#my wife would never groom a teenager (he hates children) but i do fully believe hed pull out all the stops on al if necessary
hiemaldesirae · 6 months
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train ride
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fourtrisheafanfic · 7 years
One Bed, Two People (fanfic)
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Title: One Bed, Two People
Rating: Mature
Ao3 Link: (X)
Summary: One Bed, Two People is a jonerys one-shot written for the 2018 Jonerys Valentine’s Week. I selected the Prompt Day 3 - - Feb. 16: Oh, No! We’re Forced to Share this Bed!  AU: Set in the country estate of Dragon Abbey in the early 1900s, depicts the lives of the aristocratic Targaryen family during the Edwardian era. When Jon Snow is tasked with escorting his step-aunt, Daenerys Targaryen, to her debut- preparation classes in London, things go terribly wrong during their journey.  **I have no rights to these characters, all belong to HBO and Author, George R.R. Martin**
FAMILY RELATIONS BACKSTORY: Rhaegar Targaryen is the current Earl of Dragon Abbey, after his first wife passed away, he married Lyanna. Which made him stepfather to Jon Snow. Rhaegar’s oldest son, Aegon (son of deceased Ellia) will be the next Earl. Jon’s biological father died when he was just a baby from a terrible fever. From birth, Jon Snow was primarily raised by his mother’s family, the Starks. Before Lyanna had remarried, Jon was raised very closely with the Starks of Winterfell. His uncle Ned (Earl of Winterfell) was always being a father figure to his nephew. Jon’s mother, Lyanna, married Rhaegar when Jon was just 8 years old. It was decided that Jon would remain with the Starks for most of the year, only spending summers in Dragon Abbey to enjoy time with his step-family. The Targaryens always welcomed him with open arms. Some years the Targaryens even sent the young Targaryen children to enjoy visits to Winterfell and be in the care of Starks. One of those children was Daenerys Targaryen, the last child of Earl Aerys, before he passed. Daenerys is the youngest sibling of Rhaegar and he cares for her deeply, always being very protective of her. Daenerys is only one year younger than her Step-nephew, Jon Snow. She was 7 when her brother married Lady Lyanna.
JON AND DANY’S BACK STORY: Rhaegar was always a kind and welcoming stepfather to his new wife’s son, Jon. Rhaegar always insisting that Jon was welcome at the large Dragon Abbey estate, insisting that Jon had become part of their family just as much as Lyanna had. Jon enjoyed his childhood summers at Dragon Abbey, but he always felt that Winterfell was his true home. As a child, the main thing Jon loved about Dragon Abbey was his spending time with his close friend, Daenerys. She was the most beautiful person Jon had ever seen, on the outside and in. Dany, as he used to call her, was funny and kind. Although she was a year younger than he, her adventurous spirit never let age or being a girl hold her back. As the children grew into young teenagers, their time together became less frequent as did their familiarity with each other.
When Daenerys became a young woman, as the last child of Aerys, she was being groomed for her sole purpose in life, marrying well in order to establish a beneficial alliance for the Targaryen family. Per etiquette of the era, her official debut, and then subsequent engagement, will take place when she turns 18. In the Edwardian era once a young girl turned eighteen, her childhood was essentially over. The moment she puts up her hair and lengthens her skirts, Dany would then be known to the world as a woman. The putting up of the hair was the most important aspect of signifying one’s status as a young woman ready for marriage.
Even though Jon Snow was a young man from a good family, he still has no large estate to inherit. Jon had recently decided that he would never marry, instead he moved to London to study law and would eventually work as a lawyer in London for a few years. Then one day he would move back to Winterfell and assist his cousin, Robb, in the management of the large estate, in return for a small estate of his own to reside in. It had also been discussed that Jon would offer his expertise to his Targaryen side of the family if they were ever in need of his help.
 ^^ A Cold Morning in Dragon Abbey ^^
“Jon, I hate to ask this of you but we are in desperate need,” Rhaegar says to his stepson across the breakfast table. “Viserys is still terribly ill, he was to escort Daenerys to London yesterday. Normally we would just postpone the trip, but she needs be there by Monday to begin her Debut-Preparation classes.”
“Debut-Preparation classes?” Jon asks out of curiosity. He notices the sour look on his mother’s face. He can tell she is not pleased. Not that it is really any of his business what Daenerys Targaryen does, but he had never heard the term used.
“Yes, it’s my training to become a fully civilized lady. My eighteenth birthday is in a few months, I must begin to learn all the rules so that I can meet society’s standards to be marriage-eligible. Time is of the essence,” Dany says with an emphatic roll of her eyes. “My brother is worried I will make a mockery of the Targaryen family without it.”
“As your aunt just proved my point, she needs to be escorted to London immediately for her classes. Both Aegon and I are needed here for the meetings with land owners that start this afternoon. I know you were not to return to London for three more days, but if you could escort Daenerys today it would be a huge help,” Rhaegar finishes, squeezing Lyanna’s hand with reassurance.
“I hate to see you leave early, son. I feel as though I hardly see you anymore. But yes, Daenerys needs to travel to London as soon as possible,” Lyanna says sadly, but she understands the importance. Her sister-in-law, who is of high social standing, will be turning eighteen shortly. Plans are already being made for her extravagant debut into society.
Jon steels a sideways glance at Dany, she looks disinterested to the outcome of their discussion. Jon remembers that they were incredibly close as children and into their early teens. But alas, things changed as they grew up. They have always remained friendly, but the deep closeness they once shared is now gone. If Jon is honest with himself, he can admit he fell in love with her the first summer he spent in Dragon Abbey. As much as an eight year old can manage to love romantically. The truth being his love for her is something that grew over the years. Jon is at peace with how things have worked out, and he is moving on with his life. He wishes her happiness in life, she is a good person and she deserves it.
Jon cringes remembering his private discussion with her stepfather the day before. Their family is still working out the possible marriage details for her to marry Loras Tyrell, future Earl of Highgarden. Jon couldn’t believe the irony when his stepfather announced he had just begun discussions with head of the family, Olena Tyrell, about the possible union. As Jon is now living in London for law school, the irony was that he had just learned that Loras is gay and quite promiscuous. Two of Jon’s own classmates having recently spent “quality time” with the Tyrell heir. Jon doesn’t personally care about anyone’s personal preferences, but he does worry for Daenerys’s well-being.
Jon broached the subject with his stepfather the night before. Rhaegar had immediately silenced him, firmly reminding Jon that Daenerys must marry for status and wealth. Loras, no matter what his personal preferences, is the best match they can secure for Lady Daenerys.  Rhaegar insisting that his highest hope is that Daenerys will marry the future Earl of Highgarden.
Jon was reminded how the world they live in works. It is not about love or even compatibility. The social status of Lady Daenerys and heir-apparent Loras makes them the perfect match. Jon has no doubt that a year from now they will already be married.
“It would be my honor to escort Lady Daenerys safely to London,” Jon answers with a polite smile.
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Jon looks at Dany, and for the first time this visit he sees a small smile on her face. She seems pleased he said yes.
“When do we leave?” Jon asks.
++o++ ++o++
“Dany, please, I am fine! We have got to get the hell out of here,” Jon stresses while rummaging through the damaged carriage to grab whatever money he can find. The man that attacked their carriage broke two of the wheels, making it unusable.
“How can you say you are ‘fine’? You just killed a man, Jon! Are you sure you are okay?” Dany cries. Her eyes glaze over as she sees the two dead men laying on the ground. One is their carriage driver, who was killed shortly after the ambush started, the other is the criminal that tried to overpower them.
“I’m fine, Dany. You heard what he said, there are others further down the road that will be circling back to help him soon. They could be here any minute!” Jon says while checking the horse, thankful it is unharmed. “It will be dark soon, and now it isn’t safe to take the direct path to London. We need to head east instead, we will have to both ride on this horse. No time to gather thing, let’s go!”
Dany nods her head, she seems to be in shock from the attack. It all happened so quickly. That awful man pulling her out of the moving carriage, Jon could tell she was terrified as she was yanked out. Jon was like a man possessed, he will be eternally grateful that his stepfather had trained him at a young age to use a dagger and that he always carried one on him.
Jon has pocketed the money he found, looking anxiously over his shoulder down the main road. He doesn’t want to have another confrontation, they need to leave quickly.
“Daenerys, are you ready? We must leave now,” Jon reminds her. “What is it?”
Dany stares sadly at the dead carriage driver. “He was always so kind to me, and now he is dead. I wish Rhaegar had given us the family car instead of traveling by carriage!”
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Jon turns to look at the young woman, he doesn’t know what to say to comfort her. Instead he will keep her alive and safe. “Lady Daenerys, we don’t have time for ‘what ifs’, we are leaving now. It would be a dishonor to him if you die as well. Please, get on the horse. Once we get to the next town we can send someone to…”
“Please don’t call me ‘Lady Daenerys’, it makes my skin crawl,” Dany sighs as Jon helps her onto the horse. “Thank you, Jon. For everything, you saved my life.” She says quietly.
“We aren’t safe yet, but I’m working on it,” Jon says as they change course.
++o++ ++o++
“You heard me, boy! We only have one room left, take it or leave it. There are people standing behind you that would be glad to have it!” the Innkeeper snaps at Jon. “I don’t care who you think you are!”
Jon huffs, he didn’t think things could get worse for them today. First it began pouring, he and Dany are soaked to the bone and cold. Then the previous town was completely overrun because of a local festival. And now the next town is practically full because of the overflow from the previous town.
“Of course we will take it!” Dany snaps while elbowing Jon and motioning for him to pay.
Smirking at Jon and carefully counting and then recounting the obscene amount of money he has charged them, the Innkeeper is finally satisfied. “Get your things, I don’t have all night to show you to your room!”
“I’ve told you four times already, we don’t have any things as we were just hijacked!” Jon barks. He is cold, grumpy and he can’t believe what a horrible shit of a town he has managed to find for him and Dany to stay in. But at least they are somewhat safe. He hopes.
Dany places her hand on his arm to calm him, she has been painfully quiet since the attack earlier. Jon nods in acceptance, he fights to keep his emotions in check.
While walking up the two flights of stairs Jon asks the Inn Keeper if he has any space clothes they could have. To which the Innkeeper laughs at him.
“Look around you, we are stretched to the max. Only what is already in the room for you, is what we have. People downstairs are offering to pay me money to sleep in the dining hall, just to get out of the cold rain,” the Innkeeper scolds Jon. “You and your sister should be happy to have a room at all!”
“We aren’t actually--” Jon begins before Dany interrupts.
“Thank you for your hospitality. We are just exhausted from our struggles today,” Dany says softly, pulling her hood securely in place. Jon realizes that she has left it up all this time so that her loose hair would not be seen.
Just when Jon feels as though things could not get worse, he steps into the room. Even next to him, Dany gasps in dismay.
“Before you start complaining…again…what you see here, is all you will get. And before you ask – here are my answers: We do not have extra pillows or blankets. No, there is no one coming to clean the room and in case you don’t know, dust never killed anyone. The small oven serves as the room’s fireplace and even with it on, the room will still have a chill. I am guessing it is still warmer than sitting outside in the rain. And I know the bed is small, but your sister is tiny so I’m sure you’ll make do!” The Innkeeper snaps, having anticipated all that Jon was ready to protest about.
Jon’s mouth open and closes, unable to think of anything else he was going to say. Dany kindly thanks the Innkeeper as he leaves.
Jon and Dany lock eyes after each scanning their room for the night. Suddenly both burst into laughter, it really is a terrible situation. But at least they are alive and safe.
“Are you okay with both of us staying in the same room? I don’t mind going to the dining--” Jon offers, unsure of how this will work.
“Jon!” Dany interrupts. “Please don’t leave me alone, and yes – this is perfect. We will make this work, the bed doesn’t look that small and I don’t think I would want one of our family dogs to sleep on that filthy floor,” she finishes, her voice filled with determination.
Jon nods in acceptance. As uncomfortable he imagines sleeping in the same bad as Dany, even worse would be a large distance from her. He needs to keep her safe.
“We should get ready for bed, it has been a really long day,” Dany says as she looks around.
Both of their coats are soaked from the rain, Dany’s dress had gotten wet as well. Clearing her throat before speaking, Dany appears a little nervous.
“My dress is soiled, wet and quite uncomfortable, would you be terribly offended if I sleep in my camisole and knickers?” Dany says calmly, as though she just asked Jon which side of the bed he would like to sleep on.
Jon is forced to look away, now not knowing how he will manage this. Maybe he should sleep in the hallway outside of the room. He could keep her safe while also respecting her space.
Respecting her undergarments is more like it, damn it! How will I survive this night?
“Jon?” she asks again, breaking him from his thoughts.
“Sure, Dany. Anything you decide is fine with me,” Jon assures her. He knows he will just need to be a gentleman, period.
Dany motions for Jon to turn away, he looks away while waiting until she says it is okay to look. Jon then sees that she is in the bed, with the blanket pulled to her chin. She smiles at him shyly before giggling at their situation. Jon just shakes his head and laughs too. He also motions for her to turn away from where he is standing, he needs to get ready for bed next.
Moments pass before Jon curses under his breath.
“What’s wrong?” Dany asks while turning around to lock eyes with him, her eyes then landing on his bloodied shirt.
“I wasn’t planning on taking this off tonight,” Jon begins, with no spare clothes he is not sure what else to do.
“We you aren’t wearing a blood stained shirt in this bed!” Dany exclaims, the thought sickening her while she also sees the humor in their situation.
Jon nods his head and takes his shirt off. He is surprised when he looks up and notices that Dany is quietly watching him intently with a grin on her face.
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Jon is reminded of the jovial Dany he knew so well from his childhood. He smiles down at her and for the first time since the attack, he is happy she is the one to be with him during this difficult time.
“Can you turn around again? I don’t think you want to watch me take my pants off, they are also soaking wet. Oh, I’m wearing my drawers to bed…um, in case you were wondering,” Jon mumbles painfully, he is now incredibly awkward and feels like an idiot.
Dany hums playfully and just rolls over in the bed, her back to him this time. Jon admired her long silver hair that flows down her back.
Clearing his throat before approaching the bed, Jon feels his body getting excited for her. Dany slides to the far side of the bed before turning to face him. Jon immediately hunches over, prayer she doesn’t notice his huge erection as he crawls in beside her.
The bed is narrow, with one pillow and one small blanket. Jon gazes at her timidly, he is crazy about her even now. Dany finally being the first to speak.
“I think you should use the pillow, then if okay with you, when you put your arm out, I can use it as my pillow,” Dany suggests as Jon just nods uncomfortably while situating himself next to her. While trying to stay as far away from her possible, but also careful not to fall off the edge of the bed.
Jon is relieved she is facing him now, had she been turned away while fitting close to him, he knows she would have felt the large bulge in his drawers against her butt. He hopes it will go away as they fall asleep.
Lying down to face her, and then extending his arm across the top of the bed, his heart races as Dany moves closer to him.
“Jon, I won’t bite. You are about to fall off the bed, come a little closer,” Dany encourages him.
She gently lays her head on his arm, smiling softly at him as he slides closer to her. He never dreamed of a moment like this. The way that her eyes watch him move close, a soft smile on her lips.
“Thank you again,” Dany whispers after a while. “For saving me.”
Jon nods slowly, he was terrified for her when she was suddenly yanked out of the moving carriage. He went into attack mode, he knew he would save her or at least die trying.
As they listen to the crackling fire and the sound of the other breathing Jon’s eyelids begin to get heavy. Suddenly he hears her voice, feeling her soft breathe on his neck.
“Jon, are you awake?” Dany asks quietly as he nods in response. “I don’t know if we will ever have a chance like this to talk. I mean really talk.”
“I know what you mean,” Jon agrees. He never imagined he would ever have a moment of closeness like this with Dany, nor would they ever again. “What should we talk about?”
Dany snuggles closer to Jon, effectively hiding her face from him as she burrows closer to his chest. “I feel like my life as I know it is about to end,” she whispers sadly. Jon inhales sharply, clutching his fists to keep control of his body.
“Why do you say that?” He asks, frowning. Jon’s free arm moved to rubs her back gently in an attempt to comfort her.
“Things are so different for women in this world. The older I get, the less control I have,” Dany says glumly.
“Is this about those classes?”
“Those classes are just the start, Jon,” she says. “I have my role to play, and that role does not involve freedom.”
Without thinking he leans down to kiss her forehead. Dany looks up to smile at him, her eyes filled with emotions.
“You have grown up Jon Snow,” Dany says kindly while sitting up on the bed and facing him. Dany tucks her petite legs under her to not take up too much room on the bed. She appears to be more awake. “And you’ve grown to be a good man.”
Jon nods, self-conscious over her compliments. He has always cared about what she thinks.
“We used to talk about everything,” Dany says quietly, a sadness in her voice. “I know that things have changed over the years, but I have always cared for you. I’ve always wished you well.”
“I feel the same way, Dany. I will always care about you,” Jon promises her. He knows that he will care more for her then she will ever know.
“We are here, we have this time…let’s get to know each other again!” Dany says enthusiastically while rubbing her hands together excitedly.
Jon laughs at her enthusiasm and agrees.
“I’ll start. Have you ever been with a woman before?” Dany asks seriously.
Jon begins coughing, flabbergasted at her question. Dany raises her eyebrows, she seems to want her answer.
“Dany! What kind of a question is that? And no! You know I’ve not been married,” Jon sputters.
“Of course I know you have not been married. What about a prostitute? Surely in London there was ample opportunity?” Dany pushes. She seems very curious.
Jon bites his lower lip and averts his eyes for a moment, he can’t believe they are talking about this. Meeting her eyes again, Jon can see that he has her full attention.
“No prostitutes, that is just not for me,” Jon say softly, watching a small look of relief pass across her face. He shakes the thought away, that wouldn’t even make sense.
A few moments of silence pass, Jon not sure what else to say.
“Well, even though you didn’t bother to ask me, I will also share,” Dany says casually. “I have never been with a man.”
Jon begins laughing, he finds instant humor in her joke. Finally saying, “Well of course you haven’t, you should be waiting until you are married.”
Dany rolls her eyes and gives his shoulder a small shove. “And that is exactly what I was speaking about earlier!”
Jon smiles up at her, as she looks around the room he can’t stop himself from glancing down at her chest. Biting back a groan as he sees her hardened nipples through the thin material of her camisole. Her voice breaking him from his trance.
“I’ve never even had a kiss,” Dany frowns, staring at the small fireplace while speaking.
Jon frowns, remembering the servant girl at Winterfell years ago. His first and only kiss was not a memory he was fond of. She literally pinned him down and kissed him, then having shoved her tongue in his mouth. Jon blushes at the memory.
“Well I got to hear all about your first kiss, I was thirteen so you must have been fourteen,” Dany says slowly, projecting an aura of calm. “That red headed servant girl had been telling everyone that she was going to marry you.”
Jon is surprised to learn this. He had no idea that was even happening. Jon notices Dany is suddenly quiet now.
Jon also wonders if that was why the redhead and her family were sent away, her family having been let go. Now that Jon is older and has a better understanding of how things work, he knows his Uncle Ned and mother wouldn’t have liked the situation at all. Jon suddenly remembering that the redhead was older than he was, and she had desperately wanted him to “fuck her”. Those were her exact words.
Jon is lost in thought when Dany speaks again. “Did you love her? Now that you are eighteen, are you planning to find her? You are of age to marry now…” her voice trails off quietly.
Jon releases a loud laugh, shaking his head. “Of course not, I haven’t even thought of her in many years. It was just an awkward kiss, that is all,” Jon says confidently, trying to keep his eyes from lowering to Dany’s chest again.
Jon is greatly enjoying their conversation, he loves getting to really know her again. But the part of him that desires her is desperate for their interaction to end, so sleep can come and go.
“Also, I never plan to marry. Period,” Jon says with confidence.
“I’m sorry, what?!” Dany’s eyes widen in shock. “I mean, never? I haven’t heard this…why?”
“I thought you would have known, living with my parents,” Jon stumbles, the look of astonishment on Dany’s face making him uncomfortable. “I am studying the law, after graduation I’ll build up a practice in London. And then one day I hope to serve as my cousin’s legal counsel for the Winterfell estate.”
Dany studies him carefully, she nods but says nothing. Jon wants to be honest with her about how he feels. About how he has always felt.
“I have to tell you, I have always cared for you Daenerys. Always. We were so close as children, I know we met when I was eight and you were only seven…but I can’t remember a time in my life when you weren’t in it,” Jon pauses, he knows he is laying a lot on her, but he wants her to know how much she means to him. “I will never forget how kind you were to me, when my mother married Rhaegar. His children were polite, but pretty indifferent. And Viserys...well, he was just who he is.”
Dany laughs. “Viserys has always been special, I’m just thankful that Rhaegar was so involved with his upbringing. He needed his guidance to keep himself in check,” Dany says calmly.
“You were my very best friend, I am sorry we grew apart,” Jon says suddenly, not caring if he is speaking out of turn. He wants her to know.
“Yes, we were very close. But alas, it became inappropriate for me to follow you around like a silly lost puppy,” Dany chuckles with mirth. Jon notes she doesn’t sound very happy.
Jon is confused, not understanding her sudden tone. He also has no idea what she means, they were friends, best friends even. He would never describe her as following him around in a pathetic way. His brows furrow while trying to solve the puzzle.
Dany finally rolls her eyes at him. “Oh stop it, Jon snow. Don’t be coy. You must have known how madly in love I was with you. Everyone saw it. I was teased mercilessly over it for years!”
“Dany…” Jon mumbles, speechless. He can’t believe what he is hearing.
Dany continues, her voice soft. “I cried for days when I heard about you and the redhead girl, I had just arrived to Winterfell when I learned of it. To save face, my mother told everyone I was sick with a stomach ailment so that no one would see me as she vanished me to my room. She was pretty irritated with me, and my dramatics.” Dany chuckles at the memory.  
Jon remembers that visit. Dany and her traveling party had arrived to Winterfell, she had been all smiles. And then was sick for a few days, and he couldn’t see her. No one could see her. And then she was well, but wouldn’t even look in his direction aside from polite pleasantries. She was actually very quiet that trip, with everyone.
It dawns on him that was the year that their friendship changed. That was also the year that Jon and Dany began to spend very little time together.
“Dany…” Jon says painfully. He hates the idea of her having felt bad.
“Stop, its fine. I was just a silly girl. Forget it.” Dany says proudly, her voice firm.
Jon’s mind racing. So many emotions swirling inside of him.
“It feels like a lifetime ago, but I need you to know that I have always deeply loved you,” Jon tells her, taking a moment to calm his racing his heart. He never dreamed he would make this confession to anyone, let alone her. “Although I didn’t mean to do it, I am deeply sorry that I hurt you. That is the last thing I would have ever wanted, Dany.”
Dany nods in acceptance and then smiles shyly at Jon before speaking. “Will you kiss me?” She is sitting closely to him on the bed.
“No!” Jon gasps, shocked at her request.
Dany huffs loudly, seemingly frustrated with him.
“I can’t do that, father would kill me!  Stepson or no, he’d kill me.” Jon reminds her. He gulps as her eyes roam over his entire body. She is no longer hiding what she feels for him.
“Rhaegar?” She pauses for effect. “What about what I want? What about what we both know you want?” Dany leans closer to him, her camisole falling low so that the peaks of her breasts are visible to him.
“Dany, for Christ’s sake…” Jon mutters painfully. “You want me to say it? I do want you, I’ve only ever wanted you, Daenerys Targaryen.”
Dany’s hands move to the straps of her camisole, she slowly begins lowering them. Jon puts her hands on her, stopping her.
“Dany, no. I don’t want to dishonor you…” Jon mumbles painfully. He would love nothing more than to take her in his arms, to experience the taste of her skin on his lips. But he knows that she could never really be his. He loves her too much to take away her future.
“Then don’t dishonor me.” Dany pleads, pressing her palm to Jon’s face so that he will see her. “Rhaegar loves you, Jon. I once heard him admit to our mother that he has never been happier than his time with Lyanna.  Rhaegar married your mother for true love. He will accept us…”
Dany suddenly looks embarrassed, for a moment she appears doubtful. “I mean, if you do love me…”
Of course Jon loves her, but there are so many reasons why they can’t be.
“What about you….  Do you know what you would be giving up? All you would lose just to marry me?” Jon pushes her, unsure if he could ever ask that of her. To walk away from everything she is entitled to.
“I don’t care about money or having a large castle to run.  I want to be happy, I want to make you happy,” Dany says firmly, her eyes brimming with tears. “That is what I care about.”
Jon’s heart races, hearing her words. He believes her because he feels the same way for her.
“I believe you, I want to make you happy for the rest of my life,” Jon commits to her. “Dany, I love you. Will you marry me? We can elope and find someone in this shit town to marry us.”
Dany sighs, while nodding her head happily. “Yes, I will marry you! I will, but after…  I want you to make me happy in this bed right now… I don’t really know how, but I know what I feel for you. We can figure it out as we go along.”
Dany lowers her camisole off her shoulders to bare her tits. Jon’s breathe hitches loudly.
“You are so beautiful,” Jon whispers, his eyes roaming up and down her breasts and beautiful face. She is still the loveliest woman he has ever seen.
Leaning up Jon kisses her slowly, their lips pressing together lightly. Dany flushes with warmth, Jon can feel her melting into him. Their kisses start slow, as both nervous. But as the moments pass and the kisses become frantic, their hands begin to explore the other’s body. Dany wraps her arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. Jon’s hands trail from her waste to caress her plump breasts, gasping at the first feel of them. His hardened cock straining painfully against the constraints of his drawers.
“Jon…” Dany whimpers as she moves to lie on her back, urging him to follow.
Jon moves to lie next to her on the bed, his lips moving from her mouth to her jaw and then neck. Dany sighs as his lips move in slow deliberate kisses. She runs her fingers through his curls, guiding his mouth lower. Jon groans loudly as he peppers her breast with open mouthed kisses. Dany gasps loudly as his mouth licks over her hardened nipple and then sucks on it. Jon then moving to the other.
“Dany, Dany…I love you, every inch of you,” Jon groans in between kisses to her beautiful body.
Dany’s hand slowly traces the outline of his hard cock along the outside of his drawers, he whimpers with longing. “And I love every inch of you too,” she tears him. It is enough to encourage Jon to take more.
Rolling her all the way to lie on her back before moving his body over hers, Jon kisses her mouth passionately. Dany’s legs instinctually parting so that he can fit between them. Both gasp at the connection of sex to sex. Even with two layers of clothing between them, both feel the immediate heat.
The lovers lock eyes as they experiment slowly at first, Jon and Dany both rocking their hips to create a delicious friction between them. Both quickly realizing how damned good it feels. They find a rhythm, rubbing against each other as the combination of their pants and moans echo in the room. Jon leans down to kiss her again, their tongues joining to move lovingly. Dany holds him gently to her, caressing his shoulders and back affectionately as he kisses her passionately.
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Jon thinks about advice Robb had given him years ago. Sex is more pleasurable for a woman when she is aroused and ready. Jon wants to make this as pleasant as possible for their first time. Jon kisses her slowly as his hand glides lower on her body, stopping at the top band of her knickers. Dany whimpers with desire as Jon slips his hand down to touch her cautiously. Jon groans feeling how wet she already is for him, her soft curls damp from her arousal. Burying his face in her neck as his fingers trace her slowly before he begins pleasuring her softly. She gasps and moans loudly.
Jon chucking into her ear, “Shhh, we are supposed to be related. They probably shouldn’t hear your cries of ecstasy!”
Dany touches Jon’s chest, groaning with admiration at what she feels and sees. She slips her hand to the top of his drawers and pushes them down freeing his cock, Jon hisses with lust. Wrapping her hands slowly around his shaft she begins to stroke him slowly. Jon grunts in appreciation.
“I am sure the owner of this crappy inn has seen and heard worse!” Dany jokes before nipping at his lower lip.
“I want to taste you on my mouth,” Jon says hoarsely as he begins kissing his way down, pulling off her knickers and camisole completely. Jon buries his face in between her legs, anxious to feel her on his tongue.  Dany pants nervously, although anxious to make love to him, she never imagined Jon’s face in between her legs.
Jon’s tongue slides up her slit, settling to tease and lick her clit. Dany gasps loudly at the sensation. As Jon continues loving her there Dany starts to feel herself tighten, a pleasure she has never felt before building up slowly.  She gasps loudly before crying out very loudly, her body shaking with pleasure.
Jon moves up slowly, he wants to make love to his soon to be wife. Dany smiles shyly at him, she wants this as well.
The couple carefully come together, Jon pressing into his beloved slowly as she whimpers softly while still encouraging him to take her. Jon makes love to her slowly, his pace deliberate and smooth. Dany holds him while he strokes in and out. Their passionate kisses helping to ease her initial discomfort, as the pleasurable feelings begin to increase.
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Their love making is sweet and ardent, neither regretting their choice. As Daenerys gets more comfortable she begins pushing against Jon with each slow thrust, finally begging him to take her harder.
Jon pushes himself up in order to watch her face as he moves more aggressively while making love to her. Feeling his own orgasm nearing, Jon reaches between them to slowly caress her bundle of nerves. Her loud wail echoing through the room as she cries out again, shaking in his arms.
As Jon nears his release he slips out of her warm body and grabs his shaft, spilling his seed all over her flat stomach as he grunts loudly. He loves her, and they will marry tomorrow but if possible he doesn’t want to add a child to the mix right away.
Helping Dany to clean his seed off of her creamy skin, the couple share a loving look.
Pulling her into his arms on the small bed they talk about their plans to marry the next morning and how Dany will join Jon in London as his wife. As long as they will be together, that is all that matters.
When breaking the news to their family, they decide they will lead with the details of the hijack and carriage ride. And then follow up by announcing their elopement.
Jon hopes that method will help lessen the blow. Although he surely doubts it.  Daenerys doesn’t seem concerned at all.
++o+ Story End +o++
Link to Part II (X) - called Not Good Enough
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gracevilliers · 6 years
Blood of my blood, Part 2 || Grace & Yamina
Yamina woke up first, if only because she was attuned to this. As a human she always woke up when dawn broke; as a vampire she habitually woke at dusk. She opened her eyes to find the Huntress - the Huntress no more still cradled against her chest. The blonde creature looked pale, paler than usual when she'd been mortal. A pang of sorrow and grief shot through Yamina's tired frame as she stroked her fledgling. All the pain and grief she'd felt losing her other children now poured directly into this one. Her new child. And Yamina realized then as she touched the golden hair that Grace Villiers was not just her only child now, but she would be her last. No more progeny after this one. Yamina would dedicate the rest of her immortal life doting on Grace and Grace alone.
Yamina In one way it was still partly revenge. To give this ex-Hunter everything a vampire had to offer as her Sire. To treat her with the utmost attention and groom her to become a perfect specimen of vampirism. To make her Hunter family and everyone who knew Grace for her vampire-slaughtering skills and tracking abilities, feel grief and mourning. Because in their human eyes, Grace Villiers the proud Hunter, was now an abomination. A beast who needed to be put down. Nothing more than the monsters she took pride in killing. Now she was the one they had to kill. Yamina hoped it would shatter their miserable, wretched beating hearts.
There was a knock on the bedroom door and a skinny old man entered, pausing in shock at the damage in the bedroom, at Yamina out of her coffin and holding an Englishwoman. "Mistress, is everything alright?" the thrall asked, bowing and servile in his concern. Yamina nodded. "Yes boy," she replied, although the man was almost 65. "Did you bring food?" The old man nodded and dry-washed his hands, scampering back out and returning with three different people, all tied and blindfolded and scared. One was a young woman from the Far East; the other a teenaged boy; the third was a burly pale red-headed man. Yamina looked at them and the pointed one finger towards the adult man. "Him. Is he from one of the prison ships?" The thrall nodded proudly, knowing he'd chosen well when Yamina smiled. "Leave him and return the others. My child will be waking up soon."
It felt like awakening from a dream. Slow and groggy, the world coming into view around Grace with a dim greyness. Her body ached, though in her barely conscious state, she couldn't consciously understand the reasons for it just yet. Half from the battle, and half from her transition. She was heavy-eyed and heavy-souled, as if her body carried the weight of what had been done to her before her mind could piece it together. Grace awoke, limbs languid and stiff, but immediately taut and tense when she realized someone was holding her. How ironic that such gentle and loving hands should have done such violence to her. She struggled, pulling away and scrambling to her feet. The room stank, she realized, her enhanced, starving senses picking him out. Like human. "What the bloody hell did you do to me?" Grace spat, knowing the answer before the words had even left her lips.
Yamina rose gracefully and seemingly with a lack of effort (although it did take some effort). "I think you know, Grace," Yamina replied. She straightened her gown and went to pick up her coat, pulling it on as if to shield herself from the mortal environment around her. "You're weak, my dear, but I admire your strength nonetheless. Are you hungry?" Yamina was sure Grace was starving. As a fledgling, hunger was a sensation that usually overtook everything else, consumed a vampire until they learned to control those baser instincts. With a good Sire of course, someone who could teach them to temper those uncontrollable impulses. "Do you smell him? Not the stink of his skin, but the blood underneath. Can you hear his heart?" She motioned languidly to the burly man, who was trying to break out of his bonds. "Wot's that then? Just a couple of whores trying to scare me then? I'll give ye something to be scared of, girls," the man growled, neck flexing.
Grace had never felt so many sensations before. The very air around her seemed to be a living thing. She could hear every movement, every rustling piece of fabric on the wind outside, every voice from surrounding patrons of the nearby marketplace, the rustling of coin in someone's pocket, and yes, the heartbeat, so loud that it overtook almost everything else. Where were her weapons? She glanced around for them, but the vampire must have disposed of them before Grace had collapsed. "I... I'm going to be sick," she answered, her physical hunger, her desperation, her need for blood, all at war with everything she had ever been taught, with her own disgust. "I'll kill you for this."
"You may," Yamina replied with a sad smile as she watched Grace with calm for careful eyes. She couldn't help the smile turning a little piqued at Grace completely ignoring the human. No concern for the man just yet, not while she was fully consumed in her own throes of agony and dilemma. "Or you may learn to accept it. Only the weak-willed cannot handle this gift. Only the weak-willed throw this gift away, like an unthinking fool. I do not think you are foolish, my child." The blindfolded man was clearly agitated by being completely ignored despite his leers and threats and he managed to shift his blindfold up past one eye, to see the two women. "Ey girlie," he tried to cajole Grace. "Why don't you get of yer lil negress servant here and let's you and me have some real fun, ey?"
Grace was even more annoyed by the vampire's calm and careful tone, the way she addressed Grace so simply and plainly, not even rising to agitation. She could at least have fought with her, argued with her, instead of simply reasoning with her like a sensible human. For a sensible human she was not. "Shut up, shut up," she hissed, repeating the words, trying to ignore her pounding senses, the sickening desire in her to feed. "I'm neither weak nor a fool, but I won't be a monster, either!" The ugly man was addressing her with ugly words. Grace scoffed. The more he spoke, the harder it was for her to ignore the pounding of his heart, the warm red liquid that flowed through his body. Did he really think she was in the mood to be flirted with? "Shut. Up." She repeated, snarling almost in spite of herself, grabbing him by the throat and squeezing.
"No, you are not a monster. You are so much more than that," Yamina said, all low and honeyed words. She was hungry herself, but like all good mothers she wanted her child to eat first before she'd take a single sip. "I understand what it must be like, to be trained as a Hunter. Born into it, told over and over that your cause was right, and your enemy was wrong. No questions meant no faltering. You were righteous; after all, your elders taught you this. Why should you ever wonder if your actions were wrong?" Yamina crossed to the other side of the room, giving Grace a wide berth to explore her own overload of senses and emotions freely. "That is not true strength, my dear. That is zealotry hiding behind violence." Yamina raised her chin, eyes flaring in some contained excitement as Grace turned on the man finally and acknowledged his presence with a threat of her own. The man looked confused and surprised. "A criminal, scum no doubt." Yamina came closer, turned the man's head to look at her. The vampire's eyes turned golden, mesmerizing. "Tell me boy - what was your crime?" Compelled to answer, the man replied, "I - I killed me wife. And me little girl. The screamin'...the screamin'...I liked it." Yamina stared coldly at him and then at Grace. "And this is what you used to protect? From me?"
Grace squeezed her eyes closed. She knew it was dark, and yet it didn't feel dark to her, an enhanced nocturnal vision disorientating her. She felt like she could no longer tell night from day. She shook her head. The words falling from her sire's lips were the words of the devil, she told herself. "Liar," she hissed. "You feed and you kill and you want me to do the same." But she wanted it too. The warmth of his skin was too much for her to handle. Grace wet her lips with her tongue. Her fingertips buried in his skin made her all the more conscious of his flesh, his blood. "You're disgusting," she said, unsure whether she was talking to him, the vampire, or herself. Perhaps it was all three. He was a killer. So why shouldn't she just sink her teeth into him? The very thought itself was the only encouragement she needed, and she slammed him against one of the very walls she had been thrown against just hours before, sinking her teeth into him and devouring him.
Yamina had nothing to say as Grace refuted her, tried desperately to hold on to that morality of the Hunters. Their code and their scripture and their belief, it was strong. It was admirable, really, if Yamina hadn't just had her children slaughtered by them like cattle. The man's way to handle this would be to break Grace down and build her back up, but Yamina Moire had rejected man's methods a long time ago. It was what made her so strong in the Vampire Councils across the continent - yet at the same time, it had made her vulnerable to the other vampire's fears and jealousy. Like scrabbling rats, just as Hunters described them. Just because she believed in the old ways did not mean she would adhere to the methodologies of men. Grace was her baby - and compassion for her children was always Yamina's way. Even if she'd hated Grace as a human, she felt that intrinsic Progeny-Sire bond forming between them now. Now, as Grace slammed the human filth against the wall and sank her teeth into his neck. "One bite now," Yamina coaxed her. "Try to get one good bite, and the blood will flow." As Grace drank though, Yamina picked up the man's wrist and bit into it as well. For as much as she loved her newborn daughter, the elder vampire knew she couldn't stay weak while Grace grew strong. To make that mistake would spell her doom. She fully believed Grace would attack her next.
Grace felt a wave of relief wash over her new body as the blood flowed into her. Her brain was less foggy, her muscles less achy, her skin clearer. The smell was intoxicating. She drank and drank and drank, listening to the soothing sounds of her sire's encouragement and for a moment, not even able to be angry about it or disgusted by it. She simply drank until the blood flowed no more and the man fell dead to the ground, like the wife and daughter he had put there. Yamina had been drinking too. She looked almost proud. Something in Grace was happy about that, their instinsic fond forming in spite of Grace's prior feelings. The contradictions melded together. "....What do you do with the body?" Grace wondered out loud.
Yamina gave a languid flick of her hand. "I have thralls to take care of that, they're very useful. Humans who want to be in the presence of vampires, entranced by is, by our beauty...." She came closer, motioned to a standing mirror so Grace could see herself. She was always stately and beautiful but now as a vampire and just fed, she was practically glowing, a preturnatural beauty. "It's a low-level compelling that keeps them loyal, all of it agreed upon. Some people are made to serve. Others, to enjoy the fruits of their labour." It was a very old-fashioned concept, that only recently in history was being questioned in the name of civility. But Yamina was old-fashioned in her ways. "My dear I must say, you aren't just my progeny, but you're also a prodigy. I've never had a child so controlled, so self-disciplined." Yamina supposed it was all that Hunter training.
Grace furrowed her brow. Thralls. The thought left distaste in her mouth. Too bad that distaste was overpowered by blood. She'd never drank something so delicious in all her life. And she hated herself for it. She'd just killed someone. She'd killed a killer. Why was it so different now? She told herself she killed murderers every time she went hunting. "You call this control?" She scoffed, regarding the body on the floor and gesturing to it. "He's dead. If that's what passes for discipline to you, I'd hate to see chaos."
"You would hate to see the chaos. Don't be a prude, child. Somehow I don't buy it. You've seen far too much to pretend you don't understand chaos, haven't stared it down and refused to accept it. I see it now, in the way you feed." Because Yamina had seen worse, far worse. Fledglings that were little more than rabid animals, tearing into flesh and soaking themselves in blood. Yamina loved all her children yes of course; but the animalistic ones always disappointed her a little. Not Grace though. "Come out into the night with me, see what new joy this world has to offer you in the moonlight. Unless you're still intent on murdering me?"
"Don't call me 'child'," Grace hissed through gritted teeth still coated in the man's blood. The fangs felt as if they took up too much room in her mouth. She had to focus to retract them. "I've seen chaos. When your kind drink the streets dry and leave bodies ripped open in the gutter. I kill your kind to stop that from happening, not be part of it." And yet, as angry as she had been when she had first awoken, she couldn't claim to want to kill the other woman. Sire bond, or something else, Grace wasn't sure, but it was infuriating. "I want to go home." She had only just asked to not be called child, only to sound like one. "But that will never happen, thanks to you. If you think we're going to be friends..."
"Did you kill his kind too?" Yamina asked, motioning to the dead criminal. "Why stop with vampires? If you believe so strongly that you have justice and righteousness on your side, why not kill anyone who disturbs your idea of 'peace'? You have the ability. Pray tell my dear - what do you do with vampires bodies, once you've destroyed their immortal life? Don't be so sanctimonious," she spat, unable to stop herself from getting a little worked up about it. "Humans are just as terrible if not worse. Oh, you have your laws and courts - but who do those rules truly benefit? His wife and child? He was still alive, he still got to sruvive. Until you made use of him. And such a good use too, because you deserve to be fed by his blood. Because you'll survive, even if you murder me. I don't believe you will never kill yourself, even now. Stick to your morals if you prefer. Kill only those who you deem to be killed, in all your worthiness. But make no mistake, my child - you have always been a killer. A killer of both innocents and murderers alike. That has not changed."
"Because vampires aren't human. There's a difference. Humans get hanged. They don't hang vampires at the Old Bailey because they don't know they exist. That only leaves us." She still spoke about them like they were separate, as if she wasn't one of them now, as if she was still a hunter. Grace stared at her sire through eyes damp with a mix of anger, hurt and frustration. She should have killed her. She should have been better. But she had failed. This was the price she would pay. Whether she would have the courage to kill herself in the sunlight, Grace wasn't sure, but she knew she couldn't stay here. "I will never be your child," she said, pushing open the doors to the balcony and dropping from the first storey with newfound strength and agility, heading out into the night.
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LGBT parents, often vilified, bear their own crosses
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LGBT parents, often vilified, bear their own crosses
Over the last few decades, numerous platforms have been established for LGBTQI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex) members to voice their concerns and pains, and tell their stories to a sympathetic audience.
In many of these stories, a common thread is the blame and ostracism LGBTQI people suffer at society’s hands, often beginning with their parents and other relatives.
But this is not true of many parents, who share the same feelings of fear and anxiety when confronted with the truth of their children’s different sexual orientations.
The story of these parents are almost never told or heard.
A public talk show last month tried to change this. It gave the opportunity for real life stories of Vietnamese parents who have LGBTQI+ children as well as those who are LGBTQI+ themselves.
It was not a crowded gathering, but the stories it elicited were overwhelmingly touching.
One of the main organizers was PFLAG, the first community of its kind in Vietnam. PFLAG stands for “Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays”. These parents not only embrace their own children, but also reach out to LGBT strangers and unknown moms and dads.
“Can we have the permission of the participating parents for us to call you Mother and Father today?” asked the event’s host, setting the stage for a very close bonding.
The parents responded by referring to all young people present as “child.”
Mother Chau, a prominent figure in PFLAG community was the first to share her story, though the MC had to feed the audience a synopsis first. Telling it all on her own would have been emotionally overwhelming for her.
PFLAG member Chau shares an LGBT case she consulted. Sititng next to her is another PFLAG member, Thang (left). Thang and Chau are both familiar parent faces in the LGBT community. Photo by Sen
Family honor and marriage of convenience
Chau got to know a lesbian at a restaurant where she used to work. Because of her sexual orientation, she no longer lived with her family. The problem wasn’t her parents – it was her grandmother who would reprimand her harshly. The grandmother’s last words, just before she died, set the tone for the rest of this woman’s life: “She has to get a husband.”
To appease her family and maintain its honor in society, the young woman returned home for a wedding with a paid groom, who was told of the situation. The actor was fully compensated for his participation, but it did not stop him from getting drunk and raping his lesbian wife one day.
The rape not only traumatized the woman mentally to the extent of requiring medication, but also made her pregnant and give birth to a “slow child” as a result of all the medicines that the mother had to take.
Chau was almost in tears as she narrated the story.
“This is a wake-up call for parents out there,” she said. A healthy woman gave up her way of life and true self to fulfill a death wish with tragic results.
“Is this the price one must pay for family honor?” Chau asked all listeners.
“Because the pregnancy was helping the woman recover her mental health, abortion was not recommended. Now she is doing much better and is no longer heavily dependent on medication. Her child now goes to school,” Chau added.
The accidental father claimed that the contractual nature of their “marriage” meant he had no responsibility towards his victim and child. The family did not press charges.
It was love that motivated the family to coerce her into the mold of gender norms, believing a male partner will bring her happiness. But that love was a recipe of disaster.
“Now we see love resurrected with healing power in this story, as the rape victim and her child are now living in the caring, affectionate arms of a woman,” Chau said.
No sex life
As a member of PFLAG, Chau, who has a gay son, always keeps her eyes and ears wide open to spot LGBT in the vicinity who might need help. Mother Yen Ly, president of PFLAG Vietnam, does the same.
Ly shared the story of a man in his late 30s, a resident of the central Thanh Hoa Province, where traditional prejudices against gay people still hold strong. He and his wife have a teenage daughter, though there is no sex life.
“Every night I would try to find work somewhere to do and only come back home when my wife is asleep. It was a glimpse of hell every time I crossed our bed,” he told Ly.
He finally decided to put everything on the table, literally, with a letter of confession to his wife. This is not something any heterosexual married woman expects to experience. She was heartbroken, and his parents were furious. Coming out of the closet created an immense distance between him and his family.
Following Ly’s advice, the man invited his parents to different workshops organized by PFLAG for parents of LGBT children. Gradually they came out of their hate and prejudice to welcome their son for who he was.
The man is now happily divorced and his daughter visits him frequently.
Unheard of
Huynh Minh Thao, aka Sas Ri, director of communications and services of ICS – the first LGBT rights organization in Vietnam, said “loveless marriages benefit neither our society nor the relationship.”
He reckoned that the root cause for this happening was Vietnamese parents’ fear that their LGBT children were destined to live a tough life without a life partner that could bear them children.
“Getting married, bearing offspring and being taken care of by them is the most favored normal way of living. The idea of LGBT individuals having a healthy, happy life outside of this model is unheard to a lot of parents,” Thao said.
Still a man’s world
A panel guest – a media expert who requested anonymity, shared the story of a highly respected teacher in a small city, who is also a government official in the local educational department.
Everything about his life goes according to the book. A Vietnamese middle-aged man, secure career, dedicated wife and kids.
There was just one caveat: he likes men.
Unlike the previous story, this man has not bothered to keep it a secret from his immediate family. He has built a private room in his house where only he and his lovers are allowed. “The room is fully equipped and super romantic,” said the expert.
However, this does not mean his wife and children are free from living a lie because they cannot utter a word to anyone because of his exalted position in his field. For the same reason, divorce is out of the question.
The wife, therefore, is set for the life of any traditional Vietnamese woman – devoted to their husband, whose happiness comes before theirs, the expert claimed.
Those who were at the event agreed that more time and effort was needed to raise understanding and empathy so that the sad stories narrated would, in the future, become an anomaly in the country.
That is the mission that ICS and PFLAG Vietnam have set for themselves. While ICS works towards LGBTI+ community empowerment, social change, and law advocacy, as well as providing consultation and legal aid, PFLAG devotes its resources to similar initiatives and organizes safe platforms for LGBT discussions.
‘Help your parents’
One of the most asked questions in the LGBT community is: “how do I come out safely?”
And it was raised again at the event.
Chau said that it was difficult for parents to keep up with their children, who shift from one milestone of growth to another.
“You should help your parents confront the naysayers and enrich their LGBT knowledge, instead of their trying to protect family honor for the sake of outsiders while attacking their own children,” Chau told a teenager.
The event’s host said he felt parents of LGBTQI+ chide their children not because they do not love them, but because they are deeply offended by outsiders’ mocking of their loved ones for their unorthodox sexual orientations. They want to change that, “but sometimes they direct their anger at the wrong person – their own children.
“Even you need time to accept and welcome yourself, how can parents instantly accept you?” an event organizer asked.
“When you are becoming more cognizant of the fact that you are different, think about your parents. Have you ever considered your parents’ perspective? That they are scared too because they are different for having a gay child?”
Teddy, a guest advises others on coming out successfully. Sitting next to him is his mother, Dinh Thi Yen Ly, president of PFLAG. It took Ly five years to accept her son’s sexual identity and mend their relationship. Sitting across them are another mother-LGBT son pair who’ve also been through their own journey towards understanding one another. Photo by Sen
Teddy, a university lecturer at the Ho Chi Minh University of Technology recommended that everyone comes out “strategically.”
He said: “You need to calculate all the risks. If you want your parents to understand you, make sure you are also willing to understand them.
Huynh Minh Thao felt that there was no blanket solution that fits every family, but the following steps might benefit some.
“First of all, know thyself. LGBT need to know who they are, what they need, and essentially equip themselves with relevant LGBT knowledge. The second step involves finding an ally in the family, who has an open and receptive mind. Last but not least, team up with that person to find other family members who can sympathize with your situation,” the ICS director said.
Thao advised: “Every family is different, but having an ally means you will be protected to an extent, especially when that person has a big influence in the family.”
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