#my words not even being close to describing this scene to proper justice but thats ok
mekatrio · 2 years
rewatched it last night but it really was the best move to put sobbing patamon and takeru right after koushiro’s and tentomon’s farewell.... like yamato’s still my fave character but honestly koushiro’s backstory and general situation tugged at me way harder than i couldve expected.
without fail after such a touching scene that always makes me tear up, i just laugh at seeing takeru and patamon sob their eyes out. the timing is perfect. i can set aside all the ffisjdlfkjl from koushiro’s moment and takeru just being there expressing how i felt from that. perfection.
and the scene itself is just perfect. its perfect. and koushiro who hardly even acknowledged mimi in the beginning while he was working on his laptop, has now knocked his laptop away so he could check up on tentomon. and initiating a hug, something hes never done in the entire show. and tentomon’s reassurance that koushiro doesnt need to change himself... thats so important for children (and people in general) to hear. he doesnt need to apologize for the way he is. that its ok for him to be overly polite, absorbed in his interests, and not very expressive. that he’s fine the way he is, and he doesnt need to push himself to change. bc hes fine the way he is.
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memesdefinewhoiam · 7 years
Eldarya Fanfiction-Far from justice
*If anyone has any request of a scenario for me to write about eldarya, or even mcl I’d gladly write it. That’s if you like the way I write...I’m trying my best believe me and any constructive criticism is deeply appreciated. Also, I’m not a native english speaker, so excuse me for any spelling mistakes*
I don’t even know how this mini story came into my mind, but I needed to write it down because it was eating away at my soul. This is a scenario where our beloved Gardienne *Erika* comes gravely wounded from a mission and Ezarel doesn’t know what he feels more-anger, sadness or desperation. If any of you are sensitive to subjects like emotional pain and near death/death situations, I suggest you stop reading.
Ezarel hissed in annoyance for the fortieth time that day when he reached the Hall of Doors and saw that for some unknown reason, there was a loud crowd forming there, preventing him from reaching his beloved working place. He tried pushing his way through, receiving glares and not so nice words from the people he bumped into. He listened in on the conversations around him, hoping to identify the reason for this "gathering". From what he knew, no one important was supposed to visit these days and Miiko wasn't making any announcements, so what was happening?  "-so very late. What could have possibly delayed them 3 days?" A girl that he recoginsed belonged to the Obsidian Guard mumbled with a frown. 
"I've heard that there was an attack-" her partner responded in an intense voice, but Ezarel didn't manage to hear the rest of the exchange.
Curiosity built up inside of him and instead of going to his lab like he planned to, he started making his way to the front to see what was happening. His eyebrows furrowed while he walked, taking in all the curios, frightened and infuriated voices that kept bickering. 
"-definitely a mistake to send her there" "-badly injured-"
His heart beat faster and faster for some reason, a sensation close to suffocation. He elbowed an astonished couple out of the way, finally being able to find out what all the fuss was about. But the image that stood before him was far from his expectations of a surprise visitor or a last minute notice.
A few higher up's from the guard, which he immediately recognized, were rushing back and forth, helping a group of people that was sent on an innocent mission two weeks ago. It was just the resigning of a resources distribution and utilization treaty, nothing too complicated, but clearly important. Nevra, Leiftan,a representative of economics and Erika were sent on that mission in hopes of completing it easily and without any distractions. Despite the girl's relatively short stay in Eldarya, she was proving to be quite an educated, formal and well-spoken -things that the blue haired elf still had a hard time to admit out loud- young lady, so Miiko and the rest didn't see any reason not to send her on this harmless operation. But the scene in front of Ezarel clearly told him otherwise.
He spotted Nevra and the ambassador immediately, both of them were covered in bruises and small amounts of blood and were clearly tired. They were being checked up on by one of the nurses, although they didn't seem to have any critical injuries. His eyes scanned the rest of the people worriedly in a desperate search and thats when they landed on two figures. He froze, a chill running down his spine.
The blonde and tall member of the Light Guard stepped into the room without his usual grace, his once white and green clothes were mudded and covered in blood and his eyes had a regretful look to them, but that's not what drew the attention and shock of Ezarel. It was the slim figure Leiftan was carrying in his arms that took his breath away in a completely unpleasent manner. She lay there, unmoving, her face holding a pained expression and her brown hair caked in blood. A silver arrow was protruding from her chest.
The elf inhaled sharply, an unknown feeling taking over him. He couldn't describe it into proper words. It was a mixture of physical and emotional pain, sadness, regret and the most prominent-anger. He didn't even realize when he reached Leiftan and took Erika from his arms with the utmost care, like he was handling a very fragile potion that could be compromised easily. In spite of his usual unwillingness to touch, he wanted to feel her close to him, to protect her from any more dangers that might come her way.
Everything was kind of a blur, although he truly wanted to be calm in this dire situation. He heard a distant and familiar voice telling him something urgent, but his green eyes remained locked on her face, searching for a sign that she's still conscious. Her eyes barely fluttered open, only for him to catch a glimpse of her pained and terrified purple orbs.
"Ezarel! Take her inside the clinic, NOW!" The same voice that spoke earlier commanded more loudly and desperately, jolting him awake from his momentary daze.
He turned to look towards the owner of the voice that now pressed a firm hand on his shoulder. Ewelein. Her usual calm face was nowhere to be found, being replaced by a look of deep concern. She pointed with her chin in the direction of the infirmary and Ezarel looked down at the wounded girl in his arms before rushing to give her the proper medical attention along with the blue-skinned elf and her assistants.
He gently laid her down on the operation bed, swiping away the hair that threatened to cover her entire face. He then backed away with a shake of his head and a last look at Erika's shivering form, letting the medical experts do their jobs.
"I'll do anything I can to save her, Ez." The words were meant to soothe him, but they only made him feel powerless and enraged with life itself. What did the poor girl do to deserve all of this?
He made his way back down into the crowd, approaching the rest of the team that was sent on the mission, measuring all of them up with a heated glare, although the elf knew deep down that the girl's wounds weren't their fault, but he seriously needed someone to throw his nerves on. And who could have been a better subject than the great Leiftan, who lately took a deep interest for Erika, swearing to protect her and flirting with her every chance he got. Where was he when she got hurt?
Ezarel stood furiously next to a concerned Miiko, waiting for the medical assistants to finish bandaging and checking up on them. Everyone was curious to finally learn what went wrong with the mission, but of course that the Chief wanted a private meeting first before announcing anything to the rest of the crowd. So when it was concluded that none of them had suffered any real injuries except small bruises, they all went in the Crystal Room.
It was a mess to say the least. The details weren't clear, they didn't know who exactly attacked them, just that when they stayed at the inn to reestablish the terms of the agreement, a bunch of people threatened and accused Erika of being a spy for the humans that want to take over Eldarya. A very heated argument took place, Nevra and the owner of the inn being the ones to stop it. On their way back from the mission, they got ambushed by what they guessed were the same group that harassed Erika because she was the main target of their attacks.  Once they hit her with an arrow, they were quick to disperse.
"I tried my best to keep her out of harm's way, but they outnumbered us and-" Leiftan tried to explain, but was interrupted by one of Ezarel's sarcastic and rude remarks. "Yeah, great job you did there, big boy"
The Light Guard member threw him a cold look, but the elf was completely unaffected by it. His sorrow was so deeply mixed with anger that it became confusing.
"Maybe you should have been there to properly protect her-!" Leiftan retorted, being once again stopped mid sentence by the elf. "Huh, and here I thought you always go around promising on your life to protect someone and then failing." 
That seemed to hit a nerve, but Miiko quickly intervened before things could escalate any further. "Ez, I know that you are very upset, but your remarks bring no help at all, they only worsen our predicament. The boys did all they could in that fight. Unless you can hold back your sharp tongue, I suggest you wait for any updates on Erika's health outside."
The blue haired man stormed out, mumbling a few cusses on the way and throwing them all a glare. He sat down on a chair right outside the Infirmary, his face shadowed by his long hair as his thoughts consumed him.
She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, being transported in a world that she knew nothing about and finding out that returning home was hardly an option anymore. Almost everyone, including himself, had treated her badly in the beginning, even coming to the unbelievable decision of making her entire human world forget about her even though she was hardly a threat and only acted nicely towards everyone. He would never forgive himself for that, no matter how many years will pass over him. And now this happened. She got attacked only because of what a part of her race was trying to do. His heart ached because of the surprising empathy he was feeling. She was one of the best of her kind, full of compassion and love and righteousness and they tried to kill her for it. It wasn’t any justice in that. What kind of people would harm someone like her? But he also hurt her on a whole other level emotionally. He ran a hand through his now messy blue hair, in order to calm his nerves.
Ezarel sighed with such disappointment and stress, that everyone threw him sympathetic looks, knowing that his feelings for the girl ran far deeper than even he would like to admit.
He wanted to see her again so badly, to tease her and laugh with her at the stupidest things. To get lost in her purple and unusually stunning eyes and to notice that blush she gets every time she stands too close to him. Her way too nosy and friendly personality, always eager to learn. Death seemed like such an abrupt and tragic ending of a story that only just began. Then again, life was hardly fair for anyone. He laughed bitterly. He would actually miss her nasal voice calling him a moron.
The door opened next to him and he immediately jumped up from his seat in a rush to ask about her, but he stopped, his world falling apart in just a second seeing the look of sorrow on Ewelein's face and the tears threatening to spill from her blue eyes. His light didn't make it.
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