#I really should post more often on this hellsite
crimsomcrystal · 5 months
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Wait what
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
Last anon here -- I'm sorry for sending that message through. I don't know what is and isn't true anymore.
I deleted what I presume was your first ask (the one accusing me of not condemning the Gaza genocide and calling me a "DNC shill and a liar") because it was rude, uncalled for, and I couldn't see any good to come of engaging with it. However, because you've returned and apologized and sent this followup, I am willing to answer it, because I am aware that we can all do stupid things (especially on the internet) that we regret. So there is that.
Once again: I have strictly limited my posts/reblogs on this topic because it is so inflammatory, there are reams of people willing to attack you on every side, and none of it is actually constructive (this is the blue hellsite where we have two whole jokes about Ea-Nasir and color theory in children's hospitals. We are not doing important social justice work here and expecting this to be the main/only forum in which we post the Correct Opinions is not going to work out for anyone). But I would like, for the record, to point out that I have condemned the situation in Gaza and explicitly called it a genocide and Netanyahu and co. war criminals. Often and repeatedly:
Ask from October 28, 2023:
What’s happening to the Gazans right now is no qualification or equivocation, a genocide. It should rightfully be opposed and called what it is. But unfortunately, I have spent too much time around Western Online Leftists to believe they actually care a whit about stopping genocide as a fundamental principle, and only want to be seen to loudly care about what their Ideology has told them to care about. [...] To put it bluntly, those genocides are being committed by nation-states that Online Leftists like for being “anti-Western,” and therefore their activities are actually fine and should even need to be defended.
Another post from December 2023 explicitly calling out Netanyahu and his cabinet, while also pointing out that Tumblr's response now mostly consisted of antisemitic dogwhistles and rampant political misinformation:
[...] the way Netanyahu is personally a genocidal maniac with a far-right cabinet of war criminals and is bent on continuing the war in order to escape his own criminal prosecutions (and yes, he is HIGHLY affiliated with Trump and Putin) but this somehow still does not remotely justify or excuse the rampant frothingly mindless and generalized anti-Semitism seen everywhere on leftist spaces these days [....]
An ask from January 10th, 2024 (worth probably reading in full) where I once more say that nobody wants this to be happening, but that once again, the criticism in Western leftist forums (particularly Tumblr/Twitter) is not made equally or in good faith :
Nobody of basic good sense and decency wants to see Gaza leveled while the Israeli state continues to apply a number of violently cruel collective punishments even outside the actual daily bombing of civilians. But for the love of god, let’s get rid of the idea that the continued mindless violence doesn’t benefit Hamas (because it does; unsurprisingly, sympathy for their cause has soared in Gaza) as much as it does Israel, or that Hamas is some kind of benevolent peacemaker that is being thwarted by the cruel imperialist US/West.
This post, also from January 2024, explains why the kind of stunt-trick "pro Palestinian" activism that just relies on publicly hassling Jews is a) antisemitic and b) actively harming the people of Gaza, while once again pointing out whose fault this whole mess actually is:
If these people actually wanted to advocate constructively for Palestine in a good-faith way and not just punish random Jews or people who might have once met a Jew (which they don’t), they would take a look at that, go “hmm, this isn’t really getting the right result” and listen to the people who are telling them that by generating this bad publicity, they are doing far more harm to the cause than good. They are going to make the cause look foolish, they will drive away anyone who isn’t already radicalized, they will shut down any possibility of discussion and dialogue, and their efforts will be picked up in the Israeli nationalist right-wing media/Netanyahu and his war criminal advisors to insist to left-wing or anti-zionist Jews that (one of the, you know, big fucking reasons Israel was founded in the first place) they aren’t safe in any other country in the world, and they need to support the Israeli government’s actions, no matter how heinous.
A follow-up from January 31, 2024, discussing (again) the problems with insisting that Biden personally/the American power apparatus is just giving Israel a blank check and therefore Biden Iz Bad And This is All His Fault:
Once again: I strongly disagree with the idea of just giving Israel/Netanyahu a blank check to keep committing atrocities, but I also need to repeatedly point out that Biden isn’t doing that. His initial unconditional support of Israel after October 7 (which at the time was the correct response) has shifted to a much more measured and conditional approach where he has muted the overtly pro-Israel statements and started talking about a two-state solution and the need to protect the lives of civilians and trying to keep a lid on what could become a REALLY bad situation with all kinds of war-hungry powers eager to jump into the Middle East and blow it completely to hell.
I am a historian. This does not mean that I always know The Greatest Things Ever, but it does mean that I default toward long, cautious, and qualified responses where I try to consider multiple perspectives and nuances, rather than just posting pithy soundbites or black-and-white statements. (Yes, I know; I am doomed on social media.) Thus when I do discuss the situation, I tend toward trying to put it in broader context, to push back sharply against the idea that being "pro Palestine" is just being wildly antisemitic on social media and nothing else, and to call out those bad actors who are using this situation to continue to imperil American democracy and deliberately try to get Trump (who openly hankers to be a genocidal fascist dictator for everyone, not just Israel/Palestine) back into office.
I know that this is a situation which provokes (to say the least) strong emotions from everyone. I know that it's infuriating to feel totally helpless and just to have to watch it from afar. I know that we all wish we could stop it and that leads us to create meaning or assign importance to our own actions where there actually is none. But that does not mean that people have total liberty to spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, wild political misinformation, narratives designed whether unwittingly or deliberately to help Trump and other far-right fascists, and otherwise anonymously dogpile on people who haven't Posted The Correct Opinion on Tumblr (once again, Tumblr, where we get our news via Destiel meme). So I hope this has helped you, if this is what you wanted to get out of contacting me today, and hope also that you'll continue to think about what to do and how to act. It's hard, I know, and you have my sympathy. But so it is for us all.
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riality-check · 1 year
I genuinely think when Steve and Robin actually started talking he was a cool kid gossip dispenser he was dropping a level of mean facts only a shrimp could perceive I just think that his brand of mean girl was exclusively aimed at people who were directly in front of him and Robin was absolutely thrilled to have unbarred access to this information right in time for her senior year to hit I know she was eagerly awaiting every rest in the brass section’s sheet music to whisper the most obscure gossip to whoever was closest like bitchy trickle down economics
Anon how does it feel to be the funniest and most correct person on this hellsite? Because you are.
Steve absolutely knows everything about everyone, courtesy of being on two different sports teams and being canonically very perceptive. He’s also just really good with people, and I feel like he’s the kind of guy people just naturally feel comfortable enough around to share a little more than they would otherwise.
(That’s also Eddie, to be honest, but this is a Steve post!)
I can totally see Steve and Robin starting to talk at Scoops by Steve offering little fun facts about every customer they used to go to school with.
“Stacy? Yeah, she slept with David two days after breaking up with Carl.”
“Matty Smith earned the nickname Ralph when he puked in Tommy’s parents’ bed freshman year.”
“You didn’t hear about Andrea trying to flirt with Mr. Jones so he’d raise her C+ to a B-?”
Robin pretends to hate it, but she loves the little bits of gossip that Steve gives her. She thinks they’re hilarious, and he lights up with every story about every party he’s been to. It’s endearing. She’s no stranger to gossip, but band kid gossip tends to be pretty insular. She gets to introduce new tidbits into the ecosystem this way!
Idk, I just think Steve and Robin should get to be bitchy with each other more often.
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ftmtftm · 11 days
I haven't had a lot of time or space to get really into theory on this blog for a minute in between everything going on in my life offline, but let's talk about theory, Tumblr, and the transandrophobia tag.
So, first off: Theory. Theory, in this case political/queer/feminist/etc. theory, changes and builds on itself over time. As the world changes, so does theory. In my opinion, becoming outdated is something that should be a goal of progressive theory/theorists - because it means that the world has changed enough that those ideas are no longer necessary in the way they once were. They're often still important as foundations, but they leave room for expansion and growth because our ideas can and should be malleable. They should be updated and changed as the world around us updates and changes and we gain new perspectives under new cultural contexts.
Tumblr has... never been the place to discuss theory in a productive manner. Social media in general has never been the place to discuss theory in a productive manner. The unproductive nature of Tumblr specifically is largely due to our relationship to discourse and the immense normalization of cyber bullying, guilt tripping, and moral/ethical panics that we have curated here. It takes one to know one, I get it. It's something I've also taken part in, particularly when I was a teen/in my early-early 20's, and I am trying to figure out how to navigate in a more productive way now. The culture of our belothed hellsite does not really support that though. We try and fail and try and usually fail again, but it gets easier to try every time.
I think there's a lot of people who don't want to try and change that culture though. I think there's a lot of people on this site who are angry, who are traumatized, who are unhappy, etc. etc. and use the bitterness and antagonistic nature of Tumblr culture as an outlet. I think that's part of why the transandrophobia tag itself is often kind of garbage. It's why I think most tags on this website are garbage - especially after Tumblr changed the tagging system to a broken search bar. I think any kind of meaningful conversation gets lost in the weeds of a bunch of jaded, marginalized people begging to be heard while simultaneously drowning each other out from all directions.
There's a reason why I barely touch the tag anymore. It's in part because I've just been extremely burnt out - but it's also because it's just unpleasant to scroll through right now. Tumblr Culture has Tumblr Culture'd and currently, every time I take a peek at the tag I don't see a desire for the development and progress that should come with the discussion of theory.
I see a bunch of Tumblr users circlejerking it and I think most people posting capital T, capital D Tumblr Discourse™️ in the tag need to chill the fuck out. That goes for both people who deny and support transandrophobia as a theory.
Shameless "I have read a lot of theory and think it's important plug" but please, I'm begging you all, read some Black Feminist works and literally any Transfeminist work outside of The Whipping Girl. I have some resources [ here ] in my reading / watch list. It desperately needs some updating but honestly if you want that? Pay me. I'll give you my Venmo.
(For real though? Please, if you know Serano but not Bornstein or Stryker or Koyama... If you talk about Intersectionality but could not tell me who Crenshaw is............. shut up.....)
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In Defense of Vegans
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I can’t believe I have to make this but after seeing how posts like the above still get thousands of notes I’m going to. While there are critiques of militant veganism I agree with as a former vegan, some people need to chill out. What’s aggravating about most people here is how much they hate vegans but less in the alt right conservative fashion and more under a guise of faux progressivism. All nuance is thrown out and people treat the vegan debate as a false binary of either eat local, humane meat or child slave soy.
I’ll start by saying I was a lot more anti vegan when I first got on this hellsite. Reblogging anti-vegan posts and picking occasional fights with vegans. I was a lot angrier and was letting off steam as someone who was a former vegan who had a hard time with it. Same with religion, I was a lot more anti religion when starting my blog due to anger at evangelicals. Being able to recognize how it just wasn’t my cup of tea has caused me to let go of a lot of that anger. I wasn’t happy doing it but that’s not a damnation of veganism or vegans.
What irritates me about how most treat vegans is that it’s often reacting to a stereotype or strawman of vegans rather than actually engaging with them. All these posts about how vegans are destroying the environment with their child slave quinoa, cashews and plastic leather, when being a vegan doesn’t require using that stuff. A lot of them are smarter than given credit for and do research what they buy. Many do eat local produce and use hand me down wool or leather. They aren’t just buying every hipster product labeled vegan. Vegans are forced to be put on the defensive and what should be a conversation about how no food is really ethical in this capitalist society turns into a shouting match and “no you” regarding who’s more “cruelty free”.
I can understand having beef with militants if you have faced bigotry such as racism or ableism from animal rights activists. But some people really are quick to hate vegans and justify it as woke or leftist. Sometimes, people won’t even check the source before reblogging it, like the video of that problematic new age hippie, appropriating Pacific Islander culture, claiming veganism is colonialism.
I think a lot of vegans get hate for being the wrong kind of neurodivergent in some peoples eyes. Many, including myself, do have hyper empathy and are swayed by emotional arguments such as documentaries such as Earthlings. They make one small mistake and everyone treats them as if they’re the worst even if they do apologize for it like @sobadpink here in the replies. Many of them do have trauma from the cruelty towards animals they’ve seen which is treated with little sensitivity by people who claim to be allies to those who are neurodivergent and/or have faced abuse or PTSD. While white PETA types need to be called out, many famous civil rights leaders have been vegan/vegetarian like Cesar Chavez or Corretta Scott King and people do a disservice by treating it as solely a white man’s ideology.
Being a vegan isn’t easy and a lot of people’s anger here is fairly reasonable in my opinion. Many are ostracized by their families, can hardly find any food while on the go and struggle with people not understanding or refusing to understand them. Correcting misinformation from vegans is one thing and then there’s just being a jerk about it. A lot of anti vegan people here are the latter. You can say it’s self inflicted but many do think they’re doing a good thing, even if the meat industry is more complicated than just “vote with your dollar”. I would be a bit defensive myself if people treated me like a racist, ableist colonizer who hates migrant workers the moment I mentioned what I eat for lunch.
Call me a bleeding heart or ARA if you want but I think a lot of vegans here deserve more charity than they’ve been given. It’s like this site, when it comes to this issue, is stuck in 2015 as I’ve seen vegans try to explain their side, offer different perspectives and correct misconceptions but nope, another post about slave labor quinoa or plastic wool gets made every week and gets thousands of uncritical notes. People claim those posts aren’t about shaming vegans but that’s sure not how they come off as. Even a lot of the big “anti vegan” blogs here have admitted they went a bit too far and have mellowed out. I don’t agree with everything hardcore vegans have done or said and I can understand why some who’ve been hurt by them may dislike vegans but I think tumblr is way too harsh and intolerant of vegans despite claiming to be the leftist weirdo safe space.
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clownblr · 1 year
If you sent us an ask about beginner clown care a little bit ago I PROMISE I just went to go answer it but alas. The ask was. EATEN. Thanks tumblr I love you the mostest :,0)
And it’s no trouble at all!! I love when we receive asks no matter what they are tbh I think it’s super fun!! (Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense- I can’t quite recall the comment you left since it’s been a bit since I’ve seen it and I can’t check thanks again my beloved hellsite)
Regardless, I of COURSE have some info about where to start in clown care !!
What do I need to take care of a clown?
I think one of the most important things to assess before taking in a clown is whether or not you have the space for one. The amount of space needed tends to vary from breed to breed, and some clowns can live in a mid sized home under special circumstances. That being said, however, this is often not the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And should NOT be treated as the norm) Most of the time, a clown needs lots of space to jump and play and exhibit their full range of behaviors!! A big backyard is good space to hold a tent, which is something that many clown owners put up to try to mimic a clown’s natural environment.
TDLR, a clown needs lots of space!! It’s an important thing to consider so your clown stays happy and healthy while having lots of areas to play, grow, and enrich themselves.
Speaking of, clown enrichment is very important too! You have the space, but what do you fill it with? There’s countless options to choose from in this area- I’ve found personally that clowns at our shelter really enjoy ball pits (just make sure the balls aren’t hazardous!!) both to play in and to make nests in. Pinkee is really fond of slinkies and different wind up toys that she chases around the house, it’s very cute :o) I’ve seen some people go with different rope setups or trampolines, which can work great for certain breeds!! For others it can be a little dangerous though, so just do your research and make sure that the enrichment/toys/ect that your clown is using come from reputable sources and are safe for them!
Clown Breeds
And now onto breeds! (Go me for that transition!) There are MANY different breeds of clown. But which one is right for you??? Clown husbandry is an ever-expanding field, and new things are being discovered every day about these fascinating creatures!! As such, there’s soooo many varieties to choose from!!
The size of clown is important to consider when selecting a breed. Generally speaking, the larger a clown is, the more space you’ll need- so it’s definitely important.
Party clowns are generally recommended for first time clown owners!! Parties are what you probably first think of when you think clown. They’re a surprisingly varied breed, both in behavior and physical appearance, but overall they’re pretty easy to care for and don’t require any specialized care. Many of them are just looking for a nice loving home !!
(Side tangent but the clowns eggs have been developing and we’re fairly certain they’re party clowns !!!!! Exciting!!)
First time clown owners are often advised to stay away from breeds that require more specific care, such as porcelains or scares. Not that you can’t go for it, of course, if the opportunity arises, but please make sure you do your proper research and make sure you have the means to care for them. (I mention these two specifically because they’re very popular BUT they end up in our shelter a lot because people don’t know how to handle them properly :0(… maybe I’ll do a guide on them both in the future)
I have guides posted for the specifics of actually caring for your clown, if you need them- but I hope that this was helpful info for prospective clown owners looking for a place to start!! :0)
-Mod Grace 💞
Ps it’s the early hours of the morning where I am so um. Please excuse any funny typing mistakes you see ok byeeee
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aj-lenoire · 1 year
welcome, twitter refugees!!
here's a quick and friendly tumblr how-to:
DOs & DON'Ts
DO reblog posts!! regardless of whether or not you add a comment, either in the post itself or in the tags, the OP will get notifications of everyone who likes the post via your reblog and who reblogs it from you! comment as much or as little as you like
DON'T repost things! fanart, fanfiction, etc. this is different from reblogging, a repost is when you copy/save the work to your computer and reupload it in a post of your own, rather than reblogging it
DO follow tags as well as other blogs!! really like one specific character from a tv show? a certain ship? search their name and follow the tag, and you'll see posts that mention or tag them even if you don't directly follow the person who made that post
DON'T rely too much on the search function, it's broken. if you want to search someone's blog for a tag, you're better off going to the URL: tumblr.com/[blogname]/tagged/[tag]
DO tag liberally! you can use the tags to add comments that you don't want to directly add to the post, to make it easier for people to search your blog, or to make it easier for yourself to find things later on
DON'T use tiktok censorship speak when tagging things!! it will make it actively more difficult for people seeking to avoid certain topics. instead of "tw: abu$e" just tag "abuse" and anyone who has blacklisted the tag "abuse" will not see your post.
similarly, DON'T tag things like "epilepsy" - instead, tag "flashing lights" so people can still use the epilepsy tag to discuss epilespy without risking seeing triggering flashing lights
DO use the follow and the block buttons liberally! this site has absolutely no algorithm, so it is entirely up to you to curate your space exactly how you want it!
DON'T send hate to people via the askbox on their blog, either anonymously or not. just block people who annoy you or post horrible things
DO participate in polls! tumblr only got them recently, less than a year ago, and people immediately went ham. vote on stupid things like which bug emoji is superior, which ship is the best, and how much vanilla extract should go in a cake! but remember that you cannot edit the original poll after you post it
DON'T use or endorse "AI" generators like chatgpt! don't reblog AI images and or AI endings to unfinished/abandoned fanfictions
DO cite your sources if you want to educate people on something in a post, we all love to learn, and informative posts on everything from current political events to which geodes could be made into useable dildos, but misinformation is prolific, so make sure anyone reading your information can refer to a real source!
notes - likes, reblogs (with or without comments or tags) and replies to a post are all agregated to give the number of notes, which is basically the number of times a post has been interacted with
OP - the Original Poster of a post, for example, me, aj-lenoire, with this post. i am op.
hellsite - tumblr itself. this website is insane and unprofitable and broken and we wouldn't have it any other way. hellsite can be either (affectionate) or (derogatory) and often both at once
blorbo - your favourite character, your rotten soldier, your sweet cheese, your good time boyy. post about them frequently and with weird, frenzied gusto
squick - something you personally don't like, such as a ship or a character or a trope, but is not actually bad or harmful - it's just not for you. it squicks you out.
blacklisting means you've blocked a specific tag rather than a blog/person. for example, if you don't want to see anything with spiders, blacklist the tag "spiders" so you don't see any! if someone you follow reblogs a post and tags it with "spiders", or the OP of the post tagged it with "spiders" then your dashboard will hide the post from you and tell you it was tagged with "spiders" and you can choose whether or not to view it
passing peer review means you added commentary to a post in the tags, and someone who reblogged that post from you saw your tags and thought they were funny, so decided to screenshot them and add them as a comment so everyone could see them. congratulations!!
breaking containment is when a post about a niche subject and/or from a blog with not many followers gets super popular because it's funny, and often OP despairs at how their notifications become unusable from the sheer number of notes from this one post
KUNGPOWPENIS - if someone posts something bigoted, tumblr will ban together to reblog, one letter at a time, k-u-n-g-p-o-w-p-e-n-i-s. only do this when the bigot is the OP, because only the original poster will get a flood of single-letter reblog notifications from every single branch of the reblog chain
tips & tricks
pornbots and bots in general are not uncommon here. whenever you get followed by someone, check to make sure they're not a bot by visiting their blog. if they only have a few reblogged posts on random topics, or no posts at all, and their profile picture is a beautiful woman, they're a bot, and you should flag and block them
old posts can and do get reblogged and liked all the time, there's no point at which it becomes cringe to interact with a post. we even have some from 10+ years ago that're considered 'tumblr heritage'
long posts will cross your dash from time to time, the most infamous being colour of the sky. you will see it and it will madden you with how far you have to scroll - inflict your followers with the same frustration by reblogging so they can see it too!! if you're on desktop, pressing j will skip to the next post.
read more allows you to shorten a post with a 'click to read more' link that takes the reader to the root post on your blog. this is especially handy if you're publishing fanfiction or a very long analysis of something.
toggling reblogs lets you choose whether a post is rebloggable or not, for example something personal you may want to delete later, turning off reblogs means there won't be any copies floating around after you delete the root post
follower count is not visible! the only way anyone will know how many followers you have is if you tell them. follow blogs based on whether you like what they post, not by whether they're super popular or not
memes are frequent and long-lasting. tumblr plays with jpegs like dolls and there are some memes that have been here for years. a current favourite is the destiel confession meme which has warped into a shorthand for breaking weird news
important dates
tumblr loves a goofy-ass-holiday!! here are some of the standouts:
ides of march - 15th march, celebrate julius caesar getting his shit rocked
pride month - june, tumblr is generally a very pro-queer space, so expect everything to be decked out in rainbows for the entirety of june and most of the rest of the year, too!!
halloween - the entire month of october and also a week in july, this site loves some spooky scary skeletons
destielputinelection - 5th november, reminisce about the absolute chaos that gripped the internet during the 2020 usa presidential election
blog recs for new users
to each their own, and a main draw of tumblr is that there's something for everyone, down to the very, very niche. so, search for stuff that interests you and follow those blogs! however, here are some blogs that are fun for everyone:
heritageposts - your one-stop blog for all the best, weirdest, oldest tumblr posts will all the drama, expect to see a lot of destiel
staffs-secret-blog - (not actually staff)
one-time-i-dreamt - full of weird and wonderful posts, made all the better by the fact that no one reads usernames here, so inevitably there is panicked confusion over what the fuck is going on
biggest-gaudiest-patronuses - one of tumblr's most ubiquitous shit-posters
aj-lenoire - that's me!
that's pretty much the basics, but most people here are really friendly, so if you're unsure, just ask someone! have fun!!
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katyspersonal · 5 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Oh, nice chain! Alright, let's see!
1) I work at the post office! With customers, not as a postman! I am a little snarky but competent and super serious. Many customers that want to get into my window specifically. o_o" This is kind of time-consuming and not very rewarding, but it is really hard to find a better job in where I live. You know, the whole thing where companies only pretend to be hiring people and every interview is by default declined because they're content overworking their 2 workers doing work of 10 people? xD Fun thing: this is the THIRD time I am back at this workplace! Because they also keep trying to lessen their staff number to save money on salaries, but every time their business starts collapsing and they end up hiring again. They NEVER learn :/
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(Lmao ffs I should just make this goddamn image my blog banner if this is the only punchline I know of 💀💀💀)
2) I bought PS4 specifically to be able to play Bloodb0rne! As good as I've gotten with lore and headcanons despite only "experiencing" the game via wikias and playthroughs, I NEEDED to lay my hands on it because asking all three of my friends for this or that screenshot became bothersome!
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Bought it for half-price from a gamer that got PS5 and no longer needed PS4. Well.. Back then I could not have had an idea I'd end up getting into entire series, so now I know DeS is not accessible for me. Not sure if I can repeat this maneuver; not only PS5 costs more than I do myself, but also saving became impossible in where I live since then!
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3) I've learned English 80% thanks to ask-blogging and RPing online! In fact, because of how much I am using English, at this point I am thinking on English more often than on my native language. I was pretty great in school English classes (best, actually), but the real turning point was having to go to English-speaking spaces for fandomry and RPing. I've just never found my place in Russian speaking fandoms, being a raging autist obsessed with every single canon detail is not common in them and makes people look at you like a looser that doesn't have """real""" life or """real""" hobbies if they act like this. :p So, when as a teen (16) I saw how much fun English-speaking fans had with fandoms here on Tumblr, I just HAD to try and level my English to be able to interact.
Granted, it is debatable whether local fandoms actually were never great, or it was my OWN bad luck of running into boring superfical level fans.. but I am glad that I've put my activity as a fan in this cursed hellsite, and ended up speaking English so fluently that many people are surprised it isn't my native one. xD
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Ok, but what about gentle s** with our favorite blue boy because we’re sad as f and we need this man riding us
I can totally do this, but you really don't have to censor words on this hellsite. This webbed site is where you can say all the Forbidden Social Media Words™ and have no consequences. Welcome from Instagram or whatever site trained you to censor yourself. It's much more fun here lol.
Also, I haven't posted about Thy'lek since JANUARY??? WHO AM I?? I'M SO SORRY, COMMANDER, I STILL LOVE YOU!! 🥺💙
*ahem* Anyway, here's your request, nonny! 😇
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Thy’lek Shran (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Andorian sex, soft!Shran, unprotected sex, gentle sex, non-graphic sex, Thy'lek is good at comforting his lover.
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He’d been good to me - a perfect gentleman who held me as I sought his comfort. From the moment I returned to our quarters, Thy'lek knew something was wrong. He could always read me like a book, even if I never said a word.
"What is it, sweet girl?" He'd asked as he got to his feet, but I couldn't make myself answer. I didn't need to, though. He knew exactly what was wrong. Like Captain Archer, he had his fingers firmly on the pulse of the ship's crew. Whispering soothing little words to me as he pulled me into his arms, the Commander placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
The tears started slowly, but once they had, I couldn't stop them. I was so tired, and this mission was weighing so heavily on me. Nearly the entire crew had been pulling double shifts, and none of us were sleeping well. We desperately needed a break, but until this mission was complete, we couldn't afford to take one.
I'd made so many more mistakes on my last shift than I normally would have. Being berated by my section's commanding officer didn't help my mental state. All I wanted now was to bury myself in bed with Thy'lek and sleep for about a decade.
Moods like this didn't happen very often, because missions that were as demanding as this one were extremely rare. Still, Shran was incredibly patient. He never once told me that I was being silly or that I should just suck it up and move on. Instead, he rubbed patient little patterns on my back and allowed me to ride out my emotions. At some point, he'd carried me to our bed and tangled me carefully in his arms.
When the last sniffle finally escaped me and I took a deep, steadying breath, a soft smile stretched his lips.
"There, now. Did that help a little?" He nuzzled my nose as he asked, and I nodded my head. "How can I make the rest of it better?"
I didn't even need a moment to consider my options. Tilting my head slightly, I placed kisses across my lover's jaw. When my mouth finally reached his, the Commander hummed, sliding his hands down my back to my hips. As the kiss grew gradually more heated, Shran pulled away far enough to look me in the eye.
“Are you sure this is what you want, pretty girl?” He was always so careful, so respectful. God, I loved him.
“Yes. Please, I need you,” I breathed brushing my nose along his. He needed no further encouragement. With a gentle, burning sort of passion, he held my head in place and kissed from my lips down to the dip between my collarbones. I couldn't keep from whimpering at his sweet ministrations.
“Shh, let me take care of you,” Thy’lek murmured nibbling lightly at a hickey he'd left beneath my jaw a few nights before.
“You always do.” He smiled as he started unzipping my uniform, and soon our bodies were entwined in a familiar, intimate dance.
Soft, careful nights like this felt like a sacrament - a convergence of two souls alongside that of our bodies. Slow and steady, leisurely and deliberately we drank of each other. This game of give and take sent shivers up my spine in the wake of his gentle, seeking fingers. For a fighter like Thy’lek to be so unhurried, so painstaking about every touch...it always brought tears to my eyes, and tonight was no exception.
"Am I hurting you?" He whispered as he flipped me onto my back, but I shook my head. Wrapping my arms around him, I surrendered to the sensation of his body melding with mine and his love surrounding me. By the time we fell asleep, we were both out of breath and very much a part of each other.
@bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @toebeans-mcgee
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wheresurmoose · 8 months
I guess it depends on how stable the relationship, old or new. Thoughts on jealousy? Even if you reassured him repeatedly, would he become sulky rather than jealous or would the jealousy completely disappear? Or can he not help himself?
If you had a minor disagreement with him do you think he would he get hung up on it? Like keep asking you if you’re mad or something.
If you’re upset abt something is he the type to simply ask you, “whats wrong?” Or does he say, “Did I do something wrong?”
Some scenarios I have to think over bc I remember that he was constantly belittled in his life which evidently has affected his mental state and self image. But yeah, honestly could talk all day about the max hypotheticals, these are the ones I’ve been thinking of as of late 🤭
Ooooookay, more Max discussion :) Yes yes yes.
I think that no matter how long Max is in a relationship with someone, he's always going to struggle with jealousy. I wouldn't say that he'd sulk but his temper would flare immediately and he'd definitely start with the "if looks could kill, you'd be in a billion pieces" staring. It wouldn't be a leap for him to hurt the person he thinks has designs on his partner. I don't think he'd be able to help himself with that.
Minor disagreement, however, I don't think he'd be unreasonable. I think he'd be more curious, want to know why you think/believe the way you do. He'd definitely ask at least once if you're mad at him, though he'll read your tone and body language to tell whether than trust your words. As far as the disagreement itself, I think his approach to it is "Explain it to me because I know my brain works different than yours".
I think it depends on the situation if he'd simply ask "what's wrong?" or "Did I do something wrong?". If for any reason at all HE thinks that he might be the problem, he'd ask if he did something wrong. But like if he just walks in after being gone all day and finds his partner upset, it's a "what's wrong? What happened?" response.
This is the most engaging shit I've ever gotten through asks and I've been on this hellsite for over ten years so NO NEED TO EXPLAIN. My god, I'm so happy with this.
Also, Max is a FASCINATING character and I totally get what you mean. I'll catch myself muscle memory working at my job and randomly thinking how Max would react in certain situations.
Speaking of all this, bestie, you should really read my Max fic on ao3. I don't update it super often (I don't update any of them super often anymore, life's being a bitch) but I'm really proud of what I have posted and I think you'd like it.
Anyway, thanks for the ask!
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magjicqal · 8 months
scrolling through my own blog feed made me realize I should really Reblog my art more than I do! ^^; def a conscious effort on my part but I’ve realized as I age w social media I don’t feel a sense or compelled to post more, whether about myself (thoughts, opinions, etc) or a need to promote myself more often. I think knowing and understanding that yknow due to my schedule/life and experiences I’ve always tended to be a smaller producer/creator. I’m not always consistent in when/what I post and I tend to shy into the role of reblogging: things I like, see, want to share.
Which is fine at the end of the day! But a part of me also longs and yearns for more interaction, and that’s something that can still be cultivated no matter how small or big of a creator you are. I think very fondly (sort of- that hellsite was a *mess*) of the small community I had fostered on deviantart. And maybe the style of the site led itself that way.
And yknow I know some other sites have tried to replicate that in one way or another. But I feel like nowadays you just have to rely on the algo to boost your presence so you can create a baseline-in terms of community or the consistency of it.
But what are your thoughts?
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writercole · 1 year
Update Update Update
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Okay sue me, I like that New Orleans view.
Let's talk, besties! Here's what's going on with me.
Feeling a bit of a burnout with writing. Don't misunderstand me - I'm still writing. I'm just chasing different stories right now.
Most of you guys know - I've been really open about this - that I've been struggling to find a job for almost 2 years now. Well, I finally got an opportunity. It starts training on May 1 but I'm pretty...skeptical because I've been screwed over so many times. I should note that there is nothing that suggests that this is a screwover but I'm just pessimistic at this point.
That's going to do one of two things - either I'm going to be writing a lot more or a lot less. I'm hoping it's the former.
I have like 100 stories in development currently and I get more and more ideas every day. Some of these are fanfic, some of them are probably going to be publications. Keep an eye here and at @coleslibrary for any updates or new publishing announcements.
My first three books are all available on Amazon currently and the next one will be there as well. I'm going to go ahead and say that instead of minor rewrites and name changes, this next one, the rewrite of Sounds of Someday, is going to be a whole new story. The basic plot will stay the same but so many details are going to be changed that it's going to read as all new.
Master lists are going to be posting throughout the next month. Mostly actor specific ones that I've been having in my drafts for far too long. They will be updated accordingly.
Most of my upcoming stuff will be collections - stories set in the same universe that don't have to be read together and contain multiple main characters. The first of those is my country club collection - A Drive For Love - starting with Golf Pro Bradley Bradshaw.
Last year I promised a Dad!Jake series. Well, good news on that front. I'm about halfway through writing the series. You'll Be In My Heart should be debuting in the next month or so. It does have to go back through my betas but each chapter will be a different POV and will vary in word count but will contain one scene. The FMC has been changed from a reader to an OC. I'm sure this will affect readership but I don't really care.
I think that's about it on that front. I want to send out a couple of shoutouts to a couple of people before I finish here.
First, @princessmisery666, Stacey, babe, I don't know what I'd do without you. You've become the Opie to my Jax, the level headed guiding light to my chaotic ways. Though you do encourage some of my more angsty ideas and I love you for that. I love you, period. I got this. 💞
To @ryebecca. You're my twinsie and my sounding board. You help my rational brain take over the emotional side more often than not and never make me feel bad for having a different opinion. I love you mostest.
To @imjess-themess and @blue-aconite. You two beautiful souls keep me grounded on days where I'm trying to dissociate all the time. I know you don't realize the things you do to help my mental state lately but just know that the two of you mean the world to me. I love you both.
@fuckyeahhangman. What can I say about your gorgeous face other than I absolutely love it like a cat loves sunshine.
@wildbornsiren My swamp gremlin. The amount of times I've turned to you when I've had a bad day is steadily increasing and I am so grateful for your acceptance of my insanity. I love you!
And last but certainly not least @never--doubt. I know I say it all the time, but I'm so proud of you and so thankful for your friendship. You're like the little sibling I always wanted and I'm so happy that we found one another through this hellsite.
If you're reading this and you're not listed, fret not. I still love you. I just might have forgotten what your new URLs are.
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genericprincess · 4 months
Somehow I've not posted an intro yet, so let's fucking go homies!
First off, this blog is trans-friendly, AuDHD, traumatised, and HEAVILY NSFW. If you're under 19, please fuck off now. Same goes for n*zis, zionists, cops, and ter"f"s 😘
Okay, with that out of the way, welcome!
Name: Princess
Gender: Waman (trans)
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: A very horny (mostly sapphic) aroace who can and will wine, dine, and fuck all her close friends at once
Position: Switch, Domme, Pet, ✨️Sadist✨️
Loves: Hypno, any and all sadomasochism, hypno, cnc, hypno, petplay, hypno, TPE, hypno, degradation, hypno, dumbification, hypno, crying (I'm a dacryphiliac), hypno knives, hypno, somno, and did I mention hypno?
Also loves: So many things besties. Like so many. Please ask about anything and this princess will go off about it because I adore kink!
Hard limits: Scat, Vomit, Sissification
About me: I have a few special interests. Right now, they are kink, MtG, and Doctor Who. You'll often find me playing games and flogging ass when I'm not doing uni. You'll also frequently find me covered in bite marks due to my life partner @biteyfoxboi and my girlfriend @birdgobbler. Tbh the names should have been a giveaway, but I never said I was smart. I also have another partner not on this corner of the hellsite, and we're not getting into all the friends I fuck around and find out with.
I'm really just here to fully open myself up and have an outlet that doesn't make me depressed about the world and instead makes me happy and horny about it. I also like making new friends and talking: feel free to send asks and pm me, I love a good chat.
Other than that, the big bits are the tags: #Princess preaches is my own writing, #Princess portraits is any photo of me, #Fun stories with the princess are my anecdotes, #Princess screeches are my vents, #Spirally Princess are my hypno posts, #🇵🇸 is my tag for Palestine fundraisers, and I'll come up with more as they're needed.
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tag-tag-reblog · 6 months
(pinned post, or “why are you reblogging everything?”)
What’s your problem?
Tumblr is irreplaceable but it can really suck. Clicking on a tag should show you everything tagged with that tag, right? Wrong. For one thing reblogs aren’t included, and some original posts just don’t seem to appear either (or randomly not do so for days).
It annoys me that for a fairly small fandom I can’t find everything posted that day in one place. A few fabulous TAG fans do a lot of reblogging and I often start by trawling their blogs, but this method means something they missed or wasn’t to their taste I might never see.
Maybe it would be cool if just everything got reblogged in one place? Impartially? No impenetrable algorithm!
Isn’t that going to be impossible to keep up?
Oh inevitably. But I’ll have a go. I spend enough time trawling the hellsite for TAG content anyway, might as well do something useful when I find it.
To save this becoming an overwhelming task there will never be comments here nor particularly detailed tags (tws / ship etc filters should carry over from main posts so I’m not going to try to add to what the original authors have put). I might try to categorise a little in the tags (tag fanart, tag fanfiction, TAG Screencaps and gifs TAG RP etc), and include things like reblog event tags (fanartam for example) so one could search for the tag within this blog and it would actually come up with some results.
Going to try for daily but it might be every two or three.
Would welcome helpers if anyone wants to be added!
How are you going to find everything?
I have a fairly good list of which users tend to reblog with the “thunderbirds are go” tag. So I’ll start there.
I don’t intend to separately reblog every post in a reblog chain, as long as the post is findable I figure people can manage to look that up. However there may be some repetition as keeping track of ‘I reblogged this from person A so I’ll leave it off when I spot it on person B’s blog will require way too much manual brainpower.
You missed my post!
Message me and I’ll add you to my list of blogs to visit.
What about stuff that isn’t tagged “thunderbirds are go”?
I won’t find it… yeah this means some stuff will be missed but I’m not psychic.
This seems kind of spammy?
I’m going to use the queue and shuffle the posts so it won’t be everything from one person in ten mins.
All the same I do get this won’t be for everyone.
Please do feel free to block the posts - they’ll all be tagged with tag tag reblog so just filter that tag. Or this blog.
Similarly if you don’t want to keep getting notifs of my empty reblogs of your posts please let me know and I’ll stop!
Will give it a try for a little while and see how it goes. If it’s more annoying than useful I’ll stop!
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miyamiwu · 2 years
An Honest Guide to Tumblr for Twitter Refugees (Part 0)
So I had posted Part 1 first, covering basic technical aspects like configuring your Tumblr settings and customizing your Tumblr. And while I was writing my draft for Part 2, I realized that all these “How to use Tumblr” guides are pretty much useless if you don’t even know what the heck Tumblr is and why you should even use it… Thus, I’m just gonna go ahead and talk about that first.
So, what the heck is Tumblr?
I’ve mentioned this in Part 1: Tumblr is a blogging platform. The name “tumblr” comes from the word “tumblelog.” But this definition is just putting things simply.
I’d like to define Tumblr as your own personal corner in the internet. What it really is depends on how you use it. This blog where I’m posting this guide is a blog I use for the multiple fandoms I’m in. Here, I talk about the latest anime episodes, reblog gifs, and sometimes post theories and analyses. My dashboard, then, is full of users who are in the same fandoms as me, and the posts I see most often are those about anime and manga.
Fandom is just one Tumblr use-case. You can customize your Tumblr experience to however you want it to be.
If you’re a writer, you can join the writeblr community and post about your WIPs. You can also follow other writers and talk about their WIPs.
If you’re an artist, you can check out the #artists on tumblr tag and see what other artists are making.
If you’re a developer, you can try making your own Tumblr themes and even join coding challenges.
If you like science stuff, check out the #science side of tumblr.
And if you want to wax poetic about your latest hyperfixation, you can start an fyeah blog. You can go as wild as you want, and people won’t cringe and call you weird for it.
Great! So now I can start posting and joining the x/y/z communities on Tumblr, right?
Not yet. I mean, you can, of course; there’s no hard rule for it. But I advise against jumping right into things.
Someone posted about this before, but I couldn't find that post anymore, so I'll just say it again: Before starting anything here on Tumblr, it's best you spend a few days just lurking around.
Don't make an intro post, don't rush to advertise your blog, and don't start begging for followers yet (the number of followers don’t even matter here). Just lurk. Observe. See how the veteran Tumblr users are doing things and learn from them.
This has been said many times before, but please leave your Twitter habits out the door. Tumblr culture and etiquette is not something you can learn overnight, so it’s wise to just watch first.
Familiarize yourself with the Tumblr terminology. Like, what does “meta” mean? What are ask/tag games? What does it mean when a user says they’re “tracking tags”? There are many other terms, and although it’s not necessary to learn them, you’ll enjoy Tumblr more if you know what they are.
Oh, by the way, it’s called reblog, not retweet. God forbid you call them retweets. And no, adding content to a reblog is not the same as quote tweeting. (I’ll talk more about this in Part 2 or 3 of this guide.)
Why should I listen to you? I’m gonna treat this place like Twitter, fuck you
You don’t have to listen to me at all. But I’m telling you, if you treat this place like Twitter, you’re just inviting hate and ridicule upon yourself. As much as Tumblr users like to call this place hellsite and complain about how it’s always broken, we are oddly very defensive of it. We do not want it to become a Twitter 2.0.
Is Tumblr right for me?
As long as you’re not a brand always trying to sell us stuff or a celebrity only using the platform to promote their show/album/movie, then yes, you are welcome here.
To enjoy Tumblr, you have to treat it like a place where you just hang out and have fun and not just another platform to get sales or followers or to chase clout. That just doesn’t work here. There’s a reason why @/neil-gaiman is Tumblr’s most beloved celebrity, and that’s because he understands this.
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kvothes · 11 months
Listen, I have not read your spn fic, but only because I KNOW it will trigger my spn hyperfixation and I do not have the time for that, but I still agree with that anon. Like I know I don't read as much as I should and would like to but I did read the great modern classic witchboy with the iconic, poetic, wonderful masterpiece ballad of babet and while those things may not be in some grand classics of american literature lists (yet) it is deeeply ingrained in my brain and, as I've seen many other asks you received prove, in the brains of other users on this hellsite as well so yeah. You probably gain nothing from this (and I am sorry for that) but I think about/quote the ballad of babet way more often than Eliot etc lol (this is not meant in a "mean, ranking" way, I really want to read some Eliot stuff and more modern stuff like Richard Siken etc. since I trust your recs, you introduced me to Ocean Vuongs poetry for example, but that's a completely different conversation and my point still stands lol). Anyway, have a wonderful day, bye, might go read some Baudelaire now solely bc it reminds me of that lil interlude.
WAUGH okay this is wonderfully sweet of you! thank you!
though, for what it’s worth—i’m not trying to compare myself to poets like siken and eliot as a fic writer. i’m comparing myself to them as a poet. y’all don’t have context or a metric for comparison for that bc i don’t post my poetry on here, but this is me (published poet) agonizing over my place among other published poets (stupid and i should not be doing it)
however. point taken. i rlly appreciate this, and i’m awful touched to know you think about my stories <3
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