location and what trail to take to get there. We had to hike the rest of the way there once we got to the little town that was described in the letter. But it was a quaint town, not too noisy and not too bustling with tourists. Hand in hand, we hiked our way up the trail. It became clear that we needed to get out in nature more often, just two city boys getting winded and distracted by wild animals! Longer than intended, we finally made it to the lodge after three hours!
“Iwata Family Lodge, an oasis in the mountains” Beizu read the sign at the front of the lodge “It’s so weird to see your name in a different context here. Keep forgetting that your mom gave you my dad’s last name as a first name.”
“I like to not think about it too much” I chuckled as I finished my little stretch “Ready to go in there?”
Beizu took a deep breath “Will you hold my hand the whole time?”
“Of course” I held his hand “Until I need to pee tho.”
“Nah I hold your hand as you pee” jested Beizu.
“You nasty” I wheezed as we walked down the stone path to the front door of the lodge “A ver if you’re down because I need to pee and I’m not peeing in front of nature.”
We push open the doors and the warmth of the lodge rushed over us. The inside was so homely, yet a bit industrial in it’s design. Like this used to be a house that got turned into lodge and it’s gone through a few expansions over the years. The sound of rushing footsteps came from a nearby hallway.
“Hello, welcome! So sorry nobody was here to greet you!” said a woman as she bowed in apology “Are you here to rest for a while or rent a room?”
“Oh um actually” I dug into my pocket to take out the letter “We have a special reservation, under the name of Beizu.”
The woman stopped smiling, face turning white “Beizu? No...it can’t be!”
Beizu took a step forward and took off his beanie “Hi, I’m Beizu Hatsune. Beizu Iwata’s son. N-nice to meet you.”
The woman just looked at his extended hand and just ran into the hallway where she came from.
“Ya know, I expected fainting and crying” I spoke up “I don’t know if I should get in fight mode or call my mom, we followed the instructions on the letter to the T.”
“Maybe they don’t believe us” sighed Beizu in defeat “I knew it was too simple and too good to be true! Like, of course you’d not believe that your family member that died almost 20 years ago SUDDENLY has their almost 20 year old son show up with a random dude!” Beizu exclaimed in exasperation “God what are we doing?! Let’s just...go.”
“Bei, don’t be like that” I go in for the hug “Lets sit in the lobby and if they kick us out, oh well that’s our cue to truly leave. Please? I know you’re tired from that hike.”
“Fine, only because I’m tired” Beizu caved into my embrace “Can I have some water from the canteen?”
We hung up our coats and took off our hiking boots to sit in the lobby. I looked out the window to see the other facilities this place has. There’s an onzen, a slope to sled on, outdoor lounge and dining area. If we’re welcomed here, I’d love to hit the onzen. But back to the matters at hand, Beizu was getting anxious with the amount of time that passed and nobody came back out. Almost an hour passed and still nobody! 
“Lets go Iwa” Beizu said standing up “I feel like we’re not welcomed here. I guess we’ll see where to stay once we get back to that town.”
“Oh well, would’ve been nice to have a soak in that onzen” I floated over to the coat rack “It’s really cold here!”
“Wait! Don’t leave!” cried out a voice from the hallway.
We turned around to see a man and woman, both gray and aged, coming out of the hallway.
“Please, we have to apologize for not coming out sooner” said the older woman “It’s just that we’re shocked to hear that name again. You have my son’s name” she pointed to Beizu, walking slowly toward him “I haven’t seen him in so long but I know my son’s face when I see it.” she wrapped her arms around him “You look so much like him! Please don’t leave us again so soon!”
“I can’t deny that you’re not the spitting image of my oldest son” spoke up the old man “Please, sit a while in the lobby. I’m sure you came for questions.”
“I did, I have so many!” Beizu responded, overwhelmed by everything.
“Cool, mind if I use the restroom?” I spoke up as I spotted the sign to the men’s room “I’ll be right back Bei.”
Beizu sat with his grandparents, not knowing where to begin.
“The pink looks nice on you” his grandmother spoke up.
“Oh thanks! It’s natural” Beizu fingered a lock of his hair “my mom has pink hair and yellow-gold eyes.”
“Natural?! What else is different?” questioned the grandfather, astounded that pink hair is genetic.
“Hmmm, I guess my studies? I recently graduated from UA-”
“UA?! My goodness you must be a super genius like your father!” gasped the old couple “What’s your hero name?!”
“Oh this is awkward, I actually pursued the agent route” Beizu let them down gently “I’m one of the top three agents of my class and I’m going to work in contracted agent work in my region.”
“Not a hero eh?” chuckled the old man “Not that different from your dad.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ll admit, I put a ton of pressure on your dad to either be a hero or be in construction like me. That kind of pressure put a strain on our relationship and it drove him away from here.” the man sighed “He made it out of here as a sidekick for a top hero right out of hero school. But he really wanted to be an engineer and help others with technology, that’s how much of a genius he was. Always tinkering with scraps to make robots and I’d yell at him to put his skills into something more worthwhile. When he told us he was finally pursuing his dreams to be an engineer, I got very angry that he was throwing away his hero title to play with robots. At the time, I didn’t think he was going to make a living doing all that and I didn’t want him to starve to pursue this dream. But that was the final straw and he cut ties with us.” He looked at Beizu “How stubborn of me to just hold on to this grudge, even when the company he worked for took off. And even when the day came when this gorgeous woman with curly hair came in to tell us he passed away, I said that I didn’t want anything to do with that man. But as the years rolled by, I found myself missing him and realizing that I wasn’t considering the times were different and it was better for him to be in engineering. And I should’ve been more supportive and maybe he’d still be here, and we would have been in your life.”
“I’ve wondered how is that curly haired woman” the old woman spoke “She looked so professional and passionate about his death, I thought for a while that maybe she was the woman he was courting.”
“Oh um about that-”
“Yo that bathroom has a bidet and I feel like I’m at my old house!” I said stomping in.
“Hey why don’t you introduce yourself!” Beizu motioned toward me.
“Oh right! How rude of me!” I clear my throat “Hi, I’m Iwata El Roca Iida. I was raised with Beizu when we were infants and stayed together ever since.”
“Iwata? Like our family name?” muttered the old woman “How?”
“Iwata here was named after my dad out of respect. His mother is CEO of the company he worked for.”
“Yup! My mom told us how amazing he was and that she wouldn’t be where she is now with the company without him” I said as I sat next to Beizu “He designed all the functionalities of the robot companions and personally installed security systems in most of the major hero agencies.”
“Oh my, don’t tell me that-”
“His mom was the curly haired woman that you yelled at grandpa” Beizu said as he snatched the hat off my head, revealing my curly hair “Fun fact, he was in the womb when she came here to tell you the news.”
“This...is a lot to take in” the old man slumped back into the couch “It’s all the ghosts of the past are here to kill me themselves! Now I really regret the things I did.”
“Oof, do you think it’s in poor taste if we tell them our news?” I whispered to Beizu.
“What news?” the old woman asked curiously “Please do tell! I want to know what’s going on with my grandson.”
“Well, if you insist” I held Beizu’s hand “We’re engaged and going to live together.”
“Okay, I’m going to go take a nap” the old man stood up and briskly walked to the hallway “because there is no way today is real!”
We watched this old man fume his way down the hall and heard a door slam.
“Is he alright?” asked Beizu
“He’s just overwhelmed is all” assured the old woman “But we’ve just met you and you’re getting married?! I’m so excited, I love weddings! And I’m sure I’m going to have some lovely in-laws.”
“Oh you’ll love my parents and three other siblings!” I added.
“Yup, I’m also very excited to take his last name” gushed Beizu.
“Aw, not keep your last name?” she asked confused.
“Nope, I want him to marry into my family so I can share my inheritance with him” I clarified “My dad is part of the Ingenium hero lineage and-”
“A HERO LINEAGE?!” she screamed “oh please forgive me, but I suddenly need to lie down too.”
I waited until she was out of sight “Well, at least she’s not homophobic!”
“It was a lot to take in” Beizu slumped back “Now I feel like taking a nap.”
“If you’d like, I can open up a room for you two” said the woman from earlier “You traveled quite a ways and they just need some time to recoup. Come follow me.”
We followed them down the opposite hallway and into a room with a large bed and faux fireplace. We put our bags down and admired the view from our window.
“There’s towels and robes in the bathroom cabinet, extra blankets in the closet and some bottled refreshments on the table.” the woman turned to leave “I’ll have a meal ready for you when you wake. Please get some rest.”
“Thank you.” We thanked politely.
Beizu threw himself on the bed face down and started screaming into the comforter.
“Was that an excited, tired or frustrated scream?” I asked as I sat at the edge of the bed.
“It was a mixed one” Beizu rolled onto his back “Kinda see why my dad left, the communication in this family is awful. But at least grandma is nice.”
I laid down next to him “See? You’re already getting comfortable with the labels!”
“Yea but... the whole excusing themselves from the conversation is making me feel like shit” Beizu sighed and closed his eyes “Maybe a nap will do me good, we did jump into things too soon.”
I check the time “Its only 3pm, lets rest then” I spooned them from the back “I’ll be here when you wake.”
We took a short rest, only to be woken up by the sound of children giggling and running up and down the hall.
“Okay either this place haunted or theres a family that just arrived” I said as I sat up from our nap “And I believe the haunting more than the latter.”
We walked out to see 4 children of different ages in front of our door. All of them scattered at the sight of us. Confused, we walked out to the lobby and met with the woman again.
“You’re up, sorry if the children woke you” she walked out from behind the front desk to show the children wrapped around her legs “They heard from their grandma that they have an older cousin here in the lodge.”
“Oh wow I have more cousins!” Beizu leaned down “Hi! I’m Beizu, I have the same quirk...see?”
The children gasped at the sight of Beizu stretching his limbs.
“But can you touch the ceiling?!” challenged one of the older boys “I nobody can beat me!” he stretched a good 6 feet “Beat that!”
“Boy you underestimate me!” Beizu did a little warm up “I’ve been training my quirk at the highest ranked hero school, the ceiling is nothing!” Beizu jumped up and stretched to touch the high vaulted ceiling with ease “Tadaa!”
“Woah! So cool!” cried out the boy that challenged him.
After a while, the woman leads us to a dining room with a late lunch set for us. She sat with us, observing Beizu.
“You know, after your dad left” she broke the silence “he kept in contact with me. Even after the big fight, he’d send me money and call once a week. He told me that his partner was pregnant with you and he planned to come back to introduce you to us once you were big enough.”
“He kept in contact with you? How come you didn’t come to visit?” asked Beizu.
“I couldn’t leave the lodge, our parents were getting too old to run things on their own.” the woman explained “Father didn’t put the same pressures on me to study or find a worthwhile job, it was already assumed I was going to run the lodge, marry a local man and have children. And don’t get me wrong! I’m perfectly happy with that! It’s just that, I idolized my big brother and of course I’ve bit my tongue and kept you secret from my parents for him.”
“What? Why keep me secret?”
She started to pick up the dirty dishes “Father is very stubborn and I was so afraid he’d reject you too. Over the years he softened up to start mourning the loss of his son.” She put the dishes on the bussers cart “It was around the time my oldest son started talking that he came around. But it was too late to really fix things, so he just spent his days sitting in his workshop, remembering when he spent quality time with his son.”
“...Well, what if I told you I can help him look back?” Beizu offered.
“Bei, you brought the device?” I asked through my mouthful of omurice.
“Yeah, I figured that if we did find the place and they let us in” he explained himself “maybe they’d like look back at the good times. Plus I’d get to see how my dad was as a kid.”
I swallowed my food “Fair enough, that’s why you’re the smart one.”
“Hmm? I device?” asked the woman curiously.
“Umm I can explain later aunty” Beizu held back “er- can I call you that?”
“Of course! I am your aunt” the woman burst into laughter “my name is Naomi and you can call me however you want.”
I quickly finished my food as they were talking “Soooo, is the onzen open?”
Beizu and I spent time together for the rest of the day. Fully touring the place and contacting our moms that we made it safe to the lodge. In the morning, Beizu was preparing himself to show the device, basically pacing in anticipation.
“Aunty, I-”
“Hup! Whatever it is” stopped his aunt, plates in her hands “sit and eat.”
“Sit. and. eat. Beizu.” She waited for Beizu to sit at the table “Good! I hope you like fried pork and eggs in congee.... And that goes for you too Father.” She sternly flashed a look toward the open doorway “What is with the men in this family and skipping breakfast?!”
“Dad did it too?” Beizu asked.
“Oh he’d bolt out the house in excitement almost every morning” the old woman walked into the dining room “And it’s always something he thought up in his sleep and didn’t want to waste time because the dream was still fresh in his head.” She sat down “Your grandfather would be the first one up to do some sort of work on the lodge and wouldn’t stop until the middle of the afternoon.”
I turned to face Beizu “Now that they mentioned it, you do wake up and get to work-mode.”
“Yea and I have to drag you out of bed every morning so you can do your little skincare and hair ritual” Beizu mocked me and turned to his aunt and grandma “He can’t go anywhere if his hair isn’t done! So high maintenance.”
“Curly hair is hard to manage” I huffed as I levitated the coffee pot “Just wait until we have children and we have to care for their curls! Complain then Bei.”
“Oh my, I can’t imagine it!” the old man put his cup down to put his head in his hands “Great-Grand children?! Pink and curly haired with god-knows quirks.”
“Father don’t think about it too much” the aunt sat down “They’re still too young to have children. Besides, they might be quirk-less like me.”
“You’re quirk-less?” I asked, hiding my palm pistons in my sweater sleeves.
“Yup, that’s why I admired my big brother so much” she smiled “He had such an amazing quirk and I wish I had it in me to do the amazing things he did. But sadly, no quirk, hence why all my children have quirks.”
We talked more over breakfast and I noticed how much more open the grandfather was to Beizu. It made me very relieved that things weren’t tense anymore, which made the next event that much easier. Everyone was gathered at the lodge workshop with Beizu and the device in the middle.
“Okay, give me at date” Beizu flipped the device on.
“...try March 9th, 30 years ago.” spoke the grandfather “If I remember correctly, that’s the day I finished the room expansion on the far side of the lodge.”
“Alright...starting image, now!” 
Beizu pressed the button and the device took a little while to produce the hologram, as it’s the furthest date it’s been inputed. But finally the image of a male child with an adult man at the work table came up.
“...and that’s how you fix a door knob.”
“Wow! So cool daddy!” gasped and clapped the boy “Can you teach me how to do the thing with my fingers?!” 
“You mean make the lock pick?” said the man as he knelt down “Sure, hands out.”
The boy eagerly held his hands out and observed how the man molded his fingers into two thin, needle like hooks.
“I did it!” the boy exclaimed “look daddy! Now I know 5 tools!”
“You sure do, I’m very proud of you son” the man chuckled and pat the boy’s head “You’re learning so fast, someday you’ll surpass me!”
“I wanna grow up and help people. I want to learn as much as I can!” 
“Like a hero?”
“Like you daddy!” beamed the boy “You’re always helping people by building houses and clearing safe trails for hikers. I want to help too!”
Beizu stopped the image and looked back at his aunt and grandparents.
“He knew way back then his calling” his grandmother spoke “And he never lost track of it, we just didn’t know it was going to be with robotics.”
The grandfather walked up to the still of the past “I shouldn’t have pushed you away, would you ever forgive me?” he asked the hologram like it could respond.
“I think he would’ve forgiven you” Beizu walked up to him “I’ve peeked into the past, the time before I was born and he was prepping the house for my birth. He would talk to himself that he wanted to take me back to where he grew up. That maybe if comes back with a lot to show, he’d show that old man that he made it pursuing his dream.” Beizu turned to see the image of his dad as a boy “I didn’t know what that meant but I get it now! He wanted to show you how capable he was with his dream. A thriving career, a house ,a loving partner and a child...he wanted to make you proud of him at the end.”
That statement made everyone cry. 
“The hologram is fading” I spoke up, pointing at the corner that started fading.
They all gathered to watch the last few seconds of their loved one, like they were finally letting go of any bad feelings and regrets. I could help but smile at them finally acting like family, like they were never apart. The next few days we spent there were us learning about the area and helping around. The morning we were due to leave, the grandfather approached me.
“Boy, may I see your hands?” he requested bluntly.
“Um, sure” I held out my hands, confused on why he was asking me to do so.
He took a closer look at my pistons “Two quirks?” I nodded in response “Ahhh, what a rare gem. The gene pool is going to be nice and strong! Please take good care of my grandson” he folded my hands together with his cupped around them “You have my blessing to marry him, but I have a feeling you were going to regardless on what I had to say.”
I chuckled “What gave it away?”
“The way your mother told me that she was going to honor my son’s death to spite me that day” he got visibly nervous “I got very nervous when I saw that curly hair, thinking you’re just like her. So this whole week I was just waiting for you to yell at me over something.”
“Oh I don’t do outbursts unless I’m in battle! Don’t you worry your little gray head oji-san” I reassured him “I promise to take care of Beizu and to remind him to call every so often.”
I walked with him to the front desk, where everyone else was.
“Ready to go?” Beizu asked me as all his cousins were latching onto his legs crying “Come on guys, I gotta go home.”
“Are you sure you have to go? You’re more than welcome to stay as long as you want” the grandmother offered.
“I wish we could but we have important trainings coming up in the coming days” Beizu responded, peeling his cousins off him “On top of that, we’re still looking at places to move into once Iwa gets his inheritance money in a few months.”
“We’ll visit as much as we can!” I promised as I picked up my bag “We’re family after all, I wanna see what’s going on at the lodge.”
“We’ll always have room for you two” the aunt said as she hugged us “Take care, send me a message when when you get home safely.”
We said our final goodbyes and walked away hand in hand. I had to savor these moments with Beizu, the real work was starting soon for us. He knew it too, so we didn’t let go of each other the whole way home. And even then, we had to get pried away by our moms at that were waiting to take us home when we arrived at the station.
Many months later, I finished packing my belongings to move out of my parent’s house. It’s spring, I just had my 20th birthday and Lili is newly engaged to Hoshi. The brats are in their 3rd year of middle school and Beizu is making good money at his agent job. Me? I’ve taken up work with Sir Nighteye’s agency and it’s an impressive first job I’d say. I walk down stairs with the last of my boxes to load onto the rental movers truck that uncle Jin has yet to come back. I see my mom sitting at the couch by herself, I float over to her.
“Mom, what are you doing?”
“Hmm? I got texts from work and I’m just now getting around to them” she responded as she was typing “Are you all packed?”
“I am, just brought the last of my stuff” I sighed and sat next to her “Mom, I’m nervous. I know this is different from moving away to dorm and I’m not going to be alone. But I can’t help it! What’s going to happen now?”
Mom put her phone down and held me “Oh my baby boy, I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that one. This is the beginning of your adult life, your fate is entirely in your hands now.”
“How was it when you started your adult life?” I asked, looking up to her.
“I was basically like how you were, moving into a place with my significant other and making our place like a home” she smiled and stroked my hair “Except my heart was torn between what happened between your dad and I. My fate was ruled by my next move, no syllabus nor clear future! Hence the mess that happened that lead to reuniting with your dad. But you’re in better standing than I was at your age, you’re living with the love of your life and have enough in savings for anything that might happen.” She squeezed me close “You’ll be just fine Iwata, enjoy your newfound freedom and cherish the little things. Because the time will pass so fast that you’ll be bringing home your first born, wondering were all the time went and how you spent it.”
“Its that how you feel know that I’m the second one to move out?”
“It feels like last week I was watching you take your first steps and now I’m watching you leave my nest” she chuckled, then paused to listen to the shuffling outside the house “Oop, your dad and uncle Jin came at the same time, better go yeet those boxes into the truck before your dad starts crying again.”
So I was speed running my move out, like mom said, my dad cries so much whenever his kids do anything. Uncle Jin was generous enough to not only drive the truck but also help us bring our new furniture up to our apartment. It didn’t really hit me that this was our new place until I saw the amount of boxes that were piled in the living room. 
“Well, time to get started” sighed Beizu as he handed me a box cutter “I’ll do the furniture assembling, you unpack the kitchen and bathroom stuff.”
Half way of unpacking, I looked at a frustrated Beizu trying to assemble a desk “Ya know, this unpacking and moving in shit is way harder than when we were in the dorms. Lets just...not assemble the bed today.”
Beizu stopped his struggle and looked at me “You saying what I think you’re saying?”
I gave him the look “Ya sabes babe, pillow fort bedroom!”
When we got around to unpacking the bedroom things, out of all the boxes we packed, all there was three comforters and the rest were pillows. I couldn’t help but to laugh at the amount of pillows we brought to our place! It was enough to fill our bedroom, or as Beizu put it, enough to build a pillow castle. So we did just that and crawled inside of it to finally rest.
“I don’t mind if we never assemble the bed frame” Beizu said as he put his head on my chest “Our parents can’t tell us to tear this down!”
I looked up at the ceiling fan, finally taking in our situation “Just like this, forever in love and young at heart. In our little love nest.” I closed my eyes and felt Beizu cuddle closer “I love you so much.”
Thoughts of our future danced in my head as I drifted to sleep. I was very excited to make my way through my adult life. Who cares what’s going on outside right now?! I have all I need right here and nothing is going to change that.... Wonder what those brats are up to now?
-Book 3, End-
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